RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/9/2015 14:18:15)

This all-in-one set is on FIRE!?!?!?



Done, thanks! [Niki]

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/9/2015 17:05:27)

Patch's Barber Shop images! All male and female images, I am not able to do an "All in One" image though, apologies about that!

Male hairstyles:

Care Free
Pointy Hat
Dracelix's Birthday Hat

Female hairstyles:

Care Free
Long Braided
Pointy Hat
Dracelix's Birthday Hat
The Lady

Please, let me know if there is anything wrong with any of these. Also, while I can't confirm it I am very sure that the "Dracelix's Birthday Hat" hairstyle for both male and female seems to both change name and *maybe* change the colour on the hat dependently on staff birthdays. I may be remembering wrong though.

Added, thanks. For now, I'll just leave the birthday hat images listed as just simply "Birthday Hat". You're probably correct about the name changing based on staff birthdays. ~SZ

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/12/2015 16:19:53)

Sweeny's Exclusive DragonLord Salon and Spa images! All male and female individual images. Didn't start off well! xD

Male hairstyles:

Long Bangs
Hero Ponytail
Messy Rocker
High Forehead

Female hairstyles:
Ala Mod
Princess Coils
Messy Updo
Princess Beads
Gold Twist
Long Messy Updo
Big Ponytail
Beaded Headdress
Big Bangs

Please, let me know if anything wrong with any of these!

Done, Thanks! ~Peachii

Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/12/2015 23:04:14)

To work with the above I gathered up newer All-in-one images!



Done, Thanks! ~Peachii

Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/13/2015 16:46:06)

Snowy Forest Barber Shop needs it's All-in-one images...

Done, Thanks! [Niki]

Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/15/2015 9:02:33)

Corrections for:

The Keep Invasion:


Objective completed: You saved the tower but Sneevil ninjas escaped with the real Ironwood Box, and you were left with the DECOY BOX! It looks like you have to get it back from King Splurt himself!

ninajs (typo), you will have, from the King


Sir Valance

Can be changed to none.


Next up: The Boxopolis

Sneevil Boxopolis

Sneevil Boxopolis:


Objective: The sneevils stole an Ironwood Box intended for the Knights of Oaklore Keep when they invaded. You must enter thair Boxopolis high in the trees of Oaklore forest and retrieve the box.


Growing Problems:

You could add a note at the end:

  • This quest can't be completed.

    Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus:


    In Books 1 and 2:
    Sir Pernatural: Sir Koffagus was one of our greatest weapon masters. He had a HUGE weapon collection.
    Sir Pernatural: He loved all his weapons so much that he took them with him....
    Sir Pernatural: ... to the GRAVE.
    Sir Pernatural: It is said that Sir Koffagus rises from his eternal slumber to challenge Adventurers who visit his tomb.
    Sir Pernatural: ... and if you beat him.... *whispers* He will give you a weapon from his collection! Do you want to go?

    In Book 3:
    Sir Pernatural: Sir Koffagus was one of our greatest weapon masters. He had a HUGE weapon collection.
    Sir Pernatural: He loved all his weapons so much that he took them with him....
    Sir Pernatural: ... to the GRAVE.
    Sir Pernatural: It is said that Sir Koffagus rises from his eternal slumber to challenge Adventurers who visit his tomb.
    Sir Pernatural: ... and if you beat him.... *whispers* He will give you a weapon from his collection! Do you want to go?

    Sir Pernatural: ...No.... *whispers* Do you want to go?

    As you can see on the npc's entry who gives it, this dialog appears when you click on the "Ghosts?" button. After you skip it, you don't get to start the quest, instead it gets you back, so maybe it is just a simple dialog.
    Or is it included in the quest's dialogue because it actually gives info about the quest?

    That dialogue is part of the town and not the quest.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

  • Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/16/2015 21:32:49)

    Patch's Barber Shop needs it's all-in-one images... last one.



    Done, Thanks! [Niki]

    Grandpa Oz -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/25/2015 18:05:04)

    The Starcrossed quest is missing one pop-up headline:


    Ce i striked hard... The King l a ughed...

    Also, the riddle was solved in the discussion thread if you want to include that.

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Alm Nullamors -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/25/2015 18:35:47)

    From Starcrossed.

    <Character>: Where am I going to get all that special dragon chow?!

    Should be: "<Character> (thinking): .... Helloooooo farming."

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/29/2015 8:55:39)

    Corrections for:

    The Worst Prank Ever:

    In the location line the link to Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2) should point to the thread instead of the post.


    Location: Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2) -> Sir Prize, Outhouse

    you could add after Sir Prize -> Pranks!


    Sir Prize

    Sir Prize should be removed.


    *You walks up the hill*



    Sir Kuss: ...Hmmm, I should bring this Daily Dragon article to Sir Valence. He loves sneevils.

    article back for Sir Valence


    Are you REALLY sure that you want to do this?

    should also have italic tags


    <Character>: Surprise!!



    Sir Kuss: ...oh....oh my....oh man, it's EVERYWHERE!

    Sir Kuss: ...Oh.....Oh my.....Oh man, it's EVERYWHERE!


    Sir Kuss: WHY... why would you do this?... You're not even getting any experience for this!


    Nose for Trouble:


    Location: In front of Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2) -> Sir Ano -> Quests -> Nose for Trouble

    Same thing as above, the link to Oaklore Keep should point to the thread.


    Objective completed: If Sir Ano's nose grows any longer, he'll poke the monsters awake before they ever see him coming! Head back to the Keep and report your success to Captain Rolith!

    Didn't find the 2nd sentence (Head back to the...), so that line should be erased. But if you know that it has been modified (I can't confirm it), then it should get the strike tags.

    I'm unsure as well, so I'll let someone else take care of that. ~SZ


    (4) Panthers
    (7) Ravens
    (5) Tuskmonger
    (7) Wolves

    6 Tuskmonger


    Quest! - Continue to the quest

    could be changed to:
  • Quest!
  • Done


    Sir Ano: Good point. I will practice stealth! Like ninjas, I will become one with the with the air, with the shadows, with the cave itself-

    Like the ninjas


    Sir Ano: That was exhilarating! Training was never like this! I dodged, I weaved, I struck, I-


    Major Mayhem:


    Location: In front of Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2) -> Quests -> Sir Ano -> Major Mayhem

    The link to Oaklore Keep should point to the thread.
    and a change to the order of the location: Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2) -> Sir Ano -> Quests -> Major Mayhem


    (9) Mushroom
    (9) Raven

    10 Mushroom
    8 Raven


    Sir Ano: He'll make sure to speak to Captain Roltih about me! I know with your help and teaching I will surely to become one of most heroic knights ever!

