End of Magic (Part 2), The (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> End of Magic (Part 2), The (6/29/2024 16:57:24)

The End of Magic (Part 2)

Location: Outpost Yeden -> 2 Right -> Up -> Quests! -> More -> The End of Magic (Pt 2)
Requirements: Completion of The End of Magic (Part 1)
Release Date: June 28th, 2024

Objective: Down in the depths of the Fissure, the fate of Lore rests on you and your dragon.
Objective completed: With Lore saved yet again, one adventure ends... but the next is just around the corner!

Experience rewarded: 26,975
Gold rewarded: 750

(1) Aspect of Order, (1) Claw of Creation, (1) Claw of Destruction - Boss

Aspect of Order

Residue of Order


*Continuing where The End of Magic (Part 1) left off, a draconic visage known as the Aspect of Order and its claws—represented by Aequilibria—holds the Scaffold's platform containing you, your titanized dragon, Warlic, Alexander, and Jaania.*

Aspect of Order: Return to mana.
Aspect of Order: Return to the Core.
<Dragon>: Stop this! | *Fierce roar*
<Dragon>: I don't want the world to end! None of us do! | *Angry growls*
Aspect of Order: Do not interfere.
Aspect of Order: All must be remade.
Aspect of Order: All must be brought to balance.
<Character>: I won't say that Lore is fine as it is. There's suffering and pain and injustice.
<Character>: But there is peace, happiness, and joy, too!
<Character>: Aequilibria doesn't get to wipe that all out!
Aspect of Order: The wayward threads must be recollected.
Aspect of Order: The will of Aequilibria shall be done.
Aspect of Order: Be reclaimed!

*The Aspect of Order's claws break the chains of the Scaffold's platform, causing it to descend; this causes Warlic to cast bolts of mana to hold the platform in order to replace the destroyed chains.*

Warlic: Jaania!

*Jaania casts a spell using runes to freeze Warlic's bolts holding the platform.*

Jaania: Alexander, your turn!

*Alexander casts a fire spell to melt the ice holding the platform, creating chains of mana to replace the destroyed chains.*

Warlic: Keeping the chains up is going to slow down our casting!
Warlic: Whatever that creation is, you need to stop it, <Character>!
Alexander: You don't need to tell <him/her/them> the obvious...
<Character>: Ready, <Dragon>?
<Dragon>: Yeah! | *Determined grumble*
Aspect of Order: Order beckons.

Aspect of Order: Destiny will not be denied!

*One of the Aspect of Order's claws opens its eye and casts a laser of mana to you and your dragon, only for your dragon's wings to block the attack.*

<Dragon>: No! I won't allow it! | *Defiant roar!*

  • Battle! - equips DragonRider class; begins battle with Aspect of Order, Claw of Creation, and Claw of Destruction.
  • Battle! (Hard) - equips DragonRider class; begins battle with Aspect of Order, Claw of Creation, and Claw of Destruction.
  • Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Run Away! - returns to Outpost Yeden.

  • Equips player's saved class.

    *The Aspect of Order unravels upon its defeat.*

    <Character>: Tell that to Aequilibria!
    <Dragon>: Yeah! You're not making it past us! | *Victorious growl*
    <Character>: It doesn't look like anything else is coming up. Is that it, then? Are we clear?
    Warlic: You've bought us some time, but stay alert.
    Alexander: ...Warlic, you said before that all of... that... was because the Fissure was the path of least resistance.
    Alexander: But now that there has been some awfully resistant resistance...

    *A tremor shakes, signifying that Aequilibria is still breaking through from the Mana Core.*

    Warlic: ...The flow might shift to other weak points!
    Warlic: There's no telling where on Lore Aequilibria might be breaking through!
    Warlic: Jaania, Alexander, we're running out of time!
    Jaania: We've been running out of time since this whole ordeal started!
    Jaania: But...we cannot afford to make mistakes. I'm almost finished re-checking the weave. Just one moment...

    *Jaania checks the weave for the spell, which has now reached its critical state.*

    Jaania: Right. Everything looks to be in place.

    *Jaania solemnly closes her eyes as she, Warlic, and Alexander are moments away from being sealed away to hold Aequilibria back.*

