Third Floor, The (Full Version)

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Jorath -> Third Floor, The (4/18/2015 6:54:41)

The Third Floor

Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Mritha -> Espina Rosa -> Third Floor -> Quest!
Requirements: Completion of An Uncertain Future
Release Date: April 17th, 2015

Objective: The moment you step into the Third Level an uncanny sense of eeriness pervades you. It is as though you are being watched by unseen eyes. Find your target and get out.
Objective completed: Target acquired.

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(3) Opticlops
(3) Shoggoth
(2) Squeg
(3) Zombie Tog

Private Bradley

Guise of the Unchained (All Versions)
Wings of the Unchained (All Versions)

Access to Unchained.


*The scene shows an undead tog falling to the ground in the Third Level, then pans up to Sofist.*

Sofist: That should be the last of those wretch...
Sofist: Private! Patrol status report!
Private Bradley: No injured among the Patrol, Sir.
Private Bradley: Although Vince claims the cries of one particular Barrat wounded his poetic soul...
Vince: ... Laughing like it's all just a game. Not caring while my soul cries out in pain. What is your game? WHAT IS YOUR GAME?!
Sofist: VINCENT!
Vince: MOMMY!
Vince: I-I-I mean... I'll shut up now...
Sofist: How are the conditions ahead, Bradley? Have any paths shifted since the last Patrol?

*Private Bradley opens his agenda.*

Private Bradley: None in this section of the jails so far... More I can't say, Sir.
Private Bradley: There is too much interference from the wards to pick up on deeper sections of the Level.

*A gust of wind blows from a nearby cavern.*

Sofist: That wretched wind again...
Sofist: All right. The Patrol is moving out! Remember to stay close...
Sofist: It's dark and hard to see down here and if you lose sight of the Patrol, you risk getting lost in the maze of pathways... or worse.
Sofist: Edd?

*You look unnerved, as though you are afraid of the eeriness.*

Sofist: Edd?!

*A telepathic sound calls out to you briefly, before Sofist yells.*

Sofist: EDD!!!
<Character>: Huh? What?
Sofist: What's wrong with you? Don't tell me you are afraid of the dark?
<Character>: Of course not, Sir!
Sofist: Then stop acting like it! I'm assigning you to rearguard. Your job is to stay behind the cart and make sure nothing sneaks up on the Patrol.
Sofist: We don't usually come across any unchained monsters from behind during our second run... but you can never be too careful.
Sofist: Don't let me down!
<Character>: Sir!
Sofist: Elite Patrol! Move out!

*Sofist and the other Elite Patrol members head off in one direction, while you break from the group and head into the nearby cavern.*

  • Complex Skills - equips Edd Disguise (Complex Skills).
  • Simple Skills - equips Edd Disguise (Simple Skills).

    Find your way around the mismatched maze while fighting monsters to reach the deeper section. Directions are as follows:

    Right OR Left -> Left -> Right -> Left -> Down -> Up

    If you took a wrong turn from the directions above:

    Starting in "Not again" you can either go up left to "Come ..." or up right to "Right, left, right, left ... Right?"
    In "Come" you can either go left to "Will of stone ... Heart of fire" or right to "All the same"
    In "All the same" you can either go left or right, both to "Not again"
    In "Right, left, right, left ... Right?" you can go left to "Will of stone ... Heart of fire", up to "Come ..." or right to "All the same"
    In "Will of stone ... Heart of fire" you can go left to "Haven't I been around this corner before?", up to "Right, left, right, left ... Right?", right to "Many found ... All the kinder" or down to "This path is familiar ... or is it?"
    In "This path is familiar ... or is it?" you can go left to "Right, left, right, left ... Right?", up to "Come ..." or right to "Will of stone ... Heart of fire"
    In "Haven't I been around this corner before?" you can either go right or down, both to "Gah! I'm so lost!"
    In "Gah! I'm so lost!" you can go left to "Haven't I been around this corner before?", go up to "This path is familiar ... or is it?", go right to "Gah! I'm so lost!" or down to "Right, left, right, left ... Right?"
    In "Many found ... All the kinder" you can go left to "Many lost ... Villain's ire", up to "Come ..." or down to "All the same"
    In "Many lost ... Villain's ire" you can go up to "Not again", right to "Gah! I'm so lost!" or down to "All sung ... The Bard's lyre"
    In "All sung ... The Bard's lyre" you can go right to "Will of stone ... Heart of fire", down to This path is familiar ... or is it", left to "Haven't I been around this corner before?" or finally up to the final cutscene and the end of the quest.

