The Library of M|Thread 1.92~1/9/09--New Thread, New Poetry, New Short Story! (Full Version)

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mastin2 -> The Library of M|Thread 1.92~1/9/09--New Thread, New Poetry, New Short Story! (7/10/2008 3:31:36)

You stumble into a location you cannot discern, confused. Your body seems injured, your strength shattered. You collapse, submitting to what may just be exhaustion. However, you do not feel asleep. In your dream, you travel a great desert, a mighty tundra, an evil dark forest, and many, many more. It all seems so real to you, as if you have experienced it; as if you were there and lived through it all. Battles centering around you rage in each location, many with destructive results. And then, you awake again. If you were wounded before, you are healed now. You wander around, finding that you have taken refuge in a building that seems deserted. Around you, thousands of scrolls remain. 'Should I open them?' the thought troubles you, yet they seem to drag you in. One scroll is clearly hanged up on the wall, outstretched for all to read. Summoning up your courage and hoping for some answers--possibly a way out of this mess, as whatever door you entered is gone--you begin to read...

Alright, with Plague and Disease being the exceptions, none of my stories receive comments, so I'm deleting all the old threads and combining them into one, easier-to-manage one.

Combined Works of M (Except the infection/epidemic series)


  • Finish at least two of these works within a year.

  • Get an AK to post.

  • Get two pages

  • Get Three Pages

  • Get five pages

  • Get two threads.

  • Get a third thread.


  • 1: Masters of Blood and Darkness Comments (MOBAD)

  • 2: Gem of Hope (GoH)

  • 3: Mythe

  • 4: Hunted

  • 5: Trio of Works: Tales of a Caster, Tale of Two Knights, and The Band of 77 vs. League of Mercenaries

    -5a: Tales of a Caster (ToC)

    -5b: Tale of Two Knights (ToTK)

    -5c: The Band of 77 vs. the League of Mercenaries (77vsLM)

  • 6: Flight of the Golden Firelance (FotGF)

  • 7: Friendship in a Kennels

    -7a: Friendship in a Kennel, Original (FiaK)

    -7b: Friendship in a Kennel, United Hope Version (FiakSV)

  • 8: United Hope

  • 10: Adventures on Aared (AoA)

  • 11: Elemental Demigods' Insanity.

  • 12: Dreaded Poetry! (Large enough to get its own min-comment thread!)

  • 13: Conversing on the Forums

  • 14: Soldiers Away From Home; the untold tales--Based off of Alixander Fey: Heritage

  • 15: Avian Trilogy|Spirit Warriors

  • 16: Maze of Survival Comment Thread

  • 17: Faragasia

  • 18: Black Versus White/Darkness Versus Light|The Final Fight

  • 19: Abandoned to the Debts of Time

  • 20: Hunters Slain

  • 9: Other Comment Threads

    -9a: Disease

    -9b: Plague

    -9c: Maze of Survival

  • 21: Death's Sentence

  • 22: Statues of the King

  • 23: Code of the Mercenary Hitmen

  • 24: Circle of Keyboards

  • 25: Fight for the Land of Purate

  • 26: Prehistoric History

  • 27: Black Stains

  • 28: Darkness Reign

  • 29: The Hunters

  • 30: Shadows of Technology

  • 31: My Ramble Thread

  • 32: Dragon Mark

  • 33: Memories of the Truth

  • 34: Art of Flame

  • 35: Time Light

    Updates for all to see: Since this thread is huge, I am putting only the index and, well, this right here. It is to show how much my thread has evolved.

    ~12:30 am local time,
    3:30 am server time.

  • Sudden decision is made--Index is to be placed here. The Index links to the 'mini-comment thread', which will be posted below. Of course, it's natural that people will actually COMMENT on my thread, so only the old works will have their own posts--the rest will be in one long post. So, yes, I won't put them all in one place. Nor will I all put them in individual places because that is two pages to browse through, which is even more inconvenient. Give or take, there will be about seven posts with about four each in them.

    This decision was made because, eventually, the length of one post would not be enough. Sure, that could take years. But rather safe than sorry, right?

    11:03 am local time,
    2:05 pm sever time:

  • All old works except for Disease and Plague (Except Poetry) FINALLY uploaded.

    ~1 am local, 4 am sever time:

  • New works released. These works include

    -Death's Sentence

    -Statues of the King

    -Code of the Mercenary Hitmen

    -Circle of Keyboards

    -Fight for the Land of Purate

    -Prehistoric History

    -Black Stains


    ~?:? local time.

    Okay, so I forgot the time of this update! Go ahead and shoot me! Uploaded Darkness Reign

    ~5:30 pm local time,
    ~8: 30 pm sever time.

    Uploaded The Hunters, as well as the outline for Shadows of Technology.

    12:15 pm local time
    3:15 pm sever time.

  • Redid Hunted, adding a new chapter as well.
  • Added my Ramble Thread, including the promised The Hunters ramble.
  • Updated Index, when I forgot to do it before. (Shame on you, Mastin!)

    12:30 pm local time,
    3:30 pm sever time.

  • Ramble Thread up and running.
  • Shadows of Technology posted!

    1:00 pm local time,
    4:00 pm sever time.

    Chapter One of Shadows of Technology Posted!
    Updated title of thread.

    3:45 pm local time
    6:45 server time

    It is done! I worked a long time on it, but I finished it! United Hope rework has been completed! If you read the old story...forget you did. This new one is completely different! United Hope is now my longest story ever!

    8:40 pm local time
    11:40 pm sever time

    It's a secret. I won't tell you what I updated; I am marking this for next month, when I plan to make an uber update. That one thing that I updated will be listed as new, then. I just updated this now because it's been on my mind for some time. Keen observers may find it if they wish; knowing how dead my thread is, nobody will even care. But, meh, I've heard of some reading everything in the comment thread; for people like that, I'm going to keep it down...for now. I'll do this major update...some time around next month, about when otM's start. :)

    9:27 pm local time
    12:27 am server time

    I just did perhaps my largest update of all time. I just added my whole poetry thread, as well as three stories. Dragon Mark, Time Light, and Memories of the Truth are all posted. The secret update was United Hope. It, too, has all things fully up to date. I also have posted quite a few of my rambles. While Dragon Mark recently lost its title of longest ramble, it is the second-longest I've ever done. Check it out, and be amazed.

    3:43 am local time
    6:43 am server time

    So shoot me; I stay up extremely late on Saturdays. I made a montly release. This one's primary focus is not on this thread, believe it or not, but does contain Three New Chapters of United Hope, plus four new poems, and a special gift on a story with supposedly no scheduled update planned. It was a snap decision. Check out my post on it. ;)

    2:40 pm local
    More on this later.

