RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (Full Version)

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Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/1/2015 20:50:20)

Additional information and corrections for DeathKnight

Monsters: the description needs to be considered in the context of the 11th times, as that is also counted as "before". I changed both the monster and rewards section. Please let me know if it can include a better description.
Before defeating the DeathKnight:
(4) Undead Alchemist
(6) Undead Berzerker
(1) Undead Alchemist, (2) Undead Berzerker - Boss

Dagger reward, before defeating the DeathKnight:
Kizei's Kiss

Also a Staff reward, before defeating the DeathKnight:
Gilded Drake


Malifact's Ghost: OoooooooooOOOOOOOoooooooooooOooooooo.....

OoooooooooOOOOOOOoooooooooooOoooooo..... (one small o at the end too many)


<Character>: (thinking) A Ghost Paladin? I better not tell Artix about this guy... he might try to exorcise him just like that one time with the ghost of Christmas Past.

could be changed to:
<Character> (thinking):


Malifact's Ghost: You found the ring? Hmm, this does not look like a Paladins ring. Oh, the necklace! You must find the Necklace of Protection.

Neclace (in-game typo)


Malifact's Ghost: You found Stabina's daggers! Yes, now I remember. She was after the treasure box for the Thieves guild. Hmmm.... I was to recover the Treasure box for the Temple. Oh no... you must recover my last item. My Journal!

Your (in-game typo)


<Character>: Whoa... wait a minute.... you had a journal?



Day 2
The Doom Ring
The ring gives me so much power! I have never felt this before. Although now I am hearing voices and I can no longer cast heal spells. In fact, drinking health potions seems to hurt me now. This ring must have made me immortal! Trelix and Stabina are becoming jealous. I see them looking at me with envious eyes. Perhaps I will have to take drastic action. Hah... I will... wait... what is wrong with me? Why am I so cold? Could... this be... oh no!

**Big button: "Next Page"**
**Small button: "Close"**

potions actually seems, may, 4 points


I just hope no one gathers all of his belongings... he would become a Death Knight again!

hidden belongings

Here's a bunch of little messages that are written in a box, each time you talk with Sir Malifact, if necessary:
After finding the Holy Sword:

To free his spirit you must gather his missing belongings. and solve the mystery. So far you have found his Holy Sword. The sword was burned black and looks like it has been used by one of the undead in this crypt. Now you must find his Blessed Helm for the next clue.

After finding the Blessed Helm:

To free his spirit you must gather his missing belongings. and solve the mystery. So far you have found his Holy Sword and Blessed Helm. Both objects were charred by fire. Now seek out the Divine Cape, perhaps it will help you solve his mystery.

After finding the Divine Cape:

To free his spirit you must gather his missing belongings. and solve the mystery. So far you have found his Holy Sword, Blessed Helm and Divine Cape. They look in pretty rough shape.... seek out Sir Malifact's Paladin Armor to solve the mystery!

After finding the Paladin Armor:

To free his spirit you must gather his missing belongings. and solve the mystery. So far you have found his Holy Sword, Blessed Helm and Divine Cape. They look in pretty rough shape.... charred, stabbed, slahed, and rusted. Perhaps his Paladin's Ring will remind him of what happened.

After finding the Paladin's Ring:

To free his spirit you must gather his missing belongings. and solve the mystery. So far you have found his:

Holy Sword
Blessed Helm
Divine Cape
Paladin's Ring

After finding the Necklace of Protection:

To free his spirit you must gather his missing belongings. and solve the mystery. So far you have found his:

Holy Sword
Blessed Helm
Divine Cape
Paladin's Ring
Necklace of Protection

After finding the Belt of Justice:

To free his spirit you must gather his missing belongings. and solve the mystery. So far you have found his:

Holy Sword
Blessed Helm
Divine Cape
Paladin's Ring
Necklace of Protection
Big Bad Belt of Justice

After finding Trelix's Mage Staff:

To free his spirit you must gather his missing belongings. and solve the mystery. So far you have found his:

Holy Sword
Blessed Helm
Divine Cape
Paladin's Ring
Necklace of Protection
Big Bad Belt of Justice
Trelix's Staff

After finding Stabina's Vorpal Daggers:

To free his spirit you must gather his missing belongings. and solve the mystery. So far you have found his:

Holy Sword - Charred
Blessed Helm - Charred
Divine Cape - Holes in back
Paladin's Ring - Not right...
Necklace of Protection - Cursed
Big Bad Belt of Justice - Skull
Trelix's Staff - Casted Fireball
Stabina's Daggers - Used

A few corrections for Tipping the Scales.


Galanoth only speaks in pre-quest dialogue and shouldn't be in the list.

All of this:

Galanoth: You have to earn the title "Dragonslayer", <Character>.
Galanoth: Surviving single combat against one of these wretched creatures takes more than a tough hide and a quick blade or spell.
Galanoth: When I have seen that you are capable of being more than a dragonsnack, I will consider it.

Buy Dragonslayer Armor

Galanoth: I require one Ice Dragon Scale, <Character>. Prove that you've rid the north of one more of these wretched creatures.

Give Galanoth Ice Dragon Scale - Gives him the Ice Dragon Scale and unlocks Dragonslayer Armor
Back - Back to Galanoth's Main Menu

Train Dragonslayer Armor

plus this:

Wear Dragonslayer Armor

Galanoth: Do you want to become a Dragonslayer? Have you earned the right to call yourself that?

Seems unnecessary to be included in the quest entry.


Galanoth: My mother was an enchantress. When my village was destroyed I was still very young and didn't realize the extent of her power...

a comma and space after "power" (there are 3 points right after)


Galanoth: ...they were nothing more than playthings to me, but they contained a powerful magic which my mother drew from her enchanting.

seperated by a space


Chance: Well, well, well... come to try your luck, human?
Chance: Brawn isn't going to get you through this, so stop waving that toothpick around. I have more than enough power to incinerate you right now.
Chance: If you want one of my stones(finder's, keeper's, kid) you have to play the game and roll the wheel.

comma instead of 3 points
"one" is not bolded, "my" should be bolded, a space after "stones"


Roulette: Requires 70+ to win.

It's been changed to 50+ at some point, likely around the time the class got updated, to make training easier.

Done, thanks. ~Peachii

Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/10/2015 12:54:15)

S'more corrections.