    Rolith, one of the most


    Sir Ano: I'll stand out and the little girl is saved. It's a win-win. Will you help me hunt? One of the stableboys said they saw her go off into the deep woods.

    "a" isn't written


    Quest! - Continue to the quest

    could be changed to:
  • Quest!
  • Done


    <Character>: Isn't the motto of the Pactogonal Knights "Be prepared"? A hero should always anticipate ate the unexpected.
    Sir Ano: No, no, you're thinking of the squadron of Squires who scout ahead patrols.

    "ate" isn't written, ahead on patrols


    <Character>: They might just drive your enemies away. That's both an efficient use of energy And entertaining!



    Sir Ano: We saw some with their caps pulled over their eyes, napping. you might want to work on that.



    Major General: We saw her out picking out little cousins! Wouldn't you fight to save your family? Before she could gather too many, we decided to collect HER.
    Sir Ano: You know, I can almost sympathize with your reasoning. I net you're a pretty fun guy when you aren't kidnapping little girls.

    our, bet


    Major General: I am the very model of a mushroom major general and I'll teach you that fungi should not be mocked.

    at the end is an exclamation mark instead of the point


    Next Up: There's No Place like Oaklore

    There's No Place Like Oaklore

    There's No Place Like Oaklore:

    As shown in the game, the correct name is There's No Place Like Oaklore.


    (8) Boardrake

    6 Boardrake


    Sir Ano: <Character>, you've taught me so much these past weeks! All about perseverance, keeping cool under pressure, and laughing at danger...
    Sir Ano: But every her can use a bit of magical intervention, right? I mean, you've had Warlic and Cysero to help you, and look how well that's turned out!
    Sir Ano: I've heard of a Wizard renowned for his advice. From his Tower in the Jadeite Ruins, it's said he'll dispense great wisdom if one is worthy.
    Sir Ano: From the stories I've heard, he's great! And pretty powerful, too. Surely it couldn't hurt to have him use his ward, wizardly ways to tell me my future.

    perseverence (in-game typo), hero, reknowned (in-game typo), wyrd (in-game typo)


    Sir Ano: What do you say, will your journey with me?



    <Character>: How do you expect me to keep track of every antagonist I've taken out? Really now, I'd need a logbook or something.

    after "now" comes a point instead of the comma


    Azza Kadellya: I've been watching you since you met my nauseatingly good sister, the Sandwitch.

    Didn't find this.. I think that this dialog will appear if you have an item/complete a quest or something. Maybe it has something to do with The Sandwitch?

    I'm not too sure about this one either. ~SZ


    Azza Kadellya: You've been slaughtering yagas since you were a young hero, just knee- high to sneevil! It's GOT to stop!
    Azza Kadellya: Now you're trying to train more of you? Did you even explain the advantages of being bad to your little pactogonal pupil?
    <Character>: What would you tempt him with? The inability to bate a fear of clean water? You villains are pretty a dirty lot.

    to a sneevil, "more" should be bolded, pactoganol, bathe and a comma after it, a pretty dirty


    Azza Kadellya: Just think, command of my soldiers, a snazzy black uniform, the ability to chant rousing and inspirational nonsense song as you patrol...



    Azza Kadellya: Heroes are so smug when they thing they're right. Fine! I'll get you, <Character>, and your little protege, too!



    Sir Ano: I was, uh, looking or you! Er, a note. A note from you. Saying when you'd be back.



    <Character>: Where were you?

    should be bolded


    Sir Ano: Your wisdom and, uh, wonderfulness is widely known! I wanted to ask you if you could tell me about my future, and what in store for me.

    what is in


    Sir Ano: You give pep talks to bad guys, too!

    at the end is a question mark instead of the exclamation mark


    Mar'vel: A wizard's got to pay rent, too, you know! And villains pay really well when you stroke their egos.

    no comma after "rent"


    <Character>: *Psst! I don't think he's really what you're looking for in an adviser, Ano.*



    Mar'vel: Are you sure you don't want to stay? I could finish explaining my experi-ment. You could take it for a test flight! I'm sure it's ready... almost.

    after "almost" is an exclamation mark instead of the point

    All done, except for the things I'm unsure about. Thanks! ~SZ

  • Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (8/6/2015 10:17:01)

    Corrections for:

    Victoria's Secret:

    In the location line the link to Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2) should point to the thread.



    could add:

    Access to Bandit Loot shop


    Surly: He said "We'll make it so yer own mother couldn't identify ya."



    Harry: They got inta a brawl and Fezwig knocked 'im about th' head. He might be a but muddled.



    Roberts: Did n't yo do that... thing for... er- what'shisname?
    Sir Ano: The guy you met in that one?

    you, that one town


    Sir Ano: You're going to kidnap one of the princess?



    <Character>: *whisper* Is this the part where you tell him who your really are? Because I don't think this is quite how you want to get noticed by His Highness.
    Sir Ano: Dready, I'd love to help you, really, I would. There's just one little problem.

    you, no comma after "really"


    King Alteon: Brittany, my lovely eldest; her clever little sister, Tara; and finally my darling Victoria.

    a comma after "finally"


    Princess Victoria: The moneyless villagers! That is to say, the poorer townspeople.
    Princess Tara: Gee, Viki, that sounds a bit dangerous. Aren't you afraid of being waylaid by lawless criminals?

    to the poorer, Vicki


    Sir Ano: So, really, when you think about it, Victoria's actions as Robina's benefit your kingdom's economy.



    Princess Victoria: Yes, yes it does. It defiantly does. Uh, that's been my motivation this whole time! Helping the people!



    Princess Tara: *snicker*
    <Character>: *snicker*

    as they say it at the same time, could be changed to:
    Princess Tara & <Character>: *snicker*


    King Alteon: As for you, Ano, you have quite the sharp mind. Such an ability to finesse the facts of a situation present them in a good light, well...

    and present

    Fires Over Oaklore:


    Location: Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2) -> Sir Baumbard -> Fires Over Oaklore

    The link to Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2) should point to the thread.


    Objective Completed: You have done it! You have thinned out the waves of attacking undead. The knights of the Pactagonal Table cheer when you and Glumbert land, and award you with a Defender's Medal for defending Oaklore Keep!



    Sir Baumbard
    Sir Render
    Sir Valence
    Sir Vivor
    Slime Boss

    Sir Baumbard should be removed, only gives pre-quest dialog


  • Fires over Oaklore
  • Back

  • Over


    Sir Valence and Sir Vivor: Yes sir!

    could be changed to:
    Sir Valence & Sir Vivor: Yes sir!


