Sneevil Civil War Story (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> Sneevil Civil War Story (1/18/2011 18:11:57)

Nix was hired by Zadd to take over a factory that was made in advance as Zadd’s evil plan to capture all Plushies in the world had come to realization, and the M.O.P. gang was also taken in by Zadd and Stephen. The heroes raged on by creating a STRIKE, which created too much pandemonium for Zadd to handle and when the war concluded Nix was sent to a local zoo with his fellow penguins......that is until now....

Stephen Nix: Ohhh Look something shiny! /evil smile!
Stephen Nix: Great it's a chronomancer arm plate...../presses fast forward
Stephen Nix: *A blue light is summoned around Nix as it blasts off and takes Nix with it!* Muahhhahhahahhaha!

While Nix was blasted back in time he was able to make it to his ice fortress and now he's got more plans on the horizon..........taking care of that blasted sneevil Highlord Sendai for starting that riot.

Nix needed a plan to try and overthrow the sneevil but realizing that he's a penguin and not a sneevil that plan was scratched out. He decided that he'd have to get to know a few sneevils that are high up to possibly cause a riot in itself. Sp he pondered on the situation until he came up with an old friend of his.......THE SNEEVIL KING......and the story Nix made his way to speak with his old friend the Sneevil King...

Stephen Nix: I've been hearing alot that your peaceful ways have been interrupted, is this true?
Sneevil King: Yes, my young penguin friend. Ever sense that Zardbie war I've been getting my fellow sneevils to Detoxification to rid them of their Z-Virus......still to this day I'm still working on getting to all of them and hoping to prevent this from happening again.
Stephen Nix: What if I was to tell you who did this?
Sneevil King: Now Nix, I heard you were a part of the Zardbies.....but I guess you may have been one of those that choose the incorrect side by mistake, if this is true Nix, then perhaps I can forgive you!
Stephen Nix: ....right, yeah I was on the wrong side by TOTAL ACCIDENT......I had no part in making that stupid war, the Red Queen took a bunch of us....ummm *thinks to himself* (what do they call them again)....O yeah, heroes and like brainwashed us into doing her dirty was terrible!
Sneevil King: Well then I accept your apology. Now you were saying?
Stephen Nix: I know who applied the Z-Virus to those sneevils of yours, I just found out after Frostval. Once I was told the truth, I was in complete disbelieve that one of your own kind was behind this! So I did some investigating and I discovered that the rumors were in fact TRUE!
Sneevil King: Who was it, Nix... TELL ME!
Stephen Nix: *whispers and looks around to make sure no one is able to hear* It was the Highlord.
Sneevil King: *gasp* I......I can't believe he would do such a thing!!!!
Stephen Nix: (/evil grin) I'd think you could trust anyone!
Sneevil King: I've known you for a long time Nix, are you sure about this!???
Stephen Nix: Yes sir, I'd advise you act on this quickly, before it gets too late!
Sneevil King: I've heard he's got the Z-Virus, but he said he was testing the formula to come up with a cure! How could I have been so BLIND!
Stephen Nix: He's INFECTING YOUR PEOPLE SIR, I suggest you make a stand against him.
Sneevil King: Let's find out the truth! *Calls in the Highlord and his royal Sneevil Guards!*

*Nix ducks out of sight*

Sneevil King: Gentlemen, I've been informed by an old friend of mine that someone from our kin has been using the Z-Virus for his own cruel purposes, and in fact aided the Red Queen! Before I get started does anyone have anything to say?
All: ...
Sneevil King: Fine then, let's start with the Sneevil Guard's men. I demand that each of us here first be cleared and checked to find any of the virus on them, as we aren't supposed to bring any outside of the lab, now let's check them boys, *sends in more guards to have the Elites checked out*

Sneevil Guard: All clear sir, these two do not contain the Virus!
Sneevil King: Very well than check the Highlord, I'm sure he's got nothing to hide is that correct, Sendai?
Highlord Sendai: *noods head* I have nothing to hide my King!

From behind the shadows Nix lies there and says....

Stephen Nix: .....his reaction will be priceless!...

The guards search the Highlord and finally....

Highlord Sendai: WHAT!!!!?!?!? I did NOT take that outside of the Laboratory, you know I wouldn't do this, my king!
Sneevil King: I've heard enough, you are hereby banned from the sneevil kingdom Sendai, I am very disappointed in you!
Highlord Sendai: ...B....But I didn't do this, please clear me I couldn't have done such a thing!
Sneevil King: ENOUGH!!!! Guards get him!

3 Guards start running towards the Highlord

Highlord Sendai: *Takes out his blade and eliminates the guards* *Stares at the King in an angry tone* I Didn't do this, I have enough followers to prove it too! You will fall for lie....liege!

Highlord Sendai vanishes in a poof of smoke

Nix walks out

Sneevil King: I...hope I've done the right thing, my old fiend.
Stephen Nix: I know you did and together we can create a group of people to stand against him and his betrayers of the community......and together we will stop him once and for all!
Sneevil King: I still wonder why it would be him......I think we got the wrong guy. I've known the Highlord for some time now...but I don't know...there's too many questions!
Stephen Nix: Than let me give you this to relax your mind, Would a guilty man flee?
Sneevil King: .....No......No......NO!!! No he wouldn't! was him all along! Thanks Stephen, you've made my mind clear!
Stephen Nix: (/evil grin) ...Glad I could lend a flipper!

Just than the door comes smashing inwards and a local guard runs inside...

Sneevil Guard: My KING!!!!......MY KING!!!! I have grave news!
Sneevil King: What is it my child?
Sneevil Guard: The 4 crystals....THEY'RE GONE!
Sneevil King: *stares at the sneevil quite scared for his life* Than it is as I feared! I must gather up the troops and wage war against the Highlord before he can summon the contents from inside those 4 crystals!
Stephen Nix: Allow me and my men to aid the cause against him, I'll help you reclaim those crystals, but I must ask, what's inside the crystals?
Sneevil King: Darkness....think of 4 sneevils, give them each a particular quirk and color them black.......they are "The Dark 4" whom we sneevils don't speak of!
Stephen Nix: How did you obtain these?
Sneevil King: It was back in the old days when Darkness ruled the lands, no boxes were left unsealed *shivers* and sneevils were un-safe to roam outside of the forest. It was because of "The Dark 4." They waged a war against the civilians, and we would've lost if it wasn't because of "The One."
Stephen Nix: Who's that?
Sneevil King: Rumor has it that he was just a Human being that fought the forces of Darkness, they called him..... Artix!
Stephen Nix: *whispers to himself* ....awww....great.
Sneevil King: Artix fought against The Dark 4 but lost, that is until he found those 4 crystals and with the power of the Holy Might, he was able to seal off The Dark 4 into those crystals. If the Highlord is trying to summon them, he'll need to figure out the codes to unlock them........they aren't hard to figure out its 1111 for the 1st crystal, 2222 for the 2nd, and so on and so forth.
Stephen Nix: (/evil grin)
Sneevil King: But I don't believe he knows of those codes, I guess he could've if he found the correct lock key pad, that was beside the cryst....O NO! HE'S GOING TO LET THEM OUT I KNOW HE IS!
Stephen Nix: Then, now is the time, we must act on this! Sneed, we will win this war, even if we have to fight off his darkness crystal men! I'll help you reclaim the true name of the Sneevils.
Sneevil King: Thank you Nix, now we must leave for the war room, to plan out the attack! We should head down there as fast as possible!
Stephen Nix: I'll be right there, I just gotta make a phone call!

Sneed leaves and now Nix is all alone in the throne room....

Stephen Nix: *Makes the call and takes out the 4 crystals from his pocket* ....Yup I got them, and the Sneevils are about to go total civil war with this!
???: Be careful, I don't want any mistakes! I want him ELIMINATED!
Stephen Nix: ...Yes Mame, I will find out the other Warmongers that are allied with the Highlord. The distraction was put in place, and now I have a new secret weapon for re-making old bosses!
???: Which is?
Stephen Nix: Well, it turns out I'm holding onto some very valuable monsters that I plan to use against the heroes, when the time is right.......I'll discard the crystals after they are used into boxes near the kingdom leaving the finger prints of the Highlord for evidence!
???: Sounds good, how did you pull this off?
Stephen Nix: A little help from some infiltrators from around here, that if they got paid enough, they'd help with the deed! It was too easy to twist the story for the Sneevil King, he's nothing like his father was!
???: How true, I miss him, it's too bad he passed on, it was actually a challenge back then!
Stephen Nix: Indeed, but that Splurt went splat so we got nothing to worry about, and pretty soon I can make a total of 4 wars out of this with each crystal as the main boss! JUST THINK OF THE CHAOS!
???: ....yes, how true ahhaahaahha. You should stick close to the King so he doesn't suspect anything.
Stephen Nix: Right away, my Lady! *Hangs up phone and rushes downstairs to join the Sneevil King*

From beyond the open window the Highlord sits on top of a branch and thinks about what he just saw

Highlord Sendai: *whispers* let's see if I got this right? Nix is back, he lied to The King to rage war against me, Stephen holds onto The Dark 4, I am now a threat to the Sneevils, and still Nix is only the pawn.....*scratches head* I need some help here. I should locate the M.O.P!