    1:05 am local time
    4:05 server time

    A Frostval update a month after my last update, this update is huge! Just see the post; there's too much to even list, here!

    3:33 pm local
    6:30 pm, server time

    Eternal Darkness is released!
    And even better yet, my newest project. This is a thread, not a story. For it to not be in here, you know it must be big!
    I also released two pieces of poetry, both based on songs. The second is mainly inspired by the tune used primarily in one or two songs which I only remember parts of, and the 'peaceful' parts are both a blend of my own work, part of one of the above songs, and to top it all off, a bit of Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Again, it's hard to express a tune in words.

    4:18 am local
    7:18 am, server time.

    Yea, I'm up late, but I'm on vacation--what do you expect? Real life prevents me from routinely visiting, to say the least, but when I do, I tend to try and leave something behind. This time, it was Let it Be, in my poetry thread. Not much at all, but it's something, at least. You make due with what you've got.

    On a side-note, my works are now on pages 7-8. On page 8, I own all but the last topic. On page 7, there's 10 which I don't have. I counted 30/page, which means I have 20 on the first, and 29 on the second. Meaning, I've got 49 works up, currently. Wow. And to think, that's only half the total!
    Anyway, I think I'm done updating my own stuff. I'm going to go spend the rest of my time browsing and critiquing. (Last night of vacation, so I want to make it special.)

    NOTE: Link hunts are appreciated. Any faulty links need to be fixed. Disease and Plague have none because they haven't been uploaded.

    NOTE2: I realize that this may seem inconvenient, but, meh, I can always change it back if there are complaints.

  • mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 3:38:14)

    [img][/img]Masters of Blood and Darkness, Gem of Hope, Mythe, and Hunted Comments:

    Masters of Blood and Darkness

    Darkovian Scum. That is the insult used by all conflicting sides in the black forest. Vampires, Shadowslayers, and Lycanthropes all clash. However, there is one side that is allied to none, often visiting. The Blood Masters are some of the best fighters in the world, often helping the vampires, though they never help permanently. However, on certain occasions, something throws a twist into this forest. Darax is a Blood Master sent on a quest to find a strange force thought mainly to be legend. He meets his allies, but also enemies. When the greatest force of Darkovia comes to claim back lost territory, uniting may be the land's only hope and Darax is at the center of attention...

    Masters Of Blood And Darkness (MOBAD)

  • Chapter One

  • Chapter Two

    MOBAD is one of my latest, and it was inspired for my AQ suggestion of the Blood Master Class...but I'd rather not talk about that. Anyway, one of the things about them is that they have near infinite blood, so the thought occurred to me "Hey, they'd probably be good friends with vampires!" And from there, it evolved.

    Chapter One is out; it was a little rushed, so critiques are appreciated! (Vampires are going to play a major part in this one[:D])

    Gem of Hope

    Evil. It is so stereotypicalized. The poor heroes don't even realize--with some exceptions--that there are two types. Arthur is the first type, wishing just to rule the world. However, once he investigates rumors of the greatest type two--Galim--returning to destroy what he has known, he joins a force which he despises--heroes of all classes--and sets out to find a mythical object that is the only way to defeat him...

    Please note this story is older, and has a few flaws in it...for one thing, I noticed that I used ! a little too much, and that some wording could be better, but here it is anyway! Gem of Hope

    Treat it well!

    Mythe Comments

    Four worlds collided ten years ago and caused destruction. When the four (Earth and the three Lores) collided, it created the land of Mythe. This land blended the Magic, Technology, lack of magic, eight elements, infinite elements, lack of technology, and so much more into one. Now, the young man known as Mastin must rise to the role of hero and rediscover his past from the last nine years and learn of his identity from the four worlds...

    Yes, that is the name of the story, and I know it is not how you spell myth!

    The story is here!

    I do not have much right now, but enjoy what I have!

    Hunted, the Tragic Tale

    He is on his deathbed. He is perfectly alive, but his consciousness will kill him. Unwounded, he could live, but in truth, he died long ago. Now, he wishes to end it all and tell people the truth. With the knowledge that the whole world is listening, he tells his tale before preparing to let himself die. After he is gone, he will leave others to decide whether his tale is true or not and act in his place. Hear the tale of this poor young man while you still can.


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    And yes, it is a tragedy. "From M? Impossible!" Well, actually, a good portion of my books are 'Happy Sad Endings'. But this one is pure tragedy, with a little action, plenty of violence, etc.

    How tragic is pure tragic? Well...

    WARNING! MAJOR SPOILER FOLLOWS! Read Only if you wish to spoil the whole story for yourself, as it ruins every moment I have planned! (You're looking, aren't you?)


    I am half tempted to put a line in here saying "Ha! You looser! You looked! I'm not going to spoil the book for you!", But I'm sure I'd get some rather nasty glares from those just wanting to look, so I won't.

    Every character mentioned in the book dies...Sifos, Brian, and the President all die in the Epilogue, and all others are seen, or implied to be, killed inside.

    ...Those who look spoil all the fun...

    Anyway, at the moment, all I have is about a third of chapter one, plus the intro I showed you (but I'm writing more!), so you've just got to wait until I show some more...

    Alright, first chapter is up! I haven't even gotten to the good part, but I swear, it gets interesting fast!

  • mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 3:59:29)

    [img][/img](Tale of a Caster, Tale of the Two Knights, and Band of 77/League of Mercenaries), Flight of the Golden Firelance, and Friendship in a Kennels Comments

    Tale of a Caster, Tale of Two Knights, and Band of 77/League of Mercenaries

    Since neither story is large, and I started them one after another, so it shall be that they have only one combined comment thread...

    Tale of a Caster

    Two are the founder and friend of the founder. They struggled to have their vision recognized, facing oppression. A year later, two more are some of the most powerful members, both with histories that attract unwanted attention. And a year after that, there is the tale of the two who are on a quest to find a way to separate themselves, never intending for the bond in the first place. However--in addition to the fact that they cannot find anyone to help--they are now being hunted. Some are hunting them for their past and some are hunting them for what they have become. All three must struggle against their respective foes for their very survival...

    Tale of A Caster

    Tale of Two Knights

    The Dragon And Fox Collide, Evil versus good. When the Dragon tries to conquer the land, it falls to the fox to defend his kingdom from the evil of this once-noble knight. However, he cannot do this alone as even his power is not as great as the Dragon Knight, so he must find allies to help in this ancient tale weaved thousands of years ago...

