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End of Magic (Part 1), The

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6/2/2024 9:21:13   

ArchKnight DragonFable

The End of Magic (Part 1)

Location: Outpost Yeden -> 2 Right -> Up -> Quests! -> More -> The End of Magic (Pt 1)
Requirements: Completion of The Mana Core
Release Date: June 1st, 2024

Objective: With Aequilibria stirring, the fate of Lore rests on the shoulders of you and your allies...
Objective completed: From the depths, the end emerges.

Experience rewarded: 6000
Gold rewarded: 1000

(2) Core Claw
(2) Core Limb
(3) Core Pillar
(1) Core Limb, (1) Core Pillar, (1) Core Claw - Boss

Akriloth Jr

Scale of The Mana Core


*In the Scaffold's platform, Warlic studies Jaania's condition following her battle against you while Alexander looks below the Fissure as Alteon, Amadeus, Zvezdana, and her Ignominious are close by.*

Alteon: How... How is Jaania?
Warlic: Exhausted and drained of mana, as far as I can tell. She should recover, with time.
Warlic: To push herself so far... What was she thinking?
Warlic: Even if she had triumphed over <Character>, she wouldn't have been able to follow through with her plan, much less face all of us.
Jaania: ...
Amadeus: To speak of such lofty goals and dreams, only to throw it all away for what, a personal grudge?
Amadeus: Truly pathetic.
Alteon: Valen—
Jaania: No.
Jaania: He... is right.
Jaania: The Rose, the sacrifices we made, the progress we built for my dream...
Jaania: Even that dream itself.
Jaania: What meaning, what purpose did it all serve, if I would discard it just for my own satisfaction?
Jaania: I held the fate of the world in one hand and my selfish desires in the other...
Jaania: And I... I...
Jaania: ...
Alexander: I suppose we should figure out what to do with her, after all this.
Alexander: Assuming <Character> succeeds.
Alexander: Your tower certainly has room for another reformed "villain", don't you think, Warlic?
Warlic: It was not my intent for my tower to become a rehabilitation center!
Warlic: ...But I suppose it would be the best option, for now.
Warlic: Assuming, of course, the Magesterium is willing to relinquish their claim on her judgment?
Zvezdana: Once Project Casca is complete, The Shapeless will decide Jaania's fate.
Zvezdana: Considering our current priorities, however, a compromise is not out of the question.
Warlic: I'm sure we can figure out the details later.
Jaania: ...You all speak as though the day is already won.
Jaania: As though <Character>'s victory is certain.

*Warlic thinks about Jaania's words of your victory against Akanthus.*

Warlic: Well, given <his/her/their> record... I think it's fair for us to put our faith in—
Alexander: Wait. Jaania, are you jealous?
Jaania: ...
Jaania: ...Yes. Yes, I... I am.
Alexander: Now that's funny.
Jaania: ...I'm not proud of it.
Amadeus: Speaking of which, any sign of <him/her/them> or <Dragon>?
Alexander: Nothing yet. Maybe—

*Suddenly, a tremor erupts below the platform; this causes your allies to wrongly assume that Akanthus have detonated the Doom capacitor in the Mana Core.*

Alexander: That's probably not good, I think!
Warlic: Was that the device?
Alexander: How am I supposed to know? It all still looks the same from here!

*A second tremor erupts; this is not caused by Akanthus' detonation of the Doom capacitor, but rather something else.*

Amadeus: A second tremor. Not the device, then.

*Multiple beams appear from the Mana Core, causing your allies to be alarmed.*

Warlic: No... That's impossible... The Mana Core shouldn't be...
Zvezdana: I must send word to the surface. The Magesterium needs to prepare.

