Gretel (Full Version)

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ArchMagus Orodalf -> Gretel (5/15/2009 19:59:51)


Location: Falconreach (Books 1 and 2) -> Down -> Right -> Enter the bakery, A Feast of Fowl, Falconreach (Book 3) -> Down -> Right -> Enter the bakery, Thankstaken, Saving Private Practice, The Great Moglinberry Caper, What's That Whistling Noise?, Sibling Rivalry, The Felonious Five, A Boneheaded Brawl, Return of the Felonious Five, Stew It Yourself, Thankstaking Storybook -> Chapter 16, The Senseless, The Thanks of Us

Quests given
Cooking (Minigame)
Crust of the Walking Bread

Thankstaking Storybook
The Senseless

Shops owned

Falconreach (Books 1 and 2)

Gretel: Mmmmm, hello there, young one... feeling a little peckish?

  • Shop - opens Bakery shop.

  • Talk
    Gretel: I'm am Gretel, little one. You look hungry. Very thin. You need to eat more. I can fatten you up with sweets and pies.
    Gretel: I'll even teach you how to make them yourself. I can cook many things, some of the more complex dishes may even help you fight better...

  • Cooking Yaga - begins Cooking minigame.

  • Unbread Pudding - begins Crust of the Walking Bread quest.

    Thankstaking (Chapter 4)

    A Feast of Fowl

    Gretel: Oh?

    Gretel: Thank you, my dear! Everyone was so surprised when you offered to fix my oven, but I told them that people will surprise you.
    Gretel: *cackle* Just look at me! All the little darlings are so scared at first, but then I teach them a few recipes and we're good friends!

    Gretel: The mashed potatoes are done, and the raspberry smoothies are chilling.
    Gretel: The turducken is in the oven. Now to let it roast!

    Gretel: A turducken. It's a wonderful combination of...

    Gretel: ...of um..

    Gretel: It's bigger than I remember...

    Gretel: Oh, good idea! Lead it away from my store before you fight it!

    Gretel: Wait!
    Gretel: If you lead him over there it might destroy all my cookware!

    Gretel: You break it, you buy it!

    Gretel: Ack, that's where all my recipes are!

    Gretel: Maybe you should just fight it..

    Gretel: ...
    Gretel: You ok there? You need a little he--

    Falconreach (Book 3)

    Gretel: Mmmmm, hello there, young one... feeling a little peckish?

  • Shop - opens Bakery shop.

  • Talk
    Gretel: I am Gretel, little one. You look hungry. Very thin. You need to eat more. I can fatten you up with sweets and pies.
    Gretel: This is Sir Loin... my tall, dark and hirsute friend from Oaklore.

    Gretel: You aren't wearing red are you, dearie?

    Gretel: We can cook many things, some of the more complex dishes may even help you fight better... I'll even teach you how to make them yourself.

  • Quest - begins Cooking minigame.

    Thankstaking (Chapter 9)


    Gretel: The soup is almost perfect! I'll just add a few more herbs and then let it boil for a while.

    Gretel: It's a good thing Voltabolt didn't make "adjustments" this year...
    Gretel: Although I know he means well and the Turducken was delicious that year.

    Saving Private Practice

    Gretel: It's a good thing Voltabolt didn't make "adjustments" this year...

    Gretel: I knew I felt spied upon when we were talking! So, it was that girl!

    Thankstaking (Chapter 11)

    The Great Moglinberry Caper

    Gretel: That's everything. There will be a few last minute preparations, but most everything is ready.

    Gretel: Please don't tinker with anything in the Kitchen.

    Gretel: Everything is gone! Even raw supplies! I don't have enough food to make much more than a few breakfasts. Someone stole ALL the food!

    What's That Whistling Noise?

    Gretel: Oh, don't worry your dimples, dearie. We've come to expect a bit of disruption at this time of year.
    Gretel: You and your little sweetie here did a fine job of bringing all the juice back.

