RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (Full Version)

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Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/24/2015 10:07:18)

Some corrections for Sitcom:


Sepulchure: ...MY Fortress, Drakath. There is only one person on LORE who would dare risk my wrath. <Character> will pay for this insult!
Drakath: My Lord. I believe I have found the spy. BEHIND YOU!
King Sneed: What are you wanting?
King Sneed: WHAT!?!?! You just knock out lots of sneevils on your way here? Now you want HELP?

to risk, after "the spy" should be an exclamation mark, "are" and "of" need to be deleted

Corrections for In-sir-mountable:


Objective: Can the Knights of Oaklore find time to help the Gnomes of Popsprocket? Let's hope so!



Captain Rolith: Greetings, <Character>! I didn't expect to see you here, I only just decided to send word asking for your aid.
<Character>: You and your Knights could turn the tide of the coming war if you have the time to come and help us.

word to you, "and" needs to be deleted


<Character>: Sepulchure!

You can add to it:
<Character> (thinking): Sepulchure!


<Character>: I'll... just... go... over... there... and see if I can find Sir Chandestroy and talk to him. Bye!
Sir Reptishus: No, no. You've just freed me up. I will take Sir Vey and we'll go scout out other bandit camps.

the three points after "over" need to be deleted, groups

Corrections for The City Fights Back!:


<Character>: Could somebody let ME know where the warning is coming from?
Mysterious G.: Aware. Angry. So many good synonyms, really.
<Character>: Yix? Not to be repetitive, but... the Energy Orb? I really do need to have that.
Mysterious G.: I do not foresee Speulchure being a problem for us again. Between your might and our magitech, he is no match for us.

someone, synonyms for it, the comma after repetitive needs to be deleted, SPROCKET OF, DEFENSE, Sepulchure

A few corrections for The Hunt Begins:


Isiri: He was able to get control over your Fire Avatar... I fear he is here. His army was just another distraction for us....
Etaos: We cannot ignore the threat Veyla posits as well.

gain control of, that Veyla

And a correction for Popsmashed:


Airheart: Yix! Something's not right!

should be a point instead

Done, thanks. ~Peachii

Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/24/2015 17:29:07)

Incoming batch of corrections!

Wiilowshire Outpost


<Character>: What is the Situation?



Guardian Fortuna: But when I got back... the Dragon and his army had already reached the tower!

.... (4 periods)


<Character>: I am at you service as well.



Guardian Fortuna: By the light... you are <Charcter Name>! If you are here, we can retake the town. Your fellow adventurers ar already down there.

.... (4 periods), <Character>, are

(you can put the following info between "Talk" and "Dragon"):
  • Team up!
    Invites Robina and Ash as Guest A and B, respectively.


    Guardian Fortuna: I heard his minions say his name.... and I ma certain. That Dragon is Gorgok



    Robina: Gorgok!!!?
    Ash: Gorgok !!!?
    Twilly: Gorgok !!!?

    Robina, Ash & Twilly: Gorgok!!!? (they all say it at the same time, so I bundled them together)


    Robina: The destroyer of Deconville!

    destoryer (in-game typo), no punctuation mark at all after "Deconville"


    Robina: The reaper of Redville!
    Ash: The reaper of Redville!

    Robina & Ash: The reaper of Redville! (they say it together)


    Robina: Hey, that was mine!
    Ash: Hey, that was mine!

    Robina & Ash: Hey, that was mine! (said together)


    Robina: Lets take Gorgok and his army down!
    Guardian Fortuna: Lets take Gorgok and his army down!
    Ash: Lets take Gorgok and his army down!
    Twilly: Lets take Gorgok and his army down!

    Robina, Guardian Fortuna, Ash & Twilly: Lets take Gorgok and his army down! (said together)


    Robina: ...
    Guardian Fortuna: ...
    Ash: ...
    Twilly: ...

    Robina, Guardian Fortuna, Ash & Twilly: ... (said together)

    Willowshire Burns! doesn't scale.


    Scaled Yes/No: Yes

    Scaled Yes/No: No

    Experience rewarded: 2394
    Gold rewarded: 118


    This sign comes up at the beginning of quest

    Image is broken, here's one:

    Gorgok Returns! corrections. All of the dialogue that say "<Dragon Name>" should be changed to simply "<Dragon>".


    Objective completed: You and your dragon have done with Guardian Fortuna and her resistance could only dream of... you defeated Gorgok! The dragon has retreated into its cave and sleeps again until it can heal. You have bought the Willowshire resistance precious time to fight! Well done DragonLord!

    The extra sentence here is not written.


    *Your Dragon Amulet starts to glow*

    *Your Dragon Amulet Starts To Glow* (written in-game like this)


    <Character>: What was that?

    "<Character>:" here is using Gorgok's color code and should have it removed.


    Gorgok: Gorgok: Ahhhh! A little Dragon Rider. A little DragonLord with his little dragon!

    Ahhh! (3 h's), his/her (gender specific)


    <Dragon Name>: I'm not that little right now, Gorgok!

    No comma is written.


    <Character>: WHAT? <Dragon Name>? You can speak?

    <Dragon>, the bold code should be removed here too.


    <Dragon Name>: We've come to put an end to you, Gorgok!

    No comma is written.


    Gorgok: O rly?

    Rly (capital R)


    <Character>: Why can't you just leave Willowshire alone, Gorgok?

    No comma, again.


    <Dragon Name>: Not all dragons feel that way, Gorgok. You will NEVER destroy Willowshire as long as I'm here!

    No comma, again.


    <Character>: <Dragon Name>, that was my line!

    <Dragon>, the bold code should be removed here.


    <Dragon Name>: Sorry, go ahead.

    <Dragon>: Sorry. Go ahead.

    This little bit of info could be added after all the dialogue:
  • Battle!
  • EXTREME Battle!
  • Heal
  • Run Away!

    Also updated for Gorgok.

    Additional dialogue for Welcome! quest, between "After defeating Frank" and "Complete Quest!"

    Aelthai: There now, that wasn't so bad was it?
    <Character>: You mean I'm done? Really?
    Aelthai: Yup. I'd call that experiment basically successful! Thanks for all your help!
    Aelthai: But what about Frank coming back?!
    Aelthai: BASICALLY a success!
    Aelthai: Anyways, feel free to leave whenever you're done!
    Aelthai: How?
    Aelthai: What do you mean how? I left the door open you could have left whenever you wanted-
    Aelthai: ...
    Aelthai: Wait. Humans. You can fly right?
    Aelthai: Uh... no?
    Aelthai: Right...Well then, here you go!

    *A ladder is lowered below, allowing you to climb out of here*

  • Note: some of the last lines dialogue mistakenly gives your character the same name as Aelthai.
    (I didn't color code the character's name for the errors)

    Also updated for Aelthai.

    All done here, thank you! [Jay]

  • Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/25/2015 5:43:36)

    Corrections for Popsprocket

    Lowe's Housing Shop


    Lowe: Good Day! Welcome to Lowe's Housing Shop! How my I help you?
    Lowe: We gnomes are known for our ingenuity! I bet you'll find things here you cant find anywhere else!
    Lowe: Nope, shop with gnomes and you'll find one-of-kind items and bargains!
    Lowe: Cyklons, bah! Who knew robots could cause so much trouble? They're supposed to be USEFUL!

    day, may, can't, one-of-a-kind, after USEFUL should be a point instead

    Also updated for Lowe.

    Gnix's Weapon Shop


    Gnix: But as long as there is a gear left turning, I'll protect it from those monsters!


    Also updated for Gnix.

    The Copper Teakettle


    Trixi: Welcome to Copper Teakettle, Popsprocket's finest (and only) Inn!

    to the Copper

    After this you can add, with a space between them:
    Trixi: Your potions have been refilled. Don't worry, I made sure the bottle was never used to hold oil or grease!


    Trixi: While you're here, why don't you take the time to relax. Grab a copy of Gearhead Digest and the lounge by the fire in the boiler room.

    "the" needs to be deleted

    After the last line

    Trixi: You want to get back to Falconreach? That's easy! Just make your way back to Yix, then continue to the left until you see the MechaGryphon.

    you can add, with a space between them:
    Trixi: Popsprocket is an excellent choice for a hometown! Would you like to make it yours?

    Also updated for Trixi.

    And a correction for Pachelbel's Cannon


    Pachelbel: To use less blasting powder and to eqiup you with an emergency parachute.


    All done, thanks! [Jay]

    Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/25/2015 13:11:29)

    A few minor corrections for Dragon Hatching:


    <Dragon>: <Character>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (17 exclamation points, I counted 16 in the quote)


    <Character>: Haha that tickles... stop licking my face! You're breath smells like sulfur and destruction! Hahaha!

    .. (2 periods), Your


    *The dragon breaths fire on the character*


    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/26/2015 4:49:56)

    A few corrections for The Copper Teakettle:


    Trixi: Welcome to Copper Teakettle, Popsprocket's finest (and only) Inn!
    Trixi: While you're here, why don't you take the time to relax. Grab a copy of Gearhead Digest and the lounge by the fire in the boiler room.

    to the Copper, "the" should be deleted

    And some for Bombs Away!:


    <Character>: The Orb!
    Yix: The Orb!