*Multiple beams appear from the Mana Core as you and your titanized dragon enter the Scaffold's platform; you dismount your dragon as you regroup with your allies about the events that transpired in the Mana Core.*

Warlic: <Character>! What happened down there?!
<Character>: So... the good news is that Akanthus is dead.
Jaania: ...So he failed, too.
Amadeus: Good riddance.
<Character>: As for the bad news...
<Character>: Something called Aequilibria is waking up. And I'm pretty sure it wants to destroy Lore.

*Warlic is extremely alarmed about Aequilibria's awakening.*

Zvezdana: ...The end of everything is finally upon us.
Amadeus: What do you mean? Can't we fight this Aequilibria? Is it following you, <Character>?
Warlic: No. We can't.
Amadeus: Explain.
Warlic: Aequilibria... they, it... is the Mana Core itself.
Warlic: I don't have time for a full lecture, but basically, the Mana Core is the, until now, dormant embodiment of Aequilibria.
Warlic: Like Infernals and Celestials, it generates mana, but to an infinitely higher degree.
Warlic: Mana flows from and back to them by way of threads. Not entirely physical threads, that is, but—
Warlic: Regardless, without that flow, most life on Lore would cease.
Zvezdana: That explanation is consistent with the Magesterium's understanding.
Alexander: This seems like incredibly relevant information to have kept to yourself.
Warlic: Knowledge doesn't mean anything if we can't act upon it.
Amadeus: Then what can we do?
Warlic: Maybe... Maybe we can escape to the Void. And then find our way to the Elemental Planes...
<Character>: And what about the rest of Lore?!
Amadeus: What about my daughter?
Warlic: I... I'm sorry. The Mana Core erupting will tear Lore apart.
Warlic: I could try to let Nythera know. But there's no guarantee we will find her in the Void.
Amadeus: And there's no way to stop it? No way to defeat this Aequilibria?
Warlic: Destroying Aequilibria would be destroying Lore's source of mana.
Warlic: Even if you could, that would doom any survivors.
Warlic: Everyone needs magic to live. The end of magic would be the end of not just Lore, but all life on it.
Jaania: ..!
<Character>: No. There has to be some way—
Jaania: Hold on. I think... I think I have a solution.

*Warlic realizes Jaania's solution to stop Aequilibria—her spell to control the flow of mana.*

Warlic: Your spell to control the flow of mana...?
<Character>: Absolutely not!
Jaania: The spell I wanted to weave— I can adapt it! I think. No, I'm sure. It... would be messy, but...
Jaania: If Aequilibria and the Mana Core are one and the same as Warlic says, then... the theory should carry over...
Jaania: Zvezdana, was it? Help me up, please.
Zvezdana: I am inclined to agree with <Character>. But if it is the will of the Shapeless...
Jaania: Warlic, there is a difference between the physicality of the Mana Core and the flow of mana threads, is that correct?
Warlic: Yes... While Aequilibria is the source of the flow of mana, it is still distinctly separate.
Jaania: Hmm... we'll have to make some adjustments, but I believe my spell will still work.
Warlic: But in your current state... Where would you get the mana required...?
Warlic: Unless... I...
<Character>: You're not seriously entertaining this idea, are you, Warlic?!
<Character>: If you need a weaver to do this, then Aegis and I can handle it!
Jaania: No. <Character>... You...

*Despite her animosity towards you, Jaania wants you to keep Lore safe.*

Jaania: Lore needs you, <Character>. Not me.
Jaania: I know you don't trust me. And you have every right not to.
Jaania: But... I'm willing to put my trust in you.
Jaania: If— no, when this succeeds... it'll be up to you to keep everyone safe.
<Character>: ...
<Character>: ...What's the plan for the spell?
Jaania: Using my flow control spell as a basis, I will weave a sieve around the Core.

