In the shadows...
Voidstar Location: The Final Showdown, The Firmament, Ex Somniis Fabula, Child's Play, Breaking the Mold, No Rest For Dragons, The Angel's Tomb, Remnants at Rest, Reactivation, Reclamation, Iconoclasm Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue The Final Showdown Voidstar: Even in the darkest corner, she will be seen. Voidstar: We will be watching. The Firmament Voidstar: Including a much larger threat that we imprisoned epochs ago. How Valtrith managed to find their vessel and absorb it, doesn't matter. Voidstar: What matters is that they are now free. Voidstar: Excuse me!? With Shadowscythe! Voidstar: The first of the Maleurous is on the move. Voidstar: We... can't meddle. Voidstar: CELERITAS! Voidstar: Go. Ex Somniis Fabula Voidstar: Elaborate. Voidstar: Pity them if you wish, but be assured that should they be left to their devices, Lore would become uninhabitable. Voidstar: We will not interfere as long as you do your duty as our Champion. Voidstar: As to the matter of today. Child's Play Voidstar: Where were we? Voidstar: Does it matter? Voidstar: Nonetheless, we are going to aid you this time. Voidstar: You will obey the Avatars, Sally. Voidstar: That's not the purpo— Breaking the Mold Voidstar: We have returned the child to her place of origin. Voidstar: They may be fighting amongst themselves for power. Voidstar: Champions. We understand that our missions for you are difficult. No Rest For Dragons Voidstar: There is no time to explain! Voidstar: Champions, one of the Maleurous has become active. Voidstar: We apologize. Voidstar: <Dragon> is here because the e– The Angel's Tomb Voidstar: This Maleurous threat has been extinguished. Voidstar: When maintaining a balance, it is difficult to not... overcompensate. Voidstar: It was, but like all the Great Dragons, they are reborn in time. Remnants at Rest Voidstar: Imminent. Threat. Voidstar: A titanic weapon that, should it achieve full control and functionality over, threatens to crush all of Lore. Reactivation Voidstar: Do we contain them? Should we destroy them? Voidstar: Such deceitful tactics. Perhaps destruction is the appropriate response here. Voidstar: Silence! Voidstar: Stop. I sense... a Maleurous has become active yet again! Reclamation Voidstar: Yet the threat has not been neutralized. Voidstar: Disorder, chaos, Evil. Doom. Voidstar: While they still radiate a Maleurous presence, they may provide much needed information. And we will be on guard. Iconoclasm Voidstar: What we do, we do for the sake of Lore. Of keeping it in balance. Voidstar: We are still coming to terms with our re-discovered nature. Voidstar: Champions! To our aid! Also See: Avatars Thanks to Jay for image and corrections. ArchMagus Orodalf for original entry.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 8/15/2021 1:07:18 >