Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (Full Version)

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Niki -> Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/7/2011 3:24:20)

When posting an entry, you must use the following format:

For Locations (i.e. Towns and Zones):
[center](Location tags go here)
(If applicable, DA tag goes here)[size=3][b]Name[/b][/size][/center]

[b]Access Point:[/b]
[b]Release Date:[/b]

[b][u]Zones Accessible[/u][/b]
[link=URL]Zone name[/link] (exclude if None)
(Continue with links)

[b][u]Quests Available[/u][/b]
[link=URL]Quest name[/link]
(Continue with links)

[link=URL]NPC name[/link]
(Continue if applicable)

[link=URL]Shop name[/link]
(Continue if applicable)


[b][u]Other information[/u][/b]
(Continue if needed)[color=#eeeeee]

For Quests:
[center](Tags and Banners like Locations and Rare go here)
(DA tag goes here if needed)[size=3][b]Name[/b][/size][/center]

[b]Location:[/b] [link=URL]Location[/link]
[b]Release Date:[/b]

[b]Objective completed:[/b]

[b]Experience rewarded:[/b]
[b]Gold rewarded:[/b]

(# of monsters) [link=URL]Monster name[/link]
(Continue with links)
(# of monsters) [b][link=URL]Monster name[/link] - Boss[/b]

[link=URL]NPC name[/link]
(Continue with links)

[link=URL]Reward Item[/link]
(Continue with links)

Record Dialogue here

[b][u]Other information[/u][/b]
(Continue if needed)

[center][size=3][i]Next Up: [link=URL]Name of next quest in chain[/link][/i][/size][/center][color=#eeeeee]

For War Waves:

Use template above, replacing Monsters with Waves.

For War Camps:
[center](Location/Event banners go here)
(War/Permanent War tag)
(DA tag goes here if needed)[size=3][b]Name[/b][/size][/center]

[b]Access Point:[/b] [link=URL]Location[/link]
[b]Release Date:[/b]

[b][u]Quests Available[/u][/b]
[link=URL]Quest name[/link]
(Continue with links)

[link=URL]NPC name[/link]
(Continue with links)

[link=URL]Shop name[/link]
(Continue with links)

[*][b]To the War![/b] [i]- loads war meter.[/i]

[*][b]Return to <location>[/b] [i]- returns to <location>.[/i]

[center][size=2][b][link=URL]War Meter 0%[/link][/b][/size][/center]
[quote][size=2][b]Title on war board[/b][/size]

<Description on war board>

<Buttons on war board>[/quote]
<Dialogue/buttons outside of war board>

[b][u]Other information[/u][/b]
(Continue if needed)

[center][size=3][i]Boss Fight (# Waves): [link=URL]Boss quest name[/link][/i][/size][/center][color=#eeeeee]

For Shops:
[center](Location tag goes here)[/center]
(If applicable, DA/DC tag goes here)[size=3][b]Name[/b][/size]


[link=URL]Item name[/link]
(Continue with links)

Record dialogue here[color=#eeeeee]

For Storybooks:
[center](Location/Event tags go here)
(If applicable, DA tag goes here)[size=3][b]Name[/b][/size][/center]

[b]Access Point:[/b]

[b][u]Quests Available[/u][/b]
[u]Chapter 1[/u]
[link=URL]Quest name[/link]
(Continue with links)

[u]Chapter 2[/u]
[link=URL]Quest name[/link]
(Continue with links)

[link=URL]NPC name[/link]
(Continue if applicable)

[u]Chapter 1[/u]
[link=URL]Shop name[/link]
(Continue if applicable)

[u]Chapter 2[/u]
[link=URL]Shop name[/link]
(Continue if applicable)

[center][size=3][b]Chapter 1[/b][/size][/center]
[i]storybook page content[/i]

(any NPC dialogues found on the storybook itself)

[center][size=3][b]Chapter 2[/b][/size][/center]
[i]storybook page content[/i]

(any NPC dialogues found on the storybook itself)[color=#eeeeee]

When submitting information to an existing entry, always supply a link to that entry for easier reference.

