Nythera (Full Version)

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Resolute -> Nythera (3/29/2007 17:50:19)


Location: Falconreach during April Fools Day (2007), Warlic's Zone -> Right, It's Not Fair!, It's Elementary, Potion Mastery, The Coming Storm, Rescue, The Final Showdown, Into the Void, No Gain Without Loss, Seeking Advice, Face Your Destiny, Know Your Nature, A Bridge Forms, The Test, Embrace Your Destiny, The Dragon Drakath, The Mage Tower, It Begins..., Friday the 13th Interlude, Doom Amulet, Calamity, Direct Current, Into the Abyss

Zones permitted
Elemental Attack! - The Storm War

Quests given
Stocking the Shelves
It's Not Fair!
It's Elementary
Potion Mastery
The Coming Storm

Rise of the DragonMage
Into the Void
No Gain Without Loss
Seeking Advice
Face Your Destiny
Know Your Nature
A Bridge Forms
The Test
Embrace Your Destiny

Shops owned
Capes & Wings

Warlic's Zone
Ele Bouquet
Ele Essences

(during April Fools Day (2007))

Nythera: I'm Nythera. I am Warlic's apprentice. Who let all of these stupid ChickenCows loose in the town? Oh geez, it is April fools?

Warlic's Zone
(before The Final Showdown)

Nythera: *sigh* Hi. I'm Nythera. I am Warlic's apprentice and someday... very soon... I'll be a far greater mage than he ever could be.

During Elemental Attack! - The Storm War:
Nythera: I am Nythera, the Purple Mage, the greatest power on Lore.

  • Talk
    Nythera: My name is Nythera. In dragonspeak it means "Superior"... And before you ask any silly questions, yes, I am part Dragon.
    Nythera: That is why Warlic selected me as his apprentice. At first I was honored, but he's moving too slowly.
    Nythera: How DARE he keep his secrets from me. I've earned them! If he doesn't teach me some REAL magic soon...

  • Warlic?
    Nythera: Warlic is a great mage, but with his power he could be so much more! One day he will teach me his secrets and I won't be afraid to use them!
    Nythera: Of course, he might never teach me what I want. If that is the case, then I will simply TAKE the power for myself....*Nythera seems deep in thought*...
    Nythera: ...I wonder if Reens has that new batch of Warlic Poi...er... Rat Poison ready for me yet.
    • Where is he? - complete The Coming Storm to unlock this option.
      Nythera: I don't know... I'm not his keeper.
      Nythera: If you really want I can cast an illusion so you can hear him blabbing about everything but what I want to hear about.
      • Illusion of Warlic - opens dialogue with Warlic.
    During Elemental Attack! - The Storm War:
    Nythera: Warlic was a great mage, but he had no idea how to properly utilize his power.
    Nythera: He underestimated me and I was able to take his power for myself. Only I, with my dragon ancestry and superior intelligence, am worthy of such power.
    Nythera: I'll show everyone who doubted me. Everyone who talked down to me. Just like I showed Warlic.

  • Quest
    Nythera: So are you going to help me out or what?
    • Stocking the Shelves
      Nythera: One of my duties as Warlic's apprentice is to make sure his potion and reagent shelves stay stocked.
      Nythera: Have you seen the inside of that tent? It's enormous, there's stuff everywhere. It takes me forever just to try and track down what he uses.
      Nythera: Not to mention what I borrow...
      Nythera: His roommate doesn't help either. Those dirty sock monkeys are disgusting.
      Nythera: I need you to go to the definately-not-haunted-in-any-way-woods to the west and gather up some reagents for me. Just look for anything glowy.
      Nythera: I'll even help you out. I'll take... er... borrow Warlic's crystal to let you know how many are left as you gather them. I'll stay here, of course.

    • It's Not Fair!
      Nythera: It's not fair.
      Nythera: Warlic is taking to long to teach me his magic. I need to have his powers to unlock my own.

