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2/25/2011 19:25:25   


Location: Meet Aegis, Pellow Village (Book 3), Adrift, Void War Intro, Halfway Through, Through the Door, Tomix's Saga Epilogue, Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 7 Left -> Enter house with icy blue markings, Just Chillin', Calamity, Coming Home, AdventureFriends! (Part 1), AdventureFriends! (Part 2), The Final Steps, Convergence (Part 2), The End of Magic (Part 1)

Quests given
Just Chillin'
The Trial of the Icy Caves of Valor

Shops owned

Meet Aegis

???: PANDORA!!!

???: I thought I made it clear before. You are to STAY in your domain! You are a threat to the others!

???: I'm sorry you had to meet her. Pandora is... an anomaly. She seems to attract bad luck and misfortune for some reason.

Aegis: But where are my manners? My name is Aegis. I don't recognize you, and you're not a spirit.

Aegis: I see! Good luck finding a SoulAlly! I would offer myself as a possible companion, but...
Aegis: I'm looking for a Hero. Someone I can respect and support!

Aegis: Trouble!
Aegis: It's over here! We're getting closer!
Aegis: What is...
Aegis: ...going...
Aegis: ... on!!!

Aegis: What is Uthuluc doing here?! How did it escape?! Who released it?

Aegis: Pandora... *frown*
Aegis: Uthuluc is immortal. We CAN'T kill it. But I suppose... I could seal it. Or perhaps banish it. If I'm lucky.

Aegis: Really? That IS good to know! But in your current state... I don't think you will be able to do much. I appreciate the offer though.

Aegis: And done. He should be frozen for at least a century.
Aegis: Hmm...

Aegis: <Character>... You said you are a Hero. Are you a GOOD Hero? Helpful? What kinds of deeds have you done?

Aegis: Enough.

Aegis: It is decided then.
Aegis: I would be honored to become your SoulAlly. Together we will do MANY good and helpful things!

Pellow Village (Book 3)

Aegis: <Character>! I'm so glad you are finally free from that ice! I can't wait until we weave together again!

  • Invite Aegis! - invites Aegis as Guest A.

  • Talk
    Aegis: I'm all ears.
    • Frozen
      Aegis: I felt it. The moment when you were trapped. I tried to unfreeze you, but a dragon was guarding the ice block.

    • You look different
      Aegis: Ah, well, that is thanks to you i suppose. You see, I'm an elemental spirit of valor, and my element is ice.
      Aegis: You were trapped in a very powerful ice crystal, created by some really potent magic.
      Aegis: Since we are linked together, over the years, my power kept rising because you were frozen. Obvious, if you think about it.

    • Your past
      Aegis: What's with this sudden interest in my past? Well... I lived a really long time ago, studied in Edelia, and died.
      Aegis: After death I was supposed to help other elemental spirits and wait for a soulweaver to form a bond with me. I did what I was told to.
      Aegis: Over time, I became "friends" with Pandora. I pitied her, she had no one else, for she was the founder of Chaosweavers.
      Aegis: And then you came.

    • Your death
      Aegis: I was on a mission in Northlands with other soulweavers, we were sent to investigate some spherical artifact.
      Aegis: We were in an ice cave, when the other soulweaver stepped on thin ice and fell into the water.
      Aegis: I jumped in to save him, and succeeded, but he pushed me back into the ice cold water. I drowned.
      Aegis: I don't know why he pushed me. I didn't try to find out after i died.


    Aegis: Can I do anything?

    Aegis: Oh. I can be anywhere you are. We're linked, that's how it works.

    Aegis: I'm afraid I don't know how to do this.

    Aegis: Through the Plane of Elemental Spirits. And no, I can't transport living people through it, sorry...

    Aegis: Aye aye!

    Aegis: Umm... excuse me?

    Aegis: We're heading towards a floating island. I thought you might want to know.

    Aegis: May I go, too?

    Aegis: Understood!

