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AdventureFriends! (Part 2)

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2/22/2021 21:37:45   

AdventureFriends! (Part 2)

Location: Book of Lore -> AdventureFriends! Part 2, Hero's Heart Day Storybook -> Chapter 12 -> AdventureFriends! Part 2
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of AdventureFriends! (Part 1)
Release Date: February 20th, 2021

Objective: Welcome to Aspenvale Academy, Falconreach's premiere school for adventurers. The QuestVenture is rapidly approaching, but will you be able to find a partner? There's only one way to find out!
Objective completed: QuestVenture or no, that was a Hero's Heart Day to remember!

Experience rewarded: 0
Gold rewarded: 0


Big Daddy

Aspenvale Backpack

Access to Academy Portraits and QuestVenture (All Versions).


*It's a sunny day in Falconreach as the scene... is suddenly covered in darkness thanks to a solar eclipse; ominous red lighting shines from Aspenvale Academy, accompanied by the sound of a warped Falconreach's theme.*

Welcome to *redacted* your DOOM, from where you'll never escape!

It's senior year forever, and the annual QuestVenture is never going to happenn

Try to make friends. You're going to need them when everything comes crashing down.

Don't have any? Too bad. No one- and I mean NO ONE is going to find out what happened.

You've only recently moved here, but while you might still be finding your place,
there's no way you're going to escape for the rest of your lifetime.

There's only eternity left.

Your goal: getoutgetoutgetoutgetoutgetoutgetoutgetoutgetoutgetout

This is...

*This version of the AdventureFriends logo appears to glitch and distort.*

Day ?

*Scene fades out, then back in; in one of the Aspenvale Academy classrooms, a redacted teacher commands your attention.*

*redacted*: *redacted*
*Everyone settles down*
*redacted*: *redacted*
Aegis: Wait, it's still happening isn't it?!
Tomix: Chill, Aegis, of course it's still happening! Er... it's still happening, right?
Jaania: I haven't been notified that it has been cancelled. And as Student Council President, I would certainly hope I would have been notified had any changes to such an important event occurred.
Victoria: You have my thanks, Jaania. Such news is truly a relief to my royal ears! Indeed, until now, I thought I had sensed something awry in the flow of destiny, and I was indeed tempted to unveil my-
<Character>: Wait, no, stop...
*redacted*: *redacted*
Alz'ein: Yeah! I can't wait for the QuestVenture!
Yashta: Hmm...
<Character>: No! No, you two aren't supposed to be here!
Aria: Jaania, don't be mean!
Jaania: What did I do?
Ash: Now that you mention it...
*redacted*: *redacted*
Aegis: <Character>? Wait... Why do I feel like we should be asking <Character> whats going on?
*Everyone looks at you expectantly. What are you going to do? It's all on your shoulders, <Character>. You have to make a choice. Everyone is counting on you. And staring. Go on, choose already. There's only one right answer. The fate of everything depends on you.*

  • Speak up
    • +1 Alz'ein, +1 Jaania, +1 Tomix, +1 Yashta, +1 Ash, +1 Aria, +1 Aegis, +1 Victoria
      <Character>: I don't know what's going on, but we need to be careful. We need to stick together until we can figure out what's *redacted*
      *redacted*: *redacted*
      *You decide to stay silent, because everything seems to be fine, really.*
      *redacted*: *redacted*
      *redacted*: *redacted*
      *redacted*: *redacted*
  • Say nothing
      *You decide to let everyone down and stay quiet. Good job.*
      Aegis: <Character>, are you... are you okay? Say something!
      *redacted*: *redacted*
      Ash: Thanks, *redacted*
      Ash: Wait, *redacted*?!
      Aria: Can anyone else... not understand what Ash is saying? Enunciate, Ash, enunciate!
      Jaania: I can't either. I... I... don't know what's happening!
      <Character>: *redacted*
      *redacted*: *redacted*
  • Head home for the evening! - continues to Day ??.

    *A glitchy victory sound plays as the scene fades out.*

    Day ??

    *You awake to find yourself in a safe place. It's cozy. You should stay for a while...*
    <Character>: Hello? Is anyone there?
    *There's no response. No one else is here with you. It's just you and the end of time, spiralling ever onward.*
    <Character>: This is... peaceful... calm...
    *Drift. Relax. Close your eyes. Rest.*

    Leadership Subcommittee

    ???: ...<Character>...
    *Are you falling or rising? A voice floats into your space...*
    ???: ...come on, <Character>, wake up!
    Tomix: <Character>! Hey! We need you awake!
    <Character>: T-Tomix? How... What... Is this the classroom?
    Tomix: Where else would it be? You scared me for a moment there. You and Jaania. Seems like we all passed out or something. I woke up first, and then got Jaania up, but... well...
    Jaania: This... this is all wrong... No... no, no, no...
    Tomix: She's just been ignoring me after waking up. Maybe you can get through to her?
    <Character>: Hey, Jaania, what's going on? Are you okay?
    Jaania: How... How haven't you noticed? Look out the windows!
    *You and Tomix take a peek out of the classroom. Or you try to. Greeting your eyes are more desks. More chairs. More blackboards. And beyond the windows of that classroom...*
    Tomix: ...It's... just more classrooms...
    *It's just more classrooms, stretching on to infinity.*
    Jaania: We're trapped. There's no escape. Everyone else, everything else is gone. There's no escape!
    Tomix: That's certainly a... problem. But there has to be some way out, right? I... I need to stop looking through the windows. It's making me... dizzy.
    *You look out once more into the endless sea of desks and chairs. Is there really no way out? What happened to the rest of your classmates? But you have two here right now who need your help.*

