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A-Z Weapons

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1/18/2016 3:16:48   

Currently owned by: Peachii

Previously owned by: pjc, Silver, Faerdin, Shaiyal, TwinBlade., Silver Xoven, AztecArcher, Nightly

This guide contains every weapon found in DragonFable sorted alphabetically, and by type.

Looking for a specific weapon? Press CTRL (or Command for Macs) + F, then type in what you are looking for.

Updated: Mar 02, 2025


Swords, Axes, & Maces
(A-G), (H-N), (O-Z)

Staves & Wands
(A-G), (H-N), (O-Z)

(A-G), (H-N), (O-Z)

(A-J), (K-Z)

Thanks to Baron Dante, bestonesofar, DS, Gabriel Castro, and Occavatra for additional updates, and others for major contributions to this guide over the years, ruleofnine for corrections, and Jay for formatting updates to this guide.

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 3/2/2025 9:14:29 >
DF AQW  Post #: 1
1/18/2016 3:17:29   

Melee weapons typically used by players of Warrior base class; damage is increased by player's STR stat.


13th Sword (All Versions) (Seasonal; Rare)
301st Blade


Absent Ashrka (D-Amulet)
Abyssal Silver Hammer (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Abyssal Silver Katana (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Abysscutter Sword (D-Coins)
Academy Sword (Student Default) (D-Coins)
Ace of Clubs Blade (D-Amulet)
Ace of Diamonds Blade (D-Amulet)
Ace of Hearts Blade (D-Amulet)
Ace of Spades Blade (D-Amulet)
Adept Blade (Kathool Adept Default) (D-Coins)
Advanced CorDemi Codex (Normal; D-Coins)
Advanced Spectrus Sword (Rare)
Aeolian Dao (D-Coins)
Afflicted Viral Tusk Blade (Seasonal)
Aglow Caliburn (D-Coins/Rare)
Ahab's Antique Harpoon (D-Amulet)
Ahab's Rusty Harpoon
Ahab's Tarnished Harpoon
Alcyone Cutlass (D-Amulet/Rare)
Aleph's Edge (D-Amulet)
Amber Axe of the Harvest (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ameronian Edge (D-Amulet)
Amethyst Blade (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Amethyst Edge (D-Amulet/Rare)
Amputator, The
Ancient DeathKnight Blade (D-Amulet)
Ancient Flow
Ancient Frost Moglin Mace (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ancient Naner (I-IX) (Rare)
Ancient Void Reaver
Angel's (Wrath, Ire)
Antipode Broadsword (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Antithesis Edge (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Anubis Tooth
Aqueoux (Potent, Perfect) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Aqueric (Force, Frenzy, Fury) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Arborius (D-Amulet)
Archaic Void Reaver
Archeology Student Axe (D-Amulet)
Arctic Blade
Arena Fighter Sword (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Arista Alysida (D-Amulet)
Artifice Blade
Ashrka (D-Amulet)
Asparagus Blade of Rebellion (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Asparagus Half Blade of Rebellion (I-IV) (D-Coins/Rare)
Astravian Wingblade (I-VI) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Atrea Dream Edge (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Au'Bacon Mace (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Aurite Claymore (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Aurum Blade (D-Amulet)
Autumn Edge (Rare)
Axe of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Axe of Poison (I-VI)
Axe of the Eclipse of DOOM (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Axe of the Elders
Axe of the Gleaming Lantern
Azure Lights Blade (Seasonal)


Baconated Blade of Doom
Baconing (Mace), The
Baleful Battleaxe (D-Coins)
Ballast Blade
Balthar's Blade (D-Amulet/Rare)
Bamboo (SnugglePanda Default) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Banded Broadsword (D-Amulet)
Baneblade (DragonSlayer Default)
Base Purebeam (D-Amulet/Rare)
Base Spectrus Sword (Rare)
Basic CorDemi Codex (Normal; D-Coins)
Battle Syringe Type W (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
BattleOn Blade
Battler's Saw (D-Amulet)
Battlespire Brawler Sword (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Battlespire Novice Sword (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Batwing Blade (I, II, III) (Seasonal)
Beefhammer (D-Amulet)
Beserker Blade of Carnage (Retired/Temp)
Big Swordfish
Bilious Blade (D-Amulet)
Binding Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Bitter Rush (Rare)
Black Runed Blade (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blackwyn Axe
Blade of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Blade Dancer
Blade of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Blade of Fury (All Versions) (Rare)
Blade of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Blade of Misdirection
Blade of Revelry (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Blade of Spades (D-Amulet)
Blade of the Blue Lotus (D-Amulet)
Blade of the Boulders (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blade of the Crescent Moon (I-V)
Blade of the Infinite (D-Coins)
Blade of the Mount (I-IV) (Normal; Rare)
Blade of the Oculus (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blade of the Primal Fire (D-Amulet)
Blade of the Shattered Dream (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blade of Time (Chronomancer Default) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer; D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
Blade of Valentine's Pride (I-XI) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Blade Z-5120 Mach (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Blastfury (Potent, Perfect) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Blazeheart (All Versions)
Blazing Blade of the Primal Fire (D-Amulet)
Blazing Caliburn (D-Coins/Rare)
Blazing Fire Sale Axe (D-Coins/Rare)
Bleeding Heart (I-IV) (Seasonal)
Blessed Baton
Blighted Underworld Avenger (D-Amulet)
Blinding Light of Destiny
Blinding Techangel Blade
Blissful Starlight Sword (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Blistering Hobgoblin Axe (D-Amulet)
Blizzard's Hardhead (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Blooddrop Blade (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Bloodguard Axe (Rare)
Blood Red Crystal Blade (I-VI) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Bloody ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Blue Coral Axe (D-Amulet)
Bluelight Special (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Boiling Blade of the Primal Fire (D-Amulet)
Bone ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Bone Shard Axe (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Bonegnaw Rapier (I, II, III) (D-Amulet)
Bos (Tauros, Gaurus, Primigenius) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Bract Blades (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Brand of Emryhs (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Brand of Glory
Braughlmurk Cleaver (D-Amulet)
Breakwater (I-IV) (Rare)
Breath of Life
Breezefury (Potent, Pure, Perfect) (D-Coins/Rare)
Breezy Zephyric Pinwheel +3
Bright Caliburn (D-Coins/Rare)
Bright Future Blade (D-Amulet)
Brightmist Cleaver (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Brilliant Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Brilliant Caliburn (D-Coins/Rare)
Brilliant Techangel Blade (D-Amulet)
Brittleflash (D-Amulet)
Bronze Blade
Brother's Blood (Rare)
Brrrrzerker blade (D-Amulet)
Brute Force
Bubble Coral Axe (D-Amulet)
Bubbly Cider Mug Sword (D-Amulet)
Bubbly Void Cider Mug Sword (D-Coins)
Bubonic Blade (D-Amulet)
Budding Blade
Burning Blade of the Primal Fire (D-Amulet)
Burning Hobgoblin Axe
Burning Love Sword (D-Amulet/Seasonal)


Caitiff (Caitiff Default) (Temp)
Candy Corn Crusher (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Candy Sword (Seasonal)
Carmine Blade
Carved Soul (ArchKnight/D-Amulet)
Carved Tooth Blade (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Carving Blade (I-X) (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Captive Pearl (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Cat's Eye Axe (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Cat's Eye Great Axe (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Cauldron Axe (I-VII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Celestia's Blade (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Chained Fire (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Chainsaw Sword (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Chainsword (Seasonal)
ChamPAIN Skullcracker (I-IV) (D-Amulet/Rare)
ChaosMoon Edge (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Chaos Edge (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Charger (Lite)
ChickenBlade (ChickenCow Default) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Chopper, The (D-Amulet)
Chronoblade (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Chrono Blade
Cider Mug Sword
Circuit Breaker (D-Amulet)
Circuit Slicer (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Citrine Gembuster (D-Coins)
Classic Morningstar (D-Amulet)
Clattering Maracas (Rare)
Claw of Gorgok (Rare)
Claw of Might
Clawed Hammer (D-Amulet/Rare)
Claws (Cat Default) (Seasonal/Temp)
Claws (Entropy Default) (D-Coins)
Claws (Fae Default) (Temp)
Claws?? (Zardbie Default) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Clipper Cutlass
Clockwork Labrys
Cloudy Crystal Skull Sabre
Clovus Blade (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Club of the Elders
Cobalt Axe
Cobalt Lights Blade (Seasonal)
Cobra Mace (D-Amulet)
Colossal Turducken Feather (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Coming Lightfall (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Coming Nightfall (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Commander's Scepter, The (Rare)
Commemorative Birthday Sword (I-XII) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Consuming Cursed Scimitar (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Contamination (D-Amulet)
Contender Sword (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Cornucopia Mace (I-V) (Seasonal)
Corona Night Annex Blades
Corrupt ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Corsair's Curse
Corsair's Rapier
Crackled Light (D-Amulet)
Crashing Chainsword (Seasonal)
Cresting Dawn Blade
Crimson Edge
Crimson Lights Blade (Seasonal)
Crispy Drumstick (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Crispy Flaming Bacon Lance (Sword) (D-Amulet)
Cruel Viral Tusk Blade (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
CRUSHINATRIX (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Crushing Deep, The (D-Amulet)
Crystal Ice (I-XI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Crystal Skull Sabre
Crystalline Claymore (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Cumulonimbus Slicer (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cumulus Skewer (D-Amulet)
Cushiony Foam Sword (Seasonal)
Cushy Foam Sword (Seasonal)
Cutter Wing (Rare)
Cysero's Baco-Rama (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Cysero's Defender Sword (D-Coins)
Cysero's Hamstergeddon (All Versions) (D-Coins)


Dad's Meat Mallet (I-IX) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Daleth's Cross
Dark Batwing Blade (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Dark Blackwyn Axe
Dark Chaos Edge (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dark Edge
Dark Entity's Edge (Rare)
Dark Literal Resolution (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Moon Rising (I-VI sword) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Dark ShadowReaper of Doom
Dark Star Katana (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dark Time Sword (I-X) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Darkovian Blade
Darkovian Destruction Blade
Darth Laser (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Day Break (Rare)
Dead Water (D-Coins)
Deadly Cursed Scimitar (Normal; D-Coins)
Deadly Fugu Spine
Deadly Poison Ivy
Deadly Rip Tide (D-Amulet)
Deadly Swamp Axe (I-V) (D-Coins)
DeathBlade (DeathKnight Default)
Death Ivy Sword (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Death's Mask (D-Coins)
DeathFire Edge (D-Coins)
Deep Blue Something (D-Amulet)
Deep Fried Drumstick (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Defender's Blade (D-Amulet)
Defiled Bloodblade (D-Coins)
Delectable Drumstick (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Delicious Drumstick (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Demento's Axe (D-Amulet)
Demento's Brilliant Axe (D-Amulet)
Demento's Gleaming Axe (D-Amulet)
Demon's Whirlwind (D-Amulet)
Desert Blade
Destruction Blade
Devouring Cursed Scimitar (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Diabolic Sword
Diamond-edged Sword (D-Amulet)
Dire ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Dire Sword
Dirge Thorn
Diseased Violet Flame
Divine Brand of Glory
Doom Hammer (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Doom Weapon (En Default) (Temp)
Dragon Ace of Clubs Blade (D-Coins)
Dragon Ace of Diamonds Blade (D-Coins)
Dragon Ace of Hearts Blade (D-Coins)
Dragon Ace of Spades Blade (D-Coins)
Dragon Axe (All Versions)
Dragon Blade of Clubs (D-Coins)
Dragon Blade of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Dragon Blade of Hearts (D-Coins)
Dragon Blade of Spades (D-Coins)
Dragon Carving Blade (I-X) (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Dragon Eye (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dragon Head Blade (I-VII) (Seasonal)
Dragon Scourge, The (D-Amulet)
Dragon Wolf Broadsword (I-VI) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Dragon's Air Slasher (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Dragon's Crystal Ice (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Dragon's ElectroShock (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Dragon's Eternal Flame (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Dragon's Fury (I, II, III)
Dragon's Wing (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
DragonBlade (DragonLord Default) (D-Amulet)
Dragonhorn Edge (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
DragonKnight Blade (I-V) (D-Coins)
Dragonlord's Loss (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Dragonoid Saber (I-V) (D-Coins)
Dragonsfall Blade
Dragontooth Blade (D-Amulet)
Drake's Blessing (D-Amulet)
Dread Bandit's Sword (D-Amulet)
Dread Malclaw (D-Amulet)
Dread Pirate Blade (Dread Pirate Default) (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Retired)
Dread Pirate Cutlass (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Dread ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Dusty Blackwyn Axe


Earth Breaker
Earthvessel Rapier (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ebil Dead Blade
Ebil Incarnate Axe (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Edgars Blade (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Edge of the Eclipse
Eerie Miasmal Axe (D-Coins/Rare)
Electric Powerblade (Rare)
Electroplasma Sword
ElectroShock (I-XI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Elevated Hallow'd Edge (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Elite Axe of the Sunken Rose (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Elite Blade of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Elite Blade of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Elite Blade of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Elite Blade of Spades (D-Amulet)
Elite Dragon Blade of Clubs (D-Coins)
Elite Dragon Blade of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Elite Dragon Blade of Hearts (D-Coins)
Elite Dragon Blade of Spades (D-Coins)
Elite High Sword of Clubs (D-Amulet/Rare)
Elite Notas (Rare)
Elite Pactogonal Axe (All Versions)
Elite Sword (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Elite Sword of Diamonds (D-Amulet/Rare)
Elite Sword of Hearts (D-Amulet/Rare)
Elite Sword of Spades (D-Amulet/Rare)
Elucidas' Mithril Sword (D-Amulet)
Elucidas' Platinum Sword
Elucidas' Silver Sword
Elven Army Blade
Emerald Blade of Purity (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Emerald Lights Blade (Seasonal)
Enchanted Blazeheart (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Enchanted Dragon Axe (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Enchanted Dragon Sword (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Energy Devourer (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Escelense Defender Blade (I-V) (D-Medal)
Escelense Dragon Defender Blade (I-VII) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Etched Extrinsic Valaška
Eternal Flame (I-XI) (D-Amulet)
Eternal Hourglass Sword (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Eternal Spring Blade (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Euclid's Nightmare (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Ewolyn's Edge (I-IV) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Exalted Moonstriker (D-Amulet)
Excisor (D-Coins)
Ex's Calibur (Mark 2, Mark 3) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ex's Calibur of Truth (I-VII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Eye of the Void (Sw) (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Eye Scream (D-Amulet)
Extra Crispy Blade of Doom (D-Amulet)


Fade (Epoch Default) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Fadestone Axe (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Fallen Ice Dragon Sword (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Fast Rip Tide (D-Amulet)
Fawn's Rose Blade (Retired/Temp)
FF Xcalibur
Fidelitas (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Fierce Rip Tide
Fiery Hobgoblin Axe (D-Amulet)
Fighter's Worth (D-Amulet)
Filigreed Cutlass
Final DeathKnight Blade (D-Amulet)
Fire Edge (D-Amulet)
Fire Sale Axe (D-Amulet/Rare)
Firebrand (D-Amulet)
Fire's Fury
Firesteel Blade (Pyromancer Default) (D-Coins)
First Frost Giant, The (D-Amulet/Rare)
Flamestone Blade
Flaming Bacon Lance (Sword)
Fleet Pearl (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Flowing Night Annex Blades (D-Amulet)
Fluctuating Revival
Flying Steel (D-Amulet)
Foam Rolith's Hammer (Temp)
Foamy Cider Mug Sword
Foamy Void Cider Mug Sword (D-Coins)
Foilated Blade (D-Coins)
Foliage Ripper
Fool's Wolfaxe (D-Coins/Rare)
Forest's Edge (D-Coins)
Forsaken ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Fortunate Luck O' the Sneevish (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Fortune's Edge (I, II, III) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Fractured Blade (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Fragile Sword
Frankenblade (I-VII) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Freedom (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Freezing Point (D-Amulet)
Frequency (D-Coins)
Fresh Pearl (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Fresh Cider Mug Sword (D-Amulet)
Fresh Void Cider Mug Sword (D-Coins)
Frigid Arctic Blade (D-Amulet)
Frond Frazzler
Frost Dragon Head Blade (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frost Moglin Defender Blade (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Frost Moglin Slayer Blade (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Frost Pumpkin Sword (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Frostfyre's Eye (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Frostskull Mace (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Frostval Wish Claymore (I-XII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frostvale Pine (I-IX) (Seasonal)
Frozen Breath Mace (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Frozen Edge (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Frozen Heart's Edge (D-Coins)
Frozen Mace (D-Coins)
Frozen Spirit Sword (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Fugu Spine
Full Silver (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Fullmetal Sledge
Fungus Covered Sewer Sword
Funky Cider Mug Sword (D-Amulet)
Funky Void Cider Mug Sword (D-Coins)
Fusion (D-Coins)
Fuzzy Club of Dwarf Owning


Gabriel's Blade (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Galaxy Edge (I-IV) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Gale Force
Galena Blade
Gallagher's Sledge (D-Amulet)
Gannt's Eye
Gary's Sword (D-Amulet)
Gearsword (D-Amulet)
Gemmed Sword
Genji Blade (ArchKnight/D-Amulet)
Geo's Johannite Claymore (All Versions) (Rare)
Ge'Raskon (D-Coins)
Ghastly ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Ghostly Miasmal Axe (D-Coins/Rare)
Giant's Silver Soupspoon (D-Amulet)
Gilded Machete
Givest, the Earthblade
Glacial Arctic Blade (D-Amulet)
Glacial Arctica Blade (Rare)
Glacial Glaive
Glacial Gutter
Gleaming Carmine Blade (D-Amulet)
Glistening Carmine Blade
Glittering Arctic Blade (D-Amulet)
Glorious Hallow'd Edge (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Gloryblade, The (D-Amulet)
Glossy Caliburn (D-Coins/Rare)
Glossy Sapphmerald Sword
Glowing Starlight Sword (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Glorious Dawn Blade
Gold-Plated Frying Pan (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Golden (Rapier, Beam)
Golden Arctic (I-XI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Golden Brand of Glory
Golden Cobra Mace (D-Amulet)
Golden Falcon, The (D-Amulet)
Golden Hatchet
Golden Lights Blade (Seasonal)
Golden Order Blade (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Goo Covered Sewer Sword
Graben (D-Coins)
Grand Master Sword (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Grand Ragnarok
Grand Wrath of Flame (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Greasy Drumstick (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Great Arborius (D-Amulet)
Great Blade of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Great Blade of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Great Blade of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Great Blade of Spades (D-Amulet)
Great DeathKnight Blade (D-Amulet)
Great Dragon Blade of Clubs (D-Coins)
Great Dragon Blade of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Great Dragon Blade of Hearts (D-Coins)
Great Dragon Blade of Spades (D-Coins)
Great Energy Pumpkin (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Greater Arborius (D-Amulet)
Greater BattleOn Blade
Greater Axe of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Greater Blade of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Greater Blade of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Greater Blade of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Greater Blade of Spades (D-Amulet)
Greater Darkovian Destruction Blade
Greater Darkovian Sword
Greater Destruction Blade (D-Amulet)
Greater Dragon Blade of Clubs (D-Coins)
Greater Dragon Blade of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Greater Dragon Blade of Hearts (D-Coins)
Greater Dragon Blade of Spades (D-Coins)
Greater Dragontooth Sword (D-Amulet)
Greater Galvanized Blade (D-Amulet)
Greater Gilded Machete
Green Piece
Greenman's Blade, The (D-Amulet)
Grenwog Dragon Egg Blade (I-XI) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Grenwog Egg Blade (I-VII) (Seasonal)
Grim Ace, The (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Grim Entity's Edge (Rare)
Grim ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Grisly ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Grom's Monster Sword of the Vengeful Eye (Retired/Temp)
Grown Blade
Guided Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Guillotine Grinder
Gun (GPS Default) (D-Coins)
Guppy, The
Gyre Night Annex Blades

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 3/2/2025 14:46:14 >
DF AQW  Post #: 2
1/18/2016 3:18:06   

Swords, Axes, & Maces (H-N)