    Jaania: ...This is it, then.
    Jaania: To think I'll be sealed away again...
    Warlic: Thank you, <Character> and <Dragon>.
    Warlic: While this is goodbye for now, it doesn't have to be forever.
    Alexander: Oh, is it time for the tearful farewells?
    Warlic: Alex—
    Alexander: Give my stuff to Gravelynn. Or Nythera, if the kid doesn't want it.
    Warlic: Alexander! It's not like we're dying!
    Alexander: Oh.
    Alexander: Still, let them have some fun while I'm not around.
    Warlic: As I was saying: <Character>. If you can find some way to put Aequilibria back to slumber, we will be able to release our hold.
    Warlic: A solution has to exist. And I know you'll find it.
    <Character>: Do you have any advice on where to start? All I've heard are whispers and pieces.
    Warlic: The Wastes have many answers, as do other places across Lore.
    Warlic: I believe in you, hero. We believe in you.
    Alexander: You're such a bore, Warlic.Take your time, <Character>!
    Alexander: Don't let your duty hold you back. Let your soul burn once in a while, you know?
    Alexander: I have a lot of memories I don't like. It'll be good to have time to contemplate things.
    <Character>: You're giving me advice, Alexander?
    Alexander: You don't have to listen. Just remember, being obsessed with something...
    Alexander: It can drive a person mad.
    <Character>: ...
    Jaania: I...
    Jaania: I... when I froze you after the battle against Wargoth...
    Jaania: I was scared. I was angry.
    Jaania: But then came the recognition... and the expectations. I was treated like a hero. I wanted to be a hero.
    Jaania: I wanted to live up to that title, beyond that title.
    Jaania: ...But now...
    Jaania: Maybe others could learn from my example. My failures.
    Jaania: Or maybe it would be better to be forgotten.
    Jaania: I know I'm the last person you want to hear from, <Character>.
    Jaania: So... I have a question for you, <Character>. What...
    Jaania: What will you tell people about what happened here?

    *Assessing Jaania's question, you make an uneasy answer in response.*

    <Character>: I... I don't know yet. I have a lot to think about.
    <Character>: ...
    Alexander: Are we all done, then?
    Warlic: I've said my piece.
    Jaania: As have I.
    Warlic: Go, <Character>, <Dragon>. Go, and don't worry about us.

    Warlic: We'll be fine.
    <Character>: Warlic.
    <Character>: Alexander.
    <Character>: Jaania.
    <Character>: I promise, we'll find a way to send Aequilibria back to slumber.
    <Character>: One day, you will be free again!

    *You run and mount to your titanized dragon; after mounting to your dragon, you and your dragon fly away from the Scaffold's platform; after you and your dragon's departure, Warlic, Alexander, and Jaania prepare to cast the spell.*

    Warlic: Well, Jaania? Alexander? Shall we?
    Alexander: Let's get this over with, then.
    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: Yes. The spell is ready. I... I am ready.
    Alexander: We're here for you.
    Warlic: Let the spell flow. Just like when we studied back in Swordhaven.
    Alexander: Out of all of us, I'm sure you didn't forget the basics, right?

    *Jaania smiles as she happily recalls events of her friendship with Warlic and Alexander from Swordhaven's past.*

    Jaania: Right.

    Jaania: Just like the old days...

    *Warlic, Alexander, and Jaania's spell reaches its completion, causing all of them to be sealed as a sieve is formed around Lore; during the casting of the spell, multiple small cracks appear around Lore, glowing white before glowing back to mana similar to the features of The Fissure; you and your titanized dragon fly to The Rose's encampment; after you dismount from your dragon, you regroup with Alteon and the Magesterium's remnants.*

    Ostromir: And the hero returns! Thank the Shapeless!
    Zvezdana: What news from below? The tremors have ceased...