      Nythera: *sigh* I'm grounded and my dragon magic is bound. I'm allowed to learn human magic but Warlic is being incredibly slow to teach me.
      Nythera: He has incredible power. I know he has some secret that can remove the bind on my magic.

      Nythera: No! It's been two hundred years! It's not fair and I want my magic back now!

      Nythera: *sigh* I'm half dragon, remember? If you actually need me to translate it to you, I'm about seventeen in dragon years.
      Nythera: It's not fair. It all started when my parent's went out and wouldn't take me with them.

    • It's Elementary!
      Nythera: I was excited when I first met Warlic. He promised to give me my powers back.
      Nythera: I still don't have them though.
      Nythera: I'm tired of running his errands for him. It all started on the very first day I got here.

    • Potion Mastery
      Nythera: I need your help again, <Character>. I need some potions mixed up, but I have other things to do.

    • The Storm
      Nythera: Ugh, what are you doing here? I'm very busy and don't have time to deal with you too.
      Nythera: I'm finally stocked with potions and ready get my powers back. Leave.

    • The Storm War
      Nythera: Get back to Falconreach and try to save the city before it burns to the ground

    • Rise of the DragonMage - complete The Final Showdown to unlock this quest chain.
      Nythera: I WILL get my magic back, one way or the other!
  • Shop
    Nythera: I'm collecting elemental essences for a little project. If you come across any, save them and I'll have some stuff to trade you for them soon.

    It's Not Fair!

    Nythera: IT'S NOT FAIR!

    Nythera: IT'S NOT FAIR!

    Nythera: I don't want to go! I already know how to do magic!

    Nythera: *thinking* I still don't have my fort either. I'll have to make more of that stuff later...

    Nythera: *thinking* I'm a big girl. I know what I'm doing, besides I have to have some fun somehow...
    Nythera: *thinking* I can play with Dad's alchemy stuff as much as I want and they'll never know. I just have to run up to the bottles and stuff happen.

    Nythera: *sigh*

    Nythera: Yes, Mother?

    Nythera: Nothing.

    Nythera: I didn't do anything.

    Nythera: ... I wanted to go, you should have let me go.

    Nythera: Moooooooooooommmm! Daddy, please?

    It's Elementary

    Nythera: Thanks. Does this mean I can use my magic?

    Nythera: *thinking* Good, I should have my magic back soon then. How hard could this stuff be?

    Nythera: Is that all? They're just elementals, I'm half-dragon. I can learn their secrets in no time.

    Nythera: I'll find them and be back in no time. *and then you can give me my magic back*

    Nythera: I want to know about your powers.

    Nythera: No you're not! Dragon's are more powerful than anything!

    Nythera: I don't have to listen to this, you big, dumb rock! I'll show you who's more powerful!

    Nythera: I was sent to learn about your powers.

    Nythera: Please, I'm more powerful than any elemental. You're nothing but hot air.

    Nythera: I bet Fire is more powerful! It sides with dragons! I'll show you!

    Nythera: I have come to learn about your powers. Earth and Wind were no help to me.

    Nythera: Wait... dragons use you, give you purpose. Without us, you'd be nothing but ashes!

    Nythera: That's not true! You're just as delusional as Earth and Wind. I'll show you!

    Nythera: I have been to Earth, Wind and Fire. None of them were any help. I wish to learn about your powers.

    Nythera: Ugh, not this again!

    Nythera: Each of you claims to be soooo powerful, but none of you are as good as me! If you have nothing to teach me then why am I here?
    Nythera: This was such a waste of time!

    Nythera: I didn't do anything! They were all mean! All they talked about was how great they were. They didn't have anything to teach me.

    Nythera: They're not so powerful. I beat them all by myself, I didn't even need my magic.

    Nythera: It's not my fault!

    Nythera: But you promised!

