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The Ultimate DragonFable Strategy Guide (up-to-date Sept 2017)

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9/16/2014 16:57:59   
Hopeful Guy
Hope Upbringer!

The Ultimate DragonFable Strategy Guide

Contents: Use CTRL/Command+F to browse!

{OV} Overview of how to use this guide
{CR} Credits
{GC} General Considerations
{KT} Key Terminology
{BC} Base Classes
  • {WA} Warrior/Dragon Warrior/Shadow Warrior
  • {RO} Rogue/Dragon Rogue/Shadow Rogue
  • {MA} Mage/Dragon Mage/Shadow Mage
    {ABC} Atealan Base Classes
  • {RW} Riftwalker
  • {CR} Cryptic
  • {AS} Ascendant
    {SC} Storyline Classes
  • {DL} Dragonlord
  • {PA} Paladin
  • {NE} Necromancer
  • {DK} Deathknight
  • {TM} Technomancer
  • {SW} SoulWeaver
  • {MS} Master Soulweaver
  • {NJ} Ninja
  • {DS} Dragonslayer
  • {PI} Pirate
  • {GU} Guardian
  • {RA} Ranger
    {SEC} Seasonal Classes
  • {FM} Frost Moglin Armor
  • {TG} Togslayer
  • {PL} PumpkinLord
  • {EPL} Evolved PumpkinLord
  • {ZA} Zardbie
  • {SH} Shadow Hunter
    {DC} Dragon Coin Classes
  • {CCA} ChickenCow Armor
  • {ECC} Evolved ChickenCow Armor
  • {ACC} Ascended ChickenCow Armor
  • {KA} Kathool Adept
  • {ET} enTropy
  • {PY} Pyromancer
  • {IR} Icebound Revenant
  • {AX} Ancient Exosuit
    {SO} Special Offer Classes
  • {DMK} Doomknight
  • {CM} Chronomancer
  • {CC} Chronocorruptor
  • {TK} TimeKiller
  • {CZ} ChronoZ
  • {AoT} Avatar of Time
  • {SP} SnugglePanda
    {DR} Dragonrider
  • {OLD} Old Skills
  • {NEW} New Skills
    {TITAN} Titan Bosses
  • {GT} General Tips
  • {SB} Specific Bosses
    {FOOT} Foot Battles
  • {TIP} General Tips
  • {SB-L} Specific Bosses- Locked to one class
  • {SB-UL} Specific Bosses- Not locked to any class

    Overview of how to use this guide {OV}

    This guide is huge! To avoid scrolling through reams and reams of information to find what you want, this is an easy step by step process to follow.

  • Step 1: What do you want to know? Do you want a strategy for multiple enemies as a Warrior? Can't take down the latest boss? Find out exactly what you need to know.
  • Step 2: Look for the relevant code in the contents.
  • Step 3: Navigate to the step using CTRL/Command+F
  • Step 4: Either you now have your info, or you can PM me requesting to have it added to this guide.

    Note that the Inn at the Edge of Time is outside the scope of this guide. BluuhorseOfficial’s excellent guide on the subject covers strategy for those fights.

    Credits {CR}

    Thanks to Sakurai the Cursed and crabpeople for helping out with the Necromancer strategies, and pointing out improvements.
    Thanks again to crabpeople for improvements to my Master Soulweaver strategy, and for giving me data I didn't have for Dragonslayer. Also for an improvement to Shadowhunter.
    Even greater thanks to crabpeople for being absolutely amazing and helping with pretty much everything.
    Thanks again to Sakurai the Cursed for a clarification on Ascendant's passive.
    Thanks to Mystical Warrior for Guardian strategy.
    Thanks to Jorath for providing information on various classes.
    Thanks to Lanxy for his guide 'All you need to know about ChronoZ' which gave me the info on this class.
    Thanks to RyuMandreleanu for both his guides linked in General Considerations.
    Thanks to Niki for confirming that no DA is needed to play the Water Primal quest.
    Thanks to the DF Encyclopedia and everyone posting in DF Strategy for helping me so much.

    From the original:

    Alac (for like, seriously, everything. She's cleared this thread countless times, verified it, and answered my foolish questions)
    Andy8 (providing the Full Offense with Extra Defense strategy)
    Archfat2 (pointing out some needed corrections)
    Black_Mage (pointing out and offering fix-ups on the mage class)
    Bladeoflight16 (Urging on the creation of lower-leveled strategy guides, helping for tons of stuff that I will soon add)
    DivineBeastLink (helping make LTX's Defensive Strategy)
    Dragon_Maxx (confirming needed information)
    Duecalion2 (pointing out a wrong formula)
    Footballboy79555 (suggested some important points, added the Defensive Equipment Strategy, helped with strategies, and so much more)
    Gyroh (adding some interesting insight on build strategies)
    Hokaru (pointing out DragonRider training error)
    Kanzaris (pointing out needed corrections, helping with stats, helping make LTX's Defensive Strategy)
    Nickster_tm (providing a Guardian Dragon strategy)
    Nortac (pointing out important details for Gold Farming corrections)
    Peter12391 (pointing out Huff Puff error)
    Rimblade (clearing out the thread multiple times)
    TolkienFanatic (helping me along)
    Zero_System (pointing out needed DragonRider training corrections)

    And also, to Shattered Oblivion for all the effort they put in on the original.

    < Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 4/7/2018 13:21:09 >
  • DF  Post #: 1
    9/16/2014 17:11:32   
    Hopeful Guy
    Hope Upbringer!

    General Considerations {GC}

    I consider that the following are true throughout:

    i) You have fully trained the class. (except for Base Classes, where I will provide other moves to be used in place of higher level moves).
    ii) You have a decent weapon. Weapons Sorted by Power (thanks to RyuMandruleanu for maintaining this) is a good way to find the best weapon you are able to use.
    iii) Your equips are decent. Best Accessories for Your Level, Class and Style (also by RyuMandruleanu) is a good way to find the best ones for you, as well.
    iv) You are not using Snugglebear, Angler or a Monkey class. Really?

    Key Terminology {KT}

    “Attack” as a single word means a normal attack- that big red button in the middle of the bar.

    "Boss" refers to the boss monster, usually found at the end of a quest. They typically are a lot stronger than the average mob.

    "Stun-Resistant Single Enemy" defines an enemy that has a high Immobility resistance, particularly 100.

    "Berserker Single Enemy" defines an enemy that, at a certain point (typically half-way through their HP bar), the the enemy goes "berserk" and causes much more damage. Enemies which charge up for a large attack also fall into this category, and their 'berserker point' is when they are fully charged.

    “Multiple Difficult Enemies” means that you cannot defeat any enemy with a multi attack, whereas with “Multiple Easy Enemies”, you can take out at least one enemy with a multi attack.

    'Enemy with Stunning Capability' is any enemy that can immobilize you.

    < Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 11/6/2014 17:54:34 >
    DF  Post #: 2
    9/18/2014 15:18:07   
    Hopeful Guy
    Hope Upbringer!

    Base Classes {BC}

    Warrior/ Dragon Warrior/ Shadow Warrior {WA}

    These classes (which are all the same in terms of gameplay, except Dragon Warrior having one extra point of resistance to Light and Darkness) are the 'fighting' based base class of DragonFable. While they lack defences, making them vulnerable to bosses who are tough to stun, they are excellent against weaker one-on-one enemies, and medium against multiple enemies. Replace Final with Power if you are not level 18.

    1v1 Offensive Ranking (among base classes): 1
    1v1 Defensive Ranking (among base classes): =3
    Multiple Enemies Offensive Ranking (among base classes): 2
    Multiple Enemies Defensive Ranking (among base classes): 3

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Final-> Power-> repeat Power until dead.


    Final-> Double-> Triple-> Power till dead.

    One Tough Enemy

    Stun-> Double-> Triple-> Final-> Power-> Double-> Triple. Enemy should be dead, but if not, carry on with Power-> Power-> Double-> Triple and repeat this.

    Berserker Boss

    Strength Strike-> Double-> Triple-> Final-> Power-> Double-> Triple->Strength Strike-> Power-> Double-> Triple-> Power-> Power. Stun should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Stun-> Double-> Triple-> Final-> Strength Strike-> Double-> Triple-> Power-> Power-> Power-> Strength Strike-> Double-> Triple-> Power-> Power-> repeat as necessary.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Strength Strike-> Double-> Triple-> Final-> Power-> Double-> Triple-> Strength Strike->Warcry-> Double-> Triple-> Power-> Power-> repeat as necessary, using Potions wherever necessary.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Multi Strike-> Final (on any enemy)-> Power (on a different enemy)-> Power (on anyone)-> Multi-> repeat as necessary, with Power instead of Final.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Stun (on strongest enemy, if he has Immobility >50 replace with Strength Strike)-> Multi Strike-> Final (on weaker enemy)-> Power (on same enemy)-> Power (on same enemy)-> Multi Strike-> Power (either on same enemy or if dead, other weak enemy)-> Double (either on same enemy or if dead, other weak enemy)-> Triple (either on same enemy or if dead, other weak enemy)-> Multi Strike (both 'minions' should now be dead. If not, continue with Power-> Double-> Triple-> Multi till dead)-> Stun (if he has Immobility >50 replace with Strength Strike)-> Double-> Triple-> Final-> Power-> Double-> Triple and repeat Power-> Double-> Triple till dead.

    Rogue/ Dragon Rogue/ Shadow Rogue {RO}

    These classes (which are all also the same in terms of gameplay, except Dragon Rogue having one extra point of resistance to Light and Darkness) are the 'stealth' based base class of DragonFable. While they aren't the best against single or multiple enemies that are weak (although they kill pretty quickly) they truly shine against bosses, where their decent defences (compared to the mediocrity of the others') make most fights quite easy.

    1v1 Offensive Ranking (among base classes): 3
    1v1 Defensive Ranking (among base classes): 1
    Multiple Enemies Offensive Ranking (among base classes): 3
    Multiple Enemies Defensive Ranking (among base classes): 1

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Throw-> Rapid-> Final-> Throw-> Rapid

    One Tough Enemy

    Daze-> Throw-> Rapid-> Final-> Stealth-> Surprise-> Rapid-> Surprise-> Throw-> Rapid

    Berserker Boss

    Blind-> Throw-> Rapid-> Final-> Throw-> Rapid-> Aimed->Throw-> Rapid-> Poison-> Throw-> Rapid-> Blind. Daze should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Daze-> Rapid-> Throw-> Final-> Rapid-> Throw-> Blind-> Rapid->Throw-> Poison-> Rapid-> Throw-> Blind-> Rapid-> Throw-> Aimed-> Rapid-> Throw-> repeat as necessary.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Blind-> Throw-> Rapid-> Final-> Throw-> Rapid-> Aimed->Throw-> Rapid-> Poison-> Throw-> Rapid-> repeat as necessary, using Potions wherever necessary.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Wild Daggers-> Throw (on any enemy)-> Rapid (on a different enemy)-> Wild Daggers (on anyone)-> Throw-> Rapid, and repeat.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Daze (on strongest enemy, if he has Immobility >50 replace with Blind)->Wild Daggers-> Final (on weaker enemy)-> Throw(on same enemy)-> Rapid (on same enemy)-> Wild Daggers->Blind (on strongest enemy)-> Throw (on weak enemy)-> Rapid (either on same enemy or if dead, other weak enemy)-> Wild Daggers (both 'minions' should now be dead. If not, continue with Throw-> Rapid-> any-> Wild Daggers till dead)-> Daze (if he has Immobility >50 replace with Blind)-> Final-> Throw-> Rapid-> Poison-> Throw-> Rapid and repeat any-> Throw-> Rapid till dead.

    Mage/ Dragon Mage/ Shadow Mage {MA}

    These classes (which are all the same in terms of gameplay, except Dragon Mage having one extra point of resistance to Light and Darkness) are the 'magic' based base class of DragonFable. While they are decent at attacking single enemies and excellent at multiple enemies, they lack defenses, like Warriors. The skill unlocks are strange as a mage- at some levels you get 4, at some you get none. Ideally, you should equip a fire weapon immediately after Ice.

    1v1 Offensive Ranking (among base classes): 2
    1v1 Defensive Ranking (among base classes): =3
    Multiple Enemies Offensive Ranking (among base classes): 1
    Multiple Enemies Defensive Ranking (among base classes): 2

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Lightning-> Ice-> Fire-> Final.

    One Tough Enemy

    Blind-> Power Boost-> Lightning-> Sleep-> Ice-> Fire-> Final-> Blind-> Power Boost-> Lightning-> Ice-> Fire.

    Berserker Boss

    Blind-> Power Boost-> Lightning-> Ice-> Fire-> Final-> Mage Fury-> Repeat this strategy as necessary, replacing Final with Mage Fury if the cooldown is incomplete. Sleep should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Power Boost-> Lightning-> Sleep-> Ice-> Fire-> Final-> Blind-> Power Boost->Lightning-> Ice-> Fire-> Mage Fury-> Mage Fury-> Blind-> Power Boost-> Lightning-> Sleep-> Ice-> Fire-> Final-> Blind-> Power Boost->Lightning-> Ice-> Fire-> Mage Fury-> Mage Furyrepeat as necessary.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Blind-> Power Boost-> Lightning-> Ice-> Fire-> Final-> Mage Fury->Blind-> Power Boost-> Lightning-> Ice-> Fire-> Mage Fury-> Mage Fury-> repeat as necessary, using Potions wherever necessary.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Mage Fury-> repeat until dead.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Blind (on strongest enemy)-> Mage Fury-> Mage Fury-> Mage Fury-> Mage Fury-> Mage Fury-> Mage Fury-> Blind, etc. Repeat until the minions are dead. Then use Power Boost-> Lightning-> Sleep-> Ice-> Fire-> Blind-> Power Boost-> Lightning-> Ice-> Fire. Note: Mage Fury is very mana-intensive when used like this. As such, the priority for low level mages should be training WIS.

    < Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 6/9/2015 15:44:53 >
    DF  Post #: 3
    10/5/2014 17:25:41   
    Hopeful Guy
    Hope Upbringer!