  • Jaania... We're.. We're the leaders.
    • +1 Jaania
      <Character>: Jaania... We're the Leadership committee. You're the Student Council President! We can't give up. Not now. Now while our fellow students might be similarly trapped.
      Jaania: But... I... I can't do this. Not by myself... There's no way... I can't...
      <Character>: You're not alone. Tomix and I are here, too! We can find a way through this together, but we need you, too.
      Jaania: You're... Yes. You're right. I can't let myself be paralyzed by fear. I... I have to...
      <Character>: One step at a time. We got you.
      Tomix: Yeah, Ms. Student Council President. We're all in this together.
      Jaania: And... and if I can't keep up?
      <Character>: There's no way we're leaving you behind.
      Tomix: Haha, <Character> will carry you if s/he has to!
      Jaania: I... see. That... that would be acceptable, I think. *sigh* Right. Let's do this.
      *And so, the Leadership committee set out through the wilderness of infinite classrooms, climbing through windows, camping beneath desks, and strengthening their bonds of friendship, never once again entertaining the thought of giving up.*
      *Until at last...*
      Jaania: <Character>, Tomix, do you see that, in the distance?
      Tomix: Looks like more of the same to me.
      *You squint in the direction Jaania is point... Could it be...?*
      Jaania: There's something... glowing! We should head toward it. It's... well, at least it's something different, right?
      Tomix: It must be a path out. It's got to be. But... what if it isn't? After so long... What if it's just... I don't know, a hallucination?
      Jaania: Then we keep going. We don't give up. We'll find our way out, no matter what it takes. All of us, together!
      *And with that, the Leadership committee finds the power to push on, reaching toward the light... Until you all arrive at one final window.*

        If you have sufficiently bonded with Jaania:
        *The light now is almost unbearable. But there's only one thing to do. Tomix goes first, crawling through and disappearing into the light. You motion to Jaania, encouraging her to go next, but she stops.*
        Jaania: Before we go... I just... I wanted to thank you, <Character>. For helping me. For staying by my side, even when I was being... well, me.
        Jaania: Once we get back to school, well, the real school... You should consider joining me on the QuestVenture. I'd appreciate it.
        *She turns away from you quickly.*
        Jaania: Think about, okay?
        *And with that, she's through the window. You take on last glance back into the infinity of classrooms, and with thoughts of the QuestVenture in your head, you go into the light.*
  • We can do this, Tomix.
    • +1 Tomix
      <Character>: Come on, Tomix! What's a dizzyingly infinite challenge to a pair of delinquents like us? Nothing. That's what.
      Tomix: You're right. You're right! We're getting out of here, one way or another. Thanks for reminding me how awesome we are, <Character>!
      <Character>: You know it! Jaania, we're going to find a way out of here. You should come too!
      Jaania: Don't... don't leave me here by myself...
      Tomix: Of course we're not going to leave you, Ms. Student Council President! What would we do without our subcommittee leader?
      Jaania: ...Everyone's counting on me... I'm the leader...
      <Character>: Yeah! And we're the Leadership committee! We've got to escape, if only to make sure everyone else is okay, right?
      Jaania: You're right. Both of you. I... I apologize for my moment of weakness.
      Tomix: It happens, Jaania. And I don't blame you, this is really messed up. Looks like we have a long way ahead of us, wherever we're going.
      *And so, the Leadership committee set out through the wilderness of infinite classrooms, climbing through windows, camping beneath desks, and strengthening their bonds of friendship, never once again entertaining the thought of giving up.*
      *Until at last...*
      Tomix: Hey, you two, what's that over there? Do you see that?
      Jaania: Light. That's different. That's... different!
      *You squint in the direction Tomix is pointing... Could it be...?*
      Tomix: I think that's our way out, friends!
      Jaania: I... I don't dare hope... No. We've come this far. Even it it's some trick, or some other trial...
      Tomix: That's right, Jaania. We won't give up. We'll keep pressing on. We'll find our way out!
      *And with that, the Leadership committee finds the power to push on, reaching toward the light... Until you all arrive at one final window.*

        If you have sufficiently bonded with Tomix:
        *The light now is almost unbearable. You all look at each other, and you know what must be done. Jaania goes first, crwaling through, and disappearing into the light. You motion to Tomix, encouraging him to go next, but he stops.*
        Tomix: Hey, <Character>. This has... This has been some adventure, huh?
        Tomix: No, no need to respond, let me finish. You know what QuestVenture thing? Out in the real world? The real school? Well...
        Tomix: I think you'd make a pretty good partner for it. If you want to.
        *With a final smirk, he turns and crawls through the window, in to the light. You take one last gaze back into the infinity of classrooms, and with thoughts of the QuestVenture in your head, you go into the light.*

      If you have not sufficiently bonded with either Jaania or Tomix:
      *The light now is almost unbearable. You all look at each other, and you know what must be done. Jaania goes first, crawling through, and disappearing into the light. Tomix follows after. There's no going back now.*
      *As the light envelops you, everything seems to slow down...*

    Activities Subcommittee

    ???: ...<Character>...
    *Are you falling or rising? A voice floats into your space...*
    ???: ...come on, <Character>, wake up!
    Alz'ein: No time to be napping, <Character>! Get up!
    <Character>: Whuh- Hey... Hey everyone.
    Aria: Thank goodness you're okay!
    Ash: I told you! Takes more than... well whatever happened, to keep <Character> down!
    <Character>: What... what did happen?
    Alz'ein: I'm not really sure. I woke in the classroom here, and you were all knocked out with me. Took some time, but I got you all up eventually.
    Aria: You must have been having some dream, huh, <Character>? You definitely slept the longest!
    <Character>: Come on, it wasn't a competition!
    Ash: Haha, no, but maybe... maybe I should have slept a little longer. This is... Well, we're in quite the situation. Look out the windows!
    *You follow Ash's directions and peek outside the windows. But there's nothing beyond. Only darkness. You stare for what seems like minutes before a hand grabs your shoulder and pulls you back.*
    Alz'ein: Whoa there, <Character>. Don't go falling out. We need you here with us!
    Aria: I threw a pencil out earlier, and it just kept falling until I couldn't see it anymore. Really spooky.
    <Character>: What about the door?
    Ash: I tried it. It's more of the same.
    Aria: Well, that's okay. We can just wait here until someone rescues us.
    Alz'ein: Yeah, don't worry. They've got to know they're missing four awesome students! They'll find us. They gotta.
    Ash: In the meantime, we still have each others' company, and that's what matters. Everything will be just fine!
    *Everything will be just fine... won't it? Or is the Activities subcommitee being too... lame? There has to be something you can do, right?*