Niki -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/7/2011 7:15:28)

The Necromantress dialog is garbled and need a rewrite

Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/7/2011 7:35:25)

@Niki: Well, I'd thought I'll leave it till tomorrow, but anyways ^^ Aww, no homework for tomorrow

The Necromantress

The Objective and Objective completed needs to remove the italics

Monsters section: Alpha - Boss needs to be bolded

Here's the dialog rewrite:
Zorbak walks in and stands in front of you and Artix

Character: Zorbak!? What are you doing here?
Zorbak: Meh... you guys have an undead invasion and I do not even get an invite?
Artix: Someone is coming....

The Necromantress walks in

Necromantress: I must say, <Class>... I'm surprised that you and your friends defeated my army of undead minions.
Character: So you are the Necromancer behind this!
Necromantress: Necromantress! With an... "ess".
Zorbak: Oh man... it's HER! Meh. I've seen this girl around here before, <Character>! How is my fur? Do I smell ok?
Necromantress: "...This girl"?!?? Hrmph! I am the most powerful Necromantress in the entire Necropolis. I aced all of my finals.
Character: Your finals?
Zorbak: Ebil AND smart... I think I'm in love!
Necromantress: Yes, the Necropolis is home to the largest school of necromancy on the face of Lore, and I was the top student.
Zorbak: She is.... so.... PERFECT!
Character: Your army has already been defeated, you are powerless. Surrender now... or else!
Necromantress: Hahahaha! Said like a true hero. You and your little blue pet there....
Zorbak: PET!?
Zorbak: Meh... you listen here! The only one who is going to take over the world is me!
Zorbak: So you might as well quit that necro-chump club right now and join me. Or... meh... at least give me your number.
Character: ZORBAK!
Zorbak: What....? Meh, she is hot!
Necromantress: Well, it has been nice chatting but I have souls to steal and a new army of undead to...
Alpha Abomination: You summoned me, master?
Necromantress: Excellent timing Alpha. Hero, I'd like you to meet my senior project... the Alpha Abomination! I made him myself!
Necromantress: I must run, heroes, good to see you. Alpha.... take them to school!

The Necromantress left

Zorbak: Sorry <Character>.... an ebil moglin's gotta do what an ebil moglin's gotta do! Hey Necro-girl! Wait for me!
Character: (thinks) !
Artix: Woah! The Necromantress may have just made the worlds largest evil undead Mr Potato head!

Necropolis: Last Stand needs to replace NPC Vayle with Necromantress

New Year's Rares needs title placed towards the left
Also needs to correct Location: Falconreach -> click on "DragonLord New Years Shop" button

Directions from Falconreach needs to be removed

Contents need to change to: RAZE A Glass (I-IV), ChamPAIN Skullcracker (I-IV), Corkpopper (I-IV)

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/8/2011 17:33:18)

Sepulchure is no longer listed as the boss of The Final 13th Waves. So it should just be added to Quest Listings.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/8/2011 18:53:00)

Long In The Tooth - the characters and NPCs in Dialogue needs to be bolded

Also needs to add Monsters' number: (11) Tusker

The Necromantress needs to remove the extra Dialogue heading

New Year's Rares needs to link Location: Falconreach

No Horsing Around needs to correct Location: Bacon Origin -> No Horsing Around

The entire starting dialog here

Valencia: Sometimes I'm surprised just how nice that chickencow can be. This time, Zeuster would like you to help out one of his friends. The spirit of his friend's wife is being tormented by a trickster in the Underworld. Death doesn't want to let her go, and not even repeated pleas have made him change his mind.His frirend is distraught and Zeuster hopes you can help. He adds a piece of advice: Don't fear him. He certainly knows how to be ominous.

Needs to be corrected to:
Valencia: Sometimes I'm surprised just how nice that chickencow can be. This time, Zeuster would like you to help out one of his friends.
Valencia: The spirit of his friend's wife is being tormented by a trickster in the Underworld.
Valencia: Death doesn't want to let her go, and not even repeated pleas have made him change his mind.
Valencia: His frirend is distraught and Zeuster hopes you can help. He adds a piece of advice: Don't fear him. He certainly knows how to be ominous.