    Atealan Base Classes {ABC}

    Riftwalker {RW}

    This is the Atealan evolution of Warrior. It packs a fearsome punch in short 1v1 fights, but loses out against bosses because of its lack of defences, especially against Berserker Bosses. The class can be thought of as a 'glass cannon'.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Power-> Combo-> Effect

    One Tough Enemy

    Cross-> Rift power-> Combo-> Effect-> Final-> Power-> Combo-> Effect.

    Berserker Boss

    Strength Strike-> Power ->Combo-> Effect-> Rift power-> Final-> Power-> Combo-> Effect-> Wound-> Combo-> Effect. Cross should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary, replacing Final with Trip.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Cross-> Power-> Combo-> Effect-> Strength Strike-> Rift Power-> Final-> Power->Combo-> Effect-> Realm Change-> Combo-> Effect-> Power-> Combo-> Effect-> repeat as necessary, using potions if needed.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Strength Strike-> Power ->Combo-> Effect-> Rift power-> Final-> Power-> Combo-> Effect-> Realm Change-> Combo-> Effect-> Strength Strike-> Power ->Combo-> Effect-> Rift power-> Realm Change-> Power-> Combo-> Effect-> Wound-> Combo-> Effect-> repeat as necessary, using potions if needed.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Multi Strike-> Final (on any enemy)-> Power (on a different enemy)-> Multi Strike (on anyone)-> Combo-> Effect.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Cross (on strongest enemy, if he has Immobility >50 replace with Strength Strike)->Multi Strike-> Final (on weaker enemy)-> Power(on same enemy)-> Multi Strike-> Combo(either on same enemy or if dead, other weak enemy)-> Effect(either on same enemy or if dead, other weak enemy)-> Power (either on same enemy or if dead, other weak enemy)-> Combo(either on same enemy or if dead, other weak enemy)-> Effect(either on same enemy or if dead, other weak enemy)-> Multi Strike (both 'minions' should now be dead. If not, continue with Power->Combo-> Effect-> Multi till dead)-> Cross (if he has Immobility >50 replace with Strength Strike)-> Combo-> Effect-> Final-> Power-> Combo-> Effect and repeat Rift power->Power-> Combo-> Effect-> any till dead.

    Cryptic {CR}

    This is the Atealan evolution of Rogue. It is arguably the best defensive class in the game, being almost impossible to hit and doing excellent damage as well.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Mental Assasination-> Rapid-> Throw

    One Tough Enemy

    Psychic Cage-> Throw-> Rapid-> Mental Assassination-> Illlusionary Veil-> Backstab-> Rapid-> Backstab-> Throw-> Rapid

    Berserker Boss

    Mental Torture-> Throw-> Rapid-> Mental Assassination-> Throw-> Rapid-> Aimed->Throw-> Rapid-> Crush-> Throw-> Rapid. Psychic Cage should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Psychic Cage-> Rapid-> Throw-> Mental Torture-> Mind Crush-> Throw-> Rapid-> Illusionary Veil->Backstab-> Rapid-> Throw-> Backstab-> Rapid-> Throw-> Mind Crush-> Rapid-> Throw-> Aimed-> repeat as necessary.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Mental Torture-> Throw-> Rapid-> Illusionary Veil-> Backstab-> Rapid-> Throw->Backstab-> Rapid-> Throw-> Mind Crush-> repeat as necessary, using Potions wherever necessary.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Wild Daggers-> Throw (on any enemy)-> Rapid (on a different enemy)-> Wild Daggers-> Throw-> Rapid, and repeat.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Psychic Cage (on strongest enemy, if he has Immobility >50 replace with Mental Torture)->Wild Daggers-> Mental Assasination (on weaker enemy)-> Throw(on same enemy)-> Rapid (on same enemy)-> Wild Daggers->Mental Torture (on strongest enemy)-> Throw (on weak enemy)-> Rapid (either on same enemy or if dead, other weak enemy)-> Wild Daggers (both 'minions' should now be dead. If not, continue with Throw-> Rapid-> any-> Wild Daggers till dead)-> Psychic Cage (if he has Immobility >50 replace with Mental Torture)-> Final-> Throw-> Rapid-> Mind Crush-> Throw-> Rapid and repeat any-> Throw-> Rapid till dead.

    Ascendant {AS}

    This class, the Atealan evolution of Mage may not seem to be as formidable as it starts a fight, but once one gets a few moves into a fight, Ascendant really shows its true nature as a powerhouse with the sheer number of buffs it can give itself and becomes one of the best offensive classes in the game.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    The Book- Chapter One-> The Scythe-> The Wand-> Ascension.

    One Tough Enemy

    The Staff-> The Hammer-> The Book- Chapter One-> The Scythe-> The Wand-> Aksal's Light-> Tolm's Wrath-> The Staff-> The Book- Chapter One-> The Scythe-> The Wand.

    Berserker Boss

    Aksal's Light-> The Staff-> The Book- Chapter One-> The Scythe-> The Wand-> Tolm's Wrath-> The Dagger-> repeat, using The Hammer whenever the boss nears the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Use potions and The Book Chapter 2 when necessary.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    The Staff-> The Hammer-> The Book- Chapter One-> The Scythe-> The Wand-> Aksal's Light-> Tolm's Wrath-> The Staff-> The Book- Chapter One-> The Scythe-> The Wand-> The Dagger-> Aksal's Light-> Tolm's Wrath-> The Staff-> The Book- Chapter One-> The Scythe-> The Wand-> The Dagger-> repeat.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Aksal's Light-> The Staff-> The Book- Chapter One-> The Scythe-> The Wand-> Tolm's Wrath-> The Dagger-> repeat, using potions and The Book Chapter 2 when necessary. NOTE: This is the same as the strategy for berserker bosses, because The Hammer is useless here and needs to be saved there, and otherwise, the principle is the same.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Ageisk's Fury-> repeat until dead.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Aksal's Light-> The Staff-> The Book- Chapter One-> The Scythe-> The Wand (all on strongest enemy)-> Ageisk's Fury-> Ageisk's Fury-> repeat until the strongest enemy is dead, and follow with Ageisk's Fury repeatedly. Use potions and The Book, Chapter 2 whenever necessary.

    < Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 7/21/2015 11:41:18 >
    DF  Post #: 4
    10/6/2014 16:31:25   
    Hopeful Guy
    Hope Upbringer!

    Storyline Classes {SC}

    DragonLord {DL}

    DragonLord is an immovable rock, which is one of the best defensive classes in the game. Its plethora of defensive moves prevent you from dying against most bosses, and it doesn't lack too much in offense either, although it does not shine in that respect.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Light Dragon Spirit-> DragonHeart-> DragonEye.

    One Tough Enemy

    Light Dragon Spirit-> DragonHeart-> DragonEye-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Earth Dragon Spirit-> Fire Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush.

    Berserker Boss

    Light Dragon Spirit-> DragonHeart-> DragonEye-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Earth Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Fire Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Ice Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush. Shield Bash should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary, using Wind and Water Dragon Spirit as needed.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Light Dragon Spirit-> DragonHeart-> DragonEye-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Earth Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Shield Bash-> Bite-> Rush-> Fire Dragon Spirit-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Ice Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> repeat as necessary, using Wind and Water Dragon Spirit as needed.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Light Dragon Spirit-> DragonHeart-> DragonEye-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Earth Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Fire Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Ice Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> repeat as necessary, using Wind and Water Dragon Spirit as needed.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Energy Dragon Spirit-> Fire Dragon Spirit-> DragonHeart-> Energy Dragon Spirit-> Dragon Eye-> Light Dragon Spirit-> Energy Dragon Spirit.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Energy Dragon Spirit-> DragonEye-> Earth Dragon Spirit-> Energy Dragon Spirit-> Light Dragon Spirit->DragonHeart-> Energy Dragon Spirit-> Ice Dragon Spirit->Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Energy Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Energy Dragon Spirit->Light Dragon Spirit-> Fire Dragon Spirit->Energy Dragon Spirit-> Ice Dragon Spirit-> repeat as necessary, using Wind and Water Dragon Spirit as needed.

    Paladin {PA}

    Paladin is a very strong class. It is incredible against Undead, and is slightly offensive-oriented- having fewer defensive skills, but lots of healing abilities. The passive heal improves its survivability in very long fights, too. NOTE: Do not, in general, use this against enemies with a good Light resistance (25+) or you will struggle. Use a Light weapon as much as you can.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Holy Wrath-> Light of Dawn-> Phoenix Song-> Cor Lucem-> Crusading Strike.

    One Tough Enemy

    Holy Wrath-> Crusading Strike-> Phoenix Song-> Cor Lucem-> Crusading Strike-> Phoenix Song-> Light of Dawn-> Crusading Strike.

    Berserker Boss

    Phoenix Song-> Aura of Light-> Prismatic Strike-> Holy Wrath-> Phoenix Song-> Light of Dawn-> Cor Lucem-> Phoenix Song-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> Crusading Strike. Holy Storm should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary, using any of the heal skills if required.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Holy Storm-> Holy Wrath-> Phoenix Song-> Prismatic Strike-> Aura of Light-> Crusading Strike-> Light of Dawn-> Phoenix Song->Barrier of Sanctuary-> Crusading Strike-> Phoenix Song-> Crusading Strike-> Cor Lucem-> Phoenix Song-> Crusading Strike-> repeat as necessary. If healing is required, use Greater Heal or Angelic Blessing. If you are low on MP, use Mana Boost.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Light of Dawn-> Prismatic Strike-> Holy Wrath-> Phoenix Song-> Cor Lucem-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> Phoenix Song->Crusading Strike-> Light of Dawn-> Prismatic Strike-> Phoenix Song-> Cor Lucem-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> Phoenix Song-> repeat as necessary. If healing is required, use Greater Heal or Angelic Blessing. If you are low on MP, use Mana Boost.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Swords of Eternity-> Holy Wrath-> Phoenix Song-> Cor Lucem-> Swords of Eternity-> Crusading Strike-> Phoenix Song

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Swords of Eternity-> Prismatic Strike-> Holy Storm-> Holy Wrath-> Swords of Eternity (all on enemy which has most HP- if they all have the same, pick any)-> Phoenix Song-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> Crusading Strike-> Swords of Eternity-> Prismatic Strike-> Phoenix Song-> Light of Dawn->Swords of Eternity-> Phoenix Song-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> Crusading Strike-> Swords of Eternity-> Phoenix Song-> Prismatic Strike-> Crusading Strike->Swords of Eternity-> Phoenix Song-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> Crusading Strike-> Swords of Eternity-> repeat. If healing is required, use Greater Heal or Angelic Blessing. If you are low on MP, use Mana Boost.

    Necromancer {NE}

    Necromancer is almost unkillable. It can take down pretty much any boss in the game, with a couple of exceptions, and has a really nice passive DoT (Damage over Time effect) which builds up over time. The class is pretty decent offensively, and has an amazing multi as well.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Seed-> Corruption-> Raise-> Summon Familiar-> Summon Champion

    One Tough Enemy

    Seed-> Corruption-> Dark Boon-> Summon Familiar-> Raise-> Summon Champion-> Fear Ward-> Raise-> Inner Rage

    Berserker Boss

    Seed-> Corruption-> Fear Ward-> Raise-> Summon Familiar-> Summon Champion-> Raise->Fear Ward-> Raise-> Dark Boon. Shroud of the Undead/Dark Dreams should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Dark Dreams-> Seed-> Corruption-> Dark Boon-> Summon Familiar-> Raise-> Summon Champion-> Fear Ward->Raise-> Summon Familiar-> Life Tap-> Seed-> Raise-> Corruption-> Summon Familiar-> repeat as necessary. If healing is required, use Shroud of the Undead. If you are low on MP, use Inner Will.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Seed-> Raise-> Fear Ward-> Summon Familiar-> Corruption-> Summon Champion-> Raise->Fear Ward-> Raise-> Dark Boon-> repeat as necessary. If healing is required, use Shroud of the Undead or Life Tap. If you are low on MP, use Inner Will. (NOTE: You may notice that the strategy is exactly the same as the one for Berserker Bosses. This is because the Berserker strategy reserves Dark Dreams for when needed, whereas here it cannot be used.)

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Inner Rage-> repeat.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Seed-> Fear Ward-> Corruption-> Summon Familiar (all on enemy which has most HP- if they all have the same, pick any)-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage->Fear Ward-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> repeat until two enemies are dead. Once only one enemy is left, use either the Boss (low immobility resistance) or Boss (high immobility resistance) as necessary. If healing is required, use Shroud of the Undead or Life Tap. If you are low on MP, use Inner Will.

    Deathknight {DK}

    If Paladin and Necromancer were strong, Deathknight is unbelievable. Being only very slightly below the level of the DC and Special Offer classes, Deathknight is possibly one of the best hybrid classes in the game. The Zeclem (DC) or Deathknight (require lots of farming) sets are strongly recommended, not just for their amazing stats but for their effects on the Empowered Armor Strike.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Inspire Weakness-> Obliterate-> Dreadblade-> Armor Strike-> Summon Minion.

    One Tough Enemy

    Soul Reap-> Inspire Weakness-> Armor Strike-> Obliterate-> Dreadblade-> Armor Strike-> Instill Fear-> Soul Slash-> Summon Minion-> Armor Strike.

