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5/14/2010 19:19:56   
In the shadows...


Location: Sunbreeze Grove -> Left, No Gain Without Loss, Seeking Advice, Primal Dragon Training, Feast of Welcomegiving!, Know Your Nature, Falconreach The Final 13th! Darkness Attacks!, A DragonLord Birthday!, The Navigator, Fire Primal, Earth Primal, Water Primal, Breaking Down, Darkness is Coming, Friday the 13th Interlude, Doom Amulet, Calamity, Epilogue, A Dragon's Day Out

Zones permitted
Armor Customization

Quests given
Final 13th
Havoc Quests
Dragesvard Havoc
Sandsea Havoc
Sho'Nuff Havoc
Popsprocket Havoc
Falconreach Havoc

Imminent Darkness
The Final 13th
The Flying Fortress
Beast of War

Dark Marauder
After the Ice Orb
Bombs Away!
Kordana Rises
Dying Light
Sepulchure's Fortress
The Ultimate Orb

Sword in Shadows
The Necrotic Generals
The Dragon Drakath
An Unlikely Duo
The Growing Darkness

Mad Weaponsmith
Full Darkness
Extreme Full Darkness
Book One Epilogue

Sunbreeze Grove (after Sepulchure)
Dragon Modification
Dragon Elementization
Dragon Customization

Titans of BattleOn!

Togzilla Attacks!
Aeris Dragon Tournament

The DragonLord Armor
Mad Skillz

Dragon Quests
The Long Walk
Flight Training
Baby Steps

Other Quests - Recipe For Disaster
The Chef
The Dishwasher
The Event Planner
The Waiter
The Mastermind

Primal Dragon Skills
Primal Dragon Training

Sunbreeze Grove (Book 3)
Grow Dragon
Primal Dragon Training
Fire Primal
Earth Primal
Water Primal

Shops owned
Final 13th
Obsidian Dragon Shop
War Wolf Shop
Dragon Wolf Shop
War Wolf Conversion
Glory Weapons

Sunbreeze Grove (after Sepulchure / Book 3)
Dragon Chow Shop
DragonLord Artifacts

Sunbreeze Grove (Book 1)
(before Sepulchure)

  • Primal Dragon Skills - requires Dragon Amulet and Toddler Dragon.
    Elysia: <Character>! I think I've done it! It took a LOT of studying and more than a little practice.

    Elysia: I've managed to recall the essence of some of your prior titan fights.
    Elysia: Your dragon's bravery has left an imprint in time that I can trace... if I concentrate REALLY hard.
    Elysia: It's time we continued <Dragon>'s training, and I think this is the best way to do it.

  • Talk
    Elysia: Greetings, <Character>! Lady Celestia has told me much about you. I am Elysia, her apprentice.

    Elysia: My first project will working on Primal Dragon training.
    Elysia: I want to help them focus their elemental powers, and see about new skills.
    Elysia: But that will take me quite some time to figure out. I'm very new, and there is so much to learn!
    Elysia: To be honest, *whispers* I'm still a little homesick. Lady Celestia is so nice, but things are so different here. And there's so much I don't know...

    No Gain Without Loss

    Elysia: Hello, Nythera. I'm Elysia, the Lady's apprentice. She told me much about you, and your mentor, Warlic.

    Elysia: Regaining your magic, possibly?

    Elysia: I said, I was told much about the recent events that have affected the realm.
    Elysia: Unfortunately, she's... gone now.
    Elysia: I've been left here to watch and practice my Dragon magic, and to "make myself useful to visitors."
    Elysia: I suppose that includes you! So, how can I help?

    Elysia: Well, so do you! And I'm learning fast. I know more than I did a month ago, that's for sure!
    Elysia: *thinking* I won't go into the... mishaps along the way. No one needs to know about turning that baby dracolich's bones pink.
    Elysia: *thinking* Or the time I grew wings and a tail, but in reverse order. No, NO one needs to know about THAT!

    Elysia: Well, I could teach you a few basics. How long have you had your magic?

    Elysia: That IS a problem. I can't help you with that, but...
    Elysia: I think I know someone who can!
    Elysia: Welcome to Clarionwood, the home of the Creatioux.

    Elysia: Nythera, wait! Don't go off by yourse-
    Elysia: Oh boy...