Highlord Sendai dashes off outside of the forest into the land of Falconreach to locate the one they call Eric Ravenwing...

Highlord Sendai: ..... *ponders* He should be around here somewhere!

Eric, while eating some Her-Os is sitting by himself reading the newspaper

Highlord Sendai:There he is, finally some help! *Yells* HEY ERIC!!!!
Eric Ravenwing: Greetings, young sneevil, how can I help you!
Highlord Sendai: *Runs up to him* It's Nix....he's BACK!
Eric Ravenwing: .....say no more! I'll gather the gang for some aid! But you should give me the basics of the situation!
Highlord Sendai: He's teamed up with the Sneevil King by tricking him into thinking that I started the infections in the Sneevil Box Fortress. The King has gathered up a group of Sneevils to find and defeat me. I need your help to take down Nix, because I can't do this alone. If you want I can gather up as many fellow Sneevils that still listen to me, but the results will be halved, due to the Sneevil King claiming the others.
Eric Ravenwing: Sounds good you find the others whom are willing to help overthrow the Sneevil King and I will get the heroes of Falconreach and the members of the M.O.P. to attack the Box Fortress and help you reclaim what you've lost! You helped us in our time of need, now it's OUR TURN TO RETURN THE FAVOR!
Highlord Sendai: Thank you, it looks like the Sneevils have already started mounting up a defense around the town. They've spotted me..
Eric Ravenwing: THAN IT'S WAR!

Complete Quest

Up Next: Sneevil Civil War

Stephen Nix -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (1/19/2011 17:30:57)

Sneevil Civil War - Falconreach

Location: Falconreach -> Highlord Sendai -> WAR!
Level/Quest/Items required: None
Release Date: N/A

Objective: Teach those sneevils a lesson!
Objective completed: As one wave is taken down, another charges!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

Wave 1- (2) Sneevil, (1) Sneevil Ninja, (2) Sneevil Box-Soldier
Wave 2- (1) Sneevil Ninja, (2) Sneevil Gladiator, (1) Sneevil Box-Soldier, (1) Sneevil
Wave 3- (1) Sneevil Gladiator, (2) Tog-Rider Sneevil, (2) Sneevil
Wave 4- (1) Tog-Rider Sneevil, (1) Sneevil Ninja, (2) Sneevil, (1) Sneevil Box-Soldier
Wave 5- (3) Sneevil Ninja, (1) Tog-Rider Sneevil, (1) Sneevil Box-Soldier
Joke Wave- (1) Sneevil in a Box "Ooooooo a PRESENT!"

Highlord Sendai
King Sneed

Defender's Medal

Side Quests
Sneevil Civil War Story Introduction
Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapault - At 50%

If you walked towards the Sneevil King...
Sneevil King: Ah, glad you made the right choice!
Sneevil King: We could use more men like you out here! ..... Come on...we'll supply you with boxes!!!

Takes you to the Introduction Quest

Fight for the King
Takes Emperor Penguin with you as a guest and you join a wave to fight off

Fully Heals you

Back to Main Walk Screen

If you walked towards the Highlord...
Highlord Sendai: Thanks for joining me, it's the King, he's the problem........that blasted bird tricked him!
Highlord Sendai: We could really use your help out there!
Highlord Sendai: He's been tricked into thinking I was the problem......let's show him how we take care of business!

Takes you to the Introduction Quest

Fight for the Highlord
Takes (A random member of the M.O.P. / Beacons of Hope) with you as a guest and you join a wave to fight off

Fully Heals you

Back to Main Walk Screen


Up Next - Sneevil Civil War: Boxbardment

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (1/20/2011 2:01:57)

Sneevil Civil War: Boxbardment

(Other names: Boxdardment)

Location: Sneevil Civil War > 100%
Level/Quest/Items required: 100% in Sneevil Civil War

Objective: You have found the king.
Objective completed: Sendai is now the Sneevil King

*Note: Highlord Sendai automatically adds as guest A*

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(14) Sneevil
(1) Sneevil Stack Attack
(3) Sneevil Gladiator
(3) Sneevil Ninja
(8) Sneevil Box-Guard
(6) Sneevil Togrider

Highlord Sendai
King Sneed
Sneevil Guard
Emperor Penguin

N/A (for now)


Highlord Sendai: They are bombarding us, we have to be quick. Are you ready?

*I'm always ready* <Quest start>
*Run Away*

<You are hiding behind a bush with Highlord Sendai, a quick cutscene shows Highlord Sendai starts to run with flaming boxes are fired at him. He jumps and ducks. Then you start to run:>

King Sneed: FIRE!!!

<A minigame starts, where burning boxes are being fired at you. You have to press buttons in order to jump (if a flaming box is fired towards your feet), duck (if it's fired at your head) or block (if it's fired at your body). If you fail you lose health.

When you win a cutscene starts where the King Sneed is shouting at his guards:>


<You have to make your way through a burning path of boxes, laid out the same as the box fort>

Screen A: 3 Sneevils
Screen B: 2 Sneevils + 1 Sneevil Stack Attack
Screen C: 3 Sneevils + Healing Pad
Screen D: 2 Sneevil Ninja, 1 Sneevil, 1 Sneevil Gladiator

<Here another cutscene comes:>
King Sneed: Box People, get him.
<Sneevil guards wearing box armor run out>

Screen E: <Healing Pad> 3 Sneevil Box-Guard
Screen F: Sneevils, 2 Sneevil Box-Guard
Screen G: 2 Sneevil Box-Guard, 1 Sneevil Gladiator

<Here another cutscene:>
King Sneed: Haz I not made myself clear, GET HIM!
<Sneevil Togriders charge out>

Screen H: 1 Sneevil Togrider
Screen I: 3 Sneevil Togriders
Screen J: 1 Sneevil Box-Guard, 2 Sneevil Togriders

<Another cutscene, You and Highlord Sendai run to the door. To be stopped by a Sneevil>
Sneevil Guard: Today we're learning to count, find me three boxes with the number 5 on them.
You: What?
<Later, there is three boxes next to the Sneevil Guard with the number 5 painted on them>
Sneevil Guard: 1...2...8
Sneevil Guard: You have completed my very hard Sneevil puzzle, you may go through.

Highlord Sendai: Sneed, stop right there.
King Sneed: How did you pass the super tricky Sneevil puzzle?
You: You should probably find some SMARTER guards.

<Both Sendai and Sneed stare at you>

You: ...just saying.

<They stop talking to you>

King Sneed: Highlord, I trusted you, how could you have done this?
Highlord Sendai: Listen, I didn't do it. You are mistaken, end this now Sneed.
King Sneed: I cannot forgive you for what has been done Sendai. GUARDS!


Battle 1: 3 Sneevils
Battle 2: 2 Box Armor & 1 Sneevil
Battle 3: 2 Sneevil Togrider & 1 Box Armor
Battle 4: 1 Box Armor, 1 Sneevil Ninja, 1 Sneevil Gladiator

Highlord Sendai: SNEED! Please listen. I want no trouble.
King Sneed: ENOUGH, first you infect the kingdom then you use one of the stolen crystals.
Highlord Sendai: What?
King Sneed: This...this is what I mean.

<King Sneed holds up a Crystal>

King Sneed: My spies found it on a box in your war camp.
King Sneed: My punishment for you two will be swift. I call on you, Boxragon.

<King Sneed whistles and a Chinese Dragon wearing box armor crashes through the wall>

King Sneed: Recognise it?
Highlord Sendai: I've never seen it before in my life.
King Sneed: My spies say different, they found him lying there. Right next to the Crystal.
King Sneed: ATTACK!

<Battle versus Boxragon. Normal, Extreme or Meltface difficulty. Full heal at the beginning of the battle>

You: Sneed is gone.
Highlord Sendai: He's gone to Nix, but I think we may have a problem...
You: What, the Psycho Linus or the Paranoid King?
Highlord Sendai: That crystal was but a phoney. Nix has the Dark 4, and if he works out how to use them...
Highlord Sendai: ...then he can bring stuff to life. The crystals, they can literally create a creature from Nix's imagination.
You: We should go back to the War Camp. I fear this is but the first upcoming war.
Highlord Sendai: No! I must stay here for now and rebuild my empire, thank you for your help Hero. I do not believe this will be the last time we meet.

<Highlord Sendai is about to put on the crown when a group of Emperor Penguins waddle in, the others hold you back while the leader picks up the crown>

Emperor Penguin: Move out...

<The Penguins waddle off>

Highlord Sendai: Lets get that crown!

