Big Daddy (Full Version)

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Galeon -> Big Daddy (2/14/2007 12:59:55)

Big Daddy

Location: Hero's Heart Day Storybook, Hero's Heart Day Chapter 1, Hero's Heart Day Chapter 2, Hero's Heart Day Chapter 3, Greatest Hug of All, Hero's Heart Day Chapter 5, Bachelor Party, Hero's Heart Day Chapter 6, Love Ship, One is a Lonely Number, A Big Day For Bubble, Trouble in Paradise, Hero's Heart Day Chapter 9, What is Love?, The Monster and the Tower, AdventureFriends! (Part 2), AdventureFriends 2: A New Day, Lovesick, Mighty Mechin' Snugglerangers!

Quests given
Snuggle-Gram Delivery!
Love is in the Air
Tunnel of Love
Heart-Shaped Box
Heart Attack
Snugvil Thieves
Stakeout, The
Tangled Web
Heart of Darkness
Love Letter
Young Love
Change of Heart

Undead Taker
Undead Maker
General Boneyard
The HangMan
Ninja Bridesmaids
Ninja Best Man
The Happy Couple

Letter Collection

Shops owned
Daddy's DC Shop
Hero's Heart (Shops)
Hero's Heart Day 2016 (Shop)
HHD13 Gold
UWE Ring
VP Gold

Hero's Heart Day Storybook

Big Daddy: Can you feel the love tonight? (And this morning, and this afternoon?)

Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 1)

Big Daddy: I'm Big Daddy, welcome to the Forest of Infinite Terror! We're trying to get the name changed to The Forest of Lovely Hearts to get more tourism.
Big Daddy: I've been in the business for a long time, and I can tell you... There is a customer born every minute, and every one of them has a broken heart.
Big Daddy: But we're here to help (with terribly over-priced Snuggle-Grams, candies, and flowers)! All those broken hearts need mending.
Big Daddy: That is where you come in. All of these need a Snuggle-Gram delivered to their "one true love" in the forest.
Big Daddy: Every Snuggle-Gram that you deliver will earn you a Token of Affection that you can spend here in my shop.
Big Daddy: So, go put on your Special Armor and get out there. Those Snuggle-Grams won't deliver themselves, baby!

Special Armor
Big Daddy: To deliver the Snuggle-Grams you'll need to wear the armor worn by warriors of love everywhere.
Put on the Special Armor!
Equips Snuggle Bear Armor
Remove Armor
Removes Snuggle Bear Armor
Exits Conversation

Select a Quest!
Big Daddy: There are still lots of Snuggle-Grams that need to be delivered. I also meed to recover my missing box of Snuggle-Grams.
(Choose one of the following quests below)

Heal & Potions
Fully heals you and gives you 2 HP and MP Potions

Big Daddy: Have you gotten enough TOKENS OF AFFECTION to buy a reward? If not, then you need to deliver some Snuggle-Grams baby!
Takes you to Hero's Heart Shop 2007-2008

Exits Conversation

Snuggle-Gram Delivery!

Big Daddy: Ready to deliver some Snuggle-Grams? Got your Special Armor on?

Love Is In The Air

Big Daddy: An elemental named Blowheart has stolen a large box of Snuggle-Grams. He is tough so wear your normal armor. I need that box back, baby!

Tunnel of Love

Big Daddy: It looks like the Forest of Infinite Terror has some new residents. Some Sneevils...well, now they're called Snugvils just moved in.
Big Daddy: The think is... they moved in a little close to the cave called the Tunnel of Love. I put something there a long time ago. I need to make sure that it's safe.
Big Daddy: Go to the Tunnel of Love and check to make sure the Snugvils aren't touching my stuff!

Heart-Shaped Box

Big Daddy: WHAT?! I knew that I couldn't trust those guys. I even gave them new outfits, and see what thanks I get?
Big Daddy: I guess you can't except a Snugvil to change his nature... and you know how much they love boxes.
Big Daddy: I'm sure when they saw the giant Heart Shaped Box that was hidden in the cave, they couldn't help themselves...
Big Daddy: I need you to go and get the Heart Shaped Box back from the Snugvils before they open it! I hope we're not to late, baby!

