Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (Full Version)

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Varen6398 -> Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/22/2015 16:31:21)



Hello fellow forumites and welcome to a gallery of something I've been wanting to do for a while! Ever since I started composing I have had ideas flooding my head over what I could do with the huge amount of musical motifs and themes within Dragonfable. For a very long time since I started taking composing more seriously I've been writing my own music and with this came an even better idea; what if Dragonfable were a movie? What if, rather than being confined to loops which are necessary so you don't run out of music in game, the music was played out by an orchestra for a film? That's where I decided to pick up my line of composing and arranging. By writing many of my own themes in conjunction with the themes available to use from the game, I can attempt to create the soundtrack of Dragonfable as if it were a film.

Now the first problem I came across was that my software was rather limited, so I splashed out a bit and bought Studio One 2 Artist. However while many of the samples do sound quite good, many of them do not match the sounds of a true orchestra. As such I ask that you bear with me in that regard. As of "The Gate Keeper" in the Darkness Orb Saga I also use Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra for extra and more realistic sounding instruments.

So I will be using Soundcloud as my primary source of upload and will say that each piece has a more in-depth description on the link than it will have in the forum itself - it's simply easier to do it this way as the page will become very cluttered over time as I create more pieces. Most pieces will be fairly short, only between one and three minutes as most quests earlier on do not cover much storyline. In more story-based quests, the music will be more varied and much longer. I would like to specify that this does not produce any money, and shouldn't be breaching any issues on the copyright front, especially as the musical themes from the game will be twisted and arranged around my own themes to more specifically fit each quest I write the music for - if anyone has specific issues with what I have written, please follow the forum rules and PM Eukara. So I hope that you enjoy my little pieces of art, inspired and written, for a Dragonfable film.

Full Playlist

Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack Reimagined Playlist


DF Soundtrack Reimagined Themes

Sir Jonah's theme - LigerBeard


The first link of each row will be the link to the music, while the second link will be a link to the quest which the music was inspired by on the forums.

Standalone Pieces

Game Trailer

Seasonal Pieces

Mogloween 2015

An excerpt of the Fairytale of New York

The Dragon Egg Saga

Opening Credits (The Reset)/Intro ----- EndGame (MQ)

A Hero is Bored ----- A Hero is Bored

Oaklore Keep ----- Oaklore

The Black Dragon Box ----- The Black Dragon Box

The Hydra of Falconreach Bay ----- Hydra Boss

EMPTY! ----- Opening the Black Box

The Egg at the Dumpsite ----- The Sneevil Dumpsite

MoorDoor ----- Egg Recovery

Falconreach/Dreaming of Dragons ----- Falconreach

Attack on the Temple/Doomkitten ----- Temple of the Four Winds, Warlic's Zone, Summoning Help

The Hatching ----- The Hatching

The Wind Orb Saga

A Boat to Sho Nuff (Wind Orb intro) ----- Osprey Cove

Water Breathing Potions ----- Water Breathing Potions

Ruins of Kordana ----- Ruins of Kordana

The Sneenja Dojo ----- Boxes of Ninjas

Captain's Orders ----- Captain's Orders

Red Betty's Spell ----- Red Betty's Spell

The Braken ----- Something Fishy

The Light Orb Saga

The Sandsea (Light Orb Intro) ----- The Sandsea

Meeting Zhoom ----- Meeting Zhoom

The Hard Way ----- The Hard Way

The Rebellion ----- The Blue Lotus, The Oasis Inn

The Dynasty Tomb ----- Dynasty Tomb

The Sandwitch ----- The Sandwitch

The Traitor ----- The Traitor

Zhowdown ----- Zhowdown

Sek-Duat Lives Again ----- Sek-Duat Lives Again

The Darkness Orb Saga

Attack on Moonridge (Darkness Orb Intro) ----- Battle for Moonridge

The Moonridge Defence ----- The Necromantress

Moonridge: Saved! ----- Moonridge: Saved!

Zorbak's Hideout ----- The Outcast

The Gate Keeper ----- The Gate Keeper

The Body Shop ----- The Body Shop

Too Many Cooks ----- Too Many Cooks

The Green Mist ----- The Green Mist

Artix Vs. The Undead ----- Artix Vs. The Undead

Warcry Of The Paladin ----- Noxus Fumes

Azan -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/22/2015 18:02:17)

Okay, this is genius.

And when I say it, I seriously mean it. Your themes are magnificently composed, have these lovely recognizable DragonFable notes in them while retaining a great originality. I'm definitely not a composer nor a music expert, but I can say it's very, very skillfully composed - and that is an understatement. The way you thought about each segment of the quest when composing just makes said quest replay in my head, and it matches perfectly. And I really felt like there was an orchestra playing that music.

What else can I say? MOOOAR![;)] You have an amazing composer talent!

Rayen -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/22/2015 19:29:12)

Everything I was going to say Azan summed up perfectly, so I'll keep it to 3 words to deprive flashbang of his typical response (sorry @flashy, you've gotta think of something new this time :P):

Yes. Good.

More please.

P.S. thank you for sharing. I'm gonna play through those quests later specifically to have your music going in the background, but even without having the actual quest in front of my eyes, your pieces snapped me straight into my memory of when I started playing DF and did those quests. You represented the events and the player's emotions perfectly.

