Soluna City (Full Version)

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margus20000 -> Soluna City (6/12/2008 1:42:15)

Soluna City

Location: Dropship -> Land the Ship!

Locations available:
(Soluna City Main)
  • Dropship
  • GEARS University
  • Tek's Mechs (Location)
  • Braddock Steele (Location)
  • Traveler (Location)
  • Help Susie
  • Salvage Hunting
  • Liftoff Cutscene

    (Soluna City West)
  • Mecharoni's Pizza Parlor
  • Cinemech
  • Specific Hospital
  • Soluna Police Department
  • Knife and Spork
  • Soluna City Museum
  • Soluna City Art Museum

    (Soluna City East)
  • Star Captain's Club
  • Starship
  • Magic and Novelty Store
  • Pontimech
  • White Castle
  • Laser Eye for the Space Guy Clothings
  • Light's Sabers

    (News Screen - Starmap)
  • Moon
  • Alamonia
  • Khaeldron
  • Planet Zargon
  • Planet 51
  • Planet Gark
  • Planet Lagos
  • Planet Necryptos
  • Gameshow Planet
  • Planet Liath
  • Planet Romero
  • Wormholes (Dean Warlic's Office)

    Missions Available:
  • Anything Goes!
  • GEARS University Exam
  • Soluna NPC Duels
  • Zargon Wormhole Intro
  • Shadowscythe Squadrons
  • Possible Riches
  • Wyonna's Challenge
  • The Request
  • A Dark Future

    Shops Available:
  • Star Captain Monthly Mecha
  • Hal’s Haircut
  • Feed Your Mecha Shop
  • Doom Cell Shop
  • Salvageable Items
  • Sepulchure of Doom Shop
  • Shadow Squadron Rewards
  • Shadow Squadron Valor Rewards
  • Toast! Arm Weapon
  • Toast & Coffee Starship Items

  • Soluna Special Mecha Shop
  • Soluna Special Nova Mecha Shop
  • Soluna Special Item Shop
  • Soluna Special Nova Gem Items
  • Brains!! Get A-Head!
  • 12 - 12 -12 Shop
  • EPIC Ltd. Time Head Weapons
  • Vivi's Birthday! Head Weapons
  • Gibby's Birthday! Blades
  • Clover Shot o.Ops! Back Arm
  • Go.Oogly! 5 de Mayo Front Arm!

  • Admina
  • Lars
  • Joey
  • Susie
  • Wyonna
  • Xena
  • Mysterious Stranger
  • Braddock Steele
  • Traveler (Rare)
  • Brony Korin
  • Paige
  • [url=]Practel[/url] (Rare)
  • Korin (Rare)
  • Jack (Rare)

    Soluna City Main

    Susie: That little pet of Tek's is soooo cute!
    Susie: Hi, <Character name>! Want to help me with my Senior Project?

    Joey: After that dropship ride, I don't think I'll ever fly again... I heard Worsh even let a random student fly us through an asteroid field!
    Joey: Hi, <Character namge>! I've been studying how to salvage junk left over on the battlefield. Care to help me?

    Wyonna: I can't wait to join a house at the University! I can't decide... WolfBlades, RuneHawks, or MystRavens?

    Traveler: You seem like a smart fellow. Perhaps you would like to purchase some of my wares? They won't be here for very long.

    Braddock Steele: Hello, <Character>! I'm Major Braddock Steele! Think you're tough enough for some real action?

    Xena: I hear the entrance exam only has a 5% survival rate.

    Admina: Welcome to Soluna City! Let's see, you are... wait... oh no! You need to hurry to GEARS University right away! You are going to miss your exam!

    After completing GEARS University Exam:
    Admina: Hiya <Character>! Congratulations on being accepted into GEARS University. Classes have just started.

    After becoming Grand Champion on Planet 51:
    Admina: Dean Warlic has received word of a distress signal from a Soluna Space Outpost and he requests to see you immediately!


    Practel: Sup, <You>! Nice to meet ya.
    <You>: Um...
    Practel: What? You mean you haven't heard about me?

