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RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops

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1/7/2012 6:01:27   
Advocator of Wills

A typo correction for Reanimated: *Scene shifts to Trey and Fae*

Fixed, thanks. [Niki]

< Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/7/2012 7:05:53 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 276
1/8/2012 9:16:10   
Voodoo Master

Coloring and corrections for Memory-Demons:

Artix: You are right, <Character>. I too would start searching in Amityvale. Help Vayle! She deserves happiness.
  • Quest!
  • Done

    You have to fight your way through Amityvale's creepy monsters until you find the cave in which Vayle hides.

    Vayle: YOU! What are YOU doing here?
    Vayle: You don't belong here! Get out! Haven't you done enough?
    <Character>: Vayle, Vayle, please!
    <Character>: I just need to talk to you. I won't hurt you!
    <Character>: I never intended to hurt you before, either!
    Vayle: Well, you DID! You took my brother - my life, my only remaining family member - away from me!
    Vayle: And nothing you or I can do will bring him BACK!
    Vayle: I will NEVER forgive you!
    Vayle: So just GET. OUT.
    <Character>: ...
    <Character>: Vayle... you never wanted your brother to exist in pain, did you?
    Vayle: Wh-what?
    <Character>: His soul was screaming, twisted and racked by being kept imprisoned.
    <Character>: You couldn't have wanted that for him. I know you couldn't have.
    Vayle: I...
    Vayle: But you TOOK HIM from me!
    <Character>: And you will reunite with him again!
    <Character>: He is no longer in pain, I know you can see that.
    <Character>: You will rejoin him one day, WITHOUT the use of dark necromancy!
    Vayle: But...
    Vayle: Well...
    Vayle: You DID help me destroy Noxus.
    Vayle: All of my anger over my brother aside, I must admit that.
    Vayle: He TRICKED me! He LIED to me!
    Vayle: I owe you a debt for bringing him down.
    <Character>: You don't owe me anything!
    Vayle: Then let me give you some information for free, <Character>.
    Vayle: I received a letter the other day. It spoke about... the Darkness Orb.
    <Character>: ... And what did it say?
    Tomix: Isn't this what you were -
    <Character>: Yes! This is it! This is what we're here for!
    Vayle: He knows about me. What I am. And he wants to USE me in return for letting me use him to get back at you.
    Vayle: I won't lie, the offer was tempting. But you're only trying to help me.
    Vayle: I can see that now.
    Tomix: ...
    <Character>: I - yes, but - Vayle, I have... something to tell you.
    <Character>: I, too, need the Darkness Orb.
    <Character>: I'm battling HIM in a race against time and each other.
    <Character>: And you are one of the keys to the battle as long as you control the power of the Orb.
    <Character>: I NEED that Orb! And so does he.
    Vayle: *SCREAM*
    Vayle: Isn't there ANYONE who DOESN'T want to USE ME?!
    Vayle: Does no one care what I want? Doesn't anyone care about ME?
    Vayle: *(Quietly)* <Character>, all my life I have been used, one way or another.
    Vayle: Everyone wants something from me. Even YOU.
    Vayle: I thought that had ended when Noxus was slain.
    Vayle: I am not going to submit to anyone, and I'll start with YOU!

    Fight Vayle

    <Character>: Vayle, YOU are not the Darkness Orb. I don't want to hurt YOU, or use YOU.
    <Character>: I just need the power of the Orb.
    Vayle: (weakly) They are the same thing!
    Tomix: *cough* There is... maybe... a way for you to live without the shadow of the Darkness Orb hanging over you.
    <Character>: You don't mean - CAN you? Would you?
    Tomix: If that is what she desires, yes.
    Vayle: What? What are you talking about?
    Tomix: Miss, I can SEE souls. I can weave with them.
    <Character>: Tomix! If you can WEAVE with souls... can you also UNRAVEL what is woven into them?
    Tomix: Exactly. You are pretty smart for a <<Class>>.
    Vayle: Will someone tell me what is going on?!
    Tomix: I can separate your soul from the Darkness Orb.
    <Character>: You no longer have to be linked to it, Vayle!
    Vayle: Oh, oh my.
    Vayle: ...
    Vayle: ... Never used, abused? Never hunted again for something I didn't realize I shouldn't want?
    Tomix: If you agree -
    Vayle: Oh YES! Please, do what you need to.

    *Tomix uses his Spirit Loom on Vayle, making her hover in the air. Than for a moment her soul separates from her body and the Darkness Orb gets out of it. Then the soul gets back into the body and Vayle lands on the floor.The Darkness Orb hovers besides her*

    <Character>: I'd put this in my backpack, but I might not find it again among all of the weapons and items.
    Tomix: Maybe you should put it in the bank.
    <Character>: I bet Mayor Rayf's light-fingered approach would just LOVE this investment!
    Vayle: I feel... different. Not as strong. Shouldn't I feel a hole inside?
    Tomix: No. You are still as you were. I removed... a... a..
    <Character>: A tumor, sitting inside you, an alien presence in your body.
    <Character>: It will do so no more.
    Tomix: What will you do now, Miss?
    Vayle: I... I think...
    Vayle: I think I will go back to the Necropolis. Open up a school there again.
    Vayle: But this time, one for GOOD necromancy. One for HELPING the dead, instead of enslaving them.
    Vayle: No more will I teach what Noxus taught me.

    *Scene shifts to outside of the cave*

    <Character>: Vayle? What will you do about the letter you received?
    <Character>: How will you answer it?
    Vayle: I never really intended to accept the offer, as tempting as it was at the time.
    Vayle: And now... Its writer can just do WITHOUT the Darkness Orb!
    Vayle: But you might want to be careful, <Character>. If HE learns I am no longer attached to the Orb...
    Vayle: He will come seeking it. And if he finds it, he'll find YOU!

  • Complete Quest!

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/8/2012 11:47:03 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 277
    1/8/2012 12:13:48   
    Voodoo Master

    On JellaTON Mold, every You: should be replaced with <Character>:

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/8/2012 12:35:23 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 278
    1/8/2012 13:24:00   
    Voodoo Master

    On Falconreach Idle! the Next Up should be italiced. Its dialogue should be corrected and colored:

    Lim: Falconreach. A small town with BIG-name heroes. You'll find everything here, from friendly inn-keepers to upright undead-slayers...
    Lim: Mad magic-makers...
    Lim: ... to your science-loving host with little to lose and the most to gain.
    Lim: We're talking three talented contestants and giving them an opportunity to entertain, educate, and amaze all in the name of winning a spot...
    Lim: ... as the assistant to the most logical smith in Lore: ME!
    Lim: It's time to meet your judging panel.
    Lim: She may make your meals and store your gear, but she can judge more than who'll pay their bill on time.
    Lim: Serenity is here to share her sweet take on our contestants' talent!
    Lim: And he may have accidentally have turned the Falconreach guardian tower into a fish...
    Lim: ... but you can betta Cysero will wax eel-oquent with his praise if our contestants impress him tonight!
    Lim: And finally, say hello to the judge with the snazziest glasses and even sassier comments, George Lowe!
    George Lowe: I do this judging bit from time to time because the snarky wit you get from your run-of-the-mill commentators...
    George Lowe: ... just doesn't crush enough souls.
    George Lowe: And where else would I get enough tears to mix with my powdered fruit drink? I'll tell you where. Nowhere, Sonny Jim.

    *Camera shows Lim standing next to the three contestants - Aria, the character and a green moglin*

    Lim: So get ready to be amazed by an animal act, blown away by the talents of a mechanical-minded moglin...
    Lim: And flabbergasted by the martial feats of Falconreach's own <Character> (Audio inserts "Hero")!
    Lim: This is... FALCONREACH IDLE!

    *George Lowe rings a gong*

    Lim: Who gave you a GONG?!
    George Lowe: I thought you could use a hand with your transition.
    Lim: *(mutter)* Celebrity judges. They may drive up the show's ratings, but they drive ME mad!
    Lim: For our first act, we have amazing Aria and her Amazing Tog Tricks! Let's hope they can all work tog-ether to impress our amazing judges!

    *Aria and her three togs perform their part of the show - the togs stand on a ball, jump through a loop and even create a pyramid by standing on each other*

    Aria: ...

    *Camera shows the judges panel*

    Lim: Great job! Classic tog! Let's see what the judges have to say!
    Cysero: Good choice of animal; I like togs. They're really useful for guarding shops...
    Cysero: ... and apparently for pet shops, not so much for inspiring meditation, though.
    Cysero: You can't really contemplate what the sound of one tog barking is, for example.

    *One of the togs barks*

    Cysero: See? There you go. Done. Finito. Meditation over.
    Cysero: Much better to contemplate what the color green feels like.
    Cysero: Now THERE'S something you can sink your metaphorical mental teeth into.
    Lim: ...
    Cysero: If your mind had teeth. Yours might. Mine doesn't. My teeth are in my mouth.
    Serenity: I think it was wonderful! Your togs are adorable, and so are you!
    Serenity: It's amazing how someone so young could have such a way with animals!
    Serenity: Can't you imagine all those darling toggies running about his shop?
    Serenity: I can definitely see you winning a place as Lim's assistant.
    George Lowe: Those are... togs? Is that what you call them?
    George Lowe: Sounds like someone wanted a dinosaur that could play fetch.
    George Lowe: My advice? Get yourself a pack of Labradoodles.
    George Lowe: Now THAT'S an animal with a name that'll draw crowds. B+ for effort, though, kiddo.

    *Aria sticks her tongue out*

    Lim: ...
    Lim: ... Thanks, judges, for those insightful comments. So... on to our next contestant!

    And now, a message from our sponsors...

  • Complete Quest

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Tomorrow I'll fix 'We now return to your show!' too.

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/8/2012 16:18:47 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 279
    1/8/2012 18:01:23   
    Advocator of Wills

    Frenzy at the Forge re-colored dialog:

    Valencia: It looks like you've been far too busy to get bored, and things aren't about to slow down anytime soon.
    Valencia: Zeuster would like you to take care of a boar that's been on a rampage, scaring the chickencalves. It sounds like a pretty ferocious beast.
    Valencia: And the next time you're in town, you might want to stop by Yulgar's forge. I hear he's made up a new batch of smoothies.
    Valencia: As good as they are, you might want to take care of this boar first. I hear the townspeople hunting for it haven't had any luck.

  • Quest!

    Yulgar: Greetings, <Character>! Excellent timing! I just finished making a batch of those strawberry smoothies I know you crave.
    <Character>: Weeeell... I suppose it couldn't hurt to stop and have just one mug! I'm supposed to be hunting some rampaging creature or other. A boar. Or bear.
    <Character>: Valencia mentioned your smoothies while she was telling me about my task and I got a bit distracted. I know its got four legs and sharp teeth.
    Yulgar: I'm sure accepting my hospitality won't slow you down TOO much. One mug won't take long to finish.
    <Character>: Your logic is difficult to argue with. And it wouldn't do to be rude, when you've helped me so much. Pass the jug!
    Yulgar: Try some! It's my best batch yet!

    *gulp gulp*

    <Character>: That was berry good, indeed!
    <Character>: *blink*
    <Character>: ...
    <Character>: Yulgar...
    <Character>: WHAT DID YOU PUT IN THIS?!
    Yulgar: Ooooh. You know, this happened the last time I made smoothies. But those were blueberry-pineapple!
    Yulgar: I didn't think it would happen with the strawberry flavour!

    <Character>: Did you need that door, really?
    Yulgar: ...
    <Character>: You might want to think about switching to baking. I hear cookies don't cause much destruction.
    Yulgar: <Character>, go! I can handle these, you go help clear out the rest of the town! Mayor Rayf is not going to be pleased!

    <Character>: Twilly! have you seen a wild boar today?
    Twilly: There are many boars! All over! There's one and there's one and one went that way, over there!
    <Character>: Er, right. Thanks, Twilly. I'll just have to kill them all one by one until I find the one I'm looking for, I think.

    <Character>: There you are!
    Raging Boar: *huff*
    <Character>: *sings* Who's afraid of the big, bad boar, the big, bad, boar? Not me!
    Raging Boar: *snort*
    <Character>: Ooookay. Not a big musical fan. Got it.
    <Character>: I guess diplomacy using nonsense songs isn't really that effective, now that I think about it. Battle it is!

