Starlit Sandsea (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Starlit Sandsea (10/26/2024 10:17:07)

Starlit Sandsea

Location: Book of Lore -> Starlit Sandsea,
Location: Book of Lore -> Elemental Dissonance -> Starlit Sandsea,
Location: Atrea -> Left -> Yolande -> Quests -> Starlit Sunsea -> Quest!
Requirements: Completion of A Brief Respite
Release Date: October 25th, 2024

Objective: The moon has risen, which means it's time to make the journey to the Sandsea, and the floating city of Atrea.
Objective completed: Welcome to Atrea, final remnant of Somorah.

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(1) Gorillaphant
(2) Sandslicer
(2) Sandstone
(3) Sandstorm
(2) Seed Spitter

Atealan Sentry(es)

Moglinmade Travel Cloak (I-IX)

Access to SLSS Loot for DCs.


*It is now nighttime in Falconreach Inn, signifying that it is time for you and your dragon to escort the Atealan refugees to the Sandsea.*

<Character>: Time to get to work, <Dragon>.
<Dragon>: Yeah! | *Enthusiastic growl*

*Outside Falconreach Inn, you and your dragon observe that Serenity and the Falconreach Guardians has gifted food to the Atealans to survive their journey to the Sandsea.*

Serenity: That should be more than enough fresh-baked bread for your journey!
Serenity: And remember, if you ever find yourselves in Falconreach, you're all always welcome at my inn!
Veyla: Th-thank you...
<Character>: The way to the Sandsea can be dangerous even at the best of times. With so many refugees, this won't be an easy task.
Isiri: I'll take the lead with you, <Character>. As we clear the path, I can light the way so no one gets lost.
Alz'ein: I'll also—
Isiri: No, Alz'ein. We need you in the back to deal with any trailing threats. Alongside Etaos and Nirios, you must keep our people safe.
Alz'ein: ...Fine.
Nirios: We'll make sure no one strays from the group.
Etaos: You can count on us!

*You fight through various monsters in the Surewould Forest and then the Sandsea, while Isiri aids you in battle (see other information); eventually, you, your dragon, and the Atealan refugees reach Atrea's outskirts.*

<Character>: ...Wow.
Isiri: Atrea. A beautiful sight... and yet...
Isiri: ...Is this all that remains of our people?
Isiri: ...
Isiri: Forgive me, <Character>. There will be time for mourning later.
<Character>: There's nothing to forgive, Isiri. Especially after everything that's happened.
Isiri: You are kind. But at this moment, as Unael, I am responsible for these Ateala.
Isiri: We must get these refugees to safety.
<Character>: It's so high up... How would you get into the city back home?
Isiri: Walking, usually. Back on Somorah, our cities were firmly planted on the ground.
Isiri: But here, having been torn from our planet, the trithril under the city is causing it to float.
Isiri: ...We must be careful.

*Isiri sent a signal to Atrea for aid.*

<Character>: What was that for?
Isiri: A request for aid. Hopefully we'll be seeing a response shortly.
Isiri: It should be safe. If the city were overrun by Wargoth's forces, The Empress would have let me know by now.
Isiri: ...And I suppose there would be a lot of fire, too.

*Isiri's signal returns to Isiri; it appears that Atrea is safe.*

Isiri: All seems well, thankfully. And judging by the angle of the return signal...
Isiri: Well, that's our next destination! Perhaps they managed to set up a teleporter.
<Character>: Let's not waste any time, then. We'll need to get to safety before the sun rises.

*You, your dragon, and the Atealan refugees meet with two Atealan Sentries, who are guarding the teleporter to Atrea.*

Atealan Sentry (1): You are expected, Unael Isiri. But... By the Empress... so many Ateala...
Isiri: All we could rescue. Far too few compared to how many we left behind on Somorah.
Atealan Sentry (1): Let's get you all into the safety of Atrea first.
Atealan Sentry (2): And who is this? Are these two natives of this planet?
Isiri: Yes. <Character> and <Dragon>. They fought valiantly by our side, and without them, we may not have saved as many as we did.
Atealan Sentry (2): I-Is that so? Forgive my manners, <Character>, <Dragon>.
Atealan Sentry (2): Atrea is open to you, as well, heroes.
<Dragon>: Looks like we'll be treated properly here! | *Happy groan*
<Character>: Just don't let it get to your head.
<Dragon>: Too late! I'm going to be a celebrity! | *Pompous roar!*

*Nirios, Etaos, Alz'ein, Isiri, you, and your dragon are now teleported to Atrea.*

Etaos: And that's every refugee accounted for.
<Character>: Where's Veyla? I thought she was with you?
Alz'ein: She went ahead to rest. The march here was difficult for many, including her.
Alz'ein: I'll find her later, make sure she's taken care of.
Nirios: Isiri, if Atrea is here, then that means—
Isiri: Yes. The Ateala will survive.
Nirios: ...Indeed.
Isiri: Come, <Character>. I'm sure you're eager to learn more about our city and our people.
Isiri: Let us welcome you to Atrea, the once capital of Somorah!

*Scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest
  • Loot for DCs - opens SLSS Loot for DCs shop.

    Other information
  • Each time this quest is completed, the player is teleported at Atrea's entrance.
  • During the quest, on monster encounters, the player is aided by Isiri, a noncombatant who gives the option of 'Isiri's Aid' to the player; clicking the option causes the player to apply 'Star's Blessing' (+50% Boost, +50 Bonus) to themselves for 5 turns. This option is granted on the first turn of the battle and can only be used once per battle. (Pop-up: Isiri: 'I call upon the stars!')
  • A view of Atrea acts as a HP/MP healing source during the quest.
  • Pop-up headlines during the quest:

  • Isiri: "...Your world is quite beautiful."
  • <Character>: "You mean besides the fire and the panicked creatures attacking us?"
  • Isiri: "Ah. Yes, of course. But such things still have their charm."
  • Isiri: "Somorah was our home for 3252 years. All we know of other planets has been passed down many times over."
  • Isiri: "I wonder if the ancient Riftwalkers felt this way when taking in new planets with all of their senses..."
  • Isiri: "But I am becoming distracted from our task. I can see Atrea floating in the distance from here."
  • <Character>: "It's okay. The main threat seems to have passed, and these creatures don't really pose a challenge."
  • <Character>: "Why don't you tell me about Somorah? Did you have sand like this?"
  • The view of Atrea in the distance fills you with hope!
  • Isiri: "We had sand, yes. The dark blue dunes were waves across Somorah's deserts."
  • Isiri: "Punctuated by lakes and spires of pale blue glass from Wargoth's wrath."
  • Isiri: "There was beauty to be found in those, too, as awful as their origin. And now..."
  • Isiri: "Now they're gone. Sands and glass and all else. Just history in our song."
  • <Character>: "...As long as your people continue to survive, that song will never end."

  • Page: [1]

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