Hopeful Guy
Hope Upbringer!
Storyline Classes {SC} DragonLord {DL} DragonLord is an immovable rock, which is one of the best defensive classes in the game. Its plethora of defensive moves prevent you from dying against most bosses, and it doesn't lack too much in offense either, although it does not shine in that respect. One Easy/Medium Enemy Light Dragon Spirit-> DragonHeart-> DragonEye. One Tough Enemy Light Dragon Spirit-> DragonHeart-> DragonEye-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Earth Dragon Spirit-> Fire Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush. Berserker Boss Light Dragon Spirit-> DragonHeart-> DragonEye-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Earth Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Fire Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Ice Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush. Shield Bash should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary, using Wind and Water Dragon Spirit as needed. Boss (low immobility resistance) Light Dragon Spirit-> DragonHeart-> DragonEye-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Earth Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Shield Bash-> Bite-> Rush-> Fire Dragon Spirit-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Ice Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> repeat as necessary, using Wind and Water Dragon Spirit as needed. Boss (high immobility resistance) Light Dragon Spirit-> DragonHeart-> DragonEye-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Earth Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Fire Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Ice Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> repeat as necessary, using Wind and Water Dragon Spirit as needed. Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies Energy Dragon Spirit-> Fire Dragon Spirit-> DragonHeart-> Energy Dragon Spirit-> Dragon Eye-> Light Dragon Spirit-> Energy Dragon Spirit. Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Energy Dragon Spirit-> DragonEye-> Earth Dragon Spirit-> Energy Dragon Spirit-> Light Dragon Spirit->DragonHeart-> Energy Dragon Spirit-> Ice Dragon Spirit->Darkness Dragon Spirit-> Energy Dragon Spirit-> Bite-> Rush-> Energy Dragon Spirit->Light Dragon Spirit-> Fire Dragon Spirit->Energy Dragon Spirit-> Ice Dragon Spirit-> repeat as necessary, using Wind and Water Dragon Spirit as needed. Paladin {PA} Paladin is a very strong class. It is incredible against Undead, and is slightly offensive-oriented- having fewer defensive skills, but lots of healing abilities. The passive heal improves its survivability in very long fights, too. NOTE: Do not, in general, use this against enemies with a good Light resistance (25+) or you will struggle. Use a Light weapon as much as you can. One Easy/Medium Enemy Holy Wrath-> Light of Dawn-> Phoenix Song-> Cor Lucem-> Crusading Strike. One Tough Enemy Holy Wrath-> Crusading Strike-> Phoenix Song-> Cor Lucem-> Crusading Strike-> Phoenix Song-> Light of Dawn-> Crusading Strike. Berserker Boss Phoenix Song-> Aura of Light-> Prismatic Strike-> Holy Wrath-> Phoenix Song-> Light of Dawn-> Cor Lucem-> Phoenix Song-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> Crusading Strike. Holy Storm should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary, using any of the heal skills if required. Boss (low immobility resistance) Holy Storm-> Holy Wrath-> Phoenix Song-> Prismatic Strike-> Aura of Light-> Crusading Strike-> Light of Dawn-> Phoenix Song->Barrier of Sanctuary-> Crusading Strike-> Phoenix Song-> Crusading Strike-> Cor Lucem-> Phoenix Song-> Crusading Strike-> repeat as necessary. If healing is required, use Greater Heal or Angelic Blessing. If you are low on MP, use Mana Boost. Boss (high immobility resistance) Light of Dawn-> Prismatic Strike-> Holy Wrath-> Phoenix Song-> Cor Lucem-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> Phoenix Song->Crusading Strike-> Light of Dawn-> Prismatic Strike-> Phoenix Song-> Cor Lucem-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> Phoenix Song-> repeat as necessary. If healing is required, use Greater Heal or Angelic Blessing. If you are low on MP, use Mana Boost. Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies Swords of Eternity-> Holy Wrath-> Phoenix Song-> Cor Lucem-> Swords of Eternity-> Crusading Strike-> Phoenix Song Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses Swords of Eternity-> Prismatic Strike-> Holy Storm-> Holy Wrath-> Swords of Eternity (all on enemy which has most HP- if they all have the same, pick any)-> Phoenix Song-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> Crusading Strike-> Swords of Eternity-> Prismatic Strike-> Phoenix Song-> Light of Dawn->Swords of Eternity-> Phoenix Song-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> Crusading Strike-> Swords of Eternity-> Phoenix Song-> Prismatic Strike-> Crusading Strike->Swords of Eternity-> Phoenix Song-> Barrier of Sanctuary-> Crusading Strike-> Swords of Eternity-> repeat. If healing is required, use Greater Heal or Angelic Blessing. If you are low on MP, use Mana Boost. Necromancer {NE} Necromancer is almost unkillable. It can take down pretty much any boss in the game, with a couple of exceptions, and has a really nice passive DoT (Damage over Time effect) which builds up over time. The class is pretty decent offensively, and has an amazing multi as well. One Easy/Medium Enemy Seed-> Corruption-> Raise-> Summon Familiar-> Summon Champion One Tough Enemy Seed-> Corruption-> Dark Boon-> Summon Familiar-> Raise-> Summon Champion-> Fear Ward-> Raise-> Inner Rage Berserker Boss Seed-> Corruption-> Fear Ward-> Raise-> Summon Familiar-> Summon Champion-> Raise->Fear Ward-> Raise-> Dark Boon. Shroud of the Undead/Dark Dreams should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Boss (low immobility resistance) Dark Dreams-> Seed-> Corruption-> Dark Boon-> Summon Familiar-> Raise-> Summon Champion-> Fear Ward->Raise-> Summon Familiar-> Life Tap-> Seed-> Raise-> Corruption-> Summon Familiar-> repeat as necessary. If healing is required, use Shroud of the Undead. If you are low on MP, use Inner Will. Boss (high immobility resistance) Seed-> Raise-> Fear Ward-> Summon Familiar-> Corruption-> Summon Champion-> Raise->Fear Ward-> Raise-> Dark Boon-> repeat as necessary. If healing is required, use Shroud of the Undead or Life Tap. If you are low on MP, use Inner Will. (NOTE: You may notice that the strategy is exactly the same as the one for Berserker Bosses. This is because the Berserker strategy reserves Dark Dreams for when needed, whereas here it cannot be used.) Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies Inner Rage-> repeat. Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses Seed-> Fear Ward-> Corruption-> Summon Familiar (all on enemy which has most HP- if they all have the same, pick any)-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage->Fear Ward-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> Inner Rage-> repeat until two enemies are dead. Once only one enemy is left, use either the Boss (low immobility resistance) or Boss (high immobility resistance) as necessary. If healing is required, use Shroud of the Undead or Life Tap. If you are low on MP, use Inner Will. Deathknight {DK} If Paladin and Necromancer were strong, Deathknight is unbelievable. Being only very slightly below the level of the DC and Special Offer classes, Deathknight is possibly one of the best hybrid classes in the game. The Zeclem (DC) or Deathknight (require lots of farming) sets are strongly recommended, not just for their amazing stats but for their effects on the Empowered Armor Strike. One Easy/Medium Enemy Inspire Weakness-> Obliterate-> Dreadblade-> Armor Strike-> Summon Minion. One Tough Enemy Soul Reap-> Inspire Weakness-> Armor Strike-> Obliterate-> Dreadblade-> Armor Strike-> Instill Fear-> Soul Slash-> Summon Minion-> Armor Strike. Berserker Boss Soul Slash-> Armor Strike-> Soul Reap-> Inspire Weakness-> Obliterate-> Armor Strike-> Dreadblade-> Soul Slash-> Summon Minion-> Armor Strike-> Inspire Weakness-> Summon Minion-> Garb of Undeath-> Armor Strike-> Soul Slash. Unholy Will, followed immediately by Instill Fear, should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary, using any of the heal skills if required. Boss (low immobility resistance) Instill Fear-> Soul Slash-> Armor Strike-> Soul Reap-> Inspire Weakness-> Obliterate-> Armor Strike-> Dreadblade-> Soul Slash-> Summon Minion-> Armor Strike-> Inspire Weakness-> Summon Minion-> Garb of Undeath-> Armor Strike-> Soul Slash-> repeat, using any of the heal skills if required. Boss (high immobility resistance) Soul Slash-> Armor Strike-> Soul Reap-> Inspire Weakness-> Obliterate-> Armor Strike-> Dreadblade-> Soul Slash-> Summon Minion-> Armor Strike-> Inspire Weakness-> Summon Minion-> Garb of Undeath-> Armor Strike-> Soul Slash-> repeat this strategy as necessary, using any of the heal skills if required. Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies Unholy Shadow-> Obliterate-> Dreadblade-> Unholy Shadow-> Armor Strike. Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses Soul Reap-> Unholy Shadow-> Instill Fear (on strongest enemy)-> Dreadblade-> Unholy Shadow-> Armor Strike->Soul Slash-> Unholy Shadow-> Obliterate->Garb of Undeath-> Unholy Shadow-> Armor Strike->Soul Reap-> Unholy Shadow-> Soul Slash-> repeat, using any of the heal skills if required. Technomancer {TM} An excellent class, particularly excelling against multiple enemies and at stunning opponents- or at stunning multiple opponents! One Easy/Medium Enemy Rabid Byte-> Table of Elements-> (switch to either element weakened if possible) Mana Burst Grenades-> Force-sword-> Overclock-> Mana Burst Grenades. One Tough Enemy Rabid Byte-> Table of Elements-> (switch to either element weakened if possible) Drillbit-> Mana Burst Grenades-> Force-sword-> Overclock-> Drillbit-> Table of Elements->Mana Burst Grenades-> Enhanced Metallic Aging-> Sonic Boom Blaster-> Overclock-> repeat. Berserker Boss Rabid Byte-> Table of Elements-> (switch to either element weakened if possible) Drillbit-> Mana Burst Grenades-> Force-sword-> Overclock-> Drillbit-> Table of Elements->Mana Burst Grenades-> Enhanced Metallic Aging-> Sonic Boom Blaster-> Overclock. If available, Drillbit or Overclock-> Drillbit should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack' If not, Sonic Boom Blaster or Event Horizon should be used. Repeat this strategy as necessary, using Magnetic Resonance Protocol for healing. Boss (low immobility resistance) Rabid Byte-> Table of Elements-> (switch to either element weakened if possible) Drillbit-> Mana Burst Grenades-> Force-sword-> Overclock-> Drillbit-> Table of Elements->Mana Burst Grenades-> Enhanced Metallic Aging-> Sonic Boom Blaster-> Overclock-> repeat, using Magnetic Resonance Protocol for healing. Boss (high immobility resistance) Sonic Boom Blaster-> Rabid Byte-> Table of Elements-> (switch to either element weakened if possible) Drillbit-> Mana Burst Grenades-> Force-sword-> Overclock-> Drillbit-> Table of Elements->Mana Burst Grenades-> Enhanced Metallic Aging-> Sonic Boom Blaster-> Overclock-> repeat, using Magnetic Resonance Protocol for healing. Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies Photon Bow-> Static Overload Blast-> Photon Bow-> Event Horizon->Photon Bow-> Static Overload Blast-> Force-sword-> repeat. Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses Rabid Byte-> Photon Bow-> Static Overload Blast-> Photon Bow-> Event Horizon->Photon Bow-> Static Overload Blast-> Force-sword-> Photon Bow-> Static Overload Blast-> Photon Bow-> Event Horizon->Photon Bow-> repeat as necessary. Use potions if needed, and Magnetic Resonance Protocol for healing. Soulweaver {SW} A decent class, which is notable for its many nerfs and stuns and being modified by the Baltael's Aventail, an artifact making the class a lot stronger. One Easy/Medium Enemy Soul Synch-> Slash-> Vacuum -> Soul Synch. One Tough Enemy Soul Synch-> Slash-> Vacuum -> Soul Synch-> Repentance-> Burst-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact-> Retribution-> repeat as necessary. Berserker Boss Soul Synch-> Slash-> Vacuum-> Pierce-> Impact-> Retribution-> Repentance-> Burst-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact. Enslave should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Soul Slice when enemy has less than 15% HP. Boss (low immobility resistance) Soul Synch-> Slash-> Vacuum-> Pierce-> Impact-> Retribution-> Repentance-> Enslave-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact-> Burst-> repeat as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Soul Slice when enemy has less than 15% HP. Boss (high immobility resistance) Soul Synch-> Slash-> Vacuum-> Pierce-> Impact-> Retribution-> Repentance-> Burst-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact-> repeat as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Soul Slice when enemy has less than 15% HP. Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies Banishment-> Repentance-> Pierce->Impact-> Retribution-> Banishment. Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses Soul Synch-> Banishment-> Slash-> Pierce->Impact-> Retribution-> Banishment-> Enslave (on strongest enemy)-> Repentance-> Pierce-> Impact-> Vacuum (on strongest enemy)-> repeat as necessary, minus Soul Synch. Use potions if needed. Use Soul Slice when main enemy has less than 15% HP. Master Soulweaver {MS} A DA-only version of Soulweaver, which is more powerful and looks cooler. One Easy/Medium Enemy Soul Synch-> Banish-> Reckoning -> Soul Synch. One Tough Enemy Soul Synch-> Burst-> Banish-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Valour Impact-> Soul Synch-> Banish-> Reckoning-> Soul Synch -> repeat as necessary, replacing Reckoning with Repentance Berserker Boss Soul Synch-> Banish-> Pierce-> Impact-> Vacuum-> Repentance-> Burst-> Pierce-> Impact-> Banish-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact-> Seal. Soul Lock should be used whenever the enemy is nearing the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack'. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Banish when enemy has less than 15% HP. If low on Mana, use Meditation. Boss (low immobility resistance) Soul Synch-> Banish-> Pierce-> Impact-> Soul Lock-> Repentance-> Burst-> Vacuum-> Pierce-> Impact-> Banish-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact-> Seal. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Banish when enemy has less than 15% HP. If low on Mana, use Meditation. Boss (high immobility resistance) Soul Synch-> Banish-> Pierce-> Impact-> Vacuum-> Repentance-> Burst-> Pierce-> Impact-> Banish-> Soul Synch-> Pierce-> Impact-> Seal. Repeat this strategy as necessary. Use potions if needed. Use Banish when enemy has less than 15% HP. If low on Mana, use Meditation. Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies Remorse-> Repentance-> Reckoning-> Pierce->Impact-> Remorse. Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses Soul Synch-> Remorse-> Soul Lock (on strongest enemy)-> Repentance -> Burst-> Remorse->Pierce-> Impact-> Banish (on strongest enemy)-> Vacuum (on second-strongest)-> Remorse-> Pierce-> Impact-> Banish (on strongest enemy)-> Soul Burst-> Repentance-> Pierce-> Impact-> Remorse-> Seal (on strongest enemy)->Pierce-> Impact-> Banish-> repeat as necessary, but do not use Soul Synch. Use potions if needed. Use Soul Slice when enemy has less than 15% HP. Ninja {NJ} A very fun class to use, with an extensive range of DoTs and other attacks to slowly kill your enemy. One Easy/Medium Enemy Massive Strike-> Rapid Attack-> Blood of the Lotus-> Rapid Attack-> Catalyst-> Rapid Attack. One Tough Enemy Vanish-> Shadow Strike-> Blood of the Lotus-> Massive Strike-> Scorpion Venom-> Catalyst-> Viper Venom-> Catalyst. Berserker Boss Fade into the Shadows-> Blood of the Lotus-> Massive Strike> Viper Venom-> Catalyst-> Scorpion Venom-> Catalyst-> Vanish-> Catalyst-> Shadow Strike-> Catalyst-> Rapid Attack> Catalyst-> Walk Within Shadows-> Blurred Vision-> Rapid Attack-> Paralyzing Slash. Repeat as necessary. When the enemy reaches the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack', use Furious Assault. Use potions as required. Boss (low immobility resistance) Furious Assault-> Viper Venom-> Scorpion Venom> Blood of the Lotus-> Catalyst-> Massive Strike-> Catalyst-> Vanish-> Shadow Strike-> Viper Venom-> Paralysing Strike> Rapid Attack-> Catalyst-> Rapid Attack-> Blurred Vision-> Rapid Attack-> repeat as necessary. Use potions as required. Boss (high immobility resistance) Walk Within Shadows-> Viper Venom-> Catalyst-> Scorpion Venom> Blood of the Lotus-> Catalyst-> Massive Strike-> Catalyst-> Vanish-> Shadow Strike-> Viper Venom-> Paralysing Strike> Rapid Attack-> Catalyst-> Rapid Attack-> Blurred Vision-> Rapid Attack-> repeat as necessary. Use potions as required. Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies Hidden Strike-> Massive Strike-> Hidden Strike-> Rapid Attack->Hidden Strike-> Rapid Attack Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses Hidden Strike-> Scorpion Venom (on strongest enemy)-> Hidden Strike -> Blood of the Lotus-> Hidden Strike-> Viper Venom-> Hidden Strike-> Catalyst-> Hidden Strike-> Vanish-> Hidden Strike-> Shadow Strike-> repeat as necessary. Use potions as required. (Substitute Furious Assault for any DoT if the enemy can be stunned). Dragonslayer {DS} The class for taking down lizards and dragons, but it can hold its own otherwise too. There are other classes to be preferred against non-dragons, but some notorious bosses are dragons, which is when this should be used. Use a