<Sendai runs out, you follow>

Stephen Nix -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (1/25/2011 1:13:46)

Sneevil Civil War - SandSea

Location: Falconreach -> To the SandSea -> Highlord Sendai -> WAR!
Level/Quest/Items required: None
Release Date: N/A

Objective: Convince the people of Sandsea and the sneevils that inhabit in it to join your cause!
Objective completed: One group was convinced with your powerful might, Great job!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

Wave 1- (2) Sneevil, (1) Scar Scarab, (2) Sneevil Box-Soldier
Wave 2- (1) Scar Scarab, (2) Sneevil Stack Attack, (1) Sneevil Box-Soldier, (1) Sneevil
Wave 3- (1) Sneevil Stack Attack, (2) Sneevil Thief, (2) Sneevil
Wave 4- (1) Sneevil Thief, (1) Sneevil Stack Attack, (2) Sneevil, (1) Sneevil Box-Soldier
Wave 5- (3) Scar Scarab, (1) Sneevil Thief, (1) Sneevil Box-Soldier
Joke Wave- (1) Grave Digger Sneevil "Stop right there, Grave Robber!"

Highlord Sendai
Sek-Duat XV

Defender's Medal

Side Quests
Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapault

If you walked towards the Sek-Duat XV...
Sek-Duat XV: It's seems that the one called the Highlord has been suspected of treason......
Sek-Duat XV: This cannot be allowed, we must join together and fight off his forces!
Sek-Duat XV: Make your move and fight with me, or side with the Highlord, if you side with him you'll be put to rest, the decision is yours!

Sek-Duat XV: It appears that the sneevil race is in the middle of their biggest civil dispute for some time.
Sek-Duat XV: I'm quiet amazed on how much teamwork was put against the favored Sneevil King.
Sek-Duat XV: In my opinion the King was in the right, he found out that the Highlord contained the Z-virus and was plotting against the King the whole time!
Sek-Duat XV: Join me, and let's defeat this true villain!

Fight for Sek-Duat
Takes Zhoom with you as a guest and you join a wave to fight off

Fully Heals you

Back to Main Walk Screen

If you walked towards the Highlord...
Highlord Sendai: <Character Name,> I can't tell you how much I appreciated your help the last time we had this.....
Highlord Sendai: ...but I need your help again!

Highlord Sendai: So I wanted to get away from all of the drama in Surewould Forest, but instead I ran into more trouble.
Highlord Sendai: Turns out Sek-Duat doesn't care for people on the lamb!
Highlord Sendai: I'm glad some of the sneevils are here, if we triumph the war by convincing enough of the Sandsea people to join me and the other sneevils, perhaps we can overthrow the King once and for all!
Highlord Sendai: But of course, I'm going to need your help!
Highlord Sendai: Fight for us, we got cookies......

From off the screen

Sek-Duat XV: Oh come on, that's cheating!

Fight for the Highlord
Takes (A random member of the M.O.P. / Beacons of Hope) with you as a guest and you join a wave to fight off

Fully Heals you

Back to Main Walk Screen


Up Next - Sneevil Civil War: Major Rubble

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (1/25/2011 15:45:48)

Sneevil Civil War: Major Rubble

(Other Names: BOSS FIGHT!)

Location: Sneevil Civil War: Sandsea > Boss Fight
Level/Quest/Items required: 100% in Sneevil Civil War: Sandsea

Objective: The first creature is attacking. Watch out.
Objective completed: Nix's has picked up the first Crystal.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

Boss: Major Rubble

Highlord Sendai
Major Rubble ( Spoof of Major Ruin)
Stephen Nix
Sneevil Theif

N/A (for now)


<You and Highlord Sendai run into a old stone circle in the Desert>

Stephen Nix: Hehe. It's time.

<Nix throws a Dark Crystal into the Rubble. It glows purple then explodes, Major Rubble rolls out and knocks Sendai onto the ground.>

Major Rubble: *snort*
You: Good boy, don't flatten me...
Major Rubble: *snort* *snort*

*Battle vs. Major Rubble.*

<Major Rubble turns into a Dark Crystal. As Sendai is about to grab it, 2 Sneevils ride down on a Cardboard. (Cardboard Box with wheels) One of them swipes the Crystal>

Later at Nix's Hideout

Sneevil Theif: Sneed...we have it.
King Sneed: Good, you are dismissed.

<The Sneevils leave, then Nix follows.>

King Sneed: ..........hey Nix, where do you think your going?
Stephen Nix: I'm off to help aid support to the one they call Greed!
Stephen Nix: Don't worry I'll be back!.....But I'm after the judgment wheel for an ally of mine!
King Sneed: When will you be back, that dratted Box Theif Sendai is still in possession of the crystals.
Stephen Nix: I know, but I don't think he'll be attacking again until I get back.
Stephen Nix: Anyway, I'm off to Ravenloss for the next few weeks. Wish me luck.

<Stephen Nix leaves the room. King Sneed hears laughing in the background>

King Sneed: Huh? He probably just knocked a few boxes on the ground, that makes me laugh every time.

<Scene changes to Nix hidden in a secret cellar.>

Stephen Nix: Muahaahhaah! I summon you to the field Greed!

<A yellow fog rolls in and Greed makes his appearance>

Greed: Yessssss, Nix?
Stephen Nix: Are you ready with the schematics?
Greed: Yesssss, everything'ssssss move ahead of ssssschedule!
Stephen Nix: Then we strike on the 4th!
Greed: That sssssoundss good to me! I'm ready when you are!

<Greed disappears, Nix holds up the three crystals>

Stephen Nix: I won't be needing you this time.

<Nix hides them in a treasure chest and then places a lock on it. He then walks off and Mechajin rises.>

Mechajin: That's what he's planing eh...

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (2/16/2011 15:52:56)

Requires completion of The Kaosu Flower: Wacky Weeds

Sneevil Civil War - Sho'Nuff

Location: Falconreach > Travel > Osprey Cove/ Shadow of the Wind Village > Sneevil Messanger > TO WAR!
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Kaosu Flower: Wacky Weeds
Release Date: N/A

Objective: Convince the Pirates and Ninjas to join you, and you will have a powerful ally on your side.
Objective completed: With the Pirates and Ninjas joining both sides, you'll have to fight hard to rid the enemies of troops.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes


Wave 1 - (3) Sneevil, (2) Unlucky Pirate,(1) Undead Bonny Lass
Wave 2 - (2) Sneevil Pirate, (2) Sneevil, (2) Sneevil Ninja
Wave 3 - (3) Sneevil Stack Attack, (1) Sneevil, (1) Shadow Jodan, (2) Shadowblade Master
Wave 4 - (1) Sneevil, (3) Shadowblade Assasin, (1) Sneevil Buccaneer, (1) Shadow Monkey
Wave 5 - (3) Shogun Monkey, (3) L.D. Monkey, (1) Sneevil
Wave 6 - (2) Dualblade Assassin, (1) Shadow Jodan, (3) Sneevil Ninja, (1) Pirate Sneevil
Wave 7 - (1) Sneevil, (1) Sneevil Ninja, (1) Pirate Sneevil, (1) Elite Sneenja, (1) Sneevil Buccaneer, (1) Sneevil Shogun
Wave 8 - (3) Sneevil Buccaneer, (1) Sneevil Shogun, (1) Sneevil, (1) Sneevil Ninja, (1) Pirate Sneevil, (2) Sneevil Ninja
Joke Wave - (1) Turtle Riding Sneevil "Uh oh, he's too fast"

Unlocks at 50%. Automatically equip the Weedwacker Armor.

Wave 1 - (3) Minor Kaosu Flower, (2) Aqua Kaosu Flower, (3) Blazing Kaosu Flower
Wave 2 - (1) Minor Kaosu Flower, (3) Blazing Kaosu Flower, (1) Geo-Kaosu Flower, (2) Seed Spitter
Wave 3 - (1) Aqua Kaosu Flower, (1) Blazing Kaosu Flower, (1) Geo-Kaosu Flower, (1) Seed Spitter, (3) Scorpiarc, (1) Minor Kaosu Flower
Wave 4 - (3) Seed Spitter, (3) Scorpiarc, (2) Kaosu Frost Flower
Wave 5 - (2) Minor Kaosu Flower, (2) Kaosu Frost Flower, (1) Geo-Kaosu Flower, (3) Blazing Kaosu Flower, (1) Scorpiarc
Joke Wave - Sneevil Gardener "I'll seed to it that you don't plant that"

Highlord Sendai
King Sneed
The Exterminator

Defenders Medal

Exterminator Armor

Side Quests
Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapault


Sneevil Messenger: Quick human. We needs help if we to win this war. Remember, MAKE DONE WAR!

If you walked towards King Sneed...
King Sneed: That dratted Highlord Sendai deserves to be destroyed.
King Sneed: Those other Pirates and Ninjas have been brainwashed.
King Sneed: JOIN ME AND I WILL GIVE YOU A FREE BOX! (Offer excludes box)

If you walked towards Highlord Sendai...
Highlord Sendai: <Character's Name>, the war is getting to a high.
Highlord Sendai: We need more help to defeat King Sneed and Stephen Nix.

