RE: Quests (Full Version)

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ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Quests (6/24/2011 11:40:31)


I can't get myself to fail the roll. I've tried on three different characters. T.TBalu kindly provided screenshots of the first failed roll. If someone could get the second, that would be great.

Also, it appears that I made two typoes here. The Defy title should read "Forest monster check!", and so should the failure to Defy title.


New Andy Thaws!

Today's Event > New Andy Thaws! (New quest)

«Scene: Greenguard Forest»

«You»: Robina! So what is this I hear about the discovery of an ancient frozen man in the Northlands??
Robina: Well, «You», I really don't know too much about it.
Robina: Some of my, uh, students were travelling through the Northlands looking for good ways to take advantage of the local gold supply and--

«Scene zooms in on Robina.»

Robina: -- Forget I said that. So, some FRIENDS of mine found what appears to be a prehistoric man frozen in a wall of ice on their way back from a little trek.
Robina: Being the curious types they are, they tried to get a better look, but couldn't break the ice. They couldn't even SCRATCH it.
Robina: My guess is that it's Perdurable Ice.

«Scene zooms out.»

«You»: Never heard of that.
Robina: Pendurable Ice is an ice formed by a wizard or some other mana user that was made to NEVER MELT. Needless to say, my ranger friends couldn't figure out how to melt it.
«You»: Why would someone freeze a prehistoric person in unmelting ice??
Robina: They must have wanted very badly to KEEP HIM FROZEN. I say very badly because according to the wizards I know, Perdurable Ice takes quite a toll on one physically.
Robina: Turns your hair white, apparently.
«You»: Ahhhh... I always WONDERED why most wizards have white hair.
Robina: Haha! Yeah, wizards are silly. They'll do just about anything to get what they want.
«You»: Haha! Totally unlike rogues, huh?
Robina: ..................
Robina: Are you going to head north or not?
«You»: I think I'll go on that quest, then.
  • Travel!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Ice formation in the Frozen Northlands, where a caveman is frozen.»

    «You»: There he is! A frozen caveman!
    «You»: .............. Now what to do. Hmm. Oh, yeah!
  • Attack!
    «You»: Yep. Not a scratch.
    «You»: I suppose this is where I turn around and go back empty-handed. Ho-hum.
  • The End

    «Xarymandias appears.»

    Xarymandias: Whoa there, young one! Slow down! No need to give up!
    «You»: Xarymandias! Warlic's friend and one of his mentors. I haven't seen you in a while!
    Xarymandias: I've been busy grooming my wondrous white beard.
    «You»: I'm sure.
    Xarymandias: Robina sent me to catch up with you, knowing you may need some guidance in being rid of this Perdurable Ice. I rather hate the stuff, myself.
    «You»: So how do you melt unmeltable ice?
    Xarymandias: I wish I had a simple way to defeat Perdurable Ice, but then how useful would it be if there were a simple way to counter it? No, unfortunately this rests more on your shoulders than mine.
    «You»: UNFORTUNATELY?!? You make it sound like I'm some kind of loser!

    «Scene zooms in on Xarymandias.»

    Xarymandias: Oh, no, not at all! I say that because this task requires the one who wishes the Perdurable Ice to melt to be the one to succeed at it.
    Xarymandias: You see, one must summon a Greater Adalon, an elemental golem of both ice AND light, and the only creature which can melt Perdurable Ice.
    Xarymandias: You must then defeat the Greater Adalon, as the energies involved in the creature's dissolution are what melt Perdurable Ice.

    «Scene zooms out.»

    «You»: Okay. Well, what is this summon?
    Xarymandias: I can't tell you. You have to remember it as part of the calling ritual.
    «You»: Wha?? Remember something I was taught in first grade?? Are you crazy?!
    Xarymandias: Sorry, but that is all I can help you with. Now, I'm off to the 7th annual white beard competition.

    «Xarymandias disappears.»

      Summon Adalon!
      Can you properly recite the Adalon Summon??
      Difficulty: 34
      Stat Used: Intelligence

    «Failing the roll gives you two choices - to 'Defy it!' or just continue 'Next'.»

      «If you have less than «» SP and defy the roll...»
        Summon Adalon!
        You lack the «» SP to defy the fickle will of the dice.
        Difficulty: 34
        Your Roll: «The number you got»
      • Next

      «If you have more than «» SP and defy the roll...»
        Summon Adalon!
        By an effort of will you can spend «» SP to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
        Difficulty: 34
        Your Roll: «The number you got»
      • Yes
      • No

    «If you failed or failed in Defying your roll:»

    Your failure to properly recite the summon has drawn the attention of a nearby monster!

      1 BATTLE
      Full Heal

      Summon Adalon!
      Another chance to properly recite the Adalon Summon. See if you can get it right this time...
      Difficulty: 34
      Stat Used: Intelligence

    «Failing the roll gives you two choices - to 'Defy it!' or just continue 'Next'.»

      «If you have less than «» SP and defy the roll...»
        Summon Adalon!
        You lack the «» SP to defy the fickle will of the dice.
        Difficulty: 34
        Your Roll: «The number you got»
      • Next

      «If you have more than «» SP and defy the roll...»
        Summon Adalon!
        By an effort of will you can spend «» SP to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
        Difficulty: 34
        Your Roll: «The number you got»
      • Yes
      • No

    «If you succeeded or succeeded in Defying your roll, you continue below.»

    «A Greater Adalon appears.»

    «You»: ..... Uhh... I am «You», and I must defeat you in battle so that I can melt a wall of Perdurable Ice!
    Greater Adalon: COMMAND ACCEPTED!
  • Fight!

      1 BATTLE: Greater Adalon
      Full Heal

    «The Perdurable Ice melts.»

    «You»: Hello! Welcome to the modern age! I bet you're very hungry. Would you like to get something to eat? Hm? Yum-yum?
    «You»: Nothing? Alright, this talking thing is getting me nowhere. Maybe some gesturing will work...
    ???: M-- me-- Andy!
    «You»: Oh good! Finally! Nice to meet you, Andy!
    Andy: Mmmmmm... Eeeaat! Yes, EAT!

    «Andy leaves.»

    «You»: Aw, please! It's too cold out here for a chase! *grumbles*

    «Seen shows Andy chasing a Steppe Mastadon with the words "OM NOM!!!" at the bottom of the screen.»

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «You»: Andy! Where oh where are you, Andy??
    «You»: Come on, Andy! Trust me, you do not want to wander around the modern world without help!

    «Andy enters.»

    «You»: There you are, big guy. So, did you find some food?
    Andy: Foood. Hmmm. Food no want be food.
    «You»: Huh?
    Andy: Food cuddly and warm.

    «Steppe Mastodon enters.»

    Andy: Food is-- friend!
    «You»: So I see.
    «You»: Interesting. Listen, Andy, you can't be such a pushover. Lore is crawling with monsters. Since you've been frozen, wizards have MADE thousands of NEW ones.
    «You»: And you're a strapping caveman... You definitely NEED to eat meat for anyone to take you seriously.
    Andy: Hrm? Me-- NEED eat friend!??
    «You»: Well, not your friend, necessarily...
    Andy: NO EAT FRIEND!!!! AARRGGG!!!!
  • Fight

      1 BATTLE: Andy
      Full Heal

    «You»: Don't look at me like that, Andy! You started it!
    Andy: No apologies necessary, old chap. Oh my-- You appear to have knocked some sense into my head!
    «You»: Wow! That never seems to happen with any OTHER enemy I fight.
    Andy: Now that I have my wits about me, I am curious to know WHY I was ever encased in that Perdurable Ice in the first place.
    «You»: Me too. You must have gotten on someone's bad side.
    Andy: Quite right. Say, my stomach is rumbling with hunger pangs.
    Andy: Care to join me for a light repast?
    «You»: I'd like that. Only-- We need to figure out what you want to eat.
    Andy: I do believe I may be-- a vegetarian. Perhaps even-- a vegan.
    «You»: .................. I think I know where we need to go.

    «Scene: Farm, where vegetables chase Andy, with the words "OM NOM!!!" across the top of the screen.»

    Shop Weapons:
  • Andy's Guardian Club
  • Andy's Crude Club Z
  • Andy's Crude Club
  • Andy's Primitive Club
  • Andy's Graceless Club
  • Andy's Barbarous Club
  • Andy's Archaic Club
  • Andy's Prehistoric Club
  • Play again!
  • Leave
  • Got it and fixed the errors thanks. ~Aces

    Nova Gryphon -> RE: Quests (6/27/2011 14:15:16)


    Climb Higher!

    1 Random Light-Element monster.

    Then perform the choice again.

    Walk Further!

    3 Random Light-Element monsters.
    HEAL (after each battle)

    In the first stage of the Explore Paxia entry, "climb higher" leads the player into 3 battles, while "walk further" leads the player into a single battle.

    updated. thank you. ~B

    afterlifex -> RE: Quests (6/29/2011 17:04:27)


    The link in the index for Bullyfighters! leads to Bug Swarm it needs to lead to
    [link=]Bullyfighters! [/link]

    (I checked a few times, i wasn't misclicking)
    Fixed thanks. ~Aces

    Ianthe -> RE: Quests (7/4/2011 18:10:12)


    ORIGINAL: Kalanyr

    The Army of Awe quest will now give you a Shield of Awe along with the Armor of Awe when you first get the Armor of Awe.

    After the first change to the Awe Armor/Shield Valencia will handle any further changes for you (both getting them as temps and doing the permanent swap).

