Voodoo Master
Surewould Forest (Book 3) Access Point: Falconreach (Book 3) -> 3 Right -> Up Right, Access Point: Maguswood Region -> Surewould Forest -> Travel, Access Point: Timeline (Book 3) -> The End of Magic – Cinquefoil's Request -> To Surewould Forest Requirements: None Release Date: December 1st, 2012 Quests Available Forest Cave (Book 3) Manahunter Camp Monster Mill Secret Waterfall Cave Surewould Cinquefoil Life Finds A Way Face of Death Sands of Eternity NPCs Cinquefoil Traviata Shops None Dialogue Cinquefoil When approaching Cinquefoil before approaching Ash and selecting 'That's everything!': Pop-up: This individual doesn't seem to want to talk to you. Maybe you should check in with Ash in Falconreach first. When approaching Cinquefoil after approaching Ash and selecting 'That's everything!' for the first time: Cinquefoil: <Character>?! I... Ahem! Halt, intruder! You're entering Rose territory! Cinquefoil: Let's keep it quiet, we don't know who may be nearby. - Are you a member of the Rose?
Cinquefoil: I am, although my situation is... complicated. You should be more worried about yourself, though! Cinquefoil: Since you've made it to Falconreach, it won't be long before Jaania hears that you're free. Cinquefoil: And once word reaches Swordhaven, all of The Rose will be out to find you. - So... are you going to turn me in?
Cinquefoil: No. Quite the opposite, actually. I think there's a lot we can do to help each other out here. Cinquefoil: While I wear the colors of The Rose, I don't necessarily agree with their goals or methods. Cinquefoil: But at the same time, I've met plenty of Rose members who seem to have good intentions. Cinquefoil: Thankfully you ran into me and not some other scout! - What do you want from me?
Cinquefoil: As a member of The Rose myself, there's a lot of places within The Rose that I would look suspicious were I to investigate too closely. Cinquefoil: But you.. you're just a rogue adventurer as far as The Rose is concerned at the moment. Cinquefoil: You can go where I cannot, and use force if necessary. Cinquefoil: I want to know what The Rose is planning. Cinquefoil: I'm sure there have been increased sightings of Rose activity near Falconreach recently, and for good reason. Cinquefoil: The Rose has been converting old Sneevil Treeforts into a massive garrison: The Rosewood. Cinquefoil: Orders are to stand by for now, but I worry for Falconreach's safety as Rose forces build up. Cinquefoil: Most are content to wait on orders, but there are definitely those that want to take a more... active stance against the city's magical populace. Cinquefoil: One of the leaders here is named Hansa. She is a Magus of The Rose, a magic user herself. Cinquefoil: She is an inspirational leader for many Rose members stationed here, but I can't help but wonder what her goal here is. Cinquefoil: I need you to enter the Rosewood, find evidence of what she may be planning, and return to me. Cinquefoil: If you do this, I think I can figure out a way to get your bounty dismissed. - Why should I trust you?
Cinquefoil: I... I'm sorry. I'm not sure who I can trust, myself. The world's been turned upside down in your absence, <Character>. Cinquefoil: I need to find out why my... why King Alteon so readily acquiesced to Jaania's demands for The Rose. Cinquefoil: I suppose I can say that you knew me, once. Before you were frozen. Cinquefoil: If that's not enough, I can only beg for your help. - That won't be necessary.
Cinquefoil: Do we have a deal, <Character>? Or do you have any more questions? - What do you want from me again? - see 'What do you want from me?' dialogue.
- Who are you? - see 'Who are you?' dialogue.
- Can I trust you? - see 'Why should I trust you?' dialogue.
- How do you know my name? - see 'Wait, how do you know my name?' dialogue.
- You can get my bounty dismissed? - see 'You can get my bounty dismissed?' dialogue.
- Tell me more about The Rose.
Cinquefoil: I will answer to the best of my ability. - What does The Rose want?
Cinquefoil: The stated goal of The Rose is to provide safety to the people of Lore from the unpredictability and chaos of magic. Cinquefoil: To many, this is a noble goal. Jaania was certainly able to convince King Alteon, and as such, The Rose spreads and grows... Cinquefoil: ...even with Jaania's few public appearances these days. Cinquefoil: Rose Magi and generals are still getting their orders from Swordhaven, so I assume Jaania is still overseeing operations. Cinquefoil: Jaania seems content to play protector, distributing her forces around the Kingdom, but for some that's not enough. - Where did The Rose come from?
Cinquefoil: After you were frozen, Jaania took to being a hero. Cinquefoil: She gathered many followers, and eventually, somehow, even the support of King Alteon. Cinquefoil: Many in the Kingdom of Greenguard were dissatisfied with the lack of security from Swordhaven. Cinquefoil: Now, for common folk, The Rose's authority likely even surpasses that of the knights. - Is The Rose really kidnapping people?