If you walked towards the Exterminator...
The Exterminator: Welcome <Character's Name>, I'm the Exterminator.
The Exterminator: I'm trying to find a way to kill these plants without them spreading more seeds.
The Exterminator: I haven't found the answer yet, but I think I'm close to working it out.
The Exterminator: Come back later, I'll let you know how I'm getting along.


The Exterminator: Never mind this Civil War of there's, the Kaosu Flower is our main priority.
The Exterminator: And it just so happens I have found a way to do it. I made a new armor, and I'm calling it...
The Exterminator: ...the Weedwacker. Now it's time to exterminate the weeds.


The Exterminator: Great job. I can't offer you much for your victory.
The Exterminator: However, I did manufacture enough Weedwacker armors to give to you.
The Exterminator: Finally, for your help, I have decided to make you a honorary member of S.W.A.T.
The Exterminator: That's Squashing Weird Animals Today.

*Opens Exterminator Armor Shop*

Boss Fight: Ninja-Pirate Champion

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (2/19/2011 6:02:08)

Sneevil Civil War: Ninja-Pirate Champion

(Other Names: Boss Fight)

Location: Sneevil Civil War: Sho'Nuff > Boss Fight
Level/Quest/Items required: 100% in Sneevil Civil War: Sho'Nuff

Objective: Time to track Nix.
Objective completed: With Ninrate & The Kaosu Flower down, Nix is down to only one Crystal.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

Boss: Icy Ninrate

Highlord Sendai
Stephen Nix

N/A (for now)


<Highlord Sendai and You are checking out King Sneed's box hideout>

Highlord Sendai: Sneed and Nix have retreated...
You: We can't let them get away, which way did they go?
Highlord Sendai: There's track heading North, we need to head that way.

<They move off when suddenly Sendai is struck to the ground by a shadow, he's is being held to the ground when Nix walks in>

Stephen Nix: Didn't think I'd leave you, meet my friend, Ninrate.

<The Shadow shows himself to be a Solid Humanoid, with a Cannon on one hand, a Katana in the other hand. He wears a Full Ninja Outfit, except for the head, where he wears a Eyepatch and Pirate Hat, the third of the Dark Four is attached to his neck, tied on with a String>

*Battle vs. Ninrate*

<Ninrate collapses, then suddenly the Crystal around it's neck glows Purple. He picks himself back up, with a coat of Ice.>

*Battle vs. Icy Ninrate*

<Ninrate collapses again, but gets himself back up with little health and tries to Fire a Cannonball at you. You and Sendai do not have have time to escape and it looks like the end until a Green Ray flies past. It sends the Cannonball hurtling backwards at the Ninrate. The Cannonball disabling his Cannon Arm, he tries to fire another Cannon Ball and he explodes.>

Mechajin: RUN!!!

<You turn and see Mechajin holding his Ray Gun. You all run out as the Ninrate explodes. Inside the building Nix is hiding underneath a box, when the explosion has happened Nix holds up the last Crystal>

Stephen Nix: Ha, three down one to go. Next up, Dragesvard.

<Nix waddles out>

Up Next: Sneevil Civil War: Dragesvard

Stephen Nix -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (3/3/2011 15:19:07)

Even after the defeat of Greed, Nix waged war against the people of Sho'Nuff Island this is not working out for Sneed and Nix so the next phase of Nix's plan has gone into effect!...

Penguin General: I'm sorry sir perhaps The dark 4 aren't as strong and up to today's standards of fighting capacity.
Penguin General: Please sir! I have an idea, how about you use ............necromancy to increase the strength of our brutes?
Stephen Nix: AND FOR ONE THING........wait, what did you say? Hmmmm, necromancy ah? CLEVER PENGUIN! Its time to head to Dragesvard!
Penguin General: But if the boss finds you there......
Stephen Nix: ENOUGH! I will take care of that problem myself!


Stephen Nix -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (3/3/2011 15:45:04)

Previously in the Sneevil Civil War: Ninja-Pirate Champion...

Nix showed up just in time to summon the 2nd of "The Dark 4" but again showed up short as the hero and the Highlord took it down to pieces, defeated and now angered Nix heads to Dragesvard......

Sneevil Civil War - Dragesvard

Location: Falconreach -> To the Dragesvard -> Highlord Sendai -> WAR!
Level/Quest/Items required: None
Release Date: N/A

Objective: Convince the people of Dragesvard and the sneevils that inhabit in it to join your cause!
Objective completed: One group was convinced with your powerful might, Great job!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

Wave 1- (2) Sneevil, (1) Undead Penguin, (2) Frost Sneevil
Wave 2- (1) Undead Penguin, (2) Sneevil Stack Attack, (1) Frost Sneevil, (1) Sneevil
Wave 3- (1) Sneevil Boxer, (2) Sneevil Snowball Thrower, (2) Sneevil
Wave 4- (1) Sneevil Snowball Thrower, (1) Sneevil Boxer, (2) Sneevil, (1) Frost Sneevil
Wave 5- (3) Undead Penguin, (1) Sneevil Boxer, (1) Frost Sneevil
Joke Wave- (1) Killy Willy "Wow, what a shock.....a penguin, gosh I hate these things! Well that and Sneevils!"

At 50%:

Wave 1- (2) Special Weaponist Penguin, (1) Undead Penguin, (2) Frost Sneevil
Wave 2- (1) Undead Penguin, (2) Zombie Penguin, (1) Frost Sneevil, (1) Special Weaponist Penguin
Wave 3- (1) Laser Penguin, (2) Linus Minion, (2) Special Weaponist Penguin
Wave 4- (1) Linus Minion, (1) Laser Penguin, (2) Special Weaponist Penguin, (1) Frost Sneevil
Wave 5- (3) Undead Penguin, (1) Laser Penguin, (1) Frost Sneevil
Joke Wave- (1) Killy Willy "Giving me the Cold Shoulder eh?"

Highlord Sendai

Defender's Medal

Side Quests
Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapault
At 50% - The Greed of King Sneed

Highlord Sendai: <Character Name,> I can't tell you how much I appreciated your help the last time we had this.....
Highlord Sendai: ...but I need your help again! I know ah, what a surprise! But this time Nix has waged war against the people of Dragesvard with the sneevils!

Highlord Sendai: Nix is out for sneevils and the people of Dragesvard!
Highlord Sendai: Clearly he hasn't stopped his armies at any given point in time. Sneed is around here I can smell his participation in this war!
Highlord Sendai: This will make Sneed's last stand if we can only stop him and Nix!
Highlord Sendai: Unfortunately we are at Nix's prime spot for penguins and Sneevil Frost elites so there is no surprise the increase in penguins around here!
Highlord Sendai: I'd love to join you but I have to plan our next attack.

Fight for the Highlord
Takes (A random member of the M.O.P. / Beacons of Hope) with you as a guest and you join a wave to fight off

Fully Heals you

Back to Main Walk Screen


Sneevil Civil War: Portal

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (3/5/2011 15:18:36)

The Greed of King Sneed

(Other Names: The Dark Fourth)

Location: Sneevil Civil War: Dragesvard > Boss Fight
Level/Quest/Items required: 50% in Sneevil Civil War: Dragesvard

Objective: Nix and King Sneed are together, un-guarded, it's time to confront them.
Objective completed: Stephen shall one day be punished for his crimes.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

Boss: King Sneed

Highlord Sendai
Stephen Nix
King Sneed
Penguin General

N/A (for now)


*Stephen Nix is hiding in a Igloo. Holding up the Final Crystal. While talking to himself, King Sneed walks in*

Stephen Nix: The last crystal *sigh* My last chance to crush that stupid Snee...
King Sneed: Stephen, my feet are freezing, have you got any shoes...
King Sneed: ...wait, is that one of the Crystals.
King Sneed: Sendai was telling the truth...
King Sneed: ...Nix, you destroyed the Sneevil Empire...
King Sneed: ...And you will pay...
Stephen Nix: Make me!

*Sneed attacks Nix, but hits the crystal. It explodes, and engulfs King Sneed in a purple aura. The screen changes to you and Highlord Sendai, you both see the purple aura glowing from inside a Igloo*

Highlord Sendai: What's that?
You: Let's go find out.

*They run to the Igloo and kick the door down. Standing there is King Sneed in Mage Attire. His eyes are glowing red and he is still in a purple aura. Nix is no-where to be seen*

You: Sneed, what's happened to you?
You: I reckon this is what happened to the last crystal.
Highlord Sendai: Sneed, listen. Surely you know it was Nix now, he's our real target.
You: What do you mean by that exactly?
Highlord Sendai: You can't do that Sneed, if the Sneevil's don't get their boxes, they will die.
Highlord Sendai: Sneed, your a Sneevil yourself, you'll be destroying your own kind.
Highlord Sendai: SNEED!
You: NO, I won't let you past!