    Valencia now also has permanent links to the Tomb of Awe & Army of Awe quests.

    You won't be able to switch to permanent Guardian weapons at the moment since that function has been removed from Valencia, its being moved to the Guardian Tower.

    Oh and Valencia now shows your progress in collecting Blade of Awe parts during her speech about the Blade of Awe.

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Quests (7/6/2011 9:01:40)


    Long awaited... AntiGuardian!
    The AntiGuardian!

    Today's Event > The AntiGuardian! (New quest) OR Guardian Tower > Nimrod > Quests > AntiGuardian!

    You have been enlisted in the search for a missing Guardian named Seffiris in the scorching Skraeling Desert...

  • Search!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Skraeling Desert.»

    Ammerthon: So have you had any luck in finding Guardian Seffiris yet, «You»?
    «You»: No, Guardian Ammerthon, I haven't. I'm sorry... I know Seffiris is like a sister to you.
    Ammerthon: Yes, yes she is. I'm sorry as well. She's been missing for three days now. And in this desert, three days is an eternity when you're alone.
    Ammerthon: You should return to Battleon and rest for a bit. I will keep looking for another half day, and then catch up to you.
    «You»: Are you sure, Ammerthon?
    Ammerthon: I am. Now go and be safe.
    «You»: You as well. Hopefully Warlic is returned from whatever journey he's been on and we can enlist his help.
    Ammerthon: I hope so, too.

    «Scene: Another part of the Skraeling Desert in which Ammerthon encounters a bloodstained Guardian Blade blade-down in the sand.»

    Ammerthon: !!!!
    Ammerthon: Seffiris! Are you near?!?

    «Ammerthon walks toward the Blade and the Scene zooms in.»

    Ammerthon: ......blood........ Only on the hilt........?

    «Ammerthon moves in closer, but then the AntiGuardian grabs him and hauls him off-Scene. New Scene: Battleon.»

    Sage Uldor: «You», I have been seeking you.
    «You»: Sage Uldor! I was just getting ready to go to the Crossroads. Is there something you need?
    Sage Uldor: My latest vision is complete. It came to me over several nights, in bits and pieces, like a puzzle.
    Sage Uldor: It was as though something was actively trying to prevent me from seeing everything at once. Scrambling my thoughts.

    «Scene zooms in on Uldor.»

    Sage Uldor: I see an ocean of hatred rising up to consume Battleon...
    Sage Uldor: Propelled by the fire and darkness at the heart of daemonkind...
    Sage Uldor: And I fear it has been able to approach very closely without our knowledge.

    «Scene zooms out.»

    «You»: .........
    «You»: Well, you DID see it. So we'll be ready. I'll spread the word and we will be on guard for anything!

    «Scene: Greenguard Forest. Warlic floats in.»

    Warlic: Ah, poor little axiomatic chipmunk!
    Warlic: Did someone hurt you?
    Warlic: Do not worry, I will help you.

    «Warlic casts a healing spell.»

    Chipmunk: *squeak squeak*
    Warlic: You are very welcome, little one.

    «Scene zooms in on Warlic's face.»

    Chipmunk: *squeak squueeeaak*
    Warlic: ......... What? Are you CERTAIN that is what you saw?

    «Scene zooms out. The Chipmunk scurries away as the AntiGuardian's shadow appears.»

    Warlic: You will need to go back to where you came from. Your intent is all too clear...
    Warlic: I can destroy you with little more than a thought, you--

    «A column of black and red spews up from under Warlic and he disappears.»


    «Scene goes to darkness. New Scene: Battleon Guardian Tower.»

    Vabin: Whew, is my arm tired! These Guardian Blades are HEAVY!
    Serah: You can say that again. Are you almost ready to break for lunch? I could really go for a tuna salad at the Inn!
    Vabin: Yum-O! That sounds--

    «The AntiGuardian enters via appearance over a circle of red and black.»

    Serah and Vabin: (simultaneously) !!!!

    «Scene zooms in on the AntiGuardian's face.»


    «Serah and Vabin raise their swords and charge at the AntiGuardian. Scene fades to darkness and then returns, sans Serah, Vabin, and the AntiGuardian.»

    «You»: (off-screen) Hey! I have some news! We need to be ready for--

    ««You» enter.»

    «You»: Vabin? Serah?
    «You»: Where did they go? Their replacements should be here, at least.
  • Enter the Tower!

    «Scene: Interior of the Guardian tower, Vabin and Serah dead on the ground, no one else in sight.»

    «You»: !!!
    «You»: What on Lore did this?!?

    «The AntiGuardian enters.»

    «You»: You--! You're not going to get away with this.
    «You»: Just wait until the rest of Battleon's Guardians find out what--

    «The AntiGuardian smites the floor of the Tower. New Scene: Outside, where the Guardian Tower is seen splitting in two. Aria and Aquella enter the Scene.»

    Aria: What was tha--
    Aquella: -- By the Water Lord!! The Tower!!

    «Scene: Back in the Tower.»

    «You»: Oh no--
    «You»: ..............
    AntiGuardian: HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    «The AntiGuardian leaves.»

    «You»: ............
    «You»: No. I'm not waiting a day. I'll fight you now! I'LL FIGHT YOU NOW, MONSTER!!!

    «Scene zooms in on the entering Nimrod, who raises a Blade of Awe.»

    Nimrod: Wait, «You». I've seen his power. He cannot be fought alone. We must take him together...

    «Scene: Exterior of the Guardian Tower.»

    «You»: Don't run away from me, demon!!!

    «The AntiGuardian appears again.»

    «You»: NOW!!

    «Nimrod enters and strikes at the AntiGuardian with the Blade of Awe, but the AntiGuardian raises an arm and breaks the Blade. Then purple magic streams out and throws «You» and Nimrod off-Scene.»

    AntiGuardian: I'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU.

    «As an afterthought, the AntiGuardian picks up the broken Blade and throws it after «You». The words Skewered by the Blade of Awe! appear at the top of the Scene as the AntiGuardian strides away.»

    «You»: I... I couldn't stop him...
    Sage Uldor: Robina, Aria, and the others are helping with the wounded. You, however, MUST battle the AntiGuardian.
    «You»: Yes. But after seeing what he is capable of, I'm not so sure that--
    Sage Uldor: My visions have been clearer after his arrival. I know why he is what he is...

    «Scene zooms in on Sage Uldor.»

    Sage Uldor: 30 years ago, Ghin Surrech's father was killed defending the Guardian Tower at Barrowdell from a battalion of Seekers and Undead bent on securing the Darkness Orb.
    Sage Uldor: Ghin's mother, torn by grief, and a mage by class, directed her rage at research into the afterlife. Ghin watched his mother lose herself in her mission over the following years.
    Sage Uldor: Eventually one of her spells resulted in her vanishing into a portal to points unknown.
    Sage Uldor: Ghin, a youngster when this all began, knew nothing but hatred, directed not at those who killed his father, but to the Guardian to which his father devoted his life.
    Sage Uldor: Ghin took up his mother's studies and enlisted the help of a Summoner using his inheritance.
    Sage Uldor: Over the following years, Ghin dedicated his life to becoming a perfect warrior, balanced for defeating Guardians, utilizing shadowy secrets from the beyond.
    Sage Uldor: As a final, desperate measure, Ghin commanded his Summoner to call forth a demon and materialize it within Ghin himself. Ghin survived the most terrible pain he had ever experienced--
    Sage Uldor: -- every cell of his body having to share its space with that of a demon's cell. What Ghin became was unique among all things.
    Sage Uldor: Technically a half-demon, but with the full power of a demon within his body, unadulterated by its mixture with the human side of Ghin.

    «Scene zooms out.»

    Sage Uldor: Ghin Surrech had finally become-- the AntiGuardian. And now he has set his plan to destroy the Guardians in motion...
    «You»: With the power he commands, how can I stop him?
    Sage Uldor: Ghin's armor is infused with demonic power, directed by his will to do most of its damage against Guardian equipment. But I am not sure how that might be countered.

    «Scene zooms in on the Inn's door as Yulgar opens it and steps out.»

    Yulgar: I think I know what needs to be done.
    Yulgar: «You», follow me to Adder's Forge.

    «Scene: Isle d'Oriens. New Scene: Adder's Forge.»

    Adder: You've waited a day, and we appreciate it. Yulgar and I have worked harder and faster than we ever have to craft an armor that can counter the AntiGuardian's power.
    Adder: Yulgar?

    «Yulgar enters, raising the UltraGuardian Plate.»

    Yulgar: We only had time to make a few. You'll need to get them down to Battleon right away. And then battle the AntiGuardian before he can move on to whatever his next target may be...
  • Mighty UltraGuardian Plate
  • Deft UltraGuardian Plate
  • Insightful UltraGuardian Plate

    The game will load the version of the UltraGuardian Plate you chose along with the UltraGuardian Shield.

    «Scene shows the AntiGuardian defeating Robina, Zephyros, and Eselgee across a gray background. New Scene: Interior of Yulgar's Inn, where the AntiGuardian sits at a table.»

    «You»: Hey you. UGLY.
    «You»: I challenge you to a duel. Outside. Now.

    «Scene: Outside in Battleon.»

    «You»: You know that salamander steak you were eating? That's what you're going to look like when I'm done with you.
  • Fight!

    If you are a Guardian, a choice is before you!

    You may declare yourself as a Guardian and fight the AntiGuardian confronting his full rage. If you succeed the UltraGuardian armor & shields will become attuned to you and you may permanently attune it as a no-drop armor.