Hadal Blade
Hale Ripper (D-Amulet)
Half Fractured Blade (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Half Gear Blade (I-V) (D-Coins)
Half Pony Shank (Rare)
Half-Half Gear Blade (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Half-off Elite Notas (Rare)
Half-off Frostvale Pine (I-V) (Rare)
Half-off High Sword of Clubs (D-Amulet/Rare)
Half-off Higher Sword of Clubs (D-Amulet/Rare)
Half-off Notas (Rare)
Hallow'd Edge (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Hand of the Flame
Handydad (Rare)
Harbinger (of Sorrow)
Harrowing Sword (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Harvest Edge (I-XI) (Seasonal; Rare)
Hatchet (Kid Artix Default) (Temp)
Haunted Miasmal Axe (D-Coins/Rare)
Haunted Saber
Hawk Blade, The
Heart Breaker (Seasonal)
Heartache (Sword) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Heartisan Cleaver (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Heartless ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Hearty Drumstick (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Heatstroke (D-Coins)
Heavy Mjolnir
Heliotrope Blade (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Helm Splitter (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Hero Sandwich Sword (D-Amulet)
Hero's Awesome Essence (D-Amulet)
Hero's Brick
Hero's Bright Essence
Hero's Glowing Essence
Hero's Heart Cleaver (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Hero's Silvery Essence (D-Amulet)
Hero's Vibrant Essence
High Blade of Clubs (D-Amulet)
High Blade of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
High Blade of Hearts (D-Amulet)
High Blade of Spades (D-Amulet)
High Edge of the Eclipse (D-Amulet)
High Dragon Blade of Clubs (D-Coins)
High Dragon Blade of Diamonds (D-Coins)
High Dragon Blade of Hearts (D-Coins)
High Dragon Blade of Spades (D-Coins)
High Hallow'd Edge (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
High Huntari (D-Amulet)
High Orbed Axe (D-Amulet)
High Pentrin (D-Amulet)
High Sword of Clubs (D-Amulet)
High Sword of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
High Sword of Hearts (D-Amulet)
High Sword of Spades (D-Amulet)
Hillking Blade, The (D-Amulet)
Hinnos Shari Avi (D-Amulet)
Hobgoblin Axe
Hoenikker's Bane (D-Coins)
Holier Smackerel
Holy Smackerel
Honor's Cutlass (D-Amulet)
Hook, The (D-Amulet)
Horrific ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Hot Blade of the Primal Fire (D-Amulet)
Hot Hobgoblin Axe (D-Amulet)
Hour Hand (I, II, III), The (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Huntari (D-Amulet)
Hunter's Edge (D-Coins)
Hunter's (Vengeance, Fury) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Hydra's Bane (D-Amulet)
Hydro Axe (D-Coins)
Hydrolis' Bile
Hyetal Monolith Mace (D-Coins/Rare)
Hyper Supermassive Warpfield (D-Amulet/Rare)


Ice Edge
Ice Elf Broadsword (D-Amulet)
Ice Titan (Rare)
IceWept Mace (D-Coins)
IceWept Sword (D-Coins)
Icy Ashrka
Icy Mjolnir (D-Amulet)
Icy Sword
Icy You
Ignited Hobgoblin Axe (D-Amulet)
Ill Fortune's (Edge, End, Gain) (D-Amulet)
Ill Wind
Imbued Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Immense Turducken Feather (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Imperial Shortblade
Improved Spectrus Sword (Rare)
Infection (Temp)
Infuscience Blade (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Inlaid (Blade, Edge) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Intense Rip Tide
Invader's Beach Umbrella (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ionic Sword
Iridium Axe (D-Amulet)
Ironwill (D-Coins)
Itchi's Released Blade (D-Coins)
Itchi's Restrained Blade (D-Coins)
Ivory Blade (All Versions)


Jack's Rage (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Jade Edge (Rare)
Jagged Hook
Jet Altar Axe
Jewelled Matrix
Jolly Roger
Jova's Fury (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Jovial Madcap's Mace 2010 (D-Amulet/Rare)
Joyful Starlight Sword (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Juicy Drumstick (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Jumbo Turducken Feather (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Justicar (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Jyu Ichi-Kiri (Rare)
Jyu-Kiri (D-Amulet/Rare)


Kaaros Garada (Avi) (D-Amulet)
Kage Katana
Karon's Blade (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Katana (Ninja Monkey Default) (Normal; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Kessel Sword
Key Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Khazri Blade (D-Amulet)
Kheparis Strength (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Kid Fists of Fury (Kid Nythera Default) (All Versions) (Temp)
Kilguin Fillet Blade (D-Amulet)
Kilguin Slicer (D-Amulet)
Kilguin Static Blade (All Versions) (Rare)
Killer Rip Tide
Kindled Hobgoblin Axe
King Blade of Clubs (D-Amulet)
King Blade of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
King Blade of Hearts (D-Amulet)
King Blade of Spades (D-Amulet)
King Dragon Blade of Clubs (D-Coins)
King Dragon Blade of Diamonds (D-Coins)
King Dragon Blade of Hearts (D-Coins)
King Dragon Blade of Spades (D-Coins)
Kingfisher Cutlass (Rare)
Kismet Luck O' the Sneevish (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Knave Blade of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Knave Blade of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Knave Blade of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Knave Blade of Spades (D-Amulet)
Knave Dragon Blade of Clubs (D-Coins)
Knave Dragon Blade of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Knave Dragon Blade of Hearts (D-Coins)
Knave Dragon Blade of Spades (D-Coins)
Knight's Scepter, The (Rare)
Knights Glaive
Kolo's Temper Katana
Kuji-Kiri (D-Amulet/Rare)


L-(s)word, the (Seasonal)
La Petite Francisca
Lace Coral Axe (D-Amulet)
Laconia (D-Amulet)
Larimar Gembuster (D-Coins)
Laser Screwdriver (Technomancer Default)
Lavender Blade (Seasonal)
LaZer Blade of Time (ChronoZ Default) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer; D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
Lazulite Blade
Leftover Drumstick (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Leftover Sword Mk. (I-X) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Legendary Axe-Blade of Aww (D-Amulet)
Legendary Axe-Blade of Half Awf (D-Amulet/Rare)
Legendary Magma Sword
Legendary Magma Sword (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lesser Galvanized Blade
Lethal Venar (D-Amulet)
Leviathon's Fang (D-Amulet)
Liberty Candle Blade (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Lich's Blackwyn Axe (D-Amulet)
Lich Striker (D-Amulet)
Lifenel Axe (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lightfall (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Lightning Strike (D-Amulet)
Light's Beacon (D-Coins)
Lilac Blade (Seasonal)
Lim's Hybrid Hammer (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lim's Hydrocombustion Breaker (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Limnal Monolith Mace (D-Coins/Rare)
Liquid Shorecrasher Axe
Literal Resolution (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Lithic Splitter
Long Lavablade
Long Sword (Paladin Default)
Longshore Blade
Longsword (ArchKnight Default) (All Versions) (ArchKnight; ArchKnight/Temp)
Longsword (Davey Default) (Temp)
Longsword (DragonWarrior Default) (D-Amulet)
Longsword (Guardian Default) (Guardian)
Longsword (Ranger Default)
Longsword (Warrior Default)
Loser's Club (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lost Ashrka
Lost Starsword of Destiny (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lost Starsword of Doom (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lost Wavecrest (D-Amulet)
Lotus Blade
Loud Chainsword (Seasonal)
Love's Edge (I-IV) (Seasonal)
Lovely Time Sword (I-X) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Low Pentrin (D-Amulet)
Lower Shinto Sword
Lucent Caliburn (D-Coins/Rare)
Luck O' the Sneevish (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lucky Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Lucky Katana (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Lumina Aos (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Luminous Sapphmerald Sword (D-Amulet)
Luminous Techangel Blade
Lunar Lantern Sword (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Lustrous Silver Rapier (D-Amulet)


Mace of the North (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Madcap's Mace (2010) (Rare)
Magnificent Hallow'd Edge (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Major Axe-Blade of Aww
Major Axe-Blade of Half Awf (Rare)
Major Brokenblade
Major Bronzed Blade
Major Cyclonic Sickle
Major Dragonsfall Blade
Major Sunsabre
Malachite Edge
Manawood Sword (I-V) (D-Coins)
Marquis Sword
Marvelous Hallow'd Edge (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Master CorDemi Codex (Normal; D-Coins)
Mauve Blade (Seasonal)
Maxwell's Hammer (Rare)
Melting Arctic Blade (D-Amulet)
Midnight Talon (D-Amulet)
Midnight Wish (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Midsummer Knight's Blade (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Mighty Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Mighty Huntari (D-Amulet)
Mighty Purebeam (D-Amulet/Rare)
Mighty ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Mighty Wrath of Flame (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Mighty Zephyric Pinwheel +5 (D-Amulet)
Mini Lava Sword (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Minor Axe-Blade of Aww
Minor Axe-Blade of Half Awf (Rare)
Minor Brokenblade
Minor Bronze Blade
Minor Cyclonic Sickle
Minor Dragonsfall Blade
Minor Sunsabre
Mint Cream Slasher (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Mire Covered Sewer Sword
Mirrored Edge
Missed Ashrka
Missed Wavecrest (D-Amulet)
Modular Mayo Mallet (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Moglin Frier
Moglinberry Cider Mug Sword (D-Amulet)
Moglinberry Void Cider Mug Sword (D-Coins)
Monolith Mace (D-Coins/Rare)
Mooncaller Scimitar (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Moonridge Greatsword (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Moonsabre (All Versions)
Moonstriker (D-Amulet)
Morganite Gembuster (D-Coins)
Movement Blade
Mud Covered Sewer Sword
Mulberry Blade (Seasonal)
Mulled Cider Mug Sword
Mulled Void Cider Mug Sword (D-Coins)
Murdok's Hand (D-Amulet)
Mystical Sapphire Broadsword (All Versions) (Seasonal)


Nalmir's Consummate Gift (D-Amulet)
Nalmir's Final Gift
Nalmir's Paramount Gift
Nalmir's Refined Gift
Nalmir's True Gift
Naner (All Versions)
Nature's Wrath
Necroblade (Necromancer Default) (Retired)
Neela Paani Blade (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Nereid Sagaris (Aquis)
Neutron Sword
New Day Break (Rare)
Nieboheim's Longing (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Night Annex Blades
Nightfall (Rare)
Nightli's Song (D-Coins)
Nikemorya Blade of Rebellion (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Ninja Blade (Ninja Default) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Ninja-To Sword (Rare)
Noble Hallow'd Edge (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Noble Sword
Noon Promise (I-VIII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
North Pole-arm
Notas (Rare)
Notha's Experimental Axe (D-Medal)
Notha's Fatecrusher (D-Medal; D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Novenary Frost Giant (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Nuit's Edge
Nythera Staff (Elemental Nythera Default) (Temp)

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 3/2/2025 9:13:10 >
DF AQW  Post #: 3
1/18/2016 3:18:22   

Swords, Axes, & Maces (O-Z)


Obsidian Altar Axe (D-Amulet)
Obsidian Dragon Sword (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Obsidian ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Octonary Frost Giant (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Octopieces (D-Amulet)
Okami's Fire
Ominous Floricutioner
Onyx Altar Axe
Onyx Gembuster (D-Coins)
Ooze Covered Sewer Sword (D-Amulet)
Opal Gembuster (D-Coins)
Orbed Axe (D-Amulet)
Orchid Blade (Seasonal)
Oros (D-Coins)
Oven Baked Drumstick (D-Medal/Seasonal)
OverCharged Circuit Breaker (D-Amulet)
Oversized Knight's Knife (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Oversized Undead Knife (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)


Pactogonal Blade (D-Amulet)
Paladin Blade (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Paladin's Wrath (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Pale Silver Rapier
Palladinum Blade
Pallor's Frozen Blade (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Paragon Bear Claw (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Pearl Blade (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Peeler, The
Penguin Club
Penultimate Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Perfect Spectrus Sword (Rare)
Peridot Gembuster (D-Coins)
Periwinkle Blade (Seasonal)
Permafrost (D-Amulet)
Phantom Skies Blade
Phreatic Blade
Pict Piercer
Pimento Pick (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Pirate Blade (Pirate Default)
Pirate Cutlass (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Pit Fighter Sword (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Plasma Sword (Rare)
Plated Silver Rapier
Platinum Lights Blade (Seasonal)
Platinum Morningstar (D-Amulet)
Plegios' Punishment (D-Amulet)
Plushie Foam Sword (Seasonal)
Pointy Blade Sword of Stabbage (Retired/Temp)
Poison et Roses Blade (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Poison Ivy
Polar Fang (D-Coins)
Polished Caliburn (D-Coins/Rare)
Pomegranate Blade (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Poseidon's Blade (D-Amulet)
POTATO! (D-Amulet)
Potent Hallow'd Edge (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Power Center Sabre (D-Amulet)
Power of Hugs (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Prankster's Wolfaxe (D-Coins/Rare)
Pressureblade (D-Amulet)
Primary Frost Giant (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Pristine Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Pristine Hallow'd Edge (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Prized Sword
Professional Sword (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Professors Axe (D-Amulet)
Pulsing Revival
Pumpkin Blade (PumpkinLord Default) (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Pumpkin Carver (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Pumpkinator's Edge (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Pun is Mightier Than the (San Robin Default), The (Temp)
Pure Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Pure Golden Arctic (I-XI) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pure Pool Piercer
Purified Blade of Edgar (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Purified Guard's Blade (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Purity (D-Coins)
Purple Blade (Seasonal)
Putrid Mace of Boo-Boos
Pyrope Gembuster (D-Coins)


Quakerunner Blade
Quaternary Frost Giant (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Queen Blade of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Queen Blade of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Queen Blade of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Queen Blade of Spades (D-Amulet)
Queen Dragon Blade of Clubs (D-Coins)
Queen Dragon Blade of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Queen Dragon Blade of Hearts (D-Coins)
Queen Dragon Blade of Spades (D-Coins)
Quinary Frost Giant (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)


Radiant Caliburn (D-Coins/Rare)
Radiant Sapphmerald Sword
Raging Sun
Ragnarok, Earth's Edge (D-Amulet)
Ram's Blade (D-Amulet)
Ranger's Companion (D-Amulet)
Ratchet Bow (TimeKiller Default) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer; D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
Rattling Maracas (Rare)
Raucous Chainsword (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Reaper's Axe (I-X) (Seasonal)
Recyklon Sword (Rare)
Red Crystal Blade (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Red Delicious Rapier (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Red Eyed Gloom
Red Hot Hobgoblin Axe (D-Amulet)
Red Scourge, The (D-Amulet)
Red Scrapper (Senior)
Red Wind Skiver (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Reflecting Edge (Rare)
Reforged Bos Primigenius (D-Amulet)
Reforged Notas
Reforged Spectrus Sword
Reforged Warlord's Scepter
Refractory Blade
Regal 301st Blade (D-Amulet)
Reign Sword (D-Coins)
Resonating Helix (D-Coins)
Resplendent Caliburn (D-Coins/Rare)
Retribution Blade
Revenant Blade (Icebound Revenant Default) (D-Coins)
Revived Void Reaver (D-Amulet)
Revolving Rifleblade (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Rhodium Axe
Rhubarb's Booty Cutlass (I-X) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rhubarb's Fancy Booty Cutlass (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Rhyolite Edge (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Rift Cutter
Righteous Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Roaring Chainsword (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Rock Biter
Rod (Angler Default)
Roiling Rip Tide (D-Amulet)
Rose Engraved Axe (D-Coins)
Rose Engraved Broadsword (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rose Engraved Hammer (D-Coins)
Rose Engraved Mace (D-Coins)
Rose Eternal Legacy Sword (I-X) (D-Coins)
Rose Executioner Blade (I-X) (D-Coins)
Rose Legacy Sword (I-XI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rose Pillow (Sam Default) (Temp)
Rose Sword (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Rotten Viral Tusk Blade (Seasonal)
Rotten Wooden Sword
Rough Dragonhide Blade
Royal 301st Blade
Royal Vault Sword (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Ruby Flamberge (D-Amulet)
Ruby Vision (D-Amulet)
Runeblade (D-Coins)
Runed Broadsword (D-Amulet)
Runemaster (D-Amulet)
Rusted Bandit's Axe
Rusty Royal Axe (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rutilated Blade


Sacrificial Crystal Skull Sabre (D-Amulet)
Salvaged Strike (I-VI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Sand Sword (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Sanguine Flame Scimitar (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sanguine ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Sanity's Edge (1)
Sanity's Edge (2) (D-Coins)
Sapphire Shortsword
Sapphire Wave (D-Amulet)
Sapphirine Gembuster (D-Coins)
Sardasil (D-Amulet)
Savant Sword (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Savory Drumstick (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Saw (All Versions)
Scarab Edge (D-Amulet)
Schimmy Sword
Schism (D-Coins)
Scimitar of Entropy (D-Amulet)
Scissor Snap
Scorching Hobgoblin Axe
Scorpiarc Blade
Scourge, The
Scourged Cursed Scimitar (Normal; D-Coins)
Sea Cutlass (D-Amulet/Rare)
Sea Needle, The
Sea Pearl (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sea's Blessing (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Second Frost Giant, The (D-Amulet/Rare)
Secondary Frost Giant (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Senary Frost Giant (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Sentinel, The (D-Coins)
Separation (Seasonal)
Septenary Frost Giant (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Serenity's Courage (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Serpent Sting (All Versions)
Serpentine Blade (D-Amulet)
Shade Blade (D-Amulet)
Shadow Blade (All Versions)
Shadow Entity's Edge (Rare)
ShadowReaper of Doom
Shadowsword (Ancient Shadow Warrior Default) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Shadowsword (Shadow Warrior Default) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Shaking Maracas (Rare)
Sharp Blackwyn Axe
Sharp Cider Mug Sword
Sharp Rip Tide
Sharp Void Cider Mug Sword (D-Coins)
Sharpened Scourge, The
Shattered Love Sword (Seasonal)
Shatterflash (D-Amulet)
Shattersoul (D-Amulet)
Shining Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Shining Duo
Shining Eternal Hourglass Sword (I-VII) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Shining Reflecting Edge (Rare)
Shinto Sword
Shiny Caliburn (D-Coins/Rare)
Shiny Frostskull Mace (I-V) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Shiny Gold Axe (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Shiny Sapphmerald Sword
Shorecrasher Axe
Shouting Broadsword (D-Amulet)
Sierlex (Rare)
Sil Greatsword (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Silver Arrows Edge (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Silver Lights Blade (Seasonal)
Silver Starsword (D-Coins)
Simple Air Slasher (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Simple Crystal Ice (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Simple ElectroShock (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Simple Eternal Flame (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Simple Truncheon
Singing Edge, The
Singularity (D-Coins)
Sinister Crystal Skull Sabre
Sir Jeffery's Can Opener
Sir Jing's Sword (I-IX) (Rare; Normal; D-Amulet)
Sir Pent's Steel (D-Amulet)
Sirocco Steel (D-Amulet)
Skull Sword (ArchKnight)
Skybreaker (D-Coins)
Sizzling Blade of Doom
Sizzling Hobgoblin Axe (D-Amulet)
Slow Burn
Smoldering Hobgoblin Axe
Smouldering Blade of the Primal Fire (D-Amulet)
Smuldredolk (D-Amulet)
Snowpacolypse Snowman's Sword (D-Coins/Rare)
Snuggle Sword (Snugglebear Default)
Snuggleblade (Snugglemech Default) (Seasonal/Temp)
Sodalite Blade
Soggy Spyblade (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Solar Ray (D-Coins)
Solid Sodalite Blade
Somber Entity's Edge (Rare)
Sonic Sword (D-Amulet)
Soul's Flame (D-Coins)
Soul Claws (SoulWeaver Default)
SoulClaws (Master SoulWeaver Default) (D-Amulet/Retired)
SoulForged Axe (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
SoulForged Sword (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
SoulSmith Sword (I-XI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Speargun (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Spectral Miasmal Axe (D-Coins/Rare)
Spiced Cider Mug Sword
Spiced Void Cider Mug Sword (D-Coins)
Spider Queen's Fang (I, II, III) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Spider Slayer Sword (I-IV) (Rare)
Spider's Kiss (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spiked Cudgel
Spinal Tap (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spinning Death (D-Amulet)
Spiraling Rapier (D-Coins)
Spirit of the Forest (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Split Second
Split Sword
Spongy Foam Sword (Seasonal)
Spyblade of Alacrity (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spyblade of Frost (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spyblade of Judgment (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spyblade of Static (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spy Blade
Squishy Foam Sword (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Squashy Foam Sword (Seasonal)
Stabilized Arista Alysida (D-Amulet)
Stable Warpfield
Stake & Beans (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Staghorn Coral Axe (D-Amulet)
Star Spangled Sword (All Versions) (Rare)
Starlight Sword (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Static Sword (I-V)
SteamGear Sword (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Sterling Silver Rapier
Stick (Young Vilmor Default) (D-Amulet/Temp)
Stolen Rose Mace (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Stony Coral Axe (D-Amulet)
Storm Front (I, II, III)
Stratospheric Tachi
Stray Wavecrest (D-Amulet)
Striking Radiance (D-Coins)
Strong Purebeam (D-Amulet/Rare)
Strong Rip Tide (D-Amulet)
Strong Shimmer
Structure (D-Amulet)
Sturdy Mjolnir
Stygian Entity's Edge (D-Amulet/Rare)
Subdued Ragnarok
Superior Gilded Machete (D-Amulet)
Superior Shimmer
Supermassive Warpfield (D-Amulet)
Supreme Huntari (D-Amulet)
Swamp Axe (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Swamp Fever
Sweet Cider Mug Sword
Sweet Void Cider Mug Sword (D-Coins)
Swift Pearl (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Swift Rip Tide (D-Amulet)
sword (DoomKnight V1 Default) (D-Amulet/Rare/S-Offer)
Sword (Frost Moglin Default) (Seasonal)
sword (Pirate Monkey Default) (Normal; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Sword (Sleepy Hero Default) (Temp)
Sword For Other Monsters, The (D-Coins)
Sword For Some Monsters, The (D-Coins)
Sword of Amon Ra's Eye (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Sword of Clubs
Sword of Diamonds
Sword of Eye-Rule (D-Amulet)
Sword of Falconreach (I-IX) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Sword of Hearts
Sword of Keen Sight (Rare)
Sword of Poison (I-VI)
Sword of Sorrow (Temp)
Sword of Spades
Sword of Tears (Rare)
Sword of the Amulet (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Sword of the Bright Fire Sign
Sword of the Burning Fire Sign
Sword of the Fire Sign
Sword of the Glowing Fire Sign
Sword of the Vivid Fire Sign
Sword of Unity (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sword of Valentine's Pride (I-XI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Sword of Wishes (I-VI) (Rare)
Swordhaven Hero Defender (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Swordhaven Rose Defender (All Versions)
Systerity Sword (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Tabar Zin
Tainted Bandit's Axe
Take A Chance (D-Amulet)
Tanzanite Blade (D-Amulet/Rare)
Tarnished Axe (Seasonal)
Tarrir (D-Amulet)
Tasty Drumstick (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Techangel Blade
Technomancer Blade (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Tempered Blaze (D-Coins)
Temple Broadsword, The (D-Amulet)
Tenebrous Entity's Edge (Rare)
Terat (D-Coins)
Tertiary Frost Giant (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Thawsprout Blade (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Third Frost Giant, The (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Rare)
Thorn's Thirst
Thorny Coral Axe (D-Amulet)
Thrumming Revival
Thyton's High Katana (D-Amulet/Rare)
Thyton's Katana (Rare)
Tidal ShoreCrasher Axe (D-Amulet)
Timberglow (D-Coins)
Togsmas Sword (II-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Tornado Tirade (D-Amulet)
Tournament Blade (I-X) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Toxic Cursed Scimitar (Normal; D-Coins)
Toxic Cutlass
Toxic Fugu Spine
Toxic Venar (D-Amulet)
Toxicon's Venom
Training Sword
TRANSCENDENCE (Vaal Default) (Temp)
Treasure Key Sword (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Tree of Death Blade (D-Coins)
Tree of Life Blade (D-Coins)
Treehuggers' Revenge
Tribal Maul
Tusker Blade of the North Wind (All Versions) (Rare)
Turducken Feather (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Twig's Systerity Sword (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Twin Bladed Rapier (D-Amulet)
Twin Crescent Blade
Twinned Edge (D-Amulet)
Two Face
Two Headed Hammer (D-Amulet)
Two Headed Katana (D-Amulet)
Tyr - Lance of Change (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)


