 ArchKnight DragonFable
Through the Tangle Location: Dragesvard's Shore -> Quests! -> Through the Tangle Requirements: Completion of The Way Forward, Self-Containment Unit v15 (All Versions) equipped or shown Release Date: April 23rd, 2022 Objective: All across Greenguard, it's time to take the next step forward. Objective completed: As you get closer to the center of Dragesvard, what will you uncover? Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Monsters (2) Aged Hollow Dragonslayer (3) Aged Hollow Human (1) (2) Aged Hollow Human (2) (3) Aged Hollow Mushroom (1) New-Growth Hollow Dragon - Boss NPCs Captain Lestrad G. M. Hansa Galanoth Kara SuLema Kord Mritha Odgne Ostromir Vseslava Rewards Lost Frozen Cord (I-V) Access to TtT Loot for DCs. Dialogue *In the DragonLords' camp on Dragesvard, the DragonLords and the Dragonslayers are overwhelmed by Hollow monsters as an Ice Dragon breathes fire at them; you and the Alliance are running to help them.* <Character>: They're getting overwhelmed! Come on, everyone! *You and the Alliance managed to reach the DragonLords' camp.* Mritha: Captain Lestrad! What's the plan? Where's Odgne?! Captain Lestrad: We're retreating! We can't hold the camp! Galanoth: Retreat where? They're blocking the road out of the city! Captain Lestrad: We have dragons in the air pulling out the injured. But not enough for the slayers and the Alliance, too! Ostromir: What about the main stalk? We just cleared the path there! Captain Lestrad: Deeper into enemy territory?! Are you insane!? Kord: Well, we certainly can't stay here! *Odgne enters the camp with a wound on her wing.* Odgne: Hemlock is seeing the last of the injured and the dragons out. But there's no end to the Hollow! | *Informative growl, anxious grumble* Captain Lestrad: The DragonLords are safe? Then we'll follow the path of least resistance and regroup when we can. Mritha: Odgne, your wing... Odgne: It is nothing. I've flown with worse. | *Reassuring purr.* Mritha: Right. Captain, Odgne and I will take to the air and keep watch ahead of our retreat. Captain Lestrad: Do it. Captain Lestrad: DragonLords, call your dragons for air support, we move, now! Captain Lestrad: Dragonslayers with me, to the rear! *Captain Lestrad, Kord and Galanoth are frantically running from the Hollow spikes.* Kord: Another spike, incoming! Captain Lestrad: Go! Go, go! *A Hollow spike appears as Captain Lestrad pushes Kord, wounding Captain Lestrad's arm; Galanoth and Kord witness Captain Lestrad's wound.* Galanoth: Lestrad, are you okay? Galanoth: Your arm... *Captain Lestrad's wounded arm can be seen bleeding.* Captain Lestrad: I... Thank you, Speaker. It's nothing! Kord: We have to keep moving! *Kord uses his arm to help Captain Lestrad, who obliges as he uses his arm to reach Kord's; in the main stalk, the Alliance, the DragonLords and the Dragonslayers regroup.* <Character>: Looks like there's only one way to go. Captain Lestrad: What?! Captain Lestrad: I thought we were regrouping and waiting for evacuation! Captain Lestrad: Don't tell me you intend to— Galanoth: You're welcome to hop on Hemlock and fly out on your own if you want... Sir. Mritha: Or you can wait here for the fungus to find you. We all saw how that turned out, didn't we? Captain Lestrad: ... Kara SuLema: Hansa, have you been able to discern anything more in the depths? G. M. Hansa: There are definitely fungal... structures... of Nature and Darkness. G. M. Hansa: It's like a massive interconnected web, with so many strands that layer over each other and obscure my vision. Vseslava: Do not strain yourself, Grand Magus. We will need your abilities below, I am sure. Captain Lestrad: You don't even know what's down there? How is that any safer than up above? Kara SuLema: Well, <Character> will be there to handle any trouble that comes up. Ostromir: <Character>'s a hero, you know! Certified by the Magesterium! Captain Lestrad: I'm well aware of... most of <Character>'s... accomplishments... Galanoth: Then you should have no problem placing your trust in her/him. Kord: What should we do about the dragons? They're not going to fit in that gap. <Character>: They can stay above ground, and ferry any supplies or reinforcements we might need. <Character>: Does that work for you and Odgne, Mritha? Mritha: Certainly. Captain Lestrad: What exactly is the goal of this endeavor, again? <Character>: Hansa seems to believe the source of the fungal growth is under the city, and here we've found a way below. <Character>: We're going to find some way to stop whatever's behind Dragesvard's destruction. Captain Lestrad: ...Just like that? <Character>: Just like that. <Dragon>: We've done the impossible many times before! | *Proud roar!