*Battle vs. King Sneed*


*King Sneed explodes, a purple portal opens up for a few seconds, and then closes again. King Sneed's lies on the ground, dying. The purple aura and red eyes are gone. He kneels up when Sendai comes to talk to him*

King Sneed: Sendai, you need to stop Nix. He told me your prophecy, he knows exactly how to stop it.
Highlord Sendai: What prophecy?
King Sneed: I don't have time to tell you that, but, he plans to take control of the elemental plane of Ice.
Highlord Sendai: But how?
King Sneed: I don't want to dwell on the future, these are my last seconds here, I want you have this.

*Sneed takes his Crown off and gives it to Sendai.*

Highlord Sendai: I can't accept this.
King Sneed: I have caused huge damage in the Sneevil Empire, and only you can restore it.
Highlord Sendai: In that case, I'll try my best.
King Sneed: Good, and make sure you do well, it shouldn't be too hard to convince the other Sneevils to join you.
Highlord Sendai: Don't worry, as long as I am leader of the Sneevils, nothing will happen.

*King Sneed's eyes flicker open and close for a few milliseconds, then his eyes remain closed. His head falls to the ground.*

Highlord Sendai: For the Sneevils.

*Sendai starts crying*

Highlord Sendai: <Character's Name>, can I have a few moments alone?
You: OK. Sure...

<Several hours later>

*Nix is waddling about, he looks out the window of the Igloo.*

Stephen Nix: I thought they'd never go.
Stephen Nix: General, I need you to send all the troops we have to stop the heroes.
Stephen Nix: I need as much time as possible to re-open this portal. Because, if my calculations are correct, I can ride right through the Void...
Stephen Nix: ...And into t he elemental plane of Ice.
Penguin General: Anything else master?
Stephen Nix: Yes, dispose of this body. Sneed is no use to me dead.

Stephen Nix -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (3/5/2011 16:09:03)

Sneevil Civil War: Portal

Location: Sneevil Civil War: Dragesvard > Boss Fight
Level/Quest/Items required: 100% in Sneevil Civil War: Dragesvard

Objective: Confront Nix!
Objective completed: The portal has been opened.....what lurks behind the portal is what you are about to find out!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(1) Undead Major Rubble
(1) Undead The Kaosu Flower
(1) Undead Ninrate
(1) Undead King Sneed
(1) Stephen Nix - Boss

Highlord Sendai
Stephen Nix

N/A (for now)

The heroes have fought hard, but now is the time where the Highlord and the Hero need to confront Nix about his crimes.....

Stephen Nix: *While sitting down sipping on tea* Greetings heroes! *sips* Ah, that was good.
Stephen Nix: Now I believe we have some well, unfinished business to take care of! Is that correct?
Stephen Nix: Well now, hold up! You said it yourself, YOU KILLED HIM! Not me.
Highlord Sendai: I didn't exactly have a choice you know! You put him through the pain and torture, you tricked your old friend into thinking I was the problem for the outbreak! You caused too many riots and NOW YOUR GONNA PAY!
You: Yup, your gonna pay Nix!
You: Why, why.....on earth are you laughing!????
Stephen Nix: Because you knuckleheads, you've already lost!
Highlord Sendai: What are you talking about Nix? We beat all 4 of your fronts, you got no one else to guard you now! Not to mention your penguins are nearly extinct!
Stephen Nix: Hmm, what a sap! You don't get it do you?
Highlord Sendai: ???
You: ???

Stephen Nix: *rolls eyes* Fine, let me justify something to your young, uneducated minds, for you to understand!
Stephen Nix: I was not here for Sneed, I didn't care what happened to the crystals, I didn't even care about the millions of sneevils and penguins that were sacrificed!
You: !!!
Stephen Nix: That's right! NONE OF THAT MATTERS! For you see all that mattered was.......THIS!!!!! *pulls back an invisibility cloak* HEHEHEHE!
Highlord Sendai: .......T....The....Portal!
Stephen Nix: That's right Highlord, or should I say King Sendai! I plan on opening the void ice plane to make global warming nonexistent! THE WORLD WILL FREEZE IN THE FLIPPER OF MY FINS!
Highlord Sendai: ......your MAD!
Stephen Nix: And there is nothing you brats can do about it! I have already used up the 4 crystals but unfortunately for me I need time to make this thing operational again!..........that's where these fellas come in handy! *Nix raises his hand as it glows black*

The Dark 4 are summoned from underneath the earth's surface in a creepy new undead form....

Stephen Nix: Hey gang, you mind if you stall this fools for a few minutes I need to do some.......repairing!!!! MUHAHAHHAHAH!

You fight Major Rubble, and The Kaosu Flower
You fight Ninrate, and King Sneed

After the fight.....

Stephen Nix: And...........just about got it!......

Highlord Sendai: HURRAY, we gotta rush him!

The 2 of you run towards the portal

Stephen Nix: .....and perfect! It's done, now to let it warm up!.......*turns around to face Sendai and You with a big maniac smile on his face* It turns out someone's gonna have to stall until that baby warms up!........and let's just say I've been waiting for this for some time! *Takes out his Ice Skull Staff of Doom*
You: I got him Sendai! You can count on me!
Highlord Sendai: Good luck, <Character Name.>

Fight with Nix - Ultimately you will lose because Nix's staff does ridiculously huge damage in one turn defeating you with one blast......

After the defeat.....

Stephen Nix: *sigh* Wow, your really not all that strong as you claim to be hero. Too bad, maybe next time!

Everyone hears a loud buzzing noise

Stephen Nix: Ah, the portal is now officially open! HEHEHE! My plan is working, my master will be so happy with me! Now if you'll excuse me heroes I have to do some ice check-ups, hahahahaha CYA LATER HEROES! *walks into the portal and it closes off behind him*
Highlord Sendai: ......O no! What....what are we going to do now!?
You: Were gonna be overrun by ice creatures from all over lore!........I fear for Surewould Forest!
Highlord Sendai: The monsters.......they'll overwhelm us! Were gonna need some help!
You: Well, what should we do?
Highlord Sendai: I think my fellow BOH members need to hear about this! And also the MOP!....and of course the heroes of Lore!
You: .......if we can't stop Nix........our world will turn into a new ice age!!!!

Both put their heads down in fear

Completes Quest

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (3/6/2011 8:07:29)

Sneevil Civil War: Kyanos Chaos

(Other Names: Kyanos Chaos)

Location: Sneevil Civil War: Dragesvard > The Portal > Kyanos Chaos
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Sneevil Civil War: Portal

Objective: You have found a way to reopen the portal. But in order to do it, you must complete a near-impossible task.
Objective completed: The Portal is open, now to capture Nix.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

Boss: Kyanos

Highlord Sendai
King Sneed

N/A (for now)


*You and Warlic are in Warlic's tent. You are standing at the door and Warlic is sitting down*

You: Ash said you sent for me. Is it something urgent.
Warlic: Yes, one of your Sneevil friends told me everything.
Warlic: I have heard of this Stephen Nix, and he knows me. He knew you'd come to me for help.
You: ...And?
Warlic: I went down there this morning and ran some tests...
Warlic: ...He's locked the Portal with a shield of Ice.
Warlic: I can open the Portal easily, but I need to know where he is so I can determine the strength my spell needs to be...

*The hero starts to think, and the scene changes to a flashback*

King Sneed: Sendai, you need to stop Nix. He told me your prophecy, he knows exactly how to stop it.
Highlord Sendai: What prophecy?
King Sneed: I don't have time to tell you that, but, he plans to take control of the elemental plane of Ice.

*The flashback ends*

You: Warlic, he's gone some Portal and into the Elemental Plane of Ice.
Warlic: Then we could have some problems. The only being who should be able to pass through as he wishes is Kyanos...
Warlic: ...The Avatar of Ice!
You: Please don't tell me...
Warlic: I'm afraid so, <Character's Name>. You'll have to steal a shard of Ice from Kyanos.
You: This isn't going to be a quick Pick-Pocket task is it.
Warlic: Nope, and I won't be able to help you either, the Shard's power will only last for a few seconds. If I help you battle, the spell won't be done in time...
Warlic: ...I will get the necessary objects to summon Kyanos. While I do that, try and get some help, you'll need it.

*The scene turns black, you are at the Igloo with Galanoth, King Linus, Grrol, G'joob, General Sneevord, Highlord Sendai & Warlic. Warlic holds up a Snowball*

You: You need a Snowball to summon Kyanos?
Warlic: It's not just any snowball, it's a MAGIC snowball.
Warlic: Step back people...

*Warlic casts the spell, as he does, the Snowball glows and then disappears. Kyanos appears in the middle of the room.*

Warlic: latrop eht fo etis eht ta
Warlic: sonayk nommus I
Warlic: xin nehpets erutpac dna drahs a su evig ot
Warlic: nam fo dlrow eht sezeerf eh erofeb egam niugnep live
Kyanos: Why do you summon me?
Warlic: Now!

*Battle vs. Kyanos. Two random ID's within a 10 Level Radius are added to your party. Your party is cleared at the end of the battle.*


*You throw the Shard at Warlic. He puts it inside a stone pillar he laid on the floor. He then blasts a ray on the shard and it flies into the air, before opening the Portal again*

Kyanos: Mark my words, Mortals, no man can withstand the temperatures through this portal.