different class if you want all purpose utility. The strategies below assume the use of DS against a dragon or lizard. Use Draconic Elements to your advantage by checking the dragon's element before the battle. One Easy/Medium Enemy Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Blaze-> Draykwing-> Keen Strike-> Draconic Strike-> CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON. One Tough Enemy Talon Twisting-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Blaze-> Draykwing-> Keen Strike-> Draconic Strike-> CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON. Berserker Boss Draconic Blind-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Poison> Draconic Blaze-> Draykwing-> Keen Strike-> Draconic Strike-> CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON-> Draconic Blind-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Poison> Draconic Blaze-> Draconic Strike-> Draykwing-> Draconic Strike-> Draconic Elements. Repeat as necessary. When the enemy reaches the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack', use Talon Twisting. Use Draconic Blood and potions as required. Boss (low immobility resistance) Talon Twisting-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Poison> Draconic Blaze-> Draykwing-> Keen Strike-> Draconic Strike-> CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON-> Draconic Blind-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Poison> Draconic Blaze-> Draconic Strike-> Draykwing-> Draconic Strike-> Draconic Elements-> repeat as necessary. Use Draconic Blood and potions as required. Boss (high immobility resistance) Draconic Blind-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Poison> Draconic Blaze-> Draykwing-> Keen Strike-> Draconic Strike-> CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON-> Draconic Blind-> Dragon's Bane-> Draconic Poison> Draconic Blaze-> Draconic Strike-> Draykwing-> Draconic Strike-> Draconic Elements-> repeat as necessary. Use Draconic Blood and potions as required. Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies Ire of Scales-> Keen Strike-> Draconic Strike-> Ire of Scales->Draconic Strike-> CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON. Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses Ire of Scales-> Talon Twisting (on strongest enemy, if only one enemy is a dragon then attack this)-> Draconic Poison -> Ire of Scales-> Draykwing->CALL FORTH THE FIRE DRAGON-> Ire of Scales-> Draconic Blind (on strongest enemy, if only one enemy is a dragon then attack this)-> Keen Strike-> Ire of Scales-> Draconic Poison-> Draconic Blaze-> Ire of Scales-> Draykwing (on strongest enemy, if only one enemy is a dragon then attack this)-> Draconic Blind-> Prismatic Strike-> Draconic Poison-> Ire of Scales-> Draykwing->Draconic Blaze-> repeat as necessary. Use Draconic Blood and potions as required. Pirate {PI} A class which is surprisingly good at debuffing the enemy, while also having excellent offensive potential. One Easy/Medium Enemy Fury of the High Seas-> Help from the Locker-> Fire the Broadsides. One Tough Enemy Sealegs-> Fury of the High Seas-> Flintlock-> Help from the Locker-> Fire the Broadsides-> Flintlock. Berserker Boss Fury of the High Seas-> Flintlock-> Dirty Trick> Help from the Locker-> Fire the Broadsides-> Flintlock-> Avast-> To the Plank-> Summon Crackers-> Flintlock-> Target Practice> Flintlock-> Backstab-> Flintlock-> Summon Crackers-> Flintlock-> Avast. Repeat as necessary. When the enemy reaches the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack', use Sealegs. Use Lime Aid and potions as required. Boss (low immobility resistance) Fury of the High Seas-> Flintlock-> Dirty Trick> Help from the Locker-> Fire the Broadsides-> Flintlock-> Avast-> To the Plank-> Summon Crackers-> Flintlock-> Target Practice> Flintlock-> Sealegs-> Flintlock-> Summon Crackers-> Flintlock-> Avast. Use Lime Aid and potions as required. Boss (high immobility resistance) Fury of the High Seas-> Flintlock-> Sealegs> Help from the Locker-> Fire the Broadsides-> Flintlock-> Avast-> To the Plank-> Summon Crackers-> Flintlock-> Target Practice> Flintlock-> Sealegs-> Flintlock-> Summon Crackers-> Flintlock-> Avast. Use Lime Aid and potions as required. Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies Quick Shot-> Help from the Locker-> Quick Shot-> Fire the Broadsides->Quick Shot-> Flintlock Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses Sealegs-> Fury of the High Seas-> Quick Shot-> Help from the Locker -> Quick Shot-> Fire the Broadsides-> Quick Shot-> Dirty Trick-> Quick Shot-> Sealegs-> Quick Shot-> Summon Crackers-> Quick Shot-> Avast-> Quick Shot-> Target Practice-> Quick Shot-> To the Plank->repeat as necessary. Use potions and Lime Aid as required. Guardian {GU} A class available to all Adventure Quest Guardians when they verify their account. This class has a loopable blind and does pretty good damage as well, so is an excellent hybrid. One Easy/Medium Enemy Guardian Dragon-> Keen Edge-> Guardian Rage. One Tough Enemy Ray of Light-> Vortex-> Keen Edge-> Guardian Rage-> Nightbane's Fury-> Guardian Dragon-> Ray of Light. Berserker Boss Ray of Light-> Vortex-> Keen Edge-> Guardian Rage-> Nightbane's Fury-> Limkragg's Breath-> Ray of Light-> Awethur's Power-> Vortex-> Limkragg's Breath-> Nightbane's Fury-> Guardian Dragon-> Ray of Light-> Limkragg's Breath-> Guardian Heroes-> Mega Shock-> Guardian Shield-> Limkragg's Breath. When the enemy reaches the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack', use Spiral Carve. Repeat as necessary, using Health Drain, Mana Drain and potions as required. Boss (low immobility resistance) Ray of Light-> Limkragg's Breath-> Spiral Carve-> Mega Shock-> Guardian Heroes-> Limkragg's Breath-> Ray of Light-> Vortex-> Keen Edge-> Guardian Rage-> Nightbane's Fury-> Limkragg's Breath-> Ray of Light-> Awethur's Power-> Vortex-> Limkragg's Breath-> Nightbane's Fury-> Guardian Dragon-> repeat as necessary, using Health Drain, Mana Drain and potions as required.. Boss (high immobility resistance) Ray of Light-> Vortex-> Keen Edge-> Guardian Rage-> Nightbane's Fury-> Limkragg's Breath-> Ray of Light-> Awethur's Power-> Vortex-> Limkragg's Breath-> Nightbane's Fury-> Guardian Dragon-> Ray of Light-> Limkragg's Breath-> Guardian Heroes-> Mega Shock-> Guardian Shield-> Limkragg's Breath-> repeat as necessary, using Health Drain, Mana Drain and potions as required. Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies Vortex-> Mega Shock-> Guardian Rage-> Guardian Dragon->Awethur's Power-> Keen Edge-> Mega Shock Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses Mega Shock-> Guardian Shield-> Vortex-> Guardian Dragon -> Guardian Rage-> Mega Shock-> Ray of Light-> Limkragg's Breath-> Guardian Shield-> Vortex-> Mega Shock-> Keen Edge-> Ray of Light-> Limkragg's Breath-> Guardian Shield-> Mega Shock-> Nightbane's Fury-> Ray of Light->Health Drain-> Guardian Heroes-> repeat as necessary, using Health Drain, Mana Drain and potions as required. Ranger {RA} A class with a cool mechanic, whereby every time you use a ranged skill, your Crits do more damage. Train STR and DEX to use this class best. One Easy/Medium Enemy Viper Arrow-> Viper Arrow-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> Purge. One Tough Enemy Flashbang-> Viper Arrow-> Viper Arrow-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> Armorslash-> Purge. Berserker Boss Quick Reflexes-> Viper Arrow-> Viper Arrow> Viper Arrow-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> Armorslash-> Purge-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> repeat as necessary. Omit Quick Reflexes if you feel you don't need the defences. When the enemy reaches the 'berserker point' or is 'charging up for a large attack', use Flashbang. Use potions as required, or Recover if necessary. Boss (low immobility resistance) Quick Reflexes-> Viper Arrow-> Viper Arrow> Viper Arrow-> Spotter's Shot-> Armorslash-> Flashbang-> Purge-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> repeat as necessary. Omit Quick Reflexes if you feel you don't need the defences, and use Power Shot the second time in place of Flashbang. Use potions as required, or Recover if necessary. Boss (high immobility resistance) Quick Reflexes-> Viper Arrow-> Viper Arrow> Viper Arrow-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> Armorslash-> Purge-> Spotter's Shot-> Power Shot-> repeat as necessary. Use potions as required, or Recover if necessary. Multiple Easy/Medium Enemies MultiShot-> Spotter's Shot-> Sky Assault-> MultiShot. Multiple Tough Enemies/Bosses Quick Reflexes-> Flashbang (on strongest enemy)-> MultiShot -> Spotter's Shot-> Sky Assault-> MultiShot-> Armorslash-> MultiShot-> Purge-> Vanish-> MultiShot-> repeat as necessary. Use potions as required.
< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 3/19/2016 22:11:35 >