    <Character> & Yix: The Orb! (they say it at the same time)


    Mysterious G: No!

    a point after G

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/26/2015 7:38:29)

    Corrections for The Gnomes Gnow:

    You can add this note, and I think you can add it for Popsmashed entry too, after the monsters list:

  • Note: There is one additional Cyklon Pummeler, but it can't be reached.

    Cyklon Centurion and Cyklon Pummeler can be striked from the boss line, they've been removed. Now, Mysterious G. is alone.


    <Character>: Woah, MG. I... this is Tinker's stuff....


    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

  • Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/26/2015 15:11:22)

    Race To the KeyGems:


    Guardian Fortuna: Gorgok may have been defeated but he still lives. Many of his minions rushed into the Guardian Tower during the battle.
    Guardian Fortuna: Whatever they're after must still be down there...and maybe they haven't found it yet.
    Guardian Fortuna: I hate to ask you this after all you've done for us already..but I think you're the only one who can get this job done...
    Guardian Fortuna: Please <Character>, Go into our Guardian Tower and find what those Dravirs are after before they get it. Who knows what could happen if they get it first!

    Guardian Fortuna's name tag is using this color code:
    Guardian Fortuna

    It should be changed to:
    Guardian Fortuna:


    <Character>: ?

    Could be changed to:
    <Character> (thinking): ?


    <Character>: What are you talking about... what is “IT”?

    <Character>: What are you talking about... what is"IT"? (no space between "is" and ""IT"")


    <Character>: (thinks) Woah... did I just speak Draconic?

    <Character> (thinking): Woah... did I just speak Draconic?


    <Character>: (thinks) Last time?

    <Character> (thinking): Last time?

    A Rock and A Dark Place


    (3) Ancient Bone Fire
    (1) Ancient Shake Spear
    (2) Ancient Shoulder Blades
    (3) Darkness Elemental

    (2) Ancient Bone Fire
    (2) Ancient Shake Spear


    <Character>: Less disappeared and more... locked in the basement...
    Guardian Fortuna: Did Valorus tel you what was held in the Tower? What Gorgok is after?

    .. (2 periods), .... (4 periods)


    Guardian Fortuna: No one else has gone north. The Badlands are the remains of a 1000 year old battlefield... they're said to be cursed.

    .... (4 periods)

    Your Secret Is Safe


    Scaled Yes/No: No
    Experience Rewarded: 188X
    Gold Rewarded: 9X

    Experience Rewarded: Varies
    Gold Rewarded: Varies


    <Character>: Alright... point taken. What are you doing here, though? And what is it that Lord Valorus was sworn to protect?

    No comma


    <Character>: Where he locked himself in the tower basement trying to keep the Secret of the Thorn safe? He still wouldn't tell me what it was...

    .... (4 periods)


    Valencia: This battlefield was the center and this shield was what the monsters rallied behind... I had to see for myself... Does it look familiar, <Character>?

    .... (4 periods, for both of these)


    <Character>: It looks... like... like a Doom Knight helm... Sepulchure? But is he that old?

    .... (4 periods)


    Valencia: I'm not sure... Whatever darkness drives the Doom Knights... gives them their power... definitely is though...

    .... (4 periods, for both of these)


    Valencia: The towers were built to protect the Orbs. The Order of the Thorn was charged with building the Willowshire Tower... the Tower of Earth!



    Valencia: Not quite... Questions are going to have to wait until later, <Character>.
    Valencia: I still have to get the Secret of the Thorn someplace safe and we have a problem...

    .... (4 periods, for both of these)


    <Character>: We're surrounded... I'll distract them. Get the Secret someplace safe, Valencia!

    .... (4 periods)


    Valencia: *Thinks* Hmmm... you really belong in a museum... for now though...

    Valencia (thinking): Hmmm... You really belong in a museum... for now though...

    The Secret of the Thorn


    (2) Dravir
    (3) Lizardman
    (2) Sneevil
    (3) Tog

    (X) Tog
    (the number of Togs you battle depend on which direction you go in the quest, but this doesn't have to be added as a note)


    Guardian Fortuna: I... I have to trust you, <Character>...
    Guardian Fortuna: Besides, we have another problem...

    .... (4 periods, for both of these)


    <Character>: Why would they take you prisoner, though?

    No comma


    Lord Valorus: The corrupting darkness that threatened to take over this land had no regard for the other realms, or even its own, and all of Lore threatened to be torn apart.

    (it isn't exactly worded the same way in-game, here's a full quote of what it says):
    Lord Valorus: The corrupting darkness that sought to overtake this land had no regard for the other realms, or even it's own, and all of Lore threatened to be torn apart.


    Lord Valorus: The Avatars had only associated with the Dragons before then, each choosing their own champion... the original Great Dragons, who continue to pass that title down to their children.



    Lord Valorus: Earth Orb, eh? Not quite as cool as the Ice Orb, haha, but it's pretty neat I guess.



    Lord Valorus: Uhh...

    .... (4 periods)


    Lord Valorus: Eh hehe, cool, the Earth Orb. Wow, I'm a lucky guy... heh hehh...

    .. (2 periods, for both)

    Dragon Hatching

    <Character>: Haha that tickles.. stop licking my face! Youre breath smells like sulfur and destruction! Hahaha!


    The Gnomes Gnow


    (1) Mysterious G, (1) Cyklon Centurion, (1) Cyklon Pummeler - Boss

    The extra Cyklons for the boss fight only appear in Extreme Mode.

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/26/2015 16:46:48)

    Corrections for Rising Fire:


    <Character>: Maybe he's given up? We've been defeating everything that's coming through the portals for weeks now.
    <Character>: We defeated him once, we can do it again.
    Isiri: We have no choice, there is no escape.

    come, He was defeated once, after "choice" it should be a point instead of the comma, There


    Veyla: No... escape...

    Veyla (thinking): No.. escape...


    Veyla: He is coming... I... I can feel it.

    Veyla: He is coming... I... I can feel it.


    Veyla: AAARRgghhhhh! It-- it burns!
    Etaos: Alz'ein, no. There has to be no other way.

    It, another

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/27/2015 10:06:51)

    A correction for Friday the 13th - Rift War!

    In Location line, the link from "Rift War!" needs to be removed, it points to the same entry.

    I've removed the link, thanks. ~Jorath

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (3/28/2015 8:51:11)

    Corrections for The Puppet General:


    Alz'ein: Argh...

    just 2 points after "Argh"


    Veyla: The... dawn...
    Veyla: Argh...

    just 2 points after "the", 4 points after "dawn", 2 points after "Argh"


    Veyla: We were left behind, though. Left in a world of darkness. Now light causes us to... to burn.
    Veyla: We were at peace, though. The darkness was beautiful. Cool. Calm.
    Veyla: His legions are only the beginning...

    the commas after "behind" and "peace" should be deleted, 4 points after "beginning", one more A

    Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

    Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/1/2015 13:34:43)

    I'll work on the entry for Mootopolis soon.

    Some dialogue here for Mootopolis town:

    Arystea: Welcome to Mootopolis, stranger.

    Larysa: Have you seen my son? His name is Agis. I worry about him. He's always taking unnecessary risks.

    Guardian: This part of the city is closed. You are not allowed inside.

    Diogenes: Man, I'm good looking.

    Orion: Don't bother me...

    Xaver: Welcome to my barber shop.They call me Xaver. Please sit down and choose a hairstyle!
  • Hair Cut
  • Talk
    Xaver: I'm one of the most skilled barbers you've ever met. I've cut the hair of gods, so I can manage cutting yours.
  • Done

    Arester: Greetings, <Character>! Welcome to Mootopolis.

  • Ascended ChickenCow!
  • Heal & potions
  • Talk
    Arester: Ask your questions, <Character>.

    Arester: Ah yes, the Cowiseum. Many great heroes have been forged within its walls.
    Arester: You are not yet ready to participate in any contests there, but many great heroes have over the past few hundred years.
    Arester: You may one day be worthy enough to participate, but for now just know that we will continue to watch your deeds.

    Arester: We decided to build Mootopolis above the ground and between clouds because we are almost untouchable here.
    Arester: We've heard rumors of the organization known as the Rose. We'd prefer not to have them attempt to "chain" us, as some have described.
    Arester: You, however, are free to explore. We know of your actions against the Rose and how much you value freedom.

    Your appearance...
    Arester: Here in Mootopolis we decided to take on humanoid forms.
    Arester: We felt that these forms would allow others to interact with us in an easier way.
    Arester: This form is quite interesting. We're able to learn quite a bit more from your kind than in our normal form.

    Arester: Yes, Zeuster is here. However, he's secluded himself for some reason.
    <Character>: What's with the giant statue of him over the Cowiseum?
    Arester: Ah, yes...that. It should have been a monument to myself, but Zeuster holds more influence than I.
    <Character>: Ah... I see.
    Arester: You may be able to speak to him eventually but for now you'll need to wait.

    Arester: So you wish to take our power on as your own?
    Arester: There are several things you must do before you can earn that privilege.
    Arester: However...I may be persuaded to show you immediately for a price.
    Arester: I am aware of a currency that you use on the ground. I believe they are called Dragon Coins?
    Arester: You may choose to undergo my trials and purchase the right for gold or share some of these odd coins with me instead.
    Arester: Which will it be, <Character>?

  • Earn It
    Arester: Are you positive? You will not be able to change your mind after we begin.

  • I am!
    Arester: An honorable choice indeed. Are you ready to begin?
  • Yes I Am!
  • No!

  • Nevermind!