    Void War Intro

    Aegis: Give me a second.
    Aegis: There.
    Aegis: No one has spoted me, and I got a good view of the entire structure. This is how it looks like from the top.
    Aegis: The core is here.
    Aegis: The chamber is the only way leading to it.
    Aegis: This corridor goes straight into the main chamber.
    Aegis: These two corridors on both sides do not connect to the main chamber itself, however...
    Aegis: The door leading into the main chamber appears to be enchanted , by Envy. It is engulfed by a weird, swirling green energy.
    Aegis: All the corridors are swarming with void creatures. And... that's not all.
    Aegis: These two corridors that I've mentioned... there is an "unlocking mechanism" at the end of each of them...

    Aegis: Because... it literally says "unlocking mechanism" in big, bright letters...
    Aegis: ... over the two human beings who are connected by this weird green energy to the door.
    Aegis: Absolutely.

    Halfway Through

    Aegis: I've got your back!

    Aegis: As you wish.

    Through the Door

    Aegis: <Character> is right. After all this is over, I can search for their souls and notify their families.

    Aegis: Wait!
    Aegis: I will scout ahead to see if there are more surprises.

    Tomix's Saga Epilogue

    Aegis: He isn't there.

    Aegis: They do. I don't know why he isn't there.
    Aegis: I'm sorry...

    Aegis: Me too.

    Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3)

    Aegis: <Character>! Hey! You should visit more often! Or... you can stay here, if you want.

  • Invite Aegis! - invites Aegis as Guest A.

  • Quests!
    Aegis: I have something planned for you, <Character>!
    • Just Chillin'
      Aegis: Hey <Character>... I have a surprise for you.

      Aegis: Could you drop by my house later?
    • The Trial of the Icy Caves of Valor
      Aegis: Hail, <Character>!

      Aegis: Like, you know. The weather!

      Aegis: Hail?

      Aegis: Right, anyway!

      Aegis: I have had a lot of time... to reminisce. And in all of that reminiscing, I have thought to myself...
      Aegis: Why not make something to hone your craft! I loved doing that for the wayward elemental spirits, back in the day.
      Aegis: Have I told you about it? I was kind of a big deal! A guide! I nurtured elemental spirits and watched them grow into fully fledged attributes!
      Aegis: From the top of my head...
      Aegis: I very fondly remember guiding a stray darkness elemental spirit that I met in my travels into her true calling as an elemental spirit of Honesty!
      Aegis: Malus was her name.

      Aegis: She was so lost... but kill them with kindness, right?
      Aegis: I'd hate to see what would become of her if I didn't intervene.
      Aegis: The moment a deceased weaver becomes an elemental spirit, they are a blank slate.
      Aegis: The person's entire being, their soul, unravels and after a metamorphosis, it coalesces into an entirely new creation!

      Aegis: That is correct!
      Aegis: When a weaver dies, due to their bond with an elemental spirit, their soul unravels.
      Aegis: I forget the principles, I've been dead for quite a while, hah...

      Aegis: Anyway... then... then it, like, comes all together! Into a new elemental spirit!
      Aegis: And then... poof!
      Aegis: Elemental Spirit!
      Aegis: Over time, Elemental Spirits might get some of their memories back, from the time they were still alive.
      Aegis: But, like I said, they are a new being altogether!
      Aegis: ...
      Aegis: I'm rambling, aren't I?

      Aegis: What was I... AH!
      Aegis: Like I said, I made something for you! It's... A DUNGEON! Underneath my house!
      Aegis: I even lured in monsters for you to defeat and get experience to hone your skills!
      Aegis: Don't ask me how I lured them, it took me seven months...

      Aegis: I call it: The Trial of the Icy Caves of Valor!
      Aegis: I won't be joining you, this trial is for you and you alone! Well, by that I mean that I... uhh... will be with you in spirit!
      Aegis: Okay, and maybe <Dragon> can come too!
      Aegis: And at the end of the dungeon, there is a surprise!
      Aegis: So… Come on! I'll show you the entrance!
  • Set Home Town
    Aegis: There is an empty bedroom upstairs. I don't sleep, so I don't need it. If cold doesn't bother you, feel free to stay here!
    • I'd love to!
    • I hate cold...
  • Talk
    Aegis: I'm all ears.
    • Frozen
      Aegis: I felt it. The moment when you were trapped. I tried to unfreeze you, but a dragon was guarding the ice block.

