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Fairy Court, The

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8/16/2013 19:12:15   
Voodoo Master

The Fairy Court

Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Up -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> The Fairy Court -> Quest!,
Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Mritha -> Past Quests -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> The Fairy Court -> Quest!
Requirements: Completion of After the War
Release Date: August 16th, 2013

Objective: Make your way to Maeve's Court to help defend the fairies!
Objective completed: Z has chained dragons!

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(3) Clawkin Wanderer
(2) Energizer
(4) ManaHunter (1)
(2) ManaHunter (2)
(3) Manahuntress

Kara SuLema

Saellah's Cloak (All Versions)

Access to Saellah Cape.


*You, Kara, Niki, Mritha, Nadezhda, and Srazhenie are having a conversation again, in the former Freedom Camp.*

Mritha: Stojkaja has reported that one of the flights have found a place to relocate. We are not safe here...
Mritha: And knowing that the Rose can shackle the dragons...
<Character>: Yes, but I question how exactly they were able to create shackles so strong they could capture and enslave a dragon.
Mritha: Those are my thoughts. Something just wasn't right about all this. Nevertheless, I have spoken with the Free Dravir Council.
Mritha: They are grateful for all you have done and have decided to join the rebellion and fight against the Rose.
<Character>: But... But they risk so much by being in the open, participating.
Srazhenie: Yes, but you have risked much for us.
Srazhenie: This Rose character is wrong and we will not stand aside in the shadows and allow this person to rob this world.
<Character>: I am honoured, Srazhenie, Nadezhda.The Free Dravir are an honorable people.
<Character>: I am hoping, that once this is over, I will be able to return to your Camps and help you free more.
Mritha: That will be very welcome, <Character>.
Kara SuLema: Yes, very generous, but completely expected.
Kara SuLema: Niki?
Niki: We fought so hard and yet...
Kara SuLema: Niki, you cannot blame yourself. Having two enemies attack us divided us in the worst way.
<Character>: The Rose... I know the Rose knew all along that this would happen. This was the plan. Surely you all see this!
Mritha: The thought has already crossed my mind. It was too convenient that both sides attacked at the same time.
Niki: We've lost so many though. Yes, we won the overall battle but it took us so long that so many of my Clawkin friends were stolen from me.
Niki: I failed them.
<Character>: Niki, you did not. They will know how hard you fought, captured or not. In the end, we will win. You must have faith.
Kara SuLema: Niki, set your eyes on those you have left. Let me deal with those who are chained.
Kara SuLema: You still must help protect the Fairies. They are vulnerable, even if those who fight against them have trouble defeating them.
Niki: Yes, I must go to the Fairy Court. I must speak with Maeve.
<Character>: I will go with you.

*You fight your way through various Rose soldiers and chained Clawkin en route to the Fairy Court; once you find Maeve, Niki bows down before her.*

Niki: Maeve... Oh Maeve, it's horrible. And now you are in danger.
Maeve: Sweet Niki, do not fret. My court is safe. And, I have sent for Melissa. All will be well. I promise.
Niki: Melissa? Really?
Maeve: Like I said, all will be well, child.

*Meanwhile, in the Rose's fortress in Swordhaven, Z and Akanthus are talking to a DragonLord with armor in the Rose's colors.*

Akanthus: You guaranteed that this would WORK!
Saellah: It should HAVE! I did exactly as we planned.
Saellah: You sent the small group after those pathetic Clawkin to lead the rebels to think that was all...
Saellah: ...while I worked up the dragons and revealed Mritha's idiotic camp of "free" Dravir.
Saellah: Then, when the Clawkin were near and the Dragons showed themselves...
Saellah: ...the rest of your contingent followed up and attacked with the full force of your army.
Akanthus: Then, if you did exactly as we PLANNED, why do I see a failure report in front of ME!
Akanthus: Not only did you fail, but the Dravir Camp has disappeared, along with Mritha!
Saellah: I did my part, so perhaps the fault lies with you, mighty Akanthus.
Akanthus: ME?
Saellah: Yes, you. My dragon and I stirred up the great ones to attack while you were supposed to have your army ready.
Saellah: Somewhere you failed and I did not. Perhaps, you will have to be better about it in the future.
Akanthus: How dare you!
Z: If I may...
Akanthus, Saellah (in unison): WHAT?
Z: *ahem*
Z: All of the Clawkin we have managed to steal are shackled. I would say that even though you both lost, we captured more than enough.
Z: As to the Dragons, they did come through.
Saellah: Oh?
Z: Yes, the young of the dragons not in alignment with your ways, Saellah are now mine...
Akanthus: Excellent..., Saellah: Excellent!

  • Complete Quest
  • Loot Shop Quest drops for DC - opens Saellah Cape shop.

    Other information
  • The glowing mushrooms acted as a one-time healing source during the quest. (Message: Do you want to eat this and recover your HP/MP?)
  • This quest contained one of the ingredients required for The Plaguenog. (Pop-up upon collection: You found a stick of Trickorice!)
  • This quest was retired and replaced by Supply and Demand on July 30th, 2021; more information can be found in the July 30th, 2021 Design Notes.

    Next Up: B.F.C.

    < Message edited by Jay -- 1/22/2025 20:49:40 >
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