Gala (All Versions), The (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Gala (All Versions), The (6/10/2017 17:13:03)

The Gala

Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Up -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> The Gala
Requirements: Completion of My Spot
Release Date: February 24th, 2023

Objective: It's time to don your formalwear and head over to the royal gala!
Objective completed: You KNEW something was going to happen!!!

Experience rewarded: 0
Gold rewarded: 0


??? (1)
??? (2)
Annoyed Noble
Bored Noble
Diligent Noble
Distracted Noble
Haughty Noble
Kara SuLema
Kind Noble
King Alteon
No-name Noble
Princess Victoria
Proud Noble
Popular Noble
Secretive Noble
Sleazy Noble
Very Noble
Weird Noble
Wobbly Noble
Young Noble



*Back in the cliff near Oaklore Keep at night, following your rude claim to the little red-haired girl, she—now shy and fearful—turns around to face you and your dragon; your chair can be seen behind you and dragon.*

<Character>: I'm... I'm just kidding, you don't have to be afraid! Sorry!

*The girl became hesitant to speak with you.*

???: ...
<Character>: ...
<Character>: So...
<Character>: My name is <Character>.

<Character>: What's yours?
???: My daddy told me not to talk to strangers.
<Character>: That's... that's very solid advice!
<Character>: ...

*The girl notices your dragon and becomes curious about it.*

???: Is that a dragon?
<Character>: Yes! Indeed it is!
<Character>: This is <Dragon>!
???: It's very cute!
<Dragon>: Cute!? I will burn you, kid! *grumble* | *Very offended growl*
<Character>: ...<Dragon> says "Thanks"!

*The girl smiles, an indication that she decided to warm up to you before revealing her name.*

Lynn: I'm Lynn.
<Character>: Nice to meet you, Lynn!

*After greeting Lynn, you question why she is here on the cliff.*

<Character>: Why are you out here so late?
<Character>: Do you live nearby? Do you want me to escort you home?
Lynn: It's okay.
Lynn: When my dad isn't home, I like to go on adventures!
<Character>: But it's late! Aren't you afraid of monsters or bandits?
Lynn: No.
<Character>: Oh, I see.

*Silence follows after Lynn answers your question.*

<Character>: ...
<Character>: Does your dad know you're going on adventures?
Lynn: Yes.
<Character>: Reeeeally?

*After a moment of silence, Lynn gives you an honest answer.*

Lynn: No.
<Character>: You know what?
<Character>: I don't want to get involved, you obviously look like someone who can take care of themselves...
<Character>: ... so I will just leave this chair here and get going!
Lynn: Mhmm.
<Character>: But... this is my spot, so I will be back!

<Character>: Eventually.
<Character>: If you want... you can come over too. If you'd like.
Lynn: You have my permission.
<Character>: E-excuse me?
Lynn: This place belongs to me! I am the princess of all these lands and the whooole world, and you have my permission to come here!
<Character>: Oh... are you now?

<Character>: Whoa! Okay... thanks!

<Character>: This is such an honor!
Lynn: Bye bye!
<Character>: Umm...

<Character>: Bye!

*You and your dragon run off from the cliff while Lynn turns around and watches the view with a smile; you and your dragon run through the Oaklore forest to privately converse their thoughts about their encounter with Lynn.*

<Dragon>: What was that about? | *Confused grumble*
<Character>: Yeah... I... I don't know what was up with that girl, either.
<Dragon>: That was too weird, I don't like her. | It was weird, I don't like her.
<Character>: Oh, come on, you're just upset she called you "cute"!
<Dragon>: Something feels wrong about her. | *Contemplative chirps*
<Dragon>: She smells like death... and flowers. | *Hiss of familiarity*
<Character>: ...She was rather strange, even for a kid, wasn't she?
<Character>: Well, we've got bigger things to worry about. Let's get some sleep and return to Sulen'Eska. The gala's tomorrow night, and I'm getting nervous.
<Dragon>: You'll be fine, I'm coming with you! | *Supportive purr*

*The next day, you and your dragon arrive in Sulen'Eska to tell Kara about having your dragon to accompany you to the Gala, however, there is a problem...*

Kara SuLema: I am sorry, <Character>. <Dragon> can't come with you.
<Character>: What?!, <Dragon>: What?! | *Indignant roar*
Kara SuLema: Why are you so surprised?
Kara SuLema: <Dragon> could never come with you! It's simply too risky!
Kara SuLema: I know you somehow managed to smuggle them into the city last time, but this is a different matter entirely.
Kara SuLema: You can't just show up to the royal gala with your dragon in tow. Security will be provided by The Rose, and they will not be accommodating.
<Character>: Oh come on!

