Smoke in the Trees (All Versions) (Full Version)

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Voodoo Master -> Smoke in the Trees (All Versions) (5/11/2013 2:48:01)

Smoke in the Trees

Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Up -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> Smoke in the Trees -> Quest!,
Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Mritha -> Past Quests -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> Smoke in the Trees -> Quest!
Requirements: Turn in 2 Rose Emblem to Lojaali Vero
Release Date: May 29th, 2020

Objective: It seems like The Rose is making their move against the Vind. How bad could they be?
Objective completed: Looks like not everyone in The Rose is happy about their methods. More importantly, the Vind now has a target. The Rose won't know what hit them!

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(8) Energizer
(4) ManaHunter (1)
(10) ManaHunter (2)

Bote Andedan
Carat / Rose Soldier
Kara SuLema
Rose Soldier(s)

Red Crystal Blade (I-VI)
Blue Crystal Blade (I-VI)
Green Crystal Blade (I-VI)

Access to Smoke DC Drop Shop.


*A man with a blue Rose armor and helmet is standing in a building with roses engraved on its walls.*

Akanthus: All we have are rumors and whispers. How have they not been found by now?

*An unshaved mage with pink hair appears and is standing behind Akanthus.*

???: I apologize, General Akanthus. But since we have orders not to interfere with Falconreach... it's hard to track their scouts...
Akanthus: Excuses, Z! That's all you ever have for me.
Z: I... I can send more patrols into the swamps, but we can't just keep sending troops in.
Z: Few, if any, make it out, and any maps we make are inaccurate the next time we try.
Akanthus: It is not enough. Ever since we crushed the Sanctuary, the Vind has been an annoyance.
Akanthus: The buzzing mosquito that threatens to breed.
Akanthus: I don't care if you have to burn the swamp and all in it to the ground.
Akanthus: They must be eliminated now, before word of their cause spreads further.
Akanthus: Get out from behind your desk, and do not fail me, Z.

*Z bows to Akanthus.*

Z: I will not, General.
Akanthus: Such filth must be swept away. The reach of The Rose cannot be stopped by mere insects.

*The scene fades to black as Akanthus's eyes glow blue. A while afterwards, Z is standing in front of a group of Rose Soldiers in one of Swordhaven's streets.*

Z: We have our... our orders.
Z: Our scouts have been monitoring the location of a Clawkin settlement on the edge of Betrubung Swamp.
Z: According to some of our... guests... from the town, they occasionally make contact with the rebellion.
Z: Our orders are to capture as many Clawkin as possible, and destroy the settlement.
Z: When the rebellion shows up to save the day, we will capture them as well.
Rose Soldier: We're... destroying the settlement, sir?
Z: Y-yes, soldier. Some of you are new recruits who haven't been on the receiving end of rebellion attacks.
Z: These settlements of magical creatures are fronts for training grounds for Vind forces.
Z: They fill the heads of these animals with lies and deceit to gain their trust.
Z: We must detain them and... rehabilitate them all.

*The group of Rose Soldiers are silent after hearing Z's reasoning.*

Z: Any other questions?
Rose Soldier(s) (in unison): No, sir!
Z: Very well. Move out.

*The Rose Soldiers depart, except the purple-haired soldier, who appears unsure if he wants to follow them, but after a few moments does; meanwhile, in Sulen'Eska, Kara SuLema has news.*

Kara SuLema: Recently, there have been some disturbing reports from our ally, Niki.
<Character>: Niki?
Kara SuLema: She is a very secretive mage who joined our cause some time ago.
Kara SuLema: Her specialties of stealth and scouting have proven useful.
Kara SuLema: I fear that the effects of her actions may have been indirectly detected by The Rose, however.
<Character>: So... she's a spy? What was in her reports?

*A Clawkin is running, and only its legs can be seen; the scene returns to Kara.*

Kara SuLema: The Rose has apparently been targeting a Clawkin village in the swamp, observing and occasionally taking captives.