  • Purchase It
    Opens the Ascendant CC DC Shop
  • Back

    Arester: To begin your training I require an offering.
    Arester: Zeuster created something very odd and I wish to understand it if I can.
    Arester: Bacon.
    Arester: It has come to my attention that a man in the town you call Falconreach has found a piece that's beyond all others.
    Arester: It is cooked to perfection and something that I very much wish to sample.
    Arester: If you can find this man who loves cheese more than anything else bring me back this Perfect Bacon Slice.
    Arester: I will continue your training once you do.

  • Give him the BACON!
    (Takes The Perfect Slice of Bacon from your inventory)
  • Back

    After giving The Perfect Slice of Bacon:
    Arester: Ah, excellent. Thank you, <Character>. I'll sample this later. For now do you wish to continue your training?
  • Yes!
  • No!

    Arester: One of our greatest heroes was the mighty Moocluckles.
    Arester: He was the first to take on human form and conquered many great challenges even in that original weakened form.
    Arester: Any who wish to take our power for their own must complete the Challenge of Moocluckles.
    Arester: Your people have already discovered and use something akin to that original form he took.
    Arester: You must now take on that form and complete the challenges to prove yourself worthy.
    Arester: Beware though, it will not be easy as you will face creatures of tremendous power.
    Arester: If you have the courage of Moocluckles then I will lead you to where the challenges begin.
    Arester: Take up the armor and let us depart!
  • Don the Armor!
    (Loads ChickenCow Armor)
  • LET'S GO!
    (Starts The Challenge of Moocluckles)
  • Back

    After completing The Challenge of Moocluckles:
    Arester: You have done well, <Character>. You are nearly done.
    Arester: The final act you must complete is to give up the vestments of the lesser Chickencows.
    Arester: You must give me one of each of the armors known as the ChickenCow Lord and the Evolved ChickenCow Lord.
    Arester: Your people have several versions but I only require one of each.
    Arester: Bring them to me and you will have earned the power of the Ascended.
  • Very Well!
  • Back

    Arester: Present the ChickenCow Armor. You will not keep it once you offer it up.
  • Offer up the ChickenCow Lord!
    (Takes the ChickenCow Armor from your inventory.)
  • Back

    Arester: Present the Evolved ChickenCow Armor. You will not keep it once you offer it up.
  • Offer up the Evolved ChickenCow Lord!
    (Takes the Evolved ChickenCow Armor from your inventory.)
  • Back

    Arester: You have proven yourself worthy, <Character>! You may now learn the powers of the Ascended!
  • Items!
    (Opens Ascendant CC Shop)

  • DC Items!
    (Opens Ascendant CC DC Shop)

  • The Challenge
    Arester: So you wish to attempt the challenege again? Very well, don the armor and we shall depart.
  • Don the Armor!
    (Loads ChickenCow Armor)
  • LET'S GO!
    (Starts The Challenge of Moocluckles)
  • Back

    Thanks to
    -- Stridoom for Arystea, Larysa, Guardian, Diogenes, and Orion NPC dialogue and name tag color code.
    -- Jorath for some of Arester's dialogue and name tag color code.

    And a correction:

    Ascended CC DC
    Shop name is written as "Ascendant CC DC" in-game.

    Done by Jorath. ~Peachii

  • Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/8/2015 7:40:16)

    New map images for CMC - December 2010

    Hope they are good, I didn't know exactly how to do them..

    Map - Level 08
    Map - Level 09
    Map - Level 10
    Map - Level 11

    And a correction:


    Level 8 - 2 Down, All Right, 3 Down, 3 Up, 4 Left, 8 Down, 13 Up, 4 Right, 4 Left, 5 Down, 9 Left, 3 Down

    just 3 times down

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/9/2015 7:29:09)

    New war wave images for Undead Assault:

    Wave 1: (7) Deadwood, (1) Flying Eyeball, (3) Skeletal Minion, (5) Slime
    Wave 2: (1) Deadwood, (1) Flying Eyeball, (3) Skeletal Minion, (10) Slime
    Wave 3: (1) Deadwood, (3) Flying Eyeball, (1) Skeletal Minion, (8) Slime
    Wave 4: (6) Deadwood, (5) Skeletal Minion

    Could someone verify the Joke Wave image? It gives that error for me

    Only showing in IE for me.

    Introduction and War Meter images are also broken.

    War Meter

    Using the war meter image as that is also the intro when entering the war scene.
    All done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/10/2015 19:15:52)

    A bunch of small dialogue corrections/additional info for Amityvale (Books 1 and 2):


    Thursday: Hi! Welcome to Amityvale! Where it is a beautiful full moon every single day!

    Thursday: Hi Welcome to Amityvale! Where it is a beautiful full moon every single day!


    Thursday: Oh, did you want to go fishing at the DoomWood Dock? You can just follow the path leading LEFT out of town!

    Thursday: Oh did you want to go fishing at the Doomwood Dock? You can just follow the path leading LEFT out of town!


    Thursday: Are you sure you want to set Amityvale as your home town? It can get pretty spooky here!

    Thursday: Are you sure that you want to set Amityvale as your home town? It can get pretty spooky here.


    Artix: He had just summoned a creature from the Plane of Eternal Darkness. The creature could not be slain so I trapped its soul in my Battleaxe...

    Artix: He had just summoned a creature from the Plane of Eternal Darkness. The creature could not be slain so I trapped it's soul in my Battleaxe...

    (most of Lugosi's dialogues are just missing periods in the pedia, but there's other minor mistakes)

    Lugosi: Welcome <Class>! Take a look around. I make and sell a wide variety of weapons
    Lugosi: Do you want to quest for MoonGlow? I can use it to make powerful light Dragon Amulet weapons out of any weapons that I sell

    Lugosi: Welcome <Class>! Take a look around. I make and sell a wide variety of weapons.
    Lugosi: Do you want to quest for Moonglow? I can use it to make powerful light Dragon Amulet weapons out of any weapons that I sell.


    Lugosi: For a level 15 weapon, I need the weapon from my shop that you would like enchanted and 10 pouches of MoonGlow
    Lugosi: For a level 22 weapon, I need the weapon from my shop that you would like enchanted and 20 pouches of MoonGlow
    Lugosi: The MoonGlow is rare. If I get enough of it, I can charge any of the weapons that I sell with light, and make them Dragon Amulet weapons

  • Weapon Quest
    Lugosi: For a level 15 weapon, I need the weapon from my shop that you would like enchanted and 10 pouches of Moonglow.
    Lugosi: for a level 22 weapon, I need the weapon from my shop that you would like enchanted and 20 pouches of Moonglow.
    Lugosi: The Moonglow is rare. If I get enough of it, I can charge any of the weapons that I sell with light, and make them Dragon Amulet weapons.


    Lugosi: Me? I'm Lugosi. I moved to Amityvale about 5 years ago, and I decided to settle down here and start my weapon shop
    Lugosi: Well... I guess I didn't really "decide" to settle down here. It was more like I didn't have a choice. The road was clogged with zombies
    Lugosi: But I've always been lucky. In a town like this people need the strongest weapons that they can get! Everything worked out just fine
    <Character>: I guess that's one way to see it. To me, it looks like you got stuck here and now you're trapped fighting for your life every day

  • Talk
    Lugosi: Me? I'm Lugosi. I moved to Amityvale about 5 years ago, and I decided to settle down here and start my weapon shop.
    Lugosi: Well... I guess I didn't really "decide" to settle down here. It was more like I didn't have a choice. The road was clogged with zombies.
    Lugosi: But I've always been lucky. In a town like this people always need the strongest weapons that they can get! Everything worked out just fine.
    <Character>: I guess that's one way to see it. To me, it looks like you got stuck here and now you're trapped fighting for your life every day.


    Lugosi: I've heard it said that recent attacks are all work of a single, very powerful necromancer

  • Rumors
    Lugosi: I've heard it said that the recent attacks are all the work of a single, very powerful necromancer.


    Rosemary: Welcome to the Smashing Pumpkin! Amityvale's best (and only) Inn!

    Rosemary: Welcome to the Smashing Pumpkin! Amityvale's best (and only) inn!


    Rosemary: I refilled your potions. *Whispers* I ever put a little Pumpkin spice in them!

  • Potions
    Rosemary: I refilled your potions. *Whispers* I even put a little Pumpkin spice in them!


    Rosemary: Oh, so you are new to DoomWood? let me tell you a little about it.

  • Talk
    Rosemary: Oh, so you are new to DoomWood? Let me tell you a little about it.


    Rosemary: ... undead abominations, lagoon creatures, zombies, and the occasional lawyer

    Rosemary: ... undead abominations, lagoon creatures, zombies, and the occasional lawyer.


    Rosemary: The politically correct term is "Yaga"

    Rosemary: The politically correct term is "Yaga".


    Rosemary: New age Witches are very sensitive and trying to disassociate themselves with the classic green wart nosed hag image
    <Character>: No problem with Vampires though... right?
    Rosemary: Oh no, Vampires are fair game
    <Character>: Whew

    Rosemary: New age Witches are very sensitive and trying to disassociate themselves with the classic green, wart nosed hag image.
    <Character>: No Problem with Vampires though... right?
    Rosemary: Oh no, Vampires are fair game.
    <Character>: Whew.


    Rosemary: How to get back to Falconreach? Oh, just leave the Inn and go South (Down)

  • To Falconreach
    Rosemary: How to get bck to Falconreach? Oh, just leave the Inn and go South (Down).