Ultimate (Temp)
Ultimate Axe of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Ultimate Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Ultimate Brand of Glory (D-Amulet)
Ultimate Pony Shank
Unarmed (Faust Default) (Temp)
Unarmed (VIP Default) (Temp)
Unchained Blade (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Undead Obsidian Dragon Blade (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Underworld Avenger
Underworld Upholder (I, II, III) (D-Amulet)
Univ's Bane (Temp)
Unlucky 13th Sword (I-VIII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Unlucky Dark Sword (All Versions) (Rare; D-Medal)
Unlucky Dread Blade (All Versions)
Unlucky ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet)
Unreal ShadowReaper of Doom (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Unsqueakable Farce (Mace)
Unstable Warpfield
Unyielding Sodalite Blade (D-Amulet)
Upright Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Uroboros Hoops (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Ursice Stone Hammer (All Versions) (Rare)


Valkyrie's Ride
Valoroth's Doomed Edge (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Valorous Brand of Glory
Varkouli (D-Coins)
Venar (D-Amulet)
Venomous Cursed Scimitar (Normal; D-Coins)
Vengeance (D-Coins)
Verne's Blade (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Vespid Sting (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Vexed Miasmal Axe (D-Coins/Rare)
Victory Sword (I, II, III)
Vile Infused Rose Sword (I-IX) (D-Coins)
Vineblade Saber (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Violet Blade (Seasonal)
Violet Flame
Violet Horseshoe (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Violet Lights Blade (Seasonal)
Viper's Tongue
Viral Tusk Blade (Seasonal)
Virulent Cursed Scimitar (Normal; D-Coins)
Virulent Violet Flame (D-Amulet)
Vivid Caliburn (D-Coins/Rare)
Vogal's Cursed Katana (Rare/Temp)
Void Cider Mug Sword (D-Coins)
Void Pony Shank
Void's Shadow (All Versions)
Voidcutter Sword (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Voidsplinter Crystal (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Voltaire Blade


Waning Edge of the Eclipse
War Wolf Broadsword (I-VI) (D-Medal)
Warden Sword (I, II, III) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Warlord's Scepter, The (Rare)
Warm Blade of the Primal Fire (D-Amulet)
Warm Cider Mug Sword
Warm Void Cider Mug Sword (D-Coins)
Warmer Blade of the Primal Fire (D-Amulet)
Warped Sword
Warrior's Gift (All Versions) (Rare)
Waterfang Edge
Wave Striker (D-Amulet)
Wavecrest (I-V) (D-Amulet)
Wavemaker (D-Coins)
Wayward Wavecrest (D-Amulet)
Weak Shimmer
Weald Line (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Weaver Sword (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Well-Done Flaming Bacon Lance (Sword) (D-Amulet)
Whimsical Madcap's Mace (2010) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Whispering Lotus (D-Amulet)
Wicked Blackwyn Axe
Widemeadow Basher
Winged Blade (D-Amulet)
Winning Luck O' the Sneevish (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Wondrous Blinding Light of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Woodsman's Axe
Woodsman's Bloody Axe (D-Amulet)
Woodsman's Heavy Axe
Woodsman's Hefty Axe
Woodsman's Sharp Axe
Woodsman's Strong Axe
Wormwood's Axe (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Wraithcutter (D-Amulet)
Wrapped Sword (Seasonal; D-Medal/Seasonal)
Wrath of Flame (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Wyvern's Edge


Xan's Revenge (D-Amulet)
Xylem (D-Coins)


Your First Sword
Yummy Drumstick (D-Medal/Seasonal)


Zardbie Katana (All Versions) (D-Coins)
ZardSlayer Blade (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Zhoom's Curved Blade
Zorchy (D-Amulet)
Zurvana's Wrath (All Versions) (D-Coins)

< Message edited by Jay -- 1/13/2025 1:32:10 >
DF AQW  Post #: 4
1/18/2016 3:18:44   

Magic weapons typically used by players of Mage base class; damage is increased by player's INT stat.


13th Staff (All Versions) (Seasonal; Rare)
301st Staff
9th Flame, The (D-Coins)


Absent Ishrva (D-Amulet)
Abyssal Silver Zanbato (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Abysscutter Spear (D-Coins)
Adamant (D-Coins)
Advanced CorDemi Codex (Normal; D-Coins)
Advanced Spectrus Staff (Rare)
Afflicted Viral Tusk Staff (Seasonal)
Aglow Rhongomyniad (D-Coins/Rare)
Ahab's Antique Spear (D-Amulet)
Ahab's Harpoon (D-Amulet/Rare)
Ahab's Rusty Spear
Ahab's Tarnished Spear
Aleph's Baton (D-Amulet)
Algea's Anger (D-Amulet)
Amber Staff of the Harvest (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ameronian Rod (D-Amulet)
Amethyst Arc (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Amethyst Brilliance (D-Amulet/Rare)
Anas (D-Coins)
Ancient Current
Ancient Frost Moglin Staff (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ancient Plantain (I-IX) (Rare)
Antipode Greatstave (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Antithesis Staff (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Aquella's (Force, Frenzy, Fury) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Aquetris (Potent, Perfect) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Aquorine (Force, Frenzy, Fury) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Arachnomancer staff
Arc Lightning (D-Coins)
Arcane Star, The
Arena Fighter Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Arista Labyrinthic (D-Amulet)
Arnice Magica (D-Coins)
Artesian Staff
Asclepic Support Staff
Ashara (D-Amulet)
Ashitan Shari Avi (D-Amulet)
Astravian Wingstaff (I-VI) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Atrea Dream Rod (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Au'Bacon Staff (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Aureate Orb (D-Amulet)
Aurite Staff (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Aurora (D-Amulet)
Autumn Staff (Rare)
Azure Lights Staff (Seasonal)
Azure Moon


Baconated Lance of Doom
Baconing (Staff), The
Balanced Baton (D-Amulet)
Bamboo Chime
Base Spectrus Staff (Rare)
Base Staff of Purity (D-Amulet/Rare)
Basic CorDemi Codex (Normal; D-Coins)
Battle Syringe Type T (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
BattleOn Staff
Battlespire Brawler Staff (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Battlespire Novice Staff (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Batwing Broom (I, II, III) (Seasonal)
Beating Heart of the Void (D-Amulet)
Binding DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Bitter Crush (Rare)
Black Rose Staff (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Alexander; Normal; D-Amulet)
Black Runed Staff (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blackwyn Staff
Blaze (D-Coins)
Blazing Fire Sale Staff (D-Coins/Rare)
Blazing Rhongomyniad (D-Coins/Rare)
Blighted Staff of Thanatos (D-Amulet)
Blinding Techangel Staff
Blissful Starlight Staff (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Blistering Flare Imp Staff (D-Amulet)
Blooddrop Staff (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Bloodgem Staff (Rare)
Bloody Skullstaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Blue Coral Staff (D-Amulet)
Blue Crystal Blade (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blue Rose Staff (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Alexander; Normal; D-Amulet)
Bone Caster's Staff (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Bone Shard Wand (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Bone Skullstaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Boneshatter Spine (I, II, III) (D-Amulet)
Boreas (Rare)
Bound Fire (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Braken Tear (D-Amulet)
Braughlmurk Darkstaff (D-Amulet)
Breakwater Rod
Breeze Bolt (I-IV) (Normal; Rare)
Breezy Zephyric Pinwheel +3
Bright Rhongomyniad (D-Coins/Rare)
Bright Star Staff (All Versions) (Rare)
Brightmist Greatstave (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Brilliant DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Brilliant Rhongomyniad (D-Coins/Rare)
Brilliant Techangel Staff (D-Amulet)
Broken Heart of the Void
Bubble Coral Staff (D-Amulet)
Bubbling Staff of Primal Water (D-Amulet)
Bubbly Cider Mug Staff (D-Amulet)
Bubbly Void Cider Mug Staff (D-Coins)
Bunod (D-Coins)
Burning Bloodletter
Burning Flare Imp Staff
Burning Gem (I-V)
Burning Gem, The
Burning Love Staff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)


Calming Staff of Primal Water (D-Amulet)
Candy Cane (Seasonal)
Carmine Staff
Carved Tooth Trident (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Carving Rod (I-X) (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Cat's Eye Ebony Staff (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Cat's Eye Ebony Wand (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Cauldron Staff (I-VII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Celery Stalker (D-Amulet)
Celestia's Staff (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Cerulean Eye (D-Amulet)
Chainstaff (Seasonal)
ChaosMoon Stave (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Chaos Verge (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Chargore (D-Amulet)
Chartreuse Drop
Chrono (Chronocorruptor Default) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer; D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
Chronostaff (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Cider Mug Staff
Cinco de Mayo Wand (I-XI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Citrine Gembinder (D-Coins)
Clarity (D-Coins)
Clattering Maracas (Rare)
Claw of Wisdom
Clear Mind Vision (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Cleave (D-Coins)
Clouded Deathgem
Cloudy Crystal Skull Scepter
Cobalt Lights Staff (Seasonal)
Cobra Staff (D-Amulet)
Colossal Turducken Crest (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Commemorative Birthday Staff (I-XII) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
ConchFritter (I-IV) (Rare)
Conductor Rod (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Consuming Cursed Pharoh Staff (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Contender Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Copse Crown (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Core of the Crescent Moon (I-V)
Corkpopper (I-IV) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Corona Night Anex Stave
Corrupt Skullstaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Crafty Man's Screwdriver (Rare)
Crashing Chainstaff (Seasonal)
Crescent Mooncalling Staff
Crimson Fist
Crimson Focus
Crimson Heart Staff (Seasonal)
Crimson Lights Staff (Seasonal)
Crispy Flaming Bacon Lance (Staff) (D-Amulet)
Crispy Turkey Leg (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Cruel Viral Tusk Staff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Crushing Pole (D-Amulet)
Crystal Font (D-Coins)
Crystal Skull Scepter
Crystalfish Staff of the Cook
Crystalline Staff (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Cumulonimbus Caller (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cushiony Foam Staff (Seasonal)
Cushy Foam Staff (Seasonal)
Cwistal Fwish (Rare)
Cyan Moon (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Cyanda's Glowing Staff
Cysero's Baco-Matic (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Cysero's Defender Staff (D-Coins)
Cysero's Hamsterclysm (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Cysero's Hybrid Staff (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Cysero's Magic Stick (D-Amulet)
Cysero's Psychic Stick
Cysero's Spellbound Stick
Cysero's Splintery Stick (Alexander)
Cysero's Stick
Cysero's Supernatural Stick
Czar Motif (D-Amulet)


Dacryos' Distemper
Dad's Spatula (I-IX) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Dark Batwing Broom (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Dark Blackwyn Staff
Dark Chaos Verge (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dark Entity's Defense (Rare)
Dark Moon Rising (I-VI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Dark Saving Resolution (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark SkullStaff of Doom
Dark Star (All Versions)
Dark Star Naginata (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dark Time Tome (I-X) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Darkovian Destruction Staff
Darkovian Staff
Dawn's Glow (Rare)
Dawn's Soft Glow (Rare)
Dead Fathom (D-Coins)
Deadlight, The
Deadly Cursed Staff (Normal; D-Coins)
Deadly Rip Current (D-Amulet)
Deadly Swamp Stick (I-V) (D-Coins)
Deadly Torafugu
Death Ivy Staff (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
DeathFire Rod (D-Coins)
Deck Swab
Decus (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Deep Fried Turkey Leg (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Deep Sea Staff (D-Amulet)
Defiled Glorystaff (D-Coins)
Delectable Turkey Leg (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Delicious Turkey Leg (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Demento's Brilliant Staff (D-Amulet)
Demento's Gleaming Staff (D-Amulet)
Demento's Staff (D-Amulet)
Desert Glass (D-Amulet)
Destruction Staff
Devouring Cursed Pharoh Staff (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Dew Drop Staff
Diabolic Staff
Diamond-edged Staff (D-Amulet)
Dire Skullstaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Dire Staff
Divine Star of Glory
Divining Rod
Division (Seasonal)
Double Dragon Staff
Dox (D-Coins)
Dragon Ace of Clubs Staff (D-Coins)
Dragon Ace of Diamonds Staff (D-Coins)
Dragon Ace of Hearts Staff (D-Coins)
Dragon Ace of Spades Staff (D-Coins)
Dragon Head Staff (I-VII) (Seasonal)
Dragon Orbit (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dragon Staff of Clubs (D-Coins)
Dragon Staff of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Dragon Staff of Hearts (D-Coins)
Dragon Staff of Spades (D-Coins)
Dragon Wolf Staff (I-VI) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Dragon's Luminous Whiff (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Dragon's Plume (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Dragon's Rage (I, II, III)
Dragonhorn Stave (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
DragonKnight Staff (I-V) (D-Coins)
Dragonoid Staff (I-V) (D-Coins)
Dragonsfall Staff
DragonStaff of Destiny
Dragontooth Staff (D-Amulet)
Dread Malsting (D-Amulet)
Dread Pirate Rod (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Dread SkullStaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Dream Hedron (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dripping Branch (Rare)
Dull 301st Staff (Alexander)
Dusty Blackwyn Staff
Dysmor (D-Coins)


Earthvessel Harpoon (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ebil Incarnate Staff (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ebon Flame
Echoing Spire (D-Coins)
Eerie Miasmal Staff (D-Coins/Rare)
Ekidna's Taint
Electoservitor Column (A, B, C) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Electric Dragon Staff (D-Amulet)
Electric Powerstaff (Rare)
Electro-Generator (D-Amulet)
Electroplasma Staff
Elevated Hallow'd Staff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Elite Boreas (Rare)
Elite Dragon Staff of Clubs (D-Coins)
Elite Dragon Staff of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Elite Dragon Staff of Hearts (D-Coins)
Elite Dragon Staff of Spades (D-Coins)
Elite Pactogonal Staff (All Versions)
Elite Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Elite Staff of Clubs (All Versions) (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/Rare)
Elite Staff of Diamonds (All Versions) (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/Rare)
Elite Staff of Hearts (All Versions) (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/Rare)
Elite Staff of Spades (All Versions) (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/Rare)
Elite Wand of the Sunken Rose (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Elucidas' Mithril Staff (D-Amulet)
Elucidas' Platinum Staff
Elucidas' Silver Staff
Elvish Lantern (D-Coins)
Emerald Burst (D-Amulet)
Emerald Lights Staff (Seasonal)
Emerald Staff of Purity (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Empowered Jade Wand (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Empty Heart of the Void
Enchanted Dragon Staff (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Energy Entity (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Escelense Defender Staff (I-V) (D-Medal)
Escelense Dragon Defender Staff (I-VII) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Eternal Hourglass Staff (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Eternal Spring Staff (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Etesian Staff (D-Amulet)
Event Horizon (D-Coins)
Ex's Calibur of Honesty (I-VII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Exalted Mooncrash (D-Amulet)
Executioner Staff, The (D-Amulet)
Exodus (Temp)
Extra Crispy Lance of Doom (D-Amulet)
Ewolyn's Tear (I-IV) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Eye of Ruby (D-Amulet/Alexander)
Eye of The Flame
Eye of the Void (St) (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)


Fadestone Staff (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Fairyfly Staff (D-Amulet)
Fallen Ice Dragon Staff (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Fast Rip Current (D-Amulet)
Fathom's Deep (D-Amulet)
Felwif (D-Coins)
Fiery Flare Imp Staff (D-Amulet)
Final Staff of Trelix (D-Amulet)
Firefly Staff (D-Amulet)
Firelock (D-Amulet)
First Frost Spectre, The (D-Amulet/Rare)
Fishing Harpoon (Rare)
Fists of Fire (Xan Default) (Temp)
Flame of the Dragon
Flameburst (Potent, Perfect) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Flameguide (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Flametongue Staff (D-Amulet/Alexander)
Flamestone Staff
Flaming Bacon Lance (Staff)
Flaming Skull Staff (D-Amulet)
Flare Imp Staff
Flesh (Fleshweaver (Retired) Default) (Rare)
Florai (D-Amulet)
Flowing Night Annex Stave (D-Amulet)
Fluctuating Renaissance
Foamy Cider Mug Staff
Foamy Void Cider Mug Staff (D-Coins)
Foliated Rod (D-Coins)
Fool's Hawkstaff (D-Coins/Rare)
Force of Nature (D-Amulet)
Form (D-Amulet)
Forsaken Skullstaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Fortunate Luck O' the Sneevish Staff (D-Coins/Seasonal)
For'Zoun (D-Coins)
Fractured Staff (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
FrankenEyes Staff (I-VII) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Fresh Cider Mug Staff (D-Amulet)
Fresh Void Cider Mug Staff (D-Coins)
Frigid Arctic Staff (D-Amulet)
Frost Dragon Head Staff (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frost Moglin Defender Staff (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Frost Moglin Slayer Staff (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Frost Pumpkin Staff (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Frostblast (D-Coins)
Frostfyre's Orbital Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Frostval Wish Cane (I-XII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frostvale Fir (I-IX) (Seasonal)
Frozen Breath Staff (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Frozen Flame (D-Amulet/Alexander)
Frozen Spirit Staff (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frozen Staff (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Frozen Starfire (D-Amulet)
Frozen Wand (D-Coins)
Fumarole (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Fungus Covered Sewer Staff
Funky Cider Mug Staff (D-Amulet)
Funky Void Cider Mug Staff (D-Coins)
Fuse (D-Coins)