<Character>: I'll just put <Dragon> in my backpack again! I'll be fine!
<Dragon>: Not again! It's a mess in there! And I ate all the snacks last time, too. | *Surprisingly hesitant, and hungry, grumble*
Kara SuLema: What did <Dragon> say?
<Character>: ...Apparently I need to throw out some junk and get more snacks.
<Dragon>: Yeah! But... I still want to go with you... | *Acknowledging growl*
<Character>: ...Maybe it's for the best. I shouldn't have to leave you behind. But The Rose would jump at any excuse to kick me out, or worse.
<Dragon>: But we're a team! Where you go, I go! | *Slightly annoyed hiss*
<Character>: I know. ...I'm sorry, <Dragon>, but Kara's right. It would be too risky. I'll be careful, okay?
<Dragon>: Fine! But if anything happens to you, I'm burning that whole city to the ground! | *Angry, but understanding, growl*
Kara SuLema: I'm so sorry for this <Character>. I know you two are close...
Kara SuLema: But <Dragon> simply can't go with you this time.
<Character>: Yeah. I understand... I'll be okay.
Kara SuLema: Someone else will be accompanying you, however. Just in case something goes wrong.
<Character>: Oh? Who?
Kara SuLema: Melissa.
<Character>: The Fairy Princess?!
Kara SuLema: Precisely.
<Character>: Um. But... she's magical as well!

<Character>: How—
Kara SuLema: As royalty, once disguised, she'll be able to blend in with the crowd. It took some arguing, but she's already on her way to Swordhaven.
Kara SuLema: She will aid you in case there's any trouble.
<Character>: Very well...
Kara SuLema: I know this isn't how you envisioned it, but it will have to do.

*You look down feeling disappointed that your dragon won't be able to come along; Kara smiles as she receives some good news.*

Kara SuLema: Ah!
Kara SuLema: Your friend Danyel's SoulAlly, Baltael, was here earlier!
Kara SuLema: He dropped off the outfits and, I must say, they look absolutely dashing!
Kara SuLema: The fabric is beautiful! It’s so pleasant to touch, and so... fragile, yet durable! I don’t know how else to describe it.
<Character>: Yeah, soulweaving is something else.
Kara SuLema: Well?
<Character>: Well what?
Kara SuLema: Try it on, of course!
<Character>: Oh... alright.

  • Equips VIP.

    *You enter an illuminated dressing room where you try on a suit or a dress and change the base and trim colors that you feel suits you best; once you have chosen the type of formalwear and the colors you are comfortable with, you exit the dressing room and return to Kara, who admires your marvelous appearance.*

    Kara SuLema: Oh, <Character>!
    Kara SuLema: You look absolutely marvelous!
    Kara SuLema: With such a magnificent outfit, you're sure to capture everyone's attention!

    *Scene pans upward to show you and your chosen formalwear for the Gala; you look down nervously as you remain hopeful that King Alteon will listen about the Rose's wrongdoings.*

    <Character>: Especially since I was directly invited by the king himself. I just hope he, and anyone else, will listen...
    Kara SuLema: Of course. Now, remember, while talking to the king, please try to mind your manners. Try to keep calm.
    Kara SuLema: The high-born nobles of Swordhaven are sheltered and fed lies about magic by The Rose. They must hear reason.
    <Character>: And what if they don't want to listen to reason?
    Kara SuLema: Then your words must be more forceful. The nobles benefit greatly from their arrangements with The Rose.
    Kara SuLema: They lie to themselves that it's for the protection of Greenguard, rather than profit. If you must shatter that lie, do it.
    Kara SuLema: This... will be as treacherous an environment as any battlefield, <Character>.
    <Character>: ...I see. Thanks for the advice.
    Kara SuLema: But, please, try to have a nice time! Enjoy yourself, if you can find the time and space. You... you deserve it.