    Alternatively, you may conceal the fact you are a Guardian, and fight the AntiGuardian in a weaker state, but if you do this, the UltraGuardian armor will not acknowledge you as a Guardian!

    The choice is yours!

  • Fight as a Guardian

        1 BATTLE: Enraged AntiGuardian
        Full Heal

      Continues below.

  • Fight as an Adventurer

        1 BATTLE: AntiGuardian
        Full Heal

      Continues below.

    Please wait while the UltraGuardian Equipment is Removed...

    «Scene: Battleon. Warlic appears.»

    Warlic: «You»! I am sorry, but I was temporary disincorporated. Has the demon-- Oh. Yes. I see.
    Warlic: ....................... Are you all right?
    «You»: I'm still alive, Warlic. I'm still alive...

    Shop Armors:
  • AntiGuardian Plate
  • AntiGuardian Plate Z
  • AntiGuardian Plate
  • AntiGuardian Plate
  • AntiGuardian Plate Z
  • AntiGuardian Plate
  • AntiGuardian Plate
  • UltraGuardian Armor!
      Yulgar: As you have defeated the AntiGuardian while wearing the UltraGuardian Armor it has become attuned to you.
      Yulgar: We can activate specific powers within the armor to support your fighting style.
      Yulgar: The Mighty Armor has a powerful attack with Melee weapons, the Deft Armor can use your finesse to Intimidate your enemies with Ranged Weapons...
      Yulgar: ... and the Insightful Armor will sometimes restore Mana when you attack with Magic weapons!
    • Mighty UltraGuardian Plate
    • Deft UltraGuardian Plate
    • Insightful UltraGuardian Plate

      The one you choose becomes your No-Drop Armor and the UltraGuardian Shield becomes your No-Drop Shield.

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
  • Got it thanks. ~Aces

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Quests (7/7/2011 19:36:33)


    Lolosia Gets Iced: Snow White Beaches

    Today's Event > Lolosia Gets Iced! (New quest)

    «Scene: Greenguard Forest»

    «You»: *sigh* Where's a good adventure when you need one?

    «Captain Frolgar enters.»

    Captain Frolgar: Ahoy, «You»! There's trouble a'brewin' in Lolosia an' we be needing your help!
    «You»: Well, that's convenient.
    Captain Frolgar: It be nothin' of the sort!
    Captain Frolgar: Now, matey, get yer lubbin' self into gear an' follow me to the town by the sea!
  • Go!

    «Scene: Snowed-in Lolosian shore.»

    «You»: ... Snow? In Lolosia?
    Captain Frolgar: Aye, truly it gives new weight to the phrase "shiver me timbers."

    «Scene shows icy winds blowing through Lolosia and then returns to the shore.»

    «You»: How on Lore could this happen?
    Captain Frolgar: Yer guess be as good as mine, me hearty. Though I'd reckon that them thar monsters might have something to do with it.
    «You»: ...... Of course.

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    Captain Frolgar: That'll show them scurvy dogs!
    «You»: Aye, and maybe now we can find some answers. Let's start over there!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    Captain Frolgar: Arr, would it not be better if ye asked yer questions before ye fought them?
    «You»: How about this: You investigate your way and I'll investigate mine. Deal?
    Captain Frolgar: Deal. If ye'll excuse me, I be thinkin' that Gibbit might be knowin' what happened.

    «Frolgar leaves.»

    «You»: Fine then. I guess I'll check over there.

    «Scene: Another part of the shore, where a snowman lies on a hammock.»

    «You»: Should have known. Nobody would be out in this weather.
    Snowman: Not quite.
    «You»: What the--? BOON??
    Sailor Boon: In the frost.
    «You»: Why are you still in the hammock? It's freezing out here!
    Sailor Boon: Well, you know how it is... One minute you're in your hammock enjoying a nice cup of moglinberry juice to take the edge off the summer heat--
    Sailor Boon: -- the next minute you're under several feet of snow and some kids are making a snowman around you.
    «You»: Yes, but why are you still in the hammock?
    Sailor Boon: Well, the kids looked like they were having so much fun, I figured "Hey, I've had worse excuses not to move."
    «You»: And the monsters?
    Sailor Boon: Oh, they came in with the storm and I haven't seen them since.

    «"GRAWRR," in big, red letters, runs across the Scene.»

    Sailor Boon: I stand corrected.

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    Sailor Boon: *shivers* It's BACK!!
    «You»: What? The blizzard??
    Snowman: No! THAT!!
    Sailor Boon: Hide!!
    «You»: Uuuhhhh--

    After 5 seconds of serious thought on how to hide...

    ««You» are buried under a mound of snow next to the snowman in the hammock as the Ice Beast enters.»

    Ice Beast: The storm is strongest here... It should be somewhere around... AHA!

    «Sailor Boon's hat falls off and an Ice Orb is revealed to be under it.»

    «You»: !!!!!!!!!
    Ice Beast: Now, who'd have thought there'd be some magic in that old silk hat? And now that I've go--

    ««You» pop out of the mound of snow.»

    «You»: Not so fast!
    «You»: It'll be a cold day in Lolosia before I let you take that orb!
    Ice Beast: ...........
    «You»: ...........
    «You»: Ok, wrong expression... Anyway, you aren't taking it!
  • Fight!

      1 BATTLE: Ice Beast
      Full Heal

    «You»: Take that, you walking snowglobe!
    Sailor Boon: Now that he's gone maybe we'll thaw out before long.
    «You»: What do I do now?
    Sailor Boon: I think you have your work cut out for you, mate...
  • Continued!
    Ice Orb

    Shop Spells:
  • Ice Beast Attack
  • Ice Beast Attack
  • Guardian Ice Beast Attack
  • Ice Beast Attack
  • Ice Beast Attack
  • Ice Beast Attack Z
  • Ice Beast Attack
  • Ice Beast Attack
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
  • Got it thanks. ~Aces

    Nova Gryphon -> RE: Quests (7/13/2011 13:46:32)


    In the Huntress, the Hunted! entry, under the level 85+ Darkovia monsters, the "Banshee Messenger (111)" link goes to the Great Frost Wyrm page. Correct link is here.
    Fixed it thanks. ~Aces

    alexefb -> RE: Quests (7/13/2011 22:22:04)


    Andy Thaws and Hoard of Alquemada quests can now be found through Robina Hood in the Inn
    Got it thanks. ~Aces

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Quests (7/16/2011 15:53:04)


    Tempest Tantrum

    Today's Event > War on Paxia! (New war event)

    Paxia, the Isle of Elements. Many adventurers come here to pledge their [sometimes temporary] loyalty to one of the Eight Clans and to compete against the others. Your visit today, however, is not for fun and games.

    «Scene: Paxia, Clan Geoto.»

    You may skip this cutscene at any time.

    Geoto: Good of you to come, «You».
    «You»: Well, how could I refuse such an urgent request... by hounds... hungry hounds... I still have my arm, right?
    Geoto: Forgive me, I forget that my messengers get overeager at times and the urgency was such that I might have interrupted their lunch.
    Geoto: In any event, I trust you wish to know why I called you here.

    «Geoto moves backward and the Orb of Wind is revealed.»

    «You»: !!!
    «You»: Is that really--?
    Geoto: The Orb of Wind. Ironic that it should turn up in the base of my Clan of Earth. It does present a bit of a dilemma though.
    «You»: How so?
    Geoto: Paxia has been about balance and camaraderie for a while now. The presence of this single orb can ruin that and spawn mistrust.
    Geoto: I therefore must see that it leaves Paxia, and I feel that I can trust you to do that.
    «You»: Sounds simple enough.

    «Geoto Clan Member enters.»

    Geoto Clan Member: *whispers*

    «Geoto Clan Member leaves.»

    Geoto: It would seem that the matter has become slightly more complicated. We have another visitor, and this one has brought an army.
    Geoto: I fear he means to take the orb by force.
    «You»: You got all that from one whisper?
    Geoto: No, this is his second visit. He threw quite the tantrum when I wouldn't give him the orb. It was like a tornado had entered the room.
    Geoto: When my clan told me of the group he was leading back here, I pieced the rest together. Forgive me, friend, but I am afraid you'll have to help us fight. I will request aid from the other clans.

    «Geoto leaves.»

    Geoto: (off-Scene) Aerodu will not be pleased that I neglected to tell him about the orb before now.
    «You»: Alright then. Geoto Clan, TO ARMS!
  • War!

    Tempest Tantrum!
    The Wind Orb mysteriously appeared within the Geoto Earth Clan base! Geoto doesn't know how... and to make matters worse, someone is leading an army to claim the orb for himself!
  • To Battle!
  • Guardian mission!
  • Back to Town

    Guardians can click on the potion bag to refill their potions if they have less than 4 potions on hand.

    Lavistria the Elf will join you in battle!
    Artix Krieger the Paladin will join you in battle!
    Brontus the Orc will join you in battle!

    Twilly: Uh-oh's!! Twilly's is upset! Where did this army comes from??
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!
    To Battle!

      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal

    After 50% of the monsters were defeated...

    «Scene: Paxia in ruins.»

    You may skip this cutscene at any time.

    Geoto: I trust you aren't here because things are going well?
    Geoto Clan Member: Sir! We're holding them off but they're employing the Z-Rush maneuver. It's only a matter of time before they overwhelm us.
    Geoto: I see.

    «Nautica enters.»