    Rosemary: Are you certain you would like to set your hometown to Amityvale?

    You could add this before the quoted dialogue:
  • Set Home Town


    Wednesday: Rest at ease, all of your troubles will be addressed during the Town hall meeting.

    Wednesday: Rest at ease, all of your troubles will be addressed during the Town hall meeting!


    Wednesday: Alright let's begin. I hereby call this Town Hall meeting to order. Who would like to go first?

    Pressing "More" will continue the meeting

    Wednesday: Alright, let's begin. I hereby call this Town Hall meeting to order. Who would like to go first?

    (There also isn't a "More" button, you have to simply click anywhere to continue the dialogue)



    Should be replaced with:
    Villager: Things are bad... real bad. There are new monsters and they have started attacking without warning.
    (it should be worth noting the dialogue/name of the text bubble only shows in a specific game resolution, otherwise it's blank)


    Villager: This week alone we lost Freddy, Jason, Micheal... and they just got Chucky!
    Villager: Poor chucky...he was such a doll.

    Villager: This week alone we lost Freddy, Jason, Michael... and they just got Chucky!
    Villager: Poor chucky.... he was such a doll.


    Villager: I heard he was cursed and die if he does not free enough undead each day!

    Villager: I heard he was cursed and will die if he does not free enough undead each day!


    Villager: Adventurers like the one behind me that probably does not think we all noticed him standing there this whole meeting?

    Villager: Adventurer's like the one behind me that probably does not think we all noticed him/her standing there this whole meeting?


    Wednesday: Yes. I think they... I think they can defeat the Necromancers!
    Villager: If you are wrong... we might as well start sizing our caskets Mayor. Hey stranger... do you really think you can beat a Necromancer?

    Wednesday: Yes. I think they... I think they can even defeat the Necromancers!
    Villager: If you are wrong.... we might as well start sizing our caskets Mayor. Hey stranger... do you really think you can beat a Necromancer?

    A little bit of extra dialogue can be added at the end of the "Townhall Meeting":

    After you completed Zorbak's quest-chain in Amityvale:

    <Character>: Everyone must have gone home after getting a brand new baby dracolich pet. I guess the town meeting is over! My work here is done!


    Eric Ravenwing: Maybe something... a little more subtle might be more appropriate? <Character Name>, can you help us hunt?

    Eric Ravenwing: Maybe something... a little more subtle might be more appropriate? <Character>, can you help us hunt?

    Edit: Some additional information for Amityvale (Book 1 and 2):

    Pop-up notices on the west(left) side of town:


    First house:
    "Door is locked! Maybe they are at the town meeting."

    Second house:
    "No one is home! Must be at the town meeting."

    Space between the houses:
    "Get lost, kid. Yer not the one I'm lookin' for."
    Note: Trey Surehunter once stood here, sometime before the Earth Orb saga started. The message still pops up even though he left town.

    After completing Zorbak's quest-chain in Amityvale:
    First house:
    "You can hear sounds of roughhousing and 'Awww, good boy!' from inside!"

    Second house:
    "They must be busy playing with their new pet!"

    A few more pop-up headlines, from clicking things in the Smashing Pumpkin Inn:


    "The Smashing Pumpkin Inn"
    "Rosemary has a Baby Moglin as a pet."
    "Mugs of Hot Pumpkin Spice Chocolate Milk!"
    "Wax made from melted fake Vampire teeth."
    "Killer Tomato Plant!"

    All done, thanks. ~Peachii

  • Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/13/2015 9:40:49)

    Some more minor corrections/additional information for Amityvale (Book 3):


    Thursday: So much has changed since then... the Rose came, walls have gone up, people feel safer... even the moon has changed...
    Thursday: The werewolf howls sound so sad now... Can you help us find out why?

    Thursday: So much has changed since then... the Rose came, walls have gone up, people feel safer... even the Moon has changed...
    Thursday: The werewolf howls sound so sad now.... Can you help us find out why?


    Raven: Thursday has gone missing and we need to find her! Do you remember where the necklace you found for her years ago came from?

    Raven: Thursday has gone missing and we need to find her! Do you remember where the nacklace you found for her years ago came from?


    Adrian: I refilled your potions. *Whispers* I even put a little pumpkin spice in them! Just like Mom used to make!

    Adrian: I refilled your potions. *Whispers* I even put a little Pumpkin spice in them! Just like Mom used to make!


    Adrian: Oh, <Character Name>? Welcome back to Doomwood! My mother, Rosemary, told me stories about you! I'm Adrain.
    <Character Name>: I'm surprised by how... secure Amityvale seems now. Is it really safer now?
    Adrian: Oh, the forest is still pretty much overrun with skeletons, poltergeist, vampires, yagas, necromancers...
    Adrian: ...ghouls, fiends, gargoyles, liches, mummies, pumpkin golems, shadow creatures...
    Adrian: ...undead abominations, lagoon creatures, zombies, and the occasional lawyer.

    Adrian: Oh, <Character>? Welcome back to Doomwood! My mother, Rosemary, told me stories about you! I'm Adrian.
    <Character>: I'm surprised by how... secure Amityvale seems now. Is it really safer now?
    Adrian: Oh, the forest is still pretty much overrun with skeletons, poltergeist, vampires, yagas, necromancers...
    Adrian: ... ghouls, fiends, gargoyles, liches, mummies, pumpkin golems, shadow creatures...
    Adrian: ... undead abominations, lagoon creatures, zombies, and the occasional lawyer.


    <Character Name>: So, the Rose is a welcome force here?

    <Character Name>: No... overzealousness, though?

    <Character>: So, the Rose is a welcome force here?

    <Character>: No... overzealousness, though?


    Sanguinea: Well hello, <Class Name>, welcome to the Thorn, where you can get a deadly weapon from Amityvale's own "Alchemsmith."

    Sanguinea: Well hello, <Class>, welcome to the Thorn, where you can get a deadly weapon from Amityvale's own "Alchemsmith."


    <Character Name>: "Alchemsmith"?

    <Character Name>: That's fantastic. What do you have in stock?

    <Character>: "Alchemsmith"?

    <Character>: That's fantastic. What do you have in stock?


    Magus Neron: The patrols have been provided with his description. If any trace is to be found, they will find it.

    Magus Neron: The patrols have been provided with his description. If any trace of him is to be found, they will find it.


    Magus Neron: I will have one of the recruits come by and seal the window and collect a sample of the dust.

    Magus Neron: I will have one of the recruits come by to seal the window and collect a sample of the dust.


    Magus Neron: Unfortunately, they've vanished. I fear we've not seen the last of them either. They will be back for Thursday.

    Magus Neron: Unfortunately, they've vanished. I fear that we've not seen the last of them either. They will be back for Thursday.


    Villager: Travelers actually come to visit, some of the darkness seems to disperse during the day…
    Villager: But the werewolf attack was worse than anything we got before the Rose came. I say if they want the girl, give her to them!

    Villager: Travellers actually come to visit, some of the darkness seems to disperse during the day...
    Villager: But that werewolf attack was worse than anything we got before the Rose came. I say if they want the girl, give her to them!


    Magus Neron: Amityvale is my home as well. I don’t want to see those inside its walls become worse monsters than those that dwell outside them.

    Magus Neron: Amityvale is my home as well. I don’t want to see those inside its walls become worse monsters then those that dwell outside them.


    Perron: I wish that cat would stop yowling…it sounds like a demon!

    Perron: I wish that cat would stop yowling... it sounds like a demon!


    <Character Name>: Who’s a good kitty?

    <Character Name>: Let's take a look in the dictionary... Let's see... "Meow". Aha! You're hungry!
    <Character Name>: I'm sorry! I got rid of the Vurrmen Tails because they were starting to stink.

    <Character Name>: Oh! "Meow" not "Meow"! You... want me to build a sandcastle!

    <Character Name>: Yikes! I don't need a dictionary to tell me what that means. I'll study up on my meows and come back later.

    <Character>: Who’s a good kitty?

    <Character>: Let's take a look in the dictionary... Let's see... "Meow". Aha! You're hungry!
    <Character>: I'm sorry! I got rid of the Vurrmen Tails because they were starting to stink.

    <Character>: Oh! "Meow" not "Meow"! You... want me to build a sandcastle!

    <Character>: Yikes! I don't need a dictionary to tell me what that means. I'll study up on my meows and come back later.


    Harkness: <Character Name>? Is it really you? It’s me! Rosemary! Well... I go by Harkness now since I joined the Rose.
    Harkness: If you’re staying in town, you should see my son, Adrain, for a room at the Inn!

    Harkness: <Character>? Is it really you? It’s me! Rosemary! Well... I go by Harkness now since I've joined the Rose.
    Harkness: If you're staying in town, you should go see my son, Adrian, for a room at the Inn!


    Karloff: Leave me be, <Class Name>.

    Karloff: Leave me be, <Class>.

    Other information
    Pop-up headlines from clicking things in the Smashing Pumpkin Inn:

    "A beautiful violet rose!"
    "Gentle Raspberry Plant!"
    "Chest full of terrors."

    (that should just about cover the entirety of all book versions of amityvale now)

    Edit: Missed a code for one of the dialogues, it's fixed now.

    Thursday now has a color code added to all the specific entries. Will work on the corrections for NPC entries.
    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/13/2015 11:28:24)

    New war wave images for Arachnattack!

