Voodoo Master
Frostval Storybook Access Point: Book of Lore -> Frostval Storybook (during December), Access Point: Storybook Collection -> Click on the book with the bright sky blue cover and snow white pages Requirements: None Quests Available Chapter 1 Act 1 & Act 2 - Frostvale Act 1 & Act 2 - A Frostvale Tale Act 1 & Act 2 - Icemaster Yeti's cave Act 1 & Act 2 - The Cave of Glaisaurus Chapter 2 Act 3 & Act 4 - Frostvale Act 3 & Act 4 - Frostval War 2007 Act 3 & Act 4 - The Frost Cave (Act 3) Act 3 & Act 4 - The Cave of Glaisaurus (Act 4) Chapter 3 Prologue - Prologue Act 5 & Act 6 - Frostvale Act 5 & Act 6 - I Know What You Did Last Frostval Act 5 & Act 6 - Slay Bells Ring Act 5 & Act 6 - Holiday Visit Act 5 & Act 6 - Cookies! Act 5 & Act 6 - NoX-Mas Act 5 & Act 6 - You Never Asked Chapter 4 Prologue - There's Something About Twilly... Act 7 - In the Mountains.... Act 8 - We're Gonna Need More Fire... Act 9 - Frostvale Chapter 5 Act 10 - Frostval Fallout Act 11 - The Factory Act 12 - STRIKE! To Battle! - Fight The Power! Strike! To Battle! - Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapault To Battle! - Plushies in the Snow To Battle! - Plushie Fury Act 13 - Frostvale Chapter 6 Act 13 - Frostvale Defense Act 14 - Breaking In Act 15 - Captain Rolith's Revenge Act 16 - Frostvale Chapter 7 Act 17 - Flying Mogkees Act 18 - SnackinLand Act 19 - Finding the Red Brick Road Act 20 - The Necromancer of SiOO Act 21 - Pallors Plan Act 22 - Winged Darkness Act 22 - Deadwood Act 22 - Mogkee Waves Act 22 - Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapult Act 22 - Wicked Queen Act 23 - Frostvale Chapter 8 Act 24 - Frostval the 13th! Act 24 - The Summoning Act 24 - Frostvale Act 24 - Croft Act 24 - Zealot Act 25 - The List Turn In Act 25 - The List Act 25 - Making Candy! Act 26 - Moglinsters! Act 27 - Chilly and the Candy Factory Chapter 9 Act 28 - A Tale of Two Timelines Act 29 - Snowy Forest Act 29 - Sepulchure Act 29 - Xan Act 29 - Zorbak Act 30 - Dueling Timelines Act 31 - Frostvale Act 31 - Ultra Meltface Merged Akriloth Chapter 10 Act 32 - Ice Cream Invasion Act 32 - Jwealouswy Act 33 - Frostvale Act 33 - FwendQuest Chapter 11 Interlude 1 - The Nec-snow-mancer Interlude 2 - Snowfang the Dragon Interlude 3 - What REALLY Happened Chapter 12 Act 34 - Trouble in the Woods Act 35 - Jack and Lumberjack Chapter 13 Act 36 - Hide and Snowseek Act 37 - The Snowpeak War! Act 37 - Rescue Moglins! Act 37 - Cocoaberry Supplies! Act 37 - Into the Snowpeak Woods Act 37 - Cocoatapult Act 37 - Cocoaberry Bombs! Act 37 - Frallmar's Lair Chapter 14 Child's Play Friday the 13th - Mr. Nameless Nameless Wave Moglin Rescue! Alone Together Friday the 13th - Remthalas Dream Wave Dreamapult! Breaking the Mold Chapter 15 Frostval in Falconreach The Great Giftnapping Great Giftnapping Wave Present Run Instant Gift Delivery The Unboxing Chapter 16 A Quiet Night The Grand Snowfight! Snowfight Wave The Last Snow Happy New Year 2022 Chapter 17 Snow and Reign ReignDragon's Lair Frostvale Chapter 18 The Knight's Star Chapter 19 A Sudden Chill Storm of Stars Storm of Stars Wave Present Catapult Thawed Heart NPCs Maya Shops Chapter 1 Def. Necklaces Def. Rings Def. Rares Frostval (Shop) Frostval War Shop Moglin Gift (1, 2) Chapter 2 Def. Necklaces Def. Rings Def. Rares Frostval Shop Moglin Gift Out in the Cold War Shop Chapter 3 5 Gold Rings Frost Moglin helms Frostval Houses Frostval Shop Lumps of Coal Shop Chapter 4 5 Gold Rings Frostval 2009 Presents Frostval Shop Lumps of Coal Shop Chapter 5 Gift Boxes 2010 Frostval Presents 5 Gold Rings Frostval 2009 Presents Frostval 2010 (Shop) Frostval Shop Lumps of Coal Shop Chapter 6 2011 Presents TogTog House Shop TogTog's Remains Shop Starlight Weapons Lumps of Coal Shop Silly Hats Togsmas Gifts 5 Gold Rings Frostval 2009 Presents Frost Dragon Weapons Frostval Shop Chapter 7 2012 Gifts 2012 Presents Frost Dragon Weapons Frostval Shop Lumps of Coal Shop Mogkee Shop Pallor's Helm Chapter 8 2013 Frostval Gifts Chapter 9 2014 Presents 5 Gold Rings Ash's Birthday Frost Dragon Weapons Frost Moglin Defender Frost Moglin Slayer Frostval 14 Frostval 2009 Presents Frostval Shop Lumps of Coal Shop Silly Hats Togsmas Gifts Chapter 10 2015 Presents! 