Dragesvard Havoc:

(7) Arctic Wolf
(3) Frost Goblin
(3) Ice Tarantula
(3) Snowball
(3) Yeti

2 Frost Goblin

Kordana Rises:

<Character>: ... Kordana..

<Character>: W-what? ... Kordana..

Meeting Zhoom:

Zhoom: HAHA! I like your attitude <Character>. I am Zhoom and I have no plans to kill this man. I just deliver him to Sek-Duat XV.


Falconreach (Common/Books 1 and 2 Day Time)

Ash Dragonblade

Serenity: Aria went wandering to look for rare pets and I haven't heard from her in weeks!
(she kinda shows up from clicking wanderland quest chain... not sure if important, but this bit of dialogue isn't written anywhere to my knowledge)

Aria in Wanderland:

Location: Falconreach -> Ash -> Quests -> Wanderland -> Wanderland

Falconreach (Books 1 and 2)


Chesire Twilly
Queen of Tarts
White Toggit

Ash only uses pre-quest dialogue and shouldn't be in the list, and Grams doesn't seem to be used in any dialogue either. I think at some point when the quest chain first came out, Grams probably was used for pre-quest dialogue as well, but it's no longer the case today. It could probably be strike'd?

Yes you're right, Grams was used for the pre-quest dialogue. I just need to confirm whether she still appears prior to completing the Falconreach Spy saga, before adding the strike-through.


Ash: Grams said Aria said she was going to roam around the area by Warlic's tent, so that would be the best place to start your search.

"Grams said" is not written. - same as above

All dialogue that say <Character Name> could be changed to <Character>. - I previously did a search on the entire Pedia and fixed all the entries.


Queen of Tarts: Now, guards! Off with his head!


A Strange Feeling:

Cheshire Twilly

Ash doesn't need to be here, he only speaks for pre-quest dialogue.


Upon finding Chesire Twilly:
"Cheshire Twilly is your friend. He is always there to heal you when you need it."

exclamation point instead of a period (after "friend")


Upon discovering the piece of candy in the house:
<Character>: Well, I AM pretty hungry after all that wandering... one little nibble couldn't hurt.

adding to this, before the <Character> dialogue:
"The piece of paper next to that plate says 'Don't eat me! Experiment!' You'd better listen!"


"You are so big, all the monsters have run and hidden from you!"



<Character>: Cheshire Twilly! This is NOT what I expected when I asked you for help last time.

exclamation point instead of a period

Could be added before "Next Up"
  • Complete Quest


    Ash: Grams is getting more and more worried! Please look for someone who can help you save Aria!

    We're - same as my note above


    Cheshire Twilly: Wander! You'll come across him if your lucky.



    Kittypillar: ......

    8 points (this is Kittypillar's 2nd line of dialogue)


    <Character>: What's with the interrogation? I didn't come here to play 20 questions! I need your help, and fast!



    Kittypillar: Fine, fine, nasty human, full of strife. NO appreciation for the deeper mysteries of life.


    Mad Haberdasher:

    Cheshire Twilly
    White Toggit

    Kittypillar is indeed in the quest (specifically, as a background character), but speaks no dialogue, and doesn't need to be in the NPC list.


    Cheshire Twilly: That would be like asking why the sound of one hand clapping is annoying

    missing a period after "annoying"


    Cysero: It gets bored very quickly

    also missing a period

    Could also add, after:
  • Complete Quest

    Queen of Tarts:

    Cheshire Twilly
    Mad Haberdasher
    Minion 2
    Queen of Tarts

    Only Cysero or Mad Haberdasher should be listed, not both. Whichever stays is completely up to you. Personally, I think Mad Haberdasher should stay, since that's the name that is used in the quest.


    Cysero: You know what? You should just take her a whole schnozzberry BUSH!
    <Character>: Er… thanks. It’s a good thing I have extra room in my pack…somewhere.
    Cysero: A little smooshing does a berry good. If you like squished berries, that is. Which I do.

    pack. ... Somewhere.

    (Also, Cysero's name tag is mistakenly shown as your character's name)


    <Character>: Kittypillar! Why would the queen imprison YOU?!



    Cheshire Twilly: Ahem. As I was SAYING…the Queen asked him his opinions about her tarts.

    ... The (a space after 3 dots)


    Aria: Oh, <Character>, please help me! All I’ve been given to eat are burnt tart leftovers!
    Aria: And she’s a bad baker! I’m sooooooo hungry!

    comma is an exclamation point instead, please is written with a capital P, and the exclamation point after "leftovers" is a period instead
    BAD (capital)


    Queen of Tarts: Which one of you is responsible for thisthis monstrosity?

    .. this (2 points and a space after), period instead of question mark at the end


    Minion: My girl will kill me…again…if I am late tonight. It’s our 150th anniversary of our first kiss!

    ... again... if


    Minion: Well…I guess it’s kinda like a headbutt. A loveheadbutt…or something…

    Minion: Well.. I guess it's kinda like a headbutt. A love... headbutt.. or something...


    Minion: I was trying to cook something up to hold me over. You haven’t really been baking much since--

    just trying, cook up, up (after something) is not written


    Queen of Tarts: You again! And here, in my inner sanctuary! NO ONE is allowed in my kitchen without my permission!



    <Character>: I think your guards remember me *chuckle*

    a period after "me"

    could also add, after Queen of Tarts' "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!!" dialogue:

  • Battle!
  • Heal


    Queen of Tarts: *Sigh* Very well. What is it you want?



    Queen of Tarts: Ah yes. The little spy sent to steal my tart recipe!

    a comma after "Ah"


    <Character>: And to prove that we come- and will leave- in good faith…I have a NEW tart recipe for you.

    3 points before "And", a space after the 3 points (after faith...)





    <Character>: Well, that’s not it

    a period instead of 3 points


    *Dig* *Dig*

    *dig* *dig*





    <Character>: and Queen of Tarts: …

    <Character> & Queen of Tarts: ...
    (her nametag color doesn't match the rest of the others')





    Mad Haberdasher: --is a Schnozzberry bush!

    Schnozzberry bush


    Queen of Tarts: Are those…NOSES on the bush?
    Mad Haberdasher: Of course not, those are BERRIES!
    <Character>: I DID say that it was a berry bush, your Highness.
    Mad Haberdasher: They’re magically nutritious! Just try it. Pick one!

    a space after the 3 points
    BERRIES is not supposed to be bolded, and a period instead of exclamation point
    period instead of exclamation point


    Mad Haberdasher: Mmmm.

    no period


    <Character>: Er, no thanks. I’m just…going to go…rescue Aria now.