    Wave 1: (1) Cave Creeper, (1) Chaos Weaver, (2) Deathwidow, (7) Undertog
    Wave 2: (4) Cave Creeper, (1) Chaos Weaver, (1) Deathwidow, (5) Undertog
    Wave 3: (2) Cave Creeper, (1) Chaos Weaver, (1) Deathwidow, (6) Undertog
    Wave 4: (5) Cave Creeper, (1) Deathwidow, (5) Undertog
    Joke Wave

    Introduction/War Meter (also broken)

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/13/2015 17:23:57)

    Corrections for Spidermancer:


    Spidermancer: I'm asking if you want me to answer those three questions that order.
    <Character>: No! Of course not.
    Spidermancer: ...and we still want to eat you. Since you don't eat us that makes things a lot easier.

    in that order, NO!, don't want to eat, eaiser (misspelled in-game)


    <Character>: Not sure why but i really feel like going out to see a movie all of the sudden. Hm.
    Serenity: Actually a movies does sound good. What do you want to go see?
    <Character>: Let's see what's playing. I'm sure we'll think of something.
    Twilly: Oh NOW you're listening. The dragon eggs hatch exactly one year from the appearance of the Dragon Amulets...

    I, a comma after "Actually", Lets, appearnce (in-game typo)

    You can add the color code for Xaver in Mootopolis


    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/19/2015 10:42:23)

    Minor corrections for Final Battle!


    Objective: The time has come to infiltrate Drakonnan's Lair and fight him once and for all!



    Warlic: I can try... it will generate a lot of mana to break through though...



    Cysero: I have this sponge... *

    4 points


    Cysero: Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee,

    there's an additional "gotta pee," I counted 15 in-game (not including the "Gotta pee," at the beginning) but only 14 in the quest entry


    Ghost: PS.. Don't tell C it's here, keep it a secret please. Last thing I want is him exacting his revenge on me. *wink*

    it is


    Cysero: Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee,

    an extra "gotta pee," like above


    <Character>: NO.
    Artix: NO.
    Warlic: NO.

    Suggestion to change to:
    <Character>, Artix & Warlic: NO.


    <Character>: ... Is there any other way?

    no space between "..." and "Is"


    Zorbak: ... Ebil.

    no space again


    Zorbak ... limits on his magic and just might make the whole planet a smoking crater.

    no space again. Zorbak's name tag is also missing 2 dots (:)


    <Character>: ... ebil plans, whatever they may be.

    no space again


    Tomix: Drakonnan has learned how to create more fire orbs.

    Drakonnon (in-game typo)


    Oishii: This dungeon is horrible. It smells like sulfur and burnt rocks from all the volcanic gases.

    sulfer (in-game typo)


    <Character>: Evil Artix gettin' down with his bad self!

    The character's name tag is written as:

    Added this as a note in the spoiler box.


    Drakonnan: YOU!
    Drakonnan: You DARE come to my Lair!

    the 2 dots (:) in his name tag here is not included in the bold or color codes


    Drakonnan: I destroyed your towns... took prisoners...

    Took, 4 points


    Zorbak: Meheheh...

    2 points


    Zorbak: Grrrr... Drakonnan... CAN YOU HEAR ME DOWN THERE?!?

    2 points


    Zorbak: ... I am going to sit on this instead.

    no space between "..." and "I"

    You could also add, after that dialogue, as a quest complete button:

  • The End?

    I've also picked up some dialogue from Drakonnan, during the battle, which was never written anywhere in the encyclopedia to my knowledge:

    Drakonnan: It seems you will not be killed so easily..
    Drakonnan: Nevermind, though. My powers are beyond your comprehension!
    Drakonnan: FIRE CONSUMES!

    Drakonnan: The Ice Katana will not save you...
    Drakonnan: For the flame I wield can never die. It has consumed me, and it has made me immortal.
    Drakonnan: Too little, too late, "hero", now it is time to burn you to cinders!

    Drakonnan: ARRGHHHHH!!!!
    Drakonnan: Do you even KNOW what it is you trifle with?
    Drakonnan: Nothing... Nothing matters anymore.
    Drakonnan: You... YOU HAVE COST ME EVERYTHING!

    Drakonnan: Now you will feel my full power...
    Drakonnan: NOW you will understand my anger...
    Drakonnan: THIS IS...
    Drakonnan: FIRE IMMORTAL!

    Should this be thrown into "Final Battle!" or Drakonnan's Monster entry? Or somewhere else?

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

  • Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/20/2015 15:46:59)

    Corrections for Memory-Demons:


    (1) Bone Fire
    (3) Dark Drinker
    (2) Flying Eyeball
    (1) Lovey Bear
    (3) Raven
    (3) Shake Spear
    (3) Shoulder Blades
    (1) Vayle - Boss

    It's 4 Shake Spears instead of 3. There also isn't a Bone Fire encounter in the quest.


    Vayle: Well, you DID! You took my brother - my life, my only remaining family member - away from me!

    brother-, member-


    Tomix: Isn't this what you were -



    <Character>: I - yes, but - Vayle, I have... something to tell you.

    <Character>: I'm battling HIM in a race against time and each other.

    I-, We're


    Vayle: *SCREAM*

    Vayle: Isn't there ANYONE who DOESN'T want to USE ME?!

    should be bolded: *SCREAM*



    Vayle: I am not going to submit to anyone, and I'll start with YOU!

    to just submit anymore


    <Character>: You don't mean - CAN you? Would you?



    Vayle: What? What are you talking about?

    There is one additional "What?":
    Vayle: What? What? What are you talking about?


    Tomix: Exactly. You are pretty smart for a <<Class>>.



    Tomix: If you agree -



    <Character>: I bet Mayor Rayf's light-fingered approach would just LOVE this investment!

    approach to finance


    Vayle: And now... Its writer can just do WITHOUT the Darkness Orb!


    What's Mine is Mine:

    Trey: Nice job, <Character>. You're better at this than I thought.



    <Character>: *Thinks* *(Ok... enough with the dramatic lightning)*

    <Character> (thinking):


    <Character>: How is a loop maid of dried fruit part of a map?



    Valencia: Where do we go next, then?!



    Valencia: Ok... looks like it splits up ahead. Which way do you want to go?

    2 points


    Trey: Ok, we're still alive... Must've been the right choice.
    Valencia: Yup. Say... up ahead... is that--

    2 points, to both of these


    Valencia: Ok... I think we're in the clear.

    2 points


    <Character>: I was waiting for us to run into a rock, or fall off the track in to a giant abyss... or something.
    Valencia: <Character>... You should know better than to say stuff like that.
    <Character>: I know, right? Something always happens, though.

    into, 2 points, 3 points

    The Map Room:

    Monsters (Types of encounters depend on where in the room you find them)
    (X) Dark Drinker
    (X) Gorrillaphant
    (X) Mummy
    (X) Raven
    (X) Renegade Scout
    (X) Seed Spitter
    (X) Sneevil
    (X) Yaga

    The parenthesized line seems unnecessary. There's also a set amount of monsters in the quest:
    1 Dark Drinker, 1 Gargoyle, 4 Gorrillaphant, 2 Mummy, 1 Raven, 9Renegade Scout, 3 Seed Spitter, 2 Sneevil, 2 Yaga


    Trey: Ok, take my hand. Upsie-daisy...

    2 points


    Trey: Uhh...
    <Character>: I dreamt that we were riding a mine cart at breakneck speeds, and then there was this giant explosion!

    2 points, 3 points before "I"


    <Character>: Oi. Well... what about the part where I was on fire after the explosion, and you guys were too busy discussing something to help me?

    2 points


    <Character>: WHAT?! You mean that really happened?!



    Valencia: Well, um, you see... we made a significant archaeological discovery, and...

    2 points


    <Character>: ...AGAIN!



    <Character>: Look. Next time I'm on fire... wake me up so I can put myself out, ok?

    2 points


    Trey: Now, if you're done venting... come check this out already.

    2 points


    <Character>: This... is not what I thought you meant.

    2 points


    <Character>: ... Didn't somebody eat that?
    Valencia: Um... I don't think so.
    <Character>: Ohhh... You meant the one in the shape of a loop. Yeah... You couldn't pay me to eat that.

    ...Didn't (no space)
    2 points
    4 points, 2 points


    <Character>: Oh... You talk? Well, I mean. I... Hmm... let's try this again. Hi, my name is <Character>!

    2 points, 4 points, Let's


    Valencia: We're very sorry to have intruded Mr...

    Valencia: ... Mr. Salad. We are looking for--



    Salad: Mmm... Just like Fae used to make!

    Salad: Oh. Yeah... They do tend to do that.

    Salad: Fae is Fae. But... sometimes she's not. GAH! Look at the mess you guys have made... It is going to take me forever to clean this up...

    2 points to all


    <Character>: Would you be able to tell us where to find her? And does it have anything to do with the light and the loop of fruit?

    where we can


    Salad: *SCREEEEE* No, why did you even put it on the thingie, anyways?

    no comma after "thingie"

    Race to the Key Orb:

    Monsters (randomly show up during walkaround)
    (X) En
    (X) Tropy

    4 En, 5 Tropy


    Guardian Fortuna: The more likely you are to draw attention to you quest. Be on the lookout for the minions of our enemies.



