Sneevil Dumpsite, The (Full Version)

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Resolute -> Sneevil Dumpsite, The (3/30/2007 19:54:03)

The Sneevil Dumpsite

Location: That A'Way! -> 2 Right -> Valencia -> Talk -> Quests -> Sneevil Dumpsite -> Sneevil Dumpsite
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Defeat Gananana!
Release Date: March 30th, 2007

Objective: One Sneevils trash is just about any other man's treasure! Somewhere amongst the strange and valuable items the Sneevils dumped here is the Egg from the Black Dragon Box.
Objective completed: Leggo my egg crow! Actually, it was a Vultragon... and a VERY large and scary one at that. There is no time to spare. Valencia will know what to do next... right?

Scaled Yes/No: No
Experience rewarded: 601
Gold rewarded: 20

(3) Burrlap
(3) Rummage
(4) Thisslock



Valencia: The sneevil dumped a Dragon Egg out of the Black Dragon Box at the sneevil dump site. I can show you the way there.

  • Sneevil Dumpsite!
  • Back

    <Character>: FINALLY! The Dragon Egg is mine! I've gone through a lot for this.
    <Character>: Now, all that I have to do is walk five feet ahead and pick it up, and it will be mine.
    <Character>: ...Yup. That's all that I have to do...
    <Character>: ...I just need to reach out my hand and take my prize...
    <Character>: ....and I WILL claim my prize, because I have earned it. I will claim it...
    <Character>: just a few seconds...
    <Character>: I should know better than this but I really want to savor that moment of final triumph...
    <Character>: ...After all, this moment only comes around once, and I want to enjoy it...
    <Character>: I'll just stand here for a few seconds and...
    Vultragon: *KREEOW!* *KREEOW!*
    <Character>: *blink blink* ARE YOU KIDDING ME? DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?!?!
    <Character>: GREAT! Drakath, sneevils, now giant birds...WHAT NEXT?
    <Character>: HEY BIRD... I BET VALENCIA KNOES WHERE YOU LIVE, and I'm coming for MY DRAGON EGG!

    Other information
  • Pop-up headlines during the quest:

  • This book is called: How to find books under trees." Guess you don't need it.
  • A family of spiders has made this helm their home.
  • These are the lyrics to a song: "The ballad of Sanford and his Son"
  • Lots of dagger holes in this chestpiece. No wonder someone threw it out.
  • This cast iron pot has seen one too many bad stew recipies.
  • There is something... icky... all over the handle.
  • There are a lot of these skulls. Sneevils must have found a crate of them.
  • A Mystery Bag that smells like gorillaphant feet! Better leave it there.
  • Wow. A stick.
  • A small voice calls your name from inside this vase, but you know better then to look in.
  • This looks like a fine axe, but looking closer you see no STATS on it. Forget that!

  • Next Up: Egg Recovery

    Thanks to
  • Peachii for additional dialogue and correction.
  • Bakuryu The Mole and Hybee_zard for information.

  • Page: [1]

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