    Berserker Boss

    Soul Slash-> Armor Strike-> Soul Reap-> Inspire Weakness-> Obliterate-> Armor Strike-> Dreadblade-> Soul Slash-> Summon Minion-> Armor Strike-> Inspire Weakness-> Summon Minion-> Garb of Undeath-> Armor Strike-> Soul Slash. Unholy Will, followed immediately by Instill Fear, should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary, using any of the heal skills if required.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Instill Fear-> Soul Slash-> Armor Strike-> Soul Reap-> Inspire Weakness-> Obliterate-> Armor Strike-> Dreadblade-> Soul Slash-> Summon Minion-> Armor Strike-> Inspire Weakness-> Summon Minion-> Garb of Undeath-> Armor Strike-> Soul Slash-> repeat, using any of the heal skills if required.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Soul Slash-> Armor Strike-> Soul Reap-> Inspire Weakness-> Obliterate-> Armor Strike-> Dreadblade-> Soul Slash-> Summon Minion-> Armor Strike-> Inspire Weakness-> Summon Minion-> Garb of Undeath-> Armor Strike-> Soul Slash-> repeat this strategy as necessary, using any of the heal skills if required.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Unholy Shadow-> Obliterate-> Dreadblade-> Unholy Shadow-> Armor Strike.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Soul Reap-> Unholy Shadow-> Instill Fear (on strongest enemy)-> Dreadblade-> Unholy Shadow-> Armor Strike->Soul Slash-> Unholy Shadow-> Obliterate->Garb of Undeath-> Unholy Shadow-> Armor Strike->Soul Reap-> Unholy Shadow-> Soul Slash-> repeat, using any of the heal skills if required.

    Technomancer {TM}

    An excellent class, particularly excelling against multiple enemies and at stunning opponents- or at stunning multiple opponents!

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Rabid Byte-> Table of Elements-> (switch to either element weakened if possible) Mana Burst Grenades-> Force-sword-> Overclock-> Mana Burst Grenades.

    One Tough Enemy

    Rabid Byte-> Table of Elements-> (switch to either element weakened if possible) Drillbit-> Mana Burst Grenades-> Force-sword-> Overclock-> Drillbit-> Table of Elements->Mana Burst Grenades-> Enhanced Metallic Aging-> Sonic Boom Blaster-> Overclock-> repeat.

    Berserker Boss

    Rabid Byte-> Table of Elements-> (switch to either element weakened if possible) Drillbit-> Mana Burst Grenades-> Force-sword-> Overclock-> Drillbit-> Table of Elements->Mana Burst Grenades-> Enhanced Metallic Aging-> Sonic Boom Blaster-> Overclock. If available, Drillbit or Overclock-> Drillbit should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack' If not, Sonic Boom Blaster or Event Horizon should be used. Repeat this strategy as necessary, using Magnetic Resonance Protocol for healing.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Rabid Byte-> Table of Elements-> (switch to either element weakened if possible) Drillbit-> Mana Burst Grenades-> Force-sword-> Overclock-> Drillbit-> Table of Elements->Mana Burst Grenades-> Enhanced Metallic Aging-> Sonic Boom Blaster-> Overclock-> repeat, using Magnetic Resonance Protocol for healing.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Sonic Boom Blaster-> Rabid Byte-> Table of Elements-> (switch to either element weakened if possible) Drillbit-> Mana Burst Grenades-> Force-sword-> Overclock-> Drillbit-> Table of Elements->Mana Burst Grenades-> Enhanced Metallic Aging-> Sonic Boom Blaster-> Overclock-> repeat, using Magnetic Resonance Protocol for healing.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Photon Bow-> Static Overload Blast-> Photon Bow-> Event Horizon->Photon Bow-> Static Overload Blast-> Force-sword-> repeat.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Rabid Byte-> Photon Bow-> Static Overload Blast-> Photon Bow-> Event Horizon->Photon Bow-> Static Overload Blast-> Force-sword-> Photon Bow-> Static Overload Blast-> Photon Bow-> Event Horizon->Photon Bow-> repeat as necessary. Use potions if needed, and Magnetic Resonance Protocol for healing.

    Soulweaver {SW}

    A decent class, which is notable for its many nerfs and stuns and being modified by the Baltael's Aventail, an artifact making the class a lot stronger.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Soul Synch-> Slash-> Vacuum -> Soul Synch.

    One Tough Enemy

    Soul Synch-> Slash-> Vacuum -> Soul Synch-> Repentance-> Burst-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact-> Retribution-> repeat as necessary.

    Berserker Boss

    Soul Synch-> Slash-> Vacuum-> Pierce-> Impact-> Retribution-> Repentance-> Burst-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact. Enslave should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Soul Slice when enemy has less than 15% HP.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Soul Synch-> Slash-> Vacuum-> Pierce-> Impact-> Retribution-> Repentance-> Enslave-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact-> Burst-> repeat as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Soul Slice when enemy has less than 15% HP.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Soul Synch-> Slash-> Vacuum-> Pierce-> Impact-> Retribution-> Repentance-> Burst-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact-> repeat as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Soul Slice when enemy has less than 15% HP.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Banishment-> Repentance-> Pierce->Impact-> Retribution-> Banishment.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Soul Synch-> Banishment-> Slash-> Pierce->Impact-> Retribution-> Banishment-> Enslave (on strongest enemy)-> Repentance-> Pierce-> Impact-> Vacuum (on strongest enemy)-> repeat as necessary, minus Soul Synch. Use potions if needed. Use Soul Slice when main enemy has less than 15% HP.

    Master Soulweaver {MS}

    A DA-only version of Soulweaver, which is more powerful and looks cooler.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Soul Synch-> Banish-> Reckoning -> Soul Synch.

    One Tough Enemy

    Soul Synch-> Burst-> Banish-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Valour Impact-> Soul Synch-> Banish-> Reckoning-> Soul Synch -> repeat as necessary, replacing Reckoning with Repentance

    Berserker Boss

    Soul Synch-> Banish-> Pierce-> Impact-> Vacuum-> Repentance-> Burst-> Pierce-> Impact-> Banish-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact-> Seal. Soul Lock should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Banish when enemy has less than 15% HP. If low on Mana, use Meditation.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Soul Synch-> Banish-> Pierce-> Impact-> Soul Lock-> Repentance-> Burst-> Vacuum-> Pierce-> Impact-> Banish-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact-> Seal. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Banish when enemy has less than 15% HP. If low on Mana, use Meditation.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Soul Synch-> Banish-> Pierce-> Impact-> Vacuum-> Repentance-> Burst-> Pierce-> Impact-> Banish-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact-> Seal. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Banish when enemy has less than 15% HP. If low on Mana, use Meditation.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Remorse-> Repentance-> Reckoning-> Pierce->Impact-> Remorse.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Soul Synch-> Remorse-> Soul Lock (on strongest enemy)-> Repentance -> Burst-> Remorse->Pierce-> Impact-> Banish (on strongest enemy)-> Vacuum (on second-strongest)-> Remorse-> Pierce-> Impact-> Banish (on strongest enemy)-> Soul Burst-> Repentance-> Pierce-> Impact-> Remorse-> Seal (on strongest enemy)->Pierce-> Impact-> Banish-> repeat as necessary, but do not use Soul Synch. Use potions if needed. Use Soul Slice when enemy has less than 15% HP.

    Ninja {NJ}

    A very fun class to use, with an extensive range of DoTs and other attacks to slowly kill your enemy.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Massive Strike-> Rapid Attack-> Blood of the Lotus-> Rapid Attack-> Catalyst-> Rapid Attack.

    One Tough Enemy

    Vanish-> Shadow Strike-> Blood of the Lotus-> Massive Strike-> Scorpion Venom-> Catalyst-> Viper Venom-> Catalyst.

    Berserker Boss

    Fade into the Shadows-> Blood of the Lotus-> Massive Strike> Viper Venom-> Catalyst-> Scorpion Venom-> Catalyst-> Vanish-> Catalyst-> Shadow Strike-> Catalyst-> Rapid Attack> Catalyst-> Walk Within Shadows-> Blurred Vision-> Rapid Attack-> Paralyzing Slash. Repeat as necessary. When the enemy reaches the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack', use Furious Assault. Use potions as required.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Furious Assault-> Viper Venom-> Scorpion Venom> Blood of the Lotus-> Catalyst-> Massive Strike-> Catalyst-> Vanish-> Shadow Strike-> Viper Venom-> Paralysing Strike> Rapid Attack-> Catalyst-> Rapid Attack-> Blurred Vision-> Rapid Attack-> repeat as necessary. Use potions as required.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Walk Within Shadows-> Viper Venom-> Catalyst-> Scorpion Venom> Blood of the Lotus-> Catalyst-> Massive Strike-> Catalyst-> Vanish-> Shadow Strike-> Viper Venom-> Paralysing Strike> Rapid Attack-> Catalyst-> Rapid Attack-> Blurred Vision-> Rapid Attack-> repeat as necessary. Use potions as required.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Hidden Strike-> Massive Strike-> Hidden Strike-> Rapid Attack->Hidden Strike-> Rapid Attack

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Hidden Strike-> Scorpion Venom (on strongest enemy)-> Hidden Strike -> Blood of the Lotus-> Hidden Strike-> Viper Venom-> Hidden Strike-> Catalyst-> Hidden Strike-> Vanish-> Hidden Strike-> Shadow Strike-> repeat as necessary. Use potions as required. (Substitute Furious Assault for any DoT if the enemy can be stunned).

    Dragonslayer {DS}

    The class for taking down lizards and dragons, but it can hold its own otherwise too. There are other classes to be preferred against non-dragons, but some notorious bosses are dragons, which is when this should be used. Use a different class if you want all purpose utility. The strategies below assume the use of DS against a dragon or lizard. Use Draconic Elements to your advantage by checking the dragon's element before the battle.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Blaze-> Draykwing-> Keen Strike-> Draconic Strike-> CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON.

    One Tough Enemy

    Talon Twisting-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Blaze-> Draykwing-> Keen Strike-> Draconic Strike-> CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON.

    Berserker Boss

    Draconic Blind-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Poison> Draconic Blaze-> Draykwing-> Keen Strike-> Draconic Strike-> CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON-> Draconic Blind-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Poison> Draconic Blaze-> Draconic Strike-> Draykwing-> Draconic Strike-> Draconic Elements. Repeat as necessary. When the enemy reaches the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack', use Talon Twisting. Use Draconic Blood and potions as required.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Talon Twisting-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Poison> Draconic Blaze-> Draykwing-> Keen Strike-> Draconic Strike-> CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON-> Draconic Blind-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Poison> Draconic Blaze-> Draconic Strike-> Draykwing-> Draconic Strike-> Draconic Elements-> repeat as necessary. Use Draconic Blood and potions as required.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Draconic Blind-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Poison> Draconic Blaze-> Draykwing-> Keen Strike-> Draconic Strike-> CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON-> Draconic Blind-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Poison> Draconic Blaze-> Draconic Strike-> Draykwing-> Draconic Strike-> Draconic Elements-> repeat as necessary. Use Draconic Blood and potions as required.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Ire of Scales-> Keen Strike-> Draconic Strike-> Ire of Scales->Draconic Strike-> CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Ire of Scales-> Talon Twisting (on strongest enemy, if only one enemy is a dragon then attack this)-> Draconic Poison -> Ire of Scales-> Draykwing->CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON-> Ire of Scales-> Draconic Blind (on strongest enemy, if only one enemy is a dragon then attack this)-> Keen Strike-> Ire of Scales-> Draconic Poison-> Draconic Blaze-> Ire of Scales-> Draykwing (on strongest enemy, if only one enemy is a dragon then attack this)-> Draconic Blind-> Prismatic Strike-> Draconic Poison-> Ire of Scales-> Draykwing->Draconic Blaze-> repeat as necessary. Use Draconic Blood and potions as required.

    Pirate {PI}

    A class which is surprisingly good at debuffing the enemy, while also having excellent offensive potential.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Fury of the High Seas-> Help from the Locker-> Fire the Broadsides.

    One Tough Enemy

    Sealegs-> Fury of the High Seas-> Flintlock-> Help from the Locker-> Fire the Broadsides-> Flintlock.

    Berserker Boss

    Fury of the High Seas-> Flintlock-> Dirty Trick> Help from the Locker-> Fire the Broadsides-> Flintlock-> Avast-> To the Plank-> Summon Crackers-> Flintlock-> Target Practice> Flintlock-> Backstab-> Flintlock-> Summon Crackers-> Flintlock-> Avast. Repeat as necessary. When the enemy reaches the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack', use Sealegs. Use Lime Aid and potions as required.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Fury of the High Seas-> Flintlock-> Dirty Trick> Help from the Locker-> Fire the Broadsides-> Flintlock-> Avast-> To the Plank-> Summon Crackers-> Flintlock-> Target Practice> Flintlock-> Sealegs-> Flintlock-> Summon Crackers-> Flintlock-> Avast. Use Lime Aid and potions as required.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Fury of the High Seas-> Flintlock-> Sealegs> Help from the Locker-> Fire the Broadsides-> Flintlock-> Avast-> To the Plank-> Summon Crackers-> Flintlock-> Target Practice> Flintlock-> Sealegs-> Flintlock-> Summon Crackers-> Flintlock-> Avast. Use Lime Aid and potions as required.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Quick Shot-> Help from the Locker-> Quick Shot-> Fire the Broadsides->Quick Shot-> Flintlock

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Sealegs-> Fury of the High Seas-> Quick Shot-> Help from the Locker -> Quick Shot-> Fire the Broadsides-> Quick Shot-> Dirty Trick-> Quick Shot-> Sealegs-> Quick Shot-> Summon Crackers-> Quick Shot-> Avast-> Quick Shot-> Target Practice-> Quick Shot-> To the Plank->repeat as necessary. Use potions and Lime Aid as required.

    Guardian {GU}

    A class available to all Adventure Quest Guardians when they verify their account. This class has a loopable blind and does pretty good damage as well, so is an excellent hybrid.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Guardian Dragon-> Keen Edge-> Guardian Rage.

    One Tough Enemy

    Ray of Light-> Vortex-> Keen Edge-> Guardian Rage-> Nightbane's Fury-> Guardian Dragon-> Ray of Light.

