![](image/wide_ak4.jpg) ArchKnight DragonFable
Speaker and Slayer Location: The Awakened Depths - Rose Faction / Golden Hand Faction / Vind Faction -> Quests! -> Speaker and Slayer Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Of Duty and Dragons Release Date: July 23rd, 2021 Objective: It's time to petition the DragonLords for aid in reclaiming Dragesvard and controlling the rift! Objective completed: The Great One awaits. Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Monsters (3) Archeonaut (1) Basilisk (3) Biter (3) Gargoyle (3) Vizalain Protector NPCs Captain Lestrad G. M. Hansa Galanoth Inspector Doyle Kara SuLema Mritha Ostromir Vseslava Rewards Tarnished Crystal Dialogue *In Dragonsgrasp's Soldier Barracks, Captain Lestrad and Inspector Doyle question Mritha's earlier actions as you and the rest of the Alliance stand and watch.* Captain Lestrad: What is the meaning of this, Mritha? Captain Lestrad: You strong-arm your way into my fortress at the head of an army of elves and Rose, and for what? Captain Lestrad: When you put on such a show of leaving, I was under the impression that it was to be a more permanent arrangement. Mritha: Oh believe me, this is the last place on Lore I want to be at the moment. Mritha: I'm not sure if the stream of refugees from Dragesvard got through that helmet of yours to what little brain there is... Mritha: ...but the Proclamation Rift threatens all of Lore. Mritha: Including Dragonsgrasp. Mritha: The Vind, The Rose, even the Magesterium are working together to stop the impending catastrophe of the Proclamation rifts. Mritha: Lore needs the DragonLords. Captain Lestrad: And yet, the DragonLords do not need the rest of Lore. Captain Lestrad: So long as we reside in the protective embrace of The Great One, we have nothing to fear. Kara SuLema: We've only brought a token force as to not impose terribly much on your hospitality. Kara SuLema: Both The Rose and the Vind are spread thin as Swordhaven and Doomwood recover. Kara SuLema: However, if we are to reclaim Dragesvard, as well as reach and contain the Proclamation rift, we'll need more help. Captain Lestrad: That sounds like a logistical problem from Greenguard, not a matter for Dragonsgrasp. Inspector Doyle: Unfortunately, Dragonsgrasp cannot offer our backing of your goals. Inspector Doyle: To do so would leave Dragonsgrasp and The Great One undefended. Inspector Doyle: However, you are our guests, companions to the honorable <Dragon> and <Character>. Inspector Doyle: You are welcome to stage your attempts on the reclamation of Dragesvard, and the securing of the rift from here. Captain Lestrad: Indeed. Dragonsgrasp is... open to you. Inspector Doyle: Whether or not the DragonLords will help ultimately falls upon the individual DragonLord. Inspector Doyle: But realistically, most follow Captain Lestrad's command, and he follows the decree of The Great One. Kara SuLema: I'm sorry, if I may interrupt... who or what exactly is "The Great One"? Captain Lestrad: The mountain. Nothing more. G. M. Hansa: So it isn't the massive dragon that resides below, then? G. M. Hansa: Odd. Captain Lestrad: How did- That is confidential information of the highest– G. M. Hansa: I see the world through magic. It was obvious to me the moment we arrived. G. M. Hansa: An ancient, powerful, and gargantuan being, curled beneath the mountain. G. M. Hansa: That is the true nature of your "Great One", is it not? *After revealing her magical insight regarding the true nature of The Great One, Inspector Doyle glares at Hansa, confirming her observations.* Inspector Doyle: It is. May I ask that you keep this sensitive information amongst ourselves? Inspector Doyle: The existence of a grown and active Great Dragon could cause panic and... rash actions from those who remember Akriloth's scourge. Captain Lestrad: Inspector, you cannot simply reveal all of our secrets to these... these... guests. Inspector Doyle: It is clear that our guests are people of great talent and ability. Trying to lie our way out of the truth would be a waste of all of our time. G. M. Hansa: I appreciate your forthrightness, Inspector Doyle. I shall try to keep that promise. However, I must inform Lady Jaania of this information. G. M. Hansa: I shall pass on your counsel and warning as well. Inspector Doyle: I understand. Perhaps meeting The Great One in person would help alleviate any potential concerns? <Character>: I think that would be for the best, since we don't seem to be getting anywhere here. Kara SuLema: I would very much like to meet this Great One. G. M. Hansa: Indeed. I would assess for myself what threat it may pose. Ostromir: A... dragon... Vseslava: You have already met <Dragon>, Ostromir. Ostromir: Yes, but, <Dragon> is... small. The Great One sounds rather... great. <Dragon>: What's so great about it anyway? I demand your respect too! | *Haughty roar!* Inspector Doyle: We mean no offense, <Dragon>. Nor do we take your own efforts for granted. <Dragon>: Hmph! | *Dismissive grumble* Inspector Doyle: Wonderful. Be warned, for The Great One is not easily reached, nor does it allow just anyone to reach it. Inspector Doyle: If you were to seek out the current Speaker– Captain Lestrad: That is quite enough, Doyle! Inspector Doyle: It isn't your place to say who may or may not seek an audience with The Great One, Captain Lestrad. Inspector Doyle: Lest you forget, our current Speaker isn't even a DragonLord. *Lestrad pauses momentarily before bowing his head, seemingly disgruntled by the fact the current Speaker is not a DragonLord such as himself.