    Nautica: I'm a bit surprised to hear that you'd come here, Geoto. Feeling nostalgic?
    Geoto: *chuckles* Perhaps, old friend. It's sobering, isn't it? How close we three came to the brink of disaster? We were so naive.
    Geoto: And yet here we stand again, with the enemy bearing down on us, because of me.
    Nautica: Do not blame yourself. You acted with the best of intentions and nobody can fault you for that.
    Geoto: When even «You», one of the greatest heroes of Lore, is just fending off the foe? We must face the truth. I acted foolishly.
    Nautica: *sigh* You were ever as firm in your conviction as the ground itself, Geoto, but if you are done burying yourself in self-loathing--
    Nautica: -- I know a wise man who wishes to speak with you, one who believes he can aid in the defense of Paxia.

    «Scene zooms in on the water in the background, where Jacques swims. Scene fades, and then battles as above.»
    After 85% of the monsters were defeated, the previous cutscene plays, and then new Scene: A different part of Paxia.

    Beast: Ah, Lieutenant. How goesss the battle? Hasss earth crumbled to dussst yet?
    Minion: Um... no. Actually, they've started pushing us back.
    Beast: (in elaborate font) WHAT?!
    Minion: Please don't kill me!
    Beast: You will tell me how thisss happened, or I ssshall.
    Minion: I don't know, sir! We had reports of something approaching their lines a while ago, but that's all!
    Beast: GRAWWWR! I sssuppossse if you want sssomething done you have to do it yourssself.

    «Scene fades and then battles as above.»
    [image][/image]Special Mission!

    The forces arrayed against Geoto Spire are overwhelming, so taking risks may be the only way to win the day! Will YOU take a risk and sneak behind enemy lines to reduce their numbers?

      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES


    After 100% of the monsters were defeated...

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal

    Beast: Ssso, my army hasss fallen? Ssso be it. I ssshall rip you apart and pry the orb from your cold dead handsss!
    «You»: Yeah, yeah, villainous posturing, I get it. By the way, after I beat you, you might want to see someone about that lisp.
    «You»: Oh, I'm sorry, I meant "lisssp."
    Beast: ... I will enjoy killing you, insssolent brat!
  • Battle with Brontus's help!
  • Battle with Lavistria's help!
  • Battle with Artix's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Troglodyte
      Full Heal

    Beast: Imposssssible! Thisss cannot be happening!
    «You»: Oh, but it issss.

    «Geoto enters, carrying the Orb of Wind.»

    Geoto: Careful, «You». Do not provoke this creature.
    «You»: Okay, I'm sssorry. Oopsss!
    Beast: THAT.

    «Scene zooms in on the Beast.»

    Beast: ISSSS.

    «Scene zooms in on the Beast again.»

    Beast: IT!!!

    «Scene zooms out as the Beast creates huge wýnds, but then it keels over with Jacques on its back.»

    Beast: Ssssooo..... You had a trump card waiting in the wings?
    ???: Leave... before I crush you!
    Beast: ... Fine. I shall depart. Enjoy your victory while you can.

    «The Beast leaves as Jacques "stands."»

    Geoto: Well played. I see Nautica's faith in you was well-founded.
    ???: You flatter me, Geoto, but it was your power that allowed me to help.
    «You»: *Ahem*
    Geoto: Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Where are my manners? «You», I'd like you to meet Jacques--
    «You»: Jacques?? What happened to you?
    Jacques: Aha, long story...
  • Continued!
    Wind Orb

    Shop Weapons:
  • Guardian First Wind
  • Guardian Prop Crusher
  • Guardian Second Wind
  • Post Crusher
  • Stancion Crusher
  • Third Wind Z
  • Third Wind
  • Pedestal Crusher
  • Fourth Wind
  • Column Crusher Z
  • Fifth Wind
  • Guardian Pilaster Crusher
  • Obelisk Crusher
  • Sixth Wind
  • Tower Crusher
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

  • Got it. Thanks. ~Scakk

    Windy -> RE: Quests (7/18/2011 10:52:38)


    In The Kindred! pedia entry, the name of the first boss should be spelled Iaitsu instead of Iaitsi.

    Correct MA bosses links. They need to be fixed both in the monster index, as well as the quest pedia entry.

    Rusty Backflipp
    Mrs. Butterworth
    Man in Very Dark Clothing

    Mr. Stick
    Fran San Frisco
    John Dumbo
    Wings Hauser

    Greenlips Williams
    P. Noots

    Lizz Arden
    Cher Thepain
    Thick-Skin Charlie
    Buck Dodgers

    Bo Bu Bai
    Flo LeMo
    Floppy Ears Jackson
    Skip Upperlip

    New location for Cysero...Returns?
    Battleon > Yulgar's Inn > Click on Yulgar > Talk to Hans > Cysero...Returns?
    Fixed and updated. Thanks! ~Aces

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Quests (7/21/2011 14:00:32)


    Hope Reborn!

    Today's Event > Hope Reborn! (New quest)

    «Scene: A cave. ??? speaks from the darkness on the left.»

    ???: Oh there you are! We were wondering when you'd return!

    «Purple eyes open in the darkness.»

    ???: Oh dear, it seems you were met with failure. Did they hurt you terribly?

    «Blue eyes open in the darkness.»

    ???: A blowhard like that? The only thing they'd hurt would be his pride when they knocked the wind out of his sails.

    «Six more pairs of eyes open.»

    ????: After your failure at Lolosia, you have no right to speak to your brother that way.
    ???: (off-Scene) Now now, he did learn quite a bit from that outing.

    «Scene shifts left, further in the darkness, where a pair of yellow eyes open.»

    ???: Now, then, tell me what happened in Paxia.

    «Scene fades to darkness.»

    ???: And will someone please turn on a light?!?

    «Scene: Paxia from a distance, and then Paxia where you, Geoto, and Jacques are conversing.»

    «You»: Wait, you mean Geoto gave you the power of his clan while you still had the power Nautica gave you?
    Geoto: Indeed I did, «You». Ordinarily it's taboo, but the situation was dire and our mutual friend volunteered to take the risk.
    Geoto: Even so, I wish such action had not been needed.
    Jacques: Desperate times do call for desperate measures.
    Geoto: Be that as it may, it is my sincere hope that we never have to do this again. You proved resilient to this amalgamation--
    Geoto: -- but we have no guarantee that others would fare as well as you have.
    «You»: Darn, and here I wanted to give it a whirl.
    «You»: Okay, okay! So what do we do now?
    Geoto: Recent events confirmed my fears that the orb would not be safe here. Unfortunately, as I understand it, the best place for it was destroyed some time ago.
    «You»: What about the Temple of Hope?
    Geoto: Did I not just say that it was destroyed?
    «You»: Oh, that's what you meant? Didn't you know they were rebuilding it?
    Geoto: ... Clearly your sources are better than mine. Yes, the Temple would be ideal. And though I hate to prevail on you for another favor--
    «You»: Yeah, yeah, I'll take the orb there. I know you're busy with your clan and all.
    Geoto: I appreciate your understanding, my friend. Fare well on your journey, and may you reach your destination safely.

    Some time later, at Deren Beach...

    «You»: Well that's weird. I get all the way to Deren without a monster popping up? That must be a new record.

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «You»: I think I spoke too soon.
    ???: Oh, you don't know the half of it.
    «You»: Awww...

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Outskirts of Deren City.»

    «You»: All right! I made it! Deren City never looked prettier...

    «Scene: The throne of King Tralin.»

    King Tralin: Am I hearing you correctly, «You»?

    «Tralin stands up.»

    King Tralin: -- They just stopped attacking when you reached the city limits?
    «You»: Yes, your Majesty. I'm just glad I didn't have to face their boss again.
    King Tralin: Their boss?
    «You»: You know, the one that led the attack on Paxia? The one with the lisp?
    King Tralin: Ah, yes, you mentioned that. That would indeed be unnerving if he is as powerful as you say. And to have sent his minions after you...
    «You»: Well, you don't expect someone hunting a Prime Orb to just give up on it.
    King Tralin: Very true. The Temple of Hope is not yet secure, but I shall make arrangements for the safety of the orbs until it can house them again.

    «Scene: Deren, scrolling through.»

    «You»: I have a feeling that our enemies are just biding their time...
  • Continued!
    Hope Reborn

    Shop Weapons:
  • Icy Deren Blade
  • Automated Deren Staff
  • Biting Deren Blade
  • Guardian Clockwork Deren Staff
  • Frigid Deren Blade
  • Mechanical Deren Staff
  • Bleak Guardian Deren Staff
  • Glacial Deren Blade
  • MechaniZed Deren Staff
  • Wintry Deren Blade
  • Electrical Deren Staff
  • Arctic Deren Blade
  • Guardian Supercharged Deren Staff
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

  • Got it. Thanks. ~Scakk

    Nova Gryphon -> RE: Quests (7/23/2011 20:25:51)


    In the Destroyer Part 2 entry, the 4th and 5th fights are against a Corrupt Vartai and a Corrupt Moglin, not Corrupt Dragonslayers.

    @below: I ran through it again with the same result

    updated. thank you. ~B

    1stClassGenesis -> RE: Quests (7/25/2011 5:11:26)


    ^ Have you checked with the quest multiple times?

    Missing Miss Fixit and The AntiGuardian can be found by..
    Guardian Tower --> Talk to Nimrod --> Quests

    updated. thank you. ~B

    Nova Gryphon -> RE: Quests (7/25/2011 16:41:04)


    In the Truphma Saga 2 - Substitutes are ... EVIL?! quest, there is a fight with a Dull Woodland Pack after the battle against O'Press. There is a full heal following the fight with the pack.

    will see to it. thank you. ~B

    trans205 -> RE: Quests (7/25/2011 20:10:29)


    In the Zardmaster's quest Insectozards, there is not a full heal between the final Scorpzard and the Zardmaster.