*Kyanos goes through.*

You: Warlic, is what Kyanos said true?
Warlic: I doubt it, Nix would've known not to go through if not.
Warlic: But either way, all of you are under a spell. You will be constantly warm in cold climates.
You: Good, then it's time to plan.

Stephen Nix -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (3/6/2011 15:03:27)

Previously in the Sneevil Civil War: Dragesvard.....

Nix while awaiting his foes summoned up 4 undead versions of The Dark 4 and made them fight off the heroes so he could prepare the portal, and now the portal is open. It came down to a battle against the Ice Avatar to help Warlic find a way to open up the portal again so that the heroes could stop Stephen before he turns the world into another ice age.....

Sneevil Civil War - Ice Realm Portal

Location: Falconreach -> To Dragesvard -> King Linus -> PORTAL WAR!
Level/Quest/Items required: None
Release Date: N/A

Defend the Portal
Objective: Fight off a wave heading towards the portal into our world.
Objective completed: Nice job, now get back in there and fight off another!

Stop Nix's Remaining Forces
Objective: Nix's forces are heading towards the portal to escape from the ice realm. STOP THEM!
Objective completed: nice work, now watch out, another wave is on the way!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

Wave 1- (2) Polar Dravir, (1) Snowy Tog, (2) Frost Mushroom
Wave 2- (1) Ursice Savage, (2) Frost Goblin, (1) Ice Elemental, (1) Ice Hatchling
Wave 3- (1) Ice Wisp, (2) Rhoddhu, (2) Arctic Wolf
Wave 4- (1) Tusker, (1) Ice Tarantula, (2) Frost Golem, (1) Yeti
Wave 5- (3) Frost Drake, (1) Frost Mummy, (1) Ice Golem
Joke Wave- (1) Killy Willy "Seriously! A penguin! ..............COME ON!"

King Linus
Highlord Sendai
Eric Ravenwing

Defender's Medal

Side Quests
Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapault
At 25% SSW - Snowball Fright: Beginning
At 50% SSW - Snowball Fright: Melting Point
At 75% SSW - Snowball Fright: Waterfool

King Linus: Greetings Hero! I'm glad you made it on time!
King Linus: There are ice monsters EVERYWHERE!

King Linus: Hello Hero, there isn't much time!
King Linus: Turns out Nix has gone completely insane with power! *smirk*
King Linus: We need your help before he freezes the world! *smirk*
King Linus: You can either join the fight with against Nix's forces or Defend the portal from any ice monsters escaping to our world!

Stop Nix's Remaining Forces
Takes (A random member of the M.O.P. / Beacons of Hope) with you as a guest and you join a wave to fight off

Highlord Sendai: Hi Hero, this is it! THE LAST STAND AGAINST NIX! I've called in a lot of people to help aid the cause!
Eric Ravenwing: Yes that is most certainly true! The BOH, MOP, and fellow heroes of lore are all here to aid in the fight against Stephen!
Eric Ravenwing: Drake and the 4 pillars will aid anyone who needs us!
Highlord Sendai: Just remember guys Nix, is no pushover! So be warned if he's in your line of sight get out of the way and call in backup! Now get in the fight!

Defend the Portal
Takes either Galanoth, Warlic, G'joob, King Linus (War), or Grrol with you as a guest and you join a wave to fight off

Galanoth: Plenty of dragons here to get my attention! Lets stop Nix, shall we!
Warlic: Are you ready hero? If you are, then enter the portal and start fighting off the ice monsters.
Warlic: Don't let any of them get past you!

Fully Heals you

Back to Main Walk Screen

50% - Lim's Mechanical Frost Goblin Pet Shop

Boss Fight - Confrontation

Stephen Nix -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (3/6/2011 15:11:43)


Lim's Mechanical Frost Goblin Pet Shop

Location: Falconreach -> To Dragesvard -> King Linus -> PORTAL WAR! -> Lim's Mechanical Frost Goblin Pet Shop

Mechanical Frost Goblin Series

Lim: I felt bad for not helping in the helping of sneevils so I've personally made a Frost Goblin made with a secret ability!
Lime: Yup, and that secret ability is for this lovely Sneevil to ATTACK FIRE AGAINST ANY ICE MONSTERS!
Lim: Well put Lime, Now hero get back to the war and remember your not just fighting for Lore and all of humanity, your fight for.....
Lime: ....O no, here we go again!...
Lim: ...SCIENCE!

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (3/7/2011 14:27:54)

SSW - Snowball Fright: Beginning

(Other Names: Part 1)

Location: Falconreach -> To Dragesvard -> King Linus -> PORTAL WAR! > Snowball Fright > Part 1
Level/Quest/Items required: Sneevil Civil War - Ice Realm Portal 25%

Objective: Your troops have have a coat of Ice, and they are turning against you.
Objective completed: Warlic has been frozen, it can only get worse.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(7) Frozen Sneevil
(3) Icy Undead

Frost Zombie
Highlord Sendai

N/A (for now)


*You slash through a monster and it falls on the floor. Sendai runs up.*

Highlord Sendai: *puff puff* <Characters Name>, glad I found you.
Highlord Sendai: We need to run, NOW!
You: Why?
Highlord Sendai: JUST RUN!!!

*You and Sendai run away. Several Sneevils coated in Ice, and Frozen Men run past. The screen turns black and your standing there with Drake, Eric, Sendai and Warlic.*

You: Ok Sendai, what's happening?
Highlord Sendai: Me and the Sneevils went for a look around the realm, just to find some clues.
Highlord Sendai: We found this frozen man sitting there, so we went over to him.
Highlord Sendai: One of my guards touched him and the guard turned into a statue of ice.
Highlord Sendai: He turned around, and started chasing us, and before long all fifty of the troops were frozen.
Warlic: Oh no. This is bad.
Warlic: Many years ago, Lore was covered in a sheet of ice. The inhabitants were frozen for the time.
Warlic: Many recovered, but others were taking into the Plane of Ice with the snow.
Warlic: They were frozen forever. They did not realize their task was over, and they kept freezing people with a touch.
Warlic: So they were put into a coma. But their powers still work in this state, and worse yet...they awaken again when touched.

*There is a bang from inside the portal*

Warlic: Quick, they're coming! I can keep your protected, but that means I can't partake in battle.

*The Frozen Men walks through*

Frost Zombie: ATTACK!

*Frozen Sneevil Soldiers walk through, they attack all of you. After all 7 are beaten.*


*He lunges past you, and touches Warlic. Warlic freeze over. The Frost Zombie then runs away with Warlic. You try to chase, but are stopped by three undead. After the battle,*

Highlord Sendai: If Nix has Warlic, we can't win this war, we've lost!
You: There's only one person who can help us now...
You: LIM!

*Lime pops up.*

Lime: ...and Lime!

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (3/7/2011 15:30:57)

SSW - Snowball Fright: Melting Point

(Other Names: Part 2)

Location: Falconreach -> To Dragesvard -> King Linus -> PORTAL WAR! > Snowball Fright > Part 2
Level/Quest/Items required: Sneevil Civil War - Ice Realm Portal 50%

Objective: Lim knows how the un-freeze Warlic. But in order to do so, you have to find Xan.
Objective completed: You have defeated Xan, but because of Xan, Warlic's now melting. Be quick, or the Blue Mage will be a puddle of Mana.
Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(3) Boveox
(8) Clawkin Wanderer
(2) Archenaut
(5) Lava Daver
(3) Cinder
(1) Fire Eater
Boss: Xan

Highlord Sendai

N/A (for now)


Lime: <Characters Name>, Lim will see you know.

*Lime takes you through a door*

Lim: <Characters Name>! I've found a way to unfreeze your *shudder* magic friend. Using only, SCIENCE!
Lim: What you need to do is take him to a Volcano, the heat should melt his Icy coat.
Lim: But beware, take him too close to the lava, and he'll melt...FOREVER!
Lim: Lime will take you.
Lime: WHAT!
You: Don't worry, I don't need his help, I think find it by myself.

<You are standing with Sendai and the BoH's.>

You: Right, I'll need you guys to bring Warlic to the Volcano.
Highlord Sendai: What will you do?
You: ...Find a Volcano!

*You have to walk along a path, battling Boveox, Clawkin Wanderers & Archenauts. When you get to the volcano, you battle, Lava Davers, Cinders & Fire Eaters. When you finally get to the end, you hear Xan talking to himself*

You: Um...Xan, he's sort of already...dead.
Xan: COME ON! Again, are you serious, can't I kill him atleast once.
You: Well, he's coming down here soon. Maybe you can kill him then.
Xan: Well, what shall we do until then?
You: How about a game?
Xan: Hmm...sounds good. Tag your it!
You: OW!!! That burnt!
Xan: Exactly.
You: Your going down!