    <Character>: Er, no thanks. I'm just... going to go... rescue Aria now.

    could also add at the end of all dialogue:
  • Complete Quest

    Never Say Dye:

    Location: Falconreach -> Ash -> Quests -> Colorless

    Falconreach (Books 1 and 2)
    Colorless -> Never Say Dye


    Robina: ... Have you been talking to Cysero?

    4 points


    Robina: Right. Let's assume - for now - it's not that. Please go look around and see what you can find.

    Lets assume- for now-


    <Character>: What is that?

    should be bolded


    <Character>: Yes, I can see that. But what does it do?



    <Character>: Have you seen what's happened to SureWould Forest? It's being leeched of color!



    Doctor Voltabolt: Eggzaktically. Unfortunately, ze machine blew up, and so ze fractal recyclicator is caput, zo ze colorz will not be put back in.



    Doctor Voltabolt: NEVER! Zey tossed me out of zeir city. I vill not go begging to zem for help!

    Ze (in-game typo)


    <Character>: Got it. I'll find different help, then. Non-gnome-originating help. And dyes. We'll need to get color back into the land.


    Dye Another Day:

    Location: Falconreach -> Ash -> Quests -> Colorless

    Falconreach (Books 1 and 2)
    Colorless -> Dye Another Day


    Sneegol: Sneevil smart! Sneevils BOX-smart. Not tinker-motor-vroom smart. Boxes important. Brooms aren't!
    <Character>: If I had a sneevil who thought "brooms" were important, I'd be all set.



    (6) Burrlap
    (4) Stenchfly
    (3) Thisslock
    (1) Threat Bear
    (3) Vultragon

    Modified slightly to seperate the "boss" monsters. Plus an extra Burrlap wasn't included:

    (6) Burrlap
    (4) Stenchfly
    (2) Thisslock
    (1) Threat Bear
    (3) Vultragon
    (1) Burrlap, (1) Thisslock - Boss
    (it should also be worth noting that all of the monsters' entries do not list Dye Another Day as a location. Except for Threat Bear.)

    Pop-up headlines during the quest

    "This book bites. I wouldn't try opening it if I were you."
    "Wonder what's inside? From the smell, maybe you don't want to know, after all."
    "Bubble, Bubble, boil and... soup's on!"
    "You'd have to be VERY trim to fit into this. Trim and all beaten up."
    "A tribe of pixies has made this a stadium for pixie-polo."
    "Maybe the dumpsite is also a monster cemetary?"
    "The title of this book is "Boxes: how to shut them so they can't be reopened"."
    "I wonder where the foot is that went inside this."
    "I wonder if Maya knows these are here?!"


    -- nightslayer321 for correction./i]

    Bolded a little mistake here in the credits.

    Live and Let Dye:

    Location: Falconreach -> Ash -> Quests -> Colorless

    Falconreach (Books 1 and 2)
    Colorless -> Live and Let Dye


    Dr. Voltabolt
    Mysterious Gnome
    Robina Hood

    Mysterious G.


    <Character>: It really IS a do or dye situation. *snicker* Ok, I'm done.



    Yix: It's a shame Voltabolt- *whisper* (or Bolty, as I called him) - has fallen so far. So very, very far. He had such promise.

    *whisper* (or Bolty, as I called him)


    Yix: Besides, we can never get minty-flavored dental floss here in Popsprocket.
    <Character>: *gasp* That IS a tragedy!



    *long, involved description of the situation and the plan to fix things*

    "the" is not written


    Mysterious Gnome: Looking ahead, I see this plan succeeding.
    Mysterious Gnome: *Harrumph*

    Mysterious G.:


    <Character>: Then let's go! We've got to get you ready still.



    Sneex: Ahem. Depigmentation flux-valve need to be tighter. Also, wrap hole in tube with tap made from ducks. Good, sticky tape.



    Doctor Voltabolt: No, <Character>. I expect you to hand him ze dyes.



    With a shutter and putter, the machine comes to life.

    and a sputter


    Doctor Voltabolt: Vould you conzider coming and verking wis me? I could us an azziztant!



    Robina: He say's he rewired it so that you can use it as a pet.


    All done, thanks. (will fix the NPC entries later) ~Peachii

  • Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/16/2015 15:18:25)

    Just found some corrections for Back to the Past:


    Objective: Cysero...

    2 more points


    Objective completed: You managed to make it back after fighting Biff. Well... you think you did... with Cysero, you're never sure...

    1 more point


    Release Date: January 1, 2010

    could be changed to January 1st


    Lim: I'm missing a significant amount of plutonium, and the green, glowy footprints lead all the way to your Superstore!

    the first comma isn't written, glowing


    Cysero: I am making... SCIENCE!
    Cysero: I have created a... FLUX INDUCTOR!

    1 more point for both


    Lim: and <Character>: A what... ?

    1 more point, and could be changed to:
    Lim & <Character>: A what.... ?


    <Character>: Maybe we should... NOT do that...
    <Character>: So... how's it goin'?

    not, How's it goin?


    Ikea: Poor guy... He’s cute though.

    Ikea: Poor guy.. He's cute though.


    Serenity: I know, right? So anyways...
    <Character>: I... wow... wait, why can we move?

    there are just 2 points, not 3, Wait


    Biff: I am the great Biff. The Tyrant of Time! I rule all! I know why you came here and you’re not going getting your hands on my book!

    to get


    <Character>: Is that safe...

    just 1 more point

    After the last dialog you can add the complete quest button:

  • Complete Quest

    Done, thanks! ~Peachii

  • Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/22/2015 13:53:10)

    A few more corrections.
    Grams' Pet Shop

    Grams: Thank goodness you are here. Can you watch the shop while I look for my Granddaughter?

    go look


    The sun always shines in Falconreach.
    Pet Grinders are DANGEROUS pets.

    exclamation point instead of a period
    no period


    That is um... you. The Hero!

    2 points


    Grams: Help ol' Grams tame a few pets and I will stable them here for you. Pick'em up and take them out with you anytime you'd like!



    Grams: If you can tame this pet I will stable it for you so you can pick it up whenever you like!

    whever (in-game typo)


  • Visit Aria
    Takes you to Aria at the back.