    Berserker Boss

    Ray of Light-> Vortex-> Keen Edge-> Guardian Rage-> Nightbane's Fury-> Limkragg's Breath-> Ray of Light-> Awethur's Power-> Vortex-> Limkragg's Breath-> Nightbane's Fury-> Guardian Dragon-> Ray of Light-> Limkragg's Breath-> Guardian Heroes-> Mega Shock-> Guardian Shield-> Limkragg's Breath. When the enemy reaches the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack', use Spiral Carve. Repeat as necessary, using Health Drain, Mana Drain and potions as required.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Ray of Light-> Limkragg's Breath-> Spiral Carve-> Mega Shock-> Guardian Heroes-> Limkragg's Breath-> Ray of Light-> Vortex-> Keen Edge-> Guardian Rage-> Nightbane's Fury-> Limkragg's Breath-> Ray of Light-> Awethur's Power-> Vortex-> Limkragg's Breath-> Nightbane's Fury-> Guardian Dragon-> repeat as necessary, using Health Drain, Mana Drain and potions as required..

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Ray of Light-> Vortex-> Keen Edge-> Guardian Rage-> Nightbane's Fury-> Limkragg's Breath-> Ray of Light-> Awethur's Power-> Vortex-> Limkragg's Breath-> Nightbane's Fury-> Guardian Dragon-> Ray of Light-> Limkragg's Breath-> Guardian Heroes-> Mega Shock-> Guardian Shield-> Limkragg's Breath-> repeat as necessary, using Health Drain, Mana Drain and potions as required.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Vortex-> Mega Shock-> Guardian Rage-> Guardian Dragon->Awethur's Power-> Keen Edge-> Mega Shock

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Mega Shock-> Guardian Shield-> Vortex-> Guardian Dragon -> Guardian Rage-> Mega Shock-> Ray of Light-> Limkragg's Breath-> Guardian Shield-> Vortex-> Mega Shock-> Keen Edge-> Ray of Light-> Limkragg's Breath-> Guardian Shield-> Mega Shock-> Nightbane's Fury-> Ray of Light->Health Drain-> Guardian Heroes-> repeat as necessary, using Health Drain, Mana Drain and potions as required.

    Ranger {RA}

    A class with a cool mechanic, whereby every time you use a ranged skill, your Crits do more damage. Train STR and DEX to use this class best.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Viper Arrow-> Viper Arrow-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> Purge.

    One Tough Enemy

    Flashbang-> Viper Arrow-> Viper Arrow-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> Armorslash-> Purge.

    Berserker Boss

    Quick Reflexes-> Viper Arrow-> Viper Arrow> Viper Arrow-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> Armorslash-> Purge-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> repeat as necessary. Omit Quick Reflexes if you feel you don't need the defences. When the enemy reaches the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack', use Flashbang. Use potions as required, or Recover if necessary.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Quick Reflexes-> Viper Arrow-> Viper Arrow> Viper Arrow-> Spotter's Shot-> Armorslash-> Flashbang-> Purge-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> repeat as necessary. Omit Quick Reflexes if you feel you don't need the defences, and use Power Shot the second time in place of Flashbang. Use potions as required, or Recover if necessary.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Quick Reflexes-> Viper Arrow-> Viper Arrow> Viper Arrow-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> Armorslash-> Purge-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> repeat as necessary. Use potions as required, or Recover if necessary.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    MultiShot-> Spotter's Shot-> Sky Assault-> MultiShot.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Quick Reflexes-> Flashbang (on strongest enemy)-> MultiShot -> Spotter's Shot-> Sky Assault-> MultiShot-> Armorslash-> MultiShot-> Purge-> Vanish-> MultiShot-> repeat as necessary. Use potions as required.

    < Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 3/19/2016 22:11:35 >
    DF  Post #: 5
    10/21/2014 2:16:45   
    Hopeful Guy
    Hope Upbringer!

    Seasonal Classes {SEC}

    Frost Moglin Armor {FM}

    Frost Moglin is a decent hybrid, with constant looping of multi skills, and a nice passive which can increase Burst's damage and make it heal mana.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Fruitcake Brick-> Spirit Burst-> Spirit of Giving-> Spirit Burst-> Twig.

    One Tough Enemy

    Blind-> Fruitcake Brick-> Spirit Burst-> Spirit of Giving-> Spirit Burst-> Twig-> Blind-> Spirit Burst-> Spirit of Giving-> Twig-> Spirit Burst-> Blind-> Spirit Burst-> Twig-> repeat as necessary.

    Berserker Boss

    Blind-> Fruitcake Brick-> Spirit Burst-> Spirit of Giving-> Spirit Burst-> Horrible Gift-> Blind-> Spirit Burst-> Spirit of Giving-> Twig-> Spirit Burst. Use Candy Crane Kick when the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Use Gingerbread Invasion to heal, and potions if needed. Repeat this as necessary.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Blind-> Fruitcake Brick-> Spirit Burst-> Candy Crane Kick-> Spirit of Giving-> Spirit Burst-> Blind-> Spirit Burst-> Spirit of Giving-> Horrible Gift-> Spirit Burst-> Blind-> Spirit Burst->Spirit of Giving-> Spirit Burst-> repeat as necessary.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Blind-> Fruitcake Brick-> Spirit Burst-> Spirit of Giving-> Twig-> Spirit Burst-> Blind-> Spirit Burst-> Spirit of Giving-> Horrible Gift-> Spirit Burst-> Blind-> Spirit Burst->Spirit of Giving-> Spirit Burst-> repeat as necessary.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Yule Tide-> Missile Toe-> repeat as necessary.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Candy Crane Kick (on strongest)-> Blind (on second strongest)-> Yule Tide-> Missile Toe-> Yule Tide-> Blind (on different enemy)-> Yule Tide-> Missile Toe-> Yule Tide-> Blind (on different enemy)-> Yule Tide-> Missile Toe-> Yule Tide-> Blind (on different enemy)-> Yule Tide-> Missile Toe-> repeat as necessary.

    Togslayer {TG}

    Possibly the most polar class in the game- not just because it's for Frostval (Christmas) but also because it is very offensive and hardly has any defence or a multi. Has only 8 skills. Oddly, Stampede is DA-only.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Togmaster Strike-> Final-> Double-> FireTog-> Stampede.

    One Tough Enemy

    Punt-> Togmaster Strike-> Final-> Double-> FireTog-> Stampede-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double

    Berserker Boss

    Togmaster Strike-> Final-> Double-> FireTog-> Stampede-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double-> Togmaster Strike-> FireTog-> Final-> Double-> Stampede-> Attack-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double-> Togmaster Strike-> FireTog-> Double-> Attack-> Stampede-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double-> repeat as necessary. Use potions if you need to. Punt should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Punt-> Togmaster Strike-> Final-> Double-> FireTog-> Stampede-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double-> Togmaster Strike-> FireTog-> Punt-> Final-> Double-> Stampede-> Attack-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double-> Togmaster Strike-> FireTog-> Double-> Attack-> Stampede-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double-> repeat as necessary. Use potions if you need to.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Togmaster Strike-> Final-> Double-> FireTog-> Stampede-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double-> Togmaster Strike-> FireTog-> Final-> Double-> Stampede-> Attack-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double-> Togmaster Strike-> FireTog-> Double-> Attack-> Stampede-> Double-> Attack-> Attack-> Double-> repeat as necessary. Use potions if you need to.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Togslayer has no multi skill. Treat each as a single enemy, using the 'One Easy/Medium Enemy' strategy.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Togslayer has no multi skill. Treat each as a single enemy, using the strategy most appropriate to the bosses you face.

    Zardbie {ZA}

    This class is decent, with Decay being a notable skill for getting more powerful on each use (much like Icebound Revenant's Long Winter). It lacks in defence, however.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Decay-> Bite-> Outbreak -> Feast-> Slash.

    One Tough Enemy

    Decay-> Bone Throw-> Bite-> Outbreak-> Feast-> Decay-> Undead Reflexes-> Scratch-> Bone Throw-> Decay-> Scratch.

    Berserker Boss

    Undead Reflexes-> Decay-> Bone Throw-> Bite-> Outbreak-> Feast-> Decay-> Undead Reflexes-> Scratch-> Bone Throw-> Decay-> Scratch-> Feast-> Scratch-> Slash. BrainDead should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat as necessary, using Regeneration if needed.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Undead Reflexes-> Decay-> Bone Throw-> Bite-> Outbreak-> Feast-> Decay-> Undead Reflexes-> Scratch-> Bone Throw-> Decay-> BrainDead-> Feast-> Scratch-> Slash-> repeat as necessary, using Regeneration if needed.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Undead Reflexes-> Decay-> Bone Throw-> Bite-> Outbreak-> Feast-> Decay-> Undead Reflexes-> Scratch-> Bone Throw-> Decay-> Scratch-> Feast-> Scratch-> Slash. BrainDead should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat as necessary, using Regeneration if needed.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Dem Bones-> Outbreak-> Dem Bones-> Slash-> Dem Bones

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Dem Bones-> Bone Throw-> Dem Bones-> Decay-> Dem Bones-> Undead Reflexes-> Dem Bones-> Decay-> Dem Bones-> Outbreak-> Dem Bones-> Decay-> Dem Bones-> Undead Reflexes-> Dem Bones-> Slash-> Dem Bones. Use Regeneration as necessary.

    PumpkinLord {PL}

    Ever since this class got its 2014 revamp, it has been absolutely amazing. Highly recommended- even more so for the evolved version. Use a Nature weapon as much as possible.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Pumpkin Bomb-> Piercing Thorn-> Eternal Night-> Crippling Scythe-> Vine Smack.

    One Tough Enemy

    Creeping Roots-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Sapping Roots-> Eternal Night-> Piercing Thorn-> Vine Smack-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Crippling Scythe-> Vine Smack-> Creeping Roots-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Sapping Roots-> Vine Smack-> Piercing Thorn-> Vine Smack-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Crippling Scythe-> Vine Smack-> repeat as necessary.

    Berserker Boss

    Creeping Roots-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Sapping Roots-> Eternal Night-> Piercing Thorn-> Vine Smack-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Crippling Scythe-> Vine Smack-> Creeping Roots-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Sapping Roots-> Vine Smack-> Piercing Thorn-> Vine Smack-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Crippling Scythe-> Vine Smack. Use Cover of Thorns when the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Use Health Candy and Mana Candy if needed. Repeat this as necessary.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Creeping Roots-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Sapping Roots-> Eternal Night-> Piercing Thorn-> Vine Smack-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Crippling Scythe-> Vine Smack-> Creeping Roots-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Sapping Roots-> Vine Smack-> Piercing Thorn-> Vine Smack-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Enfeebling Scythe-> Vine Smack-> repeat as necessary. Use Health Candy and Mana Candy if needed.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Thorny Shield-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Vine Smack-> Eternal Night-> Piercing Thorn-> Vine Smack-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Crippling Scythe-> Vine Smack-> Cover of Thorns-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Thorny Shield-> Vine Smack-> Piercing Thorn-> Vine Smack-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Enfeebling Scythe-> Vine Smack-> repeat as necessary. Use Health Candy and Mana Candy if needed.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Thorn Storm-> Fling Thorns-> Eternal Night-> Thorn Storm-> Fling Thorns-> Piercing Thorn-> Thorn Storm-> Fling Thorns-> Vine Smack.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Cover of Thorns-> Thorn Storm-> Fling Thorns-> Eternal Night-> Thorn Storm-> Fling Thorns-> Piercing Thorn-> Thorn Storm-> Fling Thorns-> Creeping Roots (on strongest)-> Thorn Storm-> Fling Thorns-> Sapping Roots (on strongest)-> Thorn Storm-> Fling Thorns-> Thorny Shield-> Thorn Storm-> Fling Thorns-> Vine Smack-> repeat as necessary. Use Health Candy and Mana Candy if needed.

    Evolved PumpkinLord {EPL}

    An amazing class. Offense, defence, this has it all. This is definitely a very good all-purpose hybrid.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Pumpkin Bomb-> Cleaving Thorns-> Endless Night-> Enfeebling Scythe-> Vine Whip.

    One Tough Enemy

    Creeping Roots-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Draining Roots-> Endless Night-> Cleaving Thorns-> Vine Whip-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Enfeebling Scythe-> Vine Whip-> Creeping Roots-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Draining Roots-> Vine Whip-> Cleaving Thorns-> Vine Whip-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Enfeebling Scythe-> Vine Whip-> repeat as necessary.

    Berserker Boss

    Creeping Roots-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Draining Roots-> Endless Night-> Cleaving Thorns-> Vine Whip-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Enfeebling Scythe-> Vine Whip-> Creeping Roots-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Draining Roots-> Vine Whip-> Cleaving Thorns-> Vine Whip-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Enfeebling Scythe-> Vine Whip. Use Bramble Shield when the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Use Health Candy and Mana Candy if needed. Repeat this as necessary.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Creeping Roots-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Draining Roots-> Endless Night-> Cleaving Thorns-> Vine Whip-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Enfeebling Scythe-> Vine Whip-> Creeping Roots-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Draining Roots-> Vine Whip-> Cleaving Thorns-> Vine Whip-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Enfeebling Scythe-> Vine Whip-> repeat as necessary. Use Health Candy and Mana Candy if needed.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Thorny Bulwark-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Vine Whip-> Endless Night-> Cleaving Thorns-> Vine Whip-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Enfeebling Scythe-> Bramble Shield-> Vine Whip-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Thorny Bulwark-> Vine Whip-> Cleaving Thorns-> Vine Whip-> Pumpkin Bomb-> Enfeebling Scythe-> Vine Whip-> repeat as necessary. Use Health Candy and Mana Candy if needed.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Thorn Cyclone-> Sling Thorns-> Endless Night-> Thorn Cyclone-> Sling Thorns-> Cleaving Thorns-> Thorn Cyclone-> Sling Thorns-> Vine Whip.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Cover of Thorns-> Thorn Cyclone-> Sling Thorns-> Eternal Night-> Thorn Cyclone-> Sling Thorns-> Piercing Thorn-> Thorn Cyclone-> Sling Thorns-> Creeping Roots (on strongest)-> Thorn Cyclone-> Sling Thorns-> Draining Roots (on strongest)-> Thorn Cyclone-> Sling Thorns-> Thorny Bulwark-> Thorn Cyclone-> Sling Thorns-> Vine Whip-> repeat as necessary. Use Health Candy and Mana Candy if needed.