Heart Attack

Big Daddy: They OPENED IT!?!?! This is just not my day! I guess I should tell you what is going on. I owe you that much, baby!
Big Daddy: I haven't always been the suave, dangerously good looking cherub that you see before. A long time a go... I was a normal hero, like you.
Big Daddy: My most dangerous battle was a against a giant named Odium. He existed to fight Love in all of it's forms.
Big Daddy: He was the living embodiment of hatred and selfishness and would fee off of those emotions and destroy Love wherever he found it.
Big Daddy: I was finally able to destroy him, except for his immortal heart. Since it couldn't be destroyed, I made a Hear-Shaped Box to contain it.
Big Daddy: I brought the box here and hid it in the Tunnel of Love. I hoped that surrounding it with love would eventually weaken enough to destroy it.
Big Daddy: Now the Heart of Odium is loose, and only a DragonLord has the power to defeat it! Can you do it, baby?

Big Daddy: I have to warn ya, he's been locked inside my heart shaped box for... a long time. He's very strong and very angry. This won't be easy.

Big Daddy: That's the spirit! Remember... while you're out there you're representing Big Daddy & Co., baby!
Big Daddy: We've gone ahead and recolored your dragon for you on the house! if you don't defeat the Heart of Odium, then love everywhere will die.
Big Daddy: ... and so will our candy sales! Go get him, <Character>!

Big Daddy: Great job, baby! The ladies have gone to stuff the Heart of Odium back into the Heart Shapes Box, and return it to the Tunnel of Love.
Big Daddy: I have to make sure that the Snugvil's don't let their box obsession endanger the world again. Thanks for saving Love, <Character>.
Big Daddy: Now... since you saved Love, there are lots of snuggle grams to deliver! Let's get to it, baby!

Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 2)

Big Daddy: Happy Hero's Heart Day. It's good to see you again. * sniff sniff* can you smell it, baby? LOVE is in the air!

Big Daddy: This year there are more broken hearts then ever and they all need mending! These Snuggle-Grams have to be delivered!
Big Daddy: But some people are going out of their way to ruin Hero's Heart Day for the rest of us.
Big Daddy: On top of that, the Snugvils are at it again. They kept intercepting deliveries of boxed candies... and throwing away the candy.
Big Daddy: As a true hero of love I need you to get out there... deliver those Snuggle-Grams and put a stop to these shenanigans.
Big Daddy: So, go put on your Special Armor and get out there. Those Snuggle-Grams won't deliver themselves, baby!

Exits Conversation

Special Armor
Big Daddy: To deliver the Snuggle-Grams you'll need to wear the armor worn by warriors of love everywhere.
Put on the Special Armor!
Equips Snuggle Bear Armor
Remove Armor
Removes Snuggle Bear Armor
Exits Conversation

Select a Quest!
Big Daddy: There are still lots of Snuggle-Grams that need to be delivered. I also meed to recover my missing box of Snuggle-Grams.
(Choose one of the following quests below)

Heal & Potions
Fully heals you and gives you 2 HP and MP Potions

Big Daddy: Have you gotten enough TOKENS OF AFFECTION or DRAGON COINS to buy a reward? If not then you need to deliver some Snuggle-Grams baby!
Takes you to Hero's Heart Shop and Daddy's DC Shop

Exits Conversation

Snuggle-Gram Delivery!

Big Daddy: Ready to deliver some Snuggle-Grams? Got your Special Armor on?

Snugvil Thieves

Big Daddy: A group of Snugvils keeps cutting off candy deliveries, tossing out the candy and keeping the boxes. I need you to shut them down, baby!

The Stakeout

Big Daddy: <Character>, Big Daddy has a big problem. Something is cutting into my profit!
Big Daddy: Usually around this time of year, the Forest of Infinite Terror is filled with lovers and the broken hearted day and night!
Big Daddy: It's never too late or too early for snuggle-grams... but something has changed this year.
Big Daddy: During the daytime everything is fine but a t night the forest is empty. People have been seen running out of the forest screaming.
Big Daddy: Granted, it IS the Forest of Infinite Terror... but I've really turned this place around!
Big Daddy: I need you to stake the forest out tonight and see what... or who... is scaring off all my customers, baby!