*You listen to Jaania's plan to stop Aequilibria.*

Jaania: The natural flow of mana will continue unimpeded. You have my word.
<Character>: What will prevent Aequilibria from sneaking through the holes in your sieve?
Jaania: A fair concern. I imagine Aequilibria will not be content to be contained.
Jaania: But even the slightest extra push along the currents of mana will not escape my notice.
Jaania: I expect it will be a rather... perpetual struggle to hold it back, but no more of a burden than I had planned for already.
Zvezdana: Drained as you are, how will you sustain the spell?
Jaania: Originally, I had planned to fuel the spell by siphoning from the Mana Core directly.
<Character>: That does not seem like a good idea at the moment.
Jaania: ...And now that the nature of the Core has been revealed, perhaps it would have caused unexpected problems...
Warlic: That's where I come in. As you know, due to my Infernal heritage, I generate mana.
Warlic: Jaania will draw from me, instead.
<Character>: And that won't end poorly? Remember what happened last time you overexerted yourself, Warlic.
Warlic: I... I remember all too well. But after the initial spell is cast, the seal should be able to be held with a controlled flow.
Warlic: I won't let the mistakes of my past happen again. I promise.
Jaania: It will still take a toll on us, though. Especially if Aequilibria makes any concentrated efforts to break out.
Warlic: True. Eventually, we will run the risk of the spell being worn down...
Alexander: *Polite cough*
Jaania: It should be possible for me to repair it, but that would split my focus. Even if you were to help, that's still only the two of us...
Warlic: If only there were a way to passively repair any damaged parts of the seal...
Alexander: Ahem!
Warlic: Yes, what is it, Alexander?
Alexander: ...
Alexander: Resident skeletal-pyromancer-imbued-with-eternally-healing-flames here.
Alexander: Weave me into the spell too. I'll keep that seal nice and fresh.
Jaania: ...Alex—
Warlic: The elemental balance of the spell would shift heavily toward fire... we would have to compensate for that, somehow.
Warlic: I... I should be able to do it, but...
Warlic: Are you sure, Alexander?
Jaania: ...
Alexander: Wouldn't have offered if I wasn't.
Alexander: And don't worry, I'll keep an eye on them for you, <Character>.
Warlic: Well, <Character>? How does it sound?
Warlic: Think the three of us can contain Aequilibria?
<Character>: I... I want to believe in you.
<Character>: But what happens next? I don't think Aequilibria is just going to go back to sleep on its own.
<Character>: You're just going to be... stuck keeping it at bay... forever?
Warlic: As long as we can, certainly. But it doesn't have to be permanent.
Warlic: If you can find a way to force, or otherwise put Aequilibria back into slumber...
Warlic: Then maybe we'll be able to release the spell.
<Character>: And what if I can't?
Jaania: If not you... then another, right?
Jaania: We'll just have to hold it as long as we need to.
Alexander: Just us three old pals.

Alexander: It'll be... fun.
Warlic: So, <Character>. Will you place your trust in us?
<Character>: Well, it sounds like you have this all sorted out.
<Character>: Go on, then. I... trust you.
<Character>: Let's prepare the spell!

*Scene fades to black; scene fades back in as you and your allies prepare the spell by creating a new ritual circle that consists of the eight elements; sometime later, as they prepare the spell, Aegis appears behind Hespherrodos.*

Aegis: So... You're Hespherrodos, huh?

*Hespherrodos does not respond back.*

Aegis: What did she do to you...?

*Hespherrodos does not respond back.*

Aegis: ...Right. I'll, uh, let you get back to it then!

*Aegis leaves to not disturb Hespherrodos; later, Jaania asks Alexander and Warlic to begin the spell.*

Jaania: *Sigh*
Jaania: Alex?

*Alexander nods back to Jaania.*

Jaania: Warlic?

*Warlic nods back to Jaania.*

Jaania: Let's begin.