Monsters number needs to change to:
(3) Ghost
(4) Shadowhound
(5) Necroslime
(6) Red Spectre

Also needs to remove (extra in a double battle) in Monsters section

Replies below need to be removed

Nooby Nooby Noob needs to correct Location: Amityvale -> Thursday -> Quests -> Mysterious LLC

Also needs to add Monsters' numbers:
(3) Angry Spirit
(2) Spirit
(1) Wisp

Not So Great Escape needs to remove Previously: Gary

Also needs to add Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of

Scaled Yes/No: Scaled needs to correct to Yes

NoX-Mas needs to add Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of

Under Monsters' section, (Varies) need to change to (X), 2 Ninja Turtledoves - Boss needs to be bolded

Next Up: You Never Asked needs size 3 and remove bold

Got it, completed! ~superjars

Jorath -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/9/2011 6:45:58)

Falconreach needs a few links and corrections:

Under Shops Available,
Falconreach Bakery needs Two Leagues Under The Sea moved to Falconreach Dock under Quests.
Lim's Weapon Shop needs to add Dragonlord Weapons.
Ash Dragonblade needs to add the Mighty 100K shop.
Alina needs to add her Mana Potion Shop and Helm Shop.
Gram's Pet Shop needs to be replaced by Aria's Pet Shop.
B.M. Moglin needs links for Special Essences, Miasmal Weapons, Spineripper, Shadow Armor Token and Merge Shops.

Under Quests,
Lim's Weapon Shop needs to add Gravitivity, Mayonnaise Cubed, The Cat who Walks through Dimensions, Tortoise and the Hare, Sort of, String Thing, CyseRedux and Your Vote.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/9/2011 6:54:23)

New Year's Rares needs to correct Location: Falconreach -> click on "DragonLord New Years Shop" button

Noxus Fumes needs to add NPC Sally, Edgar

Rewards Helm Splitter, Flash Arc, Spellwing needs to add (All Versions) beside them

The Oasis Inn needs to remove Previously: The Blue Lotus

Also needs to add Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of

Next up: Dynasty Tomb needs center and size 3

Oh Hole-y Togicide - Under monsters' section, needs to change (varies) to (X)
Also needs to add NPC Rolith

Opening the Black Box needs to correct Drakath, Krakhim - Boss

Olaf's Party needs to correct Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Ice Queen

Under Monsters' section, Titan Aisha - Boss needs to be bolded

The Outcast needs to add (8) beside Monster Flying Eyeball

Scaled Yes/No: Scaled needs to change to Yes

Rewards <None> needs to remove < >

Outnumbered needs to correct Location: Bacon Origin -> Outnumbered

Also needs to add dialog (before start of quest):
Valencia: Zeuster has been petitioned by a local bull, the half-cousin of one of his attendants.
Valencia: It seems one of their calves wandered into the swamp and was attacked by a vicious hydra.
Valencia: They've never seen one this large, so you'd better be careful, because Zeuster is sending you to take care of it.
Valencia: The cows have promised to erect a large golden statue in honor if you can finish off the monster, so he's eager for you to get started.

Monsters' number need to change to:
(5) Swamp Shambler
(5) Thisslock
(5) Lagoon Goon

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Jorath -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/12/2011 5:38:22)

Falconreach needs a few more corrections:

Under Quests,
Alina needs to add links for Mana Reagent Search, What? It's Nothing!, Alina's Answer.

Under Shops,
Alina's Mana Potion Shop need to be removed. (It's not a shop, that was my mistake.)

Got 'em all, thanks! ~superjars

Jorath -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/13/2011 9:33:48)

A few more links and corrections for Falconreach:

Under Quests,
The Clashening section, Collision Course and Blackhole Fun need to be removed.

I Moved all Clashening quests from Lim's Weapon Shop to that section.

Under Shops,
B.M. Moglin needs to add links for Ripper Wings, Wishbones and Skull Ripper Helm.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

fxmybrute13 -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/14/2011 4:16:41)

It's a Wash
The Baconing is listed under Misc, should be under Swords category.

Done already when I updated all the Baconing links, thanks anyway. [Niki]

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/14/2011 15:18:06)

Final 13th needs to cross out the Chests from Rewards, as they no longer drop there, same for Creepy Crawlies.

Xan Bossfight Gold and EXP gained is 0, and NPC's,
Pyre Spy, Twilly, Serenity, Grams and so on.