Tangled Web

Big Daddy: Lord Frydae XIII, huh? I should have known. He has never liked what I've done with the Forest of Infinite Terror.
Big Daddy: The property lines between here and his section of Doomwood were never very clear.
Big Daddy: I tried to bring it up at the Amityvale town hall meeting...
Big Daddy: ...but those people never seem to get anything done.
Big Daddy: Friday the 13th is when the powers of the undead are the strongest, but don't sweat it, baby. Big Daddy has a secret weapon.
Big Daddy: Years ago I hid an Ancient Vault Key in the spider cave to the south.
Big Daddy: Be careful of the Giant Spider Widow. She doesn't like intruders... I had the hardest time painting her.
Big Daddy: Ge back here with the Ancient Vault Key before sundown. I don't want to miss another night's worth of sales!

Heart of Darkness

Big Daddy: You got the key! Great job, baby. Not a moment too soon either. The sun is about to set.
Big Daddy: Let's get movin'! I sent Lord Frydae XIII a letter telling him that we were going to stop him and exactly where to find us.
Big Daddy: ...
Big Daddy: ...Don't look at me like that.
Big Daddy: Have a little faith in Big Daddy. Don't be such a baby, baby.
Big Daddy: We will defeat our undead foe with the strongest weapon there is...
Big Daddy: ...LOVE!
Big Daddy: ...I asked you not to look at me like that.

Big Daddy: It looks like we're just in time. The sun had set, you have the key and we're ready to spring our secret weapon.
Big Daddy: Have a little faith in Bid Daddy. Would I let you down, baby?

Big Daddy: You know, Frydae, someday you will meet the love of your life and you will come CRAWLING... BEGGING me to help you...
Big Daddy: ...And I'm such a great guy that I WILL help you. I may be making a gold or two on this setup...
Big Daddy: But i believe in a thing crazy little thing called love.
Big Daddy: It is ok, <Character>. He's all talk. Why don't you just open up the vault and we can get this over with.
Big Daddy: Listen to your heart, <Character>. Love needs your help to survive the night.

Big Daddy: <Character>, You unlocked the vault while you were over there...right?

Big Daddy: Mainly because it has been 200 years, Queen Safiria.
Big Daddy: But also because I wanted you to meet some very special friends of mine.
Big Daddy: This is <Character>, the hero of Falconreach... and the vampire is Lord Frydae XIII.
Big Daddy: Good seeing you Saf. See you around, baby.

Big Daddy: I's SO good.
Big Daddy: My guess is that Lord Frydae will be a very busy vampire for the next decades.
Big Daddy: The Forest of Infinite Terror is safe for a while.
Big Daddy: ...and with everything back to normal... there are a lot of Snuggle-Grams that need to be delivered!
Big Daddy: Get on your outfit, <Character>. We've got a lot of broken hearts to mend! Let's get to it , baby!
Big Daddy: Happy Hero's Heart Day, <Character>!

Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 3)

Big Daddy: Happy Hero's Heart Day, <Character>! It's good to see you again. Groove is the heart, and so is love. So lets get dancing!

Big Daddy: This year there are more broken hearts then ever and they all need mending! These Snuggle-Grams have to be delivered!
Big Daddy: But some people are going out of their way to ruin Hero's Heart Day for the rest of us.
Big Daddy: On top of that, the Snugvils are at it again. They kept intercepting deliveries of boxed candies... and throwing away the candy.
Big Daddy: As a true hero of love I need you to get out there... deliver those Snuggle-Grams and put a stop to these shenanigans.
Big Daddy: So, go put on your Special Armor and get out there. Those Snuggle-Grams won't deliver themselves, baby!

Special Armor
Big Daddy: To deliver the Snuggle-Grams you'll need to wear the armor worn by warriors of love everywhere.
Put on the Special Armor!
Equips Snuggle Bear Armor
Remove Armor
Removes Snuggle Bear Armor
Exits Conversation

Select a Quest!
Big Daddy: There are still lots of Snuggle-Grams that need to be delivered. I also meed to recover my missing box of Snuggle-Grams.
(Choose one of the following quests below)

Heal & Potions
Fully heals you and gives you 2 HP and MP Potions

Big Daddy: Have you gotten enough TOKENS OF AFFECTION or DRAGON COINS to buy a reward? If not then you need to deliver some Snuggle-Grams baby!
Takes you to Hero's Heart Shop and Daddy's DC Shop

Exits Conversation

Love Letter

Big Daddy: <Character>, baby, we've got a problem. Hero's Heart Day should be filled with LOVE for ALL the people of Lore.
Big Daddy: From admirers admiring dashing heroes to the youngsters hoping to meet their first crushes. I believe in ALL Love!
Big Daddy: And THAT'S where you come in. I heard there are some disappointed girls close by, so we're setting up a bit of a meeting to help them along.
Big Daddy: You'll need to plant this in Ash's mailbag without him seeing you. Can you do that for Big Daddy? Sure you can!

