Hatching, The (Full Version)

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Resolute -> Hatching, The (6/8/2007 19:56:08)

The Hatching

Location: Falconreach -> Twilly -> The Hatching
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Secret Cave
Release Date: June 8th, 2007

Objective: Twilly has told you that the time has come for your dragon egg to hatch!
Objective completed: Your baby dragon has hatched! Speak to Lady Celestia in Sunbreeze Grove. She should have some idea of what someone needs to do for a growing baby dragon.

Scaled Yes/No: No
Experience rewarded: 0
Gold rewarded: 0





*You and Twilly are in the Secret Cave, where your Dragon Egg is about to hatch.*

Twilly: What took you so long? You almost missed it. Oh, I'm so excited! I've been waiting so long for this day.
Twilly: I don't get to see a dragon hatch every day, especially one so special.
<Character>: Twilly, you knew that it was going to hatch TODAY??
Twilly: Sure, Lady Celestia gave me the exact date and time of the hatching.
<Character>: WHAT??! Why doesn't anyone ever tell me anything? I tried everything to get it to hatch.
Twilly: Really? Like what?
<Character>: Well...

...I tried sitting on it, of course...

<Character>: Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored.

...Then I tried singing to it...

<Character>: Rockabye Eggy in the stone claws, When the wind blows the... aw, I feel like an idiot.

...I tried asking nicely...

<Character>: Please Please Please with sugar and candy and...and...whatever dragons eat... puppies or princesses or something... on top?

...I tried to gently tap on the egg...

<Character>: OK EGG! Let's just see which one of us breaks first!

...I even tried a saucy puppet show, to coax it out...

<Character>: "...Oh Mr. Puddingshins, you scoundrel!..."

...Not even that worked.

<Character>: If I knew that it was on a set timer, it would have saved me a lot of time.
Twilly: <Character>, look, it's MOVING!

*Meanwhile, in Sepulchure's Flying Fortress, the egg from the White Dragon Box is also about to hatch.*

Drakath: Lord Sepulchure, the egg is moving! The hatching time is upon us, at last!
Sepulchure: With the might of this dragon at my command, the world will bow at my feet.
Sepulchure: The age of Darkness begins, as soon as my dragon takes its first breath.
Drakath: But... But the hatchling will only be a baby, how..
Sepulchure: The Dragon Amulet, Drakath. With the power of the Dragon Amulet, the dragon will assume its fully grown form at my command.
Drakath: My Lord, a crack in the shell!

*Back in the Secret Cave, a crack in your egg has also appeared.*

Twilly: A crack in the egg shell! It won't be long now!
<Character>: I...I don't know what to do! What should I do? Should I boil some water?
Twilly: Why would you boil water?
<Character>: I DON'T KNOW! I just know that people BOIL WATER WHEN A BABY IS ABOUT TO BE BORN!
Twilly: Just be ready for anything. We still don't know which dragon this will be, the savior of the world, or its destroyer.
<Character>: It's time! It's hatching!

*Back in Sepulchure's Flying Fortress...*

Sepulchure: It it time.

*A pretty pink baby dragon with googly eyes emerges from Sepulchure's egg amongst flowers, rainbows, and a happy sun. It looks up at Sepulchure lovingly.*

Drakath: Hmmm. That's not exactly what I was expecting.

*Unpleased with his apparent prophesied World Savior dragon, Sepulchure uses necrotic magic to transform the baby dragon into a dracolich. Drakath trembles, unsure of what to make of the situation.*

Drakath: M..Master? What have you done?!
Sepulchure: Is that better my little dracolich? I think I'll call you...
Sepulchure: ...Fluffy.

*Back in the Secret Cave...*

Twilly: Here we go!

*A little green baby dragon appears to be fast asleep after emerging from your egg with crackles of red lightning and an ominous entrance into this world; this is the World Destroyer.*

<Character>: Awww! It's so cute! It doesn't look so evil, does it Twilly?
<Character>: Twilly?

*The baby dragon has begun eating Twilly even in its sleep.*

Twilly: Mmpphmmhm mff!

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Complete this quest to unlock your very own Baby Dragon, which may be summoned as a pet via Sunbreeze Grove (No DA Required), or the Dragon Amulet Interface (DA Required).
  • Complete this quest to unlock the Baby Dragon badge.

    Thanks to Stephen Nix.

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