    • You look different
      Aegis: Ah, well, that is thanks to you I suppose. You see, I'm an elemental spirit of valor, and my element is ice.
      Aegis: You were trapped in a very powerful ice crystal, created by some really potent magic.
      Aegis: Since we are linked together, over the years, my power kept rising because you were frozen. Obvious, if you think about it.

    • Your past
      Aegis: What's with this sudden interest in my past? Well... I lived a really long time ago, studied in Edelia, and died.
      Aegis: After death I was supposed to help other elemental spirits and wait for a soulweaver to form a bond with me. I did what I was told to.
      Aegis: Over time, I became "friends" with Pandora. I pitied her, she had no one else, for she was the founder of Chaosweavers.
      Aegis: And then you came.

    • Your death
      Aegis: I was on a mission in Northlands with other soulweavers, we were sent to investigate some spherical artifact.
      Aegis: We were in an ice cave, when the other soulweaver stepped on thin ice and fell into the water.
      Aegis: I jumped in to save him, and succeeded, but he pushed me back into the ice cold water. I drowned.
      Aegis: I don't know why he pushed me. I didn't try to find out after i died.

    • House
      Aegis: It's nice, isn't it? I actually got used to staying here, on Lore, rather than in the Plane of Elemental Spirits.
      Aegis: This house was abandoned, so I moved in. I'll be staying here from now on, I needed a place for myself.
      Aegis: Feel free to drop by anytime and ask for help! That's why I'm here!
      Aegis: Oh, and Yashta lives next door. I guess he's your ally now too, huh? He's... different. Very obedient.

    • Future
      Aegis: It doesn't matter what the future holds, I will always be watching your back. We are bonded until you die.

    • Sk'aar - requires completion of AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day ???.
      Aegis: You want to know about Sk'aar? Hmm. That's an... interesting topic. I asked Isaac about it once, and he shared with me what he knew.
      Aegis: Sk'aar is the weavers' god of nightmares, although it's quite unlike other weaver deities.
      Aegis: We don't know where Sk'aar is from, or what it is. It certainly can't be found in the Void, and it's not a spirit. Those sorts of things leave traces.
      Aegis: It's not even reliably researchable! Few weavers dream of Sk'aar in their lifetimes, and even fewer multiple times.
      Aegis: But the description is always the same. The hazy, blurred image of two brilliant eyes and the head of a dragon.
      Aegis: Eight eyes? No, Isaac didn't mention anything about that. Maybe something afforded you some amount of extra clarity?
      Aegis: Despite being one of, if not the oldest deity weavers acknowledge, there's so much still unknown about Sk'aar, after all.
      Aegis: Apparently, there are even those who claim to have had pleasant dreams when Sk'aar appeared.
      Aegis: Maybe Sk'aar haunts everyone, but due to the way weaving affects the soul, it's only visible to weavers.
      Aegis: Kind of makes you wonder if Sk'aar itself is even an entity at all, or instead some kind of shared memory or vision, twisted by imagination.
      Aegis: I hope that information was helpful!

    Just Chillin'

    Aegis: Hey! Could you... wait for me near the portal?

    Aegis: I'm getting dressed... and it might take a while.

    ???: <Character>!

    ???: Ta-dah!

    ???: I understand this must be quite unusual, but it can be explained very easily!

    ???: Today... is my deathday!

    Aegis: It's me! Aegis!

    Aegis: No.

    Aegis: No...
    Aegis: I got a body! An Artificial body. For a day.

    Aegis: For my deathday.

    Aegis: I died... as you may have noticed.

    Aegis: I am an elemental spirit!

    Aegis: Ahem. Today is my deathday. It's like a birthday, but for weavers.
    Aegis: It's like a... new chapter of our "lives" starts, when we die and become elemental spirits.

    Aegis: And I've decided...
    Aegis: I'd like to finally spend it with you.
    Aegis: Properly, I mean. As a "living" being.

    Aegis: Yes, yes it is.

    Aegis: Well, it's not that... big... you don't need to feel honored.

