And Pun-isher
PLEASE READ THE WHOLE POST BEFORE REPLYING. Hello, everyone! We're coming up on 18 months since the original thread for mechanical clone requests, and it's time to reopen the floor for new ideas! By having some quest rewards pull from these requests, my hope is that gathering this feedback will save some development time for the team in order to decompress between several major projects. What is this thread? This is a thread for highlighting items that you would like to see us reuse the mechanical effects of for new quest items. It's not a thread for asking for old items to bring back, or for item art cloning. For example, if you really like an item called the Shield of Deep Fried Thunder because it applies a Wind Burn when blocking attacks, and you'd like us to do another item that does that, this is your thread! A future item called the Atchooteon Escutcheon might be developed with new art, but applying the same effect with a different element. Please read the following requirements for a suggestion before posting: Rules Items need to be recent enough that they have discernible mechanics to clone. While I'm not saying a specific cutoff due to how different systems have been revamped in different years, an item should be new enough to have more mechanics than simply attacking with old stat bonuses. If a Z-Token item is cloned, the new item will have to cost tokens as well. No clones, even elementally swapped, of Z-Token package bonus items, token donation contest items, or GGBs. We realize a lot of them are really outdated and have mechanics that are vague nowadays, but we may revisit those when there's time. A cloned premium item needs to be premium in the same manner, and this thread is for quest rewards. No items that compress other items. A misc compressing a single other item would be okay, but other combinations are not. Items with skills (As they're technically compressed spells) are okay, but the more skills an item has, the more unlikely it is to be chosen. Items are more likely to be chosen the simpler their replication would be. Items old enough to need a full redesign, or with lots of skills to go through, are an unlikely choice. In line with the above and for purpose/theme reasons, classes are NOT getting clones or elemental variants. Please don't ask for tomes or full sets either. It's okay to suggest an item that needs minor fixes or is on old standards. The complexity of the necessary changes will affect how likely we are to pick the suggestion. This is not a balance discussion thread. Please understand that the need to bring any cloned old items to modern standards is a functional requirement and not an optional desire of the team, and that this thread is here to request items rather than discuss whether or not they're balanced. For more on the definitions of balance at play in AQ design, please review this thread. If you can find a pedia or info submission for the item, please include a link. Please keep suggestions to a single reply per user, using the template at the bottom of the post for each item. General Exclusions: There are some general effects that we will not recreate due to being old, discontinued, unbalanced, complex to update, or part of mechanics that are pending a rework (Which would lead to having to redesign the item some time in the future). Some examples: Charisma weapons, the old -10% resistance miscellaneous items, damage-scaling effects, Lucky Strike/Hypercritical items, Backlash/Blocklash. Specific Exclusions: Please don't ask for H-Series Tempest Power Armor or Troposhield.
[b]Item Location:[/b]
[b]Mechanical summary:[/b]
< Message edited by Lorekeeper -- 9/28/2024 12:36:26 >