    After defeating the Raging Boar:
    Yulgar: You were great, <Character>! The last time town was invaded, Mayor Rayf said if things ever got out of control again, he was relocating his office.
    <Character>: But the treasury is almost bare!
    Yulgar: Exactly. He says he'll make the townsfolk pay the moving costs! Claims that if he has to deal with the headaches our mistakes cause...
    Yulgar: We should have to ease his stress somehow.
    Yulgar: So, since neither of us wants to finance a three-story, marble floored pirate shanty in Osprey Cove, it's a good thing you took care of that mess.
    <Character>: You know... I bet Mayor Rayf would get along really well with Zeuster.

  • Complete Quest

    Grrrberus' Revenge re-colored dialog:

    Valencia: Why don't you go and visit that cute puppy you brought back from the Underworld?
    Valencia: Make sure Cysero hasn't turned it into a two-headed fish. Take it for a walk.

  • Quest!

    <Character>: Whew! I never would have guessed that Zeuster and the chickencows could keep such a secret.
    <Character>: I mean, anything bacon-related is sure to interest someone, so eventually the truth will be well-known, I think.
    <Character>: And I'm discussing current events. With a two-headed dog. I wonder if Sir Junn has time to see me.
    Spots: Arf!
    Spots: *whimper*
    <Character>: Don't worry, boys. I'm not mad at you. How about some water? There's a fountain near-by.
    Spots: *bark*!!!
    Spots: *whimper*
    Spots: *whimper*
    <Character>: What's the matter, boys? There's nothing to be scared of, the town's all peaceful today. Let's keep walking.

    Triskylos: *GROWL*
    <Character>: GAH! What are YOU doing here?! You're confined to the Underworld.
    Spots: *whimper*!!!
    Triskylos: *growl* I. Want. My. Child. You stole them. *hackles rise*
    <Character>: One, you're pretty growl-y, you know that? I'm going to call you Grrrberus! It fits much better than your current name.
    <Character>: Two, I didn't steal them, they came willingly!
    Spots: *yip*!
    Spots: *bark*!
    Triskylos: Quiet, pups. <Character>, if you will not return my child to me, I will TAKE them!
    <Character>: Spots and Spots, I'll leave it up to you. Do you want to go back to that dark, cold Underworld or stay up here and play?
    Spots: *woof*!
    Spots: *hoooooowl*!!!
    <Character>: Just as I thought. "Play" it is. Grrrberus, if you take me on, the responsibility for your doom is on your head. Or, well, all three of them.
    Triskylos: *ROAR*

    After defeating Grrrberus:
    Triskylos: *growl* It looks like you really DO care about my pups, <Character>.
    Triskylos: You may keep them, but I'll be keeping an eye on you. Six of them.
    Spots: *BARK*!
    Spots: *yip yip*!
    <Character>: Hear that, pups? You get to stay with me and Cysero! Just think what FUN tricks we'll teach you!
    <Character>: Hmmm. I wonder what you'd bring back if Cysero teaches you "fetch"!
    <Character>: Probably something like a right pink bunny slipper. With fangs.
    Spots: *hooooooooowl*!
    Spots: *yipyipyip*!

  • Complete Quest

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/9/2012 1:04:03 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 280
    1/9/2012 8:11:38   
    Voodoo Master

    Coloring and corrections for We now return to your show!:

    *Artix introduces with some voice-over advertising Paladin Toilet Paper*

    *After the video is over, scene shows the theater again*

    Lim: You know them, you love them, they are out to save the world and thwart the villains who have nothing better to do than burn down your town!
    Lim: It's... the HERO!
    Lim: Their martial skills will astonish and their accuracy will amaze! Let's see who they have brought with them to demonstrate!
    Lim: It's says here, Hero, that these are... your stunt-men? Your stand-ins?
    <Character>: Oh, yes. I can't be EVERYwhere all the time, so they put on <Character> suits and make public appearances for me.
    <Character>: Let me tell you, it's a real relief! I used to run on 3 hours of sleep and 7 cans of MogBull a day before my PR guy, Tad, got them.
    Lim: Until SCIENCE! invents cloning, that is a most excellent solution. On with the show!

    Fight against Mr. Guy, Mr. Green Guy and Mr. Test Guy in a row, and then against all of them together.

    *The crowd applauds*

    <Character>: Thank you! Thank you!

    *Camera shows the judging panel*

    Cysero: I asked my PR orb for a stand-in and all I got was a cardboard cutout.
    Cysero: Whaddaya say, Hero, give me Tad's card?
    Cysero: I want to make your people MY people.
    Cysero: But I'm willing to share.
    Serenity: You were amazing! Oh, it was marvelous to watch you battle! Such power, such finesse! It's amazing how SPECIAL a Hero you are! I can't get over you!
    Serenity: I can definitely see you winning a place as Lim's assistant! Can't you, George?
    George Lowe: Seems to me a hero destined to save the world has more than enough to do without having to polish beakers and clean up chemicals.
    George Lowe: But that's just my take on it.
    George Lowe: I'd give you 8.5 stars, but no one in this outfit clued me in on the ratings system.
    George Lowe: So all you get is a "Nice moves, champ."
    Lim: Even a hero can appreciate SCIENCE!, George. Besides, playing with molten gold can be Au-some!
    Lim: And speaking of SCIENCE!, prepare for an explosion of fun to come bursting out of the mind of a mechanical Moglin! It's time for Lime!

    *Camera shows Lime the green moglin standing next to a Gnomish Personal Steamtank armor on a pile of planks*

    Lime: The Popsprocket gnomes wouldn't lend me a water heater for my demonstration, so I had to finagle one of THESE babies out of Cysero!
    Lime: Our agreement's a little hazy, but I think I agreed to build him some steam-powered laser-mounted rocket-orbs.
    Lime: Not sure what he'll use THOSE for, but they're sure going to be fun to construct. Flaaaaash BOOM!
    Lime: But no matter! Let's get to it!

    *Lime lights up the planks. The armor starts shaking and rattling*

    Lime: The point of this demonstration is to see if a Gnomish Personal Steamtank - possibly the epitome of Gnomish technology -
    Lime: ... can turn from a useful armor into a... low-earth orbit ROCKET!
    Lime: If you read the manual that comes WITH a GPS, it guarantees that the tank will never explode, never destruct, and will always protect you from harm.
    Lime: (IF, that is, you can read the manual. It was originally written in Gnomish, and the translation is AWFUL.)

    *The armor turns red*

    Lime: I think we're about to see some VERY intriguing results!

    *The armor gets hotter and hotter. And after a few tense seconds it finally explodes in such a big explosion that it can be seen from space.*

    Lime: ...
    Cysero: Not quite as elegant an explosion as my nitroglycerin sponges. Now THOSE things make a beautiful BOOM!
    Serenity: You could have KILLED us! SO irresponsible! How- why- what- GAH! There's no way I'm voting for you to be Lim's assistant!
    George Lowe: I feel a need to sing about the contents being "under pressure," but this isn't a musical show.
    George Lowe: Those things never last and the talent they find to go on them don't even hit has-been status.
    George Lowe: They're stuck at never were.
    George Lowe: At least your act didn't bomb, sport.
    Lim: Too right, George! He definitely went out with a bang!
    Lim: And THAT'S why he's the winner!
    Serenity: I thought WE were the judges of that.
    Lim: The winner's going to be MY assistant! But the producers of the show insisted we have a panel of judges.
    Lim: Lime is THE perfect assistant for my shop.
    Serenity: But you're shop's right next to my INN!
    Lim: OVERRULED! (Science.)
    Lim: Falconreach, meet your newest Weapons-shop assistant, Lime.

    *The crowd applauds*

    Lim: I give you... Lim and Lime, weapons-smiths with TASTE!

    *George Lowe stands up*

    George Lowe: Puns! MORE puns! How do you people STAND it?
    George Lowe: George Lowe ANGRY!
    George Lowe: George Lowe... SMASH!

    *George Lowe turns into a Hulk version of himself*

    Lim: Um... Hero? Do you think you and your dragon could... help us out here?
    Lim: I've... ah, got to get Lime into training. Right now. In the shop. Very important!

    Fight Lowe-viathon in a titan battle! Free players too!

    <Character>: George? George, are you alright?
    <Character>: I know the puns can sometimes be overwhelming.
    <Character>: I try not to think about it too much. It let's me sleep at night.
    George Lowe: You people are crazier than a- a-
    <Character>: Yaga with bats on the brain?
    George Lowe: Sure, tiger. Whatever you say.
    George Lowe: Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go find some new pants.
    George Lowe: George Lowe didn't wear ripped jeans when they were in style and he doesn't wear them now.

  • Complete Quest

    The quest's monsters section should look like this:

    (2) Mr. Guy
    (2) Mr. Green Guy
    (2) Mr. Test Guy
    (1) Lowe-viathon - Boss

    And it should not have Aria on its NPCs list.

    Coloring for Scorpiarc Hunt:

    Karina: Reports are coming from the far west. Somewhere near Popsprocket, in the Shaal forest thrives a creature called a Scorpiarc.
    Karina: These monsters are very hard to find because of their camouflage, so be careful not to get caught by surprise.
    Karina: Their venom is extremely deadly so most monster hunters choose not to pursue this one, making its hide a rare commodity.
    Karina: So <Character>, up for the challenge?

  • Quest!
  • Not right now

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/9/2012 15:26:06 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 281
    1/9/2012 14:17:32   
      Stephen Nix
    Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

    Colouring and corrections for Tipping The Scales...

    Please remove the colons from NPCs, monsters, and rewards

    Release Date: December 5, 2008

    Scaled Yes/No: Yes

    Galanoth: You have to earn the title "Dragonslayer", <Character Name>.
    Galanoth: Surviving single combat against one of these wretched creatures takes more than a tough hide and a quick blade or spell.
    Galanoth: When I have seen that you are capable of being more than a dragonsnack, I will consider it.

    Buy Dragonslayer Armor

    Galanoth: I require one Ice Dragon Scale, <Character Name>. Prove that you've rid the north of one more of these wretched creatures.

    Give Galanoth Ice Dragon Scale - Gives him the Ice Dragon Scale and unlocks Dragonslayer Armor
    Back - Back to Galanoth's Main Menu

    Train Dragonslayer Armor

    Galanoth: <Character Name>, I need your help. Consider this part of your Dragonslayer training.

    Galanoth: My mother was an enchantress. When my village was destroyed I was still very young and didn't realize the extent of her power...
    Galanoth: ...or the amount of magic contained in the gifts she gave me. I remember an entire chest of glowing stones, orbs and pebbles...
    Galanoth: ...they were nothing more than playthings to me, but they contained a powerful magic which my mother drew from her enchanting.
    Galanoth: I have forgotten about them until now, but I recovered several of them from dragons in Aisha's legion.
    Galanoth: It's clear they were stolen when my village was destroyed. The dragons had been using them to increase their own magical powers.
    Galanoth: After so many years, the stones have been drained, they no longer have the power they once held.
    Galanoth: The dragons have begun using them as chips, baubles... winning them in games of chance.
    Galanoth: The dragons can be found in a massive gambling boat off the coast, in the Freezing Sea.
    Galanoth: Take the stones by force or win them by chance. It doesn't matter how... just stop them from leeching the power from my mother's things, <Character Name>!
    Galanoth: For every stone you return to me, I will teach you a Dragonslayer skill!

    Wear Dragonslayer Armor

    Galanoth: Do you want to become a Dragonslayer? Have you earned the right to call yourself that?

    Quest - Fight your way to Chance who's at the Inn

    At the Inn...

    Chance: Well, well, well... come to try your luck, human?
    Chance: Brawn isn't going to get you through this, so stop waving that toothpick around. I have more than enough power to incinerate you right now.
    Chance: If you want one of my stones(finder's, keeper's, kid) you have to play the game and roll the wheel.
    Chance: If you win, I can dole out a stone to you, if you lose... haha, you'll have to fight your way through the line again.
    Chance: There are ways to make sure Chance is on your side, though...