    Shadow Hunter {SH}

    The first combo-based class in Dragonfable, which is possibly the best non-DA class in the game.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Magic-> Sword-> Sword-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic -> Gun.

    One Tough Enemy

    Sword-> Gun-> Stun-> Magic-> Sword-> Sword-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> repeat. Finish the fight with Magic-> Sword-> Sword.

    Berserker Boss

    Magic-> Sword-> Blind-> Magic-> Sword-> Sword-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun. Finish the fight with Magic-> Sword-> Sword. Sword-> Gun-> Stun should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Magic-> Magic-> Healing Combo should be used to heal if necessary.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Magic-> Sword-> Blind-> Sword-> Gun-> Stun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> repeat as necessary. Finish the fight with Magic-> Sword-> Sword. Magic-> Magic-> Healing Combo should be used to heal if necessary.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Magic-> Sword-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun. Finish the fight with Magic-> Sword-> Sword-> repeat as necessary. Magic-> Magic-> Healing Combo should be used to heal if necessary.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Gun-> Gun-> repeat as necessary.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Sword-> Gun-> Stun (on strongest enemy)-> Gun -> Gun-> Magic-> Sword-> Blind (on strongest enemy)-> Gun-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Gun-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> repeat as necessary. Finish the fight with Magic-> Sword-> Sword. Magic-> Magic-> Healing Combo should be used to heal if necessary.

    < Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 7/22/2015 15:36:02 >
    DF  Post #: 6
    10/21/2014 11:51:10   
    Hopeful Guy
    Hope Upbringer!

    Dragon Coin Classes {DC}

    ChickenCow Armor {CCA}

    A joke class. However, it does merge into the much better Evolved ChickenCow Armor if you have a Dragon Amulet, and is needed for the Ascended Chickencow. Avoid at all costs otherwise.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Mad ChickenCow Attack-> repeat.

    One Tough Enemy

    Mad ChickenCow Attack-> repeat.

    Berserker Boss

    Chickensive Stance-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> repeat.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Chickensive Stance-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> repeat.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Chickensive Stance-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> repeat.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Mad ChickenCow Attack-> repeat.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Chickensive Stance-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> repeat.

    Evolved ChickenCow Armor {ECC}

    Another joke class, but one that can actually hold its own in a fight. DO NOT buy this for 500 DCs, it's a waste. However, if you have a DA and 45 DCs, this class could be worth getting. This is best suited to those whose base class is Mage, because of Hot Wings and Zeuster dealing Magic-locked damage.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Summon Zeuster-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Hot Wings-> Mad ChickenCow Attack

    One Tough Enemy

    Keelia's Fried Cow-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Summon Zeuster-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Blueberry Cowpie-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Hot Wings-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Chickensive Stance-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Hot Wings

    Berserker Boss

    Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Summon Zeuster-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Blueberry Cowpie-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Hot Wings-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Chickensive Stance-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Hot Wings-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Horde-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> repeat. Use Keelia's Fried Cow when enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Use Potions if needed.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Keelia's Fried Cow-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Summon Zeuster-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Blueberry Cowpie-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Hot Wings-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Chickensive Stance-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Hot Wings-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Horde-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> repeat. Use Potions if needed.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Summon Zeuster-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Blueberry Cowpie-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Eggteor Shower-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Chickensive Stance-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Hot Wings-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Blueberry Cowpie-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> repeat. Use Potions if needed.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Summon Zeuster-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Hot Wings-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Eggteor Shower-> Mad ChickenCow Attack

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Keelia's Fried Cow-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Summon Zeuster-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Blueberry Cowpie-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Eggteor Shower-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Chickensive Stance-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Hot Wings-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> Blueberry Cowpie-> Mad ChickenCow Attack-> repeat. Use Potions if needed.

    Ascended ChickenCow Armor {ACC}

    A very powerful class, which you can get in two ways. Either: complete the Challenge of Moocluckles (there is a section about this later in the guide), turn in ECCA and CCA and then buy the armor for 50000 Gold, or simply buy it for 1800 DCs.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Summon Arester-> Wrath of the Chickencow-> Ascendant Strike.

    One Tough Enemy

    Summon Archimoodes-> Wrath of the Chickencow-> Chicken Blasters-> Summon Arester-> Ascendant Strike.

    Berserker Boss

    Summon Archimoodes-> Wrath of the Chickencow-> Chicken Blasters-> Summon Arester-> Ascendant Strike-> Blueberry Cowpie-> Wrath of the Chickencow-> Feather Bomb-> Eggteor Barrage-> Egg of Mystery-> repeat. Use Keelia's Ultra Fried Cow when enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Use Lactosea and potions if needed.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Keelia's Ultra Fried Cow-> Summon Archimoodes-> Wrath of the Chickencow-> Chicken Blasters-> Summon Arester-> Ascendant Strike-> Blueberry Cowpie-> Wrath of the Chickencow-> Feather Bomb-> Eggteor Barrage-> Egg of Mystery-> Dance of Protection-> Eggteor Barrage-> repeat. Use Lactosea and potions if needed.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Summon Archimoodes-> Wrath of the Chickencow-> Chicken Blasters-> Summon Arester-> Ascendant Strike-> Blueberry Cowpie-> Wrath of the Chickencow-> Feather Bomb-> Eggteor Barrage-> Egg of Mystery-> repeat. Use Lactosea and potions if needed.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Eggteor Barrage-> Summon Arester-> Eggteor Barrage-> Wrath of the Chickencow-> Eggteor Barrage-> Ascendant Strike.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Summon Archimoodes-> Eggteor Barrage-> Wrath of the Chickencow-> Eggteor Barrage-> Summon Arester-> Eggteor Barrage-> Blueberry Cowpie-> Eggteor Barrage-> Ascendant Strike-> Eggteor Barrage-> Egg of Mystery-> repeat. Use Lactosea and potions if needed.

    Kathool Adept Armor {KA}

    This class is amazing offensively, and not too bad defensively. However, some moves cost ridiculous amounts of mana, especially Shadow and Regenerate. You absolutely NEED 100 WIS for longer quests as a Kathool Adept, but this is an excellent endgame class.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Mad-> Red Tide-> Mind Twist.

    One Tough Enemy

    Ink Spray-> Mad-> Shadow-> Kathool-> Red Tide-> Mind Twist.

    Berserker Boss

    Ink Spray-> Mad-> Shadow-> Kathool-> Red Tide-> Mind Twist-> Ink Spray-> Writhe-> Mad-> Migraine-> Attack-> Attack. Fear should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Regenerate for healing and Drain for Mana. If low on Mana, leave out Shadow-> Kathool.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Ink Spray-> Mad-> Shadow-> Kathool-> Red Tide-> Mind Twist-> Ink Spray-> Fear-> Mad-> Migraine-> Writhe-> Attack. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Regenerate for healing and Drain for Mana. If low on Mana, leave out Shadow-> Kathool.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Ink Spray-> Mad-> Shadow-> Kathool-> Red Tide-> Mind Twist-> Ink Spray-> Writhe-> Mad-> Migraine-> Attack-> Attack. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Regenerate for healing and Drain for Mana. If low on Mana, leave out Shadow-> Kathool.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Shadow-> Kathool or Tidal-> Red Tide-> Migraine-> Tidal-> Mind Twist-> Attack-> Tidal

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Mad-> Shadow-> Kathool-> Tidal-> Red Tide -> Mind Twist-> Mad-> Tidal-> Fear-> Migraine-> Attack-> Tidal-> repeat as necessary. Use Regenerate for healing and Drain for Mana, or potions. Cut out Shadow-> Kathool if you are struggling for mana.

    enTropy {ET}

    My favourite class in the game. It is unkillable in general, with the best stun in the game, an amazing heal, and an equally amazing nerf skill. It is also really good for damage, especially if you have a darkness weapon equipped.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Womb-> Being-> Touch.

    One Tough Enemy

    Fever Spit-> Infect-> Womb-> Being-> Touch-> Decay-> Rot-> Infect-> Decaying Needles-> Fever Spit-> Touch.

    Berserker Boss

    Fever Spit-> Infect-> Womb-> Being-> Touch-> Decay-> Rot-> Infect-> Fever Spit-> Decaying Needles-> Decay-> Womb-> Being-> Touch-> Infect-> Foul Slash-> Decay-> Attack-> Foul Slash-> repeat as necessary. A berserker boss can be treated as any other by enTropy, which can heal very quickly. If healing is required, use Vampiric Renewal.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Fever Spit-> Infect-> Womb-> Being-> Touch-> Decay-> Rot-> Infect-> Fever Spit-> Decaying Needles-> Decay-> Womb-> Being-> Touch-> Infect-> Foul Slash-> Decay-> Attack-> Foul Slash-> repeat as necessary. If healing is required, use Vampiric Renewal.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Fever Spit-> Infect-> Womb-> Being-> Touch-> Decay-> Rot-> Infect-> Fever Spit-> Decaying Needles-> Decay-> Womb-> Being-> Touch-> Infect-> Foul Slash-> Decay-> Attack-> Foul Slash-> repeat as necessary. If healing is required, use Vampiric Renewal.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Blood Womb-> Poison Rain-> Infect-> Touch-> Being->Needles-> Poison Rain.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Poison Rain-> Fever Spit (on enemy with most HP)-> Infect-> Rot->Needles-> Poison Rain-> Womb-> Being-> Touch-> Infect-> Poison Rain-> Volatile Veins-> Decay-> Foul Slash-> Touch-> repeat as necessary. If healing is required, use Vampiric Renewal.

    Pyromancer {PY}

    A class which basically focuses on slowly burning away your enemies with several DoTs. Ironically, it lacks one-on-one firepower, but has immense healing capabilities and can deal consistent damage, especially when the DoTs are used with Malcifer.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Malcifer-> Flamethrower-> Flametongue-> Paper Cannon-> Phoenix.

    One Tough Enemy

    Malcifer-> Flamethrower-> Flametongue-> Paper Cannon-> Phoenix-> Triflame-> Flamethrower-> Flametongue-> Paper Cannon.

    Berserker Boss

    Triflame-> Malcifer-> Flamethrower-> Flametongue-> Paper Cannon-> Fire Chains-> Triflame-> Flamethrower-> Flametongue-> Paper Cannon-> Multi-> repeat. Use Lava Fountain when enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is charging up for a large attack. Use Warmth and/or Rebirth for healing.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Triflame-> Malcifer-> Flamethrower-> Flametongue-> Paper Cannon-> Lava Fountain-> Triflame-> Flamethrower-> Flametongue-> Paper Cannon-> Multi-> repeat. Use Warmth and/or Rebirth for healing

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Triflame-> Malcifer-> Flamethrower-> Flametongue-> Paper Cannon-> Fire Chains-> Triflame-> Flamethrower-> Flametongue-> Paper Cannon-> Multi-> repeat. Use Warmth and/or Rebirth for healing.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Multi-> Flametongue-> Flamethrower-> Multi->Paper Cannon-> Phoenix-> Multi.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Multi-> Malcifer (on enemy with most HP)-> Flamethrower-> Flametongue->Paper Cannon-> Multi-> Phoenix-> Enkindle-> Multi-> Lava Fountain-> Flamethrower-> Flametongue-> Paper Cannon-> Multi-> Triflame-> Blaze Blue-> repeat as necessary. Use Warmth and/or Rebirth for healing.

    Icebound Revenant {IR}

    An absolute beast of a class, especially if you have an Ice weapon equipped. This class has unbelievable damage potential but is very strong defensively too. A true hybrid! The one flaw is lack of healing.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Razor Ice-> Reaver's Desire-> Will of the Fallen.

    One Tough Enemy

    Revenant's Curse-> Icy Touch-> Reaver's Desire-> Razor Ice-> Chains of Ice-> Frigid Cold-> Long Winter-> Will of the Fallen.

    Berserker Boss

    Revenant's Curse-> Icy Grip-> Icebound Fury-> Frigid Cold-> Long Winter-> Frigid Chill-> Icy Touch-> Reaver's Desire-> Long Winter-> Razor Ice-> Will of the Fallen-> Icebound Fury-> Frigid Cold-> Long Winter-> Will of the Fallen-> Frost Strike-> Will of the Fallen-> Long Winter-> repeat, without Revenant's Curse. Use Chains of Ice when enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is charging up for a large attack. Use Potions if necessary.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Revenant's Curse-> Icy Grip-> Icebound Fury-> Frigid Cold-> Long Winter-> Frigid Chill-> Icy Touch-> Reaver's Desire-> Long Winter-> Razor Ice-> Will of the Fallen-> Icebound Fury-> Frigid Cold-> Long Winter-> Will of the Fallen-> Chains of Ice-> Will of the Fallen-> Long Winter-> repeat, without Revenant's Curse. Use Potions if necessary.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Revenant's Curse-> Chains of Ice-> Icebound Fury-> Frigid Cold-> Long Winter-> Frigid Chill-> Icy Touch-> Reaver's Desire-> Long Winter-> Razor Ice-> Chains of Ice-> Icebound Fury-> Frigid Cold-> Long Winter-> Will of the Fallen-> Frost Strike-> Reaver's Desire-> Long Winter-> Will of the Fallen-> repeat, without Revenant's Curse. Use Potions if necessary.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Howling Talons-> Reaver's Desire-> Razor Ice-> Will of the Fallen->Howling Talons.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Revenant's Curse (on strongest enemy)-> Howling Talons-> Icebound Fury-> Long Winter-> Frigid Cold->Icy Touch-> Howling Talons-> Long Winter-> Reaver's Desire-> Razor Ice-> Howling Talons-> Icebound Fury-> Long Winter-> Chains of Ice-> Icy Grip (on different enemy)-> Howling Talons-> Long Winter-> Fortitude of Frost-> Reaver's Desire-> repeat as necessary, without Revenant's Curse. Use Potions if necessary.