    Slime Boss: ...Attaaaaaack!

    1 more "a"

    For The Birds:

    The correct name is For The Birds.

    Not sure if Pouch of Sparkling Sand and Ruby Sculpture drop from this quest, didn't get them so far.


    Sir Vey: But not long ago several of them came into my camp and stole a large bag od seeds. I was using the seeds to test the soil's fertility.


    Oaklore Keep:

    As the npc and the quests are not listed in Oaklore Keep, I suggest to leave a note at the end regarding Sir Vey's Camp as there's really no mention of it, so if someone wants to find it will look directly in Oaklore instead of searching in the whole pedia. You can put something like this:

  • After you finish the last quest from Sir Valance, you gain access to Sir Vey's Camp.

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

  • Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (8/8/2015 11:13:34)

    Corrections for:

    The Mollo Tree:


    Scaled Yes/No: No
    Experience rewarded: Varies
    Gold rewarded: Varies

    As the number of monsters is fixed and not random, I don't think the rewards vary. The rewards I got are: 182 exp and 30 gold.


    Sir Vey

    Sir Vey can be removed.


    Ancient Text
    Dusty Old Tome
    Locked Book
    Mage Sketchbook
    Pouch of Sparkling Sand
    Ruby Sculpture

    Didn't get the ruby so far.


    Sir Vey: I'll stay here and guard the seeds. You have to go the Mollo Tree and find out why the Forest Furies aren't eating that fruit.



    Next Up: A Piece of (Fruit)Cake!

    A Piece Of (Fruit)Cake!

    A Piece Of (Fruit)Cake!:

    The correct name is: A Piece Of (Fruit)Cake!


    Sir Vey

    Sir Vey can be removed.


    Ancient Text
    Dusty Old Tome
    Locked Book
    Mage Sketchbook
    Pouch of Sparkling Sand
    Ruby Sculpture

    Same thing, didn't get the ruby.


    Sir Vey: Vurr'men!!? Those filthy beasts! All they ever do is take from the land and never give anything back.

    should be bolded


    Sir Vey: You HAVE to stop them! Go to their lair in the Ruins and get that Mollo fruit back!

    the last exclamation mark doesn't appear

    Missing Equipment:


    Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of A Piece of (Fruit)Cake!



    Scaled Yes/No: No
    Experience rewarded: Varies
    Gold rewarded: Varies

    Same thing as The Mollo Tree. The rewards are: 276 exp and 21 gold.


    (5) Small Bear
    (2) Tuskmonger

    3 Tuskmonger


    Sir Vey

    Sir Vey can be removed.


    Pouch of Sparkling Sand
    Ruby Sculpture

    Didn't get them. I could be wrong about the pouch, but the Ruby Sculpture doesn't have any of the quests that I mentioned so far as locations.

    Burn It All!:


    Scaled Yes/No: No
    Experience rewarded: Varies
    Gold rewarded: Varies

    The quest is scaled because the boss is scaled your level +1.


    Sir Vey

    Sir Vey can be removed.


    Sir Vey: Go to their tunnels beneath the Ruins. Find the rest of the Mollo fruit... and burn it. Every last barrel of the stuff!

    benetah (in-game typo)

    Return To The Intro:


    Objective completed: You have done pretty much everything you can do here.

    that you can


    Scaled Yes/No: No
    Experience rewarded: 65
    Gold rewarded: 10

    I got 70 exp


    (4) Sneevil
    (1) Gorillaphant - Boss


    Could add a note at the end:
  • This quest can be completed by exiting it from the entrance point.

    This quest can be added to Oaklore Keep:

    Other quests
    Return To The Intro

    All done, thanks. The ruby sculpture probably doesn't drop from most of the quests you listed, but we'll see if the staff can confirm that. ~SZ

  • Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (8/10/2015 12:04:41)

    Corrections for:

    Sir Vey's Camp:

    As you acces it from Oaklore, seems unnecessary to add directions from Falconreach, so I suggest to make it simplier:
    Location: Oaklore Keep -> Sir Valance -> Sir Vey's Camp


    Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Sneevil Boxopolis

    it's also required to have level 5


  • Shop
    Sir Vey: I know that I can trust you. I'll trade you some items that you can use in exchange for your Pouches of Sparkling Sand.

  • "your" isn't written (can be corrected also in Sir Vey's Shop)

    Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2):


    Quests Available
    Captain Rolith

    Obsidian Tog

    Obsidian Tog is rare now, so it could get the strike tags

    Also you can add 1 more quest:


    Sir Vivor and Sir Casm
    Vurrmen Ruins

    The VurrMen Ruins


    Sir Prize
    Worst Prank Ever

    The Worst Prank Ever


    Sir Ano
    There’s No Place like Oaklore

    There's No Place Like Oaklore


    IronWood Box

    Ironwood Box


    Captain Rolith: Welcome to Oaklore Keep, home to the honarable Knights of the Pactagonal Table.

    "Oaklore Keep" should be bolded, honorable, Pactogonal


  • Offical Keep Quests
    Captain Rolith: These Knight are at their stations throughout the Keep - all of them have different places to guard, and may need your help!

  • Oaklore Keep Quests!
    Captain Rolith: These Knights (and their quests) are at their stations throughout the Keep. All of them have different places to guard, and may need your help!


  • Falconreach
    Captain Rolith: Falconreach is just over the bridge if you follow the past east. Beware of the giant Sea Serpent wich has been attacking the travelers!

  • Falconreach!
    Captain Rolith: Falconreach is just over the bridge if you follow the path east. Beware of the giant Sea Serpent which has been attacking travelers!


  • Talk
    Captain Rolith: I am Rolith, Captain of the Knights of the Patagonal Table here at the Keep.
    Captain Rolith: The Keep stands here to protect all the subjects of good King Alteon.

  • "Rolith" should be bolded, Pactogonal, "King Alteon" should be bolded


    Captain Rolith: You seem very able. Please , lend a hand to any of the knights that you can.

    no space between "Please" and comma


  • Where can I spend Dragon Coins?
    Captain Rolith: Cyesro's Superstore is in the town of Falconreach. You will find merchants that will take Dragon Coins all over Lore though.

  • Cysero


  • Where can I find/upgrade my stats?
    Captain Rolith: As you level up you'll gain more stat points. Choosing the Train Stats option while talking with me will let you use them!