Cinquefoil: Many of The Rose are not kind to magical creatures. I do what I can, but I am limited in my abilities. Cinquefoil: If there have been disappearances, it would not surprise me to learn that The Rose was behind them. Cinquefoil: But as I mentioned before, even within The Rose there are many who would disagree with that sort of behavior. Cinquefoil: Whether or not Jaania approves of such tactics, I do not know. - Sounds quite disorganized.
- Why did Jaania put a bounty on me?
Cinquefoil: I know as much as the next person about that. Cinquefoil: The bounty is official, so it must have had approval from the King. Cinquefoil: However, it's been so long that most people have forgotten about it. Cinquefoil: It's certainly hard to say why Jaania felt it was necessary in the first place. Cinquefoil: Perhaps she felt threatened by you, or maybe she wanted you to seek her out yourself as soon as possible after you thawed. - Seems like only Jaania knows why.
- Does the King really support The Rose?
Cinquefoil: The King... He does. I believe he trusts Jaania fully. Cinquefoil: One of the Royal Princesses has fallen ill, and the King only allows those approved by Jaania to tend to her. Cinquefoil: I've... heard that he has even given Jaania blanket approval for Rose operations. - You know a lot about this.
Cinquefoil: I have my connections, after all. - They must be very useful.
- The Rose uses magic?
Cinquefoil: Seems weird, right? Cinquefoil: As an organization with so many members opposed to the use of magic, it's strange how much it is embraced internally. Cinquefoil: From what I've been able to gather, it's more of a sentiment that "our" magic is safe and controlled, while "their" magic is unruly. Cinquefoil: I find myself constantly surprised by what people choose to do and look past in search of their goals. Cinquefoil: But they are still people. I am not above them, even if they may be misguided. - They must have their reasons.
- I have no more questions. - see 'That won't be necessary.' dialogue.
- I'll help you out!
Cinquefoil: Thank you, <Character>! - Maybe another time...
Cinquefoil: I... I see. If you change your mind, I'll be waiting here.
- You can get my bounty dismissed?
Cinquefoil: I have my connections. A lot of this depends on Magus Hansa's intentions, however. Cinquefoil: If you are forced to defend Falconreach from a Rose siege, I don't know if even my influence can protect you. Cinquefoil: Magus Hansa's orders have mostly been passive so far. I am still holding on to hope that she can be reasoned with... Cinquefoil: ...before tensions rise even further. - Sounds like a dire situation. - see 'That won't be necessary.' dialogue.
- Why are you telling me this? - see 'So... are you going to turn me in?' second dialogue.
- Wait, how do you know my name?
Cinquefoil: Um. Lucky guess? Er, I mean, you have a bounty on you. Of course I know your name! Cinquefoil: Look, it's not really that important. What matters is that you're here. - Are you a member of the Rose? - see 'Are you a member of the Rose?' dialogue.
- What do you want from me? - see 'What do you want from me?' dialogue.
- Who are you?
Cinquefoil: Oh! Pardon my manners. My name is Cinquefoil. Cin for short. I'm a scout for The Rose. Cinquefoil: At least, that's my cover. - What do you want from me? - see 'What do you want from me?' dialogue.
- How did you know my name? - see 'Wait, how do you know my name?' dialogue.
After selecting 'I'll help you out!': Cinquefoil: It's good to see you again, <Character>. Let's get to work, shall we? - Quests
Cinquefoil: You've seen what The Rose wants you to see. Maybe you should seek out another perspective. - The Rosewood
Cinquefoil: The Rose has been converting old Sneevil Treeforts into one giant garrison. You must go in and see what you can find about Magus Hansa. Cinquefoil: Her motives may seem pure for now... but I want you to find her records of correspondence with Swordhaven. Cinquefoil: Return to me once you've found her papers and we can continue from there. Cinquefoil: The entrance to The Rosewood is just north of the old Bandit Camp. Hansa's documents should be there somewhere. - Select 'Read Correspondence' in Rose Tree quest to proceed.
- Rose Fortress
Cinquefoil: I see. So The Rose is truly just building this garrison for Falconreach's protection. Cinquefoil: Magus Hansa seems reasonable, if somewhat zealous. Perhaps if you can speak with her, she would be willing to share more. Cinquefoil: You should be able to find her in the stone Rose Fort. Be careful, this could potentially be incredibly dangerous. Cinquefoil: Once you've spoken with her, just make your way out the fort the same way you came in. - Your hood? - talk with Magus Hansa in Rose Fort to unlock this option.
Cinquefoil: Ah, yes. It was getting stuffy in there. Cinquefoil: I'm kidding. To be honest, I wasn't sure how much I could trust you before. You've been frozen for so long, what if you'd changed? Cinquefoil: But I can see that you're still the <Character> I remember. <Character>: I... Who are you? Cinquefoil: Wow, I cut my hair and put on a hat and you don't recognize your old friend, Robina? Cinquefoil: That's probably a good thing, actually. The Rose has no idea who I really am, either! - I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?