Young Love

Big Daddy: You look like you're doubting Big Daddy's plan, Miguel.
Big Daddy: You still haven't learned to have faith, baby. With your help, it'll turn out all right!

Big Daddy: And that's what makes Big Daddy sad. You girls deserve hearts and flowers and sparkles just like everyone else.
Big Daddy: Luckily I anticipated something like this.
Big Daddy: We should be having a visitor any minute now...

Big Daddy: Annnny minute now...

Big Daddy: No, I'm serious...
Big Daddy: Didn't see them there, because you were so focused on your task?
Big Daddy: Well, I think you can handle things on your own now Ash. With the letter, I mean, <Character>'s here if you need him.

Change of Heart

Big Daddy: You'd better go get those girls back with Ash, baby. Head through the Forest of Infinite Terror to Lord Frydae's mansion.
Big Daddy: You'll come out of the forest close to it. Don't let Big Daddy- or those girls- down!

Big Daddy: Frydae, Frydae, Frydae. You need to take lessons from Big Daddy.
Big Daddy: I recently wrote a self-help book for Vampire Queens and the losers who need help wooing them. It can be yours for the low, low price of-

Big Daddy: You know who you'll like best!
Big Daddy: Big Daddy endorses your plan, babies! Here's wishing you a Happy Hero's Heart Day!

Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 4)

Greatest Hug of All

Big Daddy: *(snore)*
Big Daddy: ...shack.. little ol' place.. *(snore)* where... ... pancakes.. *(snore)*

Big Daddy: They didn't know if it was day or night.
Big Daddy: They started hugging everyone in sight.
Big Daddy: And that's why NO ONE messes with Big Daddy!
Big Daddy: Because the pink... the pink was for REVENGE!

Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 5)

Big Daddy: Happy Hero's Heart Day, <Character>! My friend has informed me of a threat to Hero's Heart Day!

Big Daddy: Sir Stephan has the first clue in a series.

Big Daddy: Yes, he's still serious.

Big Daddy: Snugglebear Armor is available if you want a disguise.

Big Daddy: Have you gotten enough Tokens of Affection or Dragon Coins to buy a reward? If not, then you need to deliver some Snuggle-Grams baby!

Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 6)

Big Daddy: Ah, <Character>! It's time for you to choose your corner and fight your way through all our challengers!

  • Talk
    Big Daddy: The Undead Maker, the Undead Taker, General Booooooooneyard, the HangMan and the Wedding Party!
    Big Daddy: Can you defeat all our wallopping wrestling wonders? Or will you get tossed out of the ring?!

  • Quests
    Big Daddy: Work your way up and try and become the Champion of the UDE!
    • Undead Taker
      Big Daddy: Your first challenger is the other half of our decaying duo of ghouls, the Undead Taker!

    • Undead Maker
      Big Daddy: Oooh, you took down the Taker, but can you mash the Maker?!

    • General Boneyard
      Big Daddy: The ghouls have gone down and now it's time for the General! General Boooooneyaaaaaaard!

    • The HangMan
      Big Daddy: The HangMan is coooooomin' for yooooooooou!

    • Ninja Bridesmaids
      Big Daddy: Oooooh, yo've dismembered the decomposing, zonked out the zombies, shaken up the skeles!
      Big Daddy: Now it's time to work your way through the Wedding Party!
      Big Daddy: Will you be able to beat up the Ninja Bridesmaids?!

    • Ninja Best Man
      Big Daddy: It's time for the Brawny Best Man! The Punny Paladin, Artix!

    • The Happy Couple
      Big Daddy: The fight you've alllll been waiting for! The Happy Couple!
      Big Daddy: The Banhammer and his Bride! The Alchemist and her Accompaniment!
      Big Daddy: The fight for the UDE Championship is on!