    Aegis: You're making me uncomfortable.

    Aegis: You may not know, but I am... respected in the Plane of Elemental Spirits.
    Aegis: One of the spirits actually approached me and said that he could make me a body!
    Aegis: Can you imagine!?
    Aegis: I didn't know elemental spirits could do that, but suffice to say, I was curious!
    Aegis: He explained that "flesh was his thing", and behold, he made me a body!
    Aegis: It's not permanent, obviously. It will start to fail in approximately a day, so...

    Aegis: I know! I just regret that I can't remember his name well... but anyway, here I am, a human, a person, ready to spend an entire day with you!

    Aegis: Yashta.

    Aegis: And Yashta.

    Aegis: And I planned one more surprise! As the culmination of our day!

    Aegis: Ah, yes. Ice cream!

    Aegis: No, not make, I want to eat one! I want to remind myself how they taste!
    Aegis: Actually... I will be eating a lot today. Just wanted to let you know, I want to eat everything new! So many new dishes were invented since I died!

    Aegis: Mmmmm!
    Aegis: I think the "Moglin Hugs" flavour is the best!

    Aegis: It makes you feel so warm inside, after you get a brain freeze!

    Aegis: That's the point, Yashta! Ice creams are cold, because they are mined in the Northlands!

    Aegis: WHAT?!

    Aegis: This is a perfect spot!

    Aegis: I can feel the warmth... I forgot how that felt.
    Aegis: Alrighty. I never picked mushrooms, none of them are edible in Azaveyr.
    Aegis: Oh, this one looks beautiful!

    Aegis: I take it that those were poisonous?

    Aegis: Oh! Tell me about Somorah!

    Aegis: It is, isn't it?! I saw it on the way here and I knew I needed it! It's so soft!

    Aegis: No. I just took it. No one was sitting on it.

    Aegis: Well, it wasn't supervised, anyone could take it.

    Aegis: I forgot, sorry.

    Aegis: Alright!
    Aegis: Time to eat!

    Aegis: No, I took it from some people when they weren't watching.

    Aegis: Hmm... I'm out of ideas what to do... we still have some time before my surprise dinner with Izaac and Ri-
    Aegis: Shoot.

    Aegis: No... why would they? We'll just go and hope they have food.

    Aegis: I'm kidding!

    Aegis: Yes, we're invited.

    Aegis: No.

    Aegis: . . .
    Aegis: Let's not...

    Aegis: I tried forgetting too...

    Aegis: It's ok.
    Aegis: Yashta, I drowned.

    Aegis: No matter how much I keep ignoring the thought of it, I still vividly remember the feeling.
    Aegis: Air leaving my lungs, the pressure, the panic... the cold.

    Aegis: I remembered his face, you know.

    Aegis: I don't think he did it on purpose...

    Aegis: But!

    Aegis: We are not here to reminisce! We're here to have a good time!

    Aegis: Right, this is a completely new part of a galasi for you.

    Aegis: Yes, that.

    Aegis: Yes, it wa-

    Aegis: I don't know...

    Aegis: Riadne!

    Aegis: I don't mind!

    Aegis: This... smells divine!!!

    Aegis: This.

    Aegis: Is.

    Aegis: Amazing!


    Aegis: NOT NOW! I need to—

    Aegis: Oops...

    Aegis: <Character>! I sensed that you were in danger and came as soon—

    Aegis: A— Apologies!

    Aegis: I... I can't block that!!

    Aegis: We need—

    Coming Home

    If you select the 'Summon Aegis!' option:
      Aegis: <Character>! What's up—
      Aegis: Oh!
      Aegis: Falling again, are we? As is tradition!

      Aegis: Wow! Ruuma, is it? My name is Aegis! I am <Character>'s Soulal—

      Aegis: Of course! Hmm, let's see...
      Aegis: If you're in a block of ice that miiiight—

      Aegis: No worries, I remember! Just hold on to your butts!

    AdventureFriends! (Part 1)

    Day 1
    Aegis: Wait, it's still happening isn't it?!
      If you joined the Decorations Subcommittee:
      Aegis: Decorations, yay!