2015 Present Merges Fish Heads Frost Dragon Weapons Frostval 2009 Presents Frostval Shop Lumps of Coal Shop Silly Hats Togsmas Gifts Twigsmas Chapter 11 Frostval Presents! Chapter 12 Frost Moglin Artifacts Chapter 13 Snowpeak Presents! (All Versions) Presents and Upgrades Chapter 14 Frostval 2019 Gifts Uaanta's Blaster Chapter 15 DMs & Gift Exchange Chapter 16 Snowfight DM Merges Snow's Repose Upgrades Chapter 17 ReignDragon Gear Chapter 19 DA Def Belts DA Def Necklaces DA Def Rings Def. Belts Def. Necklaces Def. Rares Def. Rings Storm of Stars (Shop) Thawed Heart Rewards Dialogue The Legend of Frostvale Holiday Special Event! As Loremaster I have been requested by the good King Alteon to chronical the events as they happen here in the moglin town of Frostvale. The King believes that something special is destined to happen as the result of this snowy chain of events. You will find the events recorded in this book to be both factual and unbiased. Even through this Loremaster happens to idolize this perticular hero and their amazing adventures. - Loremaster Maya Maya: <Character>, it is so exciting to see you again! Chapter 1 A Frostvale Tale All of the moglins in the town of Frostvale have gone missing! Well, all except one. Blizzy has come to Falconreach to ask for your help. It is now up to you, the greatest hero in the land, to save the moglins of Frostvale! Our story opens in the frozen town of Frostvale where Loremaster Maya and Blizzy await you... Chapter 2 Out in the Cold! A year after the defeat of Ice Master Yeti the town of Frostvale has come under attack by an ARMY OF FROST MONSTERS! Loremaster Maya has sent a special request asking you to help defend the peaceful town from this unexplained invasion! Chapter 3 Lumps of Coal! The town of Frostvale is preparing for the third Frostval celebration, and everyone is getting into the spirit... until a horrible transformation leaves only the Hero of Frostvale and the frost moglin Chilly free to find a cure! But let's not get ahead of ourselves. After recieving a letter from Blizzy, the hero arrives in Frostvale and is greeted by some old friends... Chapter 4 Frosty Reception It's that time of year again! The snow is falling, the cocoaberry juice is brewing, the moglins are missing... again! Who could be behind their mysterious disappearance this year? What would they want with those poor moglins? It all began on a snowy day in Falconreach... Chapter 5 Frostval Fallout The stockings were hung in the super secret, cheer-reinforced, Frostvale basement with care as all the moglins gathered together for fear of being moglin-napped for the holiday again this year! What will you do to keep Blizzy, Chilly and all their friends happy and safe this year? Chapter 6 Merry Togsmas! It's time once again to head north and protect the frost moglins of Frostvale! Every year the poor moglins have been kidnapped for some evil scheme... but this year will be different! Sir Rolith of Oaklore has come to oversee the defense of the village and nothing, nothing, will be getting past him and his army of togs this year! Chapter 7 FrostVayle! The skies have darkened over Falconreach and snow has begun to fall! The sound of... wings fills air? Just who is this mysterious Queen seeking Vayle, and what... has she done to the Frostvale moglins?! And... how!?! Chapter 8 Nightmare AFTER Frostval! The towns of Frostval and Croft have been pulled together thanks to some meddling cultists! Will the Cauldron Sisters and the Frostvale moglins be able to salvage the holiday through cheer and caaaaaandy? Chapter 9 The Tale of Two Timelines! Strange events have begun to occur. What's causing them is unknown, but the town of Frostvale seems to be at the center of it all. Chapter 10 Twigsmas Snow has begun to fall, creating huge fluffy, whipped