    • Champion! (only becomes avalibve once you complete The Happy Couple)
      Big Daddy: Wow, amazing, <Character>! Claim your ring!

  • Shops
    Big Daddy: Having actually made it through Artix's story, you now have access to some amazing UWE and HHD gear!

    Bachelor Party

    Big Daddy: Iiiiiiin this corner, we have the Captain of Bone Crunching, the Paladin Programmer, the Banhammer, the Tog-Rider, the Groom-To-Be
    Big Daddy: Rooooooooolith!

    Big Daddy: And iiiiin thiiiiis corner, we have the Zombie Aggresor, the Ghoul with the Gear, the...
    Big Daddy: ...the UndeadMaker!


    Big Daddy: Oh, ooouuuch, if the UndeadMaker could still feel anything, he would definitely be hurting!

    Big Daddy: Looks like the Putrid Primate, the Gorillaphant with no Skin on his Butt...
    Big Daddy: Geeeeeeneral Boneyard
    Big Daddy: ready to face off against our Gregarious Groom!

    Big Daddy: Ooooh, Rolith has sent the General back to the boneyard!
    Big Daddy: Next up, is a Rebel without a Heart, the Skeletal Wonder, the Boney Brawler, the Carrion Killer...
    Big Daddy: the HaaaaaangMaaaaaaan!

    Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 7)

    Love Ship

    Big Daddy: Hello <Character>!

    Big Daddy: Glad you asked, this year we have a surprise for all the couples!

    Big Daddy: The LOVE SHIP!

    Big Daddy: I have an old friend in Osprey Cove who has a ship.

    Big Daddy: It took me a few years to get the message he made it to captain and got his own ship...
    Big Daddy: ... but the moment I heard Tom was promoted to captain and got his own ship I contacted him with this idea.

    Big Daddy: Oh right... I guess you know him by the name of "Rhubarb"?

    Big Daddy: There you are, Tom! Is everything ready for departure?

    Big Daddy: Wow, the atmosphere around here changed drastically, much more... "Lovey dovey", what happened?

    Big Daddy: Helped them? ... how exactly?

    Big Daddy: A love potio?!? Oh no....

    Big Daddy: During Hero's Heart Day a special kind of magic is in the air...
    Big Daddy: ... it's kind of a slow working love potion that brings the lingering love for someone to surface!

    Big Daddy: Normally it is... but with another love potion... The love will grow out of control!

    Big Daddy: The people won't be able to eat, sleep or drink because of the love!

    Big Daddy: Indeed, luckily I also know how to make potions that counter the effect of love potions!
    Big Daddy: But I need <Character> to get me some ingredients, could you go get them for me?

    Big Daddy: I need Wings of a dark drinker, claws of a ghoul and Essence of a darkness elemental.

    Big Daddy: You're back!

    Big Daddy: Good! I'll start brewing the hate potion right now!

    Big Daddy: There's a fine line between Hate and Love and yet they're complete opposites.
    Big Daddy: A hate potion is the only way to counter a love potion and vice versa!

    Big Daddy: Exactly! and now please give me a second!
    Big Daddy: ... and done!

    Big Daddy: Big Daddy never lies.
    Big Daddy: Now Beleen, could you be so kind to bring the potions to the guests? Just tell them that it brings them even closer to each other, they'll love that!

    Big Daddy: Good! And now we can let the Hero's heart day magic go it's normal course!

    Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 8)

    One is a Lonely Number

    Big Daddy: <Character>! Big Daddy could really use your help this year!

    Big Daddy: Not this year! This year we've got bigger issues.

    Big Daddy: Big Daddy hired some help so that you can take care of things.

    Big Daddy: There's a sad kitty in Amityvale.

    Big Daddy: Nope! Some new cat has moved in and her bad mood is making sure there's NO good vibes there.
    Big Daddy: That place is a bundle of gloom and sad times anyway. I can't let it get worse!

    Big Daddy: I just need you to get over there and get this all resolved as quick as you can.
    Big Daddy: Work quick, <Character>. Big Daddy's gotta make sure loooove is felt by everyone!

    A Big Day For Bubble

    Big Daddy: <Character>. You have no idea what you just did, do you.