    *You pause before considering Kara's advice.*

    <Character>: Well... Thank you, Kara.
    <Character>: I'll be off, then!
    Kara SuLema: May the winds guide you, <Character>. Good luck!

    *Later this evening, during the Gala, Swordhaven Castle is filled with many nobles, who are enjoying the refreshments provided on the dining tables set out; as you arrived at the castle very late, the Gala's announcer pulls out a scroll to read the moment you have arrived in the part of the castle where the Gala is taking place.*

    Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, may I have your attention, please!
    Announcer: The one we've all been waiting for, has finally arrived... fashionably late!
    <Character>: Give me a break, I got trapped in an outhouse on my way here!!!!
    Announcer: Scandalous!
    Announcer: Now, may I present to you...
    Announcer: Tamer of dragons!

    Announcer: Collector of powerful artifacts!

    *As you arrive, you look the opposite direction of where you are walking while the nobles whisper amongst themselves about you.*

    Announcer: Slayer of titans!
    Announcer: Master of the Elements!
    Announcer: Mayor of a small town by the ocean!
    <Character> (thinking): Whaa...?
    Announcer: Chickencow Wrestler!
    <Character> (thinking): ...
    Announcer: Bringer of the sun!
    Announcer: The Hero of Falconreach!
    Announcer: Defender of the oppressed!
    Announcer: Everyone's object of desire!
    Announcer: Saviour of Lore!
    Announcer: And a terrible cook!

    Announcer: The one and onlyyyyy...
    Announcer: Lady/Lord <Character>!

    *The nobles continue to whisper as you look straight ahead to ignore their gossip; you approach King Alteon, who is guarded by a duo of Swordhaven Knights.*

    <Character>: Your Majesty!
    King Alteon: Greetings, <Character>! I'm so glad you could make it!
    King Alteon: In these uncertain times, it is important that we honor those who selflessly defend Greenguard and her people.
    King Alteon: And it's time for all of us to come together and strengthen our resolve to protect our subjects.
    King Alteon: I'm sure you are familiar with some of the guests here already. The Rose have been so instrumental in keeping the peace.
    King Alteon: Jaania herself, in fact, has—
    <Character>: That's exactly what I wanted to talk with you about, Your Majesty.
    King Alteon: Oh, there will be plenty of time for that later! For now, please enjoy yourself, <Character>.
    King Alteon: Eat, mingle, let us celebrate The Rose and its achievements!
    <Character>: W-wait... what?
    <Character>: This gala is in their name?!
    King Alteon: Not everything can be about you all the time, <Character>! Now, if you would excuse me, I do have other guests to greet.
    <Character>: Your Majesty! Please, wait—
    ???: Hi, <Character>.

    *You turn around after someone from behind greets you; that person turns out to be Princess Victoria, who haven't met you for quite sometime.*

    <Character>: Wait—
    <Character>: What are you doing here?
    Princess Victoria: This is a royal gala, <Character>. I'm a princess. I don't exactly have a choice.
    Princess Victoria: After I kept asking father about The Rose, he insisted I come and "learn of their accomplishments".
    <Character>: That doesn't seem fair.
    Princess Victoria: It isn't. But if I don't play the role of princess some of the time, it's more difficult to excuse my... excursions.
    <Character>: Is King Alteon that controlling?
    Princess Victoria: No. No, we just... We don't really talk to each other much. I don't want to listen to him tell me what to do, and he dismisses whatever I try to say.
    Princess Victoria: Ah, but what about you? I didn't think you were the gala type.

    *Victoria's eyes widen when she realizes that you were King Alteon's special guest and the winner of the Tournament of Champions.*

    Princess Victoria: Wait a minute. You must be that special guest Father mentioned! The winner of the tournament, right?
    Princess Victoria: This is perfect! We can explain things together! He can't dismiss both of us, right?
    Princess Victoria: I... heard about what happened in Betrubung after the failed peace talks. Jaania's