    Salad: Last I heard she was in the northern part of SureWould Forest.



    Trey: Don't worry, I caught it. She's in Surewood.



    Toy: ZOMG what is wrong with this orange.. ?!



    Valencia: Is that... ?



    Trophy: Yyoooooouuuuu arrrrreeee tooo laaaaatttteeeeeeee....



    Fae: Finally! No fur! I..... I..... I.....

    I.....I...... (no space and 6 points for the last "I")


    Objective completed: Fae's eyes widen in Awe...

    4 points


    En: Deeeessssstruuuction.
    Tropy: Deeeessssstruuuction.

    En & Tropy: Deeeessssstruuuction.


    En: Evvvvverythiiiinnng diessss... Youuu wiillll faaaiillllll.
    Tropy: Aaasss tiiiime goooooeessss ooonnn ouuurrr pooweeeerrr grrrooooowssssss...

    4 points to both


    <Character>: So... where did Trey and Fae go?
    Valencia: I... don't know. Daddy must have taken her someplace where they'd be safe though.

    2 points, I... I don't know.


    <Character>:: Reanimates... Why'd it have to be reanimates...

    <Character> has a double 2-dots (::)
    4 points to both


    En: Enooooughhhhh...

    4 points


    Tropy: Thhheeee ooothhhherrrr haaassss theeee giiirrrllllll... Yooooouuurrr skiiillllssss haaaveeee deeecliiiiiineeeed...

    4 points to both


    <Character>: They're using some kind of magic to destroy our skills...
    Valencia: I have one thing left up my sleeves. We need to get away. Now.

    4 points, sleeve


    Tropy: Thheyyyyyyy willllllll noooooottttt geettttt faaaarrrr...
    En: Wwwweeee willllllll cccruuuushhhhhh thhhhhemmmm...!

    4 points, 5 points


    Fae: AATCHOOO!!



    Fae: Where is what? I... I don't understand...

    4 points

    En Tropy:

    Location: Willowshire (Town) -> Guardian Fortuna -> Quests -> En Tropy



    You play as En and Tropy

    Loads En Armor and Tropy is invited as Guest A.


    Tropy: Thhhhhhhheeeeee Naaaaaatuuuuurrrreeeee Haaaaalfffff iiisssss iiiiiin mooootiooooon.


    All done, thanks! ~Peachii

    Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/21/2015 21:25:14)

    S'more corrections, to finish up the Earth Orb Saga:



  • Quest
  • Back

  • Missing a bold code


    <Character>: Enough. I've faced bigger and badder foes than your new found elementals.


    New Face of Entropy:


    (6) enTog
    (7) Entropic Minion

    I've noticed how newer quests, like The Castle in the Woods, have been seperating monsters that have multiple versions, but the same name (i.e. Elite Vampire Male and Female). May I suggest seperating the Entropic Minions to this?:

    (3) Entropic Minion (Male)
    (4) Entropic Minion (Female)


    Guardian Fortuna: We have to recover the Orb. Who knows what damage will be done with it...

    4 points

    Nature's Keeper:


    Guardian Fortuna: ...But where has the Nature Half of the Orb been for so long?

    2 points


    Tuesday: (thinks) Man, the way that guy tells it he'll have been the true Light King of the desert for a million years when we see him next year...

    Tuesday (thinking):


    Fae: I should return it... I just meant to play a joke on them...

    4 points

    Surehunter Woes:


    (4) Dirt Beetle
    (7) Earth Elemental
    (3) Sandslicer
    (4) Sandstone
    (2) Sandstorm
    (2) Sunspike

    3 Sandstorm


    Chest 2:
    Sifting through the dust and dirt at the bottom of the empty chests, you find a small piece of paper. It reads -
    Arr! 'pon diggin' this hole, me crew noticed that this cave seemed like it had been used before. Well,
    whoever was here before best not be comin' back n'
    stealing me treasure or there will be heck to pay!

    2 points after before, stealin'


    Valencia: I think I know better than you do...


    Not sure if necessary, but here's some additional information while searching for the Radiant Pearl 2 (in spoiler tags, of course):


    While mousing over a mysterious stone after entering the secret passage way:
    It appears to be very old. You can make out some faint symbols on it.. who knows what it means.

    When you find the Radiant Pearl 2:
    In the hidden crevice
    As the rocks roll away, a shimmering light catches your eye. The glowing sphere is too pretty to ignore, so you tuck it away into your pack. It's in your temp inventory.

    Earth and Entropy:


    Release Date: 22nd Apr, 2011

    Not necessary, but could be changed to:
    April 22nd, 2011


    Guardian Fortuna

    Guardian Fortuna's only dialogue is from the pre-quest dialogue, so she shouldn't be in the list.


  • Quest
  • Back

  • Should be bolded


    Entropy Dragon is defeated, drops of darkness magic fell onto stone elementals, Trey falls off from the Golem body

    Trey: The blade! No!

    An earthquake shakes the ground

    <Character>: The orb! Valencia, grab the blade. We need to get the orb before your father does!

    A note:
    If you clicked "Let a DragonLord handle it!", all of the above is skipped.
    (Otherwise, dialogue/cutscene progresses as normal if you participate in the Titan battle.)


    Sepulchure: Hmm, he chose rather poorly...

    4 points

    Hidden Blades:


    <Character>: Sepulchure has the Earth Orb...How could he have known?

    ... How


    Valencia: When the time is right, I can reforge it. For now, though, hide it, <Character's Name>.



    Valencia: In the meantime, I'll work on forging some kind of decoy to cover our tracks...

    4 points



  • Go To Dig Map!

    Entropic Earth Boss:


    Valencia: I'm so sorry...

    4 points

    Dragon Trap!:
    Guardian's name tag is using this color code: Guardian:
    Willowshire and the NPC entries are currently using this one: Guardian:

    Aaaand one last edit for Willowshire (Town):

    An extra line of dialogue is written after this one:

    Guardian: Be ever vigilant, <Class>. Although it seems calm, the Dravir lurk amongst the darkness.

    Guardian: Fortuna is waiting for you in her tent to the east. You can walk if you'd like and see the damage that the dragon has wrought or I can give you a ride.


    Guardian: <Character Name>, just in time! I need your help!



    Guardian: You have to help take him down! For the safety of houses everywhere!

    (Also for Guardian's NPC entry, and Dragon Trap! quest entry.)


  • Quest - Takes you to Dragon Trap! quest.

  • could be changed to
  • Side Quest

    Some additional <your character> dialogue could be added here too:

  • Talk
    <Character>: What is going on here?
    Ulero: We are holding the line. They will NOT claim Willowshire!
    <Character>: Who are you defending the city from?
    Ulero: The Dravir. They have seized the Northwest half of the city. Ever since that cursed dragon...

  • The Dravir
    <Character>: What interest do the Dravir have with this area?
    Ulero: I wish I knew, adventurer. I wish I knew. They are a fierce race.. Whatever their motives, we must not let them have their way.

    Willowshire (Main)
    Some more dialogue:
  • Be strong!
    <Character>: I am confident in the Guardians' ability. Willowshire will not be lost.

  • The town is gone
    <Character>: Willowshire is in ruins. The people here should seek refuge amongst the neighbouring towns.

    Jibbley's Junk

    <Character>: So you just found this stuff lying around.


    The Villagers

    Villager1: I... I just. I just want my children to be safe. I trust you, if you think we are safer here then I will stay as well.

    I just.. (2 points)

    Willowshire Inn

    Spinbad: Wow, that skele sure knows how to lay on a bassline!
    Villager: Not too often you see a traveling necro music troupe jamming with some Guardians!

    down, travelling


    Zardlegs: Facebiscuit! What's up, ol' buddy?



    Zardlegs: It's me Zardlegs! Come on, you must remember me from Lolosia!



    Zardlegs: A bed for the night? Anything for you ol' pal. It's on the house!



    Zardlegs: Want a room for a while? Well...I'm not supposed to reserve rooms right now, but I guess I could do that for you. Free, of course.

    Well.. I'm

    Road to Tower
    An additional line of dialogue:
    <Character>: What's going on here?
    Can be placed before Orvin's lines of dialogue.


    Orvin: The Dravir are relentless.. We need to start gaining ground or I fear we may lose more than we are wiling to part with.

    willing, 3 points


    Andazoth: I apologize, but I have nothing to honor your bravery.. But please.. understand that I am eternally grateful.
    Villager: Oh.. but what about-

    nothing to offer you for your bravery..

    Alley Before Tent

    Kolanor: There is not much left, but we will rebuild. Thank you, <Character Name.>


    Guardian Fortuna's Tent

    Guardian Fortuna: Hail, <Character Name.> The Dragon's army has been driven back, thanks to you. But there is still work to be done...



    Guardian Fortuna: I will not rest until the town has been retaken and the Green Dragon's minions

    minions are defeated.


    Guardian Fortuna: We heard that you were showing up and the Priestess sent us a magic message telling us about you and your Dragon, <Dragon Name>.

    dragon, <Dragon>.


    Guardian Fortuna: Whatever they're after must still be down there... and maybe they haven't found it yet.

    there...and (no space)
    Also an extra line of dialogue after:
    <Character>: ...All this destruction for something hidden in the tower? It must be amazingly valuable...or powerful.


    Guardian Fortuna: I hate to ask you this after all you've done for us already... but I think you're the only one who can get this job done...
    Guardian Fortuna: Please <Character Name>, Go into our Guardian Tower and find what those Dravirs are after before they get it. Who knows what could happen if they get it first!