*The Clawkin keeps running, now showing its full appearance.*

Kara SuLema: Niki has been evacuating the few she can while trying to remain undetected, but it seems that a larger Rose force is now on the way.

*The Clawkin enters the scene and falls to its knees in front of Kara.*

???: Lady Kara...
Kara SuLema: Is everything alright, Bote? What's the matter?

*Bote briefly glances at you offscreen, knowing that you have a history with them.*

Bote Andedan: Niki... Niki has returned! She is injured but the news from my village– my family–

*Kara is shocked to hear this news.*

Kara SuLema: Niki's back? But she was supposed to be keeping watch–
Bote Andedan: She says The Rose attacked and she couldn't just stay hidden... when I heard, I ran as fast as I could...
Bote Andedan: I left my family behind to come to your Vind. Please, you must save them!

*Kara is saddened by Bote's plea, accepting it.*

Kara SuLema: I see. It seems The Rose has acted much quicker than we expected. We must put a stop to this at once.
Kara SuLema: You wanted to see evidence of the evils of The Rose, <Character>? You're welcome to join me.
Kara SuLema: Please, Bote, do not worry. We will do everything in our power to save what we can.

*Once Bote exits the scene, you talk to Kara privately about the Clawkins before leaving to save Bote's village.*

<Character>: In the past, before I was frozen, I had to deal with Clawkin ambushes and annoyances on my adventures.
<Character>: I... didn't know they could talk. Not that they gave me much of a chance to try.
Kara SuLema: Just as there are humans who commit great evils, there are Clawkin who eschew their tribes and are full of hatred.
Kara SuLema: As the Clawkin are normally so secluded, it makes sense that you've only had poor encounters with the ones you've met in the past.
<Character>: I see.

*You take a moment to process this enlightening event.*

<Character>: Well, let's get going and save the ones we can. Maybe I can learn more about them in the future.

  • Kara SuLema joins you as Guest A.

    *You and Kara head towards Bote's village, fighting various Rose Soldiers and Energizers along the way; once at the village, you realise you've arrived too late, as the village has been burnt to the ground.*

    Kara SuLema: We... we're too late...
    <Character>: We got here as fast as we could.
    Kara SuLema: But we weren't fast enough...

    Kara SuLema: The poor Clawkin...
    Rose Soldier (1): Over here! Found some rebels!
    Rose Soldier (2): Alright you two, you're under arrest, by authority of The Rose of Swordhaven, under suspicion of banditry and unauthorized magic use.
    Rose Soldier (3): Come along quietly for questioning, or things will have to get rough.

    *You and Kara stand back-to-back, prepared to battle; you and Kara fight through the Rose Soldiers, when you are approached by one more.*

    <Character>: Kara, I think we're done here. Let's go, before–
    ???: No, no, no no no...

    *The purple-haired Rose Soldier from Z's briefing arrives; Kara readies a spell, prepared to stop the Rose Soldier.*

    Kara SuLema: Not one step closer.
    ???: This isn't what I signed up for...
    Kara SuLema: Who are you?
    Carat: My... my name is Carat.
    Carat: When I signed up to join The Rose, I didn't realize this is what I'd be doing...
    Carat: I thought... I thought I'd be protecting Greenguard. Like the Guardians! Not burning down villages...
    <Character>: And yet, here you are. You didn't try to stop them?
    Carat: I know I can't make this right. I just...

    Carat: Please let me go. I'll give you anything you want!
    Carat: Here, I have the location of where we took the Clawkin. And other prisoners too!

    *Kara opens and reads the scroll which Carat has just handed her.*

    Carat: It's a small facility in the forests outside Swordhaven. I swear, I didn't know The Rose was like this...
    <Character>: Then why not leave? Why not take action?
    Carat: I... I have a family in Swordhaven. I... I can't just leave them behind. Even if you don't believe me...
    Carat: This... this isn't what I wanted!