* Captain Lestrad: ...How could I? Inspector Doyle: Why not let our guests petition The Great One for aid, then? Or is your faith in The Great One shaken so easily? Captain Lestrad: ... Captain Lestrad: You have made your point. Captain Lestrad: Very well. If you wish to seek out the Speaker- that is, the human liaison to The Great One, I believe you will find him on patrol on the crater's rim. Captain Lestrad: He is a Dragonslayer by the name of Galanoth. <Character>: Galanoth? I know him! Inspector Doyle: Then that saves us the trouble of trying to describe a man who never removes his helm. Captain Lestrad: This is... acceptable then? No loud objections, Mritha? Mritha: And when we convince The Great One to help our cause? Captain Lestrad: Then we will follow, as The Great One commands. Mritha: Are you DragonLords or sheep? Inspector Doyle: Mritha, please. Some civility goes a long way. Mritha: Whatever. Inspector Doyle: We can provide dragons to carry you to the upper rim when you are ready. Ostromir: More... Dragons.... <Character>: Everything okay, Ostromir? Vseslava: One too many old Empire stories. Ostromir is deathly afraid of dragons. Vseslava: But he will manage. Is that not correct, Ostromir? Ostromir: ...Mmh? Yes. Yes! I will manage. Yes. <Character>: Then let's do this. *After taking a ride with an Ice Dragon, you land on a mountain's upper rim somewhere in the Braughlmurk region; you fight through various creatures until you find Galanoth.* <Character>: Galanoth! *Galanoth turns around, seeing you and the Alliance; this is Galanoth's first interaction with the other members of the Alliance.* Galanoth: <Character>! It's good to see you. And who are all your friends? <Character>: This is Kara, and Mritha, of the Vind— <Character>: —Grand Magus Hansa, of The Rose— <Character>: —and Vseslava and Ostromir, Magesters of the Golden Hand of the Shapeless Empire. Galanoth: A pleasure to meet you all. Although... Hmm. Galanoth: So the rumors about you working with The Rose are true. I can't say I'm happy about it, but I trust you, <Character>. <Character>: The Rose is only here to help contain the Proclamation Rift, and nothing more. Galanoth: Is that what brings you all the way up here? I assume you've met the pleasant folks who live below? <Character>: You're aware of what happened to Dragesvard, right? Galanoth: I am. I was away when it happened, but from what I heard... it was terrible. Are you here to help reclaim the city? <Character>: We want to, but it'll probably be too much of a challenge even for us without the help of the DragonLords. And well... Galanoth: Yes, I can imagine. They're a pretty tough lot to get moving to action. Galanoth: Well, if you're all looking for me, I can only assume you're looking for The Great One. G. M. Hansa: Indeed we are. Kara SuLema: If you don't mind me asking, how does one go from being a slayer of dragons to... well, a Speaker for a Great Dragon? Galanoth: It's... complicated. Galanoth: I didn't want to ally with the DragonLords at first. After my dealings with DragonMaster Frostscythe and... Akriloth... Galanoth: ...I was more than happy to let the dragons be captured or killed by The Rose. Galanoth: I was even considering joining them at one point. Galanoth: But The Great One spoke to me. Galanoth: I don't know how to describe it. One moment, I'm in bed in Dragesvard, sharpening my blade, the next... Galanoth: A voice. Galanoth: Two voices. Galanoth: Beckoning me. Galanoth: And I followed it. I followed it across the sea, across the shore, down into a hidden tunnel in the mountain. G. M. Hansa: Did you know it was a dragon? Galanoth: I had my suspicions, and I had my blade and fury. Galanoth: I even tried to attack it when I first saw it. Galanoth: Obviously, I failed. Galanoth: But instead of seeking retribution or punishing me, The Great One only wanted to talk. Galanoth: And so we did. We spoke of hate, of pain, of agony, and loss. Galanoth: For what seemed like weeks we talked. It provided food and shelter, and I laid down my blade. Galanoth: We... came to understand one another. I spoke on behalf of it as Speaker to the DragonLords who sought its blessings. <Character>: What does it mean to be its Speaker? Galanoth: Honorary title the DragonLords have or something. Galanoth: Traditional. Galanoth: The Great One isn't always direct in its communications. Due to my... closeness to it, my interpretation is final. Galanoth: And so, the Dragonslayer order joined the DragonLords in defense of the dragons. Kara SuLema: This is the same Great One that Captain Lestrad says is ordering the DragonLords to not interfere elsewhere? Galanoth: Yes. Although, if you're looking for reasonings or excuses, I have none. You'll have to speak to it yourself. Galanoth: Come with me, then. And keep your weapons and magic ready. The path to The Great One is by no means safe. *Scene cuts to black.* Complete Quest Other information Pop-up headline during the quest: quote:
Galanoth is RIGHT THERE! Why am I going this way?
< Message edited by Jay -- 10/9/2021 22:16:33 >