  • could add to this:

    Aria: I was going to go back to the bug cave later today. Want to go too?
    Crittercave (Replay)
    Critter Cave
    Aria: I saw a guy the other day who is so scared of animals that he ran away from a snail. Can you believe that?
    Look Around
    You can click on various things, when you click on them, a speech bubble appears.

    That is a Gorillaphant. Do not feed.
    Aria is going to be a lot of trouble.
    Pridemasters are the masters of their... uh... pride.
    Ooooh... the elusive Pet Wyvern.
    Macrohard Windows (TM)
    Dementons are said to make some people go.... CRAZY!
    Linus looks best in red hats!
    This barrel holds fish. If you had a bow you could shoot it!
    Da barrel sez 'kat fud'.
    The fastest pet ever!


    Grams: If you can manage to find all five of the missing pets, I'll sell you one to take home w you and keep safe.

    then I'll


    Grams: She's got the gift, alright... more than I ever did. It won't be long until she's teachin' me.



    Grams: Could you keep an eye on her Pearl Lady? It would make me feel a lot better knowin' that she had someone watching here out there.



    Grams: I'm the best pet trainer that you'll find 'round these parts. Well... I'm the ONLY pet trainer here but I'm still darn good.
    Grams: We've got everything from friendly to hard workin' pigs to normally dangerous monsters like the grinder here.
    Grams: Either way, If it's a pet that I trained, then it's a pet that you can count on in a fight!

    "I trained" needs to be bolded


    The sun always shines in Falconreach.
    Pet Grinders are DANGEROUS pets.

    exclamation point instead of a period
    no period


    That is um... you. The Hero!

    2 points

    Critter Cave

    Grams' Pet Shop -> Grams -> Missing Granddaughter?

    An additional location can be added below this one, if the right conditions are met:
    Aria's Pet Shop -> Aria -> Missing Grandma?


    (6) Deadly Drone
    (4) Dirt Roller
    (1) Shelogog - Boss

    To note here, I did the quest just now on a lvl 19 character. The battles were, in order:
    3 Deadly Drones -> 2 Dirt Rollers -> 1 Dirt Roller -> Shelogog -> 1 Dirt Roller -> 2 Dirt Roller -> 3 Deadly Drones

    I did the quest again on a lvl 1 character and noticed that I'm only getting single battles? So I guess the number of monsters varies, depending on your level. So the non-boss monsters could be changed to (X)


    Aria: You came here to save me? ... from what?



    <Character>: New pet? HER name was going to be Thomas? ...You're a weird kid.

    ... You're


    <Character>: That...that THING was about to have you for lunch!
    Aria: You really don't know much about training pets, do you? I guess I should thank you. Your heart was in the right place.

    a space after "That..."
    But I guess


    Aria: Sure, I come here almost every day. My Grandma is a great pet trainer. She's teaching me everything that she knows.



    Aria: You worry too much, silly <Class>. Ok, let's get moving! This will be FUN!

    to (in-game typo)


    <Character>: *chuckle* Yes, Sorry. Ok, how about the wasps?


    Aria's Pet Shop (Books 1 and 2)

    An old straw hat sits forgotten behind a barrel of pet food. It seems to glow malevolently and you don't really want to touch it...

    4 points


    If you haven't complete the previous quest(s)
    Aria: You need to complete the other quests before you are ready for this one.

    one, deary.

    (Before and After visiting Crittercave):

    The sun always shines in Falconreach.
    Pet Grinders are DANGEROUS pets.

    exclamation point instead of a period
    no period


    That is um... you. The Hero!

    2 points


    Macrohard Windows (TM).
    Dementons are sad to make some people go... CRAZY!
    Linus looks best in red hats.
    This barrel holds fish. If you had a bow you could shoot it.
    Da barrel sez "kat fud".
    The fastest pet ever.

    no period
    said, 4 points
    exclamation point (after hats)
    exclamation point (after shoot it)
    the quotation marks (") could be changed to '
    exclamation point (after ever)


    Aria: I'm not afraid of anything! Not even the big, mean guys you fight, <You>! But now that Grams is gone... I'm all alone...


    All done. ~Jorath

    Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/23/2015 10:32:33)

    Pet taming quest corrections.

    This is only a suggestion, but there is a small bit of information given before you successfully tame the pets for the first time, that could be added to at the beginning of the dialogue as a sort of pre-quest dialogue. I'll add it for all of the tamed pet quests:

    Journey deep into a water cave to find this elusive Goldfish!
  • Quest


    <Character>: Wow, a wild golfish! Time to tame it, here I go!



    <Character>: Wow, my own pet goldfish....
    <Character>: So, what can you do?

    3 points
    comma should be 3 points


    <Character>: Great. *sigh*

    could add after:
  • Complete Quest


    If you fail to tame it:
    <Character>: WHAT!? How did I fail that roll... I only needed a two! *Blinks* Alright... I will come back and try this again.

    4 points (after Alright)
    could also add, after:

  • Exit Quest

    Hot Headed
    Pre-quest information:

    Retrieve a flame sprite from the depths of a fiery volcano!
  • Quest


    Cinder: Thanks. Want to pet me?

    the period is actually an exclamation point instead


    <Character>: I'd like you to stay 20 feet away from me at all times please.

    nametag is using an italic code instead of bold and should be corrected

    It should also be worth mentioning all the nametags' 2 points (:) are not included in the bold codes.


    You come to a dice roll where you need a 20 or better

    could add:
    (CHA and LUK gives bonuses to the roll)


    <Character>: HOT! I tamed Cinder. I was sweating there for a minute.

    could add:
  • Complete Quest


    <Character>: DRAT! I couldn't tame you Cinder. I feel so burned.

    could add:
  • Exit Quest

    Taming Snailmail
    Pre-quest information:

    Catch him if you can... this snail is blazing his way through the forest.
  • Quest


    <Character>: Oh no!
    <Character>: He is getting AWAY

    ... (instead of exclamation point)
    missing an exclamation point (after AWAY)


    <Character>: HIs speed is just unmatchable!
    You come to a dice roll. You need a 30 or better


    could also add for dice roll: (CHA and LUK gives bonuses to the roll)


    <Character>: Woohooo! I tamed a Snailmail. I will name you speedy. I will race you home!

    could add:
  • Complete Quest


    <Character>: You may have pulled a fast one on me this time Snailmail, but I will be back! At least I got the experience form the monsters.