  • Aria, what about the petting zoo?
    • +1 Aria
      <Character>: Wait, Aria, what about the petting zoo? The creatures need you to take care of them, don't they?
      Aria: *gasp* You're right, <Character>! How could I have forgotten? Oh no... I don't think Jaania will be able to sort out their diets or groom them properly...
      Aria: No, no. We're getting out of here! The petting zoo needs us!
      Ash: Okay! But... how are we going to do that?
      Alz'ein: We're doing something? We're doing something! All I know is, nothing's gonna stop us! Yeah!
      *Alz'ein stomps her foot down for emphasis but...*
      Aria: Wait, Alz'ein, do that again! Hit the floor again!
      Alz'ein: Huh? Sure. Let me just...
      *She stomps on the floor again. But it doesn't sound... normal. Almost as if...*
      Ash: It's hollow! Maybe there's a way out below us!
      Aria: Let's go! There's no time to waste!
      *With that, Aria picks up a chair and starts smashing it against the floow. Alz'ein and Ash join in, while you try to make sure no one's being too unsafe. After a short while, there's a sudden, loud, splintering noise!*
      <Character>: Stop, stop, stop! I think... we're almost...
      *There's a loud crunch as the floor gives way! The four of you are plunged into darkness as the light of the classroom fades far, far, away above you... landing with a series of four thuds on something... soft.*
      Aria: See? We're just fine!
      ???: *Mrrraaargh!*
      Ash: Alz'ein, was that... you?
      Alz'ein: I might have a mighty appetite, but not that mighty!
      *Your eyes slowly begin adjusting to the darkness. As you start to move, however, you that what you've all landed on is... fluffy. Overly fluffy, perhaps. And it's beginning to move!*
      <Character>: Um... Everyone... We might want to hold on to something!
      *You all hang on tight to the wool of what is now becoming clear is an enormous, gigantic, massive, fluffy, tog. It rises from its distrubed slumber, and shakes. Everyone is barely holding on when, one giant footstep after another, the tog begins to walk.*
      *Not daring to speak, you all shift to better positions on its back, wondering where this tog could possibly be going in the darkness. Soon, a walk turns into a gallop, as the tog begins sprinting through the inky dark.*
      *You're keeping your head down low when Aria taps your shoulder and points ahead. Light! The tog is running toward a speck of light in the distance! With hope-filled hearts, the Activities committee silently celebrates atop the back of their giant steed.*
      *Eventually, it approaches the light, and begin to slow. With a shake, it settles down, as if encouraging its riders to disembark. Everyone does so.*
      Tog: Bork!
      Aria: Thanks, tog. That was... that was quite the ride!
      Tog: Bark bork!
      *Its charges safely delivered, the tog stands up and begins to continue its journey into the darkness.*
      *Now that you're closer, the light appears to be coming from around the edges of... a doorframe. Alz'ein steps up and throws it open, bathing the Activities subcommittee in harsh, white, light.*
      Alz'ein: Oof. That's bright. But I bet it's our way out of here.

        If you have sufficiently bonded with Aria:
        Ash: I'll take it. What's the worst that could happen, right?
        *Alz'ein and Ash step through the door, leaving you and Aria bathed in its inviting glow.*
        Aria: Hey, <Character>. I know I'm not the... best adventurer here. Not like Alz'ein and Ash, haha. But I was wondering... If... When we get out of here, when we get back to school, I mean...
        Aria: Do you think you'd maybe want to go on the QuestVenture with me?
        Aria: You don't have to decide now! I just thought... this was a good time to ask.
        *Aria skips through the door before you can respond. But now it's your turn, and as you step into the light, the excitement for the QuestVenture to come fills your mind!*
  • Ash, are you sure you checked everywhere?
    • +1 Ash
      <Character>: Hey, Ash, did you check... everything?
      Ash: What do you mean? I checked the door, the windows... Huh. I didn't even think about the ceiling. I wonder...
      *Ash looks up at the ceiling. It's certainly there.*
      Ash: Here, give me a boost, Alz'ein!
      Alz'ein: Sure thing.
      *Alz'ein lifts Ash off the ground so he can take a closer look.*
      Aria: Be careful, you two!
      Ash: I think... I think there's some loose planks up here! A little higher, please, Alz'ein!
      Alz'ein: I'm doing my best! Here, let me get on a desk-
      *Alz'ein, still carrying Ash, steps onto a chair, then, onto a desk, then- slips-*
      Alz'ein: Look out below!
      Ash: Ahhh!
      With a thundering crash, Ash and Alz'ein fall onto the floor. Aria rushes forward to make sure they're okay, when a splintering noise comes out from under Ash.*
      <Character>: Maybe... Maybe we should have checked the floor first.
      *There's a loud crunch as the floor gives way! The four of you are plunged into darkness as the light of the classroom fades far, far, away above you... landing with a series of four thuds on something... soft.*
      Ash: Well, we made it out of the classroom at least!
      ???: *Mrrraaargh!*
      Aria: Shhh. Alz'ein be quiet!
      Alz'ein: That wasn't me!
      *Your eyes slowly begin adjusting to the darkness. As you start to move, however, you that what you've all landed on is... fluffy. Overly fluffy, perhaps. And it's beginning to move!*
      <Character>: Um... Everyone... We might want to hold on to something!
      *You all hang on tight to the wool of what is now becoming clear is an enormous, gigantic, massive, fluffy, tog. It rises from its distrubed slumber, and shakes. Everyone is barely holding on when, one giant footstep after another, the tog begins to walk.*
      *Not daring to speak, you all shift to better positions on its back, wondering where this tog could possibly be going in the darkness. Soon, a walk turns into a gallop, as the tog begins sprinting through the inky dark.*
      *You're keeping your head down low when Ash taps your shoulder and points ahead. Light! The tog is running toward a speck of light in the distance! With hope-filled hearts, the Activities committee silently celebrates atop the back of their giant steed.*
      *Eventually, it approaches the light, and begin to slow. With a shake, it settles down, as if encouraging its riders to disembark. Everyone does so.*
      Tog: Bork!
      Ash: Thanks, big guy. We couldn't have made it without you!
      Tog: Bark bork!
      *Its charges safely delivered, the tog stands up and begins to continue its journey into the darkness.*
      *Now that you're closer, the light appears to be coming from around the edges of... a doorframe. Alz'ein steps up and throws it open, bathing the Activities subcommittee in harsh, white, light.*
      Alz'ein: Oof. That's bright. But I bet it's our way out of here.