    Potion Mastery

    Nythera: *sigh* Look, I've got lots of work to do. You work on these potions. I've enchanted the reagents so even you should be able to handle it.
    Nythera: They'll glow in the order you need to mix them. Just watch and then use them in the same order. If you get the pointer in the red, you're done.
    Nythera: You only get so many attempts per batch. If you run out of chances, the potions will be ruined and you'll have to start over.
    Nythera: With every correct mix you get one more attempt on the next batch, but if you mess up you lose attempts.
    Nythera: *sigh* Try not to mess up. Otherwise, I'm just going to have to stand out front asking people to help me get herbs forever.

    The Coming Storm

    Nythera: Give me my magic back NOW, Old Man!!

    Nythera: Give me my dragon magic or I'll take yours!

    Nythera: Liar. You don't know what I can do!

    Nythera: *Screams in rage*

    Nythera: The Blue Mage is dead, witness the rise of the Purple Mage, <Character>.
    Nythera: Warlic had no idea how to properly use his power. Fire, wind, water, earth. All will bow to my will.

    Nythera: It was easy, "hero". You helped immensely, thanks for making that potion by the way.

    Nythera: Oh? Are you sure it was him?

    Nythera: Haha, I just killed one of the most powerful mages in existence, mortal. What do you think you could do to me?

    Nythera: Hahaha, if I were you I'd be hurrying home now, "hero".
    Nythera: Otherwise, your poor Falconreach will have to stand alone against the elementals that are coming.

    Nythera: I've issued a challenge and the avatars of the Elemental Lords are on their way. They'll pay for being mean to me.
    Nythera: I'd much rather have you alive and defending Falconreach so I have something to rule over after the destruction.

    Nythera: No buts, begone. I have a whole new plane of power to explore before the avatars make their appearance.


    Nythera: The power... there is so much...

    Nythera: Stop! I know what I'm doing... I.. I just...

    Nythera: Argh, no! I'm supposed to be the best, I don't need you, just like I didn't Warlic!

    The Final Showdown

    Nythera: The time has come! You have one chance to surrender, you overgrown elementals! Otherwise, your powers are mine!

    Nythera: Well, I'm here now! I am the most powerful being on this planet an I'll prove it!
    Nythera: I've taken down your puny elementals before and I'm more powerful than ever!

    Nythera: Argh... I... I... failed.
    Nythera: I... can't control... can't... ARGGGHH, he was right. What have I done?
    Nythera: I thought... thought, I could do it. I should be... the best, but... I...
    Nythera: I have...

    Nythera: I... I'm sorry.

    Nythera: You... you're... am I still grounded?

    Warlic's Zone
    (after The Final Showdown)

    Nythera: *sigh* Hi. I'm Nythera. I am Warlic's apprentice and someday... very soon... I'll be a far greater... as great a mage as he is.

  • Talk
    Nythera: My name is Nythera. In dragonspeak it means "Superior"... And before you ask any silly questions, yes, I am part Dragon.
    Nythera: That is why Warlic selected me as his apprentice.
    Nythera: Soon I will know all his secrets and learn to control my powers as well.

  • Warlic?
    Nythera: Warlic has returned from the dead... and, yes, I'm still grounded.
    Nythera: His journey to the Death's Realm revitalized the Old Man. I'm sure he's going to be better about teaching me now.
    Nythera: He better at least.
    • Where is he? - complete Full Darkness / Extreme Full Darkness to unlock this option.
      Nythera: I don't know... I'm not his keeper. He disappeared after the Darkness.
      Nythera: If you really want I can cast an illusion so you can hear him blabbing about everything but what I want to hear about.
      • Illusion of Warlic - opens dialogue with Warlic.
  • Quest
    Nythera: So are you going to help me out or what?
    • Stocking the Shelves
      Nythera: One of my duties as Warlic's apprentice is to make sure his potion and reagent shelves stay stocked.
      Nythera: Have you seen the inside of that tent? It's enormous, there's stuff everywhere. It takes me forever just to try and track down what he uses.
      Nythera: Not to mention what I borrow...
      Nythera: His roommate doesn't help either. Those dirty sock monkeys are disgusting.
      Nythera: I need you to go to the definately-not-haunted-in-any-way-woods to the west and gather up some reagents for me. Just look for anything glowy.
      Nythera: I'll even help you out. I'll take... er... borrow Warlic's crystal to let you know how many are left as you gather them. I'll stay here, of course.