    Big Daddy: NO!
    Big Daddy: You made that poor Verlyrus all sad during the most loooove filled time of the year!
    Big Daddy: Now I'm gonna have to send Snuggle-Grams to cheer him up. Then find him another kitty for a date...
    Big Daddy: You turned one mess into another!

    Big Daddy: *sigh* You just don't have the knack for loooove like Big Daddy.
    Big Daddy: I'll head over and fix this mess up. You now have to make this up to me and deliver some Snuggle-Grams!

    Big Daddy: No buts! Now get out there and spread some loooove!

    Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 9)

    Trouble in Paradise

    Big Daddy: <Character>! There's trouble!

    Big Daddy: Someone hacked into my outbox and replaced all the love letters with spam!
    Big Daddy: By the time I discovered what happened, my letters were already delivered! This is a disaster... it could RUIN me!

    Big Daddy: I need you to track down the letters and give the recipients some chocolate in return while I try to find the culprit.

    Big Daddy: That's great! But aren't you forgetting something?

    Big Daddy: Oh yes!

    Big Daddy: Cheer up. If you collect enough letters I can give you some items in return.

    Hero's Heart Day Chapter 9

    Big Daddy: It's a disaster, <Character>! Hero's Heart Day could be ruined!

  • Talk
    Big Daddy: Thank you for your help in dealing with that pesky bear.
    Big Daddy: I don't think anyone actually got the right Snuggle-Grams this year! Just spam!
    Big Daddy: But chocolate heals all wounds! And you are just the person I need for the job!
    Big Daddy: If you can collect enough of the spam mail from the poor, lonely, recipients, I'll trade you some brand new items I got this year.
    Big Daddy: I was going to use them to make an army of love golems that would help me deliver Snuggle-Grams...
    Big Daddy: But with all the spam mail problems, I never got around to it. You look better in the Snugglebear Armor than some golem anyway!
    Big Daddy: It's not Hero's Heart Day without Snugglebear Armor.

  • Special Armor
    Big Daddy: Bears sent the spam, and a Snugglebear will make things right! With chocolate!
    Loads Snugglebear Armor

  • Quest!
    Big Daddy: We can't re-send the Snuggle-Grams, but we can make up for it with chocolate! Make sure you have your Special Armor on!
    Takes you to Letter Collection

  • Heal & potions
    Restore your health and potions

  • Shops
    Big Daddy: Have you collected enough Spam Mail to buy a reward? If not, get out there, and deliver that chocolate, baby!
    Opens Hero's Heart Day 2016 (Shop)

    Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 10)

    What is Love?

    Big Daddy: Greetings, <Character>! I can't believe it's already been a year!

    Big Daddy: Straight to the point as always, I see. I like that, baby!
    Big Daddy: I guess you're familiar with the organization known as "The Rose"?

    Big Daddy: Luckily, thanks to all the protection the lovely people of Lore give us, The Rose won't mess with the magic of love.
    Big Daddy: However, one of their members made it here with a request.

    Big Daddy: Forbidden love, baby! Two souls connected, but unable to see each other because of their circumstances.

    Big Daddy: Don't worry, baby. Big Daddy has a plan for you!

    Big Daddy: I can brew Julian a potion that can stop magic for a small amount of time. That way, he can visit Rosalie.

    Big Daddy: Don't worry, baby! This potion is special.

    Big Daddy: It will only affect someone who takes it and wishes with all their heart for it to work.

    Big Daddy: It'll be like water to them!

    Big Daddy: I knew you would help! I have most ingredients ready for a year's supply of potions, but I need one more thing.
    Big Daddy: The Quintessence!

    Big Daddy: It very much is, baby!
    Big Daddy: It's so rare... that it's literally unobtainable in nature!

    Big Daddy: Hmm, let me think!

    Big Daddy: *murmuring* Avatars are unreachable...
    Big Daddy: *murmuring* The Great Dragons are out of the question...
    Big Daddy: *murmuring* Aequilibria are in a slumber...
    Big Daddy: *murmuring* Perhaps...

    Big Daddy: That's it!!!
    Big Daddy: I've come up with a way!
    Big Daddy: You will have to go... and visit Love!!!

    Big Daddy: Love!

    Big Daddy: Yeah, baby!