  • a comma after "up"

    Sir Valance's color code could be added:
    [b][color=#006666]Sir Valance:[/color][/b]


    Sir Valance: We must be ever vigilant! Sneevils, the vile box obsessed creatures have been stealing every box in the area!

    obessed (typo)

    Above this line

    Sir Valance: At last! This box contains a shipment of enchanted rings given by Good King Alteon. It cost him a fortune but worth every coin to defend this Keep

    you can add:
  • Reward Chest


    Sir Valance: At last! This box contains a shipment of enchanted rings given by Good King Alteon. It cost him a fortune but worth every coin to defend this Keep

    given to us, keep and a point after it


    Sir Valance: It cost him a fortune but it will be worth every gold coin. These rings are just what we knights need to better defend Oaklore Keep
    Sir Valance: Here, you've earned one. As far as I'm concerned, you're an Honorary Knight of the Pactagonal Table, <Class>. Thank you

    a point at the end (after "Oaklore Keep"), i'm (typo), Pactogonal, a point after "Thank you"

    Above this line

    Sir Valance: Sir Vey is one of the kingdom’s best naturalists! He studies all the plants and wildlife in Oaklore forest

    you could add:
  • Sir Vey's Camp!


    Sir Valance: Sir Vey is one of the kingdom’s best naturalists! He studies all the plants and wildlife in Oaklore forest

    a point at the end (after "forest")


    Sir Valance: Thanks to you, we have the Sneevil problem under control. Would you go help him at his camp?


    Maya's color code could be added:

    Above this line

    Maya: Do you like books? I love them! Especially rare ones. If you find rare books, please bring them to me.

    you can add:
  • Talk


    Maya: Do you like books? I love them! Especially rare ones. If you find rare books, please bring them to me.

    the last sentence should all be bolded


    Maya: As the keeps Loremaster it is my duty to record the deeds of the knights and research the local history and folktales of Oaklore

    keep's, a point at the end


    Maya: That means I have to interview people and visit local places, but most of my research comes from these wonderful books!
    Maya: Some rare books contain legends, stories and secrets. Other tomes contain the works of thinkers, inventors and mages.

    means that I, intreview (typo), of great thinkers


    Maya: Depending on the rare book you find, I will reward you with different rare items. Hopefully they will help you in your future adventures.

    "rare" isn't written, books, the first sentence should all be bolded


    Maya: Perhaps we can have an adventure together! Although I am much better with a book than a sword.

    the last sentence should have italic tags

    Above this line

    Maya: Captain Rolith and his Knights in this keep could use a hand. If you walk up and talk to them they will give you quests.

    you can add:
  • Quests


    Maya: Captain Rolith and his Knights in this keep could use a hand. If you walk up and talk to them they will give you quests.

    "Captain Rolith" should be bolded, and many of his knights

    Above this line

    Maya: Would you like to make Oaklore Keep your home town?

    you can add:
  • Set Home Town

    And after it you can add:

    • Yes
      Maya: Let me finish writing this down. There we go! Your home town is now Oaklore Keep!

    Above this line

    Maya: Oh! Have you found any books Perhaps an ancient tome? Maybe you've found a history scroll

    you can add:
  • Book Delivery!


    Maya: Oh! Have you found any books Perhaps an ancient tome? Maybe you've found a history scroll

    some, "books" should be bolded and after it comes a question mark, and a question mark at the end (after "scroll")

    Above this line

    Sir Vivor: Hey watch this! We developed the fastest way to travel in the Kingdom!

    you can add:
  • Talk


    Sir Casm: Ohhh yeah this is reeeeeaallly going to work.....
    Sir Vivor: If it does work... maybe we can find the ancient ruins containing Sir Jing's Legendary Lightning Blade

    3 points after "yeah", This, an exclamation mark at the end (after "Blade") and should be bolded too


    Sir Casm: Suuuuure we will. Just like the last dozen times we tried right

    a question mark at the end (after "right")

    Sir Junn is missing some dialog:

  • Heal
    Sir Junn: Let me tend to your wounds. We cover all PPO and HMO plans. There you go... good as new!

  • Potions
    Sir Junn: There, I refilled your potions for you. You can use potions to restore your health and mana during battle.


    Sir Chandestroy: I say it is time for war! Let’s take the fight back to the Vurrmen! But you cannot battle on an empty stomach, have you been to the mess hall?



    Sir Annaid:... and that is when I sang my heart out, confessing my true love for her.

    a space between the name and the 3 points


    Sir Mise: I would surmise that things did not go well considering this is your 5th mug of Exotic NON- alcoholics beverage

    Exotic NON- alchololic beverage (all this should be bolded instead of the italic tags), and a point at the end


    Sir Preem: Welcome brave Hero! We are the Knights of the Pactagonal Table and we welcome you to join us in tales of glory and adventure!


    Above this line

    Sir Gent: Our greatest threat is the Vurr'men attacks on our keep. I am concerned that my men will be soon overrun.

    you can add:
  • Talk


    Sir Gent: Our greatest threat is the Vurr'men attacks on our keep. I am concerned that my men will be soon overrun.

    soon be


    Sir Preem: ... and soon we must resume our quest for Furfur's rumored Semi Holy Grande Pumpkin-spice Cappuccino

    a point at the end


    Sir Tax: Oooh, ooh, and then we can tax all the villagers until they cannot afford food! Then we can send in thugs to beat them up!
    Sir Preem: Sir Tax, you do realize the Knights of the Pactagonal Table are good guys... right?
    Sir Tax: Oh! Right... sorry.... Whew, almost blew my cover there

    1 more "o", Pactoganal, 1 more point after "sorry", a point at the end (after "there")


    Sir Tax: Um.... To the Knights of the Pactagonal Table!


    Above this line

    Sir Kull: Sir Tainly... *coughs* Certainly you must be joking? The Pactagon is one of the most basic shapes!

    you can add:
  • Pac-tog-whaa?


    Sir Kull: Sir Tainly... *coughs* Certainly you must be joking? The Pactagon is one of the most basic shapes!

    should be bolded


    Sir Tax: The Pactogram is a symbol of everything that is good and just! All Hail the Knights of the Pactagonal table!



    Sir Harry: What? Is someone here? You know hey tied me up facing a wall... Are you guys trying to trick me again?

    there, they


    Sir Thomas: We are the Knights of The Pellet Table!



    Sir Harry: I wanted to see a play! Now all I can see is this stupid wall... I can't even look at the broken key boards they throw in at us.