    Roulette: Requires 70+ to win.
    Ice Dragon Scales can be used as bribes to increase points in the roulette. (+10 pts per 1 Scale)
    LUK increase points too. (*guess* +1 pt per 20 LUK)

    Note: If the roulette show you a 10, it could be 100.

    If you win: JACKPOT! - Complete Quest

    If you lose: Oh No! Try Again Soon! - You go back to Dragesvard(Not losing EXP/Gold you earned along the way)

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/9/2012 15:34:32 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 282
    1/9/2012 15:42:38   
    Advocator of Wills

    Hudson's Hawk needs to add (1) Boros - Boss and Release Date: February 22, 2008.

    Zhoom: You have skills yet to learn, <Character>. One aspect of being a ranger is your ability to communicate with nature.
    Zhoom: In this case, you must learn to communicate with the spirit of the desert hawk in order to earn this skill.
    Zhoom: Near here is Hudson's Cavern. Long ago the people who lived there revered the desert hawk as a living deity.
    Zhoom: They have been gone a long time and now a race of snake people called Venomking's visit the cave... for food.
    Zhoom: Visit Hudson's Cavern and try to find an un-eaten hawk egg in the maze of tunnels.
    Zhoom: If you find one, return to me at once and I will teach you the ways of falconry.

  • Quest!

    <Character>: Ooooo! It's hatching!

    Hawk Hatchling: KREEE!
    <Character>: Hey Buddy! Welcome to the world!
    <Character>: Wow! Look at you go! You must be hungry! Let's see... what do hawks eat?
    <Character>: Hmmmmm...

    Cysero's Note: Hawks do not normally eat faces.

    <Character>: OW! Not my good eye!
    <Character>: OWWWW! Not my bad eye either!

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/9/2012 15:49:22 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 283
    1/10/2012 1:13:57   
      Stephen Nix
    Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

    Weaving Emporium needs colouring and corrections...

    Tomix: Character>! It’s good you’re back. I’ve just decoded information about the next key, the Flax key.
    Tomix: I’m not surprised to find one there, either. It’s in a Weaving Emporium, it’s what the runes call it.
    <Character Name>: Oh, good. I don’t suppose piles of satin and wool will attack us.
    <Character Name>: But finding one key in a whole building full of fabric and weaving instruments…I can feel the danger LOOMing in the horizon!
    Tomix: *glare* Not THAT kind of Weaving.
    <Character Name>: Oh, cheer up, Tomix. We’ll find your key! And probably trouble, too.

    <Character Name>: Who are you? What are you doing here?
    Tomix: Don’t you know it’s dangerous here? There are ChaosWeavers everywhere. You will get hurt!
    Riadne: I can take care of myself, thank to very much! I've been studying the ChaosWeavers for a while now.
    Riadne: Before you go accusing me of being where I shouldn't, you could ASK me what I know.
    Riadne: That would show you I know how to take care of myself!
    Riadne: A <Class Title> like <Character Name> traveling with you... <Character Name> I've heard of. Everyone has.
    Riadne: If he is with you... you're doing something important. I can tell.
    Riadne: I have skills, I could help!
    Tomix: Thanks, miss…
    Riadne: Riadne. My name is Riadne, Arachnomancer Adept. And you are?
    Tomix: I am Tomix, a SoulWeaver on a mission.
    <Character Name>: What he means to say is he’s Trouble. But since he’s got that stylish goatee, women seem to forget all about the danger.
    Riadne: (In thought) Mmm hmm. I can't say I blame them.
    Tomix: <Character Name>…*growl*
    <Character Name>: *cough*
    Tomix: I would be… very grateful if you could tell me what you know of the ChaosWeavers, Riadne.
    Riadne: Of course. Since you're a SoulWeaver, I'm sure you know some of this. But I'll tell you what I've learned.


    "ChaosWeavers are a faction of SoulWeavers, but they split off from them a long, long time ago.
    They are skilled in mystical arts and are VERY power-hungry.
    Just listening to them talk, it makes me shudder to hear what they do to people who cross them.
    They are evil. All good drained out of them with the strange mind-sickness which changed them into the half-human, half-spider they are now.
    They follow their own desires. They weave with wicked Elemental Spirits, not like SoulWeavers.
    The strange Weaving incident which changed them, I don't know much about. I need to study them more.”

    <Character Name>: You’ve learned so much! I have no idea the ChaosWeavers…
    Tomix: Were like that. Neither did I. So much information about them is restricted to the highest levels of SoulWeavers.
    Tomix: Thank you, Riadne. You HAVE helped us a good deal.
    Riadne: It was my pleasure, Tomix. Anything I learn, I will be happy to share with you.
    Tomix: (In thought) She does have skills. And her beauty goes with her feisty personality. And she’s brave. Watching the ChaosWeavers on her own like that…
    Tomix: (In thought) I hate to leave her to explore on her own, but she’s right. She can take care of herself. I hope we see her again.
    <Character Name>: Tomix? Tomix! Come on, we’ve got to go. Riadne’s going to keep watching and learning. WE have got to find that key.

    Tomix: Thank goodness! We have found it.
    Greed: Ooooh, yes. I like her.
    Greed: So innocent. So…PURE.
    Greed: She will be mine!

    Market District needs colouring and corrections...

    Tomix: We’re headed to the Market District this time, <Character Name>. I’m almost certain that’s where the Ember Key is hidden.
    <Character Name>: Oh, good. I needed to pick up some groceries anyways.

    Greed: Howwwwww can I get into that Gate?! It’s locked. Locked, locked, locked!
    Greed: I suppose I WILL need to wait on that errant SoulWeaver and that, that meddling <Class Name> to do my work for me.
    Greed: Hsssss. They can’t see me, oh no no no. That would ruin everything.
    Greed: I just need to wait until they get all the keys in the Gate, and then rush in ahead of them.
    Greed: But…perhaps they aren’t my ONLY option. There are all those lovely ChaosWeavers.
    Greed: So dark, so hungry for conquest. Beautifully greedy monsters. Yeeeeees, I should see what use they can be to me.

    Tomix: Aspar!
    Aspar: It is good to see you, my friend. Very good indeed. I have been worried. And I found this… key. I thought you might want it.
    Tomix: Awww, you know I can take care of myself, Aspar. I’ve come this far without help.
    Tomix: Well, with not a LOT of help. Thanks for finding that key.
    Tomix: And now I even have <Character>! What could go wrong?
    <Character Name>: Tomix?…Who is this?
    Tomix: Who is this? This is ASPAR! He saved my life. He is the Elemental Spirit of Kindness.
    Tomix: And he is my closest friend, my SoulAlly. Without him, I would be lost. Nothing.
    <Character Name>: Then it is a pleasure to meet you, Aspar.
    Aspar: I am sure we will grow to be close friends, as well.
    <Character Name>: So, how did you and Tomix meet?
    Aspar: That’s a, well, I wouldn’t call it a FUNNY story, exactly.
    Tomix: It is a FOOLISH story.
    <Character Name>: Ooh, storytime! Anyone have popcorn? I could use a snack while I listen.
    Tomix: It was at Edelia, the school of SoulWeaving. And I had accepted a very stupid challenge.
    Aspar: From a boy who wanted only to harm you.
    Aspar: But he is buried in obscurity now, and no one will remember his name. He is dead to history, while you…
    Aspar: You will be remembered. He may have issued the challenge which cost you so much, but ultimately, you won. And I am with you.
    Tomix: I accepted a challenge to weave a coat using the Headmaster’s SpiritLooms. He had trapped seven Corrupted Elemental Spirits in them.
    Aspar: I heard rumors of the fight, and was drawn to them. I had been watching you grow for a long time.
    Tomix: You had?
    Aspar: You were- ARE- destined to be great. I am attracted to greatness, drawn to it.
    <Character Name>: So what happened with the challenge?!
    Aspar: He used a forbidden incantation, and it consumed him.
    Aspar: His face turned pale, and his hair changed from a deep crimson to the silver you see now. And his eyes…they WERE blue. Now, they are not.
    Tomix: The spirits I tried to weave were stealing the life energy from me. But Aspar saved me.
    Aspar: I will always try to be there to save you, Tomix. I will be around here, nearby if you need me.

    Silkwood Park needs proper colouring and corrections...

    <Character Name>: Hello, Tomix! I have a good feeling about today. Let's go! You can tell me what key we're searching for on the way!

    <Character Name>: Tomix! Have you decoded any more of the runes yet?
    <Character Name>: Where do we go next?
    Tomix: I have, and we're headed to Silkwood Park.
    Tomix: We are hunting for the Shell Key!
    Tomix: And I'm- I'm glad you meet Aspar. You can see why I depend on him.
    <Character Name>: *nod* He seems to be a... very good... friend. Now lets go get that key!

    Soldier: Come. It is about to begin!
    Greed: And if you join forces with me, together we will rise in power!
    Greed: And I won't have to worry if Tomix and <Character Name> can't find all the keys...
    Greed: Once I get the Judgement Wheel, if you side with me, I will catapult you up into the overland!
    Greed: You will be able to run rampant through Falconreach once more.
    Greed: In fact, you'll be SO powerful, you can take over ALL the cities of Lore!
    Greed: They can think that... for now. But Lore will be MINE!
    Greed: You just need to help me NOW, so that I can help you!
    Greed: Once you take over, Chaos will reign! Just picture it, the very fabric of society tearing to shreds as you unravel it...
    Greed: Strand by strand...
    Chaosweavers: *cheer*

    <Character Name>: Alright, Tomix. Silkwood Park.
    <Character Name>: The key has to be here somewhere!

    <Character Name>: Tomix.
    <Character Name>: I think I found the key..
    Tomix: Excellent.
    Riadne: Tomix?
    Tomix: Riadne!
    Riadne: Tomix! I--
    Tomix: I was-
    Riadne: Worried about you!
    Riadne: I followed the Chaosweavers here. It seems I just missed overhearing a big meeting.
    Riadne: Keep watching them. I know you can find out more. We almost didn't see you, you were so well-hidden.
    <Character Name>: Be careful, though! We've seen a new creature appear in Ravenloss these last few days. I think-
    <Character Name>: ...Based on what you've observed and what I am learning from watching Tomix watch them...
    Tomix: I have an idea. I will tell you both more when we meet Riadne again, when I am more sure. And we WILL meet again.
    <Character Name>: I'm sure of THAT. You keep looking around for her almost as much as you watch my back!
    Riadne: I'll be careful, if you will, Tomix.
    Riadne: ...And <Character Name> too, of course.
    <Character Name>: Of course. *chuckle*

    Stronger Than You Know needs the "none" under each subheading to have the italics removed, also their true colour in the dialogues....

    <Character Name>: I know you need to take your time decoding the runes on the gate, but I can't help but wonder what Greed is getting up to while we sit here.

    Chaosweaver: Ve vill punissssh djyou, leetle one! Very good punissshment, for very BAD lettel ssshpy.
    Riadne: (In thought) Tomix and <Characters Name> don't know where I am. I'll have to try to get MYSELF out.
    Riadne: (In thought) Let them think they've broken me. Then, when they let their guards down, I'll break free!
    Chaosweaver: Yesssssh, punissssh!
    Chaosweaver: Ourssssh to punissssh!
    Riadne: (In thought) TOMIX!

    High Priest: Djyou VILL gif her to ussssh! Ssshe vill be oursssh for punisssshment az payment!
    Greed: Asss payment for what?
    High Priest: For helping djyou risssse, for helping djyou in djyour lettle sssshcheme!
    Greed: Sssshe is MINE. Not yourssss!
    Greed: You will help me becausssse you will gain domination over the AboveGround!
    Greed: That issss what we AGREED!

    Riadne: AAAAAAH!

    Greed: NO! You will SSSSTOP!
    High Priest: Djyou would COMMAND usssssh.
    High Priest: Before, djyou ASSSSHKED. Djyou OFFERED honeyed promissshez.
    High Priest: Djyou are NOT ze Chaossshweaver Massshter!
    Greed: I AM-
    High Priest: Djyou go TOO FAR!
    High Priest: Yessssh. OURSSSSH.

    Altar Hill needs High Priest's true colour...

    High Priest: Djyouuuuuu!
    High Priest: The shpy and the shoulweaver and the <Class>!
    High Priest: I vill take care of djyou for my Mistress!
    High Priest: DIE!