    Ancient Exosuit {AX}

    Not my favourite class out of the DC classes, but this is certainly another one that is an absolute tank. The heal and mana regen alongside the nerfs and shield render this very close to unkillable for the most part.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Enhancement Systems-> Overload Matrix-> Quantum Cannon.

    One Tough Enemy

    Target Nullification Protocol-> Enhancement Systems-> Overload Matrix-> Quantum Cannon-> Laser Cutter-> Lingering Corruption-> Laser Cutter.

    Berserker Boss

    Target Nullification Protocol-> Enhancement Systems-> Overload Matrix-> Quantum Cannon-> Shield Emitter-> Lingering Corruption-> Laser Cutter-> Damage Limiter Protocol->Laser Cutter->Reinforce Armor-> Enhancement Systems-> Laser Cutter-> Lingering Corruption-> Laser Cutter-> Shield Emitter-> Laser Cutter-> Directed Laser-> Reinforce Armor-> Laser Cutter-> repeat. Use Static Discharge when enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is charging up for a large attack. Use Power Drain, Energy Drain and Potions if necessary.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Target Nullification Protocol-> Enhancement Systems-> Overload Matrix-> Quantum Cannon-> Shield Emitter-> Lingering Corruption-> Laser Cutter-> Damage Limiter Protocol->Laser Cutter->Reinforce Armor-> Enhancement Systems-> Laser Cutter-> Lingering Corruption-> Static Discharge-> Shield Emitter-> Laser Cutter-> Directed Laser-> Reinforce Armor-> Laser Cutter-> repeat. Use Power Drain, Energy Drain and Potions if necessary.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Target Nullification Protocol-> Enhancement Systems-> Overload Matrix-> Quantum Cannon-> Shield Emitter-> Lingering Corruption-> Laser Cutter-> Damage Limiter Protocol->Laser Cutter->Reinforce Armor-> Enhancement Systems-> Laser Cutter-> Lingering Corruption-> Laser Cutter-> Shield Emitter-> Laser Cutter-> Directed Laser-> Reinforce Armor-> Laser Cutter-> repeat. Use Power Drain, Energy Drain and Potions if necessary.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Enhancement Systems-> Wave Form Generator-> Quantum Cannon-> Overload Matrix->Wave Form Generator.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Reinforce Armor-> Enhancement Systems-> Wave Form Generator-> Quantum Cannon-> Shield Emitter-> Wave Form Generator-> Overload Matrix-> Damage Limiter Protocol->Wave Form Generator->Reinforce Armor-> Enhancement Systems-> Wave Form Generator-> Lingering Corruption-> Laser Cutter-> Shield Emitter-> Wave Form Generator-> Directed Laser-> Reinforce Armor-> Wave Form Generator-> repeat. Use Power Drain, Energy Drain and Potions if necessary.

    < Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 5/5/2016 17:59:09 >
    DF  Post #: 7
    10/22/2014 17:24:47   
    Hopeful Guy
    Hope Upbringer!

    Special Offer Classes {SO}

    Doomknight Variant 1 {DMK}

    The most overpowered class in the game. In general, Doomknight V1= Instant Win. This class is no longer available to buy, because it is just too broken. This armour scales to your level.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Blood Rite-> Blood Rite.

    One Tough Enemy

    Taunt-> Wake-> Blast-> Break-> Blood Rite-> Vengeance

    Berserker Boss

    Spikes-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Spikes-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Attack-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Spikes-> Blood Rite-> Break-> Blast.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Taunt-> Spikes-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Life Carve-> Vengeance-> Break-> Blast-> Blood Rite

    Doomknight Variant 1 {DMK}

    An updated version of Doomknight that is still stupidly good, but not game-breakingly so. When you buy the full Doomknight package (40000 DCs after you have had a DA for 2 years, or 10000 DCs every 6 months after you have had a DA), this class, the Doomknight Helm, Doomknight Cloak, and Necrotic Sword of Doom are added to all your characters.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Corruption-> Blood Rite.

    One Tough Enemy

    Dark Ritual-> Spikes-> Corruption-> Inner Darkness.

    Berserker Boss

    Spikes-> Dark Ritual-> Corruption-> Lingering Doom-> Inner Darkness.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Spikes-> Dark Ritual-> Corruption-> Lingering Doom-> Inner Darkness. Use Life Carve if needed.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Malefic Binding-> Dark Ritual-> Corruption-> Lingering Doom-> Inner Darkness. Use Life Carve if needed.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Spikes-> Corruption-> Blood Rite-> Blood Rite.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Spikes-> Dark Ritual-> Corruption-> Lingering Doom-> Inner Darkness (on a different enemy)-> Weakening Blow-> Malefic Binding (on a different enemy)-> Shape Darkness-> Blood Rite-> Life Carve-> Shape Darkness.

    Chronomancer {CM}

    A formidable class, which has some really powerful skills in attack. Blink and Fast Forward are also really nice skills. Came with the 2011 Calendar, but is rare now.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Blade of Meanwhile-> Fast Forward-> Blade of Meanwhile.

    One Tough Enemy

    Overclock-> Blade of Meanwhile-> Blink-> Fast Forward-> Blade of Meanwhile-> Blink-> Record.

    Berserker Boss

    Continuum Slash-> Overclock-> Blade of Meanwhile-> Blink-> Fast Forward-> Blade of Meanwhile-> Overclock-> Continuum Slash-> Record-> Blink-> Chrono Orb-> Overclock-> Tempus Storm-> Continuum Slash-> Record-> Chronosphere-> Overclock-> Attack-> Attack-> Record-> Continuum Slash. Chronolock should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use Rewind for healing.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Continuum Slash-> Overclock-> Blade of Meanwhile-> Blink-> Fast Forward-> Blade of Meanwhile-> Overclock-> Continuum Slash-> Record-> Blink-> Chrono Orb-> Overclock-> Tempus Storm-> Continuum Slash-> Record-> Chronosphere-> Overclock-> Chronolock-> Attack-> Record-> Continuum Slash-> repeat as necessary. Use Rewind for healing.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Continuum Slash-> Overclock-> Blade of Meanwhile-> Blink-> Fast Forward-> Blade of Meanwhile-> Overclock-> Continuum Slash-> Record-> Blink-> Chrono Orb-> Overclock-> Tempus Storm-> Continuum Slash-> Record-> Chronosphere-> Overclock-> Attack-> Attack-> Record-> Continuum Slash-> repeat as necessary. Use Rewind for healing.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Multi Strike-> Overclock-> Blade of Meanwhile-> Blink-> Record-> Multi Strike

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Multi Strike-> Overclock-> Blade of Meanwhile-> Blink-> Continuum Slash-> Multi Strike->Fast Forward-> Multi Strike-> Overclock-> Blade of Meanwhile-> Blink-> Record-> Multi Strike-> Overclock-> Chronolock-> Continuum Slash-> Record-> Multi Strike->Overclock-> Chrono Orb-> Continuum Slash-> Record-> repeat as necessary. Use Rewind for healing.

    ChronoCorruptor {CCO}

    Quite similar, in general, to Chronomancer. Came with the 2012 Calendar, but is rare now.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Cannon of Meanwhile-> Condense-> Scratch -> Blink.

    One Tough Enemy

    Chaos Orb-> Cannon of Meanwhile-> Condense-> Scratch -> Blink-> Fast Forward-> Chaos Orb-> Cannon of Meanwhile-> Condense-> Scratch -> Blink.

    Berserker Boss

    Chaos Orb-> Cannon of Meanwhile-> Condense-> Scratch -> Blink-> Continuum Slip-> Fast Forward-> Chaos Orb-> Cannon of Meanwhile-> Condense-> Scratch -> Blink-> Continuum Slip-> Space Bomb-> Tempus Bomb-> Attack-> Scratch-> Continuum Slip-> Chronowall-> Attack-> Attack-> Attack-> Scratch-> Continuum Slip. Chronolock should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use HP Steal for healing, and Skip for mana.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Chronolock-> Cannon of Meanwhile-> Condense-> Scratch -> Blink-> Continuum Slip-> Fast Forward-> Chronolock-> Cannon of Meanwhile-> Condense-> Scratch -> Blink-> Continuum Slip-> Chaos Orb-> Tempus Bomb-> Attack-> Scratch-> Continuum Slip-> Space Bomb-> Chronowall-> Attack-> Attack-> Scratch-> Continuum Slip-> repeat this strategy as necessary. Use HP Steal for healing, and Skip for mana.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Chaos Orb-> Cannon of Meanwhile-> Condense-> Scratch -> Blink-> Continuum Slip-> Fast Forward-> Chaos Orb-> Cannon of Meanwhile-> Condense-> Scratch -> Blink-> Continuum Slip-> Space Bomb-> Tempus Bomb-> Attack-> Scratch-> Continuum Slip-> Chronowall-> Attack-> Attack-> Attack-> Scratch-> Continuum Slip-> repeat this strategy as necessary. Use HP Steal for healing, and Skip for mana.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Condense-> Multi Strike-> Blink-> Continuum Slip-> Scratch-> Banishment-> Cannon of Meanwhile-> Multi Strike

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Condense-> Multi Strike-> Chronolock (on strongest enemy)-> Blink -> Scratch-> Continuum Slip->Cannon of Meanwhile-> Multi Strike-> Fast Forward-> Multi Strike-> Chronolock (on strongest enemy)-> Blink-> Scratch-> Continuum Slip-> Cannon of Meanwhile-> Multi Strike-> Chaos Orb (on strongest enemy)->Tempus Bomb-> Space Bomb (on weaker enemy)-> Scratch-> Continuum Slip-> repeat as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Soul Slice when enemy has less than 15% HP-> repeat this strategy as necessary. Use HP Steal for healing, and Skip for mana.

    TimeKiller {TK}

    An offensive beast, with the interesting mechanic of Arbalest Charges after 3:10. The class came with the 2013 Calendar, but is rare now.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Quick Shot-> Rapid Fire-> Unload.

    One Tough Enemy

    Accelerate Training-> 3:10-> Lightning Flash-> Thief of Time-> Power Shots-> Quick Shot-> Rapid Fire-> Unload-> 3:10-> Lightning Flash-> Power Shots-> Rapid Fire-> Unload-> Power Shots.

    Berserker Boss

    Accelerate Training-> 3:10-> Lightning Flash-> Thief of Time-> Power Shots-> Quick Shot-> Rapid Fire-> Unload-> 3:10-> Lightning Flash-> Power Shots-> Rapid Fire-> Unload-> Power Shots-> repeat, replacing Thief of Time with Shatter. Time Pulse should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Use potions if needed, as well as Accelerate Training and Accelerate Regeneration.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Accelerate Training-> 3:10-> Lightning Flash-> Time Pulse-> Power Shots-> Quick Shot-> Rapid Fire-> Unload-> 3:10-> Lightning Flash-> Power Shots-> Rapid Fire-> Unload-> Thief of Time-> repeat, replacing Thief of Time with Power Shots. Use potions if needed, as well as Accelerate Training and Accelerate Regeneration.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Accelerate Training-> 3:10-> Lightning Flash-> Thief of Time-> Power Shots-> Quick Shot-> Rapid Fire-> Unload-> 3:10-> Lightning Flash-> Power Shots-> Rapid Fire-> Unload-> Power Shots-> repeat, replacing Thief of Time with Shatter. Use potions if needed, as well as Accelerate Training and Accelerate Regeneration.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    3:10-> Rain-> Rain-> Rain->Rain-> Rain-> Bolt Spray

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Accelerate Training-> 3:10-> Time Pulse (on strongest enemy)-> Lightning Flash (on other enemy)-> Shatter (on third enemy)->Thief of Time-> Rain-> Bolt Spray-> 3:10-> Lightning Flash (on strongest enemy)-> Rain-> Rain->Rain-> Rain-> Accelerate Training-> 3:10-> Lightning Flash (on strongest enemy)-> Rain-> Rain->Rain-> Rain-> Quick Shot-> 3:10->-> Time Pulse (on strongest enemy)-> Lightning Flash (on other enemy)-> Shatter-> Rain-> Rain-> Accelerate Training-> 3:10-> Lightning Flash (on strongest enemy)-> Rain-> Rain->Rain-> Rain-> Rapid Fire-> 3:10-> Lightning Flash (on strongest enemy)-> Rain-> Rain->Rain-> Rain-> repeat, replacing Thief of Time with Rain, and using Thief of Time when its cooldown finishes.

    ChronoZ {CZ}

    ChronoZ is the second combo-based class in the game. The class came with the 2014 Calendar and is now rare. It has fearsome offensive potential, but isn't the best for quick fights.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Weapon-> Blast-> Weapon.

    One Tough Enemy

    Blink-> Bow-> Weapon-> Blast-> Weapon-> Weapon-> Weapon-> Blast-> Bow

    Berserker Boss

    Blink-> Blast-> Weapon-> Bullet-> Blast-> Bow-> Weapon-> Bow-> Blast-> Weapon-> Weapon-> Bow-> repeat, leaving out Blink. Bow-> Weapon-> Grind should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. To finish the fight, use Weapon-> Weapon-> Weapon. Use potions if needed, as well as Blast-> Blast-> Heal if needed or Reverse if in imminent danger of loss.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Blink-> Blast-> Weapon-> Bullet-> Blast-> Bow-> Bow-> Weapon-> Grind-> Weapon-> Bow-> Blast-> Weapon-> Weapon-> Bow-> repeat, leaving out Blink. To finish the fight, use Weapon-> Weapon-> Weapon. Use potions if needed, as well as Blast-> Blast-> Heal if needed or Reverse if in imminent danger of loss.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Blink-> Blast-> Weapon-> Bullet-> Blast-> Bow-> Weapon-> Bow-> Blast-> Weapon-> Weapon-> Bow-> repeat, leaving out Blink. To finish the fight, use Weapon-> Weapon-> Weapon. Use potions if needed, as well as Blast-> Blast-> Heal if needed or Reverse if in imminent danger of loss.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Blast-> Weapon-> Blast-> Bow-> Bow-> Weapon-> Blast-> Weapon-> Bow-> Bow.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Blink-> Blast-> Weapon-> Grind (all on strongest enemy)-> Blast-> Weapon-> Bullet (on strongest enemy)-> Weapon-> Weapon-> Blast-> Blast-> Bow-> Weapon-> Blast-> Bow-> Bow-> Bow-> repeat, leaving out Blink. To finish a weaker enemy, use Weapon-> Weapon-> Weapon. Use potions if needed, as well as Blast-> Blast-> Heal if needed or Reverse if in imminent danger of loss.