    Tale of two Knights, Dragon and Fox Collide


    One man sets out to quest for fun. He discovers in a database something that will allow him to become more powerful and wishes to seek for it. Wishing for more information, he plows through this base, finding some willing to join him. One becomes two becomes three becomes four which in turn becomes eight people wishing for this goal. They officially create the Band which expands until the numbers are 77. They find they have a rival in the form of the League of mercenaries, also wishing for the same goal. The two sides fight for a long time, but they are not the only ones who wish to find this source, as a third, much larger, much more powerful threat has come...

    The Band of 77 and the League of Mercenaries Search for the Orb of Power

    New Story Added! The Band of 77 vs The League of Mercenaries! I've been a little busy, but since all are pretty incomplete, I'll get them updated as soon as possible!

    Alright, I have typed up a short paragraph or two in each of the stories, so feel free to read them! Once I get further free time, I can't wait to show you some of the ideas to come!

    Well, I hope you enjoy! If any of the stories grow to a size larger than what I consider manageable, they will get their own thread again.

    Flight of the Golden Firelance Comments

    Five worlds, one ignored. Three of them are now practically forgotten, leaving only one remaining. Dragojina is a great land, filled with the best of the others. However, it also takes the worst in as well. Alix G. Firelance had come here wishing for greater power, only to loose all of his own. After he witnesses the worst the land can offer, he sets out to find new powers, succeeding brilliantly. With his newfound strength, he will live not for battle, but to rid the last known land of all evil or die trying...

    Flight of the Golden Firelance

    Chapter One

    Yes, this one involves Dragons!

    Friendship in a Kennels

    Alright, this is a little short story I made!

    Friendship in a Kennel

    A note: This is the original version of this, but I am currently modifying that to fit into one of my stories, United Hope. There are going to be BIG differences (for one thing, the character is a girl, the dog is much older, the tormentor was female, not male, it will be in third-person, and several others) and I am posting it here!

    Friendship in a Kennel, Story Version

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 4:21:53)

    United Hope, Adventure on Aared, and Elemental Demigod's Insanity Comments

    United Hope

    The four elements had always fought, until he came along. First that of earth, he expanded his powers to include all of the elements, only to find that there is one in the world so evil that all his previous efforts are for nothing. Betrayal hangs overhead as he suffers the greatest blow of ever, cursing at his inability to live longer. With the only person capable of fighting dead, the evil known as Kadrane has dominated the land for a hundred years. However, things are about to change as an old foe of his is about to rise from the dead and find allies that are more than just a thorn in Kadrane's side...

    United hope!

    ~~Part One, The World as We Know It~~
    Chapter One
    Chapter Two
    Chapter Three
    Chapter Four
    Chapter Five

    ~~Part Two, Fighting Force~~
    Chapter Six
    Chapter Seven
    Chapter Eight
    Chapter Nine
    Chapter Ten

    ~~Part Three, Unbalanced~~
    Chapter Eleven
    Chapter Twelve

    It is done. I worked for hours on it and finally finished it. I worked hard enough to even have a ramble dedicated to it (link soon)! Read away. This is my longest work ever. It could be the first one I actually finish!

    Adventure on Aared

    A world where everything seems so simple and where bandits are the worst to fight is never as good as it seems. Arrow has recently discovered his true calling and communicated with Aero. Now, he must find friends to unite Aared under one banner to hopefully stop a new threat on the rise. A threat that has been responsible for everything that had happened before. Aared is just the first step, but it will turn out to be one of the worst...

    Adventure on Aared is a little fanfiction of a game I am writing for fun in Microsoft Word.

    Alright, I've put the map in, the bios in, the sketch of Helios in, and I'm working hard on Chapter one; AoA had earned it's own little place up here!

    Elemental Demigod's Insanity

    They come from all ages of the world. All have seen pain, and all have died. Reborn with new powers, each has their own agenda. Old friends turned enemies with their reincarnated forms, they fight bitterly to achieve their goals. They travel through time to fight each other, so the fight can never truly end until no period of time is untouched. But one amongst them is after a much more sinister goal. This foe hides far back in time, waiting for a chance to strike. And when he unleashes his wrath, the only hope for the world created through all time is for the demigod's to unite, or face utter destruction...

    Elemental Demigod's Insanity

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 4:26:03)

    In the middle of a library, there is one small scroll that sticks out. The black parchment surrounded by the glowing white text emanates the feeling of hatred and evil. You gather up courage, opening to find...poetry?

    We all new it was coming sooner or later...poetry has never been a strong suit of mine, so rip them apart!

    Got a complaint about how this is hard to find...Miss THIS!

    Mastin's Cursed, Dreaded Poetry

    And now, for the dreaded page two!

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 4:34:26)

    Conversing on a Forum, Soldiers away from Home, Spirit Warriors, Maze of Survival, and Faragasia Comments


    Forums. They are the most deadly tool known to man. Their purpose: varies. Their variety: infinite. One special forum is populated by thousands, though every area has some frequent visitors. Most have an online alter-ego to their real selves, while others portray themselves as who they really are. However, for those of the former type and a few rare of the latter, something radical is about to change. They are all seemingly unrelated, but one key detail they all share shall condemn them to something unspeakable. Something so significant, that they will find a world which should not exist in the realm of earth or the interweb.

    Conversing on Forums It will be an epic tale, but for the moment, it is just a bunch of random people chatting.

    Chapter One


    Soldiers Away from Home. The Untold Tales of the Greatest Fighters of Liuda

    Chapter One?

    Chapter Two?

    Spirit Warriors

    The Beginning of a Legend that shall span countless years is a warrior fighting for a friend. As he digs further into the fortress, he finds old allies and newer ones as well. Eventually, the schemer of this plot against his friend is discovered and a tyrant is freed from control. However, that is not the end. A new threat will arise, and then, a new force will arise. The start of the Avian race has begun in the form of the afterlife's Spirit Warriors...

    Avian Trilogy|Spirit Warriors

    Chapter One

    Maze of Survival

    No one knows just how they got there; they just know they are there with virtually zero memories of their past. In this maze with no apparent exit that only seems to go deeper and deeper, there is one goal: live. People have been driven insane, as not a soul in there may maintain that mythical feeling at all times. This maze shall forever haunt those within, as the futile search for a way to end this besides death is started...

    Maze of Survival Comments

    The above link takes you to the actual comment thread. Basically, Maze of Survival got upgraded to have its own thread. But I still have the link here because it was once here...

    I am thinking of renaming that to be 'Maze of Insanity, since it is more accurate. I highly recommend this work as it is perhaps my greatest feat so far.

    In a land where so many conflicts exist, it is hard to keep track of what is going on. Things known to be dangerous will become harmless, things harmless will become life-threatening, foes will become allies, and a full-blown war will soon erupt where the ultimate evil reveals a secret that shakes the world and ignites what could become the end of the world...and Ace R. Brigand is at the center of it, his history--a large grudge--will be rewritten when he sets out to save the world...