    1 more point after "wall"


    <Character> (thinks): I... don't know if I want to get involved in this.... Their story is crazy! They have food...I'm sure Rolith will find them.

    coulde be changed to: <Character> (thinking):, a space between the 3 points and "I'm"


    Sir Pluss: I have lots of surplus weapons to sell and I'm open Knight and day! You will need a Dragon Amulet to use these weapons.

    should have italic tags

    Sir Rated's color code could be added:
    [b][color=#006666]Sir Rated:[/color][/b]


    Sir Rated: You can get shinier gear in higher levels in the town of Falconreach. Talk to Sir Pent by the Bridge. It's been knights talking to you!



    Sir Loin: We have hungry Knights to feed and somehow Tuskmongers keep getting into our garden and eating all the vegetables!

    vegatables (typo)

    Above this line

    Sir Loin: ... eh hold on a sec. How is the grub boys?

    you can add:
  • Talk


    Sir Reeyal: This Captain Rhubarb Crunch is the best! ... and a great source of calcium with milk!



    Sir Loin: These Knights eat so much it is hard to keep up. Especially with the Tuskmongers raiding our garden!
    Sir Loin: You look like a brave <class> so I will make you a deal.
    Sir Loin: Help me keep the garden clear of Tuskmongers when you stop by and in exchange all your meals are on the house

    these lines should be deleted as they are already written


    Sir Deen: Hey! These Sardines taste fishy... can I have Steak instead?


    Above this line

    Sir Loin: What would you like me to make for you?

    you can add:
  • Eat

    Above this line

    Sir Loin: Would you like me to super duper size that for you?

    you can add:

    • Green Slime Jelllllo/Doom Burger/Chickencow/Chocolate Cake

    And below it is 1 more line:
    • Yes/No
      Sir Loin: Mmmmmm that looks delicious! Enjoy!


    Sir Pernatural: Do you believe in Ghosts, Vampires and the living sorta-but not-really dead? They are real... I have proof!

    Sir Pernatural: Do you believe in Ghosts, Spirits and the Living Sorta-But-Not-Really Dead? They are real... I have proof!

    Above this line

    Sir Pernatural: Sir Koffagus was one of our greatest weapon masters. He had a HUGE weapon collection.

    you can add:
  • Ghosts?


    Sir Pernatural: Sir Koffagus was one of our greatest weapon masters. He had a HUGE weapon collection.

    should be bolded


    Sir Pernatural: It is said that Sir Koffagus rises from his eternal slumber to challenge Adventures who visit his tomb.

    challenge Adventurers who visit his tomb (all this should be bolded)


    Sir Pernatural: ... and if you beat him *whispers* He will give you something from his collection! Do you want to go?

    4 points after him, a weapon

    Sir Ano's color code could be added:
    [b][color=#0066cc]Sir Ano:[/color][/b]


    Sir Ano: Greetings, <You>, and welcome again to Oaklore Keep. Rest a bit, I'm sure your travels have tired you and I have a proposition for you

    <Character>, a point at the end (after "you")


    Sir Ano: You've always seemed a generous sort of <Class Title>, so I thought you might be willing to consider my proposition?

    <Class>, at the end is a point instead of the question mark

    Above this line

    Sir Ano: Some people are born attractive; some have connections. And then there are those like me, making their own way in the world.

    you can add:
  • A proposition?

    Above this line

    Sir Ano: Ano de Berg'rac the Sixth. Lately a simple Squire, I was knighted along with others of my class and inducted into the Pactagonal Knighthood.

    you can add:
  • Who are you?


    Sir Ano: Ano de Berg'rac the Sixth. Lately a simple Squire, I was knighted along with others of my class and inducted into the Pactagonal Knighthood.


    Above this line

    Sir Ano: Exactly! I've studied your recent adventures and it seems that beyond your talents, good looks, and gorgeous singing voice, you lead a charmed life.

    you can add:
  • And that's where I come in?


    Sir Ano: Exactly! I've studied your recent adventures and it seems that beyond your talents, good looks, and gorgeous singing voice, you lead a charmed life.


    Above this line

    Sir Ano: Well, I need a bit of an edge to get noticed by the right people at Court. Sir Emony is the Knight in charge of visitors to the Court.

    you can add:
  • Lending you success?


    Sir Ano: Well, I need a bit of an edge to get noticed by the right people at Court. Sir Emony is the Knight in charge of visitors to the Court.
    Sir Ano: He refuses to even consider recruiting a new recruit to the King and his daughters.

    I just need, introducing

    Above this line

    Sir Ano: The eldest is so beautiful that half the Knights in the Keep spend their days off trying to impress her with their bravery.

    you can add:
  • What about the princesses?

    Above this line

    Sir Ano: Come with me, show me firsthand how a hero...heroes? Does his hero thing. Knight training focuses on fighting, but not how to BE a hero.

    you can add:
  • How can I help?


    Sir Ano: Come with me, show me firsthand how a hero...heroes? Does his hero thing. Knight training focuses on fighting, but not how to BE a hero.

    a space between the 3 points and "heroes"


    Sir Ano: They'll never think I've done the deeds if you're front and center. I'd let you keep all the gold and any booty we find, of course.

    should be bolded


    Sir Ano: Once my fame is established, we can come out and call you... my mentor! You'll be known as <You>, the Hero-Maker. Fancy, huh?


    1 more line could be added:

  • Quests
    Sir Ano: I'm sure that with your help, I'll learn just what I need to become a Hero and catch the King's attention!

    Sir Baumbard's color code could be added:
    [b][color=#3366cc]Sir Baumbard:[/color][/b]


    Sir Baumbard: Ah, welcome adventurer. I am Sir Baumbard, and this is Glumbert, my Dragon.


    Above this line

    Sir Baumbard: I am one of the elite order of DragonLords. We are protectors of this realm and will not hesitate to answer the call of those who need us.

    you can add:
  • Who are you?

    Above this line

    Sir Baumbard: Unless you are lucky enough to befriend an adult dragon, you must quest for your own dragon egg.

    you can add:
  • DragonLord?

    Above this line

    Sir Baumbard: Speak with Captain Rolith in the Keep when you have earned enough experience (level 3).

    you can add:
  • How do I quest for a dragon?


    Sir Baumbard: Speak with Captain Rolith in the Keep when you have earned enough experience (level 3).
    Sir Baumbard: Your quest will take you to Falconreach to the east where a small red moglin, Twilly, will guide you on the rest of your journey.

    lvl 3, the small

    Above this line

    Sir Baumbard: I was once of their Order.

    you can add:
  • Are you a Pactagonal Knight?

    Above this line

    Sir Baumbard: Word has gotten back to the King in Swordhaven that slimes and undead are amassing on edges of the Oaklore forest.

    you can add:
  • Why are you here?