    Elysia: Nythera!

    Seeking Advice

    Elysia: Where- where am I? Why doesn't my magic ever go as planned?!
    Elysia: I knew I could teleport out of the way of that bolt safely, but...
    Elysia: ...now I don't know where I am! It looks like somewhere in the Void?
    Elysia: Probably a place best to be aVOIDed!
    Elysia: ... Now is NOT the time for jokes, Elysia! You've got to figure out where you are and how to get back to Nythera.
    Elysia: You can't help her from inside this place!

    Primal Dragon Training

    Elysia: If this cave had a name, then the DragonLords have long since lost it. But it should be more than adequate for our needs.

    Elysia: The magic in this cave will find the greatest challenges you and <Dragon> have faced.
    Elysia: And bring them back to destroy you.

    Elysia: The harder the challenge, the stronger you become. The cave will help you unlock powers you and your dragon didn't know you had.

    Elysia: The rage of the Pyromancer.
    Elysia: Xan is one of the greatest opponents you have - or ever will- face.

    Elysia: Good. Then I won't need to repeat myself.
    Elysia: Defeat Xan to further the training of <Dragon>!

    Elysia: The might of Exodus.
    Elysia: You have faced Exodus before, and you have not.

    Elysia: Spacetime is a funny thing. Try not to think about it too hard.
    Elysia: Defeat Exodus to further the training of <Dragon>!

    Elysia: The ferocity of Gorgok.
    Elysia: One of the first titans you and <Dragon> faced together.
    Elysia: Battling Gorgok should bring back some memories for you and, in the revisiting, teach you new tricks!
    Elysia: Defeat Gorgok to further the training of <Dragon>!

    Elysia: Well done, <Character>! And you too, <Dragon>!
    Elysia: <Dragon> is noticeably stronger now. Can you feel his strength emanating from within him?
    Elysia: The next time you battle together, you should notice that he has much more power and a new trick or two!

    Feast of Welcomegiving!

    Elysia: Lady Celestia and I brought Iced Tie Tea! There's a real tie around the neck of the pitcher!

    Know Your Nature

    Elysia: Nythera! I almost didn't make it in time! I wasn't sure- and then I didn't know- but then I GOT there and you were hurt and-

    Elysia: But she's still hurt!

    Elysia: You're just joking to make me feel better, aren't you?

    Elysia: *smiles weakly* Right. I think I WON'T be around you when you practice.
    Elysia: When I do magic... weird things happen. Or, at least, they have so far.

    Elysia: Momma, Papa!

    Elysia: We'll be fine, Papa! Trust us!

    Elysia: Don't WORRY so much, Papa! Both Nythera and I have defenses. AND attacks!

    Elysia: Oh! You don't mean- you have a Decadere? Here?

    Falconreach The Final 13th! Darkness Attacks!

    Elysia: Lady Celestia has sent me to help fight against Sepulchure!

    Elysia: <Character>! Sepulchure is attacking! All Lore is in danger!
    Elysia: The Lady Celestia has sent me to help however I can! We must stop the invasion!

    Elysia: The Final 13th War is long over... but we should not forget those we lost in the fighting.
    Elysia: If you wish to take the time and remember them, let me know.

    Elysia: <Character>, we must stop Sepulchure's attack!

    Elysia: The front lines wearing on your moral? There are several ways to contribute!

    Elysia: <Character>, we have to stop the spreading darkness!

  • Havoc Quests
    Elysia: The forces of darkness are upon us! We must fight back!
    • Quests!
      Elysia: There have been attacks all over Lore causing havoc!

    • Who are you?
      Elysia: I am apprentice to the Priestess, the Lady Celestia.
      Elysia: I have been working with her to learn more dragon magics and to help with their training.
      Elysia: One day I hope to help a whole new generation of dragons learn their skills and bond with their heroes.

    • The Lady?
      Elysia: The Lady Celestia would have been here herself but a new dragon is about to born and she needed to watch the egg carefully...

  • Imminent Darkness
    Elysia: Sepulchure has begun his attack on Falconreach! We must defend the town! It's the Final 13th War!

  • Dark Marauder
    Elysia: Sepulchure is after the Elemental Orbs you won! You must stop him or soon he'll have all eight!