Galaxy Staff (I-IV) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Galena Staff
Garden's Sphere (All Versions), The
Garnet Ingot (D-Amulet)
Gary's Staff (D-Amulet)
Gedaur (D-Amulet)
Gelid Staff
Gemmed Staff
Geode Wand (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Geo's Malachite Staff (All Versions) (Rare)
Ghastly Skullstaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Ghostly Miasmal Staff (D-Coins/Rare)
Gilded Drake (D-Amulet)
Glacial Gelid Staff (D-Amulet)
Glacial Gelida Staff (Rare)
Glaisarus Frosty Staff (D-Amulet)
Glaisaurus Staff
Gleaming Carmine Staff (D-Amulet)
Glistening Carmine Staff
Glittering Gelid Staff (D-Amulet)
Glorious Hallow'd Staff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Glossy Rhongomyniad (D-Coins/Rare)
Glossy Sapphmerald Staff
Glow of Emryhs (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Glowing Starlight Staff (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Gnix's Ruler
Gnome Defender (D-Amulet/Rare)
Gold-Plated Super Spoon (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Golden Arcs (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Golden Crustacea (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Golden Fan
Golden Glowstaff
Golden Key, The (D-Amulet)
Golden Lights Staff (Seasonal)
Golden Moon
Golden Order Athame (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Golden Rage (I-XI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Golden Rod
Golden Staph (D-Amulet)
Golden Star of Glory
Golden Trident of Linea
Golden Triglow
Golden Zapper (D-Amulet)
Goo Covered Sewer Staff
Gorillaphant Ivory Staff
Gramma's Green Wand
Gramma's Lithe Wand
Gramma's Magic Wand (D-Amulet)
Gramma's Wand
Gramma's Wooden Wand
Gramma's Woodsy Wand
Grand Flameguide (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Grand Master Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Grand Terrastera
Granny Smith Staff (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Grasping Claw, The
Greasy Turkey Leg (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Great Dragon Staff of Clubs (D-Coins)
Great Dragon Staff of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Great Dragon Staff of Hearts (D-Coins)
Great Dragon Staff of Spades (D-Coins)
Great Florai (D-Amulet)
Great Staff of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Great Staff of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Great Staff of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Great Staff of Spades (D-Amulet)
Great Staff of Trelix (D-Amulet)
Greater BattleOn Staff
Greater Burning Bloodletter
Greater Darkovian Destruction Staff
Greater Darkovian Staff
Greater Destruction Staff (D-Amulet)
Greater Dragon Staff of Clubs (D-Coins)
Greater Dragon Staff of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Greater Dragon Staff of Hearts (D-Coins)
Greater Dragon Staff of Spades (D-Coins)
Greater Dragontooth Staff (D-Amulet)
Greater Florai (D-Amulet)
Greater Galvanized Staff (D-Amulet)
Greater Staff of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Greater Staff of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Greater Staff of Hearts (1) (D-Amulet)
Greater Staff of Hearts (2) (D-Amulet)
Greater Staff of Spades (D-Amulet)
Green Fists (Envy Default) (Temp)
Green Rose Staff (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Alexander; Normal; D-Amulet)
Grim Entity's Defense (Rare)
Grim Skullstaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Grisly Skullstaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Grenwog Dragon Egg Staff (I-XI) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Grenwog Egg Staff (I-VII) (Seasonal)
Gronday (D-Coins)
Guided DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Gyre Night Annex Stave

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 3/2/2025 14:47:23 >
DF AQW  Post #: 5
1/18/2016 3:19:21   

Staves & Wands (H-N)


Hail Warning (D-Amulet)
Half Fractured Staff (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Half Gear Staff (I-V) (D-Coins)
Half Magic BattleHammer (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Half Pony Hobby Horse (Rare)
Half-Half Gear Staff (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Half-off Boreas (Rare)
Half-off Elite Boreas (Rare)
Half-off Frostvale Fir (I-V) (Rare)
Half-off High Staff of Clubs (D-Amulet/Rare)
Half-off Higher Staff of Clubs (D-Amulet/Rare)
Hallow'd Staff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Handyman's Wand (D-Amulet/Rare)
Harrowing Staff (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Harvest Staff (I-XI) (Seasonal; Rare)
Haunted Miasmal Staff (D-Coins/Rare)
Heart of Fire
Heart of Ice (D-Coins)
Heartache (Staff) (Seasonal)
Heartbreak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Heartisan Cane (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Heartless SkullStaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Hearty Turkey Leg (D-Medal/Seasonal)
HeatBloom, The
Heavy Gungnir
Heliotrope Arc (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Hero Sub Staff (D-Amulet)
Hero's Beautiful Essence
Hero's Glorious Essence (D-Amulet)
Hero's Heart Cane (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Hero's Platinum Essence (D-Amulet)
Hero's Secret, The (D-Amulet)
Hero's Shining Essence
Hero's Splendid Essence
High Ashara (D-Amulet)
High Dragon Staff of Clubs (D-Coins)
High Dragon Staff of Diamonds (D-Coins)
High Dragon Staff of Hearts (D-Coins)
High Dragon Staff of Spades (D-Coins)
High Hallow'd Staff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
High Mark of the Eclipse (D-Amulet)
High Orbed Staff (D-Amulet)
High Pulquin (D-Amulet)
High Staff of Clubs (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
High Staff of Diamonds (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
High Staff of Hearts (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
High Staff of Spades (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
High Tide (I-V) (D-Amulet)
Horn of Power
Horrific Skullstaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Hot Flare Imp Staff (D-Amulet)
Hunter's (Rage, Conflagration) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Hybrid Wand (D-Amulet)
Hydra's Woe (D-Amulet)
Hyetal Monolith Staff (D-Coins/Rare)
Hyper Supermassive Warpgenerator (D-Amulet/Rare)


Ice Elf Aurora Staff (D-Amulet)
Ice Mage Staff (Alexander Default) (D-Amulet/Alexander)
Ice Reign
Ice Rose Staff (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Alexander; Normal; D-Amulet)
IceWept Staff (D-Coins)
IceWept Wand (D-Coins)
Icy Gungnir (D-Amulet)
Icy Ishrva
Icy Staff
Ignited Flare Imp Staff (D-Amulet)
Illuminator (D-Coins)
Imbued DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Immaculate Magic Bat
Immense Turducken Crest (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Imperial Rod
Improved Spectrus Staff (Rare)
Incandescent Drop (D-Amulet)
Incandescent Orb
Infuscience Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Intense Rip Current
Invader's Pool Noodle (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ionic Staff
Iris Fan (D-Amulet)
Isetefelgen (D-Amulet)
Ishrva (D-Amulet)
Itchi's Released Staff (D-Coins)
Itchi's Restrained Staff (D-Coins)
Itsuru (Rare)


Jack O'Staff (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Jack's Spire (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Jacob's Staff
Jade Rod (Rare)
Jester's Baton (2010) (Rare)
Jet Altar Staff
Jeweled Tribal Staff
Jova's Wrath (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Jovial Jester's Baton 2010 (D-Amulet/Rare)
Joyful Starlight Staff (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Juicy Turkey Leg (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Jumbo Turducken Crest (D-Amulet/Seasonal)


Kaaros Xera (Avi) (D-Amulet)
Karon's Paddle (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Keening Staff (D-Coins)
Key DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Kessel Staff
Kheparis Will (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Kilguin Basher (D-Amulet)
Kilguin Fillet Slicer (D-Amulet)
Kilguin Static Rod (All Versions) (Rare)
Killer Rip Current
Kindled Flare Imp Staff
King Dragon Staff of Clubs (D-Coins)
King Dragon Staff of Diamonds (D-Coins)
King Dragon Staff of Hearts (D-Coins)
King Dragon Staff of Spades (D-Coins)
King Staff of Clubs (D-Amulet)
King Staff of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
King Staff of Hearts (D-Amulet)
King Staff of Spades (D-Amulet)
Kismet Luck O' the Sneevish Staff (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Knave Dragon Staff of Clubs (D-Coins)
Knave Dragon Staff of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Knave Dragon Staff of Hearts (D-Coins)
Knave Dragon Staff of Spades (D-Coins)
Knave Staff of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Knave Staff of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Knave Staff of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Knave Staff of Spades (D-Amulet)
Kothis (D-Coins)
Kurt's Cradle (D-Coins)


Lace Coral Staff (D-Amulet)
Lapis Lazuli (D-Amulet)
Larimar Gembinder (D-Coins)
Lavender Arc (Seasonal)
Lazulite Staff
Leftover Staff Mk. (I-X) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Leftover Turkey Leg (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Legendary Magma Staff (All Versions) (Normal; Alexander)
Legendary Magma Staff (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Legendary Staff of Aww (D-Amulet)
Legendary Staff of Half-Awf (D-Amulet/Rare)
Lesser Galvanized Staff
Lethal Perse Flame
Lethal Venum (D-Amulet)
Liberty (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Liberty Candle Wand (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Lich's Blackwyn Staff (D-Amulet)
Lichbane (D-Amulet)
Lifenel Wand (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lightbringer's Omen (Temp)
Lilac Arc (Seasonal)
Lim's Hydrocombustion Vane (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Limnal Monolith Staff (D-Coins/Rare)
Liquid Wavespanner Wand
Locater Cane (D-Amulet)
Long Fight, The (D-Amulet)
Losyke (D-Coins)
Lost High Tide (D-Amulet)
Lost Ishrva
Loud Chainstaff (Seasonal)
Love at First Scythe (Mark 2, Mark 3) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Lovely Time Tome (I-X) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Low Pulquin (D-Amulet)
Lower Okami Code
Lucent Rhongomyniad (D-Coins/Rare)
Luck O' the Sneevish Staff (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lucky DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Lucky Naginata (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Lucky Staff (D-Amulet/Alexander)
Lucky's Walking Stick (I, II, III) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Lumina Kria (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Luminary (D-Amulet)
Luminous Sapphmerald Staff (D-Amulet)
Luminous Techangel Staff
Luminous Whiff (I-XI) (D-Amulet)
Lunar Lantern Lighter (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Lustrous Silver Staff (D-Amulet)


Mage's Gift (All Versions) (Rare)
Mage's Support Staff (D-Amulet)
Magelord's Scepter, The (Rare)
Magestaff (Warlic Default) (Temp)
Magi's Asylum (D-Coins)
Magic BattleHammer (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Magic Gemmed BattleHammer (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Magician's Scepter, The (Rare)
Magma Trident Staff
Magnificent Hallow'd Staff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Mahogany Crunch
Maize Staff (I-V) (Seasonal)
Major Brokenblade Staff
Major Bronzed Staff
Major Cyclonic Sickle Staff
Major Dragonsfall Staff
Major Staff of Aww
Major Staff of Half Awf (Rare)
Major Sunsabre Staff
Manawood Staff (I-V) (D-Coins)
Mark of the Eclipse
Mark of the Hunter (D-Coins)
Marsh Malaise
Marvelous Hallow'd Staff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Master CorDemi Codex (Normal; D-Coins)
Mauve Arc (Seasonal)
Melon Smasher (D-Amulet)
Melting Arctic Staff (D-Amulet)
Memory Staff (D-Amulet)
Metatron's Stave (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Miasma (D-Amulet)
Midnight Dream (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Midsummer Wizard's Wand (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Mighty Ashara (D-Amulet)
Mighty DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Mighty Flameguide (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Mighty SkullStaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Mighty Staff of Purity (D-Amulet/Rare)
Mighty Zephyric Pinwheel +5 (Wand) (D-Amulet)
Mind Breaker (D-Coins)
Mind Vision (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Mind's Eye Rod (D-Amulet)
Minimalist Mayo Mechanism (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Mini Lava Staff (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Minor Brokenblade Staff
Minor Bronzed Staff
Minor Cyclonic Sickle Staff
Minor Dragonsfall Staff
Minor Staff of Aww
Minor Staff of Half Awf (Rare)
Minor Sunsabre Staff
Mint Cream Staff (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Minute Hand (I, II, III), The (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Miracle Staff (D-Amulet)
Mire Covered Sewer Staff
Mistral Rod (D-Amulet)
Misplaced High Tide (D-Amulet/Alexander)
Missed Ishrva
Missed High Tide (D-Amulet)
Moglinberry Cider Mug Staff (D-Amulet)
Moglinberry Void Cider Mug Staff (D-Coins)
Monolith Staff (D-Coins/Rare)
Mooncaller Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Mooncalling Staff
Mooncrash (D-Amulet)
Moonridge Honorstaff (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Moonsabre Staff (All Versions)
Morganite Gembinder (D-Coins)
Mother's Love (D-Coins)
Motherlove (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Mountain Mover (D-Coins)
Mud Covered Sewer Staff
Mulberry Arc (Seasonal)
Mulled Cider Mug Staff
Mulled Void Cider Mug Staff (D-Coins)
Mummy's (Torment, Curse) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Mutated Staph (D-Amulet)
Mystic Desert Glass (D-Amulet)


Nature Dragon's Power (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Nature's Call
Nature's Force
Nature's Power (I-XI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Necromancer Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Necrostaff (Necromancer Default) (Retired)
Necrostaff (Necromancer Default)
Neela Paani Staff (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Neriad's Eye (D-Amulet)
Neutron Staff
Nieboheim's Reminiscence (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Night Annex Stave
Night Vision (Rare)
Nightli's Cry (D-Coins)
Noble Hallow'd Staff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Noon Oath (I-VIII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Norite Rod
Notha's Experimental Staff (D-Medal)
Notha's Fatecaster (D-Medal; D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Notus (D-Coins)
Novenary Frost Spectre (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Nunti Bo

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 10/13/2024 10:16:15 >
DF AQW  Post #: 6
1/18/2016 3:19:49   

Staves & Wands (O-Z)


Obelisk, The (Rare)
Obsidian Altar Staff (D-Amulet)
Obsidian Dragon Staff (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Obsidian Rod
Obsidian SkullStaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Octonary Frost Spectre (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Oddwind, The Trav'ler (D-Amulet)
Off-Balanced Staff
Oishii's Clear Crystalfish Staff
Oishii's Crystalfish Staff
Okami Code
Okami's Fury
Olive Branch (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Omen (Temp)
Onyx Altar Staff
Onyx Gembinder (D-Coins)
Ooze Covered Sewer Staff (D-Amulet)
Opal Gembinder (D-Coins)
Orange Rose Staff (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Alexander; Normal; D-Amulet)
Orbed Staff (D-Amulet)
Orchid Arc (Seasonal)
Oscillation (D-Coins)
Otherworldly Staff
Oven Baked Turkey Leg (D-Medal/Seasonal)
OverCharged Electro-Generator (D-Amulet)
Overclocked Charge (D-Amulet)
Oversized Knight's Spoon (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Oversized Undead Spoon (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)


Paladin Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Pale Silver Staff
Palladinum Staff
Pallor's Frozen Staff (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Penguin Staff
Pennyweight Rod (D-Amulet)
Penultimate DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Pequod's Harpoon (D-Amulet/Rare)
Perfect Spectrus Staff (Rare)
Peridot Gembinder (D-Coins)
Periwinkle Arc (Seasonal)
Perse Flame
Phantom Skies Stave
Pharaoh's Wrath
Phloem (D-Coins)
Pillartrope (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Pirate Rod (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Pit Fighter Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Pitchfork (All Versions)
Plantain (All Versions)
Plated Silver Staff
Platinum Lights Staff (Seasonal)
Plushie Foam Staff (Seasonal)
Poisonous Perse Flame (D-Amulet)
Poison et Roses Staff (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Polished Rhongomyniad (D-Coins/Rare)
Pomegranate Arc (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Potent Hallow'd Staff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Powerline (D-Amulet)
Prankster's Hawkstaff (D-Coins/Rare)
Pressurestaff (D-Amulet)
Primary Frost Spectre (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Primeval Heartwood Staff (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Pristine DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Pristine Hallow'd Staff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Professional Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Posey (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Pulsing Renaissance
Pumpkinator Polearm (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Pure DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Pure Golden Rage (I-XI) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pure Pool Prod
Purified Guard's Staff (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Purple Arc (Seasonal)
Purple Orb of the Ancients
Purple Slime Staff (D-Amulet)
Pyrope Gembinder (D-Coins)


Q-Squared (Temp)
Quakerunner Staff
Quaternary Frost Spectre (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Queen Dragon Staff of Clubs (D-Coins)
Queen Dragon Staff of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Queen Dragon Staff of Hearts (D-Coins)
Queen Dragon Staff of Spades (D-Coins)
Queen Staff of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Queen Staff of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Queen Staff of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Queen Staff of Spades (D-Amulet)
Quinary Frost Spectre (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)


Radiant Rhongomyniad (D-Coins/Rare)
Radiant Sapphmerald Staff
Radient Orb
Ranger's Support (D-Amulet)
Rathon - Focus of Change (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Rattling Maracas (Rare)
Raucous Chainstaff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Reaper's Rod (I-X) (Seasonal)
Recyklon Rod (Rare)
Red Hot Flare Imp Staff (D-Amulet)
Red Rose Staff (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Alexander; Normal; D-Amulet)
Red Wind Rod (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Reforged Boreas
Reforged Magelord's Scepter
Reforged Spectrus Staff
Regal 301st Staff (D-Amulet)
Reign Staff (D-Coins)
Relaxing Staff of Primal Water (D-Amulet)
Resident Jing's Staff (Alexander)
Resounding Nexus (D-Coins)
Resplendent Rhongomyniad (D-Coins/Rare)
Restful Staff of Primal Water (D-Amulet)
Returner's Staff (D-Amulet)
Rhubarb's Booty Staff (I-X) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rhubarb's Fancy Booty Staff (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Righteous DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Righteous Hand, The
Rip Current
Ripper Staff (All Versions) (Rare)
Roaring Chainstaff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Rod of Nature's Command
Rod of Reflection
Rod of the Fiery Fist
Rod of the Oculus (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rod of the Shard (D-Amulet)
Roibup's Razzor Staff
Roiling Rip Current (D-Amulet)
Rose Engraved Fauchard (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rose Engraved Staff (D-Coins)
Rose Engraved Wand (D-Coins)
Rose Eternal Legacy Staff (I-X) (D-Coins)
Rose Legacy Staff (I-XI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rose Spear (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Rotten Viral Tusk Staff (Seasonal)
Royal 301st Staff
Royal Vault Staff (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Rubied Staff
Ruby Spike (D-Amulet)
Rusted Bandit's Staff
Rusty Royal Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Sacrificial Crystal Skull Scepter (D-Amulet)
Salvaged Spar (I-VI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Sanguine Flame Staff (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Sanguine Skullstaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Sapphirine Gembinder (D-Coins)
Sausagemancer's Delight (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Savant Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Saving Resolution (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Savory Turkey Leg (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Scepter of the Shattered Dream (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Scimistave (Alexander)
Scorching Flare Imp Staff
Scorpiarc Staff
Scourged Cursed Pharoh Staff (Normal; D-Coins)
Sea's Favor (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Second Frost Spectre, The (D-Amulet/Rare)
Secondary Frost Spectre (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Seeing Eye Staff
Senary Frost Spectre (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Septenary Frost Spectre (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Serene Staff of Primal Water (D-Amulet)
Serenity's Wisdom (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
SerpentShard, The
Serris (D-Coins)
Servo (D-Coins)
Shadow Entity's Defense (Rare)
Shadow Staff (All Versions)
Shadowstaff (Ancient Shadow Mage Default) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Shadowstaff (Shadow Mage Default) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Shaking Maracas (Rare)
Sharp Blackwyn Staff
Sharp Cider Mug Staff
Sharp Void Cider Mug Staff (D-Coins)
Shattered Love Staff (Seasonal)
Shattermind (D-Amulet)
Shimmering Scythe (D-Amulet)
Shining DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Shining Eternal Hourglass Staff (I-VII) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Shining Vein of Reversal (Rare)
Shiny Gold Wand (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Shiny Rhongomyniad (D-Coins/Rare)
Shiny Sapphmerald Staff
Shiny Skull Wand (I-V) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sickly Sickle (D-Amulet)
Sierloth (Rare)
Sil Magestave (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Silver Arrows Mark (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Silver Lights Staff (Seasonal)
Simple Bellstaff
Simple Luminous Whiff (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Simple Nature's Power (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Sinister Crystal Skull Scepter
Sir Jing's Staff (I-IX) (Rare; Normal; D-Amulet)
Siren's Tear (D-Amulet)
Sizzling Flare Imp Staff (D-Amulet)
Sizzling Lance of Doom
Skull Wand (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Skullpiercer (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
SkullStaff of Doom
Sky Blue Crystal Blade (I-VI) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Slightly Bowed Staff
Slime Staff
Slimming Staff (D-Amulet)
Smoldering Flare Imp Staff
Sneevrick Rod (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Snowpacolypse Snowman's Arm (D-Coins/Rare)
Soggy Spystaff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Solar Beam (D-Coins)
Solarstaff (D-Coins)
Solar Burst
Solid Obsidian Rod
Somber Entity's Defense (Rare)
Sonic Staff (D-Amulet)
Soothing Staff of Primal Water (D-Amulet)
Sorcerer's Trump, The (D-Coins)
SoulForged Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
SoulForged Wand (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
SoulSmith Staff (I-XI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spade (D-Amulet)
Spear of Repentance (D-Coins)
Spectral Miasmal Staff (D-Coins/Rare)
Spectral Night Vision (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Spellwing (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Spiced Cider Mug Staff
Spiced Void Cider Mug Staff (D-Coins)
Spider Queen's Venom (I, II, III) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Spider Slayer Staff (I-IV) (Rare)
Spider's Embrace (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spongy Foam Staff (Seasonal)
Spystaff of Alacrity (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spystaff of Frost (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spystaff of Judgment (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spystaff of Static (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Squashy Foam Staff (Seasonal)
Squishy Foam Staff (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Stabilized Arista Labyrinthic (D-Amulet)
Stable Warpgenerator
Staff (Ascendant Default) (D-Amulet)
Staff (DragonMage Default) (D-Amulet)
Staff (Mage Default)
Staff of Amon Ra's Eye (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Staff of Balance
Staff of Clubs (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Staff of Coldness (D-Amulet)
Staff of Diamonds (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Staff of Eye-Rule (D-Amulet)
Staff of Falconreach (I-IX) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Staff of Fancies (I-VI) (Rare)
Staff of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Staff of Hearts (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Staff of Mana (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Staff of Poison (I-VI)
Staff of Primal Water (D-Amulet)
Staff of Revelry (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Staff of Sleet (D-Amulet)
Staff of Spades (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Staff of Tears (Rare)
Staff of Thanatos
Staff of the (Tides, High Tides)
Staff of the Amulet (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Staff of the Bright Fire Sign
Staff of the Burning Fire Sign
Staff of the Dragonlords (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Staff of the Eclipse of DOOM (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Staff of the Fire Sign
Staff of the Gleaming Lantern
Staff of the Glowing Fire Sign
Staff of the Infinite (D-Coins)
Staff of the North (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Staff of the Owl
Staff of the Shard (D-Amulet)
Staff of the Sun
Staff of the Vivid Fire Sign
Staff of Trelix (D-Amulet)
Staff of Unity (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Staff of Valentine's Pride (I-XI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Staff of Whoops! (Rare)
Staff Z-5120 Mach (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Staghorn Coral Staff (D-Amulet)
Star of Glory
Starlight Staff (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Starter Wand (D-Amulet)
Stave of Kings (Alexander)
Stave of Valentine's Pride (I-XI) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Steam-Powered Staff
SteamGear Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Steel Lotus
Sterling Silver Staff
Stinky Fork of Moglin Poking +6
Stipule Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Stolen Rose Staff (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Stolen Staff (Nythera Default) (Temp)
Stony Coral Staff (D-Amulet)
Stormbringer (D-Amulet)
Strath (D-Coins)
Stray High Tide (D-Amulet)
Strong Luster
Strong Rip Current (D-Amulet)
Strong Staff of Purity (D-Amulet/Rare)
Sturdy Gungnir
Stygian Entity's Defense (D-Amulet/Rare)
Subdued Terrastera
Superior Burning Bloodletter (D-Amulet)
Superior Luster
Supermassive Warpgenerator (D-Amulet)
Supreme Ashara (D-Amulet)
Susamaji (D-Amulet/Rare)
Swamp Stick (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Sweet Cider Mug Staff
Sweet Void Cider Mug Staff (D-Coins)
Swift Rip Current (D-Amulet)
Sword (Riftwalker Default) (D-Amulet)
Swordhaven Hero Trident (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Swordhaven Rose Trident (All Versions)
Systerity Staff (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Tainted Bandit's Staff
Talon Magic
Tanzanite Rod (D-Amulet/Rare)
Tarnished Wand (Seasonal)
Tasty Turkey Leg (D-Medal/Seasonal)
T-Bone Breaker (D-Amulet)
Techangel Staff
Technomancer Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Tempered Inferno (D-Coins)
Tenebrous Entity's Defense (Rare)
Terrastera, Earth's Power (D-Amulet)
Tertiary Frost Spectre (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Thawsprout Staff (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Third Frost Spectre, The (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Rare)
Thorny Coral Staff (D-Amulet)
Three Sister's Staff (D-Amulet)
Thrumming Renaissance
Thyton's High Naginata (D-Amulet/Rare)
Thyton's Naginata (Rare)
Ticktock (D-Amulet)
Tidal Wavespanner Wand (D-Amulet)
Tiki Staff (Rare)
Tog (Togslayer Default) (Seasonal; D-Coins)
Togsmas Staff (II-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Tong, The (D-Amulet)
Torment's (Hunger, Craving, Maw) (D-Amulet)
Tournament Staff (I-X) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Toxic Cursed Pharoh Staff (Normal; D-Coins)
Toxic Torafugu (D-Amulet)
Toxic Venum (D-Amulet)
Training Staff
Tranquil Staff of Primal Water (D-Amulet)
Treasure Key Staff (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Treat Yourself (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Tree of Death Seedling (D-Coins)
Tree of Life Seedling (D-Coins)
Tricolor Glowstaff (D-Amulet)
Trident of Linea (D-Amulet)
Triumvirate Prism (D-Amulet)
Trowel (D-Amulet)
Turducken Crest (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Tusker Staff of the North Wind (All Versions) (Rare)
Twig's Systerity Staff (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Twinned Stave (D-Amulet)
Twisted Balloon Staff (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Typhoon Staff (D-Amulet)