    Gretel: The little dear only gets sweeter when his cheeks and face go all red like that.

    Gretel: I may look old, but I still have good eyes, gingerbread.
    Gretel: I grow plenty of carrots in my little garden at the back. And that's the sweetest vegetable there is.

    Gretel: My house!!

    Sibling Rivalry

    Gretel: Just take it into the kitchen, dearie. All it will take is a little kitchen magic, and everything will be right as rain.

    Thankstaking (Chapter 12)

    The Felonious Five

    Gretel: I can assure you, dearie, not one living thing is getting through the special wards I created around the kitchen.

    Gretel: Well, dearie, isn't that the way it usually is?

    Gretel: As I said, not one living thing is getting to this feast, dearie.

    Gretel: Oh my.

    A Boneheaded Brawl

    Gretel: None, dearie, but as I said earlier, there's nothing to worry about.

    Gretel: Now, if you will, please.

    Gretel: Thank you, Kensai. I appreciate you doing this for me.

    Gretel: Precisely, there weren't as many monsters this time, because most of the food had already been sent away. I didn't want to take any chances.

    Thankstaking (Chapter 13)

    Return of the Felonious Five

    Gretel: Well, I have to give them points for originality. It wasn't the food this time.

    Gretel: The gate—!

    Thankstaking (Chapter 15)

    Stew It Yourself

    Gretel: That's preposterous, little lady!!
    Gretel: You first roast the turducken, and THEN you stuff it!

    Gretel: Ah, <Character>.
    Gretel: We were just...

    Gretel: Things are looking good! Very good. We'll have a real smorgasbord!

    Gretel: And if only we could decide on how to prepare the turducken...

    Gretel: Someone will have to get them. I'm far too busy.

    Gretel: We're not going to have a Turducken this year!

    Gretel: We're calling one a "turkey"...

    Gretel: I'm stuffing my part before roasting.

    Gretel: Time to make a Thankstaking Feast!

    Thankstaking (Chapter 16)

    Thankstaking Storybook

    Gretel: No tasting the feast until I'm done preparing everything, unless you want me to turn you into a cupcake!

    The Senseless

    Gretel: ASH!
    Gretel: You couldn't wait a few more hours?!

    Gretel: And WHAT is with that expression?

    Gretel: That's impossible! I used the same recipe as always!

    Gretel: Of course I did! We need more opinions. Gather some people.

    Gretel: Ok this is just weird... a lot of people tasted nothing while the rest thought it was delicious.

    Gretel: Did you see where it went afterwards?

    Gretel: I don't know what you did but it helped! Everyone has their taste back and the dinner is about to be served!

    The Thanks of Us

    Gretel: It's all going swimmingly! Everyone's working hard to make sure there's enough food and drinks for the feast.

    Gretel: Barring any mishaps of course...

    Gretel: I assure you they are not supposed to do that! And those mushrooms sprouting from the turducken...
    Gretel: I think I saw Ruby walking around with a bag of those!
    Gretel: RUBY! Come here right now!

    Gretel: What did you do with those mushrooms you were carrying around earlier?

    Gretel: Ruby, focus! How many Turduckens did you put mushrooms on?

    Gretel: It must be spreading! <Character>! You have to stop them before the whole feast is infected!

    Gretel: It looks like most of the feast came out unharmed so we can continue the preparations!

    Gretel: I think... Ruby is taking care of those.

    Gretel: Well, she has an iron stomach and the fungi didn't seem to affect anything except the cooked turduckens...
    Gretel: She'll be fine.

    Gretel: Probably.

    Gretel: I'll get back to it then. Time to refire an army of Turducken...

    Thankstaking 2016 Appearance

    Thanks to
  • Slayer Zach for image.
  • Occavatra for Thankstaking 2016 appearance image.
  • Mysterious Ranger for location link.
  • Barong the DemiGod for additional dialogue.

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