*SEVERAL HOURS LATER! You and Xan are sitting down playing Chess. The Board is on fire*

You: XAN! You can't burn your side of the board to melt my pieces.
Xan: Well, it didn't say anything in the Instruction Booklet.
You: I don't know what it says in the instruction booklet, you burnt that as well.
Xan: What about the Box, there's always a set of instructions on that.
You: You set that on fire, WHILE A SNEEVIL WAS CARRYING IT!
You: Fine, I think we should play...
Xan: Nope, I'm picking. You've picked the last six hundred games we played.
Xan: I think we should play, THE FLOORS MADE OF FIRE!

*The molten rock falls into the ground, you start bouncing trying to not fall in*

Xan: I win (finally)!

*The molten rock comes back*

Highlord Sendai: AHEM!!!
You: <Whisper> Quick Xan! Fisticuffs.

*You two start boxing*

Highlord Sendai: Warlic's coming?
Xan: WARLIC!?!

*A frozen Warlic runs down, the ice starts to melt. Xan fires a fireball at Warlic, it hits his feet. And Warlic's feet melt*

Warlic: Xan, I should have known.
Xan: Melting are you?
Xan: One more fireball should do it...
Xan: Which Pyromaniac?
Xan: Ooooooooooh! Then it's on.

*Battle vs. Xan*

You: What now Warlic?
Warlic: At this rate I'll be a puddle of mana.
Warlic: I need a Bottle of Aqueevil Water to reverse the effect, but move fast, I'll be gone in about half an hour.
Highlord Sendai: Stupid Aqueevils, always making our boxes soggy...
Highlord Sendai: I mean...We'll look after Warlic. You can go to that waterfall behind Sneegol, it's full of Aqueevils.
Warlic: Well, hurry.

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (3/7/2011 15:53:28)

SSW - Snowball Fright: Waterfool

(Other Names: Part 3)

Location: Falconreach -> To Dragesvard -> King Linus -> PORTAL WAR! > Snowball Fright > Part 3
Level/Quest/Items required: Sneevil Civil War - Ice Realm Portal 75%

Objective: You need to collect over 20 bottles of Aqueevil Water in only five minutes.
Objective completed: Warlic is saved. The war is almost over, "one final push" the general says.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(20) Aqueevil
Boss: Aqueevil Fountainlord

Aqueevil Fountainlord
Highlord Sendai

N/A (for now)


*You must defeat 20 Aqueevils in 5 Minutes. Once you have done...*

You: Just about be getting back to Warlic, he's probably only a head now.

*You run along and then run into a huge Aqueevil*

Aqueevil Fountainlord: FEE FI FO FUM...I smell the water of a Aqueevil, mon.
You: ...This isn't what it looks like, now I've got to get past and to my friend with this bottle of not-Aqueevil body water.
Aqueevil Fountainlord: Is that my tribesmen I see. Who are you working for?
You: You know, that really doesn't matter.
Aqueevil Fountainlord: YES IT DOES!
Aqueevil Fountainlord: Tell me, or I will flood your homes.
You: Well, my employer, it's um...Ash. You know, Spiky Hair, lame Sword, brown eyes.
Aqueevil Fountainlord: Ah, the Waterhater, he drunk my brethren.
You: Yeah, so you go destroy him. I need to go now.
Aqueevil Fountainlord: NO! You will pay for bottling my tribe.
You: I'm sorry, usually I have loads of time to fight, but my friend is turning into a puddle and I need to get him this water right now.
Aqueevil Fountainlord: FIGHT NOW!
You: Fine, but you can you try your worse, I've got to run to a volcano yet.

*Battle vs. Aqueevil Fountainlord. The screen turns black, when it comes back it shows you with Warlic and Sendai*

You: Warlic, are you ok?
Warlic: Never better.
You: What was it like being, melted?
Warlic: Quite pleasant actually, just like sinking into a bean bag.
Warlic: Note to self: Get Cysero to buy Bean Bag.
Warlic: Now, let's back to war. If we're lucky we can get back and catch Nix.

Stephen Nix -> RE: Sneevil Civil War Story (3/8/2011 0:49:26)

Sneevil Civil War: Confrontation

Location: Falconreach -> To Dragesvard -> King Linus -> PORTAL WAR! -> Confrontation
Level/Quest/Items required: 100% in Sneevil Civil War: Dragesvard

Objective: Find Nix and put him under arrest!
Objective completed: The sneevils are once again working together, Sendai is now the proper king, and Nix was put behind bars before he could freeze the world, all in a a day's work! Great Job Hero!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(5) Frost Mushroom
(5) Killy Willy
(1) Titan Nix - Boss

Highlord Sendai (King Sendai)
Drake Amatsu
Eric Ravenwing
Stephen Nix
Lady Ravenwing
Sneevil Guard
Sneevil 1, 2, and 3

N/A (for now)

The end of the portal monsters seem to be coming to an end, the ice monsters look like they have been pushed back to Nix's Frozen Fortress of Fortitude

Highlord Sendai: Excellent job hero, lets make the final push to Nix!
You: I have been fighting so many monsters......I think after this I'm gonna go to a nice war private island where I'm free of penguins!
Highlord Sendai: *sigh* That sounds amazing!

Drake Amatsu: Lets go people we got a war to finish off!

Everyone starts running through ice monsters picking them off one by one.

Only one wave of each monster is left and you can see each group being taken out by a small group of heroes....

Kangi, Saber1001, and Gianna Glow are seen fighting off the last of the Arctic Wolf and the Yeti

Prius, chisagen, and Paperclipkiller are seen fighting off the last of the Frost Mummy and the Ice Wisp

Eric Ravenwing, Fabar, and Mechajin are seen fighting off the last of the Snowy Tog and the Frost Goblin

Dornalca, ChainSword, and Lady Ravenwing are seen fighting off the last of the Tusker and the Ice Elemental

Galanoth, Razen, Mritha are seen fighting off the last of the Ice Hatchling and the Frost Drake

Warlic, G'joob, and Grrol are seen fighting off the last of the Ursice Savage and the Frost Golems

King Linus is seen shrinking Rhoddhu, and Polar Dravir to tiny unfightable bits

Drake is seen with the Highlord taking down the last of the Ice Tarantula and the Ice Golem

After seeing each group fight off their remaining waves you are then thrown in a fight......

5 Frost Mushroom
5 Killy Willy

After the fighting....everyone looks up at the ice fortress and awe's

Highlord Sendai: WOW!........that thing is huge! It's gonna be fun to take down!
Drake Amatsu: HIGHLORD!......get back on track! Were not here to burn it to the ground, for in here that would be impossible.
Drake Amatsu: Warlic, Kangi what have we come up with for our entrance?
Warlic: If our schematic is correct the entrance should be on the west wing!
Galanoth: I say we just break down a wall and grab the avian and go!
Kangi: *darts his eyes at Galanoth* Is that your answer for everything?

Flashback to Galanoth in previous wars...

Warlic: The red queen's room is just ahead, we should sneak around the back.
Galanoth: Nah, I say we just bust open the front door using Zorbak's head as a piece of log and drag her outta here!
All: O_O!

Flashback goes even further...

Artix: The final battle with the undead are just beyond this I wonder how are we gonna get in the inside, I think we need some help! Galanoth, what do you think?
Galanoth: Simple! We take the battle axe off a fallen Skeletal Minion and start chopping our way into the castle and with every slash helps us get closer and closer to the inside! They'll never see us coming!
Artix: O_O! ......Ok anyone else?

Back to scene, Galanoth sits with his arms crossed totally unhappy!

Galanoth: Hmpt!

The team eventually makes their way to the West Wing and Warlic and Kangi form a spell-breaker that is around Nix's Fortress to allow Heroes to enter from this point

Warlic: Ok Kangi, lets form the ritual!
Kangi: Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai De Zao!
Warlic: Yes, that's the one!
Kangi: Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai De Zao!

The Secret Entrance starts to show itself and the heroes are about to enter when Kangi says.....


Everyone turns around

Kangi: Nix has consumed a lot of Ice Essence while in here, more than likely our frosty foe has changed! We are going to need to use our secret weapon if the time is correct!
Eric Ravenwing: Agreed, but only if we can't control him!
Kangi: Be careful and stick together everyone!

The team enters in the ice fortress and starts to walk upstairs armed and ready to face Nix, they open the main door and walk inside to see Nix glowing in a dark blue fashion around his already darkness self. He opens his eyes and they are glowing black and dark blue....

Stephen Nix: Greetings....heroes...I've been expecting you! Here allow me to show you something that might scare all of you out of my fortress!

Just then Nix transforms into a much taller, a little thicker, muscular penguin that looks terrifyingly evil

Drake Amatsu: O.....M.....G!
Eric Ravenwing: ....He's huge!
Razen: How can we stop him?

Stephen opens his mouth....

PaperclipKiller: Stand back guys I know how to tame this beast!

Everyone starts to back up!

