 ArchKnight DragonFable
Starlit Sandsea Location: Book of Lore -> Starlit Sandsea, Location: Book of Lore -> Elemental Dissonance -> Starlit Sandsea, Location: Atrea -> Left -> Yolande -> Quests -> Starlit Sunsea -> Quest! Requirements: Completion of A Brief Respite Release Date: October 25th, 2024 Objective: The moon has risen, which means it's time to make the journey to the Sandsea, and the floating city of Atrea. Objective completed: Welcome to Atrea, final remnant of Somorah. Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Monsters (1) Gorillaphant (2) Sandslicer (2) Sandstone (3) Sandstorm (2) Seed Spitter NPCs Alz'ein Atealan Sentry(es) Etaos Isiri Nirios Serenity Veyla Rewards Moglinmade Travel Cloak (I-IX) Access to SLSS Loot for DCs. Dialogue *It is now nighttime in Falconreach Inn, signifying that it is time for you and your dragon to escort the Atealan refugees to the Sandsea.* <Character>: Time to get to work, <Dragon>. <Dragon>: Yeah! | *Enthusiastic growl* *Outside Falconreach Inn, you and your dragon observe that Serenity and the Falconreach Guardians has gifted food to the Atealans to survive their journey to the Sandsea.* Serenity: That should be more than enough fresh-baked bread for your journey! Serenity: And remember, if you ever find yourselves in Falconreach, you're all always welcome at my inn! Veyla: Th-thank you... <Character>: The way to the Sandsea can be dangerous even at the best of times. With so many refugees, this won't be an easy task. Isiri: I'll take the lead with you, <Character>. As we clear the path, I can light the way so no one gets lost. Alz'ein: I'll also— Isiri: No, Alz'ein. We need you in the back to deal with any trailing threats. Alongside Etaos and Nirios, you must keep our people safe. Alz'ein: ...Fine. Nirios: We'll make sure no one strays from the group. Etaos: You can count on us! *You fight through various monsters in the Surewould Forest and then the Sandsea, while Isiri aids you in battle (see other information); eventually, you, your dragon, and the Atealan refugees reach Atrea's outskirts.* <Character>: ...Wow. Isiri: Atrea. A beautiful sight... and yet... Isiri: ...Is this all that remains of our people? Isiri: ... Isiri: Forgive me, <Character>. There will be time for mourning later. <Character>: There's nothing to forgive, Isiri. Especially after everything that's happened. Isiri: You are kind. But at this moment, as Unael, I am responsible for these Ateala. Isiri: We must get these refugees to safety. <Character>: It's so high up... How would you get into the city back home? Isiri: Walking, usually. Back on Somorah, our cities were firmly planted on the ground. Isiri: But here, having been torn from our planet, the trithril under the city is causing it to float. Isiri: ...We must be careful. *Isiri sent a signal to Atrea for aid.* <Character>: What was that for? Isiri: A request for aid. Hopefully we'll be seeing a response shortly. Isiri: It should be safe. If the city were overrun by Wargoth's forces, The Empress would have let me know by now. Isiri: ...And I suppose there would be a lot of fire, too. *Isiri's signal returns to Isiri; it appears that Atrea is safe.* Isiri: All seems well, thankfully. And judging by the angle of the return signal... Isiri: Well, that's our next destination! Perhaps they managed to set up a teleporter. <Character>: Let's not waste any time, then. We'll need to get to safety before the sun rises. *You, your dragon, and the Atealan refugees meet with two Atealan Sentries, who are guarding the teleporter to Atrea.* Atealan Sentry (1): You are expected, Unael Isiri. But... By the Empress... so many Ateala... Isiri: All we could rescue. Far too few compared to how many we left behind on Somorah. Atealan Sentry (1): Let's get you all into the safety of Atrea first. Atealan Sentry (2): And who is this? Are these two natives of this planet? Isiri: Yes. <Character> and <Dragon>. They fought valiantly by our side, and without them, we may not have saved as many as we did. Atealan Sentry (2): I-Is that so? Forgive my manners, <Character>, <Dragon>. Atealan Sentry (2): Atrea is open to you, as well, heroes. <Dragon>: Looks like we'll be treated properly here! | *Happy groan* <Character>: Just don't let it get to your head. <Dragon>: Too late! I'm going to be a celebrity! | *Pompous roar!* *Nirios, Etaos, Alz'ein, Isiri, you, and your dragon are now teleported to Atrea.* Etaos: And that's every refugee accounted for. <Character>: Where's Veyla? I thought she was with you? Alz'ein: She went ahead to rest. The march here was difficult for many, including her. Alz'ein: I'll find her later, make sure she's taken care of. Nirios: Isiri, if Atrea is here, then that means— Isiri: Yes. The Ateala will survive. Nirios: ...Indeed. Isiri: Come, <Character>. I'm sure you're eager to learn more about our city and our people. Isiri: Let us welcome you to Atrea, the once capital of Somorah! *Scene fades to black.* Complete Quest Loot for DCs - opens SLSS Loot for DCs shop. Other information Each time this quest is completed, the player is teleported at Atrea's entrance. During the quest, on monster encounters, the player is aided by Isiri, a noncombatant who gives the option of 'Isiri's Aid' to the player; clicking the option causes the player to apply 'Star's Blessing' (+50% Boost, +50 Bonus) to themselves for 5 turns. This option is granted on the first turn of the battle and can only be used once per battle. (Pop-up: Isiri: 'I call upon the stars!') A view of Atrea acts as a HP/MP healing source during the quest. Pop-up headlines during the quest: quote:
Isiri: "...Your world is quite beautiful." <Character>: "You mean besides the fire and the panicked creatures attacking us?" Isiri: "Ah. Yes, of course. But such things still have their charm." Isiri: "Somorah was our home for 3252 years. All we know of other planets has been passed down many times over." Isiri: "I wonder if the ancient Riftwalkers felt this way when taking in new planets with all of their senses..." Isiri: "But I am becoming distracted from our task. I can see Atrea floating in the distance from here." <Character>: "It's okay. The main threat seems to have passed, and these creatures don't really pose a challenge." <Character>: "Why don't you tell me about Somorah? Did you have sand like this?" The view of Atrea in the distance fills you with hope! Isiri: "We had sand, yes. The dark blue dunes were waves across Somorah's deserts." Isiri: "Punctuated by lakes and spires of pale blue glass from Wargoth's wrath." Isiri: "There was beauty to be found in those, too, as awful as their origin. And now..." Isiri: "Now they're gone. Sands and glass and all else. Just history in our song." <Character>: "...As long as your people continue to survive, that song will never end."
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/31/2025 18:26:43 >