        If you have sufficiently bonded with Ash:
        Aria: Yeah. It's... It has to be! If not, well, we'll still have each other, wherever we end up!
        *Alz'ein and Aria step through the door, leaving you and Ash bathed in its inviting glow.*
        Ash: Hey, <Character>. I wasn't quite sure about the best time or place to bring this up but... uh, hey, do you want to go on the QuestVenture with me?
        Ash: You can answer me later, once we... once we know we're safe. See you on the other side!
        *Ash turns and confidently walks through the door before you can respond. But now it's your turn, and as you step into the light, the excitement for the QuestVenture to come fills your mind!*
  • Waiting around? Really, Alz'ein?
    • +1 Alz'ein
      <Character>: I don't know, waiting around seems pretty lame, right, Alz'ein?
      Alz'ein: Wait... YEAH! I don't have time to sit around doing nothing! I've got... THINGS TO DO!
      Aria: But... there's no way out. Ash already checked...
      Ash: I'm sorry. I don't think there's anywhere else for us to go.
      Alz'ein: You checked the windows and door, right?
      Ash: Yeah. Nothing but darkness.
      Alz'ein: What about the floor? We could try digging our way out!
      Aria: But... if there's nothing outside, where would we even... end up?
      Alz'ein: I have no idea! But it's at least something to do while we wait, right?
      <Character>: Yeah! No more sitting around!
      Aria: Okay, okay, but please, be careful!
      *You help Alz'ein pry up a floorboard. And underneath...*
      Alz'ein: There's... nothing. Just more darkness! Seriously?!
      <Character>: At least we tried!
      Alz'ein: Yeah. If it were a way out, I'd feel pretty stupid. But now we know, and no harm done!
      *No sooner than she finishes speaking, there's a creaking sound from under your feet.*
      Ash: Um... Did anyone else hear that?
      Alz'ein: I said, NO HARM DONE!
      *But there was harm done. Rapidly, as though knocked off a precarious balance, the floorboards fall away from under everyone's feet, dropping you into the darkness below.*
      *The four of you are plunged into darkness as the light of the classroom fades far, far, away above you... landing with a series of four thuds on something... soft.*
      Alz'ein: Hey! We're not dead! Nice!
      ???: *Mrrraaargh!*
      Aria: Ash was... was that you?
      Ash: I don't... I don't think so...?
      *Your eyes slowly begin adjusting to the darkness. As you start to move, however, you that what you've all landed on is... fluffy. Overly fluffy, perhaps. And it's beginning to move!*
      <Character>: Um... Everyone... We might want to hold on to something!
      *You all hang on tight to the wool of what is now becoming clear is an enormous, gigantic, massive, fluffy, tog. It rises from its distrubed slumber, and shakes. Everyone is barely holding on when, one giant footstep after another, the tog begins to walk.*
      *Not daring to speak, you all shift to better positions on its back, wondering where this tog could possibly be going in the darkness. Soon, a walk turns into a gallop, as the tog begins sprinting through the inky dark.*
      *You're keeping your head down low when Alz'ein taps your shoulder and points ahead. Light! The tog is running toward a speck of light in the distance! With hope-filled hearts, the Activities committee silently celebrates atop the back of their giant steed.*
      *Eventually, it approaches the light, and begin to slow. With a shake, it settles down, as if encouraging its riders to disembark. Everyone does so.*
      Tog: Bork!
      Alz'ein: You! Tog! I like you! Thanks for the ride!
      Tog: Bark bork!
      *Its charges safely delivered, the tog stands up and begins to continue its journey into the darkness.*
      *Now that you're closer, the light appears to be coming from around the edges of... a doorframe. Alz'ein steps up and throws it open, bathing the Activities subcommittee in harsh, white, light.*
      Alz'ein: Oof. That's bright. But I bet it's our way out of here. After you, everyone!

        If you have sufficiently bonded with Alz'ein:
        *Ash and Aria step through the door, leaving you and Alz'ein bathed in its inviting glow.*
        Alz'ein: Yo, <Character>. So... real quick, before we get back to reality... That QuestVenture thing...
        Alz'ein: You're coming with me. Got it?
        *Before you can respond, Alz'ein throws herself through the doorway. But now it's your turn, and as you step into the light, the excitement for the QuestVenture to come fills your mind!*

      If you have not sufficiently bonded with either Aria, Ash, or Alz'ein:
      *One after another, you all step through the doorway, thoughts filled with hopes and promises of the future...*