    I admit it: this is perhaps the WORST prologue I have EVER made...sure, some of my older works have worse, but I have raised my standards. But even for those, this is probably...not that good. Help, please!

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 4:36:55)

    *Wishes he could delete this post*

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 9:46:53)

    Black Versus White, Abandoned to the debts of Time, and Hunters Slain

    Black Versus White|The Final Fight

    Two men who are old friends are being forced to fight each other; their very souls possessed by the weapons they wield. A mutual friend tries to stop them, but her own life is put in danger. When all is said and done, a final fight ensues to try and end the conflict once and for all!

    ...Oh, and it's told via poetry.

    Black Versus White/Darkness Versus Light|The Final Fight

    Abandoned to the Debts of Time

    The land is full of tricks, deception, greed, manipulation, and death. It is just the way things work. Innocence can quickly be destroyed in a flash, so one learns to watch one's back...or die trying. The place where the most successful--the most wicked, evil, and cruel--people in the world have all come from 'The Academy', located in the capital. Rumors say that only an average of one student survives graduation. The people remain unaware of such acts of wickedness, their minds already dominated by the politicians' manipulation. Six of the most promising candidates for this year have just been accepted into the academy, but the question is: will any survive this field of death?

    Abandoned to the Debts of Time

    Hunters Slain

    Vampires. Such scum. They are faster, stronger, better in almost every way to humans. But they do have their weaknesses. While most radiation from the sun has less impact on them, some damage them hundreds of times greater. Garlic makes them vomit and they are allergic to silver. But their greatest weakness: they require human blood. No other species can sustain them; it has to be human. Water burns their throats, so they have no choice. Some say they are superior. But one having to rely on our blood makes them inferior. They need us. They are scum. Vermin. And Vermin...must be terminated.

    Hunters Slain

    Real Prologue

    Chapter One

    This is one of my latest works. It is one of the few stories I have focusing around vampires. And it takes on a rather interesting view of them--instead of humans serving them, they basically serve humans to survive. Essentially, if the human race goes extinct, so do the vampires. This twisted view has already been thought out, so stay tuned for more...

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 9:51:31)

    Works that Have Comment Threads of Their Own:

    Disease Comment Thread

    Planned to be part one of two--or if needed, one of three--of the Epidemic/Infection series.

    Plague Comment Thread

    Meant to be the final part of the two--or if needed, three--in the Epidemic/Infection series. Alas, it is not as large as Disease and has not been taken care of well. I am slowly editing it, but Disease has eaten away most of my time.

    Maze of Survival

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 10:18:18)

    Death's Sentence, Statues of the King, Code of the Mercenary Hitmen, and Circle of Keyboards comments

    Death's Sentence

    Rain Industries: The ultimate evil organization. Their greatest creation: A monster capable of zombifying a whole city. They vow to fight something they deny is their creation, but there's another card in play--the beast has made an army that is not so much zombies, but rather beasts similar to him that were once human. And only one of them is capable of stopping all the fighting...

    Death's Sentence

    Okay, so it may be influenced a *little* by a certain famous series of movies/games from the introduction at first, but it changes!

    Statues of the King

    If given the option, who wouldn't like the power to control any individual? Even if never used, such a power could give an advantage to nearly anyone. And there are twenty-four items with this power. Four rule over the others. And I wield the fourth. Will I use it? Probably not. I'm young, bright, and have a future, so there is no need. I am grateful to whatever king created this statue, and will use it only when vital. But rumors say that another is on the rise. They're just rumors, right?

    Statues of the King

    Well, I think this was influenced by a trophy I possess combined with watching a little too much Code Geas. It should be fairly interesting...

    Code of the Mercenary Hitmen

    The world is changing. After the last war, it is generally thought that there was peace. But those that think that are wrong. Peace never truly existed. For after the war ends, the criminals who make profit off of these situations still are at large. At least three of these great warlords exist, ruling over the crime world. And one is sick of all the fighting. He has gathered four of the best, albeit under unusual circumstances, to help guide him to the end of his journey...and should he succeed, the wars will finally end with the obliteration of the criminal world...

    Code of the Mercenary Hitmen

    Chapter One

    This is a unique idea I had--it will interlock magic and technology, one of the very few I do like that. I hope you enjoy what I have! :)

    Circle of Keyboards

    Control. Absolute power to kill. What if you could wield that power. I do. Would I ever use it? Never. I am not training in my law school for absolutely nothing. I know better. But apparently, three people do not. They control a large criminal organization and I know they have this power. They are criminals. They use their power to kill millions of innocents. I'll stop them. Even if it means I have to use the power myself...

    Circle of Keyboards|Struggle of Death

    Okay, so this was heavily influenced by a certain famous series. But it'll be interesting, nonetheless. Enjoy!

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 10:40:27)

    ~Fight for the Land of Purate, Prehistoric History, Black Stains, and All other works yet to be heard of~

    This is officially the place where all my later works will go. You haven't heard of most of them. And if you do, you've forgotten about them. But, needless to say, the first three were made as this post was.

    Fight for the Land of Purate--Punny idea I had. See it below.

    Prehistoric History--The official name of the 'Dino-Man' story. And, yes, I know that Prehistoric History is a contradiction.

    Black Stains--A (hopefully) humorous short story that I finished last night. It's what triggered me wanting to post all of this, actually.

    Fight for the Land of Purate

    In the land of Purate, there is a terrible ruler known only as Miru. He is the ultimate tyrant, ruling over all the land. From castle Boru, he reigns supreme. And the only one who can stop him are the ones known simply as...the siblings. With a little help, they stand a chance to topple this mighty foe. That is, of course, until Miru reveals his final secret...

    Fight for the Land of Purate

    Okay, I'm probably going to make a couple of you burst out in laughter when you hear what inspired this...

    This is perhaps the most punny story ever, if you understand:

    A few days ago, I was bored. Hot, isolated, and nothing better to do. Then I thought 'Hey, it'd be kinda funny if there was a story with the main characters named after the meals of the day, modified to be Japanese-ish!'

    The original three were breakfast, lunch, and dinner/supper. The Three Meal Brothers were kinda created...

    Then I decided that 'dinner' (which is defined as the largest meal of the day) around where I am may be supper, but in other parts of the country/world, dinner is another meal (Breakfast/Lunch). Likewise, I decided it was a meal of its own. The Four Meal Brothers were born...

    But then I decided I wanted one or two girls in the group. Meal brothers changed to Meal siblings.

    Then I realized that many people have several snacks throughout the day, but rarely have an actual meal. (Guilty.)
    Hence, Snack was added.

    The Five Meal Siblings.