    All done, thanks! Just to let you know, Tomix's colour is #CC9933, not #CC9900. [SamJJE101]

    < Message edited by SamJJE101 -- 1/10/2012 3:51:14 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 284
    1/10/2012 1:16:56   
    Advocator of Wills

    Silkwood Park needs a dialog correction for this line:

    Riadne: Keep watching them. I know you can find out more. We almost didn't see you, you were so well-hidden.

    Tomix: Keep watching them. I know you can find out more. We almost didn't see you, you were so well-hidden.

    No Gain Without Loss needs to add:

    (3) Clawkin Wanderer
    (3) Forest Fury
    (3) Boulder Elemental
    (2) Deft Minx Fairy

    Arranged in alphabetical order.

    This needs to be removed for both No Gain Without Loss and Seeking Advice:

    Note: When the quest loads, you are Nythera, Elemental Nythera, to be precise.

    Dialog for No Gain Without Loss:

    Nythera: If Warlic won't help me get my magics back, I'll find someone who WILL!

    Loads Elemental Nythera

    Nythera: If Warlic won't help me, maybe someone in Sunbreeze Grove will!

    Nythera: Who are YOU? Where's Lady C? I need to speak with her. It's urgent!
    Elysia: Hello, Nythera. I'm Elysia, the Lady's apprentice. She told me much about you, and your mentor, Warlic.
    Nythera: Ugh, don't mention him. I just came from him, and he's a stodgy old magic-muffler.
    Nythera: I need Lady C's help with some... business.
    Elysia: Regaining your magic, possibly?
    Nythera: Exactly! How'd you know?
    Elysia: I said, I was told much about the recent events that have affected the realm.
    Elysia: Unfortunately, she's... gone now.
    Elysia: I've been left here to watch and practice my Dragon magic, and to "make myself useful to visitors."
    Elysia: I suppose that includes you! So, how can I help?
    Nythera: You know Dragon magic? Are you any good? You look awfully young.
    Elysia: Well, so do you! And I'm learning fast. I know more than I did a month ago, that's for sure!
    Elysia: *thinking* I won't go into the... mishaps along the way. No one needs to know about turning that baby dracolich's bones pink.
    Elysia: *thinking* Or the time I grew wings and a tail, but in reverse order. No, NO one needs to know about THAT!
    Nythera: Well, could you help ME learn my Dragon magic?
    Elysia: Well, I could teach you a few basics. How long have you had your magic?
    Nythera: ... That's the thing. I don't HAVE my magic!
    Nythera: Warlic kept saying he'd give it back, but then he wouldn't, and now I'm trying to regain it on my own.
    Elysia: That IS a problem. I can't help you with that, but...
    Elysia: I think I know someone who can!
    Elysia: Welcome to Clarionwood, the home of the Creatioux.
    Nythera: The who?!
    Elucidas: *cough*

    *The air shimmers*

    Elucidas: Ahem. Thank you, young priestess, for bringing her. You've done exactly right in bringing this one here.
    Nythera: I'm RIGHT HERE. Don't talk around me, talk TO me!
    Elucidas: Easy, child, easy. You are in a restful place; anger and impatience have no place here.
    Nythera: Well, where IS here?
    Elucidas: As Elysia said, this is Clarionwood,and we are the Creatioux.
    Elucidas: I am the Eldest, Elucidas.
    Elucidas: We are a species of Void dragons, and, as such, are the perfect creatures to assist you in your search.
    Nythera: You already know what I want?
    Elucidas: You can sense it, your magics, can't you?

    *Nythera nods*

    Elucidas: If you are here and seeking knowledge, then the time has come to tell you of them.
    Nythera: Yes! Finally, someone who sees things the right way!
    Elucidas: Don't be overhasty, dragon-child. Hear what I have to say before celebrating.
    Elucidas: Your Dragon and Void magics- and you have plenty of both, which I am sure you can sense buried inside of you- have been locked away.
    Nythera: Yes! My parents blocked my dragon magic because of some piffling little experimenting I was doing when I was younger. SO not fair.
    Elucidas: Be that as it may-
    Nythera: And Warlic only just mentioned that there was such a thing as Void magic!
    Nythera: Why didn't I know about this before now?
    Nythera: And so you are Void dragons? Like the Void element Warlic told me about?
    Elucidas: Not exactly, little one. Warlic, great as he is, must have received misinformation in his travels.
    Elucidas: The Void, though element-related, is not AN element. The Void, as a place, LACKS all elements. It is indeed a Void.
    Elucidas: But there ARE mysterious forces in the Void. It is these forces you will wield with your magic.
    Elucidas: You were kept from the knowledge because you have the potential to be...
    Elucidas: ... one of the greatest mages of our world, as great as Warlic...
    Elucidas: ... If your path is guided correctly.
    Elysia: So, you see, we HAD to block your knowledge and access to your magic until you were of an age to understand and respect the power you'll control.
    Nythera: It's my magic, I have a RIGHT to know! I can't learn to use it responsibly if I'm prevented from accessing it, after all.
    Nythera: Everyone says "Be responsible, Nythera, Grow UP, Nythera!" But how can I when I'm kept sheltered like a child?
    Nythera: No one believes in me! They don't see just how good I can be! I- I just want to LEARN!

    *Nythera walks away hastily*

    Elysia: Nythera, wait! Don't go off by yourse-
    Elysia: Oh boy...

    Nythera: Nobody ever listens to me!
    Nythera: I just want to learn.
    Nythera: I just want...
    Nythera: !!!
    ???: Aaaah, the dragon-child has found her way back to us.
    ???: Eeeexcellent.
    Nythera: You- you're the one with the voice!
    Nythera: ... Who is "us"?
    Decadere Dragon: Child, WE are the Decadere, and WE are denizens of the Void.
    Decadere Dragon: *sniff* *sniff*
    Decadere Dragon: You smell like you've come from our brethren.
    Decadere Dragon: And have they filled your head with twisted tales of us?
    Decadere Dragon: How we've become misshapen by the Void we make our home, that keeps us and protects us?
    Nythera: Um... no. They didn't mention you at all, actually.
    Nythera: And I think I know why...
    Nythera: You sound a bit crazy.
    Decadere Dragon: We are the Virtuosos of the Void, Manipulators of its Magic, Defilers of the Dark, Tyrants of its Terrain! And you-
    Nythera: Are getting bored of all your made-up titles.
    Decadere Dragon: Will be our slave!
    Decadere Dragon: What?!
    Elysia: Nythera!
    Nythera: El- Elysia?

    Complete Quest

    Seeking Advice:

    Nythera: Warlic won't help me. Elysia CAN'T help me... I- I guess I'll have to go back to my parents. Maybe they'll know what to do!

    Loads Elemental Nythera

    Elysia: Where- where am I? Why doesn't my magic ever go as planned?!
    Elysia: I knew I could teleport out of the way of that bolt safely, but...
    Elysia: ...now I don't know where I am! It looks like somewhere in the Void?
    Elysia: Probably a place best to be aVOIDed!
    Elysia: ... Now is NOT the time for jokes, Elysia! You've got to figure out where you are and how to get back to Nythera.
    Elysia: You can't help her from inside this place!

    Nythera: Hmmph. I hate being lost!
    Nythera: If I could have my dragon-form, I could FLY! But nooooo...
    Nythera: I'd better start walking, but to where? I can't go back to Warlic.
    Nythera: Lady Celestia isn't at her Grove, and I don't know WHAT happened to Elysia!
    Nythera: She was nice enough, and she TRIED to help. I hope she's not hurt!
    Nythera: She shouldn't have taken that energy blast for me. I could have handled it!
    Nythera: I guess... I suppose I'll have to go home. Maybe my parents can help me.
    Nythera: WITHOUT saying "We told you so."

    Nythera: M-mom? Dad?
    Balaur: Nythera! You've come home!
    Evren: Oh my dear!
    Warlic: After you ran away, I contacted your parents to let them know you were missing.
    Evren: We've been so worried!
    Nythera: I- I- There were the good Void dragons that Elysia took me to, and then they said I was blocked for a good reason.
    Warlic: Those would be the Creatioux. I know of them.
    Nythera: And I got mad...
    Balaur: We know how THAT goes!
    Evren: Hush, dear. Let her finish.
    Nythera: And then I ran into the forest and I kept running and there was a portal like the one Warlic took me to.
    Warlic: You went back into the Void alone? That was VERY dangerous, Nythera.
    Nythera: And there was the Bad Void dragon. And it said they wanted me to be their SLAVE!
    Nythera: As if anyone could keep ME in chains!
    Nythera: And then it started to attack me!
    Nythera: I could have handled it on my own, but Elysia came and the blast hit HER instead of ME and she disappeared.
    Nythera: And now I don't know what to do or where to go. I'm confused and I HATE being confused!
    Nythera: I know what I need to do, and that's get my magic. Then I'll be able to handle those Decadere.
    Nythera: They won't get their hands on ME! I'm far too smart for them.
    Balaur: It's good you came home, Nythera. Instead of running and getting into even MORE trouble, you came to us.
    Balaur: I'm proud of you!
    Nythera: I WANT to be able to do it myself! And I would, if I had my magic!
    Warlic: Nythera, the time for childishness is past. you're old enough now to understand the power of the forces you'll be working with.
    Evren: We've kept you sheltered long enough.
    Balaur: I agree. It's time you began regaining what has been kept from you.
    Nythera: I-it is? I mean, IT IS! I'm glad you finally see things my way!
    Warlic: There is a catch.
    Nythera: There is ALWAYS a catch! But I learned my lesson. I'll cooperate.
    Nythera: *thinking* Go along to get along. And once I get my magic, they'll realize this was the right choice. I'll prove it to EVERYone!
    Warlic: You mentioned the Creatioux. I know of them, as I said.
    Warlic: They would be appropriate Guardians to oversee your re-acquaintance with your powers.
    Warlic: You have the potential to be one of the greatest mages ever. They will shepherd you well.
    Nythera: *sigh* Yes, Warlic.
    Evren: Listen to Warlic, honey.
    Warlic: The path to your magics MUST be found through the Creatioux. I cannot take you any further.

    Complete Quest

    All done, thanks ~Peachii

    < Message edited by Peachii -- 1/10/2012 4:41:49 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 285
    1/10/2012 5:10:13   
    Voodoo Master

    Coloring and corrections for The Secret of the Thorn:

    Guardian Fortuna: <Character>, you've returned! What happened?

  • The Real Secret!
  • Back

    *Scene shows Guardian Fortuna's tent*

    Guardian Fortuna: <Character>! Did you catch the thief? Is the Secret of the Thorn safe?
    <Character>: Fortuna, it wasn't a thief... don't worry, the secret is safe.
    Guardian Fortuna: I... I have to trust you, <Character>...
    Guardian Fortuna: Besides, we have another problem...
    <Character>: What happened?
    Guardian Fortuna: Since you've unlocked Lord Valorus... the dravir have pushed us back. The Tower of Earth, and Lord Valorus, are under their control.

    *Valencia enters the tent wearing her hood again*

    ???: We need to get Valorus!
    Rahl: <Character>. Who is this?

    *Valencia takes off her hood*

    <Character>: Valencia! The Secret... is it safe?

    *Scene shows Valencia outside Falconreach's Guardian tower holding Geopetal's fake glasses. Than it shifts back to the tent*

    Valencia: Don't worry, <Character>, sometimes the best hiding places are in plain sight...
    Guardian Fortuna: ...
    <Character>: ...
    Valencia: Trust me. Right now, we need to get inside the Tower of Earth!

    You are now in Willowshire's Guardian tower. You have to fight your way through the various monsters to reach the top of the tower and find Lord Valorus.

    <Character>: Valorus! Are you alright?
    Valencia: <Character>... he is a ghost.
    <Character>: Yes, well...
    Lord Valorus: I am fine, <Character>.
    <Character>: Why would they take you prisoner, though?
    Lord Valorus: I...
    Lord Valorus: I haven't shared the entire story with you, <Character>.

    The following sentences appear at the bottom of the screen while above that there are some changing pictures to illustrate them.