    Above this line

    Sir Baumbard: The Green Slime Jello, in Sir Loin's Inn, while delicious, does not sit well when dive bombing on dragon back.

    you can add:
  • Fires Over Oaklore


    Sir Baumbard: The Green Slime Jello, in Sir Loin's Inn, while delicious, does not sit well when dive bombing on dragon back.



    Sir Baumbard: As it turns out, I got terribly...airsick.

    a space between the 3 points and "airsick"


    Sir Baumbard: Are you willing to go in my place and become a hero? I will go inside the Keep now and have the Knights clear the area

    a point at the end (after "area")

    And some corrections for the shops:

    Book Return:


    Location: Oaklore Keep -> Enter shop with candle sign -> Maya -> Book Return

    could be changed to: Book Delivery!


    Maya: Oh! Have you found some books? perhaps an ancient tome? Maybe you've found a history scroll?


    Ironwood Box:


    Sir Valance: We must must [typo] be ever vigilant! Sneevils, the vile box obsessed creatures have been stealing every box in the area!

    this line could be deleted as it doesn't make part of this dialog


    Sir Valance: It cost him a fortune but it will be worth every gold coin. These rings are just what we knights need to better defense Oaklore Keep.



    Sir Valance: Here, you've earned one. As far as I'm concerned, you're an Honorary Knight of the Pactagonal Table, <your class>. Thank you.

    i'm (typo)
    Honorary Knight of the Pactogonal Table (all this should be bolded)
    could be changed to: <Class>

    Mage, Rogue & Warrior shops:


    Sir Lee: If you had to work with that cheerful Sir Pluss, you'd be surely too. D'you need a new weapon?

    surly (typo)

    Edit: added more corrections to finish Oaklore

    A Hero Is Thawed:


    <Character>: Wha.... what happened?

    after "wha" come 3 points instead of 4


    <Character> (thinks): ... I guess it's time to test my skill as a <Class>.....
    <Character> (thinks): Y'know.. after I find a way down there.

    both could be changed to: <Character> (thinking):, 4 points instead of 5 after <Class>


    Fantan: The ice crystal.... it's broken....

    after "crystal" come 3 points instead of 4


    <Character> (thinks): Man, do I even get experience for this....

    could be changed to: <Character> (thinking):


    Twilly: Whyyy iiiis iiiiit aaaalllllwaaaaaayyyyss meeeeee.....!

    1 more "e"


    Rolith: Warlic started your thawing when he finally got free. Otherwise, you might never have gotten out!

    the comma after "Otherwise" isn't written


    Its location could be modified a bit:
    Oaklore Keep -> Captain Rolith / Maya -> Talk -> Oaklore Keep Quests! -> Pactogonal-tastic


    Captain Rolith: Have you ever wondered what a prospective Pactogonal Knight must go through to join our ranks?

    could add above it:
    In Books 1 and 2 Oaklore:

    And Maya's dialog could be added:

    In Book 3 Oaklore:
    Maya: Have you ever wondered what a prospective Pactogonal Knight must go through to join their ranks?

  • See for yourself!
  • Back

    Oaklore Keep (Book 3):


    Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of A Hero is Thawed

    A Hero Is Thawed


    Quests Available

    Training Ground

    You can add, if needed:


    On the NPCs list Sir Junn could be added as he has new dialogue in book 3.


    Maya: Welcome to Oaklore Keep, home to the Knights of the Pactagonal Table and members of The Rose.... Oh my, is it really you, <Character>?



  • Offical Keep Quests
    Maya: These Knights are at their stations throughout the Keep - all of them have different places to guard, and may need your help!

  • could be changed to:
  • Oaklore Keep Quests!
    Maya: These Knights (and their quests) are at their stations throughout the Keep. All of them have different places to guard, and may need your help!


    Maya: Falstaff, of The Rose, is organising training for all the Knights in the mass hall. Maybe you'd like to go and teach him a lesson?



    If you're Level 3 or above:
    Maya: WHAT?!

    Maya: WHAT!?


    Maya: Ahem, I mean... *whispers* Whaaaaaaaat? You actually saw Captain Rolith?

    after "Ahem" comes a point instead of the comma


    Maya: He told me to stay in case other heroes come looking... Do you remember anything that happened?



  • Where can I spend Dragon Coins?
    Maya: Cyesro's Superstore is in the town of Falconreach. You will find merchants that will take Dragon Coins all over Lore though.

  • Cysero


  • Where can I find/upgrade my stats?
    Maya: As you level up you'll gain more stat points. Choosing the Train Stats option while talking with me will let you use them!

  • a comma after "up"


    Maya: Hello again, <Character>! Welcome to Oaklore's library! Unfortunately, the shelves are getting bare...

    the exclamation mark after "library" is actually a point, getting pretty bare, 1 more point after "bare"


    Maya: The Rose appeared after you were frozen... and they're sworn to end magic on Lore! By any means necessary!



    Maya: Oh, and if you find books, please bring them to me. I love books! Especially rare ones.

    find rare books (bolded too)


    Maya: And I need to replace the ones The Rose have taken...

    1 more point at the end


    Maya: Some rare books contain legends, stories and secrets. Other tomes contain the works of thinkers, inventors and mages.

    Others, of great thinkers, 3 points after "and", "mages" should have italic tags


  • Talk
    Sir Vivor: Hey watch this! We developed the fastest non-magical way to travel in the Kingdom!

  • a comma after "Hey"


    Sir Casm: Ohhh yeah this is reeeeeaallly going to work.....

    3 points after "yeah", This


    Sir Junn: I think they've been hit with something large, heavy and ornate....

    It's like

    Sir Junn is missing some dialog:

  • Heal
    Sir Junn:
    Let me tend to your wounds. We cover all PPO and HMO plans. There you go... good as new!

  • Potions
    Sir Junn:
    There, I refilled your potions for you. You can use potions to restore your health and mana during battle.


    Sir Preem: Welcome brave Hero! We are the Knights of the Pactagonal Table and we welcome you to join us in tales of glory and adventure!



    <Character> (thinks): Man... no one has been here for years! I wonder what the Knights kept in here before The Rose came....

    could be changed to:
    <Character> (thinking):
    been in here


    Sir Pernatural: Do you believe in Ghosts, Vampires and the living sorta-but not-really dead? They are real... I have proof!

    Sir Pernatural: Do you believe in Ghosts, Spirits and the Living Sorta-But-Not-Really Dead? They are real... I have proof!