      Aegis: Yeah, you got it, pretty much. We just decorate however and whatever Jaania tells us to.

      Aegis: Yep. I'd like to say you get used to it but... you don't. She's just an adventurer like the rest of us, really. Thank the Avatars you're here, <Character>. I don't think I would have survived on my own.
    Day 2
      If you select the 'Welcome to Aspenvale Academy!' option:
      Aegis: Welcome!

      If you joined the Decorations Subcommittee:
      Aegis: Don't mind her, Yashta, she's just being weird. Like usual.

      Aegis: I think we're supposed to clap here.

      Aegis: Oh no. Don't feed her delusions...

      Aegis: Aspenvale Keep isn't even a... Uh... Maybe you should handle this one, <Character>...

        If you select the 'Side with Victoria' option:
        Aegis: Not you too!

        Aegis: No, I think I'm the only one whose senses are working properly, thanks.

        Aegis: Whoa, whoa, hold up! Yashta, what's with that face?

        Aegis: Okay, I know I'm not that smart, but simple? Really?

        If you select the 'Side with Aegis' option:
        Aegis: No, just Victoria. She's confusing, and confused.

        Aegis: Less talking, more cutting, Victoria.
    Day 3
    Aegis: Now that you mention it... Nah, I'm kidding. Jaania's right, everyone is here.
      If you joined the Decorations Subcommittee:
      Aegis: Help... me... <Character>... The two of them... I can't...

      Aegis: She's having trouble hanging the light ornaments.

        If you select the 'Accept Quest!' option:
        Aegis: I... I give up. Okay, "Your Majesty"! I can't escape this, can I?

        Aegis: We all know about the time you got stuck in the well after chasing that tog.

        Aegis: Did you... make that up just now?

        Aegis: Zzz... Huh? Yeah. Slaced and phaped. Got it.

        If you select the 'Victoria... Maybe tone it down a bit?' option:
        Aegis: Seriously. I didn't think anything of it before, but now that we're on a subcommittee together? I'm going crazy! It's so annoying!

        Aegis: I don't mean anything by it. You're a cool person, Victoria, but can you just... not go quite so far? Control that uh, royal blood of yours?

        Aegis: I'm sorry if I came off as too harsh...

        Aegis: Yeah, I know what you mean. I know I'm not the smartest person here but... but I think this was better for her in the long run, right? She can't keep doing that forever. She'll get laugh at. Or bullied.
    Day 4
      If you joined the Decorations Subcommittee:
      Aegis: Wait, what?

      Aegis: He means you, Robina. I thought you just finally snapped in class earlier but uh... this is pretty extreme.

      Aegis: Are you back to "normal" then?

      Aegis: Where did... where did she go?

      Aegis: <Character>, stay with us. if everything's going to explode, I'd rather you were-
      Aegis (briefly): X

    AdventureFriends! (Part 2)

    Day ?
    Aegis: Wait, it's still happening isn't it?!

    Aegis: <Character>? Wait... Why do I feel like we should be asking <Character> whats going on?
      If you select the 'Say nothing' option:
      Aegis: <Character>, are you... are you okay? Say something!
    Day ??
      If you joined the Decorations Subcommittee:
      ???: ...<Character>...

      ???: ...come on, <Character>, wake up!
      Aegis: <Character>! Come on, wake up!

      Aegis: Thank the Avatars you're okay. You're... okay, right?

      Aegis: Your guess is as good as ours. Seems like we all passed out or something... And woke up... wherever here is. I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

      Aegis: There's no way out. There isn't. We could go in any direction for days and just find more trees.

      Aegis: We're doomed. We're never going to escape!

      Aegis: Victoria! Your blood is as royal as this clump of dirt on the ground! Now is not the time to be lost in fantasy!

      Aegis: *frustrated ice spirit noises*

        If you select the 'I trust Victoria's instincts.' option:
        Aegis: You're... right. I just... What if we never get out? What if we're stuck here forever?

        Aegis: Yeah but... Victoria's you know... Victoria...

        Aegis: And if she's confidently wrong? What do you think, Yashta?