    • It's Not Fair!
      Nythera: It's not fair.
      Nythera: Warlic is taking to long to teach me his magic. I need to have his powers to unlock my own.

      Nythera: *sigh* I'm grounded and my dragon magic is bound. I'm allowed to learn human magic but Warlic is being incredibly slow to teach me.
      Nythera: He has incredible power. I know he has some secret that can remove the bind on my magic.

      Nythera: No! It's been two hundred years! It's not fair and I want my magic back now!

      Nythera: *sigh* I'm half dragon, remember? If you actually need me to translate it to you, I'm about seventeen in dragon years.
      Nythera: It's not fair. It all started when my parent's went out and wouldn't take me with them.

    • It's Elementary!
      Nythera: I was excited when I first met Warlic. He promised to give me my powers back.
      Nythera: I still don't have them though.
      Nythera: I'm tired of running his errands for him. It all started on the very first day I got here.

    • Potion Mastery
      Nythera: I need your help again, <Character>. I need some potions mixed up, but I have other things to do.

    • The Storm
      Nythera: Ugh, what are you doing here? I'm very busy and don't have time to deal with you too.
      Nythera: I'm finally stocked with potions and ready get my powers back. Leave.

    • The Storm War
      Nythera: Get back to Falconreach and try to save the city before it burns to the ground

    • Rise of the DragonMage
      Nythera: I WILL get my magic back, one way or the other!

      • Into the Void
        Nythera: So. Warlic says he wants to talk to me. And after I've been running all over doing his dirty work. What NOW?!

      • No Loss, No Gain
        Nythera: If Warlic won't help me get my magics back, I'll find someone who WILL!

      • Seeking Advice
        Nythera: Warlic won't help me. Elysia CAN'T help me... I- I guess I'll have to go back to my parents. Maybe they'll know what to do!

      • Face Your Destiny
        Nythera: I know what I have to do now. I have to go and talk to the Creatioux. Maybe Elucidas will be able to help me, since Warlic can't!

      • Know Your Nature
        Nythera: Those Decadere must be REALLY strong to beat ME! But I'll trounce them soon. I just need to practice a bit!

      • A Bridge Forms
        Nythera: Oooh. I feel... funny! That little Decadere couldn't have hurt me, but I feel WEIRD now!

      • The Test
        Nythera: I feel AMAZING! I can feel the power pulsing through me! I can take on ANYthing!

      • Embrace Your Destiny
        Nythera: It's time. I must embrace my fate and become what I am destined to be: the DragonMage!
  • Shop
    Nythera: I'm collecting elemental essences for a little project. If you come across any, save them and I'll have some stuff to trade you for them soon.

    Into the Void

    Nythera: Oh boy. Here we go again... I wonder what I did THIS time? Better answer properly, though.
    Nythera: Yes, Warlic. I just got back from surveying that tribe of Wind Elementals.
    Nythera: They HAVE been sweeping Diamond Dust into their funnels to enhance the power of their gusts.

    Nythera: That wasn't mischief, that was DESTINY! Hmmmph. And it should have worked too.
    Nythera: Now I understand that the only way my magic will be returned to me is if I work hard and try my best.
    Nythera: So I have been. That magic is MINE, and it's my right to have it.
    Nythera: There is SO much I should be able to DO!

    Nythera: It-it is? I mean, it IS!

    Nythera: Even better, lets give it BACK!

    Nythera: Fiiiiiine. Discuss away!

    Nythera: Right. But it's not enough. I can FEEL the rest of my magic inside me. Like it's pulsing behind a glass wall.
    Nythera: I can... almost... touch it.

    Nythera: Void magic. I knew about the Dragon magic but...

    Nythera: I'm NOT impatient! There's just so much to do, and so little time to do it in. I'm... I'm efficient.
    Nythera: PLEASE go on, Warlic. What is Void magic?