  • Sword in Shadows
    Elysia: A Shadow is falling over the land, <Character>... only you and your dragon can stop it!

  • Mad Weaponsmith
    Elysia: Cysero may have the answer, <Character>... as incomprehensible as that is.

  • Shops
    Elysia: Without your help, <Character>, Lore would have been doomed! You deserve a reward!

    Sunbreeze Grove (Books 1 and 2)
    (after Sepulchure)

    Elysia: Greetings <Character>. In the wake of what's happened, I... I will try my best to fulfill the Lady's duties in Sunbreeze Grove.

  • Elementize
    Elysia: I see that you've been taking good care of the egg left in your charge.
    Elysia: I always had faith that you would take good care of that egg. The time has come for you to make some decisions.
    Elysia: You must first choose your dragon's ELEMENT. What type of damage do you feel would best suit your dragon?
    Elysia: Talk to me again when you're done.

  • Launches Dragon Elementization.

  • Customize
    Elysia: Names have power, <Character>. This is a basic rule of magic. Naming something can form a strong connection between you and it.
    Elysia: The time has come for you to NAME your dragon and attempt to shape its APPEARANCE.

    If you have a Dragon Amulet:
  • Launches Dragon Customization.
    • Customize!
      Elysia: So that is the vision that you have for your dragon? Very interesting choices.
      Elysia: Now, when you use your Dragon Amulet to unleash your dragon's full power...
      Elysia: ...you will see that the bond between you has allowed you to shape the appearance of your dragon.
      Elysia: These changes can be undone in the future, for a price, but I'll need to research the rites.
      Elysia: Now, that you have shaped and named your dragon you are ready to take the next step on the path to becoming a true DragonLord.
      Elysia: Return to me when you are ready to continue your journey.
    If you don't have a Dragon Amulet:
    Elysia: Ah, I see. Your bond with your baby dragon is strong but you lack the power of the Dragon Amulet.
    Elysia: It allows you to speak the language of the dragon, and how can you expect your dragon to learn it's name if you don't speak its language?
    Elysia: It also strengthens the bond between the two of you, so that you are able to shape this rare dragon's appearance.
    Elysia: Without the Dragon Amulet, I'm afraid that you may only call it Draco, which means "Dragon"...
    Elysia: ...and you will never be able to change it's appearance.
    Elysia: Since you are tied to the dragon by the strings of fate, it might, in rare cases, unlock it's own potential...
    Elysia: ...perhaps it will take its battle form when it sees fit to do so, but it will take several hundred years to reach full maturity on it's own.
    Elysia: The Dragon Amulet would allow you to unlock the dragon's power at the times when YOU needed it, allowing you power that you've never known.

  • Titans of Battleon! - begins Titans of BattleOn! quest.

  • Dragon Rider
    Elysia: Destiny swirls around you and your dragon, <Character>. Are you ready for what the future holds?
    • Summon - equips DragonRider Armor; required for subsequent options.
    • Dismiss
    • Dragon Training (lvl 10+ DA only)
      Elysia: The armor of the DragonLord is a VERY powerful armor, but only you can choose how to use that power.
    • Dragon Arena (lvl 10+ DA only) - begins Aeris Dragon Tournament quest.
  • DragonLord ( lvl 8+ ), DA only
    Elysia: The armor of the DragonLord is a VERY powerful armor, but only you can choose how to use that power.
    • Get DragonLord Armor - begins The DragonLord Armor quest.
    • Train DragonLord Armor - begins Mad Skillz quest.
    • Equip DragonLord Armor
      Elysia: Which version of the Dragonlord Armor do you wish to equip?
      Elysia: I can take you to the Amor Customization Room, if you'd like. Don't forget to equip your armor first!
    • Unequip DragonLord Armor
    • Upgrade DragonLord Armor
      Elysia: It has been many years since the Lady Celestia first carried the Black Dragon Box through forest outside of Oaklore Keep.
      Elysia: You've become a formidible hero, well versed in your skills, <Class>. I am proud of all that you have done.
      Elysia: In celebration of that anniversary, I can now unlock a special version of the DragonLord Armor.
      Elysia: The time with the Dragon Amulet has made it possible for the armor to evolve but it does require some expensive reagents.
      Elysia: Would you like to upgrade your DragonLord Armor?