    Above this line

    Sir Pernatural: Sir Koffagus was one of our greatest weapon masters. He had a HUGE weapon collection.

    you can add:
  • Ghosts?


    Sir Pernatural: Sir Koffagus was one of our greatest weapon masters. He had a HUGE weapon collection.

    should be bolded


    Sir Pernatural: It is said that Sir Koffagus rises from his eternal slumber to challenge Adventures who visit his tomb.

    challenge Adventurers who visit his tomb (all this should be bolded)


    Sir Pernatural: ... and if you beat him *whispers* He will give you something from his collection! Do you want to go?

    4 points after "him", a weapon


    Falstaff: I swear...these "supposed" Knights are so soft, I doubt they've had a day of training in their lives!

    a space between "swear..." and "these"


    Sir Prize: *Grumbles* With all these Rose guys here, I can't get away with anything fun...

    grumbles, 1 more point at the end

    Done, thanks. Try to avoid such a monstrous submission post, break it to smaller posts to spare my poor vision (it is allowed to double post here). [Niki]

  • Azan -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (8/26/2015 14:07:16)

    The quest Forging no longer allows you to invite Guests Apprentice and The Professor.

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Azan -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (9/8/2015 20:06:07)

    A note for the quest Interview's location:

    Location: Falconreach (Book 3) -> Down -> 2 Bottom Right -> Theatre -> Showtime!

    With the new Sir Stephan quest, the button "Showtime!" now says "Heroic Interviews!".

    Fixed. ~Jorath

    Azan -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (9/11/2015 9:12:17)

    In the quest Fight for Late Night, it says:

    Invites Sir Stephen as Guest A

    It's actually "Sir Stephan".

    Fixed ~Peachii

    Azan -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (9/19/2015 14:18:32)

    Correction for Night Time Falconreach Book 3:


    The Raveloss Portal

    Tomix: Hello...

    Tomix: ...<Character>? So it is true, you are alive and well! These past few years have been really tough for all of us.
    Tomix: There is a lot I need to tell you <Character>, but this isn't a good place. Come talk with me in in Pellow Village once Ravenloss is open.

    Tomix: Right now, I'm helping with clearing up monsters that came through the Equilibrium Gate from the Void.
    Tomix: Once the situation is under control, the undercity will be safe to visit.

    Equilibrium Gate
    Tomix: It seems the Equilibrium Gate cannot be closed, and the Void is bleeding through it. Unfortunately, I can't find a way to stop it.
    Tomix: The area around the gate is off-limits, for the safety of people living in the city.

    What about Lust?
    Tomix: I've banished her... that's all you need to know. That was two years ago though, since then I'm here, helping rebuild Ravenloss.

    Tomix: .....
    Tomix: ...Lust told me everything she knew about Envy, but this is not a place for this discussion...

    Your hands?
    Tomix: Ah, yes...
    Tomix: You see, spiritlooms are not supposed to break. The ones I had were already damaged because of what was sealed within them.
    Tomix: The weaving accident I had as a kid must have damaged them even more. They... they also fused with my arms...
    Tomix: I couldn't replace them neither repair them. Once they broke, it
    Tomix: ...let's just say it wasn't a pleasant feeling...
    Tomix: Eh, cutting to the chase, I lost my hands. My physical, material hands. What you are seeing here, is my soul.
    Tomix: I shaped a part of it to look like hands. I can't touch nor grab anything physical. I still can fight though, so don't thing I'm useless...

    Load Armor Preview (DA only)
    Loads a preview of the Master Soulweaver Armor.

    This part can be removed, there's nobody now at the Ravenloss portal.

    Tomix can be removed from the NPCs list.

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Azan -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (10/23/2015 21:16:09)

    Corrected so far. ~SZ
    Correction for Restore M.O.P.:


    LFAL: We should go after her, shouldn't we.

    It's "him/her", not just "her".

    (by the way, just a poke at the comment just above this one that didn't get edited...)

    Azan -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (10/25/2015 9:34:11)

    Oh yes, now that I think of it, there's another correction for Night Time Falconreach Book 3:


    The Raveloss Portal (Rare)

    Should be Ravenloss.

    Fixed, thnaks. [Niki]

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/7/2015 2:30:17)

    An image with all masks is needed for Mogloween 2015: Temporary Mask Shop

    [link=]Click for Image[/link]

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Azan -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/16/2015 6:42:32)

    Some English corrections for Special Delivery (Friday the 13th).

    *The sun rise high above the red sky as the war continues. A wave of dark mist rapidly shoots up to the sky and split into two skulls, plunging towards Falconreach and Oaklore Keep. When landed, both skulls became catapults with a note left behind.*

    should say "splits" and "become"

    *Lafter and her Rose comrades looks firmly*

    should say "look"

    Thank you!

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Azan -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (1/29/2016 22:25:23)

    Typo correction for Food Fight Challenge:


    Heal - Refills potions and fully heal your HP and MP.

    Should say "heals".

    Done, thanks. [Niki]
    Bumped. ~Peachii

    Nitewolf -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (2/7/2016 13:28:25)

    Dialogue submission for the end of the Marzanna quest

    Objective Completed: Roirr is held up at the moment, will Danyel reach him in time?

    *The scene shows the Mana Core piece in the middle of the Seym, Roirr in his Magester body looks up at it*

    Roirr: Look at it!
    Vaal: Why… is it doing that?
    Roirr: Two powerful forces fighting for dominance, even in a small piece ripped from the source.
    Vaal: So.
    Vaal: What now? You just plan to gulp it down? With all the Magesterium watching?
    Roirr: Don’t be silly Vaal!

    *The screen zooms in to show Roirr’s smile*

    Roirr: I’ll kill them all first…

    *The scene then fades to show Danyel and Baltael standing inside the entrance of the Capitol*

    Danyel: There were no guards on the bridge… disturbing. He’s definitely been here already.
    Baltael: What’s the plan now? Splitting up?
    Danyel: This would be the case if we didn’t know where he’s heading, yes.
    Danyel: But as we’ve discussed, you’re pretty much sure he’s here for the Mana Core piece.
    Baltael: Yes.
    Danyel: Then we go to the Seym.

    *The scene fades back to Roirr in the Seym, he is panting hard and covered in scratches*

    Roirr: Phew! I’ve broken a sweat… this body isn’t that powerful after all. I would’ve thought plasma magick would at least be more efficient.
    Vaal: Well, that’s what you get for abandoning MY body!
    Roirr: I miss it already…
    Vaal: You’re hurt, you know?
    Roirr: Am I?
    Vaal: Yes, you’re missing an arm.