    Nythera: Why do I get such a funny feeling when he says that word?
    Nythera: Like recognizing something forgot a long, long time ago.

    Nythera: And then study it over and over and over again.
    Nythera: So this Void element. We're going to study THAT now?
    Nythera: And THEN you'll tell me about Void magic?

    No Gain Without Loss

    Nythera: If Warlic won't help me, maybe someone in Sunbreeze Grove will!
    Nythera: Who are YOU? Where's Lady C? I need to speak witrh her. It's urgent!

    Nythera: Ugh, don't mention him. I just came from him, and he's a stodgy old magic-muffler.
    Nythera: I need Lady C's help with some... business.

    Nythera: Exactly! How'd you know?

    Nythera: You know Dragon magic? Are you any good? You look awfully young.

    Nythera: Well, could you help ME learn my Dragon magic?

    Nythera: ... That's the thing. I don't HAVE my magic!
    Nythera: Warlic kept saying he'd give it back, but then he wouldn't, and now I'm trying to regain it on my own.

    Nythera: The who?!

    Nythera: I'm RIGHT HERE. Don't talk around me, talk TO me!

    Nythera: Well, where IS here?

    Nythera: You already know what I want?

    Nythera: Yes! Finally, someone who sees things the right way!

    Nythera: Yes! My parents blocked my dragon magic because of some piffling little experimenting I was doing when I was younger. SO not fair.

    Nythera: And Warlic only just mentioned that there was such a thing as Void magic!
    Nythera: Why didn't I know about this before now?
    Nythera: And so you are Void dragons? Like the Void element Warlic told me about?

    Nythera: It's my magic, I have a RIGHT to know! I can't learn to use it responsibly if I'm prevented from accessing it, after all.
    Nythera: Everyone says "Be responsible, Nythera, Grow UP, Nythera!" But how can I when I'm kept sheltered like a child?
    Nythera: No one believes in me! They don't see just how good I can be! I- I just want to LEARN!

    Nythera: Nobody ever listens to me!
    Nythera: I just want to learn.
    Nythera: I just want...
    Nythera: !!!

    Nythera: You- you're the one with the voice!
    Nythera: ... Who is "us"?

    Nythera: Um... no. They didn't mention you at all, actually.
    Nythera: And I think I know why...
    Nythera: You sound a bit crazy.

    Nythera: Are getting bored of all your made-up titles.

    Nythera: El- Elysia?

    Seeking Advice

    Nythera: Hmmph. I hate being lost!
    Nythera: If I could have my dragon-form, I could FLY! But nooooo...
    Nythera: I'd better start walking, but to where? I can't go back to Warlic.
    Nythera: Lady Celestia isn't at her Grove, and I don't know WHAT happened to Elysia!
    Nythera: She was nice enough, and she TRIED to help. I hope she's not hurt!
    Nythera: She shouldn't have taken that energy blast for me. I could have handled it!
    Nythera: I guess... I suppose I'll have to go home. Maybe my parents can help me.
    Nythera: WITHOUT saying "We told you so."

    Nythera: M-mom? Dad?

    Nythera: I- I- There were the good Void dragons that Elysia took me to, and then they said I was blocked for a good reason.

    Nythera: And I got mad...

    Nythera: And then I ran into the forest and I kept running and there was a portal like the one Warlic took me to.

    Nythera: And there was the Bad Void dragon. And it said they wanted me to be their SLAVE!
    Nythera: As if anyone could keep ME in chains!
    Nythera: And then it started to attack me!
    Nythera: I could have handled it on my own, but Elysia came and the blast hit HER instead of ME and she disappeared.
    Nythera: And now I don't know what to do or where to go. I'm confused and I HATE being confused!
    Nythera: I know what I need to do, and that's get my magic. Then I'll be able to handle those Decadere.
    Nythera: They won't get their hands on ME! I'm far too smart for them.

    Nythera: I WANT to be able to do it myself! And I would, if I had my magic!

    Nythera: I-it is? I mean, IT IS! I'm glad you finally see things my way!