        Aegis: I'm... I'm sorry, everyone. I've just been a source of conflict this whole time. We're all unique in our own ways, and I haven't been respectful that.

        Aegis: It looks the same as the last nine times we went around it.

        Aegis: It... I don't... I...

        Aegis: I think I've been too harsh on you, Victoria. I'm so sorry! Please have mercy on me!

        If you select the 'Aegis, calm down, please!' option:
        Aegis: I'm... I'm sorry. You're right, <Character>. I'm panicking. We're lost. I don't know what to do.

        Aegis: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want to believe you, Victoria, I really do! But how can you be so sure you're right? Can you maybe... explain more?

        Aegis: Can you try? For me? For all of us?

        Aegis: All this was inside your head? This is... incredible...

        Aegis: Um. Victoria, was that supposed to happen?

        Aegis: Is that... a good thing?

          If you have sufficiently bonded with Aegis:
          Aegis: Hey, before we escape this uh, purgatory, I just wanted to say that I'm glad you joined the Decorations subcommittee. Not just because you helped me stay sane when Victoria was being... well, I don't even know if she was just being weird anymore.
          Aegis: Sorry, anyway, what I mean is, when this is all over... would you like to go on the QuestVenture with me? I feel like we have a connection, you know? We work well together.
          Aegis: Well, whatever you decide, it can wait until we know we're safe. See you around, <Character>!

          If you have not sufficiently bonded with Aegis:
          Aegis: I still don't know what I did. But maybe there's something to Victoria's "royal blood". Regardless, I wanted to thank you. Thanks for staying by my side, even when I got a bit frustrated.
          Aegis: You're a good friend. Whatever this "soul bond" thing is that Victoria thinks we're all bound by, I'm glad it happened.

        If you select the 'Maybe Yashta has the right idea.' option:
        Aegis: So then... is there a plan?

        Aegis: Yeah, I think I'd be up for anything besides wandering around this forest with only "royal blood" as our guide.

        Aegis: Huh? Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep but it was just so... peaceful.

        Aegis: ...Sure. Why not?

        Aegis: Yep. Okay. Not ever getting on your bad side. Cool.

        Aegis: Do I... Do I even want to know how you figured out that you had to... punch the tree?

        Aegis: Fair enough!
    Hero's Heart Day
    Aegis: Hi there, <Character>!
      If you have sufficiently bonded with Aegis:
      Aegis: I appreciate you asking! Of course I'll go on this "QuestVenture" or whatever. Sounds interesting!

      If you have not sufficiently bonded with Aegis:
      Aegis: Oh... Um... Now isn't the best time...
      Aegis: I'm learning how to cook, and I have to watch some pots and pans. Maybe you can try some of it later, if it's not burnt to a crisp?

    The Final Steps

    Aegis: That would be me!
    Aegis: Oh. Wow. Hello everyone. Nice to meet you all!

    Aegis: Hello, <Character>! So this is where your adventures are taking you! This...
    Aegis: Uh.
    Aegis: Place.

    Aegis: Oh, I'm not going anywhere! I was just relaxing in the Plane of Elemental Spirits, when I noticed <Character>'s soul was straining a bit.
    Aegis: So I thought I'd jump in and help protect it.

    Aegis: No problem! I'm glad to help. Now, if you all don't mind, I'm going to get back to protecting <Character>.

    Convergence (Part 2)

    Aegis: Sorry, <Character>. That last attack took quite a bit out of me.
    Aegis: Probably best if I focus on making sure your soul stays safe!
    Aegis: But I know you can handle this.
    Aegis: You're my weaver, after all.

    The End of Magic (Part 1)

    Aegis: So... You're Hespherrodos, huh?

    Aegis: What did she do to you...?

    Aegis: ...Right. I'll, uh, let you get back to it then!

    Other information
  • Sk'aar dialogue option in Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) was added on March 11th, 2022.

    Full Book 1 Image
    Book 3 Front View
    Book 3 Side View
    Human Form (Just Chillin')
    AdventureFriends! Appearance

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for images and other information.
  • Leon ShadowHart for dialogues.
  • Niki for corrections.
  • Occavatra for additional dialogue.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/25/2025 14:49:52 >
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