    Decorations Subcommittee

    ???: ...<Character>...
    *Are you falling or rising? A voice floats into your space...*
    ???: ...come on, <Character>, wake up!
    Aegis: <Character>! Come on, wake up!
    *Your eyes open to the sight of Aegis kneeling over you. He looks quite concerned.*
    Aegis: Thank the Avatars you're okay. You're... okay, right?
    Victoria: As I said before, you need not worry, Aegis, for while we are in the depths of this twisted reality, we are still connected by the bonds of our souls. I knew <Character> would not perish, and s/he has not!
    *You look around the classroom. Or... what should be the classroom...*
    *Where there were once walls, there is open space, and from the far scattered and decayed remains of desks and chairs, massive trees reach to incalculable heights, their boughs blocking out what sun there may be above.*
    <Character>: What... What happened? Where are we?
    Aegis: Your guess is as good as ours. Seems like we all passed out or something... And woke up... wherever here is. I don't like it. I don't like it at all.
    Victoria: We have fallen through the depths of madness, saved from certain doom, by the grace of my royal blood! And from that trial, we have emerged into this purgatory, from whence we must escape.
    <Character>: I... see. Yashta, what do you make of all this? ...Yashta?
    *You look around for Yashta, and find him sitting at the base of one of the giant trees, eyes closed.*
    Yashta: I do not make anything from this. We are here. We should not be here. I am meditating on how we may remove ourselves from here.
    Aegis: There's no way out. There isn't. We could go in any direction for days and just find more trees.
    Yashta: You do not know that.
    Aegis: We're doomed. We're never going to escape!
    Victoria: No, I can feel a path! I know the way! My royal blood-
    Aegis: Victoria! Your blood is as royal as this clump of dirt on the ground! Now is not the time to be lost in fantasy!
    Victoria: You're wrong, Aegis, for through passing through the recent tribulations, I have awakened to the ultimate real truth of my being. This is my destiny, to save us!
    Yashta: Excuse me, Your Majesty, but you are both being too loud. I cannot focus.
    Aegis: *frustrated ice spirit noises*
    *Aegis looks like he's about to explode, while Victoria is confidently trying to drag Yashta in... whatever direction she thinks is right. Yashta, on the other hand, is trying his best to meditate and think. It's up to you to unify this divided committee.*

  • I trust Victoria's instincts.
      <Character>: I trust Victoria's instincts. Aegis, you need to take a deep breath.
      Aegis: You're... right. I just... What if we never get out? What if we're stuck here forever?
      <Character>: Blowing up at each other isn't going to solve that either. Victoria seems to believe she knows what's going on. I think we should listen to her.
      Aegis: Yeah but... Victoria's you know... Victoria...
      <Character>: She understands the severity of the situation we're in. If she wasn't confident, I think she'd say so. In her own way.
      Aegis: And if she's confidently wrong? What do you think, Yashta?
      Yashta: I think that I would like to think more. But if Victoria knows the way out, I will follow.
      <Character>: See, Aegis? We're all willing to trust Victoria.
      Victoria: Please, Aegis. I know our soul bond has been tenuous and fraught with disagreement, but my royal blood burns with decisiveness.
      *Victoria closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.*
      Victoria: Aegis. I know how stressful this must be for you. But trust me. If I wasn't sure, I would say so.
      *Aegis looks shocked as Victoria finally speaks plainly. And then... shame takes his face as her words reach him.*
      Aegis: I'm... I'm sorry, everyone. I've just been a source of conflict this whole time. We're all unique in our own ways, and I haven't been respectful that.
      Victoria: It is alright, Aegis. We all face difficult trials placed in our paths by fate and destiny. Some are easier to overcome than others. And if my royal blood leads us astray? We'll all still have each other. The Decorations subcommittee, our souls entwined. Our friends!
      Victoria: Everything will be okay.
      *Leaving Aegis stunned, Victoria turns and considers for a moment before confidently pointing in a direction through the trees that, to you, looks the same as any other.*
      Victoria: This way!
      *And so, Yashta, Aegis, and you follow as Victoria leads the way, taking seemingly random turns and loops while muttering to herself. At times, Aegis seems to be getting impatient, but takes a deep breath, and calms himself.*
      *It's slow travel, but eventually, after making ten loops around a particular tree, Victoria stops.*
      Victoria: Here! This is where we're supposed to be. Yes, this is truly the place determined by prophecy that shall be our portal back to our home!
      Aegis: It looks the same as the last nine times we went around it.
      Victoria: Patience, Aegis. Sir Yashta, please place your hand on the tree's bark, here!
      *Yashta obediently puts his hand where indicated. Suddenly, from under the bark, light begins to shine. And while you can't quite tell if he's surprised or not, Yashta takes a step back.*
      Yashta: I have done as you asked, Your Majesty. Is this our way out?
      Victoria: Indeed and well done. Give me a moment while I channel my royal blood to stabilize the portal.
      *The committee watches on as Victoria closes her eyes and clasps her hands together, seeming to focus intently.*
      *The glow from under the tree bark grows brighter, and the bark splits, creating a wide opening as the light overflows onto the darkened forest floor.*
      Victoria: It worked! It really worked! See? My royal blood... the weave of destiny...
      Aegis: It... I don't... I...
      Yashta: Shall we go?
      Victoria: Yes, this portal will take us back to the real world! It has been delivered to us by the web of fate!
      Aegis: I think I've been too harsh on you, Victoria. I'm so sorry! Please have mercy on me!
      Victoria: You have nothing to fear, Aegis. We're friends, after all. And my powers can never be used to harm my friends! Now go, before the power of my royal blood fades from this place of destiny!
      *Yashta obediently and fearlessly passes through the portal in the tree. Aegis, while cautious, first sticks an arm through, then a leg, and then he too, is gone.*

        If you have sufficiently bonded with Victoria:
        Victoria: Hold, <Character>. For we must speak.
        <Character>: Is something wrong?
        Victoria: No... quite the opposite. From the moment you joined the Decorations subcommittee, when you bonded your soul to mine... I knew you had the potential to be the one.
        <Character>: Er, "the one"?
        Victoria: Indeed, the one whom I will ask to go on the QuestVenture with me! This is a great privilege, being asked by a princess of royal blood, so you should not dare to reject my invitation!
        Victoria: I will await your answer on the other side, although I already know it, as it has been decreed by fate!
        *And so, Victoria strides through the portal, a massive grin covering her face. You follow shortly after. The upcoming QuestVenture is sure to be... interesting!*