    Nythera: There is ALWAYS a catch! But I learned my lesson. I'll cooperate.
    Nythera: *thinking* Go along to get along. And once I get my magic, they'll realize this was the right choice. I'll prove it to EVERYone!

    Nythera: *sigh* Yes, Warlic.

    Face Your Destiny

    Nythera: I... I'm sorry I ran off. Everyone has kept my magic from me, and it feels like a part of myself is missing.
    Nythera: Warlic says that if I want my magic back, I need to work with you. So I will.
    Nythera: I will TRY to be better.

    Nythera: I- Thank you! I can feel... I feel different. More. More like myself! Still not whole, but... better.
    Nythera: Almost complete.

    Nythera: Ugh, those jumped-up, pompous, delusional, hideous-

    Nythera: I AM, after all, part Dragon. Paired with the ingenuity of my Human ancestors, I'm sure I'll think of something. Just you watch!

    Nythera: I think... I think I'd like to go off and think a bit. About what I must do, and my new powers.
    Nythera: And maybe I'll come up with a way to help your race.

    Nythera: Hmph.
    Nythera: So. I have a destiny. A GREAT destiny.
    Nythera: I'm not surprised.
    Nythera: I always knew I would be famous! Someone as superior as I am can't NOT be!
    Nythera: But... how to go about-
    Nythera: AAAHHHH!
    Nythera: Oof.
    Nythera: Someone will pay dearly for this.

    Nythera: Hmmph. I needed to see you anyways. Now is as good a time as any other.

    Nythera: You're not doing ANYthing to me, you wrinkled piece of Void-rot!
  • Battle!

    Know Your Nature

    Nythera: N-no, I'm alright. Really.
    Nythera: I'm just a little shaky. It's a good thing that bolt to my head didn't mess up my hair.
    Nythera: It still looks alright?

    Nythera: Maybe a little. But I AM going to be alright. And now I know that I don't know quite enough to face the Decadere on my own.
    Nythera: I will need to practice, and grow stronger. Spend more time studying my new powers.
    Nythera: Now that I've got some back, I should PRACTICE, right?

    Nythera: How do I do that?

    Nythera: I am Nythera. You might have heard of me.

    Nythera: *thinking* Grrr. SO much more than that, if they only realized.
    Nythera: *thinking* Must... stay... polite. Need their help...
    Nythera: Yes, that's me. Only I've unlocked some more of my magic now, the Dragon magic.
    Nythera: They Creatioux Eldest wanted me to talk with you, see how you view Dragons.

    Nythera: But I really need to talk to you! It's important!
    Nythera: Wait, wait. What IS the issue? If it has to do with Dragons, well, I'm half-dragon. Maybe I can help.

    Nythera: Hmmmph! Someone as skilled as I am... I've never fainted in my life!

    Nythera: I'm sure I can handle anything that we come up against.

    Nythera: Hmmph. This one looks young. I can handle THIS.
    Nythera: I am attuned to Void magic, and this creature is soaked in the essence of the Void element.
    Nythera: I might not have ALL of my powers...
    Nythera: But I'm certain I can handle this little trouble for you.

    A Bridge Forms

    Nythera: Oh, they talked to me alright. That father of Elysia's can talk for HOURS!
    Nythera: He went on and on about how wonderful dragons are -- which is true...
    Nythera: And how majestic they look -- which we do...
    Nythera: And how by cultivating relationships with dragons, mankind can better the world - which makes sense.
    Nythera: But we didn't do any of that until AFTER I took on a Decadere dragon on my own. And won!

    Nythera: Well... hmmph. It was a SMALL one.
    Nythera: It might have been a baby.

    Nythera: But it was STILL a Decadere! And I beat it! Which means that once I have my ALL my powers, I'll be able to take on an adult and win!

    Nythera: Now that you mentioned it... Yes!
    Nythera: It exploded into a shower of sparks, which flew around me and then INTO me. Void dragon sparks tickle.

    Nythera: What ARE you talking about?