Ultimate DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Ultimate Pony Hobby Horse
Ultimate Staff of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Ultimate Star of Glory (D-Amulet)
Ultramarine Dream
Unchained Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Undead Obsidian Dragon Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Underworld Defender (I, II, III) (D-Amulet)
Unlucky 13th Staff (I-VIII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Unlucky Dark Staff (All Versions) (Rare; D-Medal)
Unlucky Dread Pillar (All Versions)
Unlucky SkullStaff of Doom (D-Amulet)
Unreal Skullstaff of Doom (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Unrequited Love (I-IV) (Seasonal)
Unsqueakable Farce (Staff)
Unstable Warpgenerator
Unyielding Obsidian Rod (D-Amulet)
Upright DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Uroboros Scepter (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Ursice Stone Staff (All Versions) (Rare)
Ursus Branch (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Valoroth's Doomed Scepter (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Valorous Star of Glory
Vein of Reversal (Rare)
Venomous Cursed Pharoh Staff (Normal; D-Coins)
Venum (D-Amulet)
Verne's Staff (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Vespid Needler (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Vexed Miasmal Staff (D-Coins/Rare)
Victory Staff (I, II, III)
Vile Infused Rose Spear (I-IX) (D-Coins)
Vineblade Halberd (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Violet Arc (Seasonal)
Violet Lights Staff (Seasonal)
Viral Tusk Staff (Seasonal)
Virulent Cursed Pharoh Staff (Normal; D-Coins)
Vivid Rhongomyniad (D-Coins/Rare)
Void Cider Mug Staff (D-Coins)
Void Pony Hobby Horse
Void's Umbra (All Versions)
Voidcutter Spear (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Voidsplinter Tether (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Vorstorm (D-Coins)
Vortex Ripper (I, II, III)
Vortex, The (D-Amulet)


Waning Mark of the Eclipse
Waning Silver (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
War Wolf Staff (I-VI) (D-Medal)
Warden Staff (I, II, III) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Warm Cider Mug Staff
Warm Void Cider Mug Staff (D-Coins)
Wastelands Staff, The (D-Amulet)
Watcher's Wings (All Versions)
Waterfang Rod
Wavespanner Wand
Wayward High Tide (D-Amulet)
Weak Luster
Weaver Staff (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Well-Done Flaming Bacon Lance (Staff) (D-Amulet)
Whimsical Jester's Baton (2010) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Whimsical Wand (D-Amulet)
WhirlWind, The
Winds of Lore (Alexander)
Winning Luck O' the Sneevish Staff (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Wicked Blackwyn Staff
Withering Cherry Blossom (D-Amulet)
Withering staff (D-Amulet)
Wizard's Scepter, The (Rare)
Wizard's Worth (D-Amulet)
Wondrous DragonStaff of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Worldlever, The (D-Amulet)
Worldstaff (D-Amulet)
Wormwood's Staff (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Wrapped Staff (Seasonal; D-Medal/Seasonal)
Wrath of the Ocean (D-Coins)


Xan's Wrath
Xysis (D-Coins)


Yellow Rose Staff (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Alexander; Normal; D-Amulet)
Yosamu (D-Amulet/Rare)
Your First Staff
Yummy Turkey Leg (D-Medal/Seasonal)


Zappy (D-Amulet)
ZardSlayer Staff (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Zephyr (D-Amulet)
Zurvana's Blessing (D-Coins)

< Message edited by Jay -- 1/22/2025 18:17:18 >
DF AQW  Post #: 7
1/18/2016 3:20:20   

Pierce weapons typically used by players of Rogue base class; damage is increased by player's DEX stat.


13th Dagger (All Versions) (Seasonal; Rare)
301st Dagger
6 Inch Hero Combo (D-Amulet)


Absent Eshrva (D-Amulet)
Abyssal Silver Wakizashi (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Abysscutter Dagger (D-Coins)
Ace of Spades (D-Amulet)
Advanced CorDemi Codex (Normal; D-Coins)
Advanced Spectrus Dagger (Rare)
Afflicted Viral Tusk Shiv (Seasonal)
Affliction's (Ache, Agony, Anguish) (D-Amulet)
Agate Dagger
Ageos (D-Coins)
Aggregate Dagger (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Aglow Carnwennan (D-Coins/Rare)
Ahab's Antique Hooks (D-Amulet)
Ahab's Rusty Hooks
Ahab's Tarnished Hooks
Akinetos' Fury (D-Amulet)
Aleph's Point (D-Amulet)
Amber Katar of the Harvest (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Amber Twist (D-Amulet)
Ameronian Slicers (D-Amulet)
Amethyst Point (D-Amulet/Rare)
Amethyst Pointer (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ancient Banana (I-IX) (Rare)
Ancient Flux
Ancient Frost Moglin Knife (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Anlace (of the Resistance) (D-Amulet)
Antipode Edge (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Antithesis Point (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Appreciation (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Aquerille (Potent, Perfect) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Aquetis (Force, Frenzy, Fury) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Arctis (D-Coins)
Arena Fighter Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Arete (D-Coins)
Arista Tauran (D-Amulet)
Ashita's Horns (D-Amulet)
Asp, The
Astravian Wingknife (I-VI) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Astute Carver
Atrea Dream Dagger (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Au'Bacon Carver (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Augur's Bane (D-Coins)
Aural Fork (D-Coins)
Aurite Blades (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Autumn Ripper (Rare)
Aves (D-Amulet)
Azure Edge
Azure Lights Knife (Seasonal)


Baconated Shank of Doom
Baconing (Dagger), The
Banana (All Versions)
Bandit's Butterknife (D-Amulet)
Banesidhe (D-Coins)
Barber's Blade
Barnacle Shucker
Baron's Dagger, The (Rare)
Base Shardknife (D-Amulet/Rare)
Base Spectrus Dagger (Rare)
Basic CorDemi Codex (Normal; D-Amulet)
Battle Syringe Type D (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
BattleOn Dagger
Battlespire Brawler Dagger (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Battlespire Novice Dagger (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Batwing Hatchet (I, II, III) (Seasonal)
Bayamo Bolo (D-Amulet)
BeachComber (I-IV) (Rare)
Bear Hunter's Dagger
Bell Flower Blade (D-Amulet)
Binding Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Biting Blade (Rare)
Bitter Flash (Rare)
Black Jack
Black Runed Dagger (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blackwyn Daggers
Blade of the Deepsun
Blades of the Gleaming Lantern
Blazing Carnwennan (D-Coins/Rare)
Blazing Fire Sale Dagger (D-Coins/Rare)
Blighted Grim Ripper (D-Amulet)
Blinder, The (D-Coins)
Blinding Techangel Edge
Blissful Starlight Skean (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Blistering Kilhoh Blade (D-Amulet)
Blooddrop Knife (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Bloody Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Blue Coral Dagger (D-Amulet)
Bone Shard Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Bone Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Bonesplinter Shard (I, II, III) (D-Amulet)
Bottle Blade (All Versions)
Brain Freezers (D-Amulet)
Braughlmurk Shiv (D-Amulet)
Brave Blade (All Versions) (Rare)
Breezy Zephyric Pinwheel +3
Bright Midday (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Bright Sun Rise (Rare)
Brilliant Blade
Brilliant Carnwennan (D-Coins/Rare)
Brilliant Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Brittle Horn (D-Amulet)
Bright Carnwennan (D-Coins/Rare)
Brightmist Carver (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Brilliant Techangel Edge (D-Amulet)
Broken Blade (Normal; Alexander)
Bronze Dirk
Bubble Coral Dagger (D-Amulet)
Bubbly Cider Mug Shiv (D-Amulet)
Bubbly Void Cider Mug Shiv (D-Coins)
Burnfang (Potent, Perfect) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Burning Curse, The (D-Amulet)
Burning Kilhoh Blade
Burning Love Dagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Butcher's Knife
Butter Knife
Butterfly Delusion (All Versions)


Call Of The Sea (D-Amulet)
Can Opener, The
Candied Carrots (D-Coins)
Candy Dagger (Seasonal)
Captain Tripps (D-Coins)
Captain's Hook (D-Amulet)
Captured Pearl (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Carmine Edge
Carved Tooth Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Carving Fork (I-X) (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Cat's Eye Kama (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Cauldron Daggers (I-VII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Celestia's Thorn (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Celestial Betrayal (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Chaindagger (Seasonal)
Chainsaw of the Black Rogue (D-Amulet)
Chainsaw of the Red Rogue (D-Amulet)
ChaosMoon Slice (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Chaos Point (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Chaotic Slicers (D-Coins)
Chirop's Kris (D-Coins)
Chronodagger (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Chronos Cross (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Chrysotile Knife (D-Amulet)
Cider Mug Shiv
Cirrus Cutter (I, II, III)
Citrine Gemcutter (D-Coins)
Clattering Maracas (Rare)
Claw of Stealth
Clockwork Dirk (D-Amulet)
Cloudy Crystal Skull Athame
Cobalt Lights Knife (Seasonal)
Cobalt Stiletto (D-Amulet)
Cold Fright (D-Amulet)
Colossal Turducken Plume (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Combusting Point
Commemorative Birthday Dagger (I-XII) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Conductor (D-Amulet)
Consuming Cursed Serpent Claw (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Contender Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Corona Night Annex Daggers
Corroded Khanjar
Corrupt Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Corruption (D-Amulet)
Cracked Dagger
Crashing Chaindagger (Seasonal)
Crawling Sting
Crescent of the Eclipse
Crimson Cleaver
Crimson Lights Knife (Seasonal)
Crimson Slasher
Crisp (Edge, Blade) (D-Amulet)
Crispy Leg Bone (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Critical Strike (D-Amulet)
Crossbow (Apprentice Hero Default) (Temp)
Cruel Viral Tusk Shiv (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Crystal Skull Athame
Crystalline Blades (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Cumulonimbus Razor (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Curved Crystal
Curved Dagger
Cushiony Foam Dagger (Seasonal)
Cushy Foam Dagger (Seasonal)
Cutting Nettle
Cyan Twangblade (D-Coins)
Cyclone Blades
Cysero's Baco-Mania (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Cysero's Defender Dagger (D-Coins)
Cysero's Hamsterocalypse (All Versions) (D-Coins)


Dad's BBQ Fork (I-IX) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Dagera (D-Coins)
Dagger (Cryptic Default) (D-Amulet)
Dagger (DragonRogue Default) (D-Amulet)
Dagger (Rogue Default)
Dagger of Amon Ra's Eye (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Dagger of Clubs
Dagger of Diamonds
Dagger of Eye-Rule (D-Amulet)
Dagger of Falconreach (I-IX) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Dagger of Hearts
Dagger of Mana (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Dagger of Primal Earth (D-Amulet)
Dagger of Revelry (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Dagger of Spades
Dagger of the Amulet (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Dagger of the Bright Fire Sign
Dagger of the Burning Fire Sign
Dagger of the Fire Sign
Dagger of the Forest (D-Amulet)
Dagger of the Glowing Fire Sign
Daggers of the Eclipse of DOOM (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Daggers of the Shattered Dream (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dagger of the Vivid Fire Sign
Dagger of Thirst (Rare)
Dagger of Unity (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Dagger of Valentine's Pride (I-XI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Dagger of Whims (I-VI) (Rare)
Dagger Z-5120 Mach (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Daggers of Stabina (D-Amulet)
Dark Batwing Hatchet (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Dark Blackwyn Daggers
Dusty Blackwyn Daggers
Dark Chaos Point (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dark Entity's Steel (Rare)
Dark Epee (D-Amulet)
Dark Midknife (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Dark Moon Rising (I-VI dagger) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Dark Star Kodachi (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dark Strong Resolution (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Time Daggers (I-X) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Dark Twin Blades of Doom
Darkovian Dagger
Darkovian Destruction Dagger
Dead Wave (D-Coins)
Deadly Cursed Serpent Claw (Normal; D-Coins)
Deadly Dirk (D-Amulet)
Deadly Fugu Hiki
Deadly Rip (D-Amulet)
Deadly Swamp Sai (I-V) (D-Coins)
Death Ivy Dagger (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Death's Tune (D-Amulet)
DeathFire Point (D-Coins)
Deep Cut, The (D-Amulet)
Deep Damage
Deep Fried Leg Bone (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Deepshine (D-Coins)
Defiled Truthsayer (D-Coins)
Delectable Leg Bone (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Delicious Leg Bone (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Deluge (I-V) (D-Amulet)
Demento's Brilliant Dagger (D-Amulet)
Demento's Dagger (D-Amulet)
Demento's Gleaming Dagger (D-Amulet)
Demon Chopper (D-Amulet)
Dense Dagger of Primal Earth (D-Amulet)
Depths of Madness (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Destruction Dagger
Devil's Grin Dagger (D-Amulet)
Devouring Cursed Serpent Claw (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Diabolic Dagger
Diamond-edged Dagger (D-Amulet)
Diamond Chakram (D-Amulet)
Digger's Dagger (D-Amulet)
Dire Dagger
Dire Demon Chopper
Dire Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Dirk of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Dirk of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Dirk of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Dirk of Insanity (D-Amulet)
Dirk of Spades (1) (D-Amulet)
Dirk of Spades (2) (D-Amulet)
Dirk of the Infinite (D-Coins)
Dissolution (Seasonal)
Divide (D-Coins)
Divine Star of Glory
Dragon Ace of Clubs Dirk (D-Coins)
Dragon Ace of Diamonds Dirk (D-Coins)
Dragon Ace of Hearts Dirk (D-Coins)
Dragon Ace of Spades Dirk (D-Coins)
Dragon Carving Fork (I-X) (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Dragon Dirk of Clubs (D-Coins)
Dragon Dirk of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Dragon Dirk of Hearts (D-Coins)
Dragon Dirk of Spades (D-Coins)
Dragon Head Knife (I-VII) (Seasonal)
Dragon Mages Wept (I-X) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Dragon Oculus (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dragon Rogues Wept (I-X) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Dragon's Alluring Evil (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Dragon's Quill (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Dragon's Revenge (I, II, III)
Dragonhorn Shiv (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
DragonKnight Dagger (I-V) (D-Coins)
Dragonlord's Prize (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Dragonoid Dagger (I-V) (D-Coins)
Dragonsfall Dagger
Dragontooth Dagger (D-Amulet)
Drake's Claw
Dread Malspike (D-Amulet)
Dread Pirate Poniard (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Dread Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Duke's Dagger, The (Rare)
Dull 301st Dagger (Alexander)
Dust Devil


Earthvessel Dagger (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ebb Flow
Ebil Incarnate Cleaver (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Edge of Glory
Edge of the Crescent Moon (I-V)
Edge of Rebellion (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Edge of Valentine's Pride (I-XI) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Eerie Miasmal Knife (D-Coins/Rare)
Electric Arcs (D-Amulet)
Electric Elven Points (D-Amulet)
Electric Powerdirk (Rare)
Electroplasma Dagger
Elevated Hallow'd Dagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Elite Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Elite Dagger of Clubs (D-Amulet/Rare)
Elite Dagger of Diamonds (D-Amulet/Rare)
Elite Dagger of Hearts (D-Amulet/Rare)
Elite Dagger of Spades (D-Amulet/Rare)
Elite Dirk of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Elite Dirk of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Elite Dirk of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Elite Dirk of Spades (D-Amulet)
Elite Dragon Dirk of Clubs (D-Coins)
Elite Dragon Dirk of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Elite Dragon Dirk of Hearts (D-Coins)
Elite Dragon Dirk of Spades (D-Coins)
Elite Knife of the Sunken Rose (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Elite Pactogonal Dagger (All Versions)
Elite Zephyrus (Rare)
Elucidas' Mithril Dagger (D-Amulet)
Elucidas' Platinum Dagger
Elucidas' Silver Dagger
Ember's Poker
Emerald Clovers (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Emerald Daggers of Purity (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Emerald Lights Knife (Seasonal)
Emo (Temp)
Enamelled Forest Edge
Enchanted Butterfly Delusion (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Enchanted Dragon Dagger (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Endure (D-Coins)
Energy Consumer (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Enzik's Dagger of Golden Light
Enzik's Light
Escelense Defender Daggers (I-V) (D-Medal)
Escelense Dragon Defender Daggers (I-VII) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Eshrva (D-Amulet)
Etaos' Needle (D-Coins)
Eternal Hourglass Dagger (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Eternal Spring Edge (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Ewolyn's Thorn (I-IV) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Ex's Calibur of Forgiveness (I-VII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Exalted Moonbleed (D-Amulet)
Explorer's blade
Extra Crispy Shank of Doom (D-Amulet)
Eye of the Void (D) (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)