P.P.S MUSIC! Now all we need is someone making youtube clips of DF-inspired martial arts and we'll have a real art gallery [:D]

P.P.S. Is your avvy a music elemental ...or are you?

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/22/2015 20:02:06)

WOAH. Now this is certainly something new. You're incredible talented my friend! I love how you keep the main "Core" so to speak of the original piece in "A Hero is Bored", and yet your...innovations(?)(For lack of a better term). They're new...but they still have that classic feel. Fantastic work! I look forward to hearing more of it. [;)]

flashbang -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/22/2015 20:41:12)

While I myself can't listen to these for now (Ramadan and all), I will assume you are an amazing composer.


Yes. Good.

More please.

4 words.
Check and mate.

Tomix -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/22/2015 20:44:24)

Keep 'em coming!
I don't have any word of criticism for you, just chiming in.
I shall have my eye on youuu! (or should i say "ear"?)

Alpha Centipede -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/22/2015 23:43:31)

An audio art gallery? Now that's something you don't see often.

Keep those pieces coming! Those really sound amazing and I love listening to them. Keep it up!

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/23/2015 1:29:51)

You do?! AMAZING! Please keep these coming! These are epic Varen! Keep it up! Azan and Rayen said anything I could have added I just wanted to show my support!

Chazero -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/23/2015 1:43:29)

I like LOVE THEM! Seriously, they are some amazing pieces. Looking forward to more.

Ghost -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/23/2015 6:53:07)

Ghost likey! Really like the way you re-worked the 'A hero is bored' theme!

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/23/2015 9:56:20)

Wow, such an amazing response despite the fact I have only written two pieces so far! Thanks for all the kind words and I hope I continue to impress in the pieces to come. Up next will be a certain bridge battle. Gotta' do everything chronologically after all. :)

EDIT: The new piece is out. :) French horns weren't as loud as I hoped but it seems to be alright. Also, I promise I will return to at least one DF theme next piece. ;)

GreenGuy23 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/23/2015 13:26:18)

These are all so amazing! Makes me wanna get some friends together and act out these scenes XD Seriously though, these are 100% AMAZING!

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/23/2015 14:04:19)

That new Hydra battle theme...that was awesome! I loved the buildup to the crazy epic part! Keep it up dude :D

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/23/2015 17:25:59)

Thanks for all the amazing positivity guys! It encourages me to keep making more. :)

So looking at the plan for the rest of this week I have to say I am quite busy; tomorrow I will have some time to do some composition but after that I will need to do some work on a rather hefty dissertation length essay on Physics. :/

Basically I will probably not be able to release another piece as soon as I would have liked because of this. Even if I reach the word count it will need checking and rechecking to ensure I've actually done everything, so I won't be able to do another piece until at least Monday of next week, perhaps Tuesday. But I do promise, I'll make it a good one.

On another note, I might redo the Hydra music a little purely because the French Horns at the end cut off a little too soon for my liking upon re-listening, but we'll see about that later. :)

lightriftwalker122 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/23/2015 17:27:04)

This is marvelous. Truly amazing. I liked them all . Keep working on them.

salene -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/24/2015 4:25:14)

Wow, Varen these were absolutely breathtaking. I can so clearly imagine them being used in game. You truly are one talented little purple elemental! Seriously though, Tomix and Ghost weren't lying when they praised you. You have a real gift, and I feel so lucky and honored that you felt comfortable sharing it on the forums for us to enjoy. I look forward to more!

Axel459 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/24/2015 21:34:26)

Well this is an interesting gallery, the pieces are wonderful I look forward to hearing more of them!

Meloette Wells -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/25/2015 11:24:36)

Excuse me as I pop on just to figure out how to subscribe to a thread on the forums, cause I want to know whenever this man updates. This stuff is wonderful

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/27/2015 17:55:31)

Ok I got distracted from the Physics essay. :/

But at least there's another piece! Even though it's not chronologically in order with the rest! Well I put it where it should be in the list, straight after A Hero is Bored. I hope you enjoy! :)

EDIT: I have just started a playlist so it's easier to listen to every piece in chronological order. I will put the link just before the rest of the pieces. :)

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/8/2015 14:23:10)

Sorry for the delay guys! A new piece to listen to though! Thought it fit with the scene with Drakath after Robina's quests quite well, and it also helped me experiment with making strings sound slightly different on my software. :) Hope you all enjoy!

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/8/2015 14:32:43)

Yess Varen is back! :D I loved this new piece, it was very grand and pleasing to listen to! Keep it up dude!

Azan -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/8/2015 15:23:34)

Yay, a new piece! That one is awesome. Your soundtrack really gives a darker, more profound tone to the (sometimes admittedly silly) Dragon Egg Saga. I just love that!

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/8/2015 15:38:21)

My music tends to be fairly dark. I blame my inspiration Howard Shore for that. His soundtracks are always fairly dissonant and dark, even when things are going well in the films. However I'm glad you enjoy it. :)

Stephen Nix -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/8/2015 17:39:07)

Umm, I may want to use some of these in an upcoming few stories. Keep them coming.

I'm bookmarking this page.

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/9/2015 11:57:11)

Feel free to use them for your stories. :) I enjoy reading them, and they should be fine to use.

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