    *A very angry Korin appears.*

    Korin: You!
    Practel: What's up, bro? Been a while. How ya been?
    <You>: WHAT?! You two are brothers?
    Korin: Yes...I mean no! I mean, excuse us for a sec.
    Practel: What do you mean they don't know about me?
    Korin: I never told them about you because I thought I finished you off on Planet 51.
    Practel: ... attempted murder is no excuse for not telling them about me!
    Korin: Well, when you put it that way it sounds a lot worse!
    <You>: I, uhh... I can still hear you.
    Practel: You're just mad because I'm smarter than you.
    Korin: Pfft. As if. You got out of one stupid little void. Good for you. We can move you to big-boy pants.
    Practel: Ha! U mad, bro? You were always jealous of my ability to rustle jimmies, amigo.
    Korin: Oh, whatever! I've been making <You> do all kinds of stupid things!
    <You>: Ummm... Still hearing you, guys...
    Practel: Pfft. your trolls are weak, yo. I could out-troll you on anyone and anything!
    Korin: Fair enough. Let's make a game of it. The on who trolls the most people on Loreon is the winner. The loser...
    Practel: ..has to wear a pony mask and pony costume in Soluna City!
    <You>: Wait... what?
    Korin: Deal!
    Practel: Hype! You're about to get wrecked, son!
    Korin: Oh, I wish you'd just stop talking...

    Soluna City West

    Paige: Hi, <You>! You found me! Can you help save our city?

  • Rewards
    Paige: Thanks, <You>! We retrieved the weapon he dropped and Tek is making adjustments to it! I have some in the shop.
  • Valor Rewards
    Paige: If you are a Star Captain, you can merge your blade into a more powerful version!

    Soluna City East

    Challenger: Hi, <Character>! Some of us have been watching your battle style and we'd like to take you on. You want to suit up & meet us?
  • Why me?
    Challenger: Everyone in the whole school is talking about you.
  • Me? What About?
    Challenger: Some people want to see if you're really all that.
  • Oh really...
    Challenger: Some of us are just up for a challenge.
  • Cool, cool
    Challenger: There are a couple of guys who are really into studying battle tactics.
  • Just a couple?
    Challenger: I say guys, but I mean girl students too. You know what I mean. Right?
  • Yeah
    Challenger: Anyhow, less talking, more battling, right?
  • Yup! Let's go!

    Stranger: Ah, greetings, <Character>. Are you here to learn how to increase your power?

    Stranger: You must bring me 13 ghosts to access my Doom Cells. Don’t worry, Mysterious Johnson won’t miss them!!

  • Quests
    Stranger: You are a true hero, worthy of this power!

  • What?
    Stranger: There are certain mecha types that crave certain energies. I know how to unlock their true potential!
    Stranger: Sepulchure 1000 and the Sepulchure K-Series models, Geist Hunter, Hunter Wraith, and Hunter Eidolon, for example...
    Stranger: If you have one of those mecha models, please bring it to me! You will know power beyond your wildest dreams!

  • Talk
    Stranger: <Character> I sense that you are very special. You show much more potential than all of the rest of the GEARS students
    Stranger: I can help you unlock your true potential. Not everyone is able to wield this power, but you are different
    Stranger: You are a true hero, worthy of this power!

  • Sepulchure Mecha
    Stranger: There is a very powerful mecha that I know of... It has a great hunger for Doom Cells! Its pilots wear a special shirt...
    Stranger: Supplies of the shirt were limited, and for a time this mecha was unavailable. Unthinkable!
    Stranger: You can now use your Nova Gems to get the Sepulchure mecha! This version is pre-loaded with Doom Cells for the ultimate power.

    Brony Korin

    Brony Korin: Sit down, let's have a talk...

  • Talk
    Brony Korin: Doh! You've found an Easteregg!
    Brony Korin: Hint: There is another Easter egg inside this Easteregg! Eggception!
    Brony Korin: I love ponies.
    Brony Korin: Begone non-brony!

  • Practel?
    Brony Korin: So you want to know about Practel eh?
    Brony Korin: Practel has been once of my rivals ever since two years ago. When we first met face to face, I had pony ears on.
    Brony Korin: Now we compete for who is the bigger brony.
    Brony Korin: However, there is a small issue! Practel is trying to sabotage my bronyhood. He wants to be a brony just like me.
    Brony Korin: That's all I can say for now. One day, you and I will take down Practel.

    (If it is Spring in Soluna City, the above dialogue is replaced by:)
    Brony Korin: What if... your legs.. didn't know... they were legs? O_O

  • Talk
    Brony Korin: Doh! You've found an Easteregg!
    Brony Korin: Eastereggs are developer-created secrets in a game, generally of pointless value. This one was created by Practel.
    Brony Korin: I love ponies.
    Brony Korin: Begone non-brony!

  • Practel?
    Brony Korin: So you want to know about Practel eh?
    Brony Korin: Practel has been once of my rivals ever since two years ago. When we first met face to face, I had pony ears on.
    Brony Korin: Now we compete for who is the bigger brony.
    Brony Korin: However, there is a small issue! Practel is trying to sabotage my bronyhood. He wants to be a brony just like me.
    Brony Korin: That's all I can say for now. #Yolo

    Other Information:

    Thanks to furryfeet7 for correction.

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