    Then I made one final decision--Many people have a mini-meal before dinner and/or supper called an appetizer. Appetizer was added.

    Hence, the six Meal siblings.

    But then I decided they needed a punny rival. Meal was introduced as that rival. But what to call the siblings then? I decided they would be named after the land, which I chose the name of Plate. (I had considered Bowl as well, but decided against it)

    Purate Siblings are finalized. Here are their brief profiles...

    Zunak (Snack). He's the youngest of the group and a deadly ninja. I am considering changing his name to Zunaku, if that sounds better. I had considered several variances of his name, such as Zurak, Zanak, Zarak, etc. But this or Zunaku will be his final name.

    Burak Fasto (Breakfast)--I don't know what profession to call him. I guess maybe assassin...

    Runcho (Lunch)--A deadly Mage. Gender undecided as of yet.

    Apara Tizer (Appetizer. I know, not accurate, but it sounds cool!)--She's a deadly archer.

    Zupero (Supper)--He's a tank. Heavy hitter, legendary endurance, and ^%$ing slow!

    Dinero (Dinner)--He's the oldest of the siblings. Balanced in the arts. Better than any other sibling at swordsmanship. He is the leader of the group.

    Miru (Meal)--The Tyring (Tyrant-King Abbreviation) of the land, and the foe of the Siblings.

    Purate (Plate)--The name of the land. It is rumored to also be the Sibling's last name, but it is just a rumor...

    When I finished, I literally thought 'Wow. This is really hilarious if you understand the origin of the names. Why hasn't anyone done this before?'


    All of the names are pronounced the way that they would be in Japanese. But I realize not everyone here knows that, so just clarifying...


    Burak Fasto|Boo-Rahk Fahst-oh

    Runcho|Run-Choh (Yes, this is an exception. Technically, it'd be 'Roon-choh', kinda like 'Rune-Choh')


    Dinero|This is an exception--It should be Dee-neh-roh. But I don't pronounce it that way. I'll leave it up to you to decide how to pronounce it.

    (Note on the pronunciations: 'ah' is the same sound as, say, 'Ra', you know, the Egyptian god. Double o's are pronounced like, say, 'zoo', not as saaay, 'book'. 'Oh' sounds just like that...'oh'.)

    Boru|Boh-roo (Bowl)--The name of the Castle which Miru resides in.

    Possible future appearances:

    These figures have a good chance of appearing...

    Skizor Rass/Raz|Skee-zohr Rass/Rahz (Scissors)

    Zupuno|Zoo-poo-noh (Spoon)

    Folku|Fohl-koo (Fork. Yes, I know, Japanese shouldn't have an 'l'. I just like this better.)

    Kani/Kuni Fe|Kah/Koo-neye Fey (Knife)

    Zopork|Zoh-Pork (Spork)

    Kupo|Koo-poh (Cup)

    Kanu|Kah-noo (Can)

    Kunap/Napu Kinu|Nah-poo/Koo-nahp Kee-noo (napkin)

    Boture|Boh-too-reh (Bottle)

    ...that's it, I think. But I might add others as well, possibly some foods and drinks. Remember that these are only possible appearances and they may never make it in. Sound good?

    Like it? Leave any comments here.

    Prehistoric History

    There was recently an...incident...involving a poor young lady. She was hunted by the Varacet, the evil organization which I have vowed to destroy. David, a good friend of mine and the only one more powerful than I, was there as well and he fought them. He died there. But that shouldn't have happened. So three questions need to be answered, as our lives depend on it. One: Why did David let himself be killed? His power was greater than theirs and from the sound of things, he could have easily won. Two: Why are the Varacet after this young lady? And Three, the most vital of all: They never give up. So why did they let her go? I need to know now, or we're all dead men.

    Prehistoric History

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Remember the 'Dino-Man' story I posted the prototype of so long ago? Yea, well, this is the revised version. And it's awesome. Oh, and this is where I am gettin' the trouble with an accent; 'tis annoying t' have a character talk like this. And yet, one does, and for it, I am permanently scarred with his accent. (The above were some rare cases of it being intentional)

    Anyway, I strongly recommend this for a reading! :)

    Siblings can be so fun to mess around with. When one constantly is the victim, the chance to catch a sibling off-guard is too irresistible...

    Black Stains

    This is my attempt at a humorous short story. Most of the description in there is just to give little pieces of background on the characters there, but above all else is to pad the length of the story up a little. It's fairly short, not of high quality, but humorous (hopefully). Check it out.

    Darkness Reign

    Ati. His very name is associated with death and destruction. Well, at least, his full name. But nobody wants to pronounce it, so we just call him that--Ati. His forces have conquered the land. And who is to blame? Me. I let it happen. I trusted him, let him grow in power, let him essentially defeat me before the fight began. It is because of me that he is as powerful as he is today. I watched him destroy everything that was dear to me. Twice. My powers--some of the most legendary of all time--still could not stop him. That must change. I must stop him. I will. I will...I will destroy him. I swear it. Ati will die. By my hands. I will kill this scourge to the land. My resolve is solid; my will is absolute. My iron strength will crush him, once and for all. I swear, he will die. He...will be killed at my hands. Even if the cost is my own life...

    Darkness Reign

    Chapter One

    Okay, this is a story that I've wanted to upload for a long time. I started it a long time ago--it was inspired by how a certain alliance in a certain online game that I belonged to was dieing and I let my imagination run wild. So wild that I doubt you'll recognize the game it is based off of. Prize to who can successfully guess what game it IS based off of.

    ...Clueless? I'll give you a hint: Look at the title.

    But, meh, even with that, I doubt you'll find the answer out.

    Things to Watch out for:

    Okay, there may be inconsistencies that I missed. So I ask that you look just to make sure.

    Ati--He is Ati. That's his abbreviated name. If you see 'Adi', it is a typo.

    Capitalization issues:

    These I choose to capitalize

    -Group names. Dragons of Wrath (Shortened to 'Dragons' occasionally, but still a title), Cobras, and Rangers, to name the main three. They should all be capitalized. Also included are the Battalions, Technology, Fire, Ice, etc.

    -Names people go by. These include 'Visor', 'Justice', 'General', and 'Ranger'. Every one of these should be capitalized.

    -Name of the Elements. All elements are always capitalized. Which means Fire is always Fire, not fire. (Unless, of course, it's used as a command to unleash arrows/guns.) Ice is always Ice, not ice.

    -Runes/Runic. I chose to capitalize it, well, I dunno why. But this is not a typo. It's always supposed to be capitalized. If it is lower-cased, THAT is the typo.