    Nythera: Why did you do THAT? Your breath smells like fire and pickled fish.
    Nythera: Gross!

    Nythera: Next time WARN me before breathing into my face, alright?
    Nythera: But good to know about the bridge thing. I wondered how I was going to save you.
    Nythera: Oh, I knew I'd come up with something- I always do. But this seems easy enough.

    Nythera: So, does this mean you'll give me my Void magic, too?
    Nythera: I should really have that if I'm going to confront the Decadere again.
    Nythera: Which I'm going to need to do if I'm going to unite the two of you.
    Nythera: I think I've been doing well so far, don't you?
    Nythera: I'm sure Warlic would agree.

    Nythera: But! --

    Nythera: Oh. Well. Good! I completely agree!

    Nythera: But my mother doesn't HAVE Void magic, and my father is a human!
    Nythera: I CAN'T learn from my parents! You'll have to teach me!

    Nythera: I am Nythera, Dragonmage Extraordinaire. Or, well, I WILL be! And I NEED to speak to one of your subjects.

    Nythera: I see. Well. Hmmm.
    Nythera: *thinking* He OBVIOUSLY expects me to challenge him. But I'm far too crafty for that!
    Nythera: May- may I HAVE your permission to pass and seek my great-great-great-grandmother?

    Nythera: I almost died once. I don't remember you; all I remember is struggling to stay alive.

    Nythera: My ancestor. I need her! She is the only one I know who can teach me how to use my powers.
    Nythera: Without her, I have no chance of reuniting the Creatioux and Decadere.
    Nythera: The Creatioux have been so good to me. I- I would like to help them, to say thank you.

    Nythera: Are... are you Azhura? You feel... FAMILIAR somehow.
    Nythera: I am Nythera. I'll probably be the most famous of your descendants by the time I'm done.
    Nythera: Yes! But I suppose it was necessary. Everyone else seems to think so, anyway.
    Nythera: Elucidas -- he's a Creatioux dragon-

    Nythera: Um... I guess so. If you like smelly old-

    Nythera: Er- ah- nevermind.
    Nythera: I'll be allowed to have my magic back, though. If you'll teach me how to use it, that is.

    The Test

    Nythera: I am myself again! I didn't know that such a large part of me was missing, but after talking to Azhura...
    Nythera: After her lessons, I felt SOMEthing snap into place. It was like having a broken bone set all of a sudden.
    Nythera: A pain I never knew I felt was suddenly GONE! I feel wonderful! Like I could do anything!
    Nythera: And I WILL!

    Nythera: But I want to use them NOW! The electricity coursing through my veins...
    Nythera: ... it feels like grabbing ahold of purple lightning and drinking it up.
    Nythera: ... That makes no sense. But it's how I feel.

    Nythera: I will NEVER live that down!
    Nythera: I understand, Elucidas. But... how can I prove myself to you?
    Nythera: I am me. I don't know how to be anyone else.

    Nythera: Use my new powers in battle? Let's GO!

    Nythera: And I'll show you that I shouldn't be underestimated!

    Nythera: I- ... Thank you.
    Nythera: It feels RIGHT to use my magic. I feel whole.

    Nythera: I understand. I think... maybe... a lot of MY pride comes from my dragon-half.

    Embrace Your Destiny

    Nythera: Actually, no.
    Nythera: I came here seeking you. And I'm NOT afraid of you.
    Nythera: Hmmph.
    Nythera: A little in awe of your ugliness, maybe, but not afraid!

    Nythera: You SHOULD be afraid of me. Maybe you're smarter than I thought.

    Nythera: Join you?
    Nythera: Hah. I'd rather muck out a Guardian Tower's stables than develop into something like YOU.
    Nythera: But I shouldn't insult you, should I? I have an offer to make. On behalf of your brothers and sisters, the Creatioux.

    Nythera: You should REALLY hear me out. You don't want to see what I can do now that I have my magic back.

    Nythera: I don't NEED to fight you in dragon form! I can take you standing on my own two feet. And I'll win!

    Nythera: Hmmph. Suit yourself.