mounds over the rolling hills and foliage of Frostvale. Chilly and Icemaster Yeti battle for Snow King Supremacy with the other moglin children in the "halls" of their paw-made snow fortress while our intrepid hero sits and reminisces with Blizzy. One lonely, shy, slightly fish-smelling moglin child tumbles from the hero's gryphon and watches with awe and slight twinge of jwealouswy.... Chapter 11 Three Tall Tales Frostval is here! Snow is covering the ground, and the celebrations in Frostvale have already begun! But while Icemaster Yeti was away, you managed to save the day once again! But HOW? Gather around the annual Frostval feast, and listen to stories of how YOU saved this year's Frostval! Chapter 12 Jack and Lumberjack Celebration is in the air. Having just arrived in Frostval this year, you can already feel it. The mugs of hot cocoaberry juice are steaming, the lights around Frostvale are gleaming, The Frostval feast cooking sizzles, the village bonfire crackles. All the moglins are bustling about. Yes, it looks like things are ready to go for the Frost Moglins to start their annual celebration. But are they? For all the well-planned preperations, something seems to be missing... Chapter 13 Frallmar Rises It's that time of year! The snow comes down, the juice starts to steam in your mug and the chill in the breeze aaaall tell you it's time to head up north to Frostvale and celebrate with the Frost Moglins again! The good news is if you think about it, you haven't really had too much trouble the last times around! Sure, you had run in with Snowfang and then Moroz respectively, but after initial misunderstandings had been cleared, Frostval pretty much resumed without a hitch. Sure, you can expect some trouble, but it shouldn't be tooooo threatening to your life expectancy! Chapter 14 Mr. Nameless The village of Frostvale is under attack by hordes of... toys? Again?! A new Maleurous has appeared, going by the name of Mr. Nameless! He's terrorizing the Frost Moglins and trying to kidnap them for his nefarious deeds! You have to reach him and save Frostvale! Chapter 15 The Great Giftnapping It's finally snowing in Falconreach! You can hear Twilly singing some holiday songs, while Gaelan and Spruce are decorating the Serene Inn. However, it's best to leave them to themselves, since it is time to pay a visit to your favourite frost moglins in Frostvale! But wait, it looks like there's trouble a brewin'! Chapter 16 The Grand Snowfight It's that time of the year! After last year's shenanigans, it's time to visit the village of Frostvale and check on your favourite Frost Moglins! But what's that? Someone unexpected is visiting Frostvale as well! Chapter 17 The ReignDragon It's time for Frostval! As you take a stroll through the snowy valleys of the Northlands, taking in all of the refreshing icy air, you enter the village of Frostvale, filled with holiday cheer! However... it looks like the warm welcome that you were expecting is rather cold... Chapter 18 The Knight's Star Sitting around the table with Icemaster Yeti and your favorite fellow Frost Moglins, sipping on the hot cocoaberry juice, opening presents and sharing the joy! What could be better than that! Hold on, something is missing... Where are the children? Chapter 19 The Storm of Stars Frostval has come and it's time for presents! You, Aria and Ash are busy stuffing loads of presents into an already overflowing sack, when... ... You all get an unexpected, and exhausted, visitor! Other information While it cannot be accessed via the Frostval Storybook, the quest Attacked! took place during Frostval 2010. Act 13 previously provided access to Frostvale town as a conclusion for Frostval Chapter 5, but has since been relocated as the opening act for Frostval Chapter 6 and no longer accessible. Thanks to Occavatra for location link. Niki for additional dialogues. SalvationXI for coloring and corrections. Jay and Peachii for corrections.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/5/2025 12:28:41 >