    The Hunters

    Werewolves. Hunted by the Hunters. Hunters. Killed by the werewolves. A never-ending cycle of war. Bri. A young man with great power, breaking all the known rules about werewolves. He is about to be intertwined with the war. But when the largest group of werewolves in the world is killed, the true reason behind the war is revealed. In the underground of these beasts, there is a threat beyond their imagination, escaping the eyes of all. Until now...

    The Hunters

    Okay, I am not leaving any comments for this at the moment. Why? There will be no need. Again, Why? Because. This is a story which I have a FULL RAMBLE dedicated to. A full, four-page ramble. It's the longest ramble I've done, to my knowledge. And THAT is MORE than enough. I'll give it to you soon enough.

    This is it. The Hunters Ramble. Four pages of chattering about this story. It gives a few facts about the story and goes on to describe the outline of my vision of the werewolf. It will be updated from time to time.

    Shadows of Technology

    Mechas. They are the weapons of the modern world. They come in all different shapes and sizes. Their power differences are great. They have strengths. They have weaknesses. They are customized to match the personality of their pilots. Yet even the weakest of the weak mechs can destroy the strongest of the strong, if there is a good pilot. War is brewing. And a young student pilot named Brigand is about to be thrown into the center of it...

    Shadows of Technology

    Chapter One

    Short description: I dislike setting things strictly in the world of Lore. Yet this one takes place during MQ's time. You'll probably be able to instantly identify characters, though I keep them nameless. Simply put, they aren't my characters; they are NPC's in the game. Likewise, I try my hardest to avoid using their names. If I did use their names and they did something out of character, I might even attract the attention of Falerin. The thing is, it's the TYPE of attention that would be! So, yea, 'the captain', 'the pilot', 'the dean' and 'the technician' will remain nameless.

    Oh, and why is this necessary? It's only based LOOSELY in the world of MQ. There are differences in the order that things happen, to give an example. Such as piloting through asteroids before there were any enemies to encounter. You'll see what I mean.

    Alright, instead of posting the rambles onto this thread, I got an idea. "Why not post these a ramble THREAD?" Yup. Surprise! Sudden update of DOOM!

    My ramble Thread

    Mastin Rambles about Undead (Esp. Vampires) and Crimson Vengeance

    The Hunters Ramble. This is the unofficial description of the Hunters. It describes interesting facts about the story, then goes on to give the outline of what I plan to make werewolves in this story.

    Endings Ramble

    United Hope Ramble

    Dragon Mark Ramble

    The world as we know it ceased to exist over four years ago. The scourge of dragons fell upon the land, their war leveling cities. Very little remained. Most of civilization was destroyed. A few humans, calling themselves dragonslayers, were lured into working for Nogard against Venat. The war ended quickly with the support of humans, breaking Fate's prophecy that good would triumph over evil. The prophecy morphed; now, Nogard is predicted to be the ruler of the known world, his evil draconic powers unmatched by any other. But Venat had planned for this. He has selected a select few to honor his name and combat Nogard. He, even in death, shall see to it that good wins. The costs may be great, but he has made a new prophecy. The prophecy of old...will morph once more...

    Dragon Mark

    Chapter One (Couldn't think of a better name...)
    Chapter Two (If you get the reference in the chapter's name...then you watch faaaaar too much Anime)

    This is something that I began out of boredom. I had nothing else to do and...well, began writing. I...umm...'borrowed' the name Venat from Alix. Don't worry; I got his permission...later. :P From there, I wrote what I currently have. Oh, and did I mention there's a ramble for it? Ramble for Dragon Mark; my longest EVER ramble!

    In our world, there are many things we cannot see, and many, many more that we can observe, but cannot explain with science. Over the years, we've tried explaining some things, but the answer never comes to us.

    But the answer...was right in front of us all along. Certain humans have a gift. Or, at least, it seems like a gift. Those that live with it nearly their entire lives have a different opinion on it. This gift lets them see the world for what it really is. They can hear otherwise-invisible sounds. They can see what others cannot see.

    I was one. For only a year, yes, but I've enjoyed this year more than the rest of my life. I've made many friends. I've made one powerful enemy. Unfortunately, this will cost me. I hope my elementalists will live on; I can't bear the thought of Jaaka dieing on me. I, however, am dead. There's no chance of me living. I'm Lee...and I want nothing more than to experience this all one more time before I pass away...

    Memories of the Truth

    Chapter One

    The prologue is...well, epic. It is one of my best...ever. Seriously, I feel proud of it. Which is extremely rare, for me. Chapter One...not so much; it isn't as good. But, meh, I'll work on it. I hope you enjoy reading this work which topples the quality of any before it! :) (Don't forget to butcher it!)

    Darkara betrayed us. That monster killed my husband because he was a threat to this man of evil's sinister plans. He lost the right to be called a Healer right then and there, and with that, our order ceased to exist. He had hunted down, secretly, all the others of our kind and killed them. We knew that we were the last three. With the death of my love and my declaration of him having lost that right, there was only one left--me. He is nothing but pure evil. He killed the Healers because he intents to bring a plague to the land which only he can cure. He plans to be a dictator. And I was the last thing in his way.

    With my coming death, hope--to most--would be lost. I maintain a smile, even in my death, though. With my last living breath, I am thinking of the one thing that Darkara overlooked. When I die, none shall know of this secret. There is one last person who could be called a healer.

    As long as my newborn son lives, there will be hope...

    Art of Flame (Thank you, Firefly, for helping me choose this name)

    Yes, it starts out in first person perspective. No; the whole thing will not be in first person. It changes to third person after the prologue. It will center around Torien (again, Firefly, thank you :) ), a young Martial Artist. I've got a rambling in the works about it.

    Time's such a funny thing. If there is a stroke of genius, one might be able to understand its true nature. If there is an amazing stroke of luck, however, someone else might learn how to master it. These people are time warriors. They are some of the most powerful beings in existence. The problem is, not all of them are good. Will you be able to stop that evil, or will you fall victim to the temptations and join them?

    Time Light

    Chapter One

    Yes, it has a Writing Academy version, but I feel that I have mastered it enough to post it here.
    Issue: Which ending sounds better? The simpler

    The building will have been vaporized by something. I hope the backups will save the work here, you will think. And then, it will show itself. A brilliant white light will blind you. What is that? A...portal? You will not be able to help getting closer. And then, it will begin to suck you in. Even if you are to try then, it would be futile; the pull will be too great. You will watch in terror as you will be sucked into the vortex, heading for only the deities know what...
    , or what I currently have?

    Highly experimental, this whole thing is written in second person future tense. It's actually not that hard to write in this style, once you properly adjust.
    I'll never be able to write normally again... :P

    That's it, folks! (Now to repair the hundreds of damaged links...)

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 14:11:10)


    *Pants some more*

    I...*Pants even more* I...*pants* I...think......I think...think that I...