    • Unlock Armor Customizations
      Elysia: It has been quite some time since Lady Celestia first carried the Black Dragon Box through forest outside of Oaklore Keep.
      Elysia: You've become a formidible hero, well versed in your skills, <Class>. I am proud of all that you have done.
      Elysia: In celebration of your efforts and growth, I can now unlock alternate apperances for your DragonLord Armor.
      Elysia: Your time with the Dragon Amulet has made it possible for the armor to evolve, but it does require some expensive reagents.
      Elysia: You can change your armor's appearance in the Armor Customization Room. I've heard of a portal in Falconreach that can take you there...
      • Upgrade : Unlock COLOR CUSTOM DragonLord Customization - requires 20,000 Gold.
      • Upgrade: Unlock EVOLVED DragonLord Customization - requires 20,000 Gold and previous upgrade.
      • Upgrade : COLOR CUSTOM EVOLVED DragonLord Customization - requires 20,000 Gold and previous upgrade.
    • DragonLord Artifacts - opens DragonLord Artifacts shop.
  • Baby Dragon Quests & Training
    Elysia: Your dragon is powerful now but it has the potential to be a force of nature.
    • Equip - equips Pet Dragon.
    • Dragon Quests
      Elysia: <Dragon> has much to learn.
      • Equip - equips Pet Dragon.
      • Bonding
        Elysia: Hello <Character>! It's very good to see you and <Dragon> again. I'm afraid to say that I need your help once again.
        Elysia: An old friend of mine has a very important package for me. Unfortunately he is a bit of a recluse.
        Elysia: He lives in a cave far to the east and I cannot make the trip myself.
        Elysia: Be SURE to tell him that I sent you and make it back with the package before nightfall.
        Elysia: The walk will be nice and it will give you and <Dragon> a chance to do some real bonding.
        • Read: Your Dragon And You Basic Needs
        Elysia: Have fun and be careful!
      • Flight Training
        Elysia: It has been prophesized that you and <Dragon> will change the world. For the better or worse reamins to be seen... but I have a good feeling.
        Elysia: The path you two walk will be dangerous though.
        Elysia: The more lithe and quick <Dragon> is, the better chance there is to succeed against whatever may come your way.
        • Read: Your Dragon And You In Flight
        Elysia: Send <Dragon> into the woods to practice flying through the trees. Watch out for rogue elementals, my good friend Warlic has said they're grumpy.
      • Baby Steps
        Elysia: It's time to see how well your dragon can handle the world on it's own. It's important that <Dragon> knows it can avoid battle sometimes as well.
        Elysia: We'll start slowly. Just stand on the side, <Character>, and direct you're baby dragon to where you would like him to go.
        Elysia: If your charisma and luck are high enough, your dragon should be easily directed and you can avoid almost all the forest creatures.
        Elysia: Since we're training, you only have to knock those creature <Dragon> runs into. Collect 5 plants and try to avoid as many creatures as you can.
    • Buy Food - opens Dragon Chow Shop.
    • Feed Dragon
    • Train
    • Untrain
      Elysia: Untraining your dragon costs 1000G! Are you sure you want to untrain your dragon?
      • Untrain
    • Grow Dragon
      Elysia: Your dragon is growing quite nicely, <Character>.
      Elysia: It has grown in both strength and abilities. You have raised it well.
      Elysia: If you can provide the gold required to pay for the necessary reagents, I can help it grow, taking energy from your Dragon Amulet .
      Elysia: This will permanently increase it in size, and will also allow you to load it not as a pet, but as a true friend, allowing you to equip another pet.

      Elysia: 10,000 Gold for this one-time upgrade.
  • Other Quests
    Elysia: Ah, <Character>, I have a few tasks which I think you can help me with.
    • Recipe For Disaster
      Elysia: It has come to my attention that a group of enterprising dragons wish to come to Falconreach.
      Elysia: They plan on starting a litte business venture and, well, we really should nip it in the bud.

      Elysia: Yes, <Character>, they wish to set up a catering business in Falconreach.

      Elysia: No, <Character>, you don't understand... they want to have you for dinner.