    *Carat runs off.*

    <Character>: Kara?
    Kara SuLema: Let him run. He poses no threat to us.
    Kara SuLema: But this...
    Kara SuLema: It appears as though we still have a chance to save these poor souls, and possibly others.
    Kara SuLema: Will you join us, <Character>?
    <Character>: After what we've seen here today?
    <Character>: Absolutely.

    *Scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest
  • Loot for DCs - opens Smoke DC Drop Shop.

    Other information
  • Pop-up headlines during the quest:

  • What a rare sight, a minx fairy circle!
  • This quest was reimagined with new dialogue, animations, audio, level 90 rewards, and general fixes on May 29th, 2020; more information can be found in the May 29th, 2020 Design Notes.

    Thanks to DemonicDarkwraith for updated entry dialogue, objectives, and other information.

  • Jay -> RE: Smoke in the Trees (All Versions) (6/13/2020 21:50:45)

    Smoke in the Trees

    Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Up -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> Smoke in the Trees -> Quest!,
    Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Mritha -> Past Quests -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> Smoke in the Trees -> Quest!
    Requirements: Completion of Dancing On the Breeze
    Release Date: May 10th, 2013

    Objective: A Clawkin village is under attack!
    Objective completed: You've escaped the thorns of The Rose! You'll have to venture into them again though to save Ogorek's wife!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (8) Energizer
    (4) ManaHunter (1)
    (10) ManaHunter (2)

    Bote Andedan
    Carat / Rose Soldier
    Kara SuLema
    Rose Soldier(s)

    Red Crystal Blade (I-V)
    Blue Crystal Blade (I-V)
    Green Crystal Blade (I-V)

    Access to Smoke DC Drop Shop.


    *A man with a blue Rose armor and helmet is standing in a building with roses engraved on its walls.*

    Akanthus: Rumors and more rumors. Their existence baffles me. They should have been found by now.

    *An unshaved mage with pink hair appears and is standing behind Akanthus.*

    Z: We've searched, General, I swear. I've had them followed only to lose them, as if they just disappear. Like... the very air swallows them up.
    Akanthus: Well of course it does. Kara SuLema is a WIND ELF. She manipulates the very air we breathe for her own nefarious plans.
    Akanthus: And she has a gathering, which grows each day.
    Akanthus: Their subtle little tricks, which no one has been able to remove, by the way, are creating ripples in my placid lake.
    Z: I can increase patrols, General. I can send more out. I can set traps.
    Akanthus: Patrols are no longer enough, Tinkerer. I want everyone going after her and her followers, especially after that <Character>.
    Akanthus: The return of the hero has begun to take its toll on my plans. All that they are doing is causing trouble!
    Akanthus: It is time for you to play a bigger role and get out from behind your desk.

    *Z bows to Akanthus.*

    Akanthus: You are a dreamer, Kara. But there is no room for dreams anymore, dearest wind elf. Dreams die.
    Akanthus: You will see that my way is for the best, both you and <Character>.

    *The scene fades to black as Akanthus's eyes glow blue. A while afterwards, Z is standing in front of a group of Rose Soldiers in one of Swordhaven's streets.*

    Z: We have been given orders. I need two groups.
    Z: One smaller group needs to head to a set of coordinates that shows a Clawkin settlement with magic users.
    Z: A second, much larger group to head towards the swamps.
    Z: We think that is where the rebel camp is located. The first group is to lure Kara and <Character> out of the rebel camp.
    Z: Our orders are to destroy the camp and capture as many rebels as possible.
    Z: We need to know what they are planning, how many races are involved and put down any and all use of magic.
    Rose Soldier: Races, sir?
    Z: Yes, Soldier. Some of you have not been involved in the outer raids. Humans and elves are not the only races to be wary of.
    Z: There are many that require... identification and rehabilitation.

    *The group of Rose Soldiers are silent after hearing Z's reasoning.*

    Z: Any questions?
    Rose Soldier(s) (in unison): No, sir!
    Z: You have your orders. Move out.