Got them both. Just another reminder. Please try to link all pieces when submitting a post. Thanks! ~superjars

Twas' in a rush

Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/15/2011 2:07:42)

Pac-toginal-tastic - all Monsters need to add (1) beside them

Pet Shop needs to add Falconreach banner, title placed towards the left

Pirate Attack! - all monsters need to add (X) beside them, also needs to add a note at the Monsters' section: If you found Captain Davey and defeated him, the cutscene will appear

Popguns needs to add NPC Doom Blade

Pachelbel's Cannon needs to correct Location: Popsprocket -> Yix -> Quests -> Pachelbel's Cannon

Also needs to correct Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Richard's Gear

Monsters number needs to change to:
(7) Flying Eyeball
(1) Mother Eye, (2) Flying Eyeball - Boss

Also needs to add Next Up: Sitcom

Pipe Dreams needs to correct Location: Popsprocket -> Yix -> Quests -> Pipe Dreams

Level required: Any needs to change to Level/Quest/Items required: None
Scaled Yes needs to change to Scaled Yes/No: Yes

The space between NPCs and rewards needs to be removed

If an alarm is set off, battle a Cyklon Centurion needs to be italized (also remove 1249 HP beside it)
Replies below need to be removed

Piratical Pets needs title placed towards the left

Also needs to correct Location: Osprey Cove -> Right -> Pikhan -> Shop

NPCs and Release Date needs to be removed

Under Contents, the [DA] beside pets needs to be removed

All dialogs need to be removed except this:
Pikhan: Welcome to Piratical Pets! We have some of the very rarest and most exotic pets from the corners of the world... but we're out of parrots.

The Pit needs Location: Travel removed, also needs to link Thursday in Location

All monsters need to add (X) beside them

Popsprocket House Shop needs title placed towards the left, and add DA tag

Also needs to correct Location: Popsprocket -> Left -> Up -> Under House! click on Shop button

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/15/2011 20:41:11)

Dialog correction for Dragon Drakath:

Drakath: I have been denied my kingdom for too long.
Drakath: I am done bowing and scraping. I am done waiting. I will no longer be denied!

Dragon Drakath casts a breath of darkness fire

Galanoth: What... what happened up there, <Character>?
Character: Drakath... he betrayed Sepulchure.
Character: He took the Ultimate Orb and called Fluffy... and...
Character: ..And that happened.
Warlic: Drakath and Fluffy combined using the power of the Orbs?
Warlic: On the darkess night... I don't think even I could stop him now...
Character: No, No. I can't accept that.
Artix: We have to try!

Sepulchure on top of the hill, casts a darkness magic on the ground

Sepulchure: NO!

Sepulchure came down slashing with his Necrotic Blade of Doom

Sepulchure: *grunt*
Sepulchure: That sniveling worm is MINE!

Sepulchure summons the undeads pouring towards the heroes, as he dashes himself towards Dragon Drakath's direction

Galanoth: Go after him, <Character>!
Sepulchure: DRAKATH!!!
Sepulchure: You are worthy of NOTHING! I will crush the life from your bones!!!

Sepulchure drops down injured, and the hero steps forward

Character: OH YES YOU WILL!

Fight Drakath, and lose

Character: Argh!
Character: This isn't over yet!
Sepulchure: This is not your fight, <Class>. Do NOT get in my way!
Character: I will NOT let you inherit the power of the orbs!
Sepulchure: You have no say in the matter!
Character: I need to end this.

Fight five skeleton soldiers, and lose to Drakath again


Fight five skeleton soldiers, and lose to Drakath again

Sepulchure: He is MINE, fool. I will not suffer his betrayal.
Character: You created him! You're responsible for all of this!
Character: It's not yours to have!

The last undead was defeated, as Nythera appears from behind

Nythera: If you morons don't stop fighting each other instead of that abomination of a "dragon" there won't be anything left for anyone.
Nythera: Kill each other later, kill it first.
Nythera: And stop with the skeletons, it's getting old.
Character: Don't think this is over, Sepulchure.
Sepulchure: Nothing is over...
Sepulchure: ...but my revenge comes first.
Sepulchure: Call your World Destroyer, <Character>. We have a dragon to kill.

