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RE: =Elemental Championship= Sign ups now open.

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6/19/2010 5:56:01   

Ok, I finished my bio back on page 4. I have been busy, but finished. (I think)

Earth'll be a tough fight to the finish for sure.

< Message edited by Strebor -- 6/19/2010 6:32:30 >
Post #: 151
6/19/2010 7:56:15   

If anyone wants to have "OOC knowledge" of my guy or any of his abilities, feel free!

I feel this is justified in-game by the fact that my greenskin friend is most definitelly the most famous, awesome, and downright best mageslayer in all of Lore.

And he makes a mean fruit salad, too.
Post #: 152
6/19/2010 7:59:32   

I wouldn't have thought that making an average fruit salad was something to be proud of. ;D
AQ  Post #: 153
6/19/2010 11:05:14   

I reserve the right to use all bacon elements.

Edit: Entry

Name: Gohlin
Element: Water
Class: The Obedient Son

Any abilities that require elaboration:

  • Water generation within his body and can distinguish his water from other water.
  • Can sense water.
  • Can't drown.
  • Individual control of the H's and O's. Better defined! He can only control the H and O that exists in water, and those in the water that he converts into vapor. I guess recombination could be done as well, but that seems really complicated to do in a moving air projectile so it'd be water again. Mainly this individual control of H's and O's is for him to move the water. And as for his ability to manipulate the speed of the molecules, he can speed and slow down within reason.

Argh, Equipment, that can be considered weapons:

  • Wooden Staff, smooth to touch from being used so much.
  • Throwing Spears, a set of 5, some are charred from roasting marshmallows.
  • Bow plus arrows.
  • Vials of special water, can be made to stick to things as a coating amongst other things. It's very sticky!
  • A few very regular fishing lures.
  • Water pouch.
  • Throwing Flints!

Not sure about the purity of flints, but they're survival tools and essentially all he's carrying is traveling gear from having to come to the tournament.

Other Information:

Race: 90-95% human
Age: Early Twenties
Reason for EC: Because his Dad made him.

1st Posty


< Message edited by xaxtoo -- 6/22/2010 1:19:41 >
AQ  Post #: 154
6/19/2010 15:47:30   
Guardian of Nekops

*Scratches his head.*

Individual control of the Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms that make up water? Hate to be a bother, but... what on Lore does that mean?

Can he turn water into air, move it, and then recombine it into its watery form behind someone to punch them in the back of the head? Can he slow the motion of the atoms to make them absolutely still, resulting in a temperature of zero Kelvin? Speed them up to relativistic speeds and ram the individual atoms through our skulls? Release the mass of the atoms as pure energy, creating a nuclear explosion that flattens the arena and the surrounding countryside, using only a half-full glass of water as material?

Xax, I know I'm not a judge, and it really isn't my place... but I find your bio to be meaningless and troubling. It gives about as good a description of your character's abilities, equipment, size, race, color and whatnot as your average fortune cookie might, and that's really not the purpose of a bio. I mean, you haven't even touched on what the character wears for armor (or decency, if it has no armor, or why it needs no clothing if it's race is not normal.)

I am not sure whether to expect a water elemental with various bits of equipment floating in it, a female orc warrior in full plate who bashes people's faces in with her staff and shoots them in the face when they are far away and who produces water as a biproduct, or a conventional human mage in a cloth robe who carries the other stuff for hunting and traveling and quite enjoys chemistry in his spare time, or something completely different. All these characters and more could fit under the bio as written, and that, to me, indicates that you have not finished writing it.

Please do so, if you would be so kind.
AQ  Post #: 155
6/19/2010 15:59:25   

Eh, I don't give full bios for EC cause it doesn't ask for one. I see your other points; I just naturally assumed that nothing stupid will be done, but I guess I have to explain that away, making edits.

Sorry for the consternation GoN
AQ  Post #: 156
6/20/2010 13:47:31   
The Dragon Knight

It's all for the sake of preventing Calvinballing, xax.

EDIT: The Arena threads have been posted! Much excitement will be had, blood will soon be spilled, tears shall fall and in the end, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!

< Message edited by The Dragon Knight -- 6/20/2010 19:50:18 >
AQ  Post #: 157
6/20/2010 19:57:28   

And now...the quiet before the storm...
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 158
6/20/2010 20:02:49   
Postmaster General

A note that is often overlooked, but I feel I should state anyways: Kellehendros, you are quite the excellent writer.

I am excited about the various Arenas and as I read each post, I imagined strategies that Elias will be able to take advantage of, as well as those downsides that he will need to account for. Indeed, my creative side is brushing its teeth for it will be smiling quite a bit in the weeks to follow!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 159
6/20/2010 20:08:46   
Eternal Wanderer

Yeah, thanks for the Highlander reference there TDK.