    *The Rose Soldiers depart, except the purple-haired soldier, who appears unsure if he wants to follow them, but after a few moments does; meanwhile, in Sulen'Eska, Kara SuLema has news.*

    Kara SuLema: "N" came back last night with unsatisfactory reports. I am not happy at all.
    <Character>: "N"?
    Kara SuLema: She is very secretive. She has spent the last four years being "N" so that those she watches out for remain safe.
    Kara SuLema: The Rose would love nothing more than to learn about her and take her into custody.
    <Character>: I see. What was in her reports?

    *A Clawkin is running, and only its legs can be seen; the scene returns to Kara.*

    Kara SuLema: The Rose is in the vicinity of a Clawkin village. In another day or so, they will have found the village.

    *The Clawkin keeps running, now showing its full appearance.*

    Kara SuLema: She was in the middle of evacuating them when she was attacked.

    *The Clawkin enters the scene and falls to its knees in front of Kara.*

    Bote Andedan: Lady Kara... they came. Again. Took many. Children... Ni-

    *Bote briefly glances at you, knowing that you have a history with them.*

    Kara SuLema: She brought the message, Bote. But, you should have been safe for another day.
    Bote Andedan: Few escape. Why do they not leave us alone?
    Kara SuLema: Because, Bote, the Rose wants something it cannot have or control.
    Kara SuLema: Please, go to the medic and get your wounds attended to. <Character> and I will right this.

    *Once Bote exits the scene, you talk to Kara privately about the Clawkins before leaving to save Bote's village.*

    <Character>: I've spent years... dealing with Clawkin ambushes and annoyances. You mean to tell me there is more to the creatures?
    Kara SuLema: <Character>, there is much you humans have neglected in this world. The Clawkin... are a wonderful race of people.
    Kara SuLema: All in good time, you will get your answers. For now, we must help the village out.
    <Character>: I am learning so much every day... let's go.

    *You head towards Bote's village, fighting various Rose Soldiers and Energizers along the way; once at the village, you realise you've arrived too late, as the village has been burnt to the ground.*

    Kara SuLema: We... are too late!
    <Character>: I am sorry, Kara. We got here as fast as we could.
    Kara SuLema: Had I used my magic, we would have been here almost immediately.
    <Character>: And you would have attracted more attention than you could afford.
    Rose Soldier (1): Oh, she's already attracted so much attention. Both of you. And you did exactly as we thought.
    Rose Soldier (2): You came to their rescue, and now we have you.
    Rose Soldier (3): Pathetic, bleeding heart rebel, we will destroy you here, then move on towards the swamps where you are hiding.

    *You fight through the Rose Soldiers, when you are approached by one more.*

    Carat: Kara SuLema, my name is Carat, I do not come to fight. Actually, I don't know what I am doing anymore. I don't know who is right. I don't know who is wrong.
    Carat: I am torn, but I had to see you. I had to tell you something you need to know.
    Kara SuLema: What?
    Carat: We have imprisoned a woman whose name is Elanee. She was taken captive and is questioned at all hours, as they are trying to break her.
    Carat: She cries for one named Ogorek.
    <Character>: Ogorek? But... oh no... His wife?
    Carat: I do not know who he is, but I know what she is. If you know this man, tell him she is alive, for now. Here is where she is kept.
    Carat: You have no reason to believe me. I do not blame you for not trusting me. But, recently, I have begun to question everything.
    <Character>: Then join us.
    Carat: Maybe in time, once I have sorted everything out in my mind. For now, I must remain torn.
    Carat: Perhaps, perhaps we will meet again, under better circumstances.

    *Carat runs off, and Kara opens and reads the scroll which Carat has just handed her.*

    Kara SuLema: I know where this is. We must go after her.
    <Character>: There is no question. She must be rescued, as well as anyone else we find there.

  • Complete Quest
  • Loot Shop Quest drops for DC - opens Smoke DC Drop Shop.

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