    Big Daddy: Not quite!

    Big Daddy: You wanna know where Love is?

    Big Daddy: It's all around, baby, ahahaha!

    Big Daddy: Love's Shack!
    Big Daddy: You'll have to go to Love's Shack! It's fifteen miles that way, baby!

    Big Daddy: Just... a word of advice, before you go. Love has an open door policy, but it'd be better if you bang bang bang on the door, just in case... baby!

    Big Daddy: You're back, baby! Have you found Love? Did you get the Quintessence?

    Big Daddy: Is something wrong?

    Big Daddy: Let's get cooking then!

    Big Daddy: It's done! Julian, get over here, baby!

    Big Daddy: Good, otherwise it wouldn't work!

    Big Daddy: Relax, baby. This is all part of the process.

    Big Daddy: It's ok, baby. Love makes us do strange things.
    Big Daddy: Now keep in mind the potion works for about half a day until it wears off. That should be enough time for you to see each other for a bit, right?

    Big Daddy: It's not a problem! Now go and have fun, you two!

    Big Daddy: Another happy customer!

    Big Daddy: Ah! Good thing you said that, Baby! I still have a ton of snugglegrams that need to be delivered!

    Big Daddy: Happy Hero's Heart Day, <Character>!

    Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 11)

    The Monster and the Tower

    Big Daddy: What's happening here is what happens wherever Big Daddy goes.
    Big Daddy: Love!
    Big Daddy: A few days ago, this thing arose from the depths of the sea.

    Big Daddy: No!
    Big Daddy: This poor monster is in trouble.

    Big Daddy: Love trouble.
    Big Daddy: It's an ancient and beautiful creature that's just gone a bit blind in its old age.
    Big Daddy: Ever since it emerged, it's been trying to get the attention of the Guardian Tower!
    Big Daddy: But, tragedy of tragedies, it's received no response.

    Big Daddy: Doesn't make it any less rude!

    Big Daddy: Oh, you just need to keep it occupied, baby.

    Big Daddy: That's right!
    Big Daddy: If it breaks the Guardian Tower—

    Big Daddy: No!
    Big Daddy: The monster would be heartbroken!

    Big Daddy: While you keep the monster occupied, I'm gonna find another one and lure it over!

    Big Daddy: No time for questions!

    Big Daddy: As long as it takes!

    Big Daddy: LOVE INCOMING, BABY!!!

    Big Daddy: Oops!

    Big Daddy: Aww, that's so sweet!

    Big Daddy: The language of love is universal, baby!
    Big Daddy: Let me scribble down a translation for you.

    Big Daddy: That's the power of Love, baby!

    Big Daddy: The one and only Love helped me! They are great at finding soulmates!

    Big Daddy: Looks like everything's wrapped up here.

    Big Daddy: Just another job well done in the name of Love!

    Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 12)

    AdventureFriends! (Part 2)

    Hero's Heart Day
    Big Daddy: Well, baby? <Character>? How do you feel?

    Big Daddy: Hm hm... Memory loss, confusion...

    Big Daddy: The what? That's a ridiculous name for... well, anything, baby.

    Big Daddy: A magical spirit journey of the soul, baby! Or that's what it was supposed to be, anyway.

    Big Daddy: Sure, baby.
    Big Daddy: You very graciously decided to help test my brand new line of Love Potions, that reveal your One and Only True Love™!
    Big Daddy: You drank it down, (check), passed out, (check), and then you awoke (check), baby (check).
    Big Daddy: So, did it work? Did you find your One and Only True Love™?

    Big Daddy: I see, I see, so it was a little too unrealistic. Hm hm.

    Big Daddy: For this next dose, I'll try reducing the amount of Tog essence, see if that helps... hang on a minute...

    Big Daddy: Ah, well, that's a shame! But, you've been a most valuable test subject, baby, so I can't say you haven't helped.

    Big Daddy: ...lingering malaise and apathy... must beware of long term effects......

    Big Daddy: Hm? Oh, nothing, just making some notes, you know how it is, baby.
    Big Daddy: Now, if you aren't going to be a good lab mouse, I must ask that you vacate your seat for someone else-–
    Big Daddy: –when you're finished having an existential crisis.

    Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 13)

    AdventureFriends 2: A New Day

    Big Daddy: Goooood morning, test subject three-hundred-sixty-four! How are we feeling today?