    Guardian Fortuna: Fight with us, <Character Name>. With your help we may take back more of the town.



    Guardian Fortuna: Thank you, <Character Name>. Even though the Earth Orb is lost, we still have our town.


    All done, thanks. ~Peachii

  • Alm Nullamors -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/24/2015 17:55:40)

    I found a "The End" screen within the Rose Tree, when choosing to move the boxes blocking the way to the shop. It's probably the most embarrassing one yet.

    "You move all the boxes carefully out of your way as quietly as you can so that you don't attract any attention to yourself.
    A lot of them are very heavy. After clearing the way, you're totally exhausted and sit down next to the pile of neatly stacked boxes you made to take a quick rest.
    Unfortunately, you fall asleep... the soldiers you've been fighting your way through bring back friends and capture you. You end up in a magically sealed cell all the way in Swordhaven to await King Alteon and Lady Jaania's judgement.
    You are 87,146,289th in line for trial."

    Done, thanks. Please don't use color text in the Pedia area unless it is part of an entry. [Niki]

    And I've just came across this. In The Weaponsmith's Apprentice, Splashy says "**An inexplicable tear rolls down Splashy's cheek.**" if you choose to not feed him.

    Done, thanks. If an Archknight has finished your current post, you may post a new reply below instead of editing. That way your post can be noticed immediately when an AK is online. ~Peachii

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/26/2015 13:12:37)

    Dragesvard Under Siege should have the monsters section erased.

    Here's the waves, the images I took from the imageshack pictures.

    Wave 1: (1) Frost Drake, (2) Ice Elf Warrior, (2) Polar Dravir
    Wave 2: (1) Frost Drake, (1) Ice Elf Warrior, (3) Polar Dravir
    Wave 3: (1) Frost Drake, (2) Ice Elf Warrior, (2) Polar Dravir
    Wave 4: (3) Frost Drake, (1) Ice Elf Warrior, (1) Polar Dravir
    Rare Wave: (1) Ice Dragon "Ice to meet you!"

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/26/2015 18:25:46)

    Incoming batch of Final 13th corrections.

    Dragesvard Havoc:

    (7) Arctic Wolf
    (3) Frost Goblin
    (3) Ice Tarantula
    (3) Snowball
    (3) Yeti

    2 to everything except Arctic Wolf

    I think you might have missed the triple battle located on the screen towards the right of the inn (with a mug sign) as I counted 3 each for the monsters above.


    Icy Dragonscale Belt
    Olaf's Prize
    Glacialis Orbis

    Olafs Prize
    Works fine on character page. This apostrophe ’ is used instead of '


    Helga: Thank you, Galanoth, for watching vigilantly over Dragesvard. It would be honor my family to have you as a guest tonight, if you are not busy.



    Galanoth: Aye. Brunhilda, send word to Falconreach. We will need <Character> and the other heroes' help.



    Galanoth: (thinks) Come quickly, <Character>.

    Galanoth (thinking):


    <Character>: The other heroes are already being deployed, I need to go.


    Sandsea Havoc:


    (3) Dessert Thug


    Popsprocket Havoc:

    (2) Cyklon Centurion
    (3) Cyklon Pummeler
    (2) Gear Golem
    (2) Tog-Bot

    3 Gear Golem, 4 Tog-Bot


    Yix: Ok, <Character>. You're welcome back here anytime. We can always use somebody to test out our equipment.

    2 points

    Falconreach Havoc:

    (2) Darkness Elemental
    (3) enTog
    (4) Entropic Minion
    (6) Entropic Soldier

    could be changed to Entropic Minion (Female)


    Guardian Yelsh: ... Something feels wrong.

    2 points


    Guardian Kain: What?! The night guards should be at their posts already!

    a (in-game typo)


    Guardian Yelsh: Aye. I'll find her and then gather the guardians to sweep the town.
    Guardian Yelsh: (thinks) By the stars.. what is going on?

    Guardian Yelsh (thinking):

    The Final 13th:

    Farmer: It *gasp* ..It's coming.



    Guardian: Sir! The heroes have been pouring into town as news is spreading of the coming battle. Also, our scouts have not yet returned.
    Guardian Kain: What about the villagers?

    heros, of


    Guardian Kain: Agreed. Ok, you heard <him/her>.. let's get moving.

    him/her - looks better without the brackets
    (or should it remain as is? like <Class>, <Character>, etc?)


    <Character>: I would be honored to have you fight beside me.



    Guardian: Th-There are too many of them! The sky is filled with these beasts!


    The Flying Fortress:

    Guardian 1: The Mana Bombs aren't doing enough damage...
    Guardian 1: There are too many of them...they are as numerous as the sands in Lore! We can't hold out much longer!

    mana bombs
    them... they
    a period instead of exclamation point


    Guardian 2: FOR FALCONREACH!

    3 exclamation points


    Guardian Kain: The catapults, mages and archers are making craters in their army, but the gaps quickly fill in with more undead!
    <Character>: Sepulchure's arrogance will be his downfall. For all his planning, he fails to put a stock in our resilience.

    mages, (comma)
    put stock


    Grams: Ok, sweetness.. it's time to go.



    Grams: Alright.. now it is time to make our move. You know what to do.



    Bee: *Buzz*



    Drakath: But Sire, I--



    Sepulchure: You shriveled old...YOU WILL PAY DEARLY FOR THIS, PEASANT!
    Drakath: Sire! Your fortress.. it's going to crash!

    shriveled, (comma)





    Ash: The's gone.

    tower.. It's


    Guardian Kain: They are safe...for now.

    safe.. for


    *Sepulchure appears in front of the charatcer*



    <Character>: Akriloth...

    Akriloth .... (4 points and seperated by a space)


    Sepulchure: Your circle of allies grows smaller, <Characters Name>.



    Sepulchure: You will watch your friend... your towns... fall to me.



    <Character>: I may not be able to defeat you alone... but your army is gone and this world is still full of heroes.



    Sepulchure: Hahahahaha! Defeated my army?



    <Character>: ...But I will not rest until I see the Orbs safe. The darkness beaten.

    2 points

    After the Ice Orb:

    <Character>: What's happening here... ?

    no space


  • Search for the Ice Orb

  • Go after the Ice Orb!


    Galanoth: I'll stop this dragon. Go!

    This could be added after this dialogue:

  • Go!


  • Fight Titan Undead Akriloth

  • Fight Akriloth!


    Sepulchure: The hero lives... <Gender> gets to watch as I pull this world down into darkness.



    ???: Very well..

    3 points


    Galanoth: Maria.. is that you?


    Bombs Away!:

    Release Date: 4th June, 2011

    could be changed to:
    June 4th


    Scaled Yes/No: Yes

    Scaled Yes/No: No
    Experience rewarded: 0
    Gold rewarded: 0


    And... Zapp gets hold of it



    Yix: I think... I am alright...

    think...I (no space)

    Kordana Rises:

    Reimato: Sepulchure!
    Grogory: Sepulchure!

    Reimato & Grogory: Sepulchure!


    <Character>: W-what? ...Kordana..

    ... Kordana..


    *Mecha is destroyed*

    <Character>: Kordana...

    Adding to this:

  • Shop (Opens Skull Crusher shop)
  • Continue

    This part is skipped if you clicked "Let a DragonLord Handle It"

    Sepulchure's Fortress:

    (2) Entropic Minion

    could be changed to Entropic Minion (Female)


    Artix: Baaaaaaatttttttlllleeeeee Oooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnn!
    Zhoom: We have to stop these necromancers!


    This little bit of text could be written before "Complete Quest":
    Sepulchure's mocking tones echo throughout his dark fortress... daring you to continue... daring you to try and stop him! Will you make your way to the pinnacle of Sepulchure's new fortress in time to stop him? Or will all of Lore be plunged into Darkness forever?
    To Be Continued!

    The Ultimate Orb:

    Sepulchure: Ah you made it through, "hero". Just in time.

    Ah, (comma)


    At the very moment, Drakath uses the Necrotic Blade of Doom and pierce through Sepulchure's body

    Additional dialogue after this:

    Sepulchure: I...

    The Dragon Drakath:

    (3) Drakath - Boss

    could probably be changed to (1) and add this note:
    You fight Drakath 3 times.


    Sepulchure: This is not your fight, <Class Name>. Do NOT get in my way!


    An Unlikely Duo:

    Scaled Yes/No: Yes

    Scaled Yes/No: No
    Experience rewarded: 2400
    Gold rewarded: 480


    *Loads Sepulchure*

    Not necessary, but could be changed to:

    *Invites Sepulchure as Guest A.*


    Sepulchure: Better than what you deserve, traitor.


    The Growing Darkness:

    (X) Darkness Elemental
    (X) enTog
    (X) Entropic Minion
    (X) Entropic Soldier
    (X) Skeleton
    (X) Zombie Tog

    (27) Darkness Elemental
    (10) enTog
    (11) Entropic Minion (Female)
    (20) Entropic Soldier
    (8) Skeleton
    (12) Zombie Tog


    ???: Join with me and we will grow...

    4 points





    (3) Entropic Minion

    could be changed to Entropic Minion (Female)


    Guardian Jafar: People from everywhere are pouring into town. Falconreach seems to be the only place yet untouched.