    Snailmail needs to be bolded

    could also add:
  • Exit Quest

    Cat up a Tree

    Objective: The Pathstalker is a moody-natural-born-hunter, but once you have earned its trust, it is a very loyal pet.
    Objective completed: The Pathstalker is a moody-natural-born-hunter, but once you have earned its trust, it is a very loyal pet.

    moody natural-born-hunter
    (to both objective messages)

    Pre-quest information:

    Pathstalkers are pure predators... somehow you will have to trap one in a tree.
  • Quest

    "You hear a loud ruckus from the next frame!"


    Pathstalker: *purrrrrrrrrrr!*

    *purrrrrrrrrrrrrr!* (3 more r's)


    <Character>: Yay! You like me. Now I have a use for my Ball-Of-Yarn collection!

    could add:
  • Complete Quest


    <Character>: DRAT! I was so looking forward to having your fur over every single thing that I own.

    "DRAT!" should be bolded

    could add:
  • Exit Quest

    Stump Hunting

    Other name: Pet Quest #5

    Doesn't seem necessary


    Objective: Stumpy is a close relative to the Doomwood monster, but friendly and uncorrupted by darkness
    Objective completed: Stumpy is a close relative to the Doomwood monster, but friendly and uncorrupted by darkness

    missing a period at the end (for both objective messages)

    Pre-quest information:

    Deep in the forest of Doomwood, you must find a young uncorrupted sapling.
  • Quest


    Tame Stumpy- Need 50 or better

    could add: (CHA and LUK gives bonuses to the roll)


    <Character>: OH NO! I knew that WOOD happen!

    could add:
  • Exit Quest

    Dementon's Treat

    Objective: The Dementon is an is an insane and extemely hyper pet, but a fierce fighter when protecting it's owner...or it's candy.
    Objective completed: The Dementon is an is an insane and extemely hyper pet, but a fierce fighter when protecting it's owner...or it's candy.

    the extra "is an" should be deleted
    its (to both)

    Pre-quest information:

    In order to catch this creature you might have to be a bit insane yourself.
  • Quest


    <Character>: Ohhhh, now I get it. You're hyper because you've been stuffing yourself with candy from town.



    Dementon: *CHOMP CHOMP*

    needs to be bolded


    <Character>: Good point, you've got too many teeth anyway. How about I just back away from your candy pile...verrrrry......slooowly.

    5 points instead of 6


    <Character>: Yes! Finally I have a candy obsessed pet Dementon. Mogloween will be a lot more fun this year!

    YES! I finally have a candy-obsessed

    could add:
  • Complete Quest


    <Character>: DARN! I guess it just wasn't DeMEANT to be.

    could add:
  • Exit Quest

    The Grinder's Paw

    Objective: Grinders are very dangerous animals, but once you have made a friend of one you have a friend for life
    Objective completed: Grinders are very dangerous animals, but once you have made a friend of one you have a friend for life

    missing a period at the end (for both objective messages)

    Pre-quest information:

    The greatest challenge of Pet Tamers in training! Beware, the Pit Grinder is nearly impossible to tame!
  • Quest


    <Character>: Wow, your one mean looking...insane wolf thing.
    <Character>: But I am going to set you free and then we'll be life-long friends, right?



    <Character>: RATS! I'll be back for you Pit Grinder. Remember my face. My delicious, juicy face

    missing a period at the end (after face)


    <Character>: WOOHOO! My very own Pit Grinder. I'm so happy I could Dance! But I know that if I make any sudden movements, you'll bite my legs off.


    could add:
  • Complete Quest

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

  • Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/23/2015 19:04:46)

    A few little modifications for The Crystal Shard


    Only speaks in pre(and post)-quest dialogue, so it should be changed to "None"


    What's wrong?

    could be modified slightly:
  • What's wrong?


    I see, go on...

    same as above:
  • I see, go on...


    <Character>: Sounds easy enough. How do I get there?



    Warlic: Are you ready to leave?

    could add:
  • I'm ready!
  • No thanks!


    go across

    could be modified:
  • go across

    When you enter the battle with Crystal Wall, a message appears:
    *SNIFF SNIFF* Toxic gas! I'd better get out quick!


    After completing the quest, go to Warlic and you'll find:
    Crystal Shard Used!
    You hand the mage Warlic the crystal shard that you collected and tell him the tale of your adventure in the glimmering, crystal cave.

    Warlic: ... four-legged, living crystal beings?
    <Character>: Is something wrong?
    Warlic: I fear I have made a terrible, terrible mistake.

    Warlic thinks

    Warlic: Is it possible that the tree <she/he> battled was actually a Vizalain... ? I wonder what impact this will have in the future.
    <Character>: Warlic?
    Warlic: I am sorry, where was I? Ah, excellent work!
    Warlic: The Weapons of Light are now ready! This will help you greatly in what is to come!

    Click Weapon Shop! to open Warlic's Shop

    I'm not sure if this dialogue is necessary, since it isn't included in the quest. It only shows up while seeing Warlic after the quest.

    Exist as part of the post-quest dialogue

    Warlic's Shop

    *Warlic thinks*

    Warlic: Is it possible that the tree <she/he> battled was actually a Vizalain... ? I wonder what impact this will have in the future.

    a slight modification to this:

    Warlic (thinking): Is it possible that the tree he/she battled was actually a Vizalain... ? I wonder what impact this will have in the future.


    Warlic: The Weapons of Light are now ready! This will help you greatly in what is to come!

    "Weapons of Light" should be bolded

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

  • Azan -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/23/2015 23:07:47)

    Correction for Help Mritha:

    Defeat the Rose soldiers at the Refugge Camp.

    Should say "Refugee".

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Azan -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/24/2015 15:54:56)

    Correction for After the War:

    *Eukara, Mritha, Niki and the character are still standing on the battlefield*

    Should say Kara.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/25/2015 22:49:12)

    A few Ravenloss corrections.

    Explore Silkwood Park!

    (X) Backalley Beetle
    (X) ChaosWeaver Noble
    (X) Sneevmole
    (1) Jyughril, (1) Repitr - Boss

    Chaos Weaver Noble



    Only speaks pre-quest dialogue, could be changed to "None"

    Children of Ravenloss

    (4) Backalley Beetle
    (3) ChaosWeaver Beggar
    (2) Underachnid

    Chaos Weaver Beggar
    3 Underachnid

    Also, some additional information from pop-up headlines, which could be added before Char's dialogue:
    "You have defeated all of the Monsters! Enter the building on the far right."
    "I wander the Market alone looking for things to sell. Buy from me so we can eat?!"