    Big Daddy: You seem to recognize me, at least, that's a good sign. A good sign, yes.

    Big Daddy: Yep! I added in some Quintessence to this year's batch of potions, thanks to Nurse Love's suggestions.
    Big Daddy: Should have helped stabilize things, somewhat.

    Big Daddy: There's nothing to worry about with any of that, baby! Dreams are magical, after all. And they're not real.
    Big Daddy: You probably just heard some names or something and your brain smooshed it all together.
    Big Daddy: You've only been sleeping for three hours, anyway. So whatever you have to do, you'll be fine.

    Big Daddy: Well, that's enough of that! Looks like were on the right path! Nurse, please help me evacuate this chair for the next patient!

    Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 14)


    Big Daddy: Magic, baby!
    Big Daddy: You've done it, <Character>! You've saved Hero's Heart Day once again!

    Big Daddy: There, there. It's all going to be okay!

    Big Daddy: The what? Oh! It must have been a... remnant of when I first took down Odium.
    Big Daddy: Love stitched me up afterward, fixed me up real good. But...
    Big Daddy: Well, some things just must have been missed.

    Big Daddy: Indeed! Who knows what else might be rattling around in there!
    Big Daddy: And I know just who to call if something decides to start causing trouble again!
    Big Daddy: I truly can't thank you enough, <Character>.
    Big Daddy: You've been a spectacular test subject, and a wonderful savior.
    Big Daddy: Without you, there would simply not be enough LOVE to go around!

    Big Daddy: Never fear! It's always a voluntary position!

    Big Daddy: Take care, baby!

    Big Daddy: You know, now that you mention it, I think we have some prototype Snugglemech suits that need testing...

    Hero's Heart Day (Chapter 15)

    Mighty Mechin' Snugglerangers!

    Big Daddy: <Character>! What a surprise! What are you doing here?

    Big Daddy: Oh! Nothing this year, baby!

    Big Daddy: Yep!

    Big Daddy: Nope!

    Big Daddy: Nope!

    Big Daddy: It's all covered!

    Big Daddy: Okay! Enjoy your Hero's Heart Day!

    Big Daddy: Oh! By the way...

    Big Daddy: Remember how last year I needed some help testing out those Snugglemechs?

    Big Daddy: Well don't worry about it, baby!
    Big Daddy: I already found a group of volunteers!

    Big Daddy: Unfortunately, they turned out to be bandits and ran off with the suits!

    Big Daddy: What a wonderful idea!
    Big Daddy: Luckily, Big Daddy has precautions for situations like this!

    Big Daddy: Each suit has a tracking device and they haven't left the Forest of Infinite Terror yet.
    Big Daddy: The Forest has its own way of taking care of interlopers...
    Big Daddy: ...But since you're so generously volunteering...

    Big Daddy: Wait!

    Big Daddy: The suits are too powerful! You'll never be able to defeat them by yourself!

    Big Daddy: No!
    Big Daddy: The suits run on Love!
    Big Daddy: And the power of Love conquers all!

    Big Daddy: Lucky for you, I have one more suit!

    Big Daddy: Oh yeah! Thanks for all your help, <Character>!
    Big Daddy: All the suits are now accounted for!
    Big Daddy: Though someone did take the fuel core out of the Golden suit...

    Big Daddy: Probably!
    Big Daddy: But that's a problem for another time!
    Big Daddy: Next year, maybe!

    Big Daddy: For all your help, I'm sure you'll be getting some extra Snugglegrams this year, baby!

    Big Daddy: With this year's dilemma taken care of, would you care to join me at Love's Shack for some chocolate?

    Big Daddy: Feedback noted, baby! Thanks for the test run!

    Big Daddy: Oh, would you look at the time! Wouldn't want to keep Love waiting!
    Big Daddy: Happy Hero's Heart Day, <Character>!

    Big Daddy: Although... Perhaps we should be stepping up our security somewhat.

    Big Daddy: Ah, who cares? There's too much junk around here anyway!

    Alternative Image

    Thanks to
  • GhostBear5, Peachii, Senomi, and Stephen Nix for additional dialogue.
  • Jamenja for new banner.
  • Voodoo Master for additional dialogue and correction.

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