Dornalca: Are you sure you know what your doing?
PaperclipKiller: No worries I know how to deal with tall dark crazy animals like him!
Prius: You've never told me this! SENSE WHEN!
PaperclipKiller: Sense the time I had to fight off 3 Bears in Oaklore?
Razen: Never happened!
PaperclipKiller: ....Ok how about the time I had to battle 2 Chaoweavers with only my BARE HANDS......
Lady Ravenwing: REALLY! That's amazing!
PaperclipKiller: Jealousy has been induced....success! Now about the time I had to feed off a Honey Guardiant's Honey while juggling 2 Honey Bees at the same time?
Razen: Never happened!
PaperclipKiller: ....Ok how about when....
Razen: Never happened!
Drake Amatsu: /facepalm
Prius: /facepalm

PaperclipKiller: *pulls out a paperclip* ENGARDE!

Paperclip takes two steps and Nix simply picks up paperclipKiller and throws him back out the door!

Razen: Plan B.......anyone!?!?!?

He turns around to find everyone except the captains and Drake whistling and kicking imaginative dust

Prius: There is only way to defeat this guy! We need to channel our inner spirits to form a spell to knock him off his feet!
Dornalca: Alright what do we need to do?
Kangi: Hands in captains!

All the 4 captains put their hands in and close their eyes, they start to glow in their respective color. Kangi turns Gray, Prius turns Blue, Eric turns Red, and Dornalca turns Yellow. As each glow their hands start to form a light that starts to engulf Drake into a bright formation! Drake now floats in the air and with his new fearsome look turns towards Nix and stares him down

Drake Amatsu: *While in his new form* YOU SHOULD BE!
Drake Amatsu: Now I can't take this beast by myself! Are their any DragonLords out there?

Drake looks out into the crowd and EVERYONE is kicking imaginative dust and whistling except the Hero....

You: I'm a Dragonlord! You need me and <Insert Dragon Name?>
Drake Amatsu: I do! This animal needs to be put down, what do you say can you help me out here?
You: *nods* Let's do this!

Fight Titan Nix *Drake at this time gives you a power-boast similar to Aquella's per turn*

After the Fight....

Stephen Nix: NOOOOOOOoooooooooooo! *Poof*

Nix returns to his average size and shape and Drake also returns to his natural form but kneeling...

Stephen Nix: NO!!!!!! Unbelievable! I was supposed to win this time! It's no fair!!!!!
Stephen Nix: Why! WHY MUST YOU KEEP ON ME LIKE THIS? I was supposed to win! How to you brats ALWAYS get one step ahead of me!???
Drake Amatsu: You don't get it do you? *stands and faces Nix*
Stephen Nix: What on earth are you talking about???
Drake Amatsu: It's rather simple! It's something we all know and we are sworn in with our sacred oath! It goes like this.....
Drake Amatsu: Through master's wrath and water's flow,
Drake Amatsu: We stand together through the lowest of low.
Drake Amatsu: Balance we bring with order so fine.
Drake Amatsu: Our light grows brightly with mighty shine.
Drake Amatsu: Bringing faith and pride to the world and all.
Drake Amatsu: Beacons of Hope, we will not fall!

Stephen Nix: *stares at Drake and in a few seconds later falls to the floor tired out of his mind*
You: (while staring at the defeated Nix) Oh, that was so much fun, Drake! We should do this again some time!
Highlord Sendai: THAT WAS AMAZING, <Character Name!>
Highlord Sendai: You sir are the definition of HERO!
You: *Blushes* Aww, anytime Sendai!
Eric Ravenwing: Amen.
Warlic: Yes, as much as I love happy defeats, I think we need to leave with this ice head, and shut this portal down once and for all, Can you find us an exit Galanoth!???
Galanoth: Cheers* I have a purpose again!

As Galanoth brakes another wall while everyone else uses the same wall that they came in, everyone eventually makes it to the portal and makes their way back into Dragesvard, with a cuffed up Nix! It looks like all is to be set into place now!

Warlic: Ok, let me add this to the door and YES! That should do it, the portal is now closed!
Highlord Sendai: Thank the elemental lords, were finally threw this terror known as Stephen Nix!
Eric Ravenwing: Yeah, but we all know, next time he'll be back at it all over again!
You: He's very stubborn!
Dornalca: At least now we don't have to put up with him for a while! Hey Razen do you mind if you take Sendai back to his people and we will take care of Nix!....I got an idea for him!
Prius: Oh and could you please take clip with you??? I need some personal space again!
Razen: You got it! You guys should head on out! I'll take care of Sendai and Killer from here!

Highlord Sendai: I can't thank all enough! I wish you all safe on your travels and I'll see you guys again back at the BOH tower! It's as always an honor to work with you guys. *salutes*
All: *waves*

As the teams separate one team heads to Nix's entrapment while the other leads towards SureWould Forest

Highlord Sendai: Wow what a war! Quiet an exciting adventure I've been on! Still though I wonder what this prophecy was that I heard about?
Razen: Prophecy? You have a prophecy? WOW! I wonder what that's like?
Highlord Sendai: Well when you don't know what it is, it does tend to bug you!
Razen: True.....true!

They both look up and witness large amounts of sneevils working together rebuilding the homes that were once lost in the siege with The Dark 4

Razen: Wow look at them go! You guys have some serious dedication to this place!
Highlord Sendai: Well......It's our home! We take care of each other best we can!

A sneevil who's working hard at a piece of wood starts to see Sendai in the distance

Sneevil: SENDAI!!!!! *runs towards Sendai and hugs him*
Highlord Sendai: *picks up the little sneevil* Why you are getting to be a big Sneevil aren't you, Sneevicon?
Sneevicon: I believed you the whole time! And so did my family! Were so glad to see you back here again! We wouldn't know what to do without you!
Highlord Sendai: Ah, well you know this place is like a second home to me, Sneevicon! I wouldn't trade this place in for the world!
Razen: .....That's kinda sweet! I think I need a minute......*walks off shaking his head* Why do I always get sent on the smaller missions?

Sneevicon: Sendai, your throne room has been built! Would you like to see it?
Highlord Sendai: Certainly, lets have a look!

Sendai walks into the now quiet room of the throne where he notices the place looking pretty much the same. He looks at the throne and notices that its missing something! The Sneevil Box Guards enter the room to appoint the Highlord....

Highlord Sendai: That reminds me! I think were missing something! *pulls out the Sneevil Crown*
Sneevil Guard: Hey that crown was warn by Sneed wasn't it?
Highlord Sendai: Indeed it was! *puts head down* Arg.....he is to be forgiven for all of his crimes! For it was Stephen Nix that was the true problem all along!
Sneevil Guard: Ok then, Sendai we need a k...

The door brakes open and 3 VERY unhappy sneevil rush in the room to confront Sendai with torches

Sneevil 2: Lets burn this guy to the ground!
Highlord Sendai: Guards seize them!

The guards rush to the enemies but are no match for the 3 sneevils and are quickly defeated....

Highlord Sendai: Please friends I'm not your enemy! He was tricked by Nix! You have to give into reason!
Sneevil 2: We have looked into reason, and we still see you as the problem!
Sneevil 3: Burn him to the GROUND!

They run towards Sendai but Razen and PaperclipKiller steps in and it makes them stop.....

PaperclipKiller: Can I help......?
All: NOOO!
PaperclipKiller: /puts head down
Razen: *equips his Ravenloss Warmonger scythe* I'll take care of these invaders!

Razen cuts threw the first sneevil and the second with an upper slash and downwards on the last sneevil finishing them off in one huge hit....just in time as the guards start to wake up...

Razen: *Puts his blade away* That'll do it! Finally some action!
Sneevil Guard: head! Sendai are you ok!
Highlord Sendai: Yes, thanks to Razen here, acting on his feet saved my life! Thanks again friend!
Sneevil Guard: Now as I was trying to say....we need a king now Sendai. We need to throw a council together and place the community in a new voting process.
Razen: Nah, I don't think it's necessary! *points at Sendai* THERE, there is your new king!
Sneevicon: PWEASE, Sendai........*takes the crown in anticipation*
Highlord Sendai: *sigh* Well, I may not know what my prophecy is around here but at least I can put forth as much help as I can to help rebuild all that we lost! I'll gladly be your new king! *Takes the crown and places it on his head*
All: *cheers*
Razen: Then it looks like my job here is done! *Looks at Sendai and puts his thumb up*
King Sendai: *smiles and puts his thumb up* Now WHERE ARE MY BOXES!!!!!????
All: *laugh*

With the new king on their hands the sneevils homes can now be put back the way they once were! But as for Nix another story would come to a halt...

Thanks to Dornalca, Nix has a new home for a while.......*the screen takes you to the bottom of the Guardian Tower slowly in the prisoners cell where one penguin sits there with his eyes closed.* With the help of his friends, Sendai has turned into a true hero and now a King, Nix is to be tried for his crimes against the Sneevil population and now....finally all is well........*the screen closes up at Stephen's eyes*....

Stephen Nix: ........*Eyes open up widely and the screen immediately goes black with the words.....*


Completes Quest

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! How did you like this and of course the music? Leave me a post here in the commentary thread on your opinions...I'd love to hear them!

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