*As they begin the spell using the ritual circle on the Scaffold's platform, multiple beams appear from the Mana Core before Aequilibria surrounds you and your allies.*

<Character>: Warlic! What is that?! Is Aequilibria trying to stop us?
Warlic: No. We're running out of time!
Warlic: Aequilibria is stirring, and the Fissure is the path of least resistance!
<Character>: They'll drag the platform under! <Dragon>, we have to defend them while they cast the spell!
<Dragon>: We'll tear them all down! | *Determined growl*
Amadeus: I won't let you do this on your own!
<Character>: Don't be ridiculous! Alteon's wounded, and no offense to you or Zvezdana but...
<Character>: This might be a bigger challenge than you can handle.
<Character>: Besides. I don't know if we're going to survive this. And your daughter needs you, Amadeus.
Amadeus: ...

*Listening to your words, Amadeus decides to not battle against Aequilibria.*

Amadeus: Fine.
Amadeus: Akriloth! I need your power!

*Amadeus uses his Dragon Amulet to summon Akriloth Jr, who is now fully grown up.*

Amadeus: I had made prior arrangements for fight or flight. Flight it shall be.
Akriloth Jr: I am here, Amadeus. Quickly now! This place saps my strength. | *Fiery roar!*
Amadeus: Yes. For obvious reasons, I've had to keep his existence secret.
Amadeus: I had him travel south, keeping out of sight of The Rose.
Amadeus: While the spell was being prepared, I called for him to be ready.
Zvezdana: Shapeless help me.... Is everyone on this forsaken continent partnered with a dragon?
Alteon: Only the heroes, it would seem...
Amadeus: Alteon, I would hope you have not forgotten how to ride.
Amadeus: As for Zvezdana and that... thing...
Amadeus: Akriloth will just have to use his claws. I'm sure that will be fine.
Zvezdana: What do you—

*Using his claws, Akriloth Jr grabs Zvezdana and her Ignominious as Amadeus mounts him; Alteon also rides Akriloth Jr by holding on to Amadeus.*

Amadeus: I will drop them off up top, then head straight for Warlic's tower.
Amadeus: I will let Nythera know of all that has transpired, and to prepare to flee should the spell fail.
Warlic: Thank you, Amadeus.
Amadeus: Do not thank me. Do not fail.
Amadeus: Same goes for you, <Character>. You and <Dragon>.
Amadeus: Do whatever you must to put a stop to this.
<Character>: We will, Amadeus.
Amadeus: Hmph.

*Carrying Zvezdana and her Ignominious in tow, Akriloth Jr breathes fire at one of Aequilibria's tentalcles and claws as he, Alteon, and Amadeus fly away from the Scaffold's platform; Amadeus smirks as Alteon struggles to hold on to Amadeus while they leave.*

<Dragon>: Aw. I wanted to fight alongside them! | *Disappointed sigh*
<Character>: Same here, <Dragon>. But it's better that they're out of harm's way.
Jaania: I'm ready to begin casting! Warlic, Alexander, I will need your help.
Jaania: <Character>—
<Character>: Yeah, I know. We won't let the spell be interrupted!

  • To Battle! - equips DragonRider class; begins gauntlet.
  • Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Run Away! - returns to Outpost Yeden.

  • Equips player's saved class.

    *After battling the gauntlet from Aequilibria, as Warlic, Alexander, and Jaania's spell reaches its critical state, a claw appears and grabs the Scaffold's platform on the right side.*

    Alexander: Oh... That's not good.

    *Another claw appears on the left and grabs the Scaffold's platform.*

    Aequilibria: A minor impediment. Automatic response.
    Warlic: <Character>, this is it, we're almost done! We're counting on you and <Dragon>!

    *While its claws drag the platform down, a draconic visage representing Aequilibria appears above you, your dragon, Warlic, Alexander, and Jaania.*

    Aequilibria: Creation: Aspect of Order.

    *Scene cuts to black.*

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Players are fully healed before the fourth and sixth rounds of the gauntlet.
  • Pop-up headlines during the quest:

  • Warlic: Keep it up! I have little to spare, but you have to push them back!
  • Jaania: Nearly... there! This has to work! It must!

  • < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 6/29/2024 16:58:01 >
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