    Char: I just hope our father-*sob*-he's under a spell, I think

    a space before "he's"
    missing a period at the end


    Char: He came down here searching for our sister

    missing a period at the end


    Char: So when Papa didn't come home, me and Kinder took off before Mama could say no

    missing a period at the end


    Char: We just-we just need some food. To have strength to search for her

    a space before "we"
    also missing a period at the end

    Char's Chest

    Invisible Cape
    Spider Web Cape

    Invisible Helm

    could be modified slightly, since there's Rare Versions:

    Invisible Cape (25, 50)
    Spider Web Cape (15, 35)

    Invisible Helm (33, 53)

    Explore Dusk Alley!

    (X) Backalley Beetle
    (X) ChaosWeaver Beggar
    (X) Underachnid
    (1) Dungeness, (1) Scattrick - Boss

    Chaos Weaver Beggar



    Only speaks pre-quest dialogue, so it could be changed to "None"


    Tomix: Monsters have over-run Dusk Alley since the last time we were there. While you're dealing with them, look for Shards of the SpiritLoom!

    again since

    Explore Market District!


    Only speaks pre-quest dialogue, could be changed to "None"

    Damien's Draft

    Chaos Weaver

    Damien only speaks as a pre-quest dialogue and doesn't need to be in the list.


    Hit it!
    Damien: Now who put that there?

    adding to this:

    Begin Quest:
  • Damien's Draft!


    Chaos Weaver: Yes
    <Character>: Behind legions of spider men and undertogs... ?

    missing a period
    undertogs...? (no space)


    <Character>: Nevermind. I'm taking them, you're not going to destroy Falconreach on my watch.

    could add after this:

  • To Battle!

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

  • Slayer Zach -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/28/2015 22:25:12)

    A small chunk of Book 1 Ravenloss corrections. More to come another day.

    Dusk Alley

    Tomix: We need to find Greed AND gather the keys to get inside that gate. Both tasks are equally important!
    Tomix: I've learned from the runes on the gate that the first key is located in a place called "Dusk Alley".



    <Character>: Does it say WHERE in dusk alley the key is?
    Tomix: It says "Look for the Cloud in the Sky". Its the Cloud key. We'll find it.

    Dusk Alley


    Tomix joins your party

    joins your party as Guest A.


    Continue fighting through the alley

    This little bit of information can be added below this quoted line:
    If you reach a dead end:
    "Oh, no! A dead end and no sign of the Cloud Key. Better keep looking!"


    Greedling: ... *squeak!*

    no space


    Tomix: What does Greed want in there, though? Do YOU know?

    Hmmm. (without quotation marks, is written after "though?"


    Greedling: ...*meep*...

    this line is actually said after the character's "Easy Tomix" dialogue


    Greedling: He wants to be... *awed* Human! He will be immortal Human, he say. But... but other ones want it... too.

    3 points are written after "He will be"


    Tomix: I've GOT to get behind that gate.


    Weaving Emporium

    (4) Cave Creeper
    (4) ChaosWeaver Artisan
    (4) DeathWidow
    (1) Lovey Bear

    (7) Cave Creeper
    (5) Chaos Weaver Artisan
    (4) Deathwidow
    (1) Lovey Bear


    Tomix: <Character>! It's good you're back. I've just decoded information about the next key, the Flax key.
    Tomix: I'm not surprised to find one there, either. It's in a Weaving Emporium, it's what the runes call it.



    <Character>: But finding one key in a whole building full of fabric and weaving instruments...I can feel the danger LOOMing in the horizon!

    missing a space


    Tomix joins your party

    joins your party as Guest A.


    Tomix: Don't you know it's dangerous here? There are ChaosWeavers everywhere. You will get hurt!
    Riadne: I can take care of myself, thank to very much! I've been studying the ChaosWeavers for a while now.



    Riadne: If he is with you... you're doing something important. I can tell.

    no space


    Tomix: Thanks, miss...

    Thank you, Miss...


    Tomix: I am Tomix, a SoulWeaver on a mission.



    Riadne: *thinks* Mmm hmm. I can't say I blame them.

    Riadne (thinking): Mmm hmm. I can't say I blame them!


    Tomix: <Character>...*growl*

    Tomix: <Character>.... *growl*


    Tomix: I would be... very grateful if you could tell me what you know of the ChaosWeavers, Riadne.
    Riadne: Of course. Since you're a SoulWeaver, I'm sure you know some of this. But I'll tell you what I've learned.



    They are evil. All good drained out of them with the strange mind-sickness which changed them into the half-human, half-spider they are now.



    <Character>: You've learned so much! I have no idea the ChaosWeavers...
    Tomix: Were like that. Neither did I. So much information about them is restricted to the highest levels of SoulWeavers.



    Tomix: *thinks* She does have skills. And her beauty goes with her feisty personality. And she's brave. Watching the ChaosWeavers on her own like that...
    Tomix: *thinks* I hate to leave her to explore on her own, but she's right. She can take care of herself. I hope we see her again.

    Tomix (thinking): She does have skills. And beauty to go with her fiesty personality. And she's brave. Watching the Chaosweavers on her own like that...
    Tomix (thinking): I hate to leave her to explore on her own, but she's right. She can take care of herself. I hope we see her again.


    <Character>: Tomix? Tomix! Come on, we've got to go. Riadne's going to keep watching and learning. WE have got to find that key.

    adding after this:

    If you enter a room with yellow soulthreads, a pop-up headline appears:
    "Soulthreads of Pandora, Elemental Spirit of Woe. Do not touch!"


    Greed: Ooooh, yes. I like her.
    Greed: So innocent. So...PURE.
    Greed: She will be mine!

    Greed (thinking): Ooooh, yes. I like her.
    Greed (thinking): So innocent. So... PURE.
    Greed (thinking): She will be mine!

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Grandpa Oz -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (5/30/2015 5:11:21)

    In " Escape from Espina Rosa",


    [b ]Navon: … What are they doing?

    is missing a closing [/ b] tag once. And the color for the last few lines should be black, not red.

    Also, general question, shouldn't it just be <Character> and <Dragon> instead of <Character Name> and <Dragon Name>?