Cinquefoil: My name is Robina! You... you really don't remember me? Green tunic, bow, sneevil in a trap? Cinquefoil: I was the one who gave you back your Black Dragon Box when you were looking for your dragon egg. Cinquefoil: We had a few other adventures together too. But that was so long ago now... Cinquefoil: If you're curious, I'm sure you can find out more by reading the Dragon Egg Saga in your Book of Lore. Cinquefoil: You also learned about my... true identity as Princess Victoria when you helped Sir Ano outside of Oaklore back then. Cinquefoil: If you can find a way to relive those adventures, I'm sure your memory will come back! Cinquefoil: But if not... well, we were pretty good friends once. And you owe me a lot of gold. Cinquefoil: I'm just kidding about the gold. Or am I? - Oh, I remember now! - see 'It's good to see you again!' dialogue.
- Do I really owe you?
Cinquefoil: No, you don't. There was a time when I'd give gold out to the creatures of the forest, but well, there aren't too many of them around these days. Cinquefoil: The Rose moves in, and times change. Cinquefoil: And so do you and I. I really hope your memory returns soon. Cinquefoil: Maybe we can find someone to hit you over the head with a hammer. You know, there've been rumors out of Oaklore... Cinquefoil: Er... sorry, that probably wouldn't actually help. But I look forward to working with you once again, <Character>! - Likewise!
- Likewise! I... think.
- It's good to see you again!
Cinquefoil: Thank goodness! I was hoping your brain would have started to thaw out by now. Cinquefoil: Maybe we can find someone to hit you over the head with a hammer. You know, there've been rumors out of Oaklore... Cinquefoil: Er... sorry, that probably wouldn't actually help. But I look forward to working with you once again, <Character>! - Likewise!
- Likewise! I... think.
- Life Finds A Way
Cinquefoil: I've done some digging of my own. Apparently, The Rose has come across something new in their search for Sek Duat's remains. Cinquefoil: Do you remember Sek Duat? The ancient emperor of the Sandsea who once held the Light Orb? Cinquefoil: Well, it turns out, after you took the Light Orb, he still maintained a sizable portion of his power. <Character>: I... Cinquefoil: You had other Orbs to find. Other enemies to fight. I know, <Character>. Cinquefoil: Your involvement in the Sandsea, taking the Orb, did help reinvigorate the revolution though. Cinquefoil: In time, The Rose joined with the rebels and, together, they overthrew Sek Duat. But he escaped. He was never brought to justice. Cinquefoil: The Rose has been searching for him ever since, and if Hansa has been tasked with the job... It's likely something has been discovered. Cinquefoil: I wasn't chosen to go... so you'll have to follow Hansa on your own. <Character>: The Rose is... welcome in the Sandsea? Cinquefoil: The Rose is welcome in many places. Cinquefoil: For all the good that can be accomplished with magic... all the beauty it creates... a lot of Greenguard has only seen the evil it can do. Cinquefoil: It's obviously a much more complex issue, but it explains why many accept them with open arms. <Character>: What do you think? Cinquefoil: My... my father, the king, supports Lady Jaania almost unquestioningly. I want to understand why. Cinquefoil: After all I've experienced, all the good that I know magic brings with it... and with what I know has been done in the name of The Rose... Cinquefoil: I cannot find myself agreeing with The Rose. Cinquefoil: But you should head to the Sandsea. See how The Rose operates with your own eyes. - Face of Death
Cinquefoil: Whatever the Rose is looking for... I have a feeling it's dangerous. - Sands of Eternity
Cinquefoil: Be very careful, <Character>. If something is happening with the involvement of Sek Duat, there's sure to be trouble. - Quest! - begins Sands of Eternity quest.
- What's next? - complete Sands of Eternity to unlock this option.
Cinquefoil: I just heard the report from the Sandsea. Cinquefoil: It sounds like they found Sek Duat's remains and neutralized him. There wasn't any mention of your involvement though. Cinquefoil: However, with Magus Hansa's absence from the Rosewood fortifications, tensions have increased with Falconreach. Cinquefoil: I'm sure Magus Hansa downplayed the awful things that members of The Rose have been doing, so you may have to find a new source. Cinquefoil: What if... Hmm. Yes, you could try to locate the Vind! Cinquefoil: They're a secretive resistance group of magical creatures who have been opposing The Rose for some time now. Cinquefoil: I'm not sure where their headquarters are located, though. Cinquefoil: Maybe you could ask your friend Ash back in Falconreach if he has any ideas. Cinquefoil: Seek out the Vind and find the truth. Learn what The Rose is hiding behind their flowery words and idealism.
- Replay Introduction - see initial dialogue when approaching Cinquefoil for the first time.
- Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
Near the Sneevil Box Fort Traviata: When I get in there... you little green thieves are done for. Other information Surewould Forest (Book 3) has been modified during various Reimagined releases; any retired content has been archived here. You must traverse the Surewould Forest in order to access the Rose garrison, an area now known as Rosewood. Cinquefoil's dialogue was reworked on February 28th, 2020, April 24th, 2020, and May 8th, 2020; more information can be found in the February 28th, 2020, April 24th, 2020, and May 8th, 2020 Design Notes.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/27/2025 0:45:54 >