Fadestone Shiv (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Fading Ume (D-Amulet)
Faith of Isolde (I-IV) (Seasonal)
Fallen Ice Dragon Edge (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Fast Rip (D-Amulet)
Fatal Salad (D-Amulet)
Felsic Blade (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Ferocitas (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Fever Blade
Fidelity's Blessing (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Fidelity's Half Blessing (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Fierce Rip
Fiery Kilhoh Blade (D-Amulet)
Final Daggers of Stabina (D-Amulet)
Fire Gem Daggers
Fire Swirl
Fireline (D-Amulet)
Fireslice (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
First Frost Devil, The (D-Amulet/Rare)
Fission (D-Coins)
Flame of the Ancients (D-Coins)
Flamestone Shiv
Flash Arc (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Fleetest Pearl (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Flightless Dagger (D-Amulet)
Flowing Night Annex Daggers (D-Amulet)
Fluctuating Renewal
Foamy Cider Mug Shiv
Foamy Void Cider Mug Shiv (D-Coins)
Foliated Shiv (D-Coins)
Fool's Ravendagger (D-Coins/Rare)
Fork of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Forsaken Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Fortunate Luck O' the Sneevish Blade (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Fortune's Heir (D-Amulet)
Fractured Dagger (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Fragmented Blade
Frankenblade (D-Coins)
FrankenFinger (I-VII) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Fresh Cider Mug Shiv (D-Amulet)
Fresh Void Cider Mug Shiv (D-Coins)
Freshened Pearl (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Frigid Arctic Dirk (D-Amulet)
Frigid Dirk
Frond Flayer (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Frost Dragon Head Knife (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frost Moglin Defender Blades (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Frost Moglin Slayer Blades (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Frost Pointe
Frost Pumpkin Knife (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Frosted Stiletto (D-Amulet)
Frosted Tips (D-Amulet)
Frostfyre's Cestus (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Frostval Wish Cutlass (I-XII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frostvale Spruce (I-IX) (Seasonal)
Frozen Blade (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Frozen Breath Dagger (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Frozen Chakram
Frozen Dagger (D-Coins)
Frozen Kris
Frozen Spirit Dagger (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Fugu Hiki
Fungus Covered Sewer Dagger
Funky Cider Mug Shiv (D-Amulet)
Funky Void Cider Mug Shiv (D-Coins)
Furfur's Shadowprism Blade
Fury's Edge (All Versions) (Rare)


Galaxy Shiv (I-IV) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Galena Dagger
Gangrene Gladius (D-Amulet)
Gary's Dagger (D-Amulet)
Gasher (D-Amulet)
Gem Encrusted Dagger
Geo's Verdelite Blades (All Versions) (Rare)
Ghastly Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Ghostly Miasmal Knife (D-Coins/Rare)
Giltish Daggers (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Gizmo Gutter
Glacial Frigid Dirk (D-Amulet)
Glacial Frigida Dirk (Rare)
Gleaming Carmine Edge (D-Amulet)
Glistening Carmine Edge
Glittering Chakram
Glittering Frigid Dirk (D-Amulet)
Globus Lux (D-Coins)
Glorious Hallow'd Dagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Glossy Carnwennan (D-Coins/Rare)
Glossy Sapphmerald Dagger
Glowing Starlight Skean (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Gnome Ranger, The (D-Amulet/Rare)
Gnomecraft Dagger
Gold-Plated Steak Knife (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Golden Awl (D-Coins)
Golden Delicious Daggers (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Golden Edge of Glory
Golden Fire (D-Amulet)
Golden Lights Knife (Seasonal)
Golden Monolith (I-XI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Golden Order Dagger (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Golden Poniard
Golden Poniard (I-V)
Goo Covered Sewer Dagger
Grand Fire Slice (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Grand Master Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Grand Tectonik
Gravitron (D-Coins)
Greasy Leg Bone (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Great Daggers of Stabina (D-Amulet)
Great Dirk of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Great Dirk of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Great Dirk of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Great Dirk of Spades (D-Amulet)
Great Dragon Dirk of Clubs (D-Coins)
Great Dragon Dirk of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Great Dragon Dirk of Hearts (D-Coins)
Great Dragon Dirk of Spades (D-Coins)
Great Naturaus (D-Amulet)
Greater BattleOn Dagger
Greater Crimson Cleaver
Greater Darkovian Dagger
Greater Darkovian Destruction Dagger
Greater Destruction Dagger (D-Amulet)
Greater Dirk of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Greater Dirk of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Greater Dirk of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Greater Dirk of Spades (1) (D-Amulet)
Greater Dirk of Spades (2) (D-Amulet)
Greater Dragon Dirk of Clubs (D-Coins)
Greater Dragon Dirk of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Greater Dragon Dirk of Hearts (D-Coins)
Greater Dragon Dirk of Spades (D-Coins)
Greater Dragontooth Dagger (D-Amulet)
Greater Galvanized Dagger (D-Amulet)
Greater Naturaus (D-Amulet)
Green Crystal Blade (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Green Pax (D-Coins)
Grenwog Dragon Egg Dagger (I-XI) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Grenwog Egg Dagger (I-VII) (Seasonal)
Grim Entity's Steel (Rare)
Grim Ripper
Grim Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Grisly Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Guided Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Gyre Night Annex Daggers

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 3/2/2025 14:47:40 >
DF AQW  Post #: 8
1/18/2016 3:20:45   

Daggers (H-N)


Half Fractured Dagger (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Half Gear Gun (I-V) (D-Coins)
Half Point of Rebellion (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Half Pygmy Pony Daggers (Rare)
Half-Half Gear Gun (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Half-off Elite Zephyrus (Rare)
Half-off Frostvale Spruce (I-V) (Rare)
Half-off High Dagger of Clubs (D-Amulet/Rare)
Half-off Higher Dagger of Clubs (D-Amulet/Rare)
Half-off Zephyrus (Rare)
Hallow'd Dagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Hard Dagger of Primal Earth (D-Amulet)
Hardened Dagger of Primal Earth (D-Amulet)
Harrowing Dagger (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Harvest Ripper (I-XI) (Seasonal; Rare)
Haunted Miasmal Knife (D-Coins/Rare)
Heart of the Flame
Heart Surgeon's Dagger (Seasonal)
Heartburn (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Heartisan Carver (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Heartless Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Hearty Leg Bone (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Heavy Midgard Serpent Chakram
Heliotrope Pointer (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Hero's Gleaming Essence
Hero's Golden Essence (D-Amulet)
Hero's Heart Carver (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Hero's Lambent Essence
Hero's Secret, The (D-Amulet)
Hero's Triumphant Essence (D-Amulet)
Hero's Vivid Essence
Hexblades (D-Amulet)
High Crescent of the Eclipse (D-Amulet)
High Dagger of Clubs (D-Amulet)
High Dagger of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
High Dagger of Hearts (D-Amulet)
High Dagger of Spades (D-Amulet)
High Dirk of Clubs (D-Amulet)
High Dirk of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
High Dirk of Hearts (D-Amulet)
High Dirk of Spades (D-Amulet)
High Dragon Dirk of Clubs (D-Coins)
High Dragon Dirk of Diamonds (D-Coins)
High Dragon Dirk of Hearts (D-Coins)
High Dragon Dirk of Spades (D-Coins)
High Flightless Dagger (D-Amulet)
High Hallow'd Dagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
High Kaavi (D-Amulet)
High Paltrin (D-Amulet)
High Praise (D-Amulet)
Horrific Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Hot Kilhoh Blade (D-Amulet)
Hunter's (Ferocity, Wrath) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Hunting Knife
Hush (D-Amulet)
Hydra's Curse (D-Amulet)
Hyetal Monolith Dagger (D-Coins/Rare)
Hyper Supermassive Warpdrive (D-Amulet/Rare)


Ice Elf Chakram (D-Amulet)
Ice Elf Knife (D-Amulet)
Ice Pick (D-Amulet)
IceWept Dagger (D-Coins)
IceWept Edge (D-Coins)
Icy Dagger
Icy Eshrva
Icy Heart's Blade (D-Coins)
Icy Midgard Serpent Chakram (D-Amulet)
Ignited Kilhoh Blade (D-Amulet)
Imbued Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Immense Turducken Plume (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Imperial Skean
Improved Spectrus Dagger (Rare)
Independence (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Infuscience Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Intense Rip
Invader's Beach Ball (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ionic Dagger
Itchi's Restrained Dagger (D-Coins)


J6's Revolvers (D-Coins)
Jaania's Blade (D-Amulet)
Jack O'Daggers (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Jack's Carver (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Jade Blade
Jade Point (Rare)
Jade Stiletto (D-Amulet)
Jagged Demon Chopper
Jawbreaker (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Jet Altar Dagger
Jova's Rage (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Jovial Prankster's Poinard 2010 (D-Amulet/Rare)
Joyful Starlight Skean (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Juicy Leg Bone (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Juliet's Dagger (Mark 2, Mark 3) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Jumbo Turducken Plume (D-Amulet/Seasonal)


Kaaros Alleri (Avi) (D-Amulet)
Kaavi (D-Amulet)
Karon's Dagger (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Karot Dagger (D-Amulet)
Keen Azure Edge
Keen Topaz Blades (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Kessel Dagger
Key Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Kheparis Skill (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Kilguin Filet Knife (D-Amulet)
Kilguin Poker (D-Amulet)
Kilguin Static Dagger (All Versions) (Rare)
Kilhoh Blade
Killer Carrot (D-Amulet)
Killer Rip
Killick's Point (D-Amulet)
Kindled Kilhoh Blade
King Dirk of Clubs (D-Amulet)
King Dirk of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
King Dirk of Hearts (D-Amulet)
King Dirk of Spades (D-Amulet)
King Dragon Dirk of Clubs (D-Coins)
King Dragon Dirk of Diamonds (D-Coins)
King Dragon Dirk of Hearts (D-Coins)
King Dragon Dirk of Spades (D-Coins)
Kismet Luck O' the Sneevish Blade (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Kitchen Master (D-Amulet)
Kizei's Kiss (D-Amulet)
Knave Dirk of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Knave Dirk of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Knave Dirk of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Knave Dirk of Spades (D-Amulet)
Knave Dragon Dirk of Clubs (D-Coins)
Knave Dragon Dirk of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Knave Dragon Dirk of Hearts (D-Coins)
Knave Dragon Dirk of Spades (D-Coins)
Knecrotic Knife (D-Amulet)
Knife of Searing
Knife of Tears (Rare)
Knife of the Oculus (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Ko Ken
Kosava Edge (D-Amulet)
Kress (Temp)


Lace Coral Dagger (D-Amulet)
Larimar Gemcutter (D-Coins)
Lavender Pointer (Seasonal)
Lazulite Dagger
Leftover Dagger Mk. (I-X) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Leftover Leg Bone (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Legendary Dagger of Aww (D-Amulet)
Legendary Dagger of Half Awf (D-Amulet/Rare)
Legendary Magma Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; Alexander)
Legendary Magma Dagger (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lesser Galvanized Dagger
Lethal Venii (D-Amulet)
Liberty Candle Dagger (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Lich's Blackwyn Daggers (D-Amulet)
Lich's End (D-Amulet)
Lifenel Daggers (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lilac Pointer (Seasonal)
Lim's Hydrocombustion Scalpel (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Lime Twangblade (D-Coins)
Limnal Monolith Dagger (D-Coins/Rare)
Liquid Tidebreaker Knives
Little Okane
Lizard Dagger (D-Amulet)
Loose Leaf Dagger
Lord Max's Hair Splitter
Lost Deluge (D-Amulet)
Lost Eshrva
Loud Chaindagger (Seasonal)
Lovely Time Daggers (I-X) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Low Paltrin (D-Amulet)
Lower Okuchi Claw
Lucent Carnwennan (D-Coins/Rare)
Luck O' the Sneevish Blade (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lucky Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Lucky Wakizashi (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Lucky's Strike (I, II, III) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Lukewarm Knife of Hellfire +1
LuluB (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lumina Sestis (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Luminous Sapphmerald Dagger (D-Amulet)
Luminous Techangel Edge
Lunar Lantern Knives (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Lunatic Shard
Lustrous Silver Dirk (D-Amulet)
Lyssa's Gall


Madness Blade (D-Coins)
Magnificent Hallow'd Dagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Major Brokenblade Dagger
Major Bronzed Dagger
Major Cyclonic Sickle Dagger
Major Dagger of Aww
Major Dagger of Half Awf (Rare)
Major Dragonsfall Dagger
Major Sunsabre Dagger
Mako Shiv (D-Amulet/Rare)
Malfor (D-Coins)
Malignant Plum Flame
Manawood Dagger (I-V) (D-Coins)
Marvelous Hallow'd Dagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Master CorDemi Codex (Normal; D-Coins)
Mauve Pointer (Seasonal)
Melting Arctic Dirk (D-Amulet)
Mephitic Dagger (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Mermaid's Hunting Knife
Mermaid's Sharp Hunting Knife
Midday (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Midgard Serpent Chakram
Midknife (Rare)
Midnight Hope (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Midsummer Rogue's Claw (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Mighty Fire Slice (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Mighty Kaavi (D-Amulet)
Mighty Shardknife (D-Amulet/Rare)
Mighty Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Mighty Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Mighty Zephyric Pinwheel +5 (D-Amulet)
Mini Lava Dagger (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Minnow (Rare)
Minor Brokenblade Dagger
Minor Bronzed Dagger
Minor Cyclonic Sickle Dagger
Minor Dagger of Aww
Minor Dagger of Half Awf (Rare)
Minor Dragonsfall Dagger
Minor Sunsabre Dagger
Mint Cream Cutter (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Mire Covered Sewer Dagger
Mire Malady
Mirror Sheen (Rare)
Misplaced Deluge (D-Amulet/Alexander)
Missed Deluge (D-Amulet)
Missed Eshrva
Modded Knife
Moglinberry Cider Mug Shiv (D-Amulet)
Moglinberry Void Cider Mug Shiv (D-Coins)
Molecular Mayo Misericorde (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Molten Dagger
Monolith Dagger (D-Coins/Rare)
Moonbleed (D-Amulet)
Mooncaller Sickle (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Moonridge Cutters (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Moonsabre Dagger (All Versions)
Morganite Gemcutter (D-Coins)
Moss Green Crystal Blade (I-VI) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Mottoro Shari Avi (D-Amulet)
Mud Covered Sewer Dagger
Mulberry Pointer (Seasonal)
Mulled Cider Mug Shiv
Mulled Void Cider Mug Shiv (D-Coins)


Naturaus (D-Amulet)
Nature's Favor
Nature's Point
Neela Paani Dagger (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Neutron Dagger
Nieboheim's Requiem (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Night Annex Daggers
Nightli's Whisper (D-Coins)
Noble Hallow'd Dagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Noon Vow (I-VIII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Notha's Experimental Dagger (D-Medal)
Notha's Fatepiercer (D-Medal; D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Novenary Frost Devil (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)

< Message edited by Jay -- 12/1/2024 18:04:59 >
DF AQW  Post #: 9
1/18/2016 3:21:18   

Daggers (O-Z)


Oak's Heart (D-Coins)
Obsidian Altar Dagger (D-Amulet)
Obsidian Dragon Claw (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Obsidian Dart
Obsidian Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Ochiba (Rare)
Octonary Frost Devil (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Okami's Ferocity
Okuchi Claw
Onyx Altar Dagger
Onyx Gemcutter (D-Coins)
Ooze Covered Sewer Dagger (D-Amulet)
Opal Gemcutter (D-Coins)
Orchid Pointer (Seasonal)
Oven Baked Leg Bone (D-Medal/Seasonal)
OverCharged Conductor (D-Amulet)
Oversized Knight's Fork (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Oversized Undead Fork (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)


Paladin Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Pale Silver Dirk
Palladinum Dirk
Pallor's Frozen Dagger (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Paper Boat Dagger (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Paragon Wolf Talons (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Pearl Edge (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Penguin Dagger
Penultimate Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Perfect Spectrus Dagger (Rare)
Peridot Gemcutter (D-Coins)
Periwinkle Pointer (Seasonal)
Pernicious Plum Flame (D-Amulet)
Phantom Skies Dagger
Pick of the North (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Piercer of Emryhs (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Pileus Point (D-Amulet)
Pink Twangblade (D-Coins)
Pirate Poniard (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Pit Fighter Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Pith (D-Coins)
Pitted Dagger
Plastic Gauntlets
Plated Silver Dirk
Platinum Lights Knife (Seasonal)
Platinum Twistedtooth Bear Claw (D-Amulet)
Plum Flame
Plushie Foam Dagger (Seasonal)
Point of Rebellion (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Poison et Roses Katar (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Polished Carnwennan (D-Coins/Rare)
Pomegranate Pointer (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Potent Hallow'd Dagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Prankster's Poniard (2010) (Rare)
Prankster's Ravendagger (D-Coins/Rare)
Pressure Point (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Pressureknife (D-Amulet)
Primary Frost Devil (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Prince's Dagger, The (Rare)
Princess Point
Princess' Blade, The (D-Amulet)
Pristine Hallow'd Dagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Pristine Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Professional Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Prudence Point (D-Amulet)
Pulse (D-Coins)
Pulsing Grasp of the Void (D-Amulet)
Pulsing Renewal
Pumpkin Leaf Point (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Pumpkin Pie Slicers (I-V) (Seasonal)
Pumpkin Slice (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Pure (D-Coins)
Pure Golden Monolith (I-XI) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pure Pool Poker
Pure Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Purified Guard's Dagger (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Purple Pointer (Seasonal)
Pyrope Gemcutter (D-Coins)


Quakerunner Spike
Quaternary Frost Devil (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Queen Dirk of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Queen Dirk of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Queen Dirk of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Queen Dirk of Spades (D-Amulet)
Queen Dragon Dirk of Clubs (D-Coins)
Queen Dragon Dirk of Diamonds (D-Coins)
Queen Dragon Dirk of Hearts (D-Coins)
Queen Dragon Dirk of Spades (D-Coins)
Quinary Frost Devil (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)