    Lord Valorus: The attacks that happened 1,000 years ago threw the elemental realms out of balance.
    Lord Valorus: The corrupting darkness that threatened to take over this land had no regard for the other realms, or even its own, and all of Lore threatened to be torn apart.
    Lord Valorus: It was this threat that caused the Elemental Avatars to first reveal themselves to the humans.
    Lord Valorus: The Avatars had only associated with the Dragons before then, each choosing their own champion... the original Great Dragons, who continue to pass that title down to their children.
    Lord Valorus: To bring balance back... to give humans, and dragons, a fighting chance against the corruption, each Avatar coalesced a pure orb of their element, which was given to a human commander to protect.

    *The last picture shows some Guardians standing before the eight avatars. Each Guardian holds one of the orbs. The one that holds the Earth orb is Lord Valorus himself, while he was still alive. He starts talking* (sentences are shown normally)

    Lord Valorus: Earth Orb, eh? Not quite as cool as the Ice Orb, haha, but it's pretty neat I guess.

    *The Earth Orb falls from his hands and shatters into two smaller orbs*

    Lord Valorus: AAH! Oh no!

    *Lord Valorus lifts the orb that looks like stone from the floor and accidently pushes aside the other orb with his leg*

    Lord Valorus: Uhh...
    Lord Valorus: *(Quick you fool, pretend nothing happened!)*
    Lord Valorus: Eh hehe, cool, the Earth Orb. Wow, I'm a lucky guy... heh hehh...
    Lord Valorus: *(Pretty smooth, Valorus. Pretty smooth.)*

    *Camera zooms on the other half of the Earth Orb. Tossed aside. Forgotten.*

    *Scene shifts back to Willowshire's Guardian tower*

    Lord Valorus: In order to foster trust between dragons and humans they created...
    <Character>: ... the Dragon Amulets!
    Valencia: Oh yeah.
    <Character>: That's amazing... I... Wait. Wait. What happened to the Earth Orb?
    Lord Valorus: Yes... well...
    Valencia: The true Secret of the Thorn.
    Lord Valorus: ...
    Lord Valorus: The Orb of Earth exists in two halves. The Stone Half has... had been kept safe in the Tower of Earth.
    <Character>: And the other half?
    Lord Valorus: The Nature Half... has been lost.
    ???: Then we have to find it, before someone else does.

    *Valencia and the character turn around to see who talked*

    Valencia: ...
    Valencia: Daddy?

  • Complete Quest

    Resident Sneevil: CODE SALL-IE, Resident Sneevil: Genesis and Resident Sneevil: Parasol Chronicles- every You:/<You>: should be replaced with <Character>:

    String Thing - Puce Person Nommer - Boss should have (1) before his name.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/10/2012 7:26:29 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 286
    1/10/2012 13:26:05   
      Stephen Nix
    Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

    Never Say Dye needs corrections and colouring...

    Robina: <Character Name>, am I glad to see you!
    <Character Name>: It's always good to see you, too, Robina. And Sneegol here, of course.
    Sneegol: *thrash*
    Robina: Some day he'll have learned his lesson, and I can untie him.
    <Character Name>: So, Sneegol, WHO do these boxes belong to?
    Sneegol: All box belong to sneevil!
    Sneegol: We like small box! We like big box!
    <Character Name>: And you cannot lie? Poor Sneegol. It's not looking like today is your release day, little buddy.
    Robina: Nope.
    Sneegol: *flail*
    <Character Name>: So... Robina? What's going on with the trees and grass around here?
    Robina: That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Earlier today I heard a BOOM and the ground shook.
    Robina: And then the color started leeching from the trees and ground. It doesn't look like the bushes or flowers are affected yet, but who knows?
    Robina: SOMEthing must have happened. Do you have any idea what could have caused it?
    <Character Name>: Perhaps a partial infarction of the green magic matrix in the area?
    Robina: ... Have you been talking to Cysero?
    <Character Name>: Yes!
    Robina: Right. Let's assume - for now - it's not that. Please go look around and see what you can find.

    Doctor Voltabolt: Ah, <Character Name>. I zuzpected you vould be appearing zoon.
    <Character Name>: What is that?
    Doctor Voltabolt: Eet eez a machine.
    <Character Name>: Yes, I can see that. But what does it do?
    Doctor Voltabolt: Eet explodes, unfortunately.
    Doctor Voltabolt: I deed not calibrate ze depigmentation mechanicz correctly and... vell. BOOM.
    <Character Name>: Have you seen what's happened to SureWould Forest? It's being leeched of color!
    Doctor Voltabolt: Vell. Yes. It VAS being leeched of color. Zat waz ze plan.
    Doctor Voltabolt: To use all-natural plant dyez to color ze robez for ze Druidz. Zey are very conzerned zat zey're clozing is organic.
    <Character Name>: And they asked you to build this?
    Doctor Voltabolt: Eggzaktically. Unfortunately, ze machine blew up, and so ze fractal recyclicator is caput, zo ze colorz will not be put back in.
    <Character Name>: Can you fix it?
    Doctor Voltabolt: Vell. *cough* Vell.
    <Character Name>: Is that a no?
    Doctor Voltabolt: I could uze a colleague to conzult wiz. But I haf none of my caliber in ze vicinity.
    <Character Name>: And you won't ask ze gnomez? Er, I mean, the gnomes?
    Doctor Voltabolt: NEVER! Zey tossed me out of zeir city. I vill not go begging to zem for help!
    <Character Name>: Got it. I'll find different help, then. Non-gnome-originating help. And dyes. We'll need to get color back into the land.
    Doctor Voltabolt: Zee zat you do.

    Complete Quest

    Die Another Day needs coloring and corrections...

    <Character Name>: ... So that's what happened.
    Robina: That's quite a colorful story, <Character Name>.
    <Character Name>: So now I need to find dye, first thing, and then find non-Gnome help.
    <Character Name>: If only there were Sneevil engineering geniuses!
    Sneegol: Sneevil smart! Sneevils BOX-smart. Not tinker-motor-vroom smart. Boxes important. Brooms aren't!
    <Character Name>: If I had a sneevil who thought "brooms" were important, I'd be all set.
    <Character Name>: Ah, well. I'll think about where to get help later. First things first, I'll find the dye.
    Robina: What about the dumpsite?
    Sneegol: MANY things in dumpsite. Stupid things inside boxes, making boxes full. So annoying!
    <Character Name>: Good idea, Robina. I'll check there first!

    <Character Name>: ... and it smelled SO bad!
    Robina: Sounds like it was a really dirty business.
    <Character Name>: It was! I got into a heap of trouble with the monsters in the dumpsite. But I DID find some dye!
    Robina: But what about the broken machine? How will you get that fixed?
    <Character Name>: Oh, I came up with a plan at the dumpsite. Voltabolt won't know what he's looking at when I'm done with all the preparations!
    Robina: You aren't going to-
    <Character Name>: Oh yes I am! Off to Popsprocket!

    Complete Quest

    Live and Let Dye needs coloring and corrections...

    <Character Name>: ... So that's my plan. What do you think? Will it work to fix Voltabolt's dye-abolical mistake?
    <Character Name>: It really IS a do or dye situation. *snicker* Ok, I'm done.
    Yix: If you can find a volunteer willing to masquerade like that, you're welcome to use them.
    Yix: It's a shame Voltabolt- *whisper* (or Bolty, as I called him) - has fallen so far. So very, very far. He had such promise.
    <Character Name>: You know, I never did understand why you gnomes think Dentistry is a dark art.
    <Character Name>: Oral hygiene is very important!
    Yix: You know dentists stick sharp, pointy tools into people's mouths? And who knows WHAT they do with all the teeth they pull out?
    Yix: Besides, we can never get minty-flavored dental floss here in Popsprocket.
    <Character Name>: *gasp* That IS a tragedy!
    Yix: Go, find a volunteer. Watch out for the cleaning machines, though.
    Yix: They're recycled Cyklons and every so often, they short out and attack people. We really need to fix that.

    Zank: Hello, <Character Name>. I see you made it past our broken cleaning bots.
    <Character Name>: Zank! Boy, do I have a favor to ask of you!

    *long, involved description of the situation and the plan to fix things*

    Zank: ... It's an interesting plan. That WOULD be pretty amusing, if we can pull it off.
    <Character Name>: With enough green dye and the proper accessories, no one will be able to tell!
    Mysterious Gnome: Looking ahead, I see this plan succeeding.
    <Character Name>: Is he always this mysterious?
    Zank: Yep. We're pretty fond of it, actually. Keeps things interesting.
    Mysterious Gnome: *Harrumph*
    <Character Name>: And you think the machine should be easy to fix?
    Zank: It's really a simple problem. For one of my talent? Definitely.
    <Character Name>: Then let's go! We've got to get you ready still.

    <Character Name>: Voltabolt, may I introduce you to Sneex? He's, um, a sneevil engineering genius. *crosses fingers*
    Doctor Voltabolt: Vat?! I had no idea ze sneevilz had engineering knowledgez!
    Sneex: It's a pleasure to meet you. And I can see from here that you need to tighten the flux-valve on the depigmentation unit and-
    <Character Name>: *COUGH*
    Sneex: Ahem. Depigmentation flux-valve need to be tighter. Also, wrap hole in tube with tap made from ducks. Good, sticky tape.
    Sneex: I tweak other things. You be fine. You pay me in gold, yes?
    <Character Name>: Yes! Gold! Gold... boxes. You want BOXES, Sneex. Remember?
    Sneex: *sigh* Gold... boxes. Sneex love boxes. Want boxes as payment.
    Doctor Voltabolt: Ah, yez. Sneevilz crave ze boxez. I haf metal boxez, not gold. Vill zat verk for you?
    <Character Name>: That will be just fine! Now, Doctor, would you please hand Sneex the dyes?
    Doctor Voltabolt: No, <Character Name>. I expect you to hand him ze dyes.
    Sneex: Sneex not care who! Sneex just needs dye.

    *tinker* *tweak* *spit* *KICK*

    With a shutter and putter, the machine comes to life.

    After a couple hours pass...

    Doctor Voltabolt: Ze machine! Eet verks!
    <Character Name>: And it looks like the forest has returned to normal, too!
    Sneex: Sneex do excellent work, yes.
    Doctor Voltabolt: Vould you conzider coming and verking wis me? I could us an azziztant!
    <Character Name>: Erm... I don't think that is such a good idea.
    Sneex: Sneex VERY busy. King has MANY plans. No time to help... Dentist.
    Doctor Voltabolt: Ah, vell. Zat iz too bad. But zank you for ze help! And you, too, <Character Name>.
    Doctor Voltabolt: Now zat ze machine ees verking again, ze Druids vill have ze dye zey need for zeir clothez.

    Robina: <Character Name>, I'm so glad things are normal again! And Dr. Voltabolt sent over this adorable little metal thing as a thank you for your help.
    <Character Name>: That? That's a monster from the dumpsite!
    Robina: He say's he rewired it so that you can use it as a pet.
    <Character Name>: Awww. For a dark Dentizt, Voltabolt's not such a bad guy.
    Sneegol: Pfft. Sneevils better.

    Rummage pet - Can now go to the Rummage Pet Shop
    Complete Quest

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/10/2012 13:58:44 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 287
    1/10/2012 20:18:00   
    Advocator of Wills

    Face Your Destiny:

    (5) Void Elemental
    (4) Void Spawn
    (1) Decadere Guard - Boss

    Nythera: I know what I have to do now. I have to go and talk to the Creatioux. Maybe Elucidas will be able to help me, since Warlic can't!

