Currently owned by: Peachii Previously owned by: pjc, Silver, Faerdin, Shaiyal, TwinBlade., Silver Xoven, AztecArcher, Nightly This guide contains every weapon found in DragonFable sorted alphabetically, and by type. Looking for a specific weapon? Press CTRL (or Command for Macs) + F, then type in what you are looking for. Updated: Mar 02, 2025 Contents Swords, Axes, & Maces (A-G), (H-N), (O-Z) Staves & Wands (A-G), (H-N), (O-Z) Daggers (A-G), (H-N), (O-Z) Scythes (A-J), (K-Z) Thanks to Baron Dante, bestonesofar, DS, Gabriel Castro, and Occavatra for additional updates, and others for major contributions to this guide over the years, ruleofnine for corrections, and Jay for formatting updates to this guide.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 3/2/2025 9:14:29 >