Arenas, as has been noted, are up. And so now, here are the Arena assignments:

Spike Arena
Elias "Hellsbane" Hawthorne-Sheriff Duncan-Water
Anfur Tarkin-Appalachi-Silver Lion-Wind
Eiro Tempestros-Viking_Jorun-Wind
Simonaque-Alexandria Serthes-Fire
Kamoturo-Frenetic Raptor-Dark
Illian Fairweather-Nex del Vida-Light

Cellar Arena
Duncan Tideforge-The Moose-Water
Ed-The Dragon Knight-Wind
Liam Garder-ont-Fire
Tyon Adrei-Micosil-Earth
Jarvis the Worker-Guardian of Nekops-Dark
Jonathan Longhair-demonhunter-Energy

Sky Arena
Prince Florindo Aruntani-Geddesmck-Fire
Reinharn the Revenger-Apocalypse-Earth
Hass Rivera-Tormented Dragon-Dark
Marcos "The Handyman" von Nelsyren-Ryu Viranesh-Energy
Snibbor Niksab-DWeird-Ice

You have been assigned, so what are you still doing here? Go kill some one already, I'm bored.

Edit: I can't take much of the credit, the Arena descriptions have been reused year to year with slight modifications. All credit goes to Ronin.

Edit 2: Thank you TDK for reminding me. Entrants will still be accepted up until the previously stated June 23rd cut off date.

< Message edited by Kellehendros -- 6/20/2010 20:36:18 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 160
6/20/2010 20:43:30   

Stealing this from TDK ;D

Name: Ire
Race: Half-Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 23

Element: Light
Weapon(s): Two Samurai swords. Whatever they're classified escapes me. ;D Two paired katanas each approximately 26.2 (Had to be weird sorry ;P) inches. A knife or two (2) hidden in his boots/sleeves/person.
Appearance: He's inconspicuously dressed. Designed to make you not notice him or forget him immediately upon seeing him. He is dressed like a commoner however he has a more subtle difference. Underneath his loose fitting garments, consisting of a tunic and pants (both very loose) he has chain mail protecting all of his major and vital organs. Due to his clothes being the same color as the chain mail, his armor is seldom acknowledged. Still, it is barely armor. He focuses more on dodging and transferring force away from his body rather than taking it. His two swords are enchanted to flash brightly when struck, a testament to him being a light contestant. All the flash does is irritate and blind an opponent. Nothing physical. He is always seen with a pair of sunglasses. The glasses protect his eyes from the flashes of his sword as well as most of his magic. They are also quite stylish. He is tall but not tall to draw notice. He has a fair physique and face but yet again, they have been tailored to not bring undue attention to himself.

Summary Bio: Ire's only skill is by doing things unnoticed. However, in the case that he gets caught, he prefers to make sure that he won't get hit. In this approach, he's made himself as fast as he can humanly become. His half-elven heritage is also a nice boost. His attacking style is built for precision blows. Each move is timed and planned for a specific purpose. He treats fighting as a chess game rather than a physical matter. Aside from being an agile and competent swordsman, he is well practiced in the arts of his chosen element, Light.


Conjurations - Illusionary images. Persons, tangible and intangible, weapons, tangible and intangible. Weather effects, intangible. The sun's glare, intangible although felt/seen. Columns/shields tangible and intangible.

Tangible spells are harder to cast than non-tangible. The larger the Conjuration, the more effort.

I fear that this isn't a very clear bio, however, I'd like to have tricks up my sleeves. Kell, feel free to shatter this to bits with questions ;D

Flying is generally a no without massively taxing effort or for a short time. In any event, I would like some clarification on the illusion ability. When you say a person tangible how tangible are we talking, and what can the illusion, if tangible, do?

I have updated my bio to remove the "flying" bit. Kell if you would be so kind as to look down at my next post to see my response, and reply to it ;D


< Message edited by Kellehendros -- 6/23/2010 21:09:29 >
Post #: 161
6/20/2010 20:56:42   

Nightly: I believe the word you are looking for is katana. A samurai sword is a katana (well, the most well-known).

And that was a very short quiet.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 162
6/20/2010 21:25:26   
Ronin Of Dreams
Still Watching...

Technically...Apocalypse is right. Assuming you are after the stereotypical reference, at least, as samurai's actually had several swords available to them. Now, really, it depends on what Nightly is actually after with this sword pair whether or not the stereotypical reference is the correct one. He could be wanting paired katana, a katana and the slightly shorter wakizashi (i.e. the 'classic' daishō), a slightly oddball pairing of twin wakizashi, or the commonly paired kodachi. Granted, the kodachi is not too significantly different than the wakizashi if you dig down deep into the issue, but at least the kodachi were constructed to a standard length, and not adjusted to the original end user's build, height, and reach. Not for consideration are the nodachi, the ōdachi, and the jin tachi, which are all variously large two-handed swords, since he's obviously after a dual wielding concept.