        If you have not sufficiently bonded with Victoria:
        Victoria: Come on, <Character>! I can't hold this portal open forever!
        *And so you step into the light with your friends, glad to finally return to reality.*
  • Aegis, calm down, please!
      <Character>: Aegis, calm down, please! We need you here with us.
      Aegis: I'm... I'm sorry. You're right, <Character>. I'm panicking. We're lost. I don't know what to do.
      Victoria: But I do, guided by my royal blood and the thread of destiny, I know the way to go!
      Aegis: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want to believe you, Victoria, I really do! But how can you be so sure you're right? Can you maybe... explain more?
      Victoria: To describe the weave of fate and destiny as interpreted by my royal blood... It will be a challenge.
      Aegis: Can you try? For me? For all of us?
      Victoria: I believe I can.
      *Surprisingly, Aegis is paying rapt attention, and after a while, Yashta walks over to observe as well.*
      *Victoria excitedly begins explaining, with great flourish and exaggeration. Surprisingly, Aegis is paying rapt attention, and after a while, Yashta walks over to observe as well.*
      *Victoria then spends what feels like hours carving a map into the trunk of a nearby tree while explaining how each turn, each loop, each step and backtrack through the forest is essential to altering the web of fate.*
      Victoria: ...And there is where the portal shall emerge, after receiving the touch of a true knight, loyal to the royal bloodline! Together, we shall defy this twisted destiny that we find ourselves entrapped in!
      Yashta: I see.
      Aegis: All this was inside your head? This is... incredible...
      *Almost reverently, Aegis runs his hands across the carved tree bark, following the map. And as he reaches the end, the bark suddenly splits under his touch, revealing light from under the carved bark.*
      Aegis: Um. Victoria, was that supposed to happen?
      Victoria: The web of fate! At your touch it unravels and reforms! You are a defier of prophecies, a weaver of change!
      Aegis: Is that... a good thing?
      Victoria: You have come to accept the power bestowed upon you by our fated soul bond, and the path opens now for you!
      *Victoria's words come true not a moment later, when the bark creaks and curls, forming a portal in the side of the massive tree trunk. Light pours from it, illuminating the darkened forest floor.*
      Victoria: This... this is our way out, opened by a being of power, not of royal blood, but destiny defying all the same! Let us away from this place, before the web of doom entraps us once more! Truly, well done, Sir Aegis.
      *With those words of praise, Victoria confidently steps through the portal, into the light. Yashta gives Aegis a nod of approval before following after. Now, just you and Aegis remain in the forest.*

        If you have sufficiently bonded with Aegis:
        Aegis: Hey, before we escape this uh, purgatory, I just wanted to say that I'm glad you joined the Decorations subcommittee. Not just because you helped me stay sane when Victoria was being... well, I don't even know if she was just being weird anymore.
        Aegis: Sorry, anyway, what I mean is, when this is all over... would you like to go on the QuestVenture with me? I feel like we have a connection, you know? We work well together.
        Aegis: Well, whatever you decide, it can wait until we know we're safe. See you around, <Character>!
        *Aegis gives you a smile before jumping through the portal. With thoughts of the future floating through your mind, you follow after, into the light.*

        If you have not sufficiently bonded with Aegis:
        Aegis: I still don't know what I did. But maybe there's something to Victoria's "royal blood". Regardless, I wanted to thank you. Thanks for staying by my side, even when I got a bit frustrated.
        Aegis: You're a good friend. Whatever this "soul bond" thing is that Victoria thinks we're all bound by, I'm glad it happened.
        Aegis smiles and heads into the light of the portal. And so, you take a final deep breath of the forest air, and jump through after him.*
  • Maybe Yashta has the right idea.
      <Character>: Maybe Yashta has the right idea. Let's all settle down for a moment.
      Yashta: Yes. There is far too much noise.
      Aegis: So then... is there a plan?
      <Character>: Yashta? What do you think? Maybe if we all had something to do we'd be a bit less argumentative.
      Yashta: I am not the leader. Princess Victoria is.
      Victoria: Sir Yashta, I grant you permission to speak freely. Aegis does not seem to trust the word of my royal blood, and I cannot force him to. But perhaps walking a different path along the web of prophecy may be more amenable to him.
      Aegis: Yeah, I think I'd be up for anything besides wandering around this forest with only "royal blood" as our guide.
      Yashta: Okay. Sit with me.
      *Yashta motions for everyone to take a seat near him on the ground. You and Victoria quickly oblige, and Aegis, after a moment's hesitation, joins the group.*
      Yashta: Good. Now, close your eyes. Relax your body. Extend your feeling, your sense of self, beyond your body. Reach for the things around you with your mind. And don't forget to breathe.
      *You follow Yashta's instructions, as do, presumably, Victoria and Aegis. It's a peculiar sensation. In such a massive forest, you hear no sounds besides the breathing of your friends. You feel no wind. The air is still.*
      *After a while, you're not sure how long, you think you can hear soft snoring from Aegis' direction, but no one makes any comment or breaks the peace.*
      *As you relax, focusing on your breathing, you swear you can feel something just beyond your touch. A pulse of dry warmth. Faint, but there. You try to reach for it with your mind, but the calm is suddenly broken-*
      Yashta: I know what must be done.
      *After so much tranquility, hearing Yashta's voice sends a shock through you. Your eyes open. Even though it's still dimly lit, it takes you a moment to adjust. Aegis is predictably asleep, while Victoria is rubbing her eyes.*
      Victoria: Aegis! Wake up! Sir Yashta has finished... Um.... Deciphering the maze of fate!
      Aegis: Huh? Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep but it was just so... peaceful.
      Yashta: It is not a problem.
      <Character>: So, what do we need to do to escape, Yashta?
      Yashta: I must punch this tree.
      Aegis: ...Sure. Why not?
      Yashta: Thank you for your approval, Aegis.
      *And with that, Yashta stands, steadying himself into position. He breathes out, then in, then, after a moment of consideration, with unexpected speed and force, punches the tree a single time with all his might.*
      *The sound of crunching bark echoes as he takes a step back.*
      Aegis: Yep. Okay. Not ever getting on your bad side. Cool.
      *At first, it seems as though nothing happened. Suddenly, a beam of light streams out from the crushed tree bark. Then, the bark begins unfolding as more and more light passes through.*
      Victoria: You've done it, Sir Yashta! Even without the help of my royal blood, you've rewritten prophecy, and delivered us from the most hateful doom!
      Yashta: Yes. This should take us home.
      Aegis: Do I... Do I even want to know how you figured out that you had to... punch the tree?
      Yashta: No.
      Aegis: Fair enough!
      *Aegis, just happy to be done with the forest, quickly passes through the portal. Victoria curtsies to Yashta, and follows after.*