Radiant Carnwennan (D-Coins/Rare)
Radiant Sapphmerald Dagger
Rainbow's Edge (D-Coins)
Ranger's Savior (D-Amulet)
Rattling Maracas (Rare)
Raucous Chaindagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
RAZE A Glass (I-IV) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Reaper's Blade (I-X) (Seasonal)
Recyklon Dagger (Rare)
Red Death
Red Hot Kilhoh Blade (D-Amulet)
Red Hot Poker
Red Wind Ripper (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Reforged Prince's Dagger
Reforged Spectrus Dagger
Reforged Zephyrus
Regal 301st Dagger (D-Amulet)
Reign Dagger (D-Coins)
Renji's Restrained Dagger (D-Coins)
Researcher's Blade (D-Amulet)
Resident Jing's Dagger (Alexander)
Resplendent Carnwennan (D-Coins/Rare)
Rhubarb's Booty Dagger (I-X) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rhubarb's Fancy Booty Daggers (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Rhunatoir (D-Amulet)
Ridged Ripper
Righteous Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Rigid Dagger of Primal Earth (D-Amulet)
Rip Tide (1)
Rip Tide (2)
Roaring Chaindagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Robble (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Rocky Dagger of Primal Earth (D-Amulet)
Rogue's Gift (All Versions) (Rare)
Rogue's Wept (I-X) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Roiling Rip (D-Amulet)
Rose Dagger (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Rose Engraved Misericorde (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rose Eternal Legacy Dagger (I-X) (D-Coins)
Rose Executioner Edge (I-X) (D-Coins)
Rose Legacy Dagger (I-XI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rotten Viral Tusk Shiv (Seasonal)
Royal 301st Dagger
Royal Lizard Dagger (D-Amulet)
Royal Vault Dagger (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Ruby Scorpion, The (D-Amulet)
Runic Enchantment (D-Amulet)
Rugged Demon Chopper (D-Amulet)
Rusted Bandit's Blade
Rusty Kukri
Rusty Royal Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Sacrificial Crystal Skull Athame (D-Amulet)
Salvaged Skean (I-VI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Sand Claw (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Sandwalker's Dagger (D-Amulet)
Sanguine Flame Shiv (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Sanguine Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Sapphire Sliver (D-Amulet)
Sapphirine Gemcutter (D-Coins)
Savant Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Savory Leg Bone (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Scorching Kilhoh Blade
Scorpiarc Dagger
Scorpion Stinger
Scourged Cursed Serpent Claw (Normal; D-Coins)
Scranton Branch, The
Scree Carver
Scurvy's Bane
Sea's Bounty (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Seascape Pearl (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Second Frost Devil, The (D-Amulet/Rare)
Secondary Frost Devil (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Seconds Hand (I, II, III), The (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Seitan Sausage Stabber (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Senary Frost Devil (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Separator, The
Septenary Frost Devil (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Serenity's Prowess (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Severed Grasp of the Void
Shackled Fire (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Shadow Dirk (All Versions)
Shadow Entity's Steel (Rare)
Shadowdagger (Ancient Shadow Rogue Default) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Shadowdagger (Shadow Rogue Default) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Shaking Maracas (Rare)
Shale (D-Coins)
Sharp Blackwyn Daggers
Sharp Cider Mug Shiv
Sharp Demon Chopper (Alexander)
Sharp Rip
Sharp Void Cider Mug Shiv (D-Coins)
Shattered Bones (Rare)
Shattered Blade
Shattered Love Knife (Seasonal)
Shatterheart (D-Amulet)
Shining Eternal Hourglass Dagger (I-VII) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Shining Mirror Sheen (Rare)
Shining Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Shiny Carnwennan (D-Coins/Rare)
Shiny Gold Claw (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Shiny Jawbreaker (I-V) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Shiny Sapphmerald Dagger
Shrunken Serpent Kris
Sierlish (Rare)
Sil Katar (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Silencer, The (D-Coins)
Silent Alarm (D-Amulet)
Silent Slash
Silver Arrows Brand (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Silver Lights Knife (Seasonal)
Silver Sliver
Simple Alluring Evil (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Sinister Crystal Skull Athame
Sir Jing's Dagger (I-IX) (Rare; Normal; D-Amulet)
Sir Loin's Butter Knife
Sizzling Kilhoh Blade (D-Amulet)
Sizzling Shank of Doom
Smoldering Kilhoh Blade
Smoldering Point
Snowman's Arms (D-Amulet)
Snowpacolypse Snowman's Arms (D-Coins/Rare)
Snuggleranger Daggers (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Soggy Spybrand (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Somber Entity's Steel (Rare)
Solar Flare (D-Coins)
Solar Fury
Solar Shiv (D-Amulet/Alexander)
Solid Agate Dagger
Solid Dagger of Primal Earth (D-Amulet)
Sonic Dagger (D-Amulet)
SoulForged Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
SoulSmith Dagger (I-XI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spark Plug (D-Amulet)
Sparky (D-Amulet)
Spear Tip (D-Amulet)
Spectral Miasmal Knife (D-Coins/Rare)
Spiced Cider Mug Shiv
Spiced Void Cider Mug Shiv (D-Coins)
Spider Queen's Claw (I, II, III) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Spider Slayer Dagger (I-IV) (Rare)
Spider's Trap (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spineshank Daggers (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spongy Foam Dagger (Seasonal)
Squashy Foam Dagger (Seasonal)
Squishy Foam Dagger (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Spybrand of Alacrity (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spybrand of Frost (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spybrand of Judgment (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spybrand of Static (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Stabilized Arista Tauran (D-Amulet)
Stable Warpdrive
Staghorn Coral Dagger (D-Amulet)
Starlight Skean (D-Coins/Seasonal)
SteamGear Shiv (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Sterling Silver Dirk
Stiletto of World's End (D-Amulet)
Stolen Rose Scalpel (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Stony Coral Dagger (D-Amulet)
Stormrider's Dagger (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Stray Deluge (D-Amulet)
Stria Dagger
Strong Glint
Strong Resolution (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Strong Rip (D-Amulet)
Strong Shardknife (D-Amulet/Rare)
Sturdy Midgard Serpent Chakram
Stygian Entity's Steel (D-Amulet/Rare)
Subdued Tectonik
Subtle Knife, The
Sun Rise (Rare)
Superior Crimson Cleaver (D-Amulet)
Superior Glint
Supermassive Warpdrive (D-Amulet)
Supreme Kaavi (D-Amulet)
Swashbuckler's Dagger (D-Amulet)
Swamp Sai (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Sweet Cider Mug Shiv
Sweet Void Cider Mug Shiv (D-Coins)
Swift Rip (D-Amulet)
Swift Under Current
Swiftest Pearl (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Swordhaven Hero Shortaxe (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Swordhaven Rose Shortaxe (All Versions)
System (D-Amulet)
Systerity Shiv (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Tainted Bandit's Blade
Talon of Gorgok (Rare)
Talus Knife
Tanzanite Dirk (D-Amulet/Rare)
Tarnished Claw (Seasonal)
Tasty Leg Bone (D-Medal/Seasonal)
Taylor's Drillbit (D-Amulet/Rare)
Techangel Edge
Technomancer Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Tectonik, Earth's Fury (D-Amulet)
Teeth of the Dragon Wolf (I-VI) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Teeth of the War Wolf (I-VI) (D-Medal)
Tempered Flame (D-Coins)
Tempest (D-Coins)
Temple Dagger (D-Amulet)
Tenacity (D-Amulet)
Tenebrous Entity's Steel (Rare)
Tertiary Frost Devil (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Thawsprout Dagger (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Thief's Worth (D-Amulet)
Third Frost Devil, The (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Rare)
Thirn (Temp)
Thornlight (D-Coins)
Thorny Coral Dagger (D-Amulet)
Thresher Shiv (D-Amulet/Rare)
Thrumming Renewal
Thyton's High Kodachi (D-Amulet/Rare)
Thyton's Kodachi (Rare)
Tidal Edge
Tidal Tidebreaker Knives (D-Amulet)
Tidebreaker Knives
Tiger Shark Shiv (Rare)
Tiger's Tooth
Timer Fuse (D-Coins)
Tiphikol's Temper
Togcraft Shortblade (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Togsmas Daggers (II-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Tordenblad (D-Amulet)
Tough Dagger of Primal Earth (D-Amulet)
Tournament Shiv (I-X) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Toxic Cursed Serpent Claw (Normal; D-Coins)
Toxic Fugu Hiki
Toxic Venii (D-Amulet)
Training Dagger
Treasure Key Daggers (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Tree of Death Athame (D-Coins)
Tree of Life Athame (D-Coins)
Triple Toothpick (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Triton's Edge (D-Amulet)
Tsunami (D-Coins)
Tuning Knife
Tupperblade (Two)
Tusker (Temp)
Tusker Edge of the North Wind (All Versions) (Rare)
Turducken Plume (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Twig's Systerity Shiv (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Twin Blades of Destiny
Twin Blades of Doom
Twinned Blade (D-Amulet)
Twisting Kris (D-Coins)
Twitching Grasp of the Void


Ultimate Dirk of Spades (D-Amulet)
Ultimate Pygmy Pony Daggers
Ultimate Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Unchained Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Undead Obsidian Dragon Edge (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Under Current
Underworld Counsel (I, II, III) (D-Amulet)
Unlucky 13th Dagger (I-VIII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Unlucky Dark Dagger (All Versions) (Rare; D-Medal)
Unlucky Dread Dagger (All Versions)
Unlucky Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet)
Unreal Twin Blades of Doom (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Unsqueakable Farce (Dagger)
Unstable Warpdrive
Unyielding Agate Dagger (D-Amulet)
Ultimate Edge of Glory (D-Amulet)
Upright Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Uragare (D-Amulet/Rare)
Urchin's Spine (D-Amulet)
Uriel's Daggers (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Uroboros Circlets (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Ursa Major Dagger (D-Amulet)
Ursa Minor Dagger
Ursice Stone Knife (All Versions) (Rare)
Ursus Dagger


Valentanto (Seasonal)
Valoroth's Doomed Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Valorous Edge of Glory
Vell - Edge of Change (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Venomous Cursed Serpent Claw (Normal; D-Coins)
Venii (D-Amulet)
Verne's Dagger (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Vespid Pain (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Vexed Miasmal Knife (D-Coins/Rare)
Victory Dagger (I, II, III)
Vile Infused Rose Dagger (I-IX) (D-Coins)
Vineblade Shiv (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Violet Dirk (D-Amulet)
Violet Lights Knife (Seasonal)
Violet Pointer (Seasonal)
Viral Tusk Shiv (Seasonal)
Virulent Cursed Serpent Claw (Normal; D-Coins)
Vivid Carnwennan (D-Coins/Rare)
Void Cider Mug Shiv (D-Coins)
Void Pony Daggers
Void's Shade (All Versions)
Voidcutter Dagger (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Voidsplinter Shards (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Voltabolt's Drill (Rare)
Vonnegutter, The (D-Coins)


Wakuraba (D-Amulet/Rare)
Waning Crescent of the Eclipse
Warden Dagger (I, II, III) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Warm Cider Mug Shiv
Warm Void Cider Mug Shiv (D-Coins)
Waterang Claw
Watersliver (D-Amulet)
Waxing Silver (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Wayward Deluge (D-Amulet)
Weak Glint
Weaver Dagger (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Whimsical Prankster's Poniard (2010) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
White Twangblade (D-Coins)
Wicked Blackwyn Daggers
Wildwood Slash (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Winning Luck O' the Sneevish Blade (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Wondrous Twin Blades of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Woodsman's Cutting Dagger
Woodsman's Dagger
Woodsman's Dangerous Dagger (D-Amulet)
Woodsman's Keen Dagger
Woodsman's Skinning Dagger
Woodsman's Slicing Dagger
Wormwood's Dagger (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Wrapped Dagger (Seasonal; D-Medal/Seasonal)


Xylothian (Xevver, Xevran, Xevret) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Yix's Hybrid Dagger (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Your First Dagger
Yummy Leg Bone (D-Medal/Seasonal)


Zap Skiver
ZardSlayer Shiv (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Zephyrus (Rare)
Zero Six (D-Amulet)
Zeuster's Edge (I-IV) (Normal; Rare)
Zixcy's Claw (D-Coins)
Zurvana's Pity (All Versions) (D-Coins)

< Message edited by Jay -- 1/13/2025 1:33:07 >
DF AQW  Post #: 10
1/18/2016 3:21:55   

Versatile weapons used by players of any base class; damage type corresponds to player's highest trained INT (Magic), DEX (Pierce), or STR (Melee) stat.


| (| Default) (Temp; D-Coins)
13th 13th Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)


Abominable Scythe (D-Coins)
Abyssal Aureate (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Abyssal Elf Scepter (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Abyssal Heart (I-VI) (D-Coins; D-Coins/D-Medal)
Abyssal Swordfish (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Accursed Scimitar (D-Amulet)
Adept's Spear (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Adventurer's Spear
Aeonrend (D-Coins)
Akriloth's Cinder Bane (Rare)
Akriloth's Ember Bane (Rare)
Akriloth's Fervid Bane (D-Amulet/Rare)
Akriloth's Fierce Bane (Rare)
Akriloth's Fiery Bane (Rare)
Akriloth's Revenger (D-Coins)
Alina's Battle-Bouquet Staff (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Alteon's Regalia Sword (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Alz'ein's Riftblade (D-Coins)
Amaterasu (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Ambitious Water Dragon Scythe (D-Amulet/Rare)
Ancient Ceremonial Scythe of Hawks (D-Coins)
Ancient Ceremonial Scythe of Ravens (D-Coins)
Ancient Ceremonial Scythe of Wolves (D-Coins)
Ancient Defender Edge (I-VII) (D-Medal)
Ancient Dragon Amulet Scythe of the Elements (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ancient Dragon Scythe of the Elements (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ancient Energy Blade (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Ancient Frost Moglin Scepter (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Ancient Frost Moglin Sword (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Anguished Gloom Glaive (D-Coins/Rare)
Antique Blade of Awe (Guardian/D-Coins)
Antique Blade of Chaos (D-Coins)
Antique DragonLord's Rite (D-Coins)
Antique Star Captain's Claymore (D-Coins)
Apostate (Alpha, Omega, Ultima) (D-Coins)
Applied Weaving for Beginners (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Apsaydaaun Harvester (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Apsaydaaun Pumpcake Scepter (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Arcanotech Edge (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Archivist's Book of Lore, The (D-Coins)
Arctic Icicle Scythe (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ascendant's Partisan (D-Coins)
Ascended Claymore (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Ascended Spear (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Ashendal's Z Blade (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Ashened Brand (D-Coins)
Asiago Blade (D-Amulet)
Astravian Key (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Astravian Paladin's Blade (D-Coins)
Atealan Ceremonial Spear (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Atherion (D-Coins)
Aurora Key, The (D-Amulet)
Aurorice (D-Coins)
Auto-Mecha-Hitting-Things-Cube (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Autumn's Cull (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Avatar's Cyclonic Scythe (Rare)
Avatar's Gusting Scythe (Rare)
Avatar's Stormy Scythe (Rare)
Avatar's Windy Scythe (Rare)
Avatar's Winged Scythe (D-Amulet/Rare)
Aware Orchidea (D-Coins/Rare)
Awesome Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Azure Gleam (D-Coins/Seasonal)


Battle-worn Doom Blade (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Beastmaster's Whip Replica (D-Coins)
Beating Eternity Love (D-Coins/Rare)
Beautiful Sakura Scythe (D-Amulet/Rare)
Bedeviled Scimitar
Bent Splatula (Rare)
Best Scythe (All Versions) (Rare/S-Offer)
Big 100K Scythe (D-Coins)
Big Fishy Plushie (D-Coins/Rare)
Black Ice (D-Amulet)
Blade of Awe (I-VIII) (D-Amulet)
Blade of Carnax (D-Coins)
Blade of Destiny (All Versions) (ArchKnight/Temp; Normal; D-Coins)
Blade of Dread (All Versions)
Blade of Fiamme (D-Coins)
Blade of Glory (All Versions)
Blade of Heroism (All Versions)
Blade of Infamy (All Versions)
Blade of Janus (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blade of Legends (All Versions)
Blade of Odium's Bane (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Blade of Tales (All Versions)
Blade of the Ascended (Ascended Chickencow Default) (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Blade of the Bound Eclipse (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Blade of the Dark One (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Blade of the Golden Keel (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Blades of The Great One (D-Amulet)
Blades of The Great One (Gold) (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blades of The Great One (Rose) (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blades of The Great One (Vind) (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blasted Scimitar
Bleu Blade (D-Amulet)
Blighted Scimitar
Blighted Zardbie Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Blinding Light of Destiny (Artix Default) (Temp)
Blinding Starlight of Destiny (D-Coins)
Blood of the Hero (All Versions)
Bloodbuster (D-Coins)
Bloody Point (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Bloomfang (D-Coins)
Blooming Asteraceae (D-Coins/Rare)
Blooming Oleanderium (Rare)
Blooming Sakura Scythe (Rare)
Blossoming Asteraceae (D-Coins/Rare)
Blossoming Oleanderium (Rare)
Blossoming Sakura Scythe (Rare)
Blue Dahlia Reaper (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Blue Gummy and Apple Pop (I-XI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Bolt Key, The (D-Amulet)
Bound Crypt Edge (D-Coins)
Brave Water Dragon Scythe (D-Amulet/Rare)
Breakfastmancer's Staff (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Breath of Life
Brie Blade (D-Amulet)
Brilliance (D-Coins)
Bronze Lorelympic Torch (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Broom of the Autumn (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Budding Asteraceae (D-Coins/Rare)
Budding Oleanderium (Rare)
Budding Sakura Scythe (Rare)
Bullseye Spear (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Burger of Destiny (D-Coins)
Burnt Splatula (Rare)
Butter Knife (Unbread Default) (Temp)


Calm Water Dragon Scythe (D-Amulet/Rare)
Candled Cane (D-Coins)
Captain's Cutlass (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Caramel Apple (D-Coins)
Carnax Devotee's Battleaxe (D-Coins)
Cat's Eye Reaper (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Celtic Rainbow (I-VI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Cerulean Love Poison #9 (Seasonal)
Chambered Eternity Love (D-Coins/Rare)
ChaosRager (I-VII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
ChaosWeaver Artisan Scythe (Rare)
ChaosWeaver Beggar Scythe (Rare)
ChaosWeaver Guard Scythe (Rare)
ChaosWeaver Defender Scythe (D-Amulet/Rare)
ChaosWeaver Noble Scythe (Rare)
ChaosWeaver Priest Scythe (Rare)
ChaosWeaver Soldier Scythe (Rare)
Chaotic Blade of Swordhaven (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Chaotic Greatjaw (D-Coins)
Chaotic Longsword (D-Coins)
Chaotic ThreadHook (D-Coins)
Chaotic Twiststaff (D-Coins)
Charisong (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Cheese Slicer (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cherished Eternity Love (D-Coins/Rare)
Cherried Swordfish (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Chicken On A Stick (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Chilly Icicle Scythe (Seasonal)
Chronocorrupter Edge (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Chronocorruptor's Khopesh (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Chronomancer's Khopesh (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Chronokeeper (I-XI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Circassian Blade (D-Amulet)
Claw of the Enigmatic Star (D-Coins)
Claws (Baby Dragon Default) (Temp)
Clear Providence
Cloud Key, The (D-Amulet)
Commemorative DragonCoin (D-Coins)
Company Parasol (I, II, III) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Confident Water Dragon Scythe (Rare)
Conflux Seeker (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Cool Sword, The (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Core Key (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Corrupt 13th 13th Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Crafty Orchidea (D-Coins/Rare)
Creatioux Claw (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Crewman's Cutlass (All Versions)
Crimson Love Poison #9 (Seasonal)
Crymson Tear (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Crystal Dragon Edge (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Crystal Frostval Scythe (I-XII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Crystal Sabre of Stars (All Versions)
Cultist's Staff (D-Coins)
Cursed Scimitar
Cysero's Bent Splatula (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Burnt Splatula (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Encrusted Splatula (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Fried Splatula (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Giant Splatula (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Greasy Splatula (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Hot Splatula (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Magic Splatula (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Oily Splatula (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Saucy Splatula (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Slick Splatula (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Spare Hammer (D-Coins)
Cysero's Springy Splatula (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)


Dage's Desolation (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Dark Ascended Spear (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Blade of the Dark One (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Chronokeeper (I-XI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Dark Diaphanous Reaper (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Dark DragonLord's Edge (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Enchanted Esoterica (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Dark Esoterica (All Versions)
Dark Eternity Key (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Executioner (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Frostscythe (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Gloom Glaive (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Gummy and Raspberry Pop (I-XI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Dark Justicar (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Dark Pandora (All Versions) (Rare)
Dark Rolling Eternity Key (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Spinning Eternity Key (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Spiraling Eternity Key (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Transcendence (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Dark Whirling Eternity Key (D-Coins/Rare)
Darkened Tree Scythe (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
DeathKnight Blade
Death's August Scythe (Rare)
Death's Lofty Scythe (Rare)
Death's Majestic Scythe (Rare)
Death's Regal Scythe (Rare)
Death's Royal Scythe (D-Amulet/Rare)
Death's Scythe (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Debris 2 (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Decorated Eternity Joy (D-Coins/Rare)
Definitely-Not-Alive Candy Pail (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Dekanor's Will (D-Coins)
Delicious Apple (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Delta Star Saber (D-Coins)
Demnra's Deception (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Depraved Scimitar
Destructive 13th 13th Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Detailed Orchidea (D-Coins/Rare)
Devious 13th 13th Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Dimensionally Shifted Blade (All Versions)
Divine Twin Blades of Glory
Doom Blade of Sorrows (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Doom Dragon Scythe (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Doom Sword (DoomKnight Default) (D-Amulet/S-Offer)
Doomed Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Doomed Dragon Amulet Scythe of the Elements (I-IX) (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Doomed Dragon Scythe of Elementals (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Doomed Dragon Scythe of the Elements (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Doomed Longsword
Doomed Poleaxe
Doomed Scimitar
Draconic Brightspark (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Draconic Dimshadow (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
DrAEgon Scythe (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Dragon (DragonRider Default) (All Versions) (Temp)
Dragon Amulet Cleaver of the Elements (I-IX) (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Dragon Blade (I-VIII) (D-Amulet)
Dragon Clan Scythe (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Dragon Cleaver of the Elements (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Dragon Control Sword (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Dragon's Heart of Nature (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Dragon's Wing of Justice (I-XI) (D-Coins)
DragonBlaser (I-VII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Dragonborn Flame Scimitar (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dragonborn Thunder Scimitar (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Rare)
DragonCoin (D-Coins)
DragonCrest (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
DragonLord Vath Sword (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Dragons Ex's Calibur (I-VIII) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Drahaj (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Dread Scythe (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Dread Wave Blaster (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dreadblight (I, II, III), The (D-Coins)
Dreadwyrm Katana (I-V) (D-Coins)
DRGN-C74W (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Dull Aurora Key
Dull Bolt Key
Dull Cloud Key
Dull Ember Key
Dull Flax Key
Dull Icicle Key
Dull Shell Key
Dull Void Key


Ebil Axe (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Ebil Claw (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Ebil Spear (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Ebony and Roses (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Eclipsed Light (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Edelian Carryall (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Elvgorian Glacier (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Ember Key, The (D-Amulet)
Emerald Love Poison #9 (Seasonal)
Emerald Scythe of Purity (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Enchanted Esoterica (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Encrusted Splatula (D-Amulet/Rare)
Enraged Flame Claw Scythe (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Enterprising Water Dragon Scythe (Rare)
Escherion's Staff (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Esoterica (All Versions)
Eternal Blade (D-Coins)
Eternity Joy (D-Coins/Rare)
Eternity Key (D-Coins/Rare)
Eternity Love (D-Coins/Rare)
Ethereal Devourer (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Ex's Calibur (I-VII) (Seasonal)
Ex's Calibur Break (I-VII) (Seasonal)
Ex's Calibur of Love (I-VII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Exalted (Unity, Penultima, Apotheosis) (D-Coins)
Exalted Spear (D-Coins)
Experimental Captain's Rifle (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)