    Loads Elemental Nythera

    Elucidas: It is good that you are back, child. We worried.
    Nythera: I... I'm sorry I ran off. Everyone has kept my magic from me, and it feels like a part of myself is missing.
    Nythera: Warlic says that if I want my magic back, I need to work with you. So I will.
    Nythera: I will TRY to be better.
    Warlic: I have faith that you'll achieve things greater than you can currently imagine.
    Warlic: So long as you work WITH the Creatioux, and not against them.
    Elucidas: I am gladdened by your words, young one. And you make a fair point.
    Elucidas: You can't become what you are destined to be if you are kept completely restricted from your magic.
    Elucidas: So we will begins slowly lifting the restrictions that bind you, allowing you time to grow into your new powers.
    Elucidas: The dragon blood inside you yearns to be used. Embrace it now!
    Nythera: I- Thank you! I can feel... I feel different. More. More like myself! Still not whole, but... better.
    Nythera: Almost complete.
    Elucidas: It is important, though, for you to know what you face in working with us. I should explain about the Decadere.
    Nythera: Ugh, those jumped-up, pompous, delusional, hideous-
    Elucidas: They are Void dragons as WE, the Creatioux, are Void dragons.
    Elucidas: They are our brethren and they are not. They reside inside the Void, and it has twisted them.
    Elucidas: Touching the Void, as the Creatioux do, and as you will, does not warp a creature.
    Elucidas: It is only after continually being immersed in the energies of the Void that one becomes as they are.
    Elucidas: And, twisted by the Void, they have aligned themselves with one of its negative aspects: Entropy.
    Elucidas: We, the Creatioux, have attuned ourselves to that of Creation. We give life, we nurture and nourish.
    Elucidas: That is what it means to be Creatioux. And the Decadere hate us for it.
    Elucidas: But you... when you were born, it was foretold that you would be the Saviour of our race.
    Elucidas: We are not sure how that will be possible, as the Decadere will only want to use you and twist you for their own corrupted ends.
    Elucidas: But somehow you will save us. We shall have to wait and see how that comes about.
    Nythera: I AM, after all, part Dragon. Paired with the ingenuity of my Human ancestors, I'm sure I'll think of something. Just you watch!
    Elucidas: Your enthusiasm is reassuring. We do not doubt you will succeed.
    Elucidas: It is only the manner which your success will take that we do not comprehend.
    Nythera: I think... I think I'd like to go off and think a bit. About what I must do, and my new powers.
    Nythera: And maybe I'll come up with a way to help your race.

    Nythera: Hmph.
    Nythera: So. I have a destiny. A GREAT destiny.
    Nythera: I'm not surprised.
    Nythera: I always knew I would be famous! Someone as superior as I am can't NOT be!
    Nythera: But... how to go about-
    Nythera: AAAHHHH!
    Nythera: Oof.
    Nythera: Someone will pay dearly for this.

    Decadere: Aah, the dragon-child has returned to us! This is most beneficial to our plans.
    Decadere: Tell me, little pet. Did you think you would find your way back here so unexpectedly?
    Nythera: Hmmph. I needed to see you anyways. Now is as good a time as any other.
    Decadere: Oh-hoh! The dragon-kitten has teeth!
    Decadere: It will be much fun taming you to a leash, little one. And once your spirit is broken, we will remake you in our image.
    Decadere: You will be ours, and it will be glorious!
    Nythera: You're not doing ANYthing to me, you wrinkled piece of Void-rot!

    The dialogue continues, whether you win or lose the battle:
    Decadere Dragon: Do you not see how foolish it is to stand against us, dragon-child?


    Complete Quest

    Know Your Nature:

    (2) Earth Elemental
    (2) Flying Eyeball
    (3) Mushroom
    (1) Decadere Youngling - Boss

    Nythera: Those Decadere must be REALLY strong to beat ME! But I'll trounce them soon. I just need to practice a bit!

    Loads Elemental Nythera

    Elysia: Nythera! I almost didn't make it in time! I wasn't sure- and then I didn't know- but then I GOT there and you were hurt and-
    Elucidas: Easy, youngling. The dragon-child is safe, thanks to you. Your mistress would be proud, and so am I.
    Elucidas: In saving Nythera, you have done the Creatioux a great service.
    Elysia: But she's still hurt!
    Nythera: N-no, I'm alright. Really.
    Nythera: I'm just a little shaky. It's a good thing that bolt to my head didn't mess up my hair.
    Nythera: It still looks alright?
    Elysia: You're just joking to make me feel better, aren't you?
    Nythera: Maybe a little. But I AM going to be alright. And now I know that I don't know quite enough to face the Decadere on my own.
    Nythera: I will need to practice, and grow stronger. Spend more time studying my new powers.
    Nythera: Now that I've got some back, I should PRACTICE, right?
    Elysia: *smiles weakly* Right. I think I WON'T be around you when you practice.
    Elysia: When I do magic... weird things happen. Or, at least, they have so far.
    Elucidas: *ahem*
    Elucidas: Young one, you saved Nythera. Your magic acted as you needed it to, WHEN you needed it to the most. That is a good start.
    Elucidas: Nythera, child. You have realized that your powers are not enough- YET- to enable you to face the Decadere.
    Elucidas: It is my thought that you must... align... your dragon nature with your human nature more fully...
    Elucidas: ... now that you have awakened the first of your new powers.
    Nythera: How do I do that?
    Elucidas: We shall send you to the DragonLords.
    Elucidas: They are well-versed in Dragon-kin, and by talking with them, you will learn how ordinary humans view those touched by Dragons.
    Elucidas: Elysia will go with you. She can introduce you to her parents; they will help you, I have no doubt.
    Elucidas: I believe they are staying in Falconreach at present.

    Elysia: Momma, Papa!
    Amara: Oh, 'Lysia, it is so GOOD to see you!
    Amara: You are looking so well. And the glow about you! I can see that life with Celestia agrees with you.
    Gervin: You might not become a DragonLord, but I have no doubt that you will do us, and our Dragons, proud one day, daughter.
    Gervin: But who is this with you?
    Nythera: I am Nythera. You might have heard of me.
    Amara: Ah, yes, yes I think we have.
    Gervin: Warlic's young apprentice, aren't you?
    Nythera: *thinking* Grrr. SO much more than that, if they only realized.
    Nythera: *thinking* Must... stay... polite. Need their help...
    Nythera: Yes, that's me. Only I've unlocked some more of my magic now, the Dragon magic.
    Nythera: The Creatioux Eldest wanted me to talk with you, to see how you view Dragons.
    Amara: That is a very easy request to accommodate. Of course we'll help you. But before we discuss that...
    Gervin: Amara and I were on our way to deal with... an issue... when the two of you entered the Inn.
    Gervin: We really mustn't delay investigating it any longer.
    Amara: Your father is right, Elysia. I'm sorry, Nythera.
    Nythera: But I really need to talk to you! It's important!
    Nythera: Wait, just wait. What IS the issue? If it deals with Dragons, well, I'm half-dragon. Maybe I can help.
    Gervin: Hmm. It may be dangerous. I'm not sure I want you young women to be exposed to such... vileness.
    Amara: No, dear. Look at our daughter, so grown and learning things about Dragons we can't begin to comprehend.
    Amara: And her friend looks... well-suited to dealing with something of this nature.
    Amara: There is an air of... capability surrounding her. Let them come with us.
    Gervin: Very well. We will be traveling to a storage facility which houses troublesome creatures that we DragonLords must deal with.
    Gervin: If you feel faint, or unable to continue, we'll have to leave you at that facilities entrance while we continue on.
    Gervin: So it's best to be sure you want to come with us.
    Gervin: Once we're in the mountain, we may face danger. If we get separated, just keep following the path to the main holding area.
    Nythera: Hmmmph! Someone as skilled as I am... I've never fainted in my life!
    Elysia: We'll be fine, Papa! Trust us!

    Gervin: We've had word that some of the more mundane monsters- less dangerous ones- in the facility have broken free.
    Gervin: Our target is still locked up, thankfully. But we'll need you girls to be careful as we make our way to its holding area.
    Nythera: I'm sure I can handle anything that we come up against.
    Elysia: Don't WORRY so much, Papa! Both Nythera and I have defenses. AND attacks!

    Elysia: Oh! You don't mean- you have a Decadere? Here?
    Nythera: Hmmph. This one looks young. I can handle THIS.
    Nythera: I am attuned to Void magic, and this creature is soaked in the essence of the Void element.
    Nythera: I might not have ALL of my powers...
    Nythera: But I'm certain I can handle this little trouble for you.
    Amara: That would be most appreciated.
    Amara: We're still not sure how THIS one appeared. If, as you say, it's from the Void, perhaps a random portal to it opened somewhere?
    Amara: Gervin will lower the shield for you now, Nythera. Stand back, Elysia!

    After defeating Decadere Youngling:
    Amara: Oh my! THAT was certainly unexpected! But... what does it mean?

    Complete Quest

    Embrace Your Destiny:

    (2) Decadere Youngling
    (2) Void Elemental
    (1) Decadere Eldest - Boss

    Nythera: It's time. I must embrace my fate and become what I am destined to be: the DragonMage!

    Loads Elemental Nythera

    Decair: So, it is that you are here again.
    Decair: You continue to find your self pulled here, no?
    Decair: Even though each time you have met one of us, you have fled in fear?
    Nythera: Actually, no.
    Nythera: I came here seeking you. And I'm NOT afraid of you.
    Nythera: Hmmph.
    Nythera: A little in awe of your ugliness, maybe, but not afraid!
    Decair: Hmm. That is... odd. You are... more than you were, are you not?
    Decair: You feel... MUCH more useful to us now. I fear-
    Nythera: You SHOULD be afraid of me. Maybe you're smarter than I thought.
    Decair: I think it is that we cannot take you by force anymore. But that does not mean you will not join us.
    Decair: Come, little dragon-child.
    Decair: Unite with us. It is that there are teachers here who can help you grow.
    Decair: Become the most powerful of Void dragons. One day it is me that you might even rival.
    Nythera: Join you?
    Nythera: Hah. I'd rather muck out a Guardian Tower's stables than develop into something like YOU.
    Nythera: But I shouldn't insult you, should I? I have an offer to make. On behalf of your brothers and sisters, the Creatioux.
    Decair: There is to be no speaking of that name!
    Decair: If it is on their behalf you are here, then leave us whole you will not!

    Fight 2 Decadere Youngling and 2 Void Elementals

    Nythera: You should REALLY hear me out. You don't want to see what I can do now that I have my magic back.
    Decair: You think you are a true dragon.
    Decair: Maybe it is that you think that now you have a dragon form, you are able to battle against me and win?
    Nythera: I don't NEED to fight you in dragon form! I can take you standing on my own two feet. And I'll win!
    Nythera: Hmmph. Suit yourself.

    After defeating Decadere Eldest:
    Nythera: Decadere!
    Nythera: Listen to me!
    Nythera: See what I can help you to become!
    Nythera: Your lives- this is not how you were meant to live, hiding away in the darkness, awash in Chaos.
    Nythera: Look at the soul of your Eldest, purified and leeched of the corrupting forces of the Void.
    Nythera: Dragons are proud, beautiful, magnificent creatures!
    Nythera: I should know!
    Nythera: You should not have to live here, every day growing more twisted, more angry, and LESS like the dragons you are meant to be!
    Nythera: Decair's soul has journeyed to the OtherLand, and will join those of the Creatioux who die bravely in battle.
    Nythera: As he is joining them in death, so should you join them in life! Unity with your brethren is your destiny.
    Nythera: Together you will resurrect the Void dragon race and restore it to its former glory!
    Nythera: The time has come for you to accept your destiny.
    Nythera: And for me to embrace my future...
    Nythera: Whatever it might bring!

    See Nythera's story continued in AdventureQuest Worlds!

    Complete Quest

    Done, thanks. I had changed color for Amara from #66CCCC to #669999, and Gervin from #66CCFF to #6699CC because the original were too light. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/11/2012 2:09:16 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 288
    1/11/2012 8:58:24   
    Voodoo Master

    Mogloween 2010 - You: should be replaced by <Character Name>:

    Betrayal - the monsters section should be:

    (1) Titan Frostscythe - Titan Boss
    (1) Dragonmaster Frostscythe, (2) Ice Dragon - Boss

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/11/2012 9:33:28 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 289
    1/11/2012 10:03:23   
    Voodoo Master

    Your Secret Is Safe needs coloring and corrections:

    Guardian Fortuna: Whatever happens, <Character>, make sure the Secret of the Thorn is safe!