    Done (before reading your post), thanks. ~Peachii

    Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/17/2015 9:05:43)

    Done, thanks! ~SZ

    A Letter From Home needs the following corrections.

    Original text.

    Galanoth: We have a serious fight on our hands. Akriloth has come and is laying waste to farmland here and we have to stop her.
    Galanoth: My blood brother, Demento, has come to help.
    Demento: Akriloth has always been one of the most powerful fire dragons on Lore.
    Demento: She's been rampaging over the entire continent for years, with many casualties left in her wake.
    Demento: Do not underestimate her, <Character>.
    Demento: Akriloth is now in the possession of the fire orb because of her deception of another adventurer, much like you.
    <Character>: If she's so powerful, how are we going to stop her?
    Demento: I don't know, we have to try though...
    Demento: We're going to have to get close to Akriloth first, which means fight our way through her fiery minions.

    Corrected text.

    Galanoth: We have a serious fight on our hands. Akriloth has come and is laying waste to farmland here and we have to stop him.
    Galanoth: My blood brother, Demento, has come to help.
    Demento: Akriloth has always been one of the most powerful fire dragons on Lore.
    Demento: He's been rampaging over the entire continent for years, with many casualties left in his wake.
    Demento: Do not underestimate him, <Character>.
    Demento: Akriloth is now in the possession of the fire orb because of his deception of another adventurer, much like you.
    <Character>: If he's so powerful, how are we going to stop him?
    Demento: I don't know, we have to try though...
    Demento: We're going to have to get close to Akriloth first, which means fight our way through his fiery minions.

    crabpeople -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/22/2015 5:11:27)

    Just a small thing: I would like to add that Ballyhoo ads are restricted to 5 times/day

    Edit: Then forget what I said :).

    It varies depending on your location. I got more than 5 times today. ~Peachii

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/24/2015 4:45:54)

    A new image for Wood Platform Arena, from Aeris Minor Tournament.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/24/2015 5:54:15)

    New male hairstyle images from Mince's Barber Shop.

    I added some more hairstyles that were missing. Should be all now.

    Liberty Spikes
    Sans Chef Hat
    Sans Fish
    Sans Halo
    Sans Horns
    Sans Messy
    Sans Visor

    Done, thanks. I also moved the imageshack images to imgur while they still available. [Niki]

    Azan -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/24/2015 22:40:21)

    A correction to Yulgars First Date Part 2


    *The two couples walk away while you follow behind them again. You reach a cliff where the two is around*

    There's only one couple.

    And since there's two persons, I think it should say "are" instead of "is"?

    Fixed, thanks. ~Peachii

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/26/2015 14:54:15)

    Some corrections for A Hero is Bored:


    (1) Gorillaphant - Boss

    It's actually "Gorrillaphant".

    EDIT: Yes, sorry I wrote it wrong
    Not a problem! Teamwork!


    <Character>: ???

    <Character> (thinking): ???


    Twilly: Oh noes! That is not a carpet Priestess... it is a Gorrillaphant!



    Twilly: I will protect your Priestess!!

    Twilly: I will protect you Priestess!!
    Unsure about this one. Everything else is corrected though. ~SZ

    EDIT: Didn't count the big yellow mark, it's fine now.

    And some for The Black Dragon Box:


    Scaled Yes/No: No
    Experience rewarded: 80
    Gold rewarded: 12

    It is actually scaled, I've got much more exp points and gold.


    Captain Rolith: You saw the Priestess on your way her? Why did you not tell me sooner!



    Sneevil: *snort* Oooooh box!

    Sneevil (thinking): *Snort* Oooooh box!


    Drakath: Oh I will... You can count on that.

    a comma after "Oh"


    Lady Celestia: You must recover the Black Dragon Box before it falls into the wrong hands.

    should be bolded


    <Character>: Alright, I will travel to Falconreach... but what about you?

    one more point after Falconreach

    After the last dialog you can add the complete quest button:
  • Complete Quest

    All done, thanks! ~SZ

  • Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/27/2015 9:50:13)

    All done, thanks. ~SZ

    One more thing to The Black Dragon Box:


  • This quest can be done once.

  • After you finish it you can't redo it from Rolith, instead you can redo it from Twilly in Falconreach (Books 1&2).

    So you can add to location: Falconreach (Books 1 and 2) -> Twilly -> Back to Dragon Egg Saga -> Black Dragon Box
    My bad!

    A few corrections for Sir Jing's Weapons:


    Objective completed: You have fought your way up the mountain and stopped the storm elementals from summoning a never-ending storm! For the sake of the world, you must take Sir Jing's weapons for safe keeping.

    the comma after "world" isn't written, Jings weapon


    Scaled Yes/No: No
    Experience rewarded: 320
    Gold rewarded: 26

    Everytime I've got a total of 384 exp and 39 gold, so these must be the correct values.
    It would seem that exp/gold was increased by 20% at some point in the past, so most of the non-scaled rewards are inaccurate. I've tackled a few non-scaled quests so far, though!


    Sir Casm
    Sir Vivor

    They can be removed as they only give pre-quest dialogue.


    In Books 1 and 2 Oaklore:
    Sir Casm: Ohhh yeah... he was soooooo great......

    you can erase one point after "great"


    Wenlock: They've been attracting storm elementals. We need to clear that area out...I don't want to use this thing though.

    a space between the 3 points and "I"

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/28/2015 13:41:59)

    Corrections for The VurrMen Ruins:


    Oaklore Keep -> Sir Vivor and Sir Casm -> The Ruins

    Explore Ruins!


    Objective: These ruins once stood tall and proud but all things change. Hundreds of years have passed and the ruins of the great city are now infested with VurrMen and Tuskmongers, drawn by the many mysterious objects that can still be found here.

    a comma after "proud"


    In Books 1 and 2 Oaklore:
    Sir Casm: We knights just looovve going to the ruins. The locals are just so friendly.

    one more "o", Ruins


    Sir Vivor: He's talking about the Vurr'Men. They are rat people who have taken over the ruins and won't let anyone close to them without attacking.



    Sir Vivor: Actually Sir Casm we COULD use this Hero's help.

    a comma after "Casm", we really COULD, hero


    Sir Vivor: Ok. Sometimes its hard to tell by with you.

    it is, "by" can be erased


    In Book 3 Oaklore:
    Sir Vivor: He's talking about the Vurr'Men. They are rat people who have taken over the Ruins and won't let anyone close to them without attacking.

    should be bolded


    Sir Vivor: Actually Sir Casm, We really COULD use this hero's help.