      Elysia: No... they want to EAT you for dinner. Falconreach is such a hub for so many quests and wars that it attracts adventurers from all over.
      Elysia: They want to start a new "Adventurer for Appetizers" program. You have to stop them!
  • Primal Dragon Skills - requires Dragon Amulet and Toddler Dragon.
    Elysia: <Character>! I think I've done it! It took a LOT of studying and more than a little practice.
    Elysia: I've managed to recall the essence of some of your prior titan fights.
    Elysia: Your dragon's bravery has left an imprint in time that I can trace... if I concentrate REALLY hard.
    Elysia: It's time we continued <Dragon>'s training, and I think this is the best way to do it.
    Elysia: We can infuse your dragon with a primal skill!
  • Talk
    Elysia: Hello, <Character>. Welcome to Sunbreeze Grove.
    Elysia: I am Elysia, formally the apprentice to the Lady Celestia.... I will try to live up to her teachings now.
    Elysia: You are always welcome here in the Grove, whether it is for advice on raising or training your dragon companion, or if you simply need to rest.
    Elysia: After... after the attack.... I have reinforced the area around the Grove with protection magic.
    Elysia: Though, it was the hatching... the son called out to his father... and some bonds go beyond magic....
    Elysia: The Grove should be safe now though. I will continue the Lady's work here and help as much with the war effort as I can in Falconreach.
    Elysia: The Lady believed in the forces of good triumphing over any attacking evil... and I will not rest as long as evil attacks!
    Elysia: The Lady Celestia taught us both so much about the power of good and that teaching will not be in vain!

  • Heal & potions - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.

    A DragonLord Birthday!
    (after Sepulchure)

    Priestess: <Character>, welcome to your birthday celebration! We've all gathered here in your honor!

    Sunbreeze Grove (Book 3)
    (before The Hatching or Dragon Hatching)

    Elysia: Greetings <Character>. Welcom to Sunbreeze Grove.
    Elysia: Have you recovered the Black Dragon Box and customized your egg yet? I see. Perhaps you should return and speak with Twilly.

    Sunbreeze Grove (Book 3)
    (after The Hatching or Dragon Hatching)

    Elysia: Greetings <Character>. Welcome to Sunbreeze Grove.

  • Elementize
    Elysia: I see that you've been taking good care of the egg left in your charge.
    Elysia: I always had faith that you would take good care of that egg. The time has come for you to make some decisions.
    Elysia: You must first choose your dragon's ELEMENT. What type of damage do you feel would best suit your dragon?
    Elysia: Talk to me again when you're done.

  • Launches Dragon Elementization.

  • Customize
    Elysia: Names have power, <Character>. This is a basic rule of magic. Naming something can form a strong connection between you and it.
    Elysia: The time has come for you to NAME your dragon and attempt to shape its APPEARANCE.

    If you have a Dragon Amulet:
  • Launches Dragon Customization.
    • Customize!
      Elysia: So that is the vision that you have for your dragon? Very interesting choices.
      Elysia: Now, when you use your Dragon Amulet to unleash your dragon's full power...
      Elysia: ...you will see that the bond between you has allowed you to shape the appearance of your dragon.
      Elysia: These changes can be undone in the future, for a price, but I'll need to research the rites.
      Elysia: Now, that you have shaped and named your dragon you are ready to take the next step on the path to becoming a true DragonLord.
      Elysia: Return to me when you are ready to continue your journey.
    If you don't have a Dragon Amulet:
    Elysia: Ah, I see. Your bond with your baby dragon is strong but you lack the power of the Dragon Amulet.
    Elysia: It allows you to speak the language of the dragon, and how can you expect your dragon to learn it's name if you don't speak its language?
    Elysia: It also strengthens the bond between the two of you, so that you are able to shape this rare dragon's appearance.
    Elysia: Without the Dragon Amulet, I'm afraid that you may only call it Draco, which means "Dragon"...
    Elysia: ...and you will never be able to change it's appearance.
    Elysia: Since you are tied to the dragon by the strings of fate, it might, in rare cases, unlock it's own potential...
    Elysia: ...perhaps it will take its battle form when it sees fit to do so, but it will take several hundred years to reach full maturity on it's own.
    Elysia: The Dragon Amulet would allow you to unlock the dragon's power at the times when YOU needed it, allowing you power that you've never known.