    So whatever you do, don't mana dump on the Scorpzard x_x


    «Choosing to fight your way through leads to the following battles.»

    Level 0-20: Wasp Zards (11)
    Level 21-40: Wasp Zards (31)
    Level 41-60: Wasp Zards (51)
    Level 61-80: Wasp Zards (71)
    Level 81-100: Wasp Zards (91)
    Level 101+: Wasp Zards (111)

    Level 0-20: Beetle Zard (11)
    Level 21-40: Beetle Zard (31)
    Level 41-60: Beetle Zard (51)
    Level 61-80: Beetle Zard (71)
    Level 81-100: Beetle Zard (91)
    Level 101+: Beetle Zard (111)

    Level 0-20: Scorpion Zard (11)
    Level 21-40: Scorpion Zard (31)
    Level 41-60: Scorpion Zard (51)
    Level 61-80: Scorpion Zard (71)
    Level 81-100: Scorpion Zard (91)
    Level 101+: Scorpion Zard (111)

    Full Heal after the 2nd and 3rd battle

    The dialogue continues below.

    «Once you found the Zardmaster…»

    updated. thank you. ~B

    bassetbookworm -> RE: Quests (7/25/2011 23:57:30)


    Zorbak's Hideout is missing links to:
    Infernal Inferno
    Wedding Skulls
    Steampack Undead War!

    updated. thank you. ~B

    Nova Gryphon -> RE: Quests (7/27/2011 19:32:11)


    «Heals after the first, second, fourth, sixth, and eighth battles»

    In the Dracomancer Saga Part 3 entry, there is no heal after the second battle.

    updated. thank you. ~B

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Quests (7/28/2011 17:40:33)

    I'm not sure about the 50 damage. Can someone verify how much damage is taken?

    King Malinius Returns!

    Today's Event > Malinius Returns! (New quest)

    «Scene: Warlic's Shop»

    Warlic: «You», I am glad you are curious about good King Malinius! Many only care about finding his Ring.
    Warlic: As you may know, the Ring of Malinius was forged by the High Elves of Greenguard and given to King Malinius to aid him in his battle against the Centocor warlord Krathan.
    Warlic: The Ring helped Malinius drive Krathan's army back to the Northlands, and saved his kingdom, but during the battle Malinius perished.
    Warlic: Malinius's body was cremated, and his Ring was buried in stone, its whereabouts unknown.
    Warlic: Legend has it, the High Elves of Greenguard put a blessing upon the King's remains. One day, he was to return from beyond the grave and reclaim his kingdom.
    Warlic: To this end, the ashes of King Malinius were sealed in an urn and left with an immortal keeper who would watch over them in the depths of a volcano in the Fire Fields.
    Warlic: I have detected some signs that point to the King's return, but there is a problem:
    Warlic: Malinius's kingdom declined not long after he saved it from the Centocor invasion, and it was eventually absorbed into King Alteon's lands.
    Warlic: If Malinius returns to find his kingdom long gone, his anger may present a danger to all of us, especially considering he is likely to possess great powers.
    Warlic: To help prevent destruction, I think it wise to find his urn before he resurrects so that we can properly introduce him to this new world.
    «You»: That sounds like a good plan, Warlic. Just point me in the direction of the volcano!
  • Go!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE

    «You»: There it is-- Gabbro Peak!
    «You»: Hmmm... What is that whistling sound?? *looks up*
    «You»: :O Fireballs!!

      Great Balls of Fire!
      Can you dodge the chunks of molten volcanic rock?
      Difficulty: 91
      Stat Used: Dexterity

    «Failing the roll gives you two choices - to 'Defy it!' or just continue 'Next'.»

      «If you have less than «» SP and defy the roll...»
        Great Balls of Fire!
        You lack the «» SP to defy the fickle will of the dice.
        Difficulty: 91
        Your Roll: «The number you got»
      • Next

      «If you have more than «» SP and defy the roll...»
        Great Balls of Fire!
        By an effort of will you can spend «» SP to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
        Difficulty: 91
        Your Roll: «The number you got»
      • Yes
      • No

    «If you failed or failed in Defying your roll, you take 50 damage, and:»

    You have been scorched!

    «You»: Urk.
    «You»: I'd better train up my DEX when I have the chance.

    «Continues below.»
    «If you succeeded or succeeded in Defying your roll, a gigantic chunk of molten volcanic rock passes behind you.»

    «You»: Woot! All that DEX training sure paid off! I'll have to thank Lanceler & Grimweld!

    «Continues below.»
    «You»: But FIRST-- Time to go get some dead guy!

      1 BATTLE
      Full Heal

    «Scene: The interior of a volcano, where the Urn is. Asher enters.»

    Asher: Ahhhh... Hello, hello. It's been a while since I've had any visitors. I'm Asher. You didn't happen to bring some lemonade with you, eh?
    «You»: Oh my-- I wish I had. I wasn't expecting a friendly Moglin to be the guard of the king's ashes.
    Asher: Right. Probably expecting a giant Salamander or a dragon or something. No, I'm afraid that the original guard of the king's ashes is long gone.
    Asher: The Elves recalled all of their forces back to Greenguard a while back. They needed all of the help the could get in their war with the Orcs and Humans.
    Asher: I guess they didn't remember good King Malinius's remains. Ah well... I did, at least. I was old Mal's personal healer. Lot of good I did him on the battlefield that day, though.
    «You»: What happened to him that day wasn't your fault. Not everything can be healed, even by a Moglin.
    «You»: So, I'm here because the Archmage Warlic thinks Malinius is about to be resurrected, and if that happens and he sees that his kingdom is gone, he might--
    Asher: Ohhhhh-- My. Indeed. He did have quite a temper. He will need to be carefully brought into this new world or he may, for lack of a better word, FREAK.
    «You»: Can I take the Urn back to Battleon, then?
    Asher: Surely. However, the High Elves may have protected the good King's remains in other ways. I wouldn't be surprised if--

    «The Scene shakes. The ground splits in three as the background turns red.»

    Asher: -- there was some kind of trap. O_O

    «The part of the ground holding Asher and the Urn fall into fire.»

    «You»: Asher!!!!
    «You»: ............ *whistles* ........... Sorry, Warlic, but I looked everywhere and couldn't find the Urn...

    «Asher comes up with the Urn, but now green instead of black.»

    «You»: Asher-- Is that you?
    Asher: Oh my, yes it is. Seems my little tumble knocked off the soot I was covered with. I feel so clean!
    «You»: Are you okay?
    Asher: I'm fine, friend. Here, you may take the Urn. Just promise to protect it, okay?
    «You»: I promise. Where will you go?
    Asher: I'll be going on vacation. Someplace with a cool breeze by the ocean.
    «You»: That sounds reasonable.
    Asher: Good luck to you!
  • Leave

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «You»: Not far yet and I'll be back in Battleon.
    «You»: Hmm-- What was that??

    «The Urn rises from you and begins glowing, moving toward the waterfall in the background.»

    «You»: The Urn-- What could it be doing--?

    «The Urn passes through a purple veil and King Malinius returns in its place.»

    «You»: K-King Malinius!
    Malinius: Aye! You must be one of my loyal subjects!
    «You»: The Urn itself was magically blessed-- Probably meant to open a portal to the other side once removed from the volcano!
    Malinius: What nonsense do you speak? And-- Why am I floating?!
    «You»: You-- you perished, King. Many years ago. But only after defeating the Centocors and saving your kingdom. However--
    «You»: -- over the ensuing years your lands became part of others. So now, you have been brought back into this world by High Elf magic, but your kingdom is no more.
    Malinius: .................. What?
    «You»: I'm sorry to have to be the bearer of sad news. But your legacy did live on, and now you are back on Lore, and it seems you have brought powers back with you from the beyond.
    Malinius: Everything I built-- Is it all gone?
    «You»: I am sure that the grandchildren of your subjects still know tales of King Malinius. Now, can you come with me? There is someone you should meet and--
    Malinius: No! I answer to no one! I will do what I please!
    «You»: The world has changed since you've been gone. It would be best if--
    Malinius: You heed me not!? Then-- then I summon my watch-beasts!
    «You»: I only want to help y--
    Malinius: Scalebears-- come forth!!

    «Two Scalebears come forth.»

    «You»: Wow-- uh-- Those are quite impressive.
    Malinius: Keep this person away from me while I tend to-- other things.

    «Malinius floats away.»

    «You»: So-- I don't suppose I can convince you two to leave me alone in exchange for some Scalebear Treats, eh?
    Scalebear: *snorffle*
  • Fight!

      2 BATTLES: Scalebear
      Full Heal

    «Scene: The ruins of King Malinius's estate.»

    «You»: King Malinius's ancestral estate. All that's left of his old kingdom. He must be here.

    «Scene: Inside.»

    «You»: ................. King?

    «The King floats in.»

    «You»: King, I need you to listen to me and--
    Malinius: It's gone. ALL gone.
    Malinius: Everything I knew, fallen. My kingdom. My people. My...
    Malinius: I will find whoever is responsible, and crush them!
    «You»: That's just it, King-- NO ONE is responsible! Time changes all things. Nothing can stop that--
    Malinius: There is ALWAYS someone who is the cause!! Is it YOU?? Or are you just a simpleton who serves those that took everything away from me!?
    «You»: Wow. So you must really be looking for a fight, then.
    Malinius: You shall have it, then. The wrath of King Malinius!!
  • Battle!