        If you have sufficiently bonded with Yashta:
        Yashta: <Character>. You did well.
        <Character>: Thanks, but I... did?
        Yashta: Yes.
        *There is a short pause while Yashta thinks about what to say next.*
        Yashta: I do not know how the custom works, but I would be honored if you would join me on the QuestVenture. There is much we can learn from each other.
        Yashta: If you decline, I will only be mildly disappointed.
        *And with that, Yashta disappears into the light shining from inside the tree. You take a deep breath, and follow him into the light.*

        If you have not sufficiently bonded with Yashta:
        Yashta: I think I will miss this place. The peace was nice.
        *And so, Yashta walks into the light. With one last look at the massive trees, the sudden absolute silence starts to creep you out, and you hurry into the light.*
  • Head home for the evening! - continues to Hero's Heart Day.

    *A victory sound plays as the scene fades out.*

    Hero's Heart Day

    *Scene fades back in... you appear to open your eyes and awaken in a forest, surrounded by tall pink trees, with a silhouette looming over you.*

    <Character>: Ahhhhhh!
    <Character>: Who... What... Where...
    Big Daddy: Well, baby? <Character>? How do you feel?

    *Now realising you have awoken in the Forest of Infinite Terror with Big Daddy, you appear very shocked and confused.*

    <Character>: What happened? Where is...

    <Character>: Where is everyone?
    Big Daddy: Hm hm... Memory loss, confusion...
    <Character>: The... QuestVenture...
    Big Daddy: The what? That's a ridiculous name for... well, anything, baby.

    *You look around your new surroundings, trying to make sense of everything that has just happened.*

    <Character>: Was it all... a dream, then?
    Big Daddy: A magical spirit journey of the soul, baby! Or that's what it was supposed to be, anyway.
    <Character>: I think... I think I need a refresher. Can you remind me what exactly I was helping you with?
    Big Daddy: Sure, baby.
    Big Daddy: You very graciously decided to help test my brand new line of Love Potions, that reveal your One and Only True Love™!
    Big Daddy: You drank it down, (check), passed out, (check), and then you awoke (check), baby (check).
    Big Daddy: So, did it work? Did you find your One and Only True Love™?
    <Character>: I... I don't think any of it was canon.
    Big Daddy: I see, I see, so it was a little too unrealistic. Hm hm.
    <Character>: ...seemed totally platonic to me...
    Big Daddy: For this next dose, I'll try reducing the amount of Tog essence, see if that helps... hang on a minute...
    <Character>: I think... I've had... enough for now.
    Big Daddy: Ah, well, that's a shame! But, you've been a most valuable test subject, baby, so I can't say you haven't helped.
    <Character>: Um. Right.
    Big Daddy: ...lingering malaise and apathy... must beware of long term effects......
    <Character>: What was that?
    Big Daddy: Hm? Oh, nothing, just making some notes, you know how it is, baby.
    Big Daddy: Now, if you aren't going to be a good lab mouse, I must ask that you vacate your seat for someone else-–
    Big Daddy: –when you're finished having an existential crisis.
    <Character>: But... was any of it real? I guess... I guess there's only one way to find out...

    Choose someone to ask to go on the QuestVenture!

  • Academy Portraits - opens Academy Portraits shop.


    *You visit Aria out the back of her pet shop in Falconreach.*

    <Character>: Aria! Hi!
    Aria: Hello, <Character>! What brings you to the store today?
    <Character>: Four words: Giant. Fluffy. Tog. QuestVenture.

    <Character>: Or is that five words?
    <Character>: Well, however many that is, want to go on a QuestVenture?

    If you have sufficiently bonded with Aria:
    Aria: That sounds fun! But... a giant fluffy tog? I don't think togs are all that fluffy, are they? Well, I'm sure we can try!

  • QuestVenture Journal

  • Complete Quest
  • QuestVenture Reward! - opens QuestVenture (Aria) shop.

    If you have not sufficiently bonded with Aria:
    Aria: Oh, I'm sorry, <Character>. There's just so much to do around the pet shop these days.
    Aria: And I don't think cleaning litter boxes is your idea of a "QuestVenture"...

  • Complete Quest

    (before Tomix's Saga Epilogue)

    *You visit Tomix in Pellow Village.*

    Tomix: What's up, <Character>?
    <Character>: Okay, Tomix, I know we're in the middle of things, but I had this really weird dream, and I was wondering...

    *You pause before continuing.*

    <Character>: I was wondering if you'd like to go on a QuestVenture with me!

    If you have sufficiently bonded with Tomix:
    Tomix: Well, we have a lot to do. But I think we can take a break for this "QuestVenture". It seems important to you.

  • QuestVenture Journal

  • Complete Quest
  • QuestVenture Reward! - opens QuestVenture (Tomix) shop.

    If you have not sufficiently bonded with Tomix:
    Tomix: You might have time to spend on other things, but I'm needed here. Sorry, <Character>. Hope it works out.