Facet of Hyonix (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Fall of Autumn, The (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Fallcon's Guitar (All Versions) (Normal; D-Coins)
Fan Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Fancy Vampire's Cane (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Festive Gift Opener (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Fetid Zardbie Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Feylight (D-Coins)
Field Coils (Ancient Exosuit Default) (D-Coins)
Fierce Flame Claw Scythe (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Fiery Gummy and Cinnamon Pop (I-XI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Fighters Ex's Calibur (I-X) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Final Sunrise (I-IV), The (Normal; D-Amulet)
Fire Soul (I-VII) (D-Amulet/Alexander; D-Amulet)
Firehammer, The (D-Coins)
First Mate's Cutlass (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Fishcaliber (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Fists (Kid Raven Default) (Temp)
Flame Claw Scythe (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Flame of Ambition (D-Coins)
Flamestop (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Flax Key, The (D-Amulet)
Flexible Water Dragon Scythe (Rare)
Flourishing Asteraceae (D-Coins/Rare)
Flourishing Oleanderium (Rare)
Flourishing Sakura Scythe (Rare)
Flowering Asteraceae (D-Coins/Rare)
Flowering Oleanderium (Rare)
Flowering Sakura Scythe (Rare)
Fluffy Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Foam Hammer (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Foamy Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Forced Reflection (I-VII) (D-Coins)
Forgotten Gloom Glaive (D-Coins/Rare)
Forgotten Spear
Forlorn Gloom Glaive (D-Coins/Rare)
Fortunate Wish (D-Coins)
Fragrant Asteraceae (D-Coins/Rare)
Fragrant Oleanderium (Rare)
Fragrant Sakura Scythe (Rare)
Freezing Icicle Scythe (Seasonal)
Fresh Asteraceae (D-Coins/Rare)
Fried Splatula (Rare)
Frost Moglin Knight's Glaive (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frostreaver (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Frostscythe (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Frosty Eternity Joy (D-Coins/Rare)
Frosty Icicle Scythe (Seasonal)
Frozen Claymore (All Versions) (Temp; D-Amulet/Rare)
Frydae's Regal Cane (All Versions) (Normal; D-Coins)
Full Eternity Love (D-Coins/Rare)
Full Moon Scythe (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Fundamentals of Hitting Things Very Hard (D-Coins)
Furious Crest Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Furious Feather Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Furious Flame Claw Scythe (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Furious Gale Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Furious Plume Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Furious Wing Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Furious Zephyr (Kara Default) (Temp)


Galaxy Scythe (I-IV) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Ghost of a Sword (D-Coins)
Giant Splatula (Rare)
Gift From Beyond (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Gifted Water Dragon Scythe (D-Amulet/Rare)
Gingerbread Cookie Blade (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Glaive of Eternal Peace (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Glaive of the Dark Orb (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Glaive of the Orb (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Glaive of the Order (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Glimmerwing (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Gloom Glaive (D-Coins/Rare)
Glowing Tree Scythe (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Gnarly Guitar of Doom (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Gnomish Glory (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Gold Half Torch (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Gold Lorelympic Torch (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Golden Bullseye Spear (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Golden Death (I-XI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Golden Maple Scythe (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Golden Twin Blades of Glory
Gouda Blade (D-Amulet)
Greasy Splatula (D-Amulet/Rare)
Great Dragon's Claw (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Great Forest Axe (D-Coins)
Great Grey One (I-V), The (D-Coins)
Greatblade of the Entwined Eclipse (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Great Red Herring, The (Seasonal)
Green Gummy and Lemon Pop (I-XI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Green Twangblade (D-Coins)
Grenberge Blade (I-X) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Gritty Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Grove Tender Blade (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Guard's Partisan (All Versions)
Guardian Blade (All Versions) (Guardian)
Guitar!, THE (D-Coins/Seasonal)


Half Ascended Spear (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Half Blade of the Dark One (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Half of a Awesome Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Rare)
Half of a Fan Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Rare)
Half of a Fluffy Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Rare)
Half of a Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Rare)
Half of a Foamy Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Rare)
Half of a Gritty Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Rare)
Half of a Light Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Rare)
Half of a Squishy Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Rare)
Half of a Super Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Rare)
Half of a Wrestling Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Rare)
Half-Aware Orchidea (D-Coins/Rare)
Half-Crafty Orchidea (D-Coins/Rare)
Half-Detailed Orchidea (D-Coins/Rare)
Half-Learned Orchidea (D-Coins/Rare)
Half-Proficient Orchidea (D-Coins/Rare)
Hammer (Rolith's Dress Uniform Default) (Seasonal/Temp)
Hammer of Timeless Destiny (D-Coins)
Hanzamune Dragon Koi Blade (D-Coins)
Harrowing Hammer (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Harvest Reaper (I-VII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Haunting Harvest (D-Coins)
Havarti Blade (D-Amulet)
Heart Inquisitor's Glaive (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Heart of Nature (I-XI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Heart's Whisper (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Hero's Spear
High-Tech Turducken Carver (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Hive Ranger's Halberd (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Holy Mechanical Blade (D-Coins)
Holy Wasabi (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Honed Funny Bone (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Honed Hunger Blossom Scythe (D-Amulet)
Hot Splatula (Rare)
Hunger Blossom Scythe (D-Amulet)


Ice Cream Swordfish (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ice Scythe (I-VIII) (D-Amulet)
Icebound Axe (All Versions) (D-Coins)
IceScythe (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Icicle Key, The (D-Amulet)
Icy Eternity Joy (D-Coins/Rare)
Icy Icicle Scythe (Seasonal)
Imaru's Ember (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Imaru's Pride (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Incandescent Fortune (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Indigo Love Poison #9 (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Infernal Scimitar (D-Amulet)
Infernal Spineripper (D-Coins/Rare)
Ink Spire (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Innovative Water Dragon Scythe (Rare)
Irismancer's Staff (I-VIII) (D-Amulet)
Irrepressible Water Dragon Scythe (D-Amulet/Rare)
Isandel (I-V) (D-Coins)


J6's Blaster (D-Coins)
J6's Carver (D-Coins)
Jack O' Boy (I-VIII) (Seasonal)
Jade Cleaver of the (Wild, Rampant, Lone Tree) (D-Coins)
Jadesoul Snake Scythe (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Jolly Eternity Joy (D-Coins/Rare)
Judgement Wheel (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Judgement Wheel: Guilt (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Judgement Wheel: Innocence (All Versions) (D-Coins)

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 3/2/2025 9:14:17 >
DF AQW  Post #: 11
1/18/2016 3:22:25   

Scythes (K-Z)


Kaiju Rapier (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Kamillia (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Katana of Valor (D-Coins)
Kickstarter Spear (All Versions) (S-Offer)
Kickstarter Sword (All Versions) (S-Offer)
Kindle's Clarinet (All Versions) (Normal; D-Coins)


Lagohm Chargelance (D-Coins)
Lance of Awethur (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Lance of the Lost Kin (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Law Maker (I, II) (D-Amulet)
Learned Orchidea (D-Coins/Rare)
Legacy's Claim (D-Coins)
Legend's Spear
Legion Fiend Blade (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Legion Fiend Spear (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Legion Slasher (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Legion Sunderer (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Light Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Light of Ambition (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Light of Balance (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Light of Destiny (I-VIII) (D-Amulet)
Light of Ebil Dread (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Medal/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Light of Fervor (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Light of Justice (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Light of Purity (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Light of Wisdom (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Lightblade Caliburn (I-X) (D-Coins/Rare)
Lightforged Key (D-Coins/Seasonal)
LightGlaive Orden (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lightstaff of the Eternal (D-Coins)
Limburger Blade (D-Amulet)
Literary Focus (Archivist Default) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Lockblade (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Lonely Lover (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Lonely Lover Bow (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Long Forgotten Spear
Long Sword (MageKnight Default) (Temp)
Longsword (DragonRider Default) (Retired/Temp)
Lorebearer (D-Coins)
Love Crusher (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Love Harvester (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Luckrist (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Lucky Hammer (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lucky Water Dragon Scythe (D-Amulet/Rare)
Lush Asteraceae (D-Coins/Rare)
Lush Oleanderium (D-Amulet/Rare)
Lux Aeterna (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Magesterium Blade (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Magic Splatula (D-Amulet/Rare)
Magister (All Versions), The (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Maker-Touched Zweihander (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Malevolent 13th 13th Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Malich's Retribution (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Marked Zorbak's Staff (I-VIII) (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Maroon Love Poison #9 (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Masamune (D-Coins)
Massive Axe (I-XL), The (Rare/S-Offer; D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Melee (DragonRider Default) (Retired/Temp)
Melted Stirring Spoon (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Mightier 100k Scythe (Rare; Normal)
Mightiest 100k Scythe
Mighty 100k Scythe
Mighty Dread Scythe (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Minas Blade (D-Amulet)
Mindtwist Scythe (I, II, III) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Mobile Controls (Bone Exoskeleton Default) (Temp)
Moglinberry Masher (I-IX) (D-Coins/Rare)
Monumentum, The (D-Coins/Seasonal)
MOP (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Mournful Gloom Glaive (D-Coins/Rare)
Mushroom-Filled Pail (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Musty Parasol (I, II, III) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Mystical Katana (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)


Nanotog Blade of Vengeance (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Coins/D-Medal; D-Coins; D-Coins/D-Medal)
Necro Paragon Soulblade (I-IV) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Necroblade (Necro Paragon Default) (D-Coins)
Necrotic Sword of Doom (All Versions) (D-Amulet/S-Offer)
Nefarious 13th 13th Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Neo Grove Tender's Blade (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Nightlocke Scythesword (All Versions)
Nova Phoenix's Lance (D-Coins/Seasonal)


Obsidian DragonBlade (I-VIII) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Obsidian Relic Scythe (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Oily Splatula (Rare)
OmniBlade (All Versions) (Rare/S-Offer)
Opening Asteraceae (D-Coins/Rare)
Opening Oleanderium (Rare)
Opening Sakura Scythe (Rare)
Orange Gummy and Bubblegum Pop (I-XI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Orange Love Poison #9 (Seasonal)
Ornate Guardian Blade (All Versions) (Guardian)
Ornate Lorelympic Torch (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Ornate Paladin's Blade (D-Coins)
Oscypek Blade (D-Amulet)
Ostara's Cull (I-IX) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Ostara's Verge (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Oucher, The (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Oversized Rutilated Ripper (All Versions) (D-Coins)


Paintbender Battlemage Brush (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Paladin Axe (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Paladin Hammer (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Paladin Mace (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Paladin Spear (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Paladin's Blade (D-Coins)
Paladin's Destiny (D-Coins)
Pandora (All Versions)
Pandora's Scythe (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Patriot Fury (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Peppermint Popper (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Perpetual Eternity Key (D-Coins/Rare)
Petal of Maar (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Phantom Chronoscythe (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Phoenix Helion Blade (I-VI) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Pirate's Bane (I-V) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pirate's Pal (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Pirate's Reign (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Pitchfork (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Poison Pumpkin (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Poisonous Katana (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Polished Aurora Key
Polished Bolt Key
Polished Cloud Key
Polished Ember Key
Polished Flax Key
Polished Hunger Blossom Scythe (D-Amulet)
Polished Icicle Key
Polished Shell Key
Polished Void Key
Possessed Axe of Possession (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pretty Princess Snowflake on a Stick (D-Amulet)
Prismatic Iridescence (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Prismatic Effervescence (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Profane Spineripper (D-Coins/Rare)
Proficient Orchidea (D-Coins/Rare)
Protector Rod (D-Coins)
Proud Water Dragon Scythe (D-Amulet/Rare)
Psionic Ratchet (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Pulsing Eternity Love (D-Coins/Rare)
Pulverizer, The (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pumpkinator (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Pure Golden Death (I-XI) (D-Coins/Rare)
Putrid Zardbie Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Pyromancer's Conduit (D-Coins)


Quadstaff (I, II, III), The (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Quick Water Dragon Scythe (Rare)


Radiant Dragon Cleaver of the Elements (I-IX) (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Radiant Providence (D-Amulet)
Raging Flame Claw Scythe (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Rainbow Blade (I-XII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Rainbow Saber (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Rainbow's End (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ranger Blade (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Ravenloss (All Versions) (D-Medal/Rare; D-Amulet/D-Medal/Rare)
Razor Hunger Blossom Scythe (D-Amulet)
Razor Sharp Claws (Kid Dragon Default) (D-Amulet/Temp)
Reaper's Scythe (I-VIII) (Seasonal)
Reaver's Spear, The (D-Coins)
Red Dead Rejection (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Red Twangblade (D-Coins)
Reforged Archivist Focus (Archivist Default) (D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
Reforged Archivist's Focus (D-Coins)
Reforged Glaive of Meanwhile (D-Coins)
Reforged ShadowWalker's Chakram (D-Coins)
Refreshing Cleaver (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Refreshing Pole (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Refreshing Stinger (D-Coins/Seasonal)
ReignDragon's Shimmer (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Relic DeathKnight Blade (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Resplendent Poker (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Retro Paladin's Blade (D-Coins)
Retroclear Key (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Retroclear Translucence (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Riadne's Burning Scythe
Riadne's Deadly Scythe (D-Amulet)
Riadne's Fatal Scythe (D-Amulet)
Riadne's Noxious Scythe (D-Amulet)
Riadne's Poisonous Scythe (D-Amulet)
Riadne's Poison-Tipped Scythe
Riadne's Scythe
Riadne's Toxic Scythe
Riadne's Venomous Scythe
Riadne's Virulent Scythe (D-Amulet)
Rixty Ripper (All Versions) (Rare/S-Offer)
Rolith's Backup Hammer (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Rolith's Hammer of Protection (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Rolling Eternity Key (D-Coins/Rare)
Rose Engraved Spear (D-Coins)
Rose Guardspear (D-Amulet)
Rose Pillow (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Rotting Zardbie Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Rubiaceae Reaper (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Ruby's Feasting Fork (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ruby-Edged Cutlass (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Rusty Royal Blade (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rutilated Ripper (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Rx for Destruction (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)


Saffron Love Poison #9 (Seasonal)
Saucy Splatula (D-Amulet/Rare)
Save Our Sneevils Sign (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Savior's Spear
Scepter of Croft (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Scepter of the Emporer (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Scythe of Liberty (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Scythe of Poison (I-VI)
Scythe of the Amulet (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Scythe of the Bacon Dragon (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Scythe of the Dark Amulet (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Scythe of the Darkness Dragon (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Scythe of the Doomed Eclipse (I-IX) (Normal; D-Medal; D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Scythe of the Energy Dragon (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Scythe of the Fire Dragon (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Scythe of the Ice Dragon (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Scythe of the Light Dragon (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Scythe of the Nature Dragon (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Scythe of the New Dawn (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Scythe of the Soul's Song (D-Coins)
Scythe of the Stone Dragon (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Scythe of the Unhallowed (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Scythe of the Water Dragon (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Scythe of the Wind Dragon (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Sea Chicken's Conquest (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Sea Sapphire Cutlass (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Seeker (All Versions), The (Normal; D-Amulet)
Septic Scythe (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Serenity Scythe (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Serenity's Grace (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Severice Scythe (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Shadow Hunter Ultra Sword (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Shadow Shard Scythe (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Shadowblade (Shadow Hunter Default) (Temp)
Shadowed DeathKnight Blade (I-IV)
Shadowfire Axe (I-VIII) (D-Amulet)
Shadowscythe Reaper (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Shadowsword (ShadowHunter Default)
ShadowWalker's Chakram (I-IV) (D-Coins)
ShadowWalker's TimeScythe (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Shard of the Molten Flame (D-Coins)
Sharp Claws (Toddler Dragon Default) (D-Amulet/Temp)
Sharpened Hunger Blossom Scythe (D-Amulet)
Shattered Dreams (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Shell Key, The (D-Amulet)
Shiny Aurora Key
Shiny Bolt Key
Shiny Cloud Key
Shiny Ember Key
Shiny Flax Key
Shiny Galeocerda Trident (D-Coins)
Shiny Icicle Key
Shiny Shell Key
Shiny Snowflake on a Stick (D-Amulet)
Shiny Void Key
Silkcutter (D-Coins)
Silkslasher (D-Coins)
Silkthreader (D-Coins)
Silver Arrows Cage (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Simple Heart of Nature (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Simple Wing of Justice (I-XI) (D-Coins)
Silver Lorelympic Torch (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Slice of Awe (D-Coins)
Sliced Cheese (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Slick Splatula (Rare)
Sneegion Sword of DOOM (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Snowapocalypse Day Scythe (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Snow Day Scythe (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Snow's Repose (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Medal/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Snowflake on a Stick (D-Amulet)
Snuggleranger Mace (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Snuggleranger Sword (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Soaring Heart Scythe (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Soul Carver (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Soul Claws (Danyel Default) (Temp)
Soul Claws (Synchronized Default) (Temp)
SoulForged Scythe (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Spare Chair (D-Coins)
Spear of Achilles (D-Coins)
Spear of Ancient Maar (D-Coins)
Spear of Lumina (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Spear of Time's Flow (D-Coins)
Spellsword's Legacy, The (D-Coins)
Sphere of Elemental Power (D-Coins)
Spineripper (D-Coins/Rare)
Spinning Eternity Key (D-Coins/Rare)
Spiraling Eternity Key (D-Coins/Rare)
Spirit of Liberty (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Spirit of the Wind Scythe (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Springy Splatula (D-Amulet/Rare)
Spy Circuit Scythe (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Squishy Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Staff of Inversion (I-IX) (D-Coins)
Stark Physis (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Stick of Honesty (Kid Default) (Temp)
Stormforged Key (D-Coins/Rare)
Stormhawk (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Strawberry Lace Lance (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Sugary Eternity Joy (D-Coins/Rare)
Summer's Slice (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Summer's Surf (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sun God Scythe (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Sundering Emerald (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Sunken Plunderer (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Super Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Super Rainbow Blade (I-XII) (D-Coins/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Super Snowflake on a Stick (D-Amulet)
Swamp Katana (I-X) (D-Coins)
Swiss Blade (D-Amulet)
Sword (Edd Disguise Default) (All Versions) (Temp)
Sword in the S...ock (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sword of Achilles (D-Coins)
Sword of Damocles (D-Coins)
Syzygy Key (I-V) (D-Coins/Seasonal)


Tactical Sweeper (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Tarnished Aurora Key
Tarnished Bolt Key
Tarnished Cloud Key
Tarnished Ember Key
Tarnished Flax Key
Tarnished Guardian Scythe (D-Coins)
Tarnished Icicle Key
Tarnished Relic DeathKnight Blade (D-Coins)
Tarnished Shell Key
Tarnished Void Key
Taste of Freedom (I-XII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Tasty Swordfish (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Temporal Chill (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Time (Avatar of Time Default) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer; D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
Time (ShadowWalker of Time Default) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer; D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
Time Core Edge (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Time's Harvest (Alpha, I-IX) (D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
TimeShift Scythe (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Tkach Gym Bag (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Thaumaturgus (Alpha, Omega, Ultima) (D-Coins)
Thorn Replica (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Threadcutter (Alpha, I-IX), The (D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
Thyton's Magitech Scythe (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Thyton's Runic Blade (D-Coins)
Toginator Plus (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Togsmas Scythe (II-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Toxic Katana (All Versions)
Transcendence (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
TRANSCENDENCE (Fleshweaver (Temp) Default) (Temp)
Tri-Form Flux (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Trithril Blade (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Tsukuyomi (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Tumbled Frostval Tree (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Twilly's Staff (I-VIII) (D-Amulet)
Twin Blades of Glory


Ultimate Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Ultimate Dragon Scythe of Elementals (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Ultimate Pumpkin Edge (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ultimate Twin Blades of Glory (D-Amulet)
Ultra OmniKnight Blade (All Versions)
Umbrabrand (D-Coins)
Uncalabra (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Unfeeling 13th 13th Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Unhallowed DeathKnight Blade (I-IV) (D-Amulet)
Unhallowed Spineripper (D-Coins/Rare)
Unholy Spineripper (D-Coins/Rare)
Unicoral Horn Wand (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Unihorn Lance (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Unlucky Clover (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Unnecessarily Ornate Glaive (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Unnecessarily Ornate Key (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Sword Just For Show (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Weapon Just For Show (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Unstable Armament Ed.2.0 (D-Coins)
Uragiri (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)


Vaekan's Reaper (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Valen's Remnant Blade (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Valorous Twin Blades of Glory
Vanilla Ice Katana (All Versions) (Temp; D-Amulet)
Vath's Dagger (D-Coins)
Venomous Katana (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Verdant Gleam (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Verraad (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Vile Scimitar (D-Amulet)
Villainous Scimitar
Vintage Parasol (I, II, III) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Virtuoso's Cadence Caliber (D-Coins)
Violet Love Poison #9 (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Void Key, The (D-Amulet)


Warlic's Gift (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Warlic's Staff (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Water Dragon Scythe (Rare)
Weaver Blade (Chaosweaver Default) (D-Coins)
Weaver Scythe (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Whirling Eternity Key (D-Coins/Rare)
Wicked Scimitar (D-Amulet)
Willbreaker (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Wing of Justice (I-XI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Winter's Cull (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Wintry Icicle Scythe (Seasonal)
Wishing Khopesh (D-Coins)
Wooden Sword of Doom (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Woses (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Wrathful Flame Claw Scythe (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Wrestling Foam Hammer (D-Coins/Seasonal)




Yarek's Staff (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Yellow Snowflake on a Stick (D-Amulet)
Yellow Twangblade (D-Coins)


Zardbie Scythe (D-Coins/Rare)
Zeclem's Blade (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Zeclem's Relic Blade (D-Coins)
Zorbak's Staff (I-VIII) (D-Amulet)
Zorbak's True Staff (D-Coins)

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/23/2025 16:58:27 >
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