      1 BATTLE: King Malinius
      Full Heal

    «Asher enters.»

    Asher: My King!! I thought I might see you here again.
    Malinius: Asher!! My loyal servant! But-- how is it that you are alive??
    Asher: I was always one of the best Mogling healers, my King, so I was able to slow down my own aging quite a bit. I vowed to stay by your side forever, if I could.
    Asher: So, I just saw that you two were fighting. Why would you do that??
    «You»: The King is-- angry. Understandably. But I've been trying to get him to go to Battleon, where he can talk to Warlic. He can help you learn everything you need to know, King.
    Malinius: It is true. My feelings have been clouding my judgment. I returned from the grave, apparently, to find so much time has passed that all I ever knew was gone.
    Asher: Not all, King. Not nearly! You have many great-great-great-grandchildren, and your legend has grown since your demise. You were never forgotten.
    «You»: And there is always room in Lore for more heroes. Elemental Lords know that monsters and tyrants never out and end to their dire plans!
    «You»: A great warrior such as you, King, is more than welcome in any town or city these days.
    Malinius: .......... So, I am needed, then? What say you, kind Asher?
    Asher: I say let's get on with your new life, King!
    Malinius Returns

    Shop Weapons:
  • Noble Axe of Malinius Z
  • Stately Axe of Malinius
  • Guardian Venerable Axe of Malinius
  • August Axe of Malinius
  • Magnificent Axe of Malinius
  • Regal Axe of Malinius
  • Guardian Majestic Axe of Malinius

    Shop Spells:
  • Summon Malinius I
  • Guardian Summon Malinius II
  • Summon Malinius III
  • Summon Malinius IV
  • Summon Malinius V Z
  • Summon Malinius VI
  • Guardian Summon Malinius VII
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

  • Got it. Thanks. ~Scakk

    Sir Perfect Socks -> RE: Quests (7/30/2011 5:56:20)


    I believe Jeremy's Quest needs a rare tag. :3

    Watashig -> RE: Quests (7/31/2011 22:10:02)


    AQ History: Quests & Events release (Dates): Lolosia Gets Iced: Snow White Beaches is broken.
    Fixed thanks. ~Aces

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Quests (8/4/2011 15:26:31)


    Absolix Falling: Salvation!

    Today's Event > Absolix Falling! (Quest for Salvation Armor) OR Travel Map > Granemor > General's Tower > 15: Absolix Falling

    «Scene: The Scar, inside Absolix's Spire.»

    Ryuusei: What have you learned from your attempt?
    Absolix: That ruling the world is not at all desirable. That people are complicated. That I have much to learn. That there is no future in villainy....
    Ryuusei: Very good, my son. It took me many years and being utterly abandoned by the god I served to learn what you have gained in less than one.
    Absolix: I.... chose the wrong purpose.
    Ryuusei: You did. But it is not the mistakes we make in life that ultimately matter. Instead, it is what we learn from them.
    Absolix: So what do I do now?
    Ryuusei: You have learned much, but you still have much to learn. I will send you away to school off of Lore.
    Ryuusei: You look like an adult, and you even think like one, but you need to have a real childhood...
    Absolix: Yes, Father.

    «Ryuusei raises his staff and in a flash, Absolix vanishes.»

    1 YEAR LATER...

    «Scene: Granemor from afar. The Void Moon glows red as Tentei enters. The Scene then zooms in on the Moon. New Scene: The Moon, surrounded by a red aura. Scene zooms in on Absolix. A bright star labeled "teacher" enters.»

    teacher: Why did you run away, Absolix?
    Absolix: I could not abide the ignorance of your other pupils, my Teacher. I meant no disrespect to you. I am sorry if you felt as though I did.
    teacher: You must continue to focus on building your patience, my student. Do not let frustration and anger rule your thoughts.
    Absolix: I left so that my frustration would not TURN into anger. I plan on returning to the School shortly. But your lessons have led me to a conclusion that I must address.
    teacher: I am curious. What is it that you have come back to your place of origin to accomplish at this time?
    Absolix: I have learned much under your tutelage. I have learned enough to realize that my father must be punished for all he has done and all he intends to do.
    teacher: You would be breaking a number of laws by punishing someone for crimes they have not yet committed. Just because you know such things does not mean you should act on them.
    Absolix: I have seen what happens both if I do act on what I've seen and if I do NOT. The preferred outcome follows from me ACTING.
    teacher: I cannot stop you, but please promise me that you will proceed with caution and reevaluate the future constantly as you go.
    Absolix: I promise you, my Teacher. Now, I need to go.

    «Scene zooms out as Absolix flies off. New Scene: Granemor as before. «You» enter.»

    «You»: Hello again, Tentei. It's been a while!
    Tentei: Thank you for meeting me, «You». There is something very... dangerous that I need your help with.
    «You»: That sounds a bit ominous. Whatever it is, though, you can count on me.
    Tentei: That is good to hear. Perhaps I will ask you for more help later when I journey to save a village from Mogleevils.
    «You»: WHAT is a Mogleevil?!?
    Tentei: Don't worry about them now. Did you notice the moon on your way here?
    «You»: What about the-- Oh. It's got some ind of red aura around it!
    Tentei: Yes. I felt his arrival even before his uncreation energies began colliding with the cosmic rays bombarding the moon.
    «You»: Whose arrival?
    Tentei: ABSOLIX... the Uncreated.
    «You»: Oh my. He's been gone so long. Why do you think he's come back?
    Tentei: I can only begin to guess. But you and I are perhaps the best equipped to find out and-- deal with him if need be.
    «You»: Look-- The glow is disappearing!

    «The red aura around the moon fades.»

    «You»: That can only mean one thing. Absolix has left the moon. He must be flying back to Lore right now.
    «You»: We need to get to the center of the Scar, to Absolix's spire!
    ???: (off-Scene) You're right.

    «Visia enters.»

    Visia: Let's go.
    «You»: Visia! This will be pretty dangerous, especially without your shaper powers.
    Visia: I still understand No Man's Land and Absolix more than nearly anyone else on Lore. I need to go with you.
    «You»: Okay. Let's watch each other's backs.
  • Battle with the help of Visia!
  • Battle with the help of Tentei!
  • Fight by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE

    «Scene: The Scar. Scene zooms in on Absolix's flying in.»

    Absolix: You... and you... and you... The memories are deep but they have risen to the surface quickly.
    Absolix: I have seen so much in the past year that your planetbound minds would probably not be able to survive an influx of my memories.
    «You»: Now that's not nice... How do you know that I wouldn't be just fine with zooming around the galaxy on a starship? ........
    Visia: Didn't your father send you away to school?
    Absolix: He did. He is, in fact, why I have come back.
    Tentei: Wherever you go, trouble will follow. We are here to protect the people of Lore. You must leave now-- Go back to where you belong. Someplace far from here.
    Absolix: No. Not until I am done.
    «You»: Absolix, Lore just isn't MADE for having creatures made of pure Uncreation walking around. If you make a simple mistake you could accidentally DELETE an entire town!
    Absolix: I said NO, I will not leave. Must I make myself clearer?

    «Two Void Golems rise.»

    Absolix: I will leave the three of you so that you might have some SENSE beaten into you...
    Visia: «You», do you and Tentei ind taking point on this one? I'm not sure I'm up to being the tank in this situation...

    «Ryuusei Cartwright enters.»

    «You»: !!! Ryuusei Cartwright!
    Ryuusei: My boy has flown back to his nest, eh? From the current situation I gather he has a bit of aggression to display. I can help you get through these Void Golems.
  • Battle with the help of Visia!
  • Battle with the help of Tentei!
  • Battle with the help of Ryuusei!
  • Fight by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Void Golem
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE: Void Golem
      Full Heal

    Ryuusei: Before what happens next HAPPENS, I would like to apologize. I thought this might be an outcome.
    «You»: But what does he want??
    Ryuusei: ME. He has finally reached a point where he knows that he must confront his maker. He is finally MORAL.
    «You»: What's so bad about that?
    Ryuusei: Now I have to KILL him, so that he may grow beyond the point of morality.
    «You»: .................
    «You»: You are a TERRIBLE dad.
    Ryuusei: TTFN.

    «Ryuusei leaves.»

    Visia: Absolix is finally a MORAL being and Ryuusei wants him DEAD? We need to stop him.
    «You»: Fight Ryuusei to save Absolix? If someone told me I'd be doing this a year ago I would have-- gulped down a barrel of Moglinberry juice.
    «You»: Let's go!

    «Scene: Another part of the Scar.»

    «You»: Ryuusei! NOW where did he go??

    «Ryuusei teleports in, wearing the Salvation armor and wielding a new sword.»

    «You»: What are you wearing!?
    Ryuusei: SALVATION ARMOR. It should give me an edge in a fight with an Uncreated One. Care to help me with a little test run?
    «You»: Sure. But only because you asked so nicely. Get 'im!!
  • Battle with the help of Visia!
  • Battle with the help of Tentei!
  • Fight by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Battle Armor Ryuusei
      Full Heal

    Visia: He's re-forming inside Absolix's tower. We won't be able to get to them in time to stop them--
    «You»: Then all we can do is watch... and wait...

    «Scene: The Scar. Scene zooms in on Absolix's Spire. New Scene: The inside.»

