Resolute -> Mogloween (Chapter 3) (10/27/2008 19:32:57)
[image][/image] Mogloween (Chapter 3) Access Point: Mogloween Storybook -> Older Events -> Chapter 3 -> Mogloween! Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock all Mogloween Masks! (Chapter 1), Completion of Noxus Fumes Release Date: October 27th, 2008 Quests Available The Dolls House The Master of the Necropolis Tricks and Treats Jack-O-Dragon NPCs Bubble (Cat) Bubble (Witch) Myx Toil Trouble Shops Harvest (20-35) Mogloween Mask Shop Mogloween Masks! (Chapter 3) Reaper Lv (15-45) Dialogue Doomwood Before completion of The Dolls House: *Somewhere in Doomwood, you read a letter the Cauldron Sisters have sent to you.* quote:
Dear Hero, Happy Mogloween! It's that time of year again, and once again we have a little problem that only you can handle. Would you come to our clearing and speak with us? -Sincerely, Bubble (Bubble), Toil and Trouble. Visit the Cauldron Sisters! - takes player to the Cauldron Sisters. Cauldron Sisters When approaching the pumpkin chest: Open DA Chest! - opens Mogloween Mask Shop. Before completion of The Dolls House: Bubble: Hi <Character>! It's so great to see you again! Bubble: *mew* Bubble: Bubble says hi, too. *giggle* Toil: You have arrived just in the nick of time. Something horrible has happened! Trouble: We were entirely prepared to launch our new line of Cauldron Sisters Cauldron Crafted Candy... Bubble: ...We've been working all month just to meet last year's demands. Even with all the chaos the moglin population is bananas for our candy... Toil: ... But when we were having our candy stockpile delivered to our warehouse in Swordhaven... it was stolen! Myx: Do you know how long I worked to get all that ready? YOU try sitting on a fire for a solid month. Bubble: We don't have any idea who would take all of that candy but we hoped that since you were so good at finding all the candy last year... Toil: ... Would you please try to find out what happened to our new batch of candy? Trouble: There have been reports that Jack Strife's minions have resurfaced behind new leadership, so be careful out there. Trouble: The last report we had from the candy caravan was outside the graveyard near Amityvale. Happy hunting <Character>! Quest! - begins The Dolls House quest. Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions. leave - returns to Doomwood. After completion of The Dolls House: Toil: Hmmm, so the last time you saw this Scary Doll was in the Necropolis? Interesting. Bubble: Maybe that nasty, old Noxus person is the one who stole our candy. Trouble: From what you told us, he WAS running magical experiments on evil food. Maybe Bubble has a point. Bubble: *mew* Bubble: You're right sister, I hate to think of all of our yummy candy being turned into evil food! Myx: HAHAHAHA! Once again, the beautiful, magnificent Cauldron Sisters have found a way to wreak havoc on an unsuspecting world! Myx: ... With... candy. *sigh* Toil: This is serious Myx. This could do more than put us out of business... this could hurt people! Bubble: Yeah, people are supposed to eat our candy.... not the other way around! Trouble: Please, hero. Travel back to the Necropolis and find out what has happened to our candy! Head to the Necropolis! Quest! - begins The Master of the Necropolis quest. Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions. leave - returns to the Cauldron Sisters. After completion of The Master of the Necropolis: Bubble: Hi <Character>! We're still missing a lot of the candy! Ready to go bring back some more? Trick-Or-Treat! Quest! - begins Tricks and Treats quest. Boss Fight! - begins Jack-O-Dragon quest. Talk Toil: Once again you have impressed us with your skill and courage <Character>. Trouble: We can't believe that this is the second year on a row that you've pulled our tails out of the fire... Myx: Technically, mine is still in the fire. Myx: I can't believe that crackpot cousin of mine is helping Sally. He couldn't evil his way out of a paper bag. Bubble: Thanks to you, it's been another super fun Mogloween! At this rate we might make candy gathering some kind of tradition. Bubble: *mew* Toil: You're right little-kitty-sister, that might be a problem. Trouble: Bubble...the cat one... mentioned that all the exposure to the candy might have PERMANENTLY altered the moglins. Toil: There is no way to know for sure until NEXT Mogloween, but we know who we can turn to if moglinsters start to run amuk again. Myx: AMUK AMUK AMUK!!! Trouble: (Hush Myx) It's great to know that we have someone like you that we can really count on. You are a true friend. Bubble: *mew*, Bubble, Toil, Trouble (in unison): HAPPY MOGLOWEEN, <Character>! Shops & Pumpkin Armor Trouble: Thanks for your help! These are the things that you can buy with the candy that you have gathered. Mogloween Quests! - Masks! - opens Mogloween Masks! (Chapter 3).
- Harvest Weapon Upgrade! - access to Harvest (20-35) shops.
Bubble: Each upgrade costs 300 CANDY to open EVERY TIME, so make sure that you upgrade all the weapons that you want at the same time. - Reaper's Weapon Upgrade! - access to Reaper Lv (15-45) shops.
Bubble: Each upgrade costs 200 CANDY to open EVERY TIME, so make sure that you upgrade all the weapons that you want at the same time. - Pumpkin King Armor! - access to Evolved PumpkinLord class.
Bubble: We made this armor just for you! It's an upgrade to the old version, and we hope you like it! You can buy it and unlock skills with candy! Replay Quests Bubble: Want to relive some of the great Mogloween memories? Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions. leave - returns to the Cauldron Sisters. When approaching the exit: To Falconreach - teleports player to Falconreach (Books 1 and 2). To Story Book - returns to Mogloween Storybook. Stay here... Thanks to Jay for entry rewrite and corrections. Stephen Nix for initial entry rewrite. Andy8, atticus239, AztecArcher, and Voodoo Master for corrections.