    *catches breath*

    I think that I finally finished. Wow. That took a long time. I've officially been working on this for over TWELVE hours. That's right. It took me twelve hours to finish it, but I believe I am done...

    My comment thread is finished! I believe all the links are working. I think I got rid of any technical difficulties. I do not believe that there are any rogue [SIZE=][/SIZE] instead of [size=]. So, yea...I think I finally finished!


    Yay for any fan people who can start commenting.

    Okay people! Comment away!


    *Crickets start chirping*



    ...Oh, riiiiiiiiiiight...I forgot: WHAT fans/critiques/people?

    Oh, least I will appreciate my effort...

    *watches as comments slowly drift to the third page*

    ...Okay, this is kinda ridiculous now...

    *Starts Preparing the Topic Necromancy*



    -M has finished his library once again...

    Firefly -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 14:57:55)

    You are not finished. Where the heck is Disease?

    Anyways, Hunters Slain looks interesting. I might decide to read it once I'm finished some writing. I don't promise critique, but maybe a read.

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 15:04:59)

    Don't worry. Disease and Plague are coming...Soon. But after twelve hours of work, I need some transfer rest...

    *rests up*

    Ah, much better. Once I pull my mind back together (doing this kinda scrambled it), I'll upload 'em.

    (Hunters Slain, eh? This wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that it's about vampires, would it? :D)

    -M, the Head of the Library

    Firefly -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 15:08:44)

    Well, I've still got Disease saved, but this isn't exactly the right place to critique it in.

    No, Mastin, it has /absolutely nothing/ to do with how it has vampires. [/sarcasm]

    Actually, I've always liked to explore the human/vampire relationship on blood and how who's really relying on who, ect. I was didn't have a place for it in my stories.

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/10/2008 15:57:17)

    Happy now, F^2?

    I actually put a lot of thought into this particular story--about what vampires would be like in comparison to the rest of society. It takes place in a modern, earth-like word. (There is a brief reference to different races besides Vampires and Humans. But I swear, it will NOT be proven. Only vampires and humans.) I think you'll enjoy it.

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/13/2008 18:01:47)

    Yay! New story is out! I think you'll enjoy it. (I put in a few extra additions as notes that I chose to leave out of the description that this is quoted from. They are in <<< My once semi-famous 'patented' editing style shown here. >>>


    Ati. His very name is associated with death and destruction. Well, at least, his full name. But nobody wants to pronounce it, so we just call him that--Ati. His forces have conquered the land. And who is to blame? Me. I let it happen. I trusted him, let him grow in power, let him essentially defeat me before the fight began. It is because of me that he is as powerful as he is today. I watched him destroy everything that was dear to me. Twice. My powers--some of the most legendary of all time--still could not stop him. That must change. I must stop him. I will. I will...I will destroy him. I swear it. Ati will die. By my hands. I will kill this scourge to the land. My resolve is solid; my will is absolute. My iron strength will crush him, once and for all. I swear, he will die. He...will be killed at my hands. Even if the cost is my own life...

    Darkness Reign

    Chapter One

    Okay, this is a story that I've wanted to upload for a long time. I started it a long time ago--it was inspired by how a certain alliance in a certain online game that I belonged to was dieing and I let my imagination run wild. So wild that I doubt you'll recognize the game it is based off of. Prize to who can successfully guess what game it IS based off of.

    ...Clueless? I'll give you a hint: Look at the title.

    But, meh, even with that, I doubt you'll find the answer out.

    Things to Watch out for:

    Okay, there may be inconsistencies that I missed. So I ask that you look just to make sure.

    Ati--He is Ati. That's his abbreviated name. If you see 'Adi', it is a typo. <<< Oh, and one more thing: His full name is based off of a single word. Prize if you can guess it. And I probably will not use his full name again--that was likely the only time you'll see it. >>>

    Capitalization issues:

    These I choose to capitalize

    -Group names. Dragons of Wrath (Shortened to 'Dragons' occasionally, but still a title), Cobras, and Rangers, to name the main three. They should all be capitalized. Also included are the Battalions, Technology, Fire, Ice, etc.

    -Names people go by. These include 'Visor', 'Justice', 'General', and 'Ranger'. Every one of these should be capitalized.

    -Name of the Elements. All elements are always capitalized. Which means Fire is always Fire, not fire. (Unless, of course, it's used as a command to unleash arrows/guns.) Ice is always Ice, not ice. <<< Air is always Air, not air. It is also NEVER wind/Wind, when referring to it being the element. However, that doesn't mean that all wind/Wind is a typo. Say, a technique, might be called 'Wind Dancer' (improvised name). That would not be a typo, since it's the name of something. I hope this makes sense. >>>

    -Runes/Runic. I chose to capitalize it, well, I dunno why. But this is not a typo. It's always supposed to be capitalized. If it is lower-cased, THAT is the typo.

    Helpful info right there. I hope you enjoy!

    -M (Hot GLM ["Head {librarian} of the...Great Library of M!" abbreviation])

    Mistermafio -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/23/2008 8:35:37)

    Well, a little birdy asked me to comment on your epic Black Versus White|Darkness Vs. the Light|the Final Fight. So I will. ^>^

    I always listen to what little birdies tell me.

    Anyway, I like it, your flow is pretty decend and your rhymes rarely seem forced.
    The story itself, however rather short -even for a short story- seems well thought through and has the ability to really get one thinking.

    There are a few things I noticed though:


    I wish it wasn’t so
    that my soul wasn’t condemned long ago.
    It calls me to strike
    and pierce him like a pike.

    I think you can do better then this, as it seems rather forced.


    I wish our situations were reversed;
    I should be the one that is cursed.
    Even if the cost is my life,
    I will remove darkness’s knife.

    Isn't it darkness'?

    That's it.
    However, here is something I'd love to see if you decide to make another poem of this sort. Variation. The last two 'chapters' were pretty good, but in the first two chapters you use the same rhymescheme the entire time. Which isn't /bad/ per-se. But it makes it a lot harder to get emotion in your story.

    After all, in poetry like this, one of the best ways to bring basic emotions is by the rhymescheme and tempo you have. If something is angry or happens very fast you'd use short sentences that rhyme in a pretty steady way. (Fast something like: ABCDA and angry something more complicated like ABABCCB etc.) While if someone was calmly explaining something your sentences would be longer and steadier.
    Play around with that, I think you'll find it very interesting to use. And it'll probably make your epic even better then they already are.

    Firefly -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/23/2008 10:31:30)

    About the darkness'/darkness's thing: depends on how you're taught. I was taught that non-plural nouns are supposed to keep the s while plural nouns (hands') or something aren't supposed to. However, I'm not sure 'bout this case. "darkness" isn't a specific noun, but it's not a plural either. I'd personally go with MM's way since spellcheck doesn't like the latter.