    Absolix: Father. I am pleased you took the initiative to come to me.
    Ryuusei: Son. It's nice to see you again. You haven't graduated from your schooling just yet, though.
    Absolix: Your choice of my school was well made. I learned much. I know there is still more to learn, so I will return, at least for tutoring from my respected Teacher.
    Absolix: The pupils there get ample time for social interaction as well. Which can be enjoyable. However, I am not here to discuss any of that with you.
    Absolix: You must atone for your transgressions.
    Ryuusei: I am sorry to hear you feel that way. I, on the other hand, do not. You see, some of us are BEYOND transgressions. YOU included.
    Absolix: There is no being that is beyond committing amoral deeds. Selfishness is amoral. Using intelligent beings as PAWNS in a game for your own amusement... You should be ashamed.
    Ryuusei: Oh, son, buddy-boy, my sweet child-- You are growing up so fast! TOO fast. What are you waiting for? Take your best shot!
    Absolix: .......... Ask yourself, Father. How can you expect to stay one step ahead in your game of chess with someone who can see the future??
  • Fight!

    «The two fight. The Scene shows the outside, in which the Spire is consumed by darkness and then the fires of the Scar.»

    «You»: Whoa! Absolix's tower is just GONE!!
    Tentei: And Absolix with it, apparently. I not longer sense his uncreation energies...
    Visia: I am not so sure Absolix is gone. Or Ryuusei for that matter. Gone from this location, maybe, but the reaction we just witnessed likely came form their two powers canceling each other out.
    «You»: As opposed to them actually destroying each other. Hmm.
    «You»: But where could they have gone?

    «Scene shows Absolix and Ryuusei fighting in a sphere of fire speeding away from Lore.»
    Absolix Falling

    Shop Armors:
  • Salvation Armor Z I
  • Salvation Armor Z II
  • Salvation Armor G II
  • Salvation Armor A III
  • Salvation Armor G IV
  • Salvation Armor Z V
  • Salvation Armor Z VI
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

  • Got it. Thanks. ~Scakk

    Grixus Faldor -> RE: Quests (8/5/2011 21:57:32)


    For "The Protector"
    Shouldn't the "No" choice say:

    No - Return to Battleon. '

    Instead of:

    No - Gets you back to Battleon.

    The latter containing some redundancies in wording. Unless, of course, the former is what is used in the quest, which to my recollection I don't believe it is.

    the wording seems fine to me. ~B

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Quests (8/11/2011 14:16:48)


    New location for King Malinius Returns:

    Yulgar's Inn > Robina > Other Quests! > Next x2 > King Malinius Returns!
    Kill the Beast!

    Today's Event > Kill the Beast! (New quest)

    Rumors are circulating that there is something beyond Battleon that cannot be stopped. Do you think you have what it takes to stop it?
  • YES!

    «Scene: Battleon from afar, where Aria and Yulgar stand. Scene zooms in on the two.»

    Yulgar: So far, no one has been able to catch sight of what it is.
    Aria: But if it's that strong, shouldn't we call in one of the adventurers to deal with it? As it is, I can't get anyone to go hunting for creatures to fill my store.
    Yulgar: We'll figure something out. Meanwhile, let's see if anyone is available to go looking.

    «A mob runs by. Scene zooms in further on the two after the mob passes, and a ghost image of the guy holding the mirror appears in the background.»

    Aria: A mob! Was that one guy holding a MIRROR??
    Yulgar: Hmm... Yes, yes he was.

    «Scene zooms out as «You» enter.»

    «You»: Wow... how long has it been since a mob gathered in Battleon and what is up with the mirror? Whatever happened to torches and pitchforks?

    «Aria turns to face you.»

    Yulgar: Oh they went out of style a while back when villagers finally realized they were ruining their tools every time they formed a mob.
    Yulgar: Perhaps they intend on flashing the poor creature to death. Reflects poorly on them if you ask me!
    Aria: A mirror that size will never flash a creature like this to death, much less anything else.
    «You»: Shouldn't we, I don't know, follow them?
    Aria: Nah, they'll come back.
    «You»: How do you know that?
    Yulgar: Mobs alwaysdo. In 5... 4... 3... 2...

    «Yulgar turns around, and both Aria and Yulgar step back as the mob enters.»

    Gastoff: A vicious beast is on the loose and yet you merely stand?
    Yulgar: Because... I'm not one to go running headlong towards my death with a mirror in my hand?
    Gastoff: ............
    Gastoff: Look into this mirror! The beast will take apart your life!
    Mob: (in three separate speech bubbles) "Not the children!" "What do we do?" "Maybe he will eat my wife!"
    Gastoff: We need to kill the beast, I say.
    Aria: Here we go... How poorly planned and cliche.
    Mob: We need to feel safe from this foe!!
    Yulgar: Well "He" could be a "She" you know!
    Mob: Our families aren't safe until he is dead!
    «You»: I don't think they've heard a word you've said...
    Gastoff: <censored>
    Mob: He will come take our children to sate his appetite!
    Gastoff: The Beast will destroy us with his might! Just take a look and see...

    «Gastoff turns the mirror to face «You», Aria, and Yulgar.»

    Yulgar: The only furry thing in there, you moron, is me...
    Gastoff: What?!

    «Gastoff brings the mirror back toward him.»

    Gastoff: Why hello there, Gastoff, you handsome devil... Oh, I mean... That shouldn't be...
    Gastoff: Alright, who took my magic mirror? Hand it over, as you have wasted valuable time in hunting down our foe.

    «Gastoff throws the mirror over his shoulder and pulls another mirror out, which the Scene zooms in on. The Beasts' head appears in the mirror.»

    Gastoff: Here is our enemy!
    Mob: *gasps*

    «Gastoff turns the mirror to face Yulgar.»

    Yulgar: Now, THAT is something to behold.

    «Scene zooms out.»

    Aria: It looks so sad... perhaps a mob is not an answer.
    Aria: Why don't we ask «You» to seek out this creature and learn more about it?
    Gastoff: But... my mob... my manifesto... my mirror!
    Yulgar: I know Eukara Vox's class has been doing research on the local forest creatures. Perhaps she or her students can be of help?
    «You»: You want me to ask a bunch of kids for help?
    Yulgar: You remember being in her classroom, right? When the Truphma first came around? Surely you remember how they sat there.
    Aria: Or better yet, you remember the paintball war...
    «You»: They sat there like statues as we fought in front of them. Not a flinch! And then... they had their own guns... like little terrors... What does she teach them?
    Yulgar: She's one of those teachers...
  • Go!

    «Scene: In Greenguard, with Eukara Vox and five students.»

    Eukara Vox: This was the last place the beast was sighted.
    Lara: What strange tracks! What kind of animal leaves a trail like that?!
    «You»: Do you hear that--? Some rustling in the bushes--

    «A Deery enters.»

    Timmy: A Deery! Cool, we haven't seen one of them yet!
    «You»: What kind of children ARE these?!
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

      2 BATTLES: Deery
      Full Heal

    Eukara Vox: Even though that wasn't the creature we are looking for, my students got a wonderful opportunity to observe a deery and its mate in the wild.
    «You»: Are you-- for real??
    Eukara Vox: Of course I am.
    «You»: Let's keep walking, maybe we will find what we are looking for.

    «Scene: Another part of the Forest. A bush rustles as «You» and company enter.»

    Cassie: What do you think that is, Ms. Vox? Maybe it's an *jumps up and down* Am-Bush! Or a... a... a CHIMERA!
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Chimera
      1 BATTLE: Am-Bush
      Full Heal

    «The students jump up and down.»

    Students: Am-Bush! Am-Bush! YAY!!
    «You»: Oooookay. ... I am going to go somewhere else and investigate.

    «Vephoma enters.»

    Vephoma: What's the big idea? No wonder the animals hate adventurers... Always beating around the Am-Bush!
    Eukara Vox: Vephoma! It has been a long time. How are you?
    Vephoma: Eukara Fox! Er... I mean, Vox... hehe.
    Eukara Vox: *blushes*
    Vephoma: I would be better if I weren't being poked at... And yes, it has been a while. I am well, though I'm trying to find a creature that's been terrifying everyone. Tracking him has been a challenge.
    «You»: I bet you are searching for the same creature we are.
    ???: RRRROOAAARRRR!!!!!
    Vephoma: Looks like the beast has found us.
  • Battle with Vephoma's help!
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Ramleoness
      Full Heal

    (You are meant to lose this battle. Your HP will be reduced to 1, and then the battle will end.)

    «You»: That beast was HUGE!
    Vephoma: I have never seen anything like that. It's a monstrosity.
    Eukara Vox: I... where do you think it came from?
    ???: RRRROOAAARRRR!!!!!
    «You»: Not again!
  • Battle with Vephoma's help!
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Ramleoness
      Full Heal

    (You are meant to lose this battle. Your HP will be reduced to 1, and then the battle will end.)

    Vephoma: This isn't good. We cannot beat it!
    «You»: If we can't beat it, then what are we going to do when it starts attacking villages and towns?
    Eukara Vox: Surely, there must be a way to defeat this creature.
    Vephoma: After the beast! We have to keep trying!
  • Go!

    «Scene shows «You» and company walking. «You» then stumble upon a tied up Ramleoness.»

    «You»: !!!
    Ramleoness: RAAWWRRRR!!!
    Vephoma: Seems someone was able to take the beast down.
    «You»: But who would be strong enough to do that?

    «A Herdmaster enters.»