    2 points after "town"


    <Character>: Even shadows have a limit. As long as the sun is in the sky, there is hope in the light!

    no italic code is needed here


    <Character>: The sun....

    3 points

    Full Darkness:

    Scaled Yes/No: Yes

    Scaled Yes/No: No
    Experience rewarded: 6120
    Gold rewarded: 450


    <Character>: <Dragon Name>! Let's make it count!



    Warlic: We must destroy the Super Mega Ultra Darkness Dracolich!



    ???: <Character>...
    ???: It makes me stronger! Stronger than you can comprehend!

    4 points, then

    Extreme Full Darkness:

    Objective: Fight the Super Mega Ultra Darkness Dracolich on dragonback!

    Extreme Super


    Scaled Yes/No: Yes

    Scaled Yes/No: No
    Experience rewarded: 6120
    Gold rewarded: 450


    Warlic: We must destroy the Super Mega Ultra Darkness Dracolich!



    BattleOn!, and defeat Ultra Dracolich Tail, Feet, Claw, and Head

    Elite Ultra


    ???: <Character>...
    ???: It makes me stronger! Stronger than you can comprehend!

    4 points, then


    Fight Ultra Dracolich Body

    Elite Ultra


    (X) Fried Egg Elemental
    (1) Skweel / Elite Skweel - Boss

    could be changed to Titan Boss


    Skweel: Then I'm going to have YOU for breakfast, puny green man.

    needs bold code

    Chapter One Epilogue:

    Release Date: Sep 16th, 2011

    could be changed to September 16th


    Guardian Kain: The mages are resting now. Channeling that Light Shield took an enormous amount of power.

    Sheild (in-game typo)

    Covering the Spy Saga too:


    Xan: Lord Sepulchure... I've got some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first? HAHAHAHAHHA!



    Sepulchure: ...that one of the people in Falconreach has been replaced with one of our spies?

    ... that
    Also, the entire dialogue should be bolded.


    Xan: Then not even Lady Celestia will be able to see through my illusion. The replica is in place, and awaiting your orders.

    ... then


    Sepulchure: You've done well Xan. You may return to your plans regarding Warlic.

    You have

    could also add after all the dialogue:

  • Done

    Pet Insurrection:

    (2) Chickcalf
    (2) Fire Sprite
    (2) Goldfish
    (4) King Linus
    (2) Pridemaster

    (3) Cinder
    (Fire Sprite got renamed to Cinder at some point.) - Once monster is done, this will be changed as well




  • Done

    Mission: Improbable:

    <Character>: Uh...Grams? Grams...?

    Uh... Grams? (seperated by a space)


    <Character>: I...I’m sorry, but they were attacking...

    I... I'm (seperated by a space)


    <Character>: ...and the whole...wait, what? You knew?

    whole... wait (seperated by a space)


    <Character>: Grams...I don’t understand...

    Grams... I (seperated by a space)


    <Character>: Ugh...owww...Grams...why?

    <Character>: Ugh... owww.... Grams... why?


    Grams: Just following orders. This confrontation is coming a little earlier than planned...



    <Character>: Sepulchure?! You’re working for him? could you?

    Grams... how (seperated by a space)


    <Character>: I...I thought you were good.

    I... I (seperated by a space)


    Grams: Oh, I am good, I am very good. Would you like to see what I’m good at, <Character>?

    very good.


    Grams: ...have fun.

    ...Have (capital H)


    <Character>: The longer we keep talking the less sympathy I’m feeling for any of your minions...or for you.

    minions... or (seperated by a space)


    <Character>: Consider yourself fired as Falconreach’s Pet Trainer, no good spy!

    you... you (seperated by a space)
    good, (comma)


    Grams: No, my Lord.

    I... no. (seperated by a space)


    Grams: I...I’m sorry, my Lord. I was trying to please you. I was trying to prepare an army...

    I... I'm (seperated by a space)
    4 points


    Grams: I...I can do better! I swear! I haven’t been able to detect any Orb in town...

    I... I (seperated by a space)


    Sepulchure: What major Elemental Orb is unaccounted for? Can you tell me that?
    Grams: I...I don’t know...

    elemental orb
    I... I (seperated by a space)


    Sepulchure: ...And the Nature Orb. Hahaha, some foolish girl in the woods has it, and it will be mine soon enough.

    Orb, hahaha (comma)


    Grams: Then Falconreach...
    Sepulchure: There are no Elements left, fool.

    4 points, elements


    Sepulchure: As long as <Character> fails to realize the potential of the Orbs and leaves them scattered, he will be nothing more than an annoyance.

    continues to fail, no comma, he/she, then


    Sepulchure: The Orb he did seek, he was foolish enough to leave in the hands of a mercenary. No, I think my need for you has long passed, which means...



    Sepulchure: That your employment must be...terminated.

    be... terminated (seperated by a space)


    Grams: No, please! Replace my illusion! I...I can go and keep an eye on <Character>!

    no comma
    I... I (seperated by a space)


    Sepulchure: You have failed me for the last time and for that, I’ll be sending you back into the Darkness the most painful way possible.

    Realm... in (seperated by a space)


    Gravelynn: WAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
    Grams: There, there, dear, it's alright.

    6 exclamation points
    dear. It's


    Grams: Now remember, dear, you can always find pets and companions that will fight for you in the most unusual locations....

    3 points


    *Camera moves right to show some animals near Grams' chair*


  • Done

    All done, thanks! NPC entries will be worked on. ~Peachii

  • Alm Nullamors -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/28/2015 18:51:01)

    The Navigator

    Vaal: Teasteak has destroyed enough to fill the Void.


    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/1/2015 8:53:49)

    Corrections for Xan Bossfight:


    Objective: Xan is unlike any villain we have ever fought before...

    villian (in-game typo)


    Xan: *Cackle Crackle* HAHA... HAHAHAHA! This is the end!
    Xan: Now... get out of my way while I finish this.
    <Character>: No!
    Xan: HAHAHAH... WHAT!?
    <Character>: We have defeated all four million waves of your fire monsters and the townsfolk are safe...
    <Character>:... and as long as there is still one unburnt board left in Falconreach to defend... you will have to get past ME!
    Xan: What? You? YOU are going to stop me? HAHAHA Now that is funny!
    <Character>: Leave now Xan. This is your last warning.
    Xan: HAHAHAHA! I am trying to figure out who is more insane... me? Or you!
    Xan: Perhaps you have me confused with the garbage that attacked here previously.
    Xan: *Staring at you with fire filled eyes* You will not last 3 rounds against my fire magic.
    Xan: ... and when I finish you HAHAHAHA my flames will engulf every last person and thing in this town!
    <Character>: I have never felt a power like Xan's before... but I must try, the people of Falconreach are counting on me!
    <Character>: For Falconreach!

    I didn't find this dialog, so maybe it should be strike'd? - Yes, that part of the dialogue has been removed in the updated quest.


  • Battle
  • Heal
  • Flee...

  • Flee... could be replaced with:
  • Done / Quit


    Xan: Whats this? Still alive? Well well well, you might have proven an interesting challenge...

    What's, challange (in-game typo)


    Xan: ... If I didn't have the Pyronomicon magnifying my abilities.

    without space between the three points and "if"


    Pyre Spy: *Whisper whisper whisper*

    no space again, HAHAHAHHAHHA!, whisper

    Pyre Spy has a different color code in his npc entry. I don't know which is the right one, so you decide.


    Xan: WHAT!? Warlic, you say? HAHAHAHA! What a wonderful day!
    Xan: Farewell <Character>. I've got a meeting with an old friend. HAHAHAHA! See you in the afterlife!


    Instead of this:

    <Character>: *Blink blink* What happened? Where am I?

    Appears this:
    <Character>: *Blink blink* Wow, did anyone get the number of that gorillaphant that ran over me?
    It looks like this dialog has been modified in-game, so maybe the old text should be strike'd? - Does not look like it has been changed according to this video that was captured after the war

    Twilly has a different color code. This is the right one:


    Serenity: Don't worry, <Character>, we're all fine

    the first comma can be deleted, a point at the end


    Reens: Ash, Cysero and the Guardians are still looking for people in the wreckage and helping who they can

    a point at the end

    In this quest, Yulgar has a different color code too. This is its own:


    Patch: Are you kiddin'? Ye saved all of us, hero! You were the only one who was able to stand up ta' Xan. We'd be dead if not fer you.



    Konnan: Xan would never do all this without reason. I have to find out why he destroyed town.

    Konnan (thinking): Xan would never do all this without a reason. I have to find out why he destroyed town. (I put the right color code along with some corrections)


    Aria: Thanks to you, we are all well. That is important thing. We can rebuild Falconreach! And make it better than it ever was!
    Yulgar: We're right behind you all the way <Character>! We'll help any way that we can.
    Reens: Absolutely!
    <Character>: Thanks everyone, but the best thing that you do is get your shops back up and running.
    <Character>: I'll rally the other heroes. We will get as much gold as it takes to rebuild Falconreach! Any questions?

    all alive and well, is the important, it will be, "right" can be deleted, Reens!:, you can do, donate

    Instead of this:

    <Character>: It is actually rather comfortable down here. Now, let's get moving!

    Appears this:
    <Character>: Great! Lets get moving!
    Same as above, the old text could be strike'd if it has been certainly modified in-game.

    After this^ last dialog you can add the complete quest button:

  • You did it!

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

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