* <Dragon>: We'll always find a way to save the day! | *Confident growl!* <Character>: We're heroes, after all. *Captain Lestrad pauses before he hangs his head as he acknowledges your efforts as a hero.* Captain Lestrad: ...Lead on, then, hero. *As the Alliance, the DragonLords, and the Dragonslayers travel under Dragesvard, Galanoth and Kord have a private conversation.* Kord: Galanoth, wait. Galanoth: Is something the matter, Kord? Kord: I... We appreciate that you returned and came to our rescue. We're thankful beyond words for that, Galanoth. Kord: But after all this... What's next for the Dragonslayers? Galanoth: I don't understand. Kord: Are you just going to go back to being some dragon's pet? I understand the want to prevent them from being wiped out, but... Kord: They're proud. They're strong, and ungrateful. Even the DragonLords wouldn't do anything until you convinced them. Kord: After all this is done... Will we remain slayers? Or will we merely be subservient protectors? Galanoth: ... Galanoth: Let's focus on staying alive through whatever mess this is, first. Kord: As you command, Galanoth. *You fight your way through the caves below Dragesvard, battling various Aged Hollow creatures before reaching a New-Growth Hollow Dragon; after defeating it, the cohort discuss what they have seen while your dragon appears to have fun moving around the Hollow Dragon.* Captain Lestrad: I know this dragon. Magden. Fell defending the encampment above. Kord: It's all fungus. How can you tell? Captain Lestrad: The shape of the head, the "teeth". It's some sort of... Hollow copy. <Character>: Could that be what the fungus does? Makes simulacrums of whatever it defeats and consumes? Mritha: Oh... that's gross. Mritha: You don't suppose it's making more of these Hollow dragons elsewhere, do you? Mritha: If they have the ability to fly... Ostromir: The Dragonslayers mentioned Hollow villagers acting out lives, in some sort of poor mockery of natural life. Ostromir: How much exactly is copied? Ostromir: Perhaps these mimicked lingering processes are merely used to lure in prey... Kara SuLema: Or maybe the fungus has some intelligence behind it... <Character>: Vseslava, Hansa, have you been able to figure out what we're dealing with? Vseslava: I think it would be accurate to say that this fungus is the product, no, body of, some sort of Tytan from the Wastes. G. M. Hansa: Whatever it is only gets denser below. To use a metaphor, we've gotten through the hair, and we're now at the skin. G. M. Hansa: We can either try to create our own way inside, or perhaps find a natural orifice. Mritha: Even with dragon fire, it would take far longer to burn through this surface than even the fungal webbing above Dragesvard. Mritha: I vote for some good old fashioned exploration! Galanoth: Well, <Character>? What do you think? <Character>: Let's take a short break here before moving on. <Character>: It took the fungus a while to focus its attack on the DragonLord encampment... <Character>: as long as we don't spend too much time in one place, I think we should be safe. Captain Lestrad: A logical assessment. DragonLords, set up a perimeter. Let us know if the fungus so much as sprouts a mushroom! *Scene fades to black.* Complete Quest Loot for DCs - opens TtT Loot for DCs shop. Other information If the player doesn't have Self-Containment Unit v15 (All Versions) equipped or shown, they will lose 5% of their maximum HP each time they enter a new screen or beat a monster encounter. One section of the caves contains a potion crate, which grants 5 HP and MP potions to players. Pop-up headlines during the quest: quote:
Kord: "That's everyone. I was the last one down. Let's go." Captain Lestrad: 'If you're not using that, can I borrow it? These spores are... *cough cough*' Breathing in the spore-dense air irritates your lungs! -5% HP Kara: "Watch your step! The fungus gets slippery." Kord: "I knew there were caves under the city, but not to this extent. Did the fungus carve it out from the ice?" Galanoth: "Further down we go..." Ostromir: "The path splits. I think I hear rushing water that way. Or we could head deeper into the tangle." Galanoth: "That one seems non-aggressive. But there may be something in that crate we could use." You found a crate full of potions! But you can't carry any more. You found a crate full of potions! Better take some! Mritha: "These Hollow seem different than the ones above ground. They're more resilient. Hmm." Captain Lestrad: "You're a DragonLord, Mritha. Whatever the challenge, we face it with honor and courage." Galanoth: "What abomination has this fungus spawned now? Be ready for battle!"
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 12/13/2023 20:04:18 >