    Herdmaster: As if you needed to ask such a question.
    Vephoma: A Herdmaster!
    Eukara Vox: What do you want with this creature?
    Herdmaster: What do you think? This is one of the most powerful creatures in Lore. I am calling it... a Ramleon!
    Herdmaster: I mean, you guys couldn't defeat it... twice. This would be the perfect creature to train. Then all will be at our mercy!
    «You»: I am afraid I can't let you do that.
    Herdmaster: And what? You are going to take your little weapon and teach me a lesson?
    Ramleoness: .....rar... *sniffles*
    Cassie: Something is wrong! We need to free the beast!
    «You»: FREE the beast--?
    Vephoma: Apparently...
  • Battle with Vephoma's help!
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

      1 BATTLE: Herdmaster
      Full Heal

    «Eukara is knelt by the Ramleoness, trying to free it.»

    «You»: Are you sure that's a good idea?
    Eulara Vox: Yes... She is upset.
    Vephoma: She? Should have known the beast was a she with all that roaring and fuss...
    Eukara Vox: .............
    «You»: *ahem* Eukara Vox, what should we do?
    Eukara Vox: Let her go, of course. She won't harm us... she has more important things to worry about.
    ???: *mew*
    «You»: Wait... she was just on a motherly rampage?
    Eukara Vox: Yes, «You», the Herdmaster was holding her little darlings...
    Vephoma: Of course.
    Eukara Vox: Here they come. I'm going to release her now.

    «The Ramleoness is released. Eukara steps back as three Ramleon cubs enter.»

    Ramleoness: *rrrarrrrr*
    Eukara Vox: You are welcome.
    Students: Awwww...

    «The Ramleons leave.»

    «You»: Gods of Lore, WHAT kind of teacher IS she??
  • Continued!
    Ramleon One

    Shop Shields:
  • Ramleoness Cub Z
  • Ramleoness Cub
  • Ramleoness Cub G
  • Ramleoness Cub
  • Ramleoness Cub Z
  • Ramleoness Cub
  • Ramleoness Cub G

    Shop Misc:
  • Hand Mirror
  • Magic Mirror
  • Hand Mirror
  • Magic Mirror
  • Hand Mirror
  • Magic Mirror
  • Hand Mirror
  • Magic Mirror
  • Magic Mirror
  • Hand Mirror
  • Hand Mirror
  • Magic Mirror
  • Magic Mirror
  • Hand Mirror
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
  • Got it thanks. ~Aces

    Jarkore -> RE: Quests (8/17/2011 5:33:25)


    The Quest location for Missing Miss Fixit's Pedia Entry is incorrectly listed as "Today's event>Missing Miss Fixit".
    It can be found in Battleon->Guardian Tower->Nimrod->Quests->Missing Miss Fixit

    taken care of. thank you. ~B

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Quests (8/18/2011 14:13:35)


    Kill the Beast - Part 2!

    Today's Event > Kill the Beast 2! (New quest)

    After our adventurer, Vephoma, and Eukara Vox discovered what the threat to Battleon was, the town experienced a short time of peace. But, soon enough, the townspeople were up in arms regarding the Ramleon again. Unable to believe that the Ramleon that they encountered in the forest was the culprit, the Adventurer and Eukara Vox set out to find the truth.
  • Go!

    «Scene: Battleon. New Scene: Battleon Schoolhouse.»

    Townsfolk: I thought you got rid of the beast!
    Townsfolk: Some hero you are.
    Townsfolk: I heard there are several of those monsters!
    Townsfolk: I want my mommy!
    Eukara Vox: I WILL have order in my classroom. My goodness, people, you are adults. Your children behave better in my classroom, even on test days, than you! We will not continue until you have been seated.
    Eukara Vox: We will not continue until you have calmed down.
    Eukara Vox: ..............
    Townsfolk: .............
    Eukara Vox: That is MUCH better. Children, would you please go outside and play for a bit while we grownups talk?
    Children: YAY!!!

    «Children leave. Scene shows window to outside, where the Children jump around a swing set, and then returns to the interior of the classroom.»

    Eukara Vox: That is MUCH better. Now, if we could do this in a more orderly fashion, would someone here please tell me what has occurred?

    «Brool raises his fist.»

    Eukara Vox: Yes?

    «Brool puts his fist down.»

    Brool: Um, Miss Vox, it seems that the creature you took care of is back. And, there are several reports that there are several. My fowl have been ransacked.
    «You»: We only addressed the one creature that threatened you. There were no indications that there were more in the vicinity.
    Eukara Vox: I see. Can someone give me a headcount of how many have been sighted?

    «Zora raises her fist.»

    Eukara Vox: Yes?

    «Zora puts her fist down.»

    Zora: My husband came in from hunting earlier today. He saw several of them. What looked like a male leading several females in a pack. He said he saw about seven in that group.
    Brool: I saw six yesterday, exactly like that. One male leading several females.
    «You»: From my experience, pack animals are very particular about their groups. If her husband saw one pack of eight--
    «You»: -- and he saw a pack of seven, then that is at least two separate packs roaming the land around our towns.
    «You»: And we have no idea if the female we attended to is a part of either of those packs.
    Eukara Vox: So, that is potentially sixteen Ramleons out there, maybe more. «You», I think we need to go...

    «Eukara walks forward as the Townspeople and Vephoma walk back.»

    Eukara Vox: ......... ? Where are my students?!
    «You»: !!!

    «Scene: Outside.»

    Eukara Vox: My students! My Substitute! Gone!
    «You»: Your substitute was out there with them? Maybe it is time you got a new one...
    ???: ggrrrrrrrowll....
    «You»: Townspeople, now might be a good time to secure your fowl, herds, flocks, and selves...
    Gadtoff: .......... That's a good idea!

    «The Townspeople leave.»

  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Ramleon
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES: Ramleoness
      Full Heal

    «You»: Okay, this isn't good. Your students and the sub are missing and we get the equivalent of a ransom note, by way of attack, on the playground from the ramleons.
    Eukara Vox: I don't understand why they are attacking us. This is unacceptable and needs to be rectified. I will be going to get my students now. You may come if you so desire.
  • Go!

    «Scene: Greenguard Forest.»

    «You»: It's awfully quiet. That is always a bad sign.
    Eukara Vox: Right. Anytime a forest goes silent, it means there is a massive predator nearby.
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES: Ramleoness
      Full Heal

    «You»: Like that.
    Eukara Vox: It seems that the Ramleons have recruited help.
    «You»: Here they come!
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE
      1 BATTLE: Ramleoness
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE
      1 BATTLE: Ramleoness
      Full Heal

    «You»: Of course they have. But, where on Lore did the Ramleons come from? I've been sent on errands through the forest so many times and never have come across them.
    Eukara Vox: I... don't know. This creature is definitely different. Once this is all done with, I am going to have to do some research. This kind of mystery will eat at me.
    «You»: Speaking of...
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Ramleon
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES: Rameloness
      Full Heal

    Eukara Vox: We are close if they are sending out defenses in waves like that.
    ???: I want to go home!
    ???: Shush, you will make them mad!
    ???: I want Miss Vox. If she was here, all these monsters would be whooped!
    ???: She's gonna be mad we got taken in the first place.
    ???: Not our fault the sub was
    ???: Yeah!
    ???: Yeah...
    Eukara Vox: My students!!
    «You»: Let's go!!

    «Scene: Another part of the forest with three Ramleons.»

    Ramleon: RAAWWRRRR!!!!!
    «You»: Awww, c'mon...
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

      2 BATTLES: Ramleoness
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE: Ramleon
      Full Heal

    «Scene: The part of the forest in which two Ramleons guard the Substitute and the students.»

    «You»: Well, we got through the first line of defense, but this line doesn't look all that promising.
    Eukara Vox: My students! Mr. Darkwood! Are you okay?!
    (simultaneously) Students: We tried to fight! But the Ramleons were EVERYWHERE!! Students: Yeah, Mr. Darkwood wanted to snack! Students: It's not our fault!
    Mr. Darkwood: I'm sorry, Ms. Vox, but I didn't do a very good job of watching over the children today...
    Eukara Vox: They're all still alive, Mr. Darkwood. You're not fired yet.

    «A Ramleon enters.»

    «You»: Uh-oh! This male seems to be in charge...

    «The Ramleoness you saved in Part 1 arrives on your side.»

    Ramleon: ROOOAARRR!!!
    Ramleoness: rrrRRAWWRRRR!!!
    Eukara Vox: Now this is interesting. Very, very interesting. I do believe we have reinforcements!
  • Battle with the Ramleoness's help!
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE: Ramleoness
      Full Heal
      1 BATTLE: Ramleoness
      1 BATTLE: Ramleon
      Full Heal

    Students: Yay!!!

    «The Ramleoness who helped you slinks away.»

    «You»: Interesting how that played out. We need to put up warning signs about this area. I don't think the creatures are leaving any time soon.
    Eukara Vox: Agreed. I will look into this further. For now, I need to get my students back to class.
    Students: Awwwww...
    Eukara Vox: For recess!
    Students: YAY!!!!!!!

    «The Students hop.»
    Ramleon Two

    Shop Weapons:
  • Ramleon Polearm
  • Ramleon Polearm
  • Ramleon Polearm
  • Ramleon Polearm
  • Ramleon Polearm
  • Ramleon Polearm
  • Ramleon Polearm

    Shop Spells:
  • Summon Ramleoness I
  • Summon Ramleoness II
  • Summon Ramleoness III
  • Summon Ramleoness IV
  • Summon Ramleoness V
  • Summon Ramleoness VI
  • Summon Ramleoness VII
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
  • Got it thanks. ~Aces

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