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/23/2008 14:43:20)

    Thank you! :) It is appreciated.

    1: Not really forced--just a completely failed simile. But I agree that it could be changed with great ease...

    2: Darkness's is accepted by my spellcheck, and is the way that I learned it. So, yea, I'll keep that as it is.

    I'll try to take your advice in the future. It really has helped me a great deal!


    Firefly -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/23/2008 16:09:48)

    I read Hunter's Slain earlier. Waited for you to respond to the above post so I wouldn't have to double post.

    I was on a Safari internet. Its spellcheck didn't like darkness's. I'm back home on IE right now, without a spellcheck. =P

    'kay, about Hunter's Slain.

    It's very good. The present tense doesn't come off weird or awkward. Though you didn't integrate descriptions and actions into dialogue, I still found it fine in this style. There was at least an entire tense-shifting sentence, but I wasn't reading to critique since I read it on a public computer. =P

    I like the names and the characterization and descriptions. Definitely caught my attention. Very well done, Mastin.

    Just one question: if someone was stabbed by 12 knives in those places, they should've died before the heart-stab. Is the fact that he's a vamp keeping him alive? I would think so. Just checking.

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/23/2008 17:25:15)

    Yay! You liked it! (From the person who did [and is redoing] HotD, that is quite a compliment to me)

    I'll have to hunt down that tense change, though.

    Quite technically, humans would be able to survive--just not for long. With a little determination, I imagine that a human could survive those blows for...oh, about thirty seconds, assuming they didn't puncture any vital organs. But, yes, the fact that he's a vampire was keeping him alive.

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/26/2008 20:12:45)

    Surprise, unexpected update from me! (Hey, what do you expect from [one of] the most random forumite(s) in existence?)


    The Hunters

    Werewolves. Hunted by the Hunters. Hunters. Killed by the werewolves. A never-ending cycle of war. Bri. A young man with great power, breaking all the known rules about werewolves. He is about to be intertwined with the war. But when the largest group of werewolves in the world is killed, the true reason behind the war is revealed. In the underground of these beasts, there is a threat beyond their imagination, escaping the eyes of all. Until now...

    The Hunters

    Okay, I am not leaving any comments for this at the moment. Why? There will be no need. Again, Why? Because. This is a story which I have a FULL RAMBLE dedicated to. A full, four-page ramble. It's the longest ramble I've done, to my knowledge. And THAT is MORE than enough. I'll give it to you soon enough.

    <<< Okay, I know you didn't ask for it, but I'll give you a sum-up of the ramble before I give the whole thing to you: Chapter One is 22 pages long. My longest chapter ever. The story is 109 KB for just that one chapter. If the length were to be equal to Disease and (a story you haven't seen) Coat (don't ask about the title. Just don't.), it would EASILY be my longest story.

    There was more to the ramble: it explained my vision of the werewolf in this story. There's no way to sum that up.

    Oh, and three additional notes:

    1: Yea, the names should be familiar. Like I (at least, I believe I have. If not...I'm saying it right now.) said, this is one of my first stories. Started just after Disease. In my earliest stories, MANY different stories have characters with identical names. I've gotten better since then, but back in the day, I was REALLY terrible at naming my characters. Not only that, but the male protagonists were extremely similar in their backgrounds. I still do that today. But I've gotten better. Somewhat. Anyway, expect similar names to half of my stories in existence.

    2: You may notice extreme stylistic differences in the story. In some areas, I may show low skill, while in others, I may show skill on par to Maze of Survival. In addition, some areas may be extremely confusing, wandering from one topic to another, then back to the old topic. Worse yet, I repeat things often. Why? Well, the simple answer is, I have rewritten it twenty times, no exaggeration. Every rewrite brought something new in. That new material, however, often clashes with the OLD material. The result is a maze which you'll have to navigate through.

    3: The characters, I think, have personality inconsistencies. Again, this is due to writing it at different times. My vision of the characters has changed a LOT in the time I've written this story. So, yea, feel free to point out what seems like an abnormality for that person's personality.

    I'm stopping because this, itself, is becoming a bit of a ramble itself... >>>

    Shadows of Technology

    Mechas. They are the weapons of the modern world. They come in all different shapes and sizes. Their power differences are great. They have strengths. They have weaknesses. They are customized to match the personality of their pilots. Yet even the weakest of the weak mechs can destroy the strongest of the strong, if there is a good pilot. War is brewing. And a young student pilot named Brigand is about to be thrown into the center of it...

    ~~~Look at the original post for the link~~~

    Short description: I dislike setting things strictly in the world of Lore. Yet this one takes place during MQ's time. You'll probably be able to instantly identify characters, though I keep them nameless. Simply put, they aren't my characters; they are NPC's in the game. Likewise, I try my hardest to avoid using their names. If I did use their names and they did something out of character, I might even attract the attention of Falerin. The thing is, it's the TYPE of attention that would be! So, yea, 'the captain', 'the pilot', 'the dean' and 'the technician' will remain nameless.

    Oh, and why is this necessary? It's only based LOOSELY in the world of MQ. There are differences in the order that things happen, to give an example. Such as piloting through asteroids before there were any enemies to encounter. You'll see what I mean.

    Well, it took longer than expected, but I finished this little update project of mine! :)

    mastin2 -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (7/27/2008 15:11:04)

    Alright, instead of posting the rambles onto this thread, I got an idea. "Why not post these a ramble THREAD?" Yup. Surprise! Sudden update of DOOM!

    My ramble Thread

    Mastin Rambles about Undead (Esp. Vampires) and Crimson Vengeance

    The Hunters Ramble. This is the unofficial description of the Hunters. It describes interesting facts about the story, then goes on to give the outline of what I plan to make werewolves in this story.

    Also, as another surprise update, I just reuploaded Hunted! Completely redone! Let's see if you like the new version better.

    This is the new Chapter One

    And this is the Brand New Chapter Two!

    Index Updated. It now has everything. And has newer info on updates.

    Shadows of Technology is finished! I had sideprojects (see above) to attend to first. Sorry it took so long.

    Chapter One has been uploaded as well! :)

    Oh, and one more thing: Inspired by Other people doing the same, I am starting a PM list: If there is ANY one who enjoys reading my works, then just post, saying you want to be on the PM list.

    (...I'll never get a single response to this part, will I?)

    -M (Head Librarian)

    ferrari -> RE: The Great Library of M|Thread 1.5~New format, all uploaded, and many new stories! (8/21/2008 11:38:31)

    -publicly laughs at mastin- Oh it's nothing personal, just an inside joke.


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