  • Complete Quest

    (after Tomix's Saga Epilogue)

    *You visit Tomix's grave at night.*

    If you have sufficiently bonded with Tomix:
    <Character>: I thought... I thought this would make me a lot sadder than I am. But I feel... at peace. Hopeful.
    <Character>: I bet you'd have gone on the QuestVenture with me, wouldn't you?

  • QuestVenture Journal

  • Complete Quest
  • QuestVenture Reward! - opens QuestVenture (Tomix) shop.

    If you have not sufficiently bonded with Tomix:
    <Character>: I don't know what I expected...

  • Complete Quest


    *You visit Yashta at his house in Ravenloss.*

    <Character>: Yashta! I've been looking for you!
    Yashta: I do not think I am hard to find. Was there something you needed?
    <Character>: Yes! So, I had this really weird dream, and you were in it, and well...

    *You pause before continuing.*

    <Character>: Do you want to go on a QuestVenture with me?

    If you have sufficiently bonded with Yashta:
    Yashta: Is this a new custom of yours? For training? Okay. I will accompany you in this.

  • QuestVenture Journal

  • Complete Quest
  • QuestVenture Reward! - opens QuestVenture (Yashta) shop.

    If you have not sufficiently bonded with Yashta:
    Yashta: I have many duties as Unael, <Character>. I apologize, but I do not have time for this "QuestVenture".

  • Complete Quest


    *You visit Victoria at the courtyard of the Swordhaven Castle.*

    Victoria: What a pleasant surprise. Hello, <Character>! What's up?
    <Character>: Hey, Victoria! Okay, so... I had this insane dream. You were in it, and so were like... a lot of other people.
    <Character>: It was really strange, and it might not have entirely been a dream...
    <Character>: And well... do you want to go on a QuestVenture with me?

    If you have sufficiently bonded with Victoria:
    Victoria: I could definitely do with a break from, well, everything. Being royalty is way harder than people think. So yes, please, lead the way!

  • QuestVenture Journal

  • Complete Quest
  • QuestVenture Reward! - opens QuestVenture (Victoria) shop.

    If you have not sufficiently bonded with Victoria:
    Victoria: You know I'd love to just drop everything and go, but... I can't. Too many responsibilities. If only...

  • Complete Quest


    *You visit Jaania at her quarters in Swordhaven.*

    Jaania: <Character>.
    <Character>: Jaania.

    *A tense moment of silence follows.*

    Jaania: Is there a reason why you're here?
    <Character>: Actually... yes! I had this really insane dream, and I don't know if it was actually a dream and well...

    *You pause before continuing.*

    <Character>: Do you want to go on a QuestVenture with me...?

    If you have sufficiently bonded with Jaania:
    *Jaania is evidently surprised by your request.*

    Jaania: What an intriguing surprise.
    Jaania: I'm not... comfortable leaving Swordhaven, but if you'd like, I suppose I wouldn't mind having some tea with you.
    Jaania: You can tell me all about this... dream you had.

  • QuestVenture Journal

  • Complete Quest
  • QuestVenture Reward! - opens QuestVenture (Jaania) shop.

    If you have not sufficiently bonded with Jaania:
    Jaania: A Quest-what? Don't be ridiculous.

    Jaania: No.

    Jaania: Get out.

  • Complete Quest


    *You visit Alz'ein at the Spire in Atrea.*

    <Character>: Hey, Alz'ein! Got some time?
    Alz'ein: For you? Sure.

    Alz'ein: What do you need?
    <Character>: So, I had this crazy dream where we wrangled a massive fluffy tog together.
    <Character>: I want to make that dream a reality.
    <Character>: Want do go on a QuestVenture with me?

    If you have sufficiently bonded with Alz'ein:
    Alz'ein: Say no more. What shall we battle today? A giant fluffy tog? Don't know where we'll find one of those, but there's no way that'll stop us!

  • QuestVenture Journal

  • Complete Quest
  • QuestVenture Reward! - opens QuestVenture (Alz'ein) shop.

    If you have not sufficiently bonded with Alz'ein:
    Alz'ein: A "QuestVenture" sounds... interesting.
    Alz'ein: But I... have other things to do. ...Very important things. Yes. Sorry.

  • Complete Quest


    *You visit Aegis at his house in Ravenloss.*

    <Character>: Hi, Aegis!
    Aegis: Hi there, <Character>!
    <Character>: Up for some adventuring? I had this crazy dream, and well... I think I'm inspired!
    <Character>: Want to go on a QuestVenture?

    If you have sufficiently bonded with Aegis:
    Aegis: I appreciate you asking! Of course I'll go on this "QuestVenture" or whatever. Sounds interesting!

  • QuestVenture Journal

  • Complete Quest
  • QuestVenture Reward! - opens QuestVenture (Aegis) shop.

    If you have not sufficiently bonded with Aegis:
    Aegis: Oh... Um... Now isn't the best time...
    Aegis: I'm learning how to cook, and I have to watch some pots and pans. Maybe you can try some of it later, if it's not burnt to a crisp?

  • Complete Quest


    *You visit Ash by the inn in Falconreach.*

    <Character>: Hey, Ash!
    Ash: Hi, <Character>! What's up? Is there a problem?
    <Character>: No... no. Okay, this is going to sound weird, but um, I had this dream, and it was really weird, and well, I guess...

    *You pause before continuing.*

    <Character>: Do you want to go on a QuestVenture with me?

    If you have sufficiently bonded with Ash:
    Ash: Go on an adventure with you? Of course! Any time, <Character>! Sounds like fun!

  • QuestVenture Journal

  • Complete Quest
  • QuestVenture Reward! - opens QuestVenture (Ash) shop.

    If you have not sufficiently bonded with Ash:
    Ash: Er, well, any other time I'd probably say yes, but I don't quite have time for a Quest... Venture? I'm sorry! I have a lot of new responsibilities now!

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Completion of this quest will reset all progress, unlocking Part 1, allowing other paths to be explored.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/25/2023 15:48:27 >
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