Complete Quest

Done by owner, and again by me, thanks. [Niki]

ZanpakuTô -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/15/2011 20:51:01)

Got most of them. I don't think it's required to list every action, like having their standing next to each other

questay6 -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/15/2011 21:42:36)

There's another reward, William's Band.
I've posted the information in: Info Submission>Accessories.

Done (before reading this post), thanks. [Niki]

fxmybrute13 -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/15/2011 21:55:46)

Dragon Drakath, it should be noted you fight Drakath 3 times.

Done (before reading this post), thanks. [Niki]

Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/17/2011 8:19:46)

The Dragon Drakath - Scaled Yes/No needs to place below Objective completed

Fixed, thanks. [Niki]

Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/20/2011 6:10:26)

The Pyramid needs to correct Location: Portal -> The Pyramid

Title needs to change to Desert Tomb (including the top one) and add Other Name: The Pyramid

Level/Quest/Items required: Any needs to change to DA

All Monsters need to add (X) in front of their names, (1) Tomb Watcher, (2) Tomb Guard - Boss needs to be bolded (the boss monsters entry needs to be split)

Queen of the Jungle - Leeta - Boss needs to be bolded

Race Around Lore needs to add Quest Available and Shops Available section

Done, thanks. Please review the changes I made in Race Around Lore, if it’s a location it needs “Directions from Falconreach”. [Niki]

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/21/2011 9:54:13)

maximum possible experience gained from Earth and Entropy is 19000, which equates to all but ~4 of the entropic earths in the quest, which happens to be a number that's 60 Entropic Earths in all.

the gold cap is higher than 1083, as observed from the same experiment. possibly 1200?

Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/21/2011 11:03:35)

Yet the above value isn't for all levels, as the monsters are scaled!

Below: So why not just leave it as Scaled
also remember when talking about an entry to at least link it!

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/21/2011 11:06:29)

no, i'm pretty sure an experience cap is applied to every level, because there's no reasoning that a level 1 might have a cap of 1900 in a quest, wheras someone 60 levels stronger should have a cap 10 times as large.

you can try it for yourself by spamming doomcrawlers in Ash's doomwood quest or something.

At the moment we don't save the exp cap information for each quest. [Niki]

well, the real reason why i added that is because i counted the amount of entropic earths there were.

...yes, i was that bored.

Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/22/2011 7:12:58)

Race Around Lore needs to remove Level/Quest/Items required and Release Date <- See below

Also needs to remove Location and add Directions from Falconreach: All the way to the right -> That A'Way -> Valencia -> Quests -> Race Around Lore

Prankster Dragonlords needs to correct Location: Dragonsgrasp -> Left -> Tanis -> Bombing Run!

Prison Revolt needs to add (X) besides monster Renegade Scout
Also needs to add Renegade Scout - Boss to monsters' section

Pumpkin Patch, The needs to add Location: ... -> Weapon Shop -> Lugosi

Also needs to add Monsters' number and boss bolded:

(14) Raven
(9) Pumpkin Slice
Gourd King - Boss

Pure Pool, The - title on the entry itself needs to change to The Pure Pool

Also needs to correct Location: Warlic's Zone -> Warlic -> Other Quests -> Save Lymcrest -> The Pure Pool

Level required needs to change to Level/Quest/Items required: None

Quest Scaled needs to change to Scaled Yes/No: Yes

Also needs to add/correct Monsters section:
(10) Puddle
(8) Monsoon Elemental
Splashy - Boss

Rewards needs to separate them according to sections: Swords, Staffs and Daggers like the reply below (delete the reply too)

As well as remove the color on Next Up, add italics and size 3

Done, thanks. [Niki]

I'm thinking maybe to change the Locations template from this:
[size=2]Directions from Falconreach: [/size]

to this:
[b]Directions from Falconreach:[/b] 
[b]Level/Quest/Items required:[/b] 
[b]Release Date:[/b]

I like the idea of the template, mainly the Directions from Falconreach (bold is better than the current size 2).

Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/23/2011 3:22:07)

Key, The

I can verify that the next coming quest will not be called Hard way.......its a temporary bug that will be changed!

Done by owner. [Niki]

Mordred -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/23/2011 3:39:53)

An unlikely Duo is not scaled; Drakath has a set level.

fxmybrute13 -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/23/2011 3:53:22)

He's always lvl 20. adding on to what Mordred said

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