So, Nightly, which are you actually after?

E: Its dual, not duel. Darn typo daemons.

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 6/20/2010 21:28:05 >
AQ  Post #: 163
6/20/2010 22:39:26   

First, a reply to Kell:

Fine with the flying, I'll scratch that out. As per how tangible the illusion is, I would say tangible enough to be hit, and to feel as if you hit something solid. I don't plan on having the illusion attack or do anything else that would require a tremendous strain of magic. If say I could guess that the illusion was being attacked in certain area and then make only that area tangible, would that be acceptable?

On to Ronin/Apocalypse:

How long would a katana be? I'm pretty sure a paired katana would be the right thing to go with here, I'd just like to know the lengths of them before I set it in stone :D

On a side note, Google Chrome's spell checker doesn't like katana.
Post #: 164
6/20/2010 22:43:45   
The Dragon Knight

So, if I read you correctly, Nightly, your intension with the illusion is to use it as a decoy where the person hitting it thinks they're hitting real flesh, thereby making the illusion more effective than simply a mirage effect, correct?
AQ  Post #: 165
6/21/2010 0:06:05   

*submission retracted for various reasons*

< Message edited by jerenda -- 6/21/2010 17:55:48 >
AQ DF  Post #: 166
6/21/2010 0:09:24   

Jerenda... even if such a joint operation were allowable, which I'm not sure it is (Kell's call, see), you've overlooked a critical factor.

Jamesquest is not in the RPer group, and thus cannot post in the main RP boards. So, he can't post in the EC.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 167
6/21/2010 2:07:19   
Legendary Artist!

Heres we go. I hope he is ok, it's 2 in the morning and I'm trying to get this done for Graduation tomorrow. XD

Edit - June21, 2010 - 1:06pm: Fixed some typos.

Name: Norrand Alurus, often called Norr / Cyros
Race: Human / Celcios
Element of Participation: Ice
Class, if applicable: Class B Defender / Assassin
Any abilities that require elaboration:

Ice Control - Norr's training with a Cyromancer alone, gives him simple control over ice. Norr commonly creates bridges, walls, steps, etc. nothing too complex. However, Cyros can make the more offensive attacks like ice spikes, but it comes with the cost of higher mana intake. Either Norr or Cyros can decide to melt the ice after creating it, otherwise depending on how to cold or thick it is it can last up to 10 minutes.

Symbiotic Bond - Norr and Cyros communicate with eachother easily. In fact Cyros is more aware of his surroundings than Norr and thus has helped him improved his defense completely. However, there have been plenty of times where Cyros has completely refused to answer to Norr and do whatever he feels like.

Radian Chill - Cyros emits an 8 foot long aura that freezes the closer you get. At that 8 foot mark you only feel things get a little bit cooler. At the 4 foot mark, water starts to freeze completely. Some ranged attacks become slowed down, but are not stopped dead in it's tracks. Heat naturally negates the effect though no permanently.

Ice Shield - Cyros, at Norrand's command, creates the ice and Norr forms it into a shield. How strong or thick the ice is depends on how much mana is used. If Norr does not concentrate on the shield then it dissolves. Years of training his senses and reflexes along with reaction time, he can almost summon shields instantly without looking depending on the attack.

Freeze Wave - Norr convert his energy into a short range blast of cold air, reaching up to about 3 feet.

Flash Freeze - Probably one of Norr's strongest techniques. Combining efforts with Cyros and expanding near to all of his energy, he can expand his Radian Chill by 3 feet(11 feet total) and will freeze just about anything instantly. Cyros used this only once in order to protect Norr's life.

Ice Travel - Like a magnet to metal Norr can stay attached to ice. While most others would slip or fall, Norr can move easily on ice.


Norr is a 20 year old male. He's 6 feet tall and weighs 174 pounds. Norr has a light cream colored skin tone and cold light blue eyes. With Cyros' influence, Norr has a cold and emotionless face. When he was younger he had dark brown hair, now it is a snow white. Since Cyros keeps him eternally cold, Norr wears a black long-sleeved cotton shirt under a light plate armor all over top brown cloth pants and metal greaves. He wears the whole armor besides the helmet.


Father's Sword - Right after his father had hugged his son and froze right in front of him, Norr took his sword. The sword that was made from the exact asteroid that carried Cyros to Lore. It's apperance matches that of Jian, but a little bit wider. The blade's color itself is black, but it has a frozen cover over it. If sliced by the blade it would freeze the wound.

Alurus Shield - While his father had gotten a sword out of the asteroid, he made a shield for his son. The shield is 2 and a half feet and surprisingly lightweight. It's strong enough to take on intense heat and cold and has protected Norr through many situations. He inscribed on the back "Confidence behind the shield".