  • Your Secret Is Safe With Me!
  • Back

    *Scene shows the character and Valencia (the Rare Item Hunter) at the old battlefield*

    <Character>: Valencia?! But... I don't understand... why would you steal from the Guardians?
    Valencia: Hmmpfh. I wouldn't say steal, <Character>.
    Valencia: When a very powerful object is held somewhere that's under attack... it's usually a good idea to move it.
    <Character>: Alright... point taken. What are you doing here, though? And what is it that Lord Valorus was sworn to protect?
    Valencia: Lord Valorus told me the same story I suspect he told you...
    <Character>: Where he locked himself in the tower basement trying to keep the Secret of the Thorn safe? He still wouldn't tell me what it was...
    Valencia: Well... legend has it, 1,000 years ago, elementals ravaged the land.
    Valencia: This battlefield was the center and this shield was what the monsters rallied behind... I had to see for myself... Does it look familiar, <Character>?
    <Character>: It looks... like... like a Doom Knight helm... Sepulchure? But is he that old?
    Valencia: I'm not sure... Whatever darkness drives the Doom Knights... gives them their power... definitely is though...
    <Character>: But what does that have to do with the Order of the Thorn?
    Valencia: Isn't it clear, <Character>?
    Valencia: The towers were built to protect the Orbs. The Order of the Thorn was charged with building the Willowshire Tower... the Tower of Earth!
    <Character>: Wow... So wait... the battle for the Orbs has been going on for 1,000 years?!
    Valencia: Not quite... Questions are going to have to wait until later, <Character>.
    Valencia: I still have to get the Secret of the Thorn someplace safe and we have a problem...
    <Character>: We're surrounded... I'll distract them. Get the Secret someplace safe, Valencia!

  • Quest!
  • Heal & potions
  • Back

    *The character rides a horse while wearing Valencia's hood so the monsters would think he is her and follow him. In the meantime Valencia would get out of the area and hide the Secret of the Thorn.

    In the minigame you have to dodge the monsters for 124 seconds to fill the bar. If you hit a monster, you will have to fight it. One fight subtracts 5 seconds from the amount you have. You may restart by pushing the button in the lower left-hand corner.

    *The character gets off the horse back*

    <Character>: I think Valencia just managed to get away... I just hope the Secret of the Thorn is safe!

    *Scene shows Valencia standing outside Falconreach's Guardian tower*

    Valencia: *Thinks* Hmmm... you really belong in a museum... for now though...

  • Complete Quest

    And the X besides each of the monster's names should be bracketed.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/11/2012 10:47:26 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 290
    1/11/2012 14:05:42   
      Stephen Nix
    Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

    Sneak Attack! needs colouring...

    Yix: It's time.
    Yix: I just hope it will be enough..

    The Snow Fields needs colouring and corrections...

    Ice Dragon Scale Scale should be capitalized!

    Galanoth: We have to go talk to the WHO?!?!?

    Galanoth: What do you mean "we have to talk to the dragons"? Those monsters don't TALK to our kind.
    <Character Name>: We have to try. The Tusker leader, Paul said that the dragon seemed frightened. The dragons might feel forced into fighting.
    Galanoth: The only thing that I've ever seen a dragon fear... is me.
    <Character Name>: You're missing the bigger picture. If we can convince these dragons to come to our side, then we might be able to avoid this war.
    <Character Name>: I've spoken to Linus, Grrol and G'joob, They've all sent messengers to the dragons to meet us on the snow fields, near the mainland shore.
    Galanoth: I'm telling you <Character>, nothing will come of this. But still...
    Galanoth: ...If these dragons ARE afraid of something then I'd like to know what it is. One can never have too many weapons.
    Galanoth: Plus, sending them a message that we want to meet is a great way to draw them out!
    Galanoth: Besides, WHEN things go wrong, you might need my help to battle the ice dragons.
    <Character Name>: That's fine with me. But remember, we're going to talk first. We won't fight unless we need to. Let's go.

    Galanoth: Ice Dragons!!
    <Character Name>: Don't you start! One Artix was bad enough. Control yourself.
    Ice Dragon: We received your messages, human. We have come. Say what you need to say.
    <Character Name>: Oh great and mighty dragons...
    Galanoth: *snirk*
    <Character Name>: *AHEM* Oh, great and powerful ice dragons...
    Galanoth: *coughWIMPScough*
    <Character Name>: (QUIT IT) Oh, mighty dragon of the north...
    Galanoth: Mighty? *Pfffft!
    Ice Dragon: It seems like the canned snack that you brought as an offering has something to say.
    Galanoth: OFFERING?! Why I should rip your horns off and stuff 'em up your...
    ???: Enough...
    Aisha: Galanoth, the Dragon Slayer and <Character Name>, the Hero of Falconreach...
    Aisha: It is a pleasure to finally meet you both.
    Aisha: I am Aisha, the new queen of the ice elves and ruler of the ice dragon army.
    Aisha: I am also in possession of the Elemental Orb of Ice that you are searching for, <Character Name>
    <Character Name>: I thought you might have the orb. It would take an item of amazing power to control over these ice dragons.
    Galanoth: SO that is how she is controlling them? That is why they are afraid of her?
    Aisha: It is true that the orb is very powerful. It has increased my own natural magic several hundred times.
    Aisha: You see, my people can only exist in this polar environment. In order to flourish and grow...
    Aisha: ...Then we need the rest of Lore to be as gold as the frozen northlands.
    Aisha: I have been using the orb's power to make the polar ice sheet grow faster than it ever would have on its own.
    Aisha: Through this process of "global cooling", my people will soon cover the face of the world and our empire will rule all of the warm races.
    Aisha: We have begun our conquest by crushing all of the pathetic, human settlements in my kingdom. Dragesvard is all that remains.
    Aisha: Once all of you humans are gone we will wipe out or enslave the other races of the north.
    Aisha: As I use the Ice orb to expand our sphere of influence more and more of your people will meet the same fate.
    Aisha: Finally, your sad little race will be wiped from the face of Lore and my people will rule their frozen paradise... as it was meant to be.
    Galanoth: I don't understand your hatred of us Aisha. Once the ice elves and humans lives side by side.
    <Character Name>: Humans and ice elves could accomplish SO MUCH if we worked together rather than wasting our energy fighting.
    <Character Name>: What makes you believe that your people are so superior?
    Aisha: What makes you think that my people are the ice elves, <Character Name>?
    Aisha: Draco nythera simesti mef selourm humazte. Locus aldmodus sey constri naturilithi.

    You will need a Dragon Amulet to read this...

    Aisha: Dragons have always been superior to humans. It is simply our place in the natural order.
    Aisha: My people... the ice dragons... have been waiting for centuries for a leader like me to come along.
    Aisha: I plan to put dragons... especially ice dragons... BACK in their rightful place on all the thrones of the world.
    Aisha: The Elemental Orb of Ice is the key that we have been waiting for.
    Aisha: We dragons know that Sepulchure is gathering the orbs and we know why.
    Aisha: We know that you are trying to stop him, but neither of you has a right to OUR MAGIC... and I plan on taking them back.
    Aisha: You and that traitorous whelp, <Dragon Name> will be taught your place in time but first things first... Dragesvard.
    Aisha: My brothers, kill Galanoth. I want the hero taken alive. Once you are done, return to me. We march on Dragesvard soon.
    Ice Dragon: As you wish, Queen Aisha.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/11/2012 14:19:23 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 291
    1/11/2012 15:01:29   
    Voodoo Master

    Correction for my dialogue rewrite of Your Secret Is Safe-

    *The character rides a horse while wearing Valencia's hood so the monsters would think he is her and follow him*
    In the meantime Valencia would get out of the area and hide the Secret of the Thorn

    should be-

    *The character rides a horse while wearing Valencia's hood so the monsters would think s/he is her and follow him/her. In the meantime Valencia would get out of the area and hides the Secret of the Thorn*

    Done, thanks.

    < Message edited by Coldkick -- 1/11/2012 18:03:23 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 292
    1/11/2012 16:40:54   
    Advocator of Wills

    New Face of Entropy needs color for this line:

    Guardian Tenza: Look.

    What's Mine is Mine needs a correction:

    *Scene shows Trey, Valencia and the character at the Temple of Gloom*

    Nature's Keeper needs to sort monsters in alphabetical order:

    (3) Darkness Elemental
    (2) Earth Elemental
    (3) Energy Elemental
    (3) Fire Elemental
    (2) Ice Elemental
    (3) Light Elemental
    (2) Water Elemental
    (2) Wind Elemental

    Surehunter Woes:

    (4) Dirt Beetle
    (7) Earth Elemental
    (3) Sandslicer
    (2) Sandstorm
    (4) Sandstone
    (2) Sunspike

    Done (some by Coldkick), thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/12/2012 2:38:09 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 293
    1/12/2012 5:03:21   
    Advocator of Wills

    Fortuna Thanks needs its color:

    Guardian Fortuna: Thank you, <Character Name>. Even though the Earth Orb is lost, we still have our town.
    Guardian Fortuna: Lord Valorus worked hard with our weaponsmith to craft these special weapons in thanks.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/12/2012 5:59:45 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 294
    1/12/2012 13:52:31   
      Stephen Nix
    Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

    Sitcom needs colouring and corrections...

    Yix: We're just about ready to turn on the Far-A-Vision.
    Yix: I'm not sure what we'll see but you should prepare yourself for the worse.
    Yix: If the picture isn't clear enough just wiggle the antenna on top there.

    Yix: FINALLY! We're getting something on the Far-A-Vision!
    Yix: Let's see if we can see what our little spy can see.
    Drakath: My lord, we have combed the fortress' upper levels but have found no sign of the intruder.
    Drakath: Who would dare invade our fortress?
    Sepulchure: ...MY Fortress, Drakath. There is only one person on LORE who would dare risk my wrath. <Character Name> will pay for this insult!
    Drakath: What do you think <Character Name> was doing? An assassination attempt?
    Sepulchure: No. <Character Name> knows that he could never get to me within my own fortress.
    Sepulchure: I have no doubt that it was some ill-conceived plan to spy on me.
    Drakath: The hero left too quickly to have learned anything about our plans to invade Popsprocket with your undead army, destroy the cyklon army...
    Drakath: ... and seize the Energy Orb by force.
    Sepulchure: Then he must have left something within the fortress.
    Drakath: Some sort of.... device?
    Sepulchure: Yes.
    Drakath: Like a machine of some sort that the hero could attack to one of the minions.
    Sepulchure: Yes, something like that.
    Drakath: Um... Something that the hero might have attached to say... a flying eyeball?
    Sepulchure: What are you prattling on about, Drakath?
    Drakath: My Lord. I believe I have found the spy. BEHIND YOU!
    Sepulchure: Drakath, you IDIOT. This was flying behind me the whole time you were describing our plans?
    Drakath: Yes, my lord!
    Sepulchure: That didn't strike you as a little ODD?
    Drakath: I will catch the spy! Just... don't kill me!
    <Character Name>: This is GREAT! Do we have any popcorn?
    Drakath: I got him! Don't worry!
    Drakath: I got it! I got it!
    Drakath: .... I don't got it.
    Sepulchure: Stand aside, Drakath. I will capture it.
    Drakath: *huff puff* Well done, my lord. Those things are *ZORCH* AHHHHHHHH!
    Sepulchure: Let that be a lesson to you, prince of fools. And as for YOU....
    Sepulchure: ...It does not matter that you know my plans. In fact, I invite you and your friends to try and stop me and my undead army.
    Sepulchure: I have been forgiving so far, <<You>>, but that time is over.
    Yix: LUGNUTS! He destroyed the mini-magic eye. BUT IT WORKED! YIPEE!
    <Character Name>: Try to focus for a second, Yix.
    <Character Name>: We learned what we needed to from that loudmouth, Drakath.
    <Character Name>: Sepulchure is bringing WAR to Popsprocket.
    <Character Name>: We have to do everything in our power to keep him from getting the Energy Orb!
    Yix: We can help you get around Popsprocket but we don't have the numbers or resources to fight a war.
    <Character Name>: The other heroes of Falconreach will come to the aid of Popsprocket but their numbers simply won't be enough.
    <Character Name>: We're going to have to find an army somewhere.
    Yix: Where? How? We barely have enough gold to feed ourselves, much less an army.
    Yix: All we have access to are warehouse after warehouse of empty boxes!
    <Character Name>: Hmmmm. That may be all we need. I'm going to need to borrow one of your gryphons...