    Sir Casm: I know.... that's what I said.

    you can erase one point after "know"

    A few for Oaklore Catapault:




    Sir Casm
    Sir Vivor

    Could be changed to none, for both.

    And some for The Sweetest Thing:


    Release Date: March 9, 2007

    could be changed to March 9th


    In Books 1 and 2:
    Sir Junn: All the Knights are allergic to bees and they keep getting stung! We need a good supply of purple Royal Honey.

    All of the

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (6/29/2015 13:20:26)

    Corrections for Ambush in the Bushes:


    Release Date: October 6, 2006

    could be modified to October 6th


    Renegade: HA, another victim falls prey to the Darkwolf Bandits. Your gold or your HP... NOW!

    Darkwolf Renegades


    Renegade: Our gold? You've got some nerve hero, you would have made a good Darkwolf Bandit. Too bad we have to waste you. GET HIM/HER!

    "have" isn't written, Greywolf Renegade, him/her

    And some for Zorbak's Prank:

    Zorbak has a wrong color code. The right one is:


    Zorbak: HEY BEAR WAKE UP! LUNCH TIME! (Meh heh, heh, this should be fun.)

    an exclamation mark after "BEAR", no comma after the first "heh"


    <Character>: Uh oh...



    Zorbak: Interesting, I'll have to keep an eye on this one.

    could be modified to Zorbak (thinking):

    In Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2):


    Quests Available

    Ambush in the Bushes
    Hydra Boss
    The Black Dragon Box

    Zorbak's Prank could be added, after Ambush in the Bushes.

    Removed Ambush in the Bushes and Hydra Boss as they are located in Path, put The Black Dragon Box under Rolith.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/2/2015 3:09:27)

    A correction for Hydra Boss:


    <Character>: Serpent... Sir Pent... Heh, I get it, very funny... Too bad though... I was hoping for a good boss fight.

    <Character>: Serpent.... Sir Pent.... Heh, I get it, very funny.... Too bad though... I was hoping for a good boss fight.

    And could add a note at the end:

  • This quest can only be completed once.

    And one for Bandit Trap:


    Captain Rolith: Here's the plan, <Character>. We've set up a nice little trap. You'll direct the knights to corner the Bandit, and then you'll take them out.

    no comma after "the plan"

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

  • Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/2/2015 20:19:36)

    Mince's Barber Shop Male and Female all-in-one images.



    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/7/2015 18:39:57)

    Gerek's Barber Shop Male and Female all-in-one images.



    Add on To Do List and sign it off that I will do them if you wish... (If I missed any, you can add them to this list)

    Patch's Barber Shop (which includes separate images)
    Xaver's Barber Shop
    Yonathan's Barber Shop

    Added the images and updated the To-Do List, thank you. ~SZ

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/8/2015 12:05:38)

    Xaver's Barber Shop Male and Female all-in-one images.



    Done, thanks! ~SZ

    Sagrym -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (7/9/2015 5:38:59)

    Corrections for:


    Location: Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2) -> Captain Rolith -> Talk -> Official Keep Quests -> Pactogonal-tastic

    Could be changed to Oaklore Keep Quests!

    The pre-quest dialogue could be added:

    Captain Rolith: Have you ever wondered what a prospective Pactogonal Knight must go through to join our ranks?

  • See for yourself!
  • Back


    <Character>: NICE! I thought that'd work.... How about if I type LOOK?

    No space between "work" and "how"


    <Character>: ..And now press ENTER again...

    1 more point before "and" and 1 after "again"


    A Small Clearing
    A simple forest clearing. The path you followed into the woods fades as the last cobblestones disappear into the dirt. There is an exit East Press RETURN to input commands. HELP for a command list!

    Simple, Path, disapear (typo), For


    <Character>: I bet typing help will lead to a list of every command I need.

    HELP, I'll


    <Character>: And once I get some items, using them ON other thing different rooms will be needed too!

    things in

    The Root of All Sneevil:


    at Sir Valance on Oaklore Keep:


    You could add, after Sir Valance's dialog:

  • Quest!
  • Back

    Sneevil Box Fort:


    Experience rewarded: 339
    Gold rewarded: 100

    The (new?) rewards I got are: 366 exp and 55 gold. At some point in the quest there are 3 sneevils and you must choose if you fight 1 or 2. I completed the quest again, choosing to beat 2 sneevils and I've got a total of 372 exp and 56 gold.


    at Sir Valance in Oaklore Keep:


    You could add, after Sir Valance's dialog:

  • Quest!
  • Back


    <Character> (thought): Password? I better look around and see if I can figure out what the password is.
    <Character> (thought): Heh, this guy must have learned how to talk from the Message forums.
    <Character> (thought): Secret Knock!? The security in this fortress is amazing!

    all could be changed to <Character> (thinking):


    <Character>: *coughs* <<insert password here>> *coughs*

    could be changed to <Password>, and should be bolded


    <Character>: Hold on just a moment... I just realized I forgot to empty all the gold and gems out of this.. um... new box!

    all of the gold


    Box Office Mgr.: Yea wus da passwurd

    Box Office Mgr.: Yeah? Wus da passwurd?


    <Character>: *cough* one of many passwurds *cough*

    <Character>: *coughs* <Password> *coughs*


    <Character>: I hope this works... here we go!

    could be changed to <Character> (thinking):


    Box Office Mgr.: Wowz! That wus da best nock i eber hurd! get een eer!

    I, Get


    Box Office Mgr.: OMG! it is a human and he knows our seekret knock!

    It, Human


    Boxer #1: ...or he is da tallest sneevil ibe ebber seen!



    Boxer #2: Oh no! how did he feeeger eet out?

    How, feeeguer, at the end are 3 exclamation marks instead of the question mark

    At the end you can add Ash's dialog from Falconreach:

    At Ash in Falconreach (Books 1 and 2):
    Ash: Sneevil Treefort Sneevils are evil box obsessed goblins. I know the location of one of their secret forts in Robina's woods.

  • To Battle!
  • Back

    Sneevil-Jitsu Dojo:


    Experience rewarded: 180
    Gold rewarded: 22

    Same as the sneevil box fort, I got new rewards: 224 exp and 37 gold.

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

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