    Nythera: Decadere!
    Nythera: Listen to me!
    Nythera: See what I can help you to become!

    Nythera: Your lives- this is not how you were meant to live, hiding away in the darkness, awash in Chaos.
    Nythera: Look at the soul of your Eldest, purified and leeched of the corrupting forces of the Void.
    Nythera: Dragons are proud, beautiful, magnificent creatures!
    Nythera: I should know!
    Nythera: You should not have to live here, every day growing more twisted, more angry, and LESS like the dragons you are meant to be!
    Nythera: Decair's soul has journeyed to the OtherLand, and will join those of the Creatioux who die bravely in battle.
    Nythera: As he is joining them in death, so should you join them in life! Unity with your brethren is your destiny.
    Nythera: Together you will resurrect the Void dragon race and restore it to its former glory!

    Nythera: The time has come for you to accept your destiny.
    Nythera: And for me to embrace my future...
    Nythera: Whatever it might bring!

    The Dragon Drakath

    Nythera: If you morons don't stop fighting each other instead of the abomination of a "dragon" there won't be anything left for anyone.
    Nythera: Kill each other later, kill it first.
    Nythera: And stop with the skeletons, it's getting old.

    The Mage Tower

    Nythera: Hey.

    Nythera: I know. Warlic told me.
    Nythera: I've been... ... somewhere else. Someplace different.
    Nythera: I've been childish. In my quest for power, I've reached lows you couldn't even comprehend. I've given into...
    Nythera: But I'm back, at least for a while... and I'm better now.

    Nythera: Almost?!

    Nythera: ... Apologies.

    Nythera: Yes.

    Nythera: Hey...

    It Begins...

    Nythera: ... should I just...

    Friday the 13th Interlude

    Nythera: Blunt, but true.
    Nythera: They are not your friends or close ones anymore. They died, and were brought back as tools.
    Nythera: Don't let Caitiff get to you.

    Doom Amulet

    Nythera: Hush.

    Nythera: Listen.

    Nythera: What? No. No, that's not it. Listen.

    Nythera: Exactly. No screams. No fighting.

    Nythera: You're... *pant*... welcome... *pant*

    Nythera: And me... that's not negotiable.

    Nythera: Just break it!

    Nythera: No, it's not. Look at it!

    Nythera: We cracked it a little! We just need one more-

    Nythera: <Character>.
    Nythera: <Character>!!!

    Nythera: Yes, we're indeed flying. How observant...

    Nythera: Your dragon can't hear you, <Character>. And if they can, they won't respond... until we destroy the Amulet!

    Nythera: Let's go!

    Nythera: *gasp*


    Nythera: I won't be able to carry all of you! I need-
    Nythera: I need to make a decision!!

    Nythera: Oh...

    Nythera: This makes it much easier!

    Nythera: Don't mention it.

    Nythera: How... did it get in here?!

    Direct Current

    Nythera: Well, we were able to mend the flesh, but...
    Nythera: Whatever happened between you and that armor...
    Nythera: Warlic... I think any more than the recent wound is beyond us.

    Nythera: Warlic.

    Into the Abyss

    Nythera: It really is quite nice.

    Nythera: No harm will come to her here, Amadeus.

    Nythera: They're quite particular about dragons in the Shapeless Empire.
    Nythera: Or, I should say, they were.
    Nythera: The empire has entirely collapsed.
    Nythera: So even if I managed to sneak in safely, it's unlikely I could find anyone willing to help me pore through Magesterium records.

    Storm War Appearance
    Elemental Appearance
    Kid Appearance
    Book 3 Appearance

    Also See: Nythera (forum user)

    Thanks to
  • Jay for images, additional location links, additional dialogue, and corrections.
  • Peachii for quests given and correction.
  • ArchMagus Orodalf for additional links and dialogue.
  • Voodoo Master for additional dialogue.
  • Krazy_Kakadu, Pink_Star, Silver Xoven, and Tolkienfanatic for information.
  • fxmybrute13 and Pentium III for corrections.

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