    King Sneed: What are you wanting?
    King Sneed: ... Other than breaking more of sneevil's stuff?
    <Character Name>: King Sneed. I have come to ask for your help.
    King Sneed: WHAT!?!?! You just knock out lots of sneevils on your way here? Now you want HELP?
    <Character Name>: Uh.... yes?
    King Sneed: You need buy a book on asking politely.
    King Sneed: Or a shrink.
    <Character Name>: I have noticed that you command a great army of sneevils who will fight bravely and I am willing to pay you well for your services.
    King Sneed: Now you speaking my language, but we no want you gold!
    <Character Name>: Who said anything about gold? I can give you BOXES! A hundred thousand boxes!
    King Sneed: A HUNDRED THOUSAND BOXES!?!?! ...Nibbleface!
    Nibbleface: Yes, King Sneed?
    King Sneed: Is hundred thousand boxes a lot?
    Nibbleface: Yes, King Sneed.
    King Sneed: ...
    King Sneed: ... More than five?
    Nibbleface: Yes, King Sneed.
    King Sneed: WE DO IT!

  • Make Done Quest

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/12/2012 15:57:58 >
  • AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 295
    1/13/2012 5:27:01   
    Advocator of Wills

    Shadow of the Wind Village needs color for a few NPCs:

    Jubei's Shop

    Jubei: Hey there <Class>! You honor me with your patronage.

    Jubei: My name is Jubei. If you have come looking for ninja weapons with which to train your skills, then you have come to the correct place.
    Jubei: Others may cherish the skills that they have learned from ninja scrolls but for me... it's all about the sword.
    Jubei: If you're fighting demon warriors, freaks, evil shoguns or just other ninja then my steel is for you.
    Jubei: Just don't dirty my weapons on any filthy Pirates.

    Jubei: I've heard tales of the Jewel of Four Winds being taken from the temple of Kordana by a stranger who is neither pirate nor ninja!

    Ayane's Masks

    Ayane: Welcome! Please look around.

    Ayane: My name is Ayane. I'm a big believer in the defensive side of the ninja arts.
    Ayane: That's why I sell these items. You can protect your head with armor or protect your identity with a mask!
    Ayane: The members of this clan must complete their missions, dead or alive... but I would rather see you alive.

    SnakeEars' Shop

    SnakeEars: We've got more fun than a ninja barrel full of ninja monkies.

    SnakeEars: Greetings <Class>! Welcome to my pet store! If you want me to hear what you're saying you'll have to speak up. My hearing isn't so great.
    SnakeEars: A true ninja is a master of all weapons and everything is a weapon to a true ninja... including his pets.
    SnakeEars: I have personally trained ALL of these creatures to be a master of stealthy, silent and aware of his surroundings as I am.

    Shadow of the Wind Village Inn

    Pi Mae: Welcome to Shadow of the Wind Village, <Character>. Your exploits have preceded you.

    Pi Mae: I myself have only recently come to the Shadow of the Wind Village, but I've found it to be a nice, quiet place to live.
    Pi Mae: I have begun to study under Master Thyton himself in the ways of the ninja!
    Pi Mae: I still... had to leave pieces of my old life behind. The treachery of those thieving pirates... they can not be trusted.
    Pi Mae: Those pirates stole something from me... my precious... *cough* once my training is complete, I will be able to get it back!

    Dialogue corrections for Thyton:

    Thyton: Welcome to the Shadow of the Wind Village. I am Thyton, jonin of this ninja clan. Now tell me how you found this place.

    Thyton: Gathering information is a ninja's most important skill. I will answer your questions.

    Thyton: My name is Thyton and I am jonin... the leader... of the Shadow of the Wind Ninja Clan.
    Thyton: I am the keeper of all secret skills of this clan, and if you are accepted into the clan, I will be your teacher.
    Thyton: If you are accepted into the clan then you WILL become a ninja but your usefulness to the clan will be determined by your skills.
    Thyton: If you wish to learn what I have to teach then I demand total concentration...
    Thyton: ... wait... what were we talking about?

    Thyton: A ninja's life is one of dedicated training and meditation but the rewards are beyond measure.
    Thyton: Once you have mastered your mind and your body there is nothing in the world that can stop you.
    Thyton: A single ninja is worth a hundred spies and a hundred soldiers. Especially a ninja from the Shadow of the Wind clan!
    Thyton: Many ninjas place their martial arts above all else but a ninja's real value is their honor.
    Thyton: ...Of course, all the honor in the world can't dodge a pirate's bullet.

    Thyton: *Spits* Pirates! Nothing but treacherous, back-stabbing thieves! They know nothing but brute force.
    Thyton: They are only loyal to their treasure. They could never understand the dedication that our lives and skills demand.
    Thyton: They are a troublesome breed. They are too chaotic to predict and every move that we make, they match somehow. It must end.
    Thyton: I have some plans to stop them... but I'd need someone as focused as they were fearless to help me. Maybe you are the person!
    Thyton: If you help me strike some mortal blows against the pirates, then maybe you could earn your reputation within the clan as a ninja.

    Thyton: Sho Nuff Island can be a dangerous place, but the Shadow of the Wind Village is the MOST dangerous place of all.
    Thyton: Anything that enters the village without permission... does not leave. For generations ninjas have come from all over Lore...
    Thyton: ...to learn our clan's secret ninja arts. A few have tried to take our secrets, fewer still have succeeded... and those will be hunted down.
    Thyton: If you need weapons to train with, try Jubei's Weapon Shop. Ayane can sell you ninja masks and other head-gear in the helm shop.
    Thyton: If you need a stealthy pet, check out Snake Ear's Pets! They might not open their doors to you yet but they will soon enough.

    Thyton: I have a reason to believe that a man named Drakath is on this island with evil and dangerous plans. Do you know him?
    Thyton: I need to understand him before I can predict his next move. I've learned much already...
    Thyton: He is an evil man who was once a spoiled child. He thinks that he is entitled to everything and takes what he wants by force.
    Thyton: He believes that he is the rightful heir to the throne of Swordhaven... which is true in a sense.
    Thyton: Once all of this realm was ruled be a wicked power-hungry king named King Slugwrath. While he ruled the land was darkness.
    Thyton: A good knight... Sir Alteon... gathered a band of freedom fighters and after years of bloody battles against impossible odds...
    Thyton: Sir Alteon and his friends defeated the evil king. Alteon had no desire to be king but the people wouldn't hear it.
    Thyton: They feared that without his leadership the land would fall again into dark times, so he took the crown for the people.
    Thyton: King Slugwrath had only one son... Drakath. Now this villain seeks the throne. That makes him a threat to the entire kingdom.
    Thyton: That means his name is also... *snort*... Drakath SLUGWRATH! HAHAHAHA ! ...ahem, excuse me.

    Thyton: I see. You wish to become a ninja. I can sense that you have it in you, but first you have to do something for me. There is a very rare book of... um... tactics! Yeah that's it! It's called Itchy Itchy Paradise! All the copies in the village have been bought...
    Thyton: ...But I think Jubei in the weapon shop said that he might have a copy. If you can get a copy of this book for me, then I will gladly teach you.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/13/2012 6:26:43 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 296
    1/13/2012 5:53:18   
    Advocator of Wills

    In case I don't overwrite an AK's comment while editing my own post:

    Shadow of the Wind Village - Under Quests, Pi Mae needs a link for Ninja Pizza Delivery.

    Osprey Cove Inn needs to hide the edit.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/13/2012 6:33:49 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 297
    1/13/2012 8:35:12   

    Jubei’s Shop needs to have bigger dialog:

    Jubei: Hey there <Class>! You honor me with your patronage.

    Jubei: My name is Jubei. If you have come looking for ninja weapons with which to train your skills, then you have come to the correct place.
    Jubei: Others may cherish the skills that they have learned from ninja scrolls but for me... it's all about the sword.
    Jubei: If you're fighting demon warriors, freaks, evil shoguns or just other ninja then my steel is for you.
    Jubei: Just don't dirty my weapons on any filthy Pirates.

    Jubei: I've heard tales of the Jewel of Four Winds being taken from the temple of Kordana by a stranger who is neither pirate nor ninja!

    Ayane's Masks shop needs to have bigger dialog:

    Ayane: Welcome! Please look around.

    Ayane: My name is Ayane. I'm a big believer in the defensive side of the ninja arts.
    Ayane: That's why I sell these items. You can protect your head with armor or protect your identity with a mask!
    Ayane: The members of this clan must complete their missions, dead or alive... but I would rather see you alive.

    Also Ayane have dialog in one color in Shadow of Wind Village entry and another in his shop...strange...

  • Please do not use color text in your message when posting information, color is reserve for actual entry information.
  • When correcting an exiting entry, supply a direct link to that entry, it save us the time to go looking for it.
  • I updated the texts of both ( 1, 2) entries, thanks for the info.

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/13/2012 15:15:14 >
  • DF  Post #: 298
    1/13/2012 12:57:17   
    Advocator of Wills

    A little correction for Thyton in Shadow of the Wind Village:

    Thyton: I see. You wish to become a ninja. I can sense that you have it in you, but first you have to do something for me.
    Thyton: There is a very rare book of... um... tactics! Yeah that's it! It's called Itchy Itchy Paradise! All the copies in the village have been bought...
    Thyton: ...But I think Jubei in the weapon shop said that he might have a copy. If you can get a copy of this book for me, then I will gladly teach you!

    Colored dialogs for NPCs in Osprey Cove:

    Meringue: Ahoy <Class>! Take a look around. Lookin' is free!
    Meringue: I'm Meringue. I may be the only person ever to grow up in Osprey Cove.
    Meringue: Folks come n' go as they please but I've always been here, and I always will. I buy "salvaged" weapons and rework them into my own design!
    Meringue: As long as pirates need weapons, I'll be here to sell them!

    Meringue: I've heard the crew aboard the Red Betty is sick of how Cap'n Blackberry treats 'em. Might be a mutiny soon!

    Mince: So, ye be need'in a new hairstyle? They call me Mince. Nice to meet you!
    Mince: I use'ta to be a cut-throat pirate... but I just recently got a new job. Now, I am a cut-hair pirate! Har har.
    Mince: My dream is to sail the high seas and board unsuspecting ships... and cutting their entire crew's hair!
    Mince: I am still learn'in me trade though... and not everyone can handle the EXTREME PIRATE MAKEOVER *glances at the floor*
    Mince: Remember me motto... "Split-ends tell no tales!" Har har har.

    Pikhan: Welcome to Piratical Pets! We have some of the very rarest and most exotic pets from the corners of the world... but we're out of parrots.
    Pikhan: Avast! My name is Pikhan. From time to time, rare creatures will be "salvaged" from other ships.
    Pikhan: Then they are brought here. I have trained all of these creatures myself, and now they are ready to be loyal battle pets!
    Pikhan: All of them are backed with the Pirates Warranty!

    Pikhan: I heard that the ninjas are after the same treasure we are... the legendary Wind Pearl!

    Mae Pi: Arrr, <Class>! Either yer here to rest or to gab unless you have a coin fer me you can take a long walk off that short pier out there.

    Mae Pi: I be Mae Pi, the keeper of this here inn. My family has been pirates fer fathers upon father's fathers.
    Mae Pi: We're proud pirates and I don't want to hear non o' that ninja talk. Ninjas are a disgrace, I say. No honor in the lot o' them.
    Mae Pi: They be tricksters and cowards.. My own... I don't care who you are, if yer a ninja, yer no friend to me.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/13/2012 15:22:33 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 299
    1/13/2012 13:53:55   
    Voodoo Master

    On A Rock and A Dark Place Guardian Fortuna should have her color - #666633

    Coloring for The Yaw:

    Irwin Dundee: ‘Oy…<Character>…somethin’…somethin’ different is attackin’ now. I don’t even know what to call it!

    Irwin Dundee: It’s a...a...a huuuuuuge snake! It just came outta nowhere!
    Irwin Dundee: Be really careful, <Character>, whatever is making the Zards super aggressive is doin’ the same to this snake...
    Irwin Dundee: Ya gotta take it down, <Character>. This Yaw needs to be stopped!

    Irwin Dundee: Stop the Yaw, <Character>!

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    < Message edited by NikisArmy -- 1/13/2012 15:27:11 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 300
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