    *You tell the events that transpired on the Scaffold's platform.*

    <Character>: It's over, for now. It appears the spell was successful.
    Zvezdana: Good. I will communicate that to Outpost Yeden.
    Ostromir: It is as Zvezdana said, then? The mages had to stay behind to cast the spell...
    <Character>: ...Yes.
    <Character>: Warlic, Alexander, and Jaania are down there, keeping Aequilibria at bay for as long as they can.
    Vseslava: And you are unharmed, <Character>? Ostromir has been worrying most obnoxiously since your group descended.
    Vseslava: Imagine our shock when the tremors began!
    Ostromir: And then a red dragon swooped down into the Fissure! Some of the Magesters were afraid, but not I!
    Ostromir: I assured them that such sights are common in this land!
    <Character>: That's... That's good, Ostromir.
    <Character>: Speaking of which, I don't see Akriloth around. Has Amadeus already left, then?
    Alteon: Yes. He offered to take me back to Greenguard, but... I declined.
    <Character>: You're not returning to Swordhaven?
    Alteon: Call me a coward if you will, but... I...
    Alteon: I have a lot I need to figure out about what I want. Who I want to be.
    Alteon: And I've decided to go to Azaveyr, with the Magesterium.
    Alteon: If I were to return to Swordhaven... I'd cause more trouble for my daughters than I'd fix.
    <Character>: ...And what should I tell Victoria?
    Alteon: Tell them that I... No. Tell them the truth. It will be another unfair burden on her shoulders. But to lie would be even more unfair.
    <Character>: Very well.
    Alteon: I need... I want to return to my roots. To regrow. And Azaveyr has a great need for heroes, since...
    Alteon: Well...
    <Character>: Since Project Casca is no longer an option.
    Zvezdana: ...It is... a setback. But if it is as the Shapeless wills...
    Ostromir: The Magesterium will have many difficult choices to make ahead of us. But the Shapeless will guide us.
    <Character>: I... That's right. Without the Mana Core piece, the Magesters will...
    Zvezdana: Until the time comes, we still have our duty to our people.
    Zvezdana: And if a solution exists for us, we will find it.
    Zvezdana: Whatever it may take.
    <Character>: Akanthus told me what the Magesterium did to him. And of Project Casca.
    Ostromir: ...
    <Character>: It may not be my place to say, but I would suggest against any potentially world-threatening "solutions".
    Zvezdana: ...Noted.
    <Character>: Now, although Lore is saved, Jaania's original goal didn't come to fruition.
    <Character>: What do you intend to do with the captured Rose soldiers?
    Vseslava: Ostromir and I, along with a small contingent of golems and citizens, will escort them north, to Swordhaven.
    Vseslava: It will be a long and treacherous journey, but the encampment here was well supplied.
    Vseslava: We will see them returned home. From there, it will be up to the people of Greenguard to deal with their own.
    Ostromir: I do not like it. But Alteon insisted. As long as the prisoners cooperate, they will make it back safely.
    Ostromir: And do not worry, we will not forget to take Yix with us!
    <Character>: I understand. Thank you, Ostromir, Vseslava.
    <Character>: As for myself and <Dragon>...
    <Character>: How are you feeling, <Dragon>? Do you have enough energy left for a big flight?
    <Dragon>: Now that we're out of the Fissure... I feel supercharged! Like I could do anything! | *Energized roar*
    <Dragon>: Although... There will be snacks when we arrive, won't there? | *Slightly hungry grumbles*
    <Character>: It'll take a while to collect all the snacks you deserve, but I'm sure we'll be able to convince Queen Victoria!
    <Character>: After we've delivered our report, of course.
    <Dragon>: ...
    <Dragon>: Fiiiiiine. | *Acquiescing growl*
    <Character>: Well then, we better be off before <Dragon> gets any hungrier.
    <Character>: Ostromir and Vseslava, I'll let Victoria know about your trek.
    <Character>: Perhaps we can send some forces to meet you partway.
    Vseslava: It is appreciated.
    Ostromir: The Golden Hand is no stranger to hardship... but yes, any help would be welcome.
    <Character>: Take care, Alteon, Zvezdana.
    Zvezdana: ...May the Shapeless guide you.
    Alteon: Until we meet again, <Character>.
    <Character>: Come on, <Dragon>!
    <Character>: Let's go home!

    *You mount to your dragon and fly away from The Fissure.*

    Thank you for experiencing our story and supporting us along the way.

    And to all who have contributed with art, animation, design, code, scripts, music, support, testing, and more who have helped to make DragonFable over the years:
    Your talent and dedication have brought this magical world to life.

    Thank you for being a part of DragonFable!
    However, your story is not over yet!

    *Meanwhile, in Warlic's Tower, Cysero, the Chickencows, and a Leftovers have made preparations to do something with Lore, signified by a machine with a big red button that contains a red glow over Lore.*

    Cysero: Cluckson! I need a report on that Egg Drive, now!
    Cluckson: Running at 82.3% efficiency, captain! We're doing the best we can, but we need more tea!
    Cysero: We're out of tea! If only we had some kind of substitute!
    Cysero: But where would we find another kind of caffeinated beverage at this time of year?!
    Cluckson: Beats me, captain!
    Cysero: It'll just have to make do! Bacon Crispers are ready to go, Good Morning algorithms are set...!
    Cluckson: But Dr. When said—
    Cysero: Dr. When's not here! And we can't wait for him to show up!
    Cluckson: He's just using the restroom—
    Cysero: And the Frying Pan is ready! No more delays, it's now or never!

    *As Cysero is about to press the big red button, the machine surrounding Lore glows green, signifying that it is back to normal, revealing that the scene takes place during Warlic, Alexander, and Jaania's casting of the sieve.*

    Cysero: And...!
    Cysero: Hold on. Everything's calming down? Parameters are returning to normal-ish levels!
    Cluckson: Captain?! What's going on?
    Cysero: Have they... they have! They must have done it! The apocalypse is canceled!
    Cluckson: That's er, good news, then?
    Cluckson: ...So what should we do with all of this mess, captain?
    Cysero: That's right, Lore is saved. And I'll tell you what we'll do, Cluckson.
    Cysero: We'll have breakfast!

    *Scene cuts to black.*

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  • Completion of this quest unlocks The End of Magic badge.

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