    Avatar of Time {AoT}

    A very powerful class, which comes with the 2015 AE Calendar. Outstanding offensively, and, although its defences aren't the best, the class can survive most fights without much trouble.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Timeline Shift-> Lux et Tenebrae-> Neverwas Cross-> Time Storm.

    One Tough Enemy

    Time Lock-> Timeline Shift-> Lux et Tenebrae-> Neverwas Cross-> Time Storm.

    Berserker Boss

    Reflections of Nothing-> Timeline Shift-> Lux et Tenebrae-> Neverwas Cross-> Time Storm-> Jolting Blast-> Continuum Tesseract-> Orb of Time-> Reflections of Nothing-> Timeline Shift-> Staff of Meanwhile-> Lux et Tenebrae-> Neverwas Cross-> Jolting Blast-> Allons-y-> Continuum Tesseract-> repeat. Use Time Lock when enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Replace Continuum Tesseract with Staff of Meanwhile when repeating. Use Absorb Essence and potions if needed.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Reflections of Nothing-> Timeline Shift-> Lux et Tenebrae-> Neverwas Cross-> Time Storm-> Time Lock-> Continuum Tesseract-> Orb of Time-> Reflections of Nothing-> Timeline Shift-> Staff of Meanwhile-> Lux et Tenebrae-> Neverwas Cross-> Jolting Blast-> Allons-y-> Continuum Tesseract-> repeat. Replace Continuum Tesseract with Staff of Meanwhile when repeating. Use Absorb Essence and potions if needed.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Reflections of Nothing-> Timeline Shift-> Lux et Tenebrae-> Neverwas Cross-> Time Storm-> Jolting Blast-> Continuum Tesseract-> Orb of Time-> Reflections of Nothing-> Timeline Shift-> Staff of Meanwhile-> Lux et Tenebrae-> Neverwas Cross-> Jolting Blast-> Allons-y-> Continuum Tesseract-> repeat. Replace Continuum Tesseract with Staff of Meanwhile when repeating. Use Absorb Essence and potions if needed.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Fragments of Eternity-> Time Storm-> Fragments of Eternity-> Lux et Tenebrae-> Fragments of Eternity-> Neverwas Cross.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Fragments of Eternity-> Reflections of Nothing (on strongest enemy)-> Fragments of Eternity-> Lux et Tenebrae-> Neverwas Cross-> Fragments of Eternity-> Orb of Time (on strongest enemy)-> Fragments of Eternity-> Reflections of Nothing-> Fragments of Eternity-> Time Storm-> Fragments of Eternity-> Time Lock-> Fragments of Eternity-> Continuum Tesseract repeat. Use Absorb Essence and potions if needed.

    SnugglePanda {SP}

    Comes with the Panda Hoodie from Heromart. A funny, cute, but surprisingly good defensive armour, despite resembling the joke class Snugglebear.

    One Easy/Medium Enemy

    Happy Panda-> Panda's Groove-> The Bamboo Shuffle-> Funky Panda-> Panda Rage-> ULTIMATE PANDAH!!!

    One Tough Enemy

    Happy Panda-> Adorable Pandah-> The Bamboo Shuffle-> Funky Panda-> Panda Rage-> ULTIMATE PANDAH!!!-> Panda's Groove-> Happy Panda-> Adorable Pandah-> The Bamboo Shuffle-> Panda's Groove-> Panda Rage-> Share the Bamboo-> Panda's Groove-> repeat.

    Berserker Boss

    Happy Panda-> Adorable Pandah-> The Bamboo Shuffle-> Funky Panda-> Panda Rage-> ULTIMATE PANDAH!!!-> Panda's Groove-> Happy Panda-> Adorable Pandah-> The Bamboo Shuffle-> Panda's Groove-> Panda Rage-> Share the Bamboo-> Panda's Groove-> repeat. Don't Say No should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Use Tasty Sprouts/ Tasty Leaves to heal HP and Mana respectively.

    Boss (low immobility resistance)

    Happy Panda-> Adorable Pandah-> The Bamboo Shuffle-> Funky Panda-> Panda Rage-> ULTIMATE PANDAH!!!-> Panda's Groove-> Happy Panda-> Adorable Pandah-> The Bamboo Shuffle-> Don't Say No-> Panda Rage-> Share the Bamboo-> Panda's Groove-> repeat. Use Tasty Sprouts/ Tasty Leaves to heal HP and Mana respectively.

    Boss (high immobility resistance)

    Happy Panda-> Adorable Pandah-> The Bamboo Shuffle-> Funky Panda-> Panda Rage-> ULTIMATE PANDAH!!!-> Panda's Groove-> Happy Panda-> Adorable Pandah-> The Bamboo Shuffle-> Panda's Groove-> Panda Rage-> Share the Bamboo-> Panda's Groove-> repeat. Use Tasty Sprouts/ Tasty Leaves to heal HP and Mana respectively.

    Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies

    Panda Love-> repeat.

    Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses

    Adorable Pandah (on strongest enemy)-> Don't Say No (on second strongest)-> Happy Panda-> Panda Love-> Panda Love-> ULTIMATE PANDAH!!! (on strongest enemy)-> Don't Say No (on second strongest)-> Panda Love-> Adorable Pandah (on strongest enemy)-> Happy Panda-> Panda Love-> Panda Love-> Don't Say No (on second strongest)-> Panda Love-> Panda Love-> Adorable Pandah (on strongest enemy)-> Happy Panda-> Don't Say No (on second-strongest)-> Panda Love-> Panda Love-> repeat. Use Tasty Sprouts/ Tasty Leaves to heal HP and Mana respectively.

    < Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 9/13/2017 3:18:47 >
    DF  Post #: 8
    10/23/2014 17:23:26   
    Hopeful Guy
    Hope Upbringer!

    Dragonrider {DR}

    It helps to be a high level when using this, since no titans scale. Primal Skills can be obtained after completing this quest.

    Old Skills {OLD}

    Titan Boss

    set element to Bacon (unless enemy is Wargoth)-> Primal-> set element to Fire/Wind/Ice/Darkness/Light, depending on enemy weaknesses-> Scale-> Bite-> Rend-> Burn-> Megaburn-> repeat as necessary, not changing element at all. If struggling for HP, use Water Primal or Coil. For MP, use Mana Regen.

    New Skills {NEW}

    Titan Boss

    set element to Bacon (unless enemy is Wargoth)-> Primal-> set element to Fire/Wind/Ice/Darkness/Light, depending on enemy weaknesses-> Scale-> Sunder Armor-> Rend-> Burn-> Megaburn -> repeat as necessary, not changing element at all. If struggling for HP, use Water Primal or Siphon. For MP, use Mana Regen.

    < Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 4/6/2015 20:15:33 >
    DF  Post #: 9
    10/31/2014 21:02:17   
    Hopeful Guy
    Hope Upbringer!

    Titan Battles: Strategy and Advice{TITAN}

    General Tips{GT}

  • Use the updated skillset. This can be accessed by talking to Elysia, selecting Skills and then New Skills.
  • Unlock Primal Skills, which can be accessed by talking to Elysia and selecting Primal Dragon Skills, and then Unlock Primal Skills. (You must complete the Orb Sagas, especially the Fire Orb saga, first.) You then have to complete a quest:

    Unlocking Primal Skills{SB}

    The first opponent you must face is Lava Titan Xan. Set your dragon's element to Water or Ice to begin with (which can be done by clicking on the Dragon Amulet and Elementalize your Dragon), then use the following skills:

    Sunder Armor-> Rend-> Breath-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Siphon-> Burn-> Breath. This will almost certainly kill Xan, but use Attack as necessary after this.

    Set the element of your dragon to Light and then kill the Dravir.

    The exact same strategy can be used to then kill Exodus.

    Set the element of your dragon to Fire and kill the Dravir, before using the same strategy to kill Gorgok. Kill the final two Dravir to gain access to all Primal skills except Fire, Water and Earth. The Primal will be found above MegaBurn. To then unlock Fire, Earth and Water, you have to complete a quest for each. See the Foot Battles strategy for help beating their bosses, particularly the Water boss.

    Specific Bosses


    Set your Dragon's element to Bacon if you have its Primal, Wind/Light/Ice/Darkness/Fire if you do not, and any element if you have no Primal skills.

    Bacon Primal

    Primal-> (switch to any other Primal) Smash-> Pierce-> Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Primal-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Breath. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.

    Other Primal

    Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Primal-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Rend-> Breath-> Scale-> Primal. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.

    No Primal

    Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Breath-> Rend-> Smash-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Breath-> repeat as necessary. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.


    Aisha is difficult to provide strategy for, because there is a potential for her to change your attack element to Ice, in which case you will heal her by attacking. Set your Dragon's Element to Fire if you have its Primal skill, or use Light/Wind/Darkness if you do not, or use Fire if you have no Primal. Whenever Aisha does her triple attack, use DragonScale or Regen before continuing with the strategy.

    Fire Primal

    Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Primal-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Breath. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.

    Other Primal

    Primal-> (switch to Fire)-> Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Rend-> Breath. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.

    No Primal

    Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Breath-> Rend-> Smash-> Burn-> MegaBurn. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.

    Simas Prime

    Set your Dragon's element to Bacon (if you have its Primal skill), or Wind/Light/Darkness/Ice/Fire if you don't have Bacon Primal but do have any of these. If you have no Primal skills, stick with Water. The three strategies below are given in each of these scenarios- ideally, you should be level 20 or higher, but it is possible to do this fight at a lower level.

    Bacon Primal

    Primal-> (switch to Water) Sunder Armor-> Rend-> Burn-> Megaburn-> Breath (switch to Wind/Light/Darkness/Ice/Fire) -> Primal. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.

    Other Primal

    Primal-> (switch to Water)-> Sunder Armor-> Rend-> Breath-> Pierce-> Regen (switch to Wind/Light/Darkness/Ice/Fire) -> Primal-> Burn-> Megaburn. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.

    No Primal

    Sunder Armor-> Rend-> DragonEye-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Breath-> Regen-> Attack-> Smash-> Attack-> Attack-> DragonScale-> Regen-> repeat as necessary. Add Siphon if low on health.

    Titan Trey/Entropy Dragon

    For this multiple titan battle, set your dragon element to Bacon (if you have its primal), Light (if you have the base Primals) or Wind even if you do not have its primal. Take out Entropy Dragon first and then switch to Trey.

    Bacon Primal

    Primal-> Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Burn-> Megaburn-> Breath (switch to Wind and Primal, switch targets)-> Primal-> Smash-> Burn-> MegaBurn. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.

    Other Primal

    Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Primal (switch targets)-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Rend-> Breath-> Regen-> Primal. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.

    No Primal

    Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Breath-> (switch to Wind, switch targets)-> Rend-> Smash-> Burn-> b]MegaBurn-> Breath. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.

    Super Mega Ultra Darkness Dracolich (SMUDD; Book 1 final boss)

    This battle requires you to have completed all orb sagas, and automatically allows Bacon Primal, so the only strategies given are Bacon Primal (for DA) and no Primal with element set to Bacon (for non-DAs). Note that there are 5 battles; the Tail, the Feet, the Claw, the Head and the Body, in that order. In the minigame, try to lose as little health as possible. This is a difficult fight for non-DAs and those without Primal skills. REMEMBER TO HEAL BEFORE THE BODY FIGHT!

    Tail (Primal/No Primal)

    Rend-> Attack-> Attack.

    Primal Skills: Feet

    (set element to Light) Primal-> Attack-> Attack.

    Bacon Primal: Claw/Head

    Primal (switch to Light)-> Sunder Armor-> Regen-> DragonEye-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Primal. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana. Use Frenzy when possible.

    No Primal: Feet/Claw/Head

    Sunder Armor-> Rend-> DragonEye-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Breath-> Regen. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana. Use Frenzy when possible.

    Bacon Primal: Body

    Primal (switch to Light)-> Sunder Armor-> DragonScale-> DragonEye-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Primal. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana. Use Frenzy when possible.

    No Primal: Body

    Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Breath-> Pierce-> Scale-> Burn-> MegaBurn. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana. Use Frenzy when possible.

    Titan Wargoth (Book 2 Final Boss)

    This is a triple battle, against the Gauntlet, the Fist and Titan Wargoth. Do not bother using Bacon at all, it is useless for this fight. Ice Primal is best if you have any Primal skills, otherwise use Water. Use the Apprentice and Professor as guests, it will certainly help. Target Wargoth first and then the Fist and Gauntlet.

    Ice Primal

    Sunder Armor-> Primal-> Burn-> Megaburn. This should kill Wargoth. Then use Rend-> Breath-> Attack-> Primal on the Fist, which should, again, kill it. Finally, use Regen-> Burn-> Megaburn-> Breath-> Attack -> Primal to finish off the fight. Use Siphon if necessary, but in this case you will have to use the Attack button to prevent running out of mana. If you need to, add Regen when low on mana. Use Frenzy when possible.

    No Primal

    Sunder Armor-> Rend-> Burn-> Megaburn-> Breath. This should kill Wargoth. Then use Regen-> Scale-> Burn-> Megaburn-> Breath-> Siphon. This should kill the Fist. Finally, use Regen-> Rend-> Burn-> Megaburn-> Attack-> Attack to kill the Gauntlet. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana. Use Frenzy when possible.

    Titan Sek Duat

    This is a difficult fight without Primals. Three strategies are provided: Bacon Primal, Other Primal and No Primal. Use any element except Light for Other and No Primal.