Background: The Celcios race itself are a collection of murderous beings. Right from birth they are sent to different planets to kill every living being and freeze the entire planet for their Queen. At their youth they are only just spheres of blue light that travel on comets and asteroids. Since they cannot live at first without a host, they must create a bond with a pure enough soul that will keep them cool. When they find a host and create a bond with it, they grow with the host and eventually become vicious creatures made out of complete ice and the life essence of their previous host.

Cyros' asteroid went off direction and had him land on Lore. He had landed on a island not to far off North from Battle On a few miles from a town surrounded by castle walls. Within all the commotion he bonded with a pregnant woman (a wife of one of the castle's A Class Defenders) checking out the crash site. Almost months later after giving birth to Norrand, Cyros killed his mother to increase his power.

When he was a young boy Norrand had hardly any friends since his bond with Cyros produced a strong chill to anyone who approached him. His father trained him in the arts of Defending and how to effectively use shields as well as using magic to create barriers. As the years passed by the stronger Cyros become and the colder Norr's aura became. On his 16th birthday it was strong enough to freeze his father.

He now searches the world for a cure of this growing threat. To either control it or get rid of it before it becomes strong enough to kill him and attack the world. While traveling North he was able to find a temporary solution by training with an Cryomancer, who taught him enough to manipulate cold and thus slightly suppress his powers when he wants to.

Rejected. Flash Freeze is simply too powerful to be allowed I am afraid.

< Message edited by Clyde -- 6/21/2010 21:24:55 >
Post #: 168
6/21/2010 2:57:18   
Ronin Of Dreams
Still Watching...


How long would a katana be?

There's a simple and a complex answer here. Simple? The blade length is between 24 and 28 inches.

Complex? Depends on which historical era you want to base it upon, as there are two primary ranges within that greater subset. The more prominent 70 to 73 centimeter range (27.6 to 28.7 inches) was the historical average during the late 14th and 15th centuries, and reclaimed prominence during the late 16th century. During that middle period, the average range shortened briefly into a prominent range of 58 to 61 cm (22.8 to 24 in). During the lifetime of traditional katana construction, however, blade length was measured to suit the build of the person for whom it was commissioned for, leaving some degree of variance even within these specific range periods.

For the general record, the wakizashi held far more variance in the blade length during its lifetime of historical era usage. The blade length could be as short as 30cm up to 60cm while retaining its designation within the daishō, or a range of 11.8 to 23.6 inches. This probably was indicative of a greater personal preference in creations and end use in style, but I can't back that up as thoroughly as the raw data. Average length of the wakizashi was about 50cm / 19.7 inches, and its slightly erroneous to call it a short sword. Much more appropriate to consider it a side sword, shorter than the katana, but on a case-by-case basis.

The kodachi, on the other hand, was built towards a total length of 59 cm / 23.2 inches, which includes the entire hilt assembly. This has historical significance because the length fell just shy of blade length decrees during the Edo period that dictated what those outside of the samurai class could carry. While its total size is a near parallel to a number of wakizashi, the kodachi has a more prominent curve along its blade and features a longer handle. For a visual reference, take a look at Shinomori Aoshi from the Rouroni Kenshin series, as paired kodachi are his thematic weapon. Just remember the penchant for flair amidst anime, and take the reference with a grain of realism's salt, alright?
AQ  Post #: 169
6/21/2010 5:47:40   

O.K., kell, I fixed it.

Ronin, you should run your own wiki.

< Message edited by Strebor -- 6/21/2010 6:20:57 >
Post #: 170
6/21/2010 6:34:58   

Two points to The Dragon Knight! :D Yes that is what I plan on doing. Don't tell anyone! ;P

Hmm. I'll take the 26 inch paired katana. I'll update my bio with the two changes. (The other being removing flying.)
Post #: 171
6/21/2010 14:45:40   

Oh great, late to the party again... *mumbles about internet connection*

Will there be a time restriction rule like last year (3 days of inactivity and you're out)?
Post #: 172
6/21/2010 17:02:20   
Postmaster General

@ont: To quote the OP:


5. Activity is important, paramount even. Please do not enter the tournament if you are not committed to staying the course. Nothing is worse than an RPer paralyzed and unable to participate because his or her opponent has gone missing. That said, for the elimination round non-posting for a period of five continuous days by any RPer will be viewed as forfeiture, opening that RPer's character to free kill by any other RPer. Exceptions can be made via PM, contact me if you have concerns.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 173
6/21/2010 17:51:01   

Ah, missed that. Thanks.

Edit: No fountain? o.O Was looking forward to reading what it would be this year. :(

< Message edited by ont -- 6/21/2010 17:59:04 >
Post #: 174
6/21/2010 17:55:49   


Entrants will still be accepted up until the previously stated June 23rd cut off date.

Oh thank God.

I see Cryomancers, nice.
*obliterates and reconstructs bio*

Post #: 175
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