    Once you reach the deeper section:

    <Character>: A dead end?
    <Character>: Oh? Hmm....

    *You pick up a map that's on the ground.*

    <Character>: Ah, it's a map. Perfect! Now I won't get lost.

    *You run back out, and then continue running around in circles.*

    <Character>: Oh.... for crying out loud!
    <Character>: There's no doubt about it... at this point I'm sure completely lost. I've probably been running around for hours, maybe longer...
    <Character>: I really wish I could tell... But it seems you lost track of the time down here. It feels like it's been an eternity.
    <Character>: Oh, come on, <Character>! Thin-

    *A deep chuckle echoes from nearby.*

    ???: So... it truly is you...
    ???: But of course, it could only be you... it had to be.
    ???: Just as the Wind had told...
    <Character>: The Wind?
    ???: Yes, the Wind... YOUR Wind.
    <Character>: My Wind? I'm sorry, I don't underst-

    *A light flashes from a distance.*

    ???: The Wind tells everyone’s story. Carrying their words, taking them away...
    ???: Though the words are taken away, their echoes remain. Echoes in the wind...
    ???: Make up your Wind. If you can hear the echoes, the whispers of that Wind, then you can hear the bearer of that Wind...
    <Character>: Wait... you're saying you can hear everything I or anyone ever said concerning myself?
    ???: No... Not everything. Some things, but not everything...Too much sound, too much noise…
    ???: Like the noise of a storm. The wind blowing through many, many leaves of trees. A choir’s many voices...
    ???: ...all come together to make a song yet every voice is distinct and different, no matter how small a difference...
    ???: Like a busy tavern lively in the night. Only the loudest of things said, those said again and again or said by many can be heard easily.
    ???: The stronger echoes.
    <Character>: Ok... and what does my Wind say?

    *The voice lets out another deep chuckle.*

    ???: Very many echoes... A storm unlike others. A great strength but not simply in terms of skill.
    ???: Hailed “hero” from as far as Ostveld reaches Ovungu Zoyo...
    ???: Many good a word, praise, thanks and cheers said to your name... Willed or not, a friend to many. The many different.
    ???: Caretaking of many souls both big and small.
    ???: The burden of caring for them but not being able to save them all.
    <Character>: ......
    ???: Great titles given. Red Dragon Slayer. Undead Breaker. Vanquisher of the Great Darkness…
    ???: More recently, a similar glee to a welcomed return. Once thought to be lost... has been found again.
    ???: But not all echoes... ring so well.
    <Character>: Oh?
    ???: An absence felt... painfully… Questions... cries of misery, despair, indignation...
    ???: Where have you gone? Why have you gone? Why are you not helping us? Protecting us? Defending us?
    ???: Why did you leave us? Why did you forsake us? Why... Why did you abandon us?
    <Character>: ......
    ???: So much changes... in only a single year. And you, <Character>... have been gone for many a one.
    <Character>: I take it that you're the mage?....
    <Character>: Elryn?
    Elryn: You are curiously well informed.

    *A silhouette of Elryn appears from the light.*

    Elryn: Now indulge me, <Character>...
    Elryn: Just what in the Avatars’ names are you doing in the dark underbelly of the Runed Fortress?

    *Scene fades to black.*

  • Unchained Weapons - opens Unchained shop.
  • Complete Quest

    Thanks to anime_rpg for information.

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