    Bacon Primal

    Primal-> (switch to Ice/Wind/Darkness/Fire)-> Smash-> Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Burn-> Megaburn-> Primal-> Breath. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana. If he puts up his defenses, use the opportunity to use Regen.

    Other Primal

    Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Primal (switch targets)-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Smash-> Breath-> Rend-> Primal. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.

    No Primal

    Sunder Armor-> DragonEye-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Breath-> Rend-> Smash-> Burn-> MegaBurn-> Breath. If you need to, add Regen or Siphon when low on health or mana.

    < Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 5/8/2016 11:03:35 >
  • DF  Post #: 10
    11/6/2014 17:53:43   
    Hopeful Guy
    Hope Upbringer!

    Foot Battles: Strategy and Advice{FOOT}

    General Tips{TIP}
  • Train as many classes as possible. Some classes are much better suited to certain fights than others.
  • Get optimal gear for the fight. You should try to get as high a resistance to the element your enemy uses as possible.
  • Train both health and mana potions as much as possible.
  • Use pets, particularly your dragon. The added damage may not seem like much, but every little helps in the long run.
  • Use guests! While they do increase your enemy's health, some of them can be really useful. For each fight, I will recommend a few guests if they are needed.
  • Don't give up! Some fights are very hard even with perfect strategy. Keep trying and you will be able to do it.

    Specific Bosses: Locked to One Class{SB-L}

    The Avatars (The Final Showdown)

    If you are under level 40, the first attack by Temblor will do a ridiculous amount of damage (for some reason) so it is best to be above this level. Even if you are below this level, you can still beat this fight, however. Deliberately overload on mana with Nythera, then as Warlic, use this strategy:

    Attack-> Attack-> Tap the Elements-> Blue Mage Rage.

    Decadere Eldest

    Train up your WIS stat if you can; the extra mana will be needed.

    Stun-> Flame-> Barrier-> Roar-> Haste. If Strike and Move: Stun-> Attack-> Attack-> Attack-> Attack-> Rain-> Stun. If other attack: Stun-> Beam-> Unearth-> Haste-> Roar-> Stun. Then continue with: Flame-> Barrier-> Haste-> Syphon-> Roar-> Stun-> Beam-> Fiend-> Unearth-> Rain-> repeat.

    The Challenge of Moocluckles

    This is odd for a strategy, in that all you can do is just keep on using Mad ChickenCow Attack-> repeat. What the strategy involves is your choice of weapon for each fight.

    Gilded Hindeer: Use a fire weapon.
    Grrrberus: Use a light weapon
    Hydra: Use an energy or fire weapon. If you can, show one of these weapons.
    Medewwsa: Use a fire weapon. If you can, show one of Jova's weapons from Cysero's Superstore.
    Raging Boar: Use any weapon.
    Somean Lion: Use a water or ice weapon.
    Tauros: Use any weapon.
    Shade of Death: Use any weapon.

    Specific Bosses: Not locked to any class{SB-UL}

    Dr When

    Arguably the boss that has caused the most pain to DF players, When is very strong. He does massive amounts of damage, and has plenty of health. DA users should use Necromancer and invite Mritha, with their pet dragon. Non-DAs should use Soulweaver, invite Aegis (Book 1), use an Ice weapon, and use any pet they have. The fight is very hard. Don't be surprised if you lose a few times.

    Non-DA Strategy

    Character: Attack-> Pierce-> Impact-> Retribution-> Slash-> Enslave-> Attack-> Pierce-> Impact-> Attack-> Attack-> Attack-> Attack-> Pierce-> Impact-> Retribution-> Slash-> Attack-> Attack-> Pierce-> Impact-> repeat as necessary.
    Aegis: Ice Domain-> Hailstorm-> Attack-> Attack-> Attack-> Attack-> repeat as necessary.

    DA Strategy

    Character: Dark Dreams-> Seed-> Corruption-> Dark Boon-> Summon Familiar-> Raise-> Summon Champion-> Fear Ward->Raise-> Summon Familiar-> Life Tap-> Seed-> Raise-> Corruption-> Summon Familiar-> repeat as necessary. If healing is required, use Shroud of the Undead. If you are low on MP, use Inner Will.
    Mritha: Fury-> Pierce-> Rush-> Attack-> Pierce-> Rush-> Attack-> Pierce-> Rush-> Attack-> repeat as necessary.


    Has a ridiculously powerful DoT, can heal, and can stun you. What else could you want? Very few classes stand a chance. Non-DAs, in particular, need to pray for luck with Togslayer. Build up your Dodge, Parry and Block as much as you can for this fight. DA Rogues can use Cryptic, providing that they have at least 20 Block/Parry/Dodge from equipment. Riftwalker is also able to clear this fight with a little luck and 20 B/P/D. Ascendant should not have too much trouble either, but build up M/P/M and B/P/D for the fight.

    Non-DA Strategy

    Defensive Stance-> Togmaster Strike-> Stampede-> Final Blow-> Punt-> FireTog PUNCH-> Double-> Defensive Stance-> Attack-> Double

    DA Strategy: Cryptic

    Illusion-> Throw-> Rapid-> Mental Torture-> Throw-> Rapid-> Mind Crush-> Psychic Cage-> Throw-> Rapid-> repeat as much as possible. Use Mental Assassination when you can kill Razen in one shot.

    DA Strategy: Riftwalker

    Realm Change-> Power-> Rift Cross-> Rift power!-> Final-> Realm Change-> Power-> Combo-> Effect. If not done by this point, you will probably be unable to win the battle.

    DA Strategy: Ascendant

    Aksal's Light-> Ascension-> The Staff-> The Book- Chapter 1-> The Hammer-> The Scythe-> The Wand-> repeat, replacing Ascension with The Dagger and The Hammer with Thorny Shield.


    Technomancer is probably the class which is best equipped for this fight. Once again, the Escelense set can be shown as a get-out-of-jail-free card. Use an energy weapon. Use Mritha as a guest, and your dragon as a pet. NOTE: Since the quest is to gain the Water Primal, which is DA only, I will only provide a strategy for DA characters. Target the minions first.

    DA Strategy

    Character: Rabid Byte-> Table of Elements-> Sonic Boom Blaster-> Drillbit-> Mana Burst Grenades-> Force-sword-> Reactive Barrier-> Event Horizon-> Photon Bow-> Mana Burst Grenades-> Photon Bow-> Static Overload Blast-> Photon Bow-> repeat as necessary.
    Mritha: Dragonlord's Fury-> Pierce-> Rush-> Shield Wall-> Attack-> Pierce-> Rush-> Attack-> Pierce-> Rush->repeat as necessary.

    Mysterious G

    All players should use Deathknight for its passive and strong auto attack. You will be stunned and you will lose mana, but don't worry about that. Use a fire or water weapon; fire is best, but water is also fine.

    Non-DA Strategy

    Continue as far with the strategy as you can before running out of mana, then use Attack. Garb of Undeath-> Obliterate-> Soul Slash-> Instill Fear-> Attack->Attack-> Attack-> Soul Slash-> keep using Attack, unless Garb/Obliterate/Instill Fear/Soul Slash have cooled down.

    DA Strategy

    Continue as far with the strategy as you can before running out of mana, then use Attack. Garb of Undeath-> Inspire Weakness-> Obliterate-> Dreadblade-> Instill Fear->Minion-> Soul Slash-> Minion-> alternate Minion and your other skills, using Garb/Obliterate/Dreadblade/Instill Fear/Soul Slash if possible.

    Lon and Chaney

    Non-DA players should use Necromancer, which is probably the best option for DA players as well. Use a Silver weapon if you have one, or go for Light if you don't.

    Non-DA Strategy

    (On Chaney) Dark Dreams-> Seed-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Raise-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> repeat Inner Rage until Chaney is dead. Then use Life Tap-> Inner Rage-> Seed-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Raise-> repeat Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Raise until you have Seed and Dark Dreams ready, then use Seed-> Dark Dreams-> Inner Rage-> Raise.

    DA Strategy

    (On Chaney) Dark Boon-> Dark Dreams-> Inner Rage-> repeat Inner Rage until Chaney is dead. Then use Seed-> Summon Champion-> Raise-> Summon Familiar-> Corruption-> Raise-> Life Tap-> Familiar-> Raise. If you need to heal, use Shroud of the Undead.


    Shadowhunter has no problem with this at all- both DA and non-DA players can use the same strategy.

    Strategy for all players

    Magic-> Sword-> Sword-> Magic-> Gun-> repeat Magic-> Gun until Veyla is dead.

    The best class for this fight is Shadowhunter for Non-DAs, and any decent class can do it if you have a DA. Use an Ice weapon, or the Escelense set if you can. I'm going to suggest using the same strategy for DA players too, but it really does not matter.

    Strategy for all players

    Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Gun-> Magic-> Sword-> Sword. Use Magic-> Gun if needed.


    Aspar is very difficult. Watch out for the nuke, the heal and the shield, all of which make the task at hand very difficult. Necromancer is best if you have a DA or not.

    Non-DA Strategy

    Character: Fear Ward-> Seed-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Raise-> Fear Ward-> Life Tap-> Raise-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> repeat as necessary. If Tomix successfully stuns Aspar with Retribution, delay Fear Ward by one turn and use Inner Rage instead. While Aspar has his shield up, take the opportunity to use Life Tap and Inner Will if possible.
    Tomix: Attack-> Sorrow-> Retribution-> repeat Sorrow and Retribution as necessary.

    DA Strategy

    Character: Fear Ward-> Seed-> Champion-> Raise-> Familiar-> Fear Ward-> Raise-> Corruption-> Familiar-> Raise-> Fear Ward-> Dark Intent-> Raise-> Corruption-> Familiar-> repeat as necessary. If Tomix successfully stuns Aspar with Retribution, delay Fear Ward by one turn. While Aspar has his shield up, take the opportunity to use Life Tap and Inner Will if possible. Use Shroud of the Undead when Aspar charges his nuke.
    Tomix: Attack-> Sorrow-> Retribution-> repeat Sorrow and Retribution as necessary.


    ManaCrest has a very powerful attack to watch out for, as well as a shield. Yet again, the best class for the job is Necromancer whether you have a DA or not. Use the Escelense set if you can; that makes it a lot easier. If you can't, go for Ice, Water or Nature. Get a dagger as well, because that will bypass the shield completely, as the shield only works against Magic and Melee attacks.

    Non-DA Strategy

    Fear Ward-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> repeat until both Mana Elementals are dead. Then use Seed-> Dark Dreams-> Inner Rage-> Raise-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Raise-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Raise-> Inner Rage-> Seed-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Raise . Use Fear Ward when ManaCrest prepares for the nuke. Switch weapons to any dagger when ManaCrest puts up her shield.

    DA Strategy

    Fear Ward-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> repeat until both Mana Elementals are dead. Then use Seed-> Fear Ward-> Summon Champion-> Summon Familiar-> Raise-> Corruption-> Fear Ward-> Raise-> Life Tap-> Dark Intent-> Raise-> repeat, with Dark Dreams instead of Summon Champion Use Shroud of the Undead when ManaCrest prepares for the nuke. Switch weapons to any dagger when ManaCrest puts up her shield.

    Sek Duat

    Use Paladin if you don't have a DA. DA players shouldn't struggle at all, but I recommend using Necromancer.

    Non-DA Strategy

    Prismatic Strike-> Crusading Strike-> Light of Dawn-> Crusading Strike-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> repeat as necessary. Use Angelic Blessing if needed.

    DA Strategy

    Seed-> Corruption-> Dark Boon-> Summon Familiar-> Raise-> Fear Ward-> Summon Champion-> Raise-> Summon Familiar-> Life Tap-> repeat as necessary, replacing Champion with Familiar. If healing is required, use Shroud of the Undead. If you are low on MP, use Inner Will.

    Bradley, Vince, Manahunter

    Necromancer, for its ridiculous multi and non-specific defences (like Fear Ward) has got to be the best choice for DA or non-DAs.

    Non-DA Strategy

    Fear Ward-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Fear Ward-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Life Tap (on Vince)-> Inner Rage-> repeat until Vince and Manahunter are dead. Then, against Bradley, use Fear Ward-> Seed-> Dark Dreams-> Inner Rage-> Raise-> Fear Ward-> Life Tap-> Raise-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Fear Ward-> Seed-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Raise, and repeat as necessary.

    DA Strategy

    Fear Ward-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Fear Ward-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Life Tap (on Vince)-> repeat until Vince and Manahunter are dead. Then, against Bradley, use Fear Ward-> Dark Dreams-> Corruption-> Seed-> Raise-> Fear Ward-> Summon Familiar-> Raise-> Summon Champion-> Summon Familiar-> Fear Ward-> Seed-> Raise-> Corruption-> Familiar, and repeat as necessary. Use Shroud of the Undead if you need to heal.

    < Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 7/31/2015 13:21:28 >
  • DF  Post #: 11
    11/7/2014 2:16:08   
    Hopeful Guy
    Hope Upbringer!

    Appendix: Other Useful Information

  • Should you need to level up or gather gold to unlock any weapon or class, check out this comprehensive guide to farming by myself, which contains various places to farm both experience and gold.

  • To look for weapons or accessories with the resistances you need, here's a useful method:

    1. Click Search on the top bar of the forum page.
    2. Scroll down on the side bar and select DF Encyclopedia, and then either Weapons or Accessories depending on what you are looking for.
    3. If you want a helmet with water resistance, put in the search term box: 'Helmet Water'.
    4. Set the 'time filter' to within All Topics.
    5. Set the search to return the top 300 results with all words matched.
    6. Look through the results.

  • Look through DF Guides and find the guide about your class for more information on any specific class.

    < Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 7/20/2015 17:32:44 >
  • DF  Post #: 12
    5/10/2020 13:51:11   


    Note that the Inn at the Edge of Time is outside the scope of this guide. BluuhorseOfficial’s excellent guide on the subject covers strategy for those fights.

    Access denied to the guide, why?
    Also please please please update this guide. This guide is like the best, it's so simple and it has all the details needed. It's just that there are more new classes like the Chaosweaver which aren't here.
    DF  Post #: 13
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