  • Skills
    Elysia: Since you've been... incapacitated, I've been working with your dragon to teach it a whole new set of skills in it's adult form!
    Elysia: When you fight in titan battles do you want to fight with the original skills or the new?
  • Dragon Quests & Training
    Elysia: Your dragon is powerful now, but it has the potential to be a force of nature.
    • Equip - equips Pet Dragon.
    • Dragon Quests
      Elysia: <Dragon> has much to learn.
      • Equip - equips Pet Dragon.
      • Bonding
        Elysia: Hello <Character>! It's very good to see you and <Dragon> again. I'm afraid to say that I need your help once again.
        Elysia: An old friend of mine has a very important package for me. Unfortunately he is a bit of a recluse.
        Elysia: He lives in a cave far to the east and I cannot make the trip myself.
        Elysia: Be SURE to tell him that I sent you and make it back with the package before nightfall.
        Elysia: The walk will be nice and it will give you and <Dragon> a chance to do some real bonding.
        • Read: Your Dragon And You Basic Needs
        Elysia: Have fun and be careful!
      • Flight Training
        Elysia: It has been prophesized that you and <Dragon> will change the world. For the better or worse reamins to be seen... but I have a good feeling.
        Elysia: The path you two walk will be dangerous though.
        Elysia: The more lithe and quick <Dragon> is, the better chance there is to succeed against whatever may come your way.
        • Read: Your Dragon And You In Flight
        Elysia: Send <Dragon> into the woods to practice flying through the trees. Watch out for rogue elementals, my good friend Warlic has said they're grumpy.
      • Baby Steps
        Elysia: It's time to see how well your dragon can handle the world on it's own. It's important that <Dragon> knows it can avoid battle sometimes as well.
        Elysia: We'll start slowly. Just stand on the side, <Character>, and direct you're baby dragon to where you would like him to go.
        Elysia: If your charisma and luck are high enough, your dragon should be easily directed and you can avoid almost all the forest creatures.
        Elysia: Since we're training, you only have to knock those creature <Dragon> runs into. Collect 5 plants and try to avoid as many creatures as you can.
    • Buy Food - opens Dragon Chow Shop.
    • Feed Dragon
    • Train
    • Untrain
      Elysia: Untraining your dragon costs 1000G! Are you sure you want to untrain your dragon?
      • Untrain
  • Grow Dragon
    If you haven't grown your dragon:
    Elysia: Your dragon is growing quite nicely, <Character>.
    Elysia: It has grown in both strength and abilities. You have raised it well.
    Elysia: If you can provide the gold required to pay for the necessary reagents, I can help it grow, taking energy from your Dragon Amulet .
    Elysia: This will permanently increase it in size, and will also allow you to load it not as a pet, but as a true friend, allowing you to equip another pet.

    Elysia: 10,000 Gold for this one-time upgrade.
    If you have grown your dragon:
    Elysia: <Character>! I think I've done it! It took a LOT of studying and more than a little practice.
    Elysia: I've managed to recall the essence of some of your prior titan fights.
    Elysia: Your dragon's bravery has left an imprint in time that I can trace... if I concentrate REALLY hard.
    Elysia: It's time we continued <Dragon>'s training, and I think this is the best way to do it.
    Elysia: We can infuse your dragon with a primal skill! If we complete your dragon's training, it should grow even more, becoming even stronger.
  • DragonLord ( lvl 8+ ), DA only
    Elysia: The armor of the DragonLord is a VERY powerful armor, but only you can choose how to use that power.
    • Get DragonLord Armor - begins The DragonLord Armor quest.
    • Train DragonLord Armor - begins Mad Skillz quest.
    • Equip DragonLord Armor
      Elysia: Which version of the Dragonlord Armor do you wish to equip?
      Elysia: I can take you to the Amor Customization Room, if you'd like. Don't forget to equip your armor first!
    • Unequip DragonLord Armor
    • Upgrade DragonLord Armor
      Elysia: It has been many years since the Lady Celestia first carried the Black Dragon Box through forest outside of Oaklore Keep.
      Elysia: You've become a formidible hero, well versed in your skills, <Class>. I am proud of all that you have done.
      Elysia: In celebration of that anniversary, I can now unlock a special version of the DragonLord Armor.
      Elysia: The time with the Dragon Amulet has made it possible for the armor to evolve but it does require some expensive reagents.
      Elysia: Would you like to upgrade your DragonLord Armor?