    *Roirr lifts the stump of his left arm, previously hidden by his body*

    Roirr: Oh… I got so caught up in the moment I didn’t realize.
    Roirr: Doesn’t matter, I won’t need this body any longer…
    Roirr: I am about to transcend mortality…
    ???(Shapeless): This. One. Will. Not. Allow. It.
    Roirr: Ah. I was afraid it wasn’t going to be that simple.
    Vaal: What the heck is THAT!?
    Roirr: This, Vaal, is the Shapeless…

    *Screen turns black*

    Complete Quest

    Both have been added.

    Elryn -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (4/17/2016 3:44:38)

    Not quite sure if you need it, but here is the text for the two books in the quest The Maker.



    I have completed my studies under as many masters as I could find. I have spent countless years delving into the darkest tomes, researching the spells that would make me a master of my craft.
    The crowning achievement of my career will soon come forth... I have not named them yet, for, if this goes as I expect, the creature will have a name for itself. It should be somewhat free willed. Able to think for itself, to be able to follow orders given verbally, able to hear and interpret those orders so that they could be best served. It will be a creature created with an innate desire for servitude.
    And best of all, it will bear traits of both necrotized flesh and vital living tissue! The perfect blend of living and undead. I will begin testing tonight.

    Blast! It seems the proper fusion of living and necrotic tissue is not possible with human samples. I’m going to have to experiment further. Perhaps I’m looking in the wrong direction. A golem construct. That may be the answer. I have only to house the energy to power the golem.

    I have crafted spirit collectors. They are placed in various locations on the construct. I intend these spirit collectors to harness spirit energy to animate my creation.

    It was an unqualified success! The incubation period takes a bit longer than I expected, but they emerge from the shell of ice completely grown. They seem to share the hive mind characteristic of all elemental breeds. They call themselves ‘’Khy’Rhian’’ I don’t know what the symbolism of the name is... but it is certain that these creatures, if left to their own devices, would develop a culture and society.

    They are designed to be servile, and they are in fact, quite adapt to bend at the knee... and yet... it seems that among the ones I have created, dissent is present as well... some of them seem to bridle at the thought of being created to serve, and are somehow acting against all expectations. I shall have to study this further. For now I have sequestered those of my experiments to see how they continue to react to this containment and forced servitude.

    A society is definitely emerging. It seems that these creatures interact as though they... know each other. As if they have interacted before... elsewhere... but how is this possible? Perhaps I must analyse the components of this spell again.

    After analysing the spell I have discovered that an element of the spell specifically invokes spirit beings from the plane of ice. It seems they are a part of a tribe that has an organized society there on the plane of ice... a city that share a split existence with physical form they are partially forced into... this partial form pauses their existence on the plane of Ice, effectively rendering them ageless. The implications of this... the physical form of the Khy’Rhian is virtually indestructible... the spells that animate them, fill them with magic that keeps them constantly regenerating. This in turn means that the form is a prison... trapping them for eternity...

    I must question the wisdom of my actions. Creating these... Prisons... these Khy’Rhian... I fear the consequences of my actions. What could happen does not bear thinking about.

    The worst has happened. The creatures have rebelled. I am not sure how the hate they have developed has overcome their need to serve. They broke free and tore a swath of destruction through the nearby woods. I’m only grateful I managed to recapture them.

    I have reimprisoned them. I am keeping them prisoner while I decide what to do with them. The near indestructible nature of their bodies makes destroying them impractical at best. It is best then, that I send these existing Khy’Rhian north into the frozen wastes beyond Dragesvaard. There they can exist in peace, away from prying eyes. I have given them the secret of creating the Khy’Rhian’s magic. I pray that they learn the most important trait of all... that of self reliance.


    Since the departure to the north of the Khy’Rhian, I have spent my days wanderings Lore, seeking out wisdom from all who would speak with me. I have been pondering many things. There is still so much out there to learn... and yet it preys upon me. Thos things I have done for the sake of knowledge... those thing I have done for the sake of power.

    Too long I have reflected on these matters. They weigh heavily upon me, battering me relentlessly with the storm of emotion that wells up inside me.

    It was her. Sariah... she came so briefly into my life. She was the bright spot... She was the change that I sought without realizing. When she came to me, that night, she brought with her a brightness and joy that I could not have believed.

    Even in the gloom of my demesnes the halls echoed with laughter as she found some other gewgaw that I had created and then thrown away as not worthwhile. I don’t know what discovery she made that caused her to leave... only that she left in the middle of the night, not saying a word to me. The torment of that loss caused in me a springing of artistry, and I painted away my demons... my memories of her... of her flowing hair... her symmetrical form... her beauty even... but I knew I would not grow if I allowed myself to stagnate, wallowing in misery, so I resumed my travels.

    I have made a significant discovery, the import of which I can scarcely believe! I was wandering near Stone Heart Fall, when I discovered a... being... accompanied by a great Dire Wolf.

    They were in the woods near a gate. The gate drew my immediate interest for I recognized some of the sigils carved upon its frame. The sigils tied the gate to the Plane of Ice in some way that I can’t quite fathom. Some of the other sigils are utterly alien to me. I spoke to him at length, staying a while with him to learn what he could teach. In the two weeks that passed, I learned quite a bit that sent my reflections back to the Khy’Rhian. I learned that opposite the gate that L guards, a city, like none I could ever imagine, stands... almost as if guarding a border between worlds. This of course brought the Khy’Rhian back to mind. What has become of those creatures? I knew I would have to go north and seek out some sign of them.

    I recently discovered the Khy’Rhian, following the instinct I BUILT INTO THEM have delivered themselves and the secret of their creation to a Frost Giant known as Nivalis. His instinctive understanding of the elemental plane of ice and its laws of magic combined with his brilliant, if icy intellect have combined to create a spell caster of no mean skill. His magic is both refined and elegant, and his control of the elemental ice is rigid and unyielding. He has been mass producing the Khy’Rhian since the day he first gained control of the secret of their creation. The army he has created is vast, and the expenditure of magic is staggering. With the amazing resiliency of the creature, something must be done to counter that near complete invulnerability.

    Khy’Rhian is more astute than to be initially expected. The hive mind has cut off contact with those Khy’Rhian I torture daily. The pain was too much for it to bear. This demonstrates that they are fully capable of defending themselves when it is necessary... and yet, if this is so, why have they not yet stricken back?

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Azan -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/7/2016 10:27:57)

    Correction for one of the popup headlines in the quest Madness:

    "Even among the Dark you were small.

    Lacks a " at the end.

    Fixed, thanks. ~Karika

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