    • Unlock Armor Customizations
      Elysia: It has been quite some time since Lady Celestia first carried the Black Dragon Box through forest outside of Oaklore Keep.
      Elysia: You've become a formidible hero, well versed in your skills, <Class>. I am proud of all that you have done.
      Elysia: In celebration of your efforts and growth, I can now unlock alternate apperances for your DragonLord Armor.
      Elysia: Your time with the Dragon Amulet has made it possible for the armor to evolve, but it does require some expensive reagents.
      Elysia: You can change your armor's appearance in the Armor Customization Room. I've heard of a portal in Falconreach that can take you there...
      • Upgrade: Unlock COLOR CUSTOM DragonLord Customization - requires 20,000 Gold.
      • Upgrade: Unlock EVOLVED DragonLord Customization - requires 20,000 Gold and previous upgrade.
      • Upgrade: COLOR CUSTOM EVOLVED DragonLord Customization - requires 20,000 Gold and previous upgrade.
    • DragonLord Artifacts - opens DragonLord Artifacts shop.
  • Other Quests
    Elysia: Ah, <Character>, I have a few tasks which I think you can help me with.
    • Recipe For Disaster
      Elysia: It has come to my attention that a group of enterprising dragons wish to come to Falconreach.
      Elysia: They plan on starting a litte business venture and, well, we really should nip it in the bud.

      Elysia: Yes, <Character>, they wish to set up a catering business in Falconreach.

      Elysia: No, <Character>, you don't understand... they want to have you for dinner.

      Elysia: No... they want to EAT you for dinner. Falconreach is such a hub for so many quests and wars that it attracts adventurers from all over.
      Elysia: They want to start a new "Adventurer for Appetizers" program. You have to stop them!
  • Dragon Rider
    Elysia: Destiny swirls around you and your dragon, <Character>. Are you ready for what the future holds?
    • Summon - equips DragonRider Armor; required for subsequent options.
    • Dismiss
    • Dragon Training (lvl 10+ DA only)
      Elysia: The armor of the DragonLord is a VERY powerful armor, but only you can choose how to use that power.
    • Dragon Arena (lvl 10+ DA only) - begins Aeris Dragon Tournament quest.
  • Titans of Battleon! - begins Titans of BattleOn! quest.

  • Talk
    Elysia: Hello, <Character>. Welcome to Sunbreeze Grove.
    Elysia: I am Elysia, formally the apprentice to the Lady Celestia.... I will try to live up to her teachings now.
    Elysia: You are always welcome here in the Grove, whether it is for advice on raising or training your dragon companion, or if you simply need to rest.
    Elysia: I have reinforced the area around the Grove with protection magic. The Creatioux have also come to provide protection in return for safe shelter.
    Elysia: With the shadow of The Rose falling over Lore... I fear for all dragons out in the world.
    Elysia: The Grove should be safe now though. I will continue the Lady's work here and help as much as I can in Falconreach.
    Elysia: The Lady Celestia believed in the forces of good triumphing over any attacking evil... and I will not rest as long as evil attacks!
    Elysia: The Lady Celestia taught us both so much about the power of good and magic and that teaching will not be in vain!

  • Heal & potions - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.

    The Navigator

    Elysia: Why so formal, Soulweaver? A friend of <Character> is a friend of mine as well!

    Elysia: I am doing well, <Character>. Elucidas and I were discussing the possibility of mentoring some young Creatioux.
    Elysia: What brings you and your friend to visit?

    Elysia: There are rumors though...

    Elysia: I just received a new shipment of tea from Karina, in Hunter's Paradise...

    Elysia: Yes, well... some fellow who has... seen better days is at the Inn in Hunter's Paradise. He's been ranting about his lost magic and power.
    Elysia: How he walked the Void itself until he was imprisoned. it might just be the moglinberry juice...
    Elysia: ... but it might also be what you're looking for.

    Elysia: I would hurry, friends. With how Karina was talking... I think your quarry might be attracting the wrong kind of attention.

    Fire Primal

    Elysia: <Character>, how did it go? Did you succeed?

    Elysia: You met an elemental guardian?
    Elysia (thinking): I know the scrolls talked about them, but I never would have thought one was actually there. That it really existed.
    Elysia: I would have loved to meet it. The things it must know... but we have more important things to do right now.
    Elysia: <Dragon> should now be able to wield the power of primal fire.
    Elysia: Talk to me again and I will make the changes occur.

    Earth Primal

    Elysia: <Character>, how did it go? Did you succeed?

    Elysia: You met an elemental guardian?
    Elysia (thinking): I know the scrolls talked about them, but I never would have thought one was actually there. That it really existed.
    Elysia: I would have loved to meet it. The things it must know... but we have more important things to do right now.
    Elysia: <Dragon> should now be able to wield the power of primal earth.
    Elysia: Talk to me again and I will make the changes occur.

    Water Primal

    Elysia: <Character>, how did it go? Did you succeed?

    Elysia: You met an elemental guardian?
    Elysia (thinking): I know the scrolls talked about them, but I never would have thought one was actually there. That it really existed.
    Elysia: I would have loved to meet it. The things it must know... but we have more important things to do right now.
    Elysia: <Dragon> should now be able to wield the power of primal water.
    Elysia: Talk to me again and I will make the changes occur.

    Breaking Down

    Elysia: I haven't seen anything like this before. This Darkness disease seems to be eating away at them....

    Elysia: Is that... blood?

    Darkness is Coming

    Elysia: <Character>!

    Elysia: More or less. The Grove was under attack, I had to leave.

    Elysia: I heard about <Dragon>...
    Elysia: I'm so sorry...

    Elysia: I'll do whatever it takes to help!

    Elysia: You're...

    Elysia: ...

    Elysia: No.

    Elysia: I'm fine, <Character>. This... fellow, from earlier, seemed familiar. But I suppose I was mistaken.

    Friday the 13th Interlude

    Elysia: Covered in Darkness. Not destroyed. Hope is not lost.

    Doom Amulet

    Elysia: I'm not hearing it, either.

    Elysia: They are... they are not attacking either...

    Elysia: <Dragon> is much, much bigger than usual... Far beyond the influence of a normal Dragon Amulet.

    Elysia: But I don't see it...

    Elysia: You need to get to the Amulet!


    Elysia: I hope—

    Elysia: Umm...

    Elysia: Who are you—

    Elysia: Oh, thank the Avatars, you're all safe!
    Elysia: Well... roughly...

    Elysia: I'm... not sure.
    Elysia: Perhaps it's because of prolonged exposure to the Darkness?

    Elysia: To the doom?

    Elysia: <Character>, calm down!!!
    Elysia: Bring <Dragon> with you. Come!

    Elysia: I'm going to be honest with you all...
    Elysia: And with you, <Character>.
    Elysia: I'm...
    Elysia: I don't think—

    Elysia: No.

    Elysia: No, nevermind.
    Elysia: Thanks to Artix's expertise, we've made an improvised purification spell.
    Elysia: This has never been performed on a dragon before, but...

    Elysia: The point is...!
    Elysia: I need every one of you to focus your thoughts and chant with me.

    Elysia: Please! Everyone! Perish the evil thoughts! Stay strong!!!

    Elysia: Then I hope it's enough...


    Elysia: This is getting out of hand...

    A Dragon's Day Out

    Elysia: That's... so exciting, <Dragon>!
    Elysia: I'm glad you stopped by for a visit! We should do this more often!

    Elysia: Umm...

    Elysia: I forgot how dramatic you can be!

    Elysia: Anyway, how IS <Character>? It's been a while since I've caught up with <him/her/them>.

    Elysia: <Dragon>.

    Elysia: That's... the life of a hero I suppose, little one.

    Elysia: ...
    Elysia: I... have an idea!
    Elysia: Why don't you make a nice gift for <him/her/them>? Something from the heart, something that tells <him/her/them> that you care.

    Elysia: Uh, thank you!

    Other information
  • Also known as the Priestess.

    Side View Appearance

    Thanks to
  • Voodoo Master for image.
  • Occavatra for side view appearance image.
  • Jay for entry rewrite, links, dialogues, and corrections.
  • ArchMagus Orodalf for links and dialogue.
  • Peachii for dialogues and corrections.
  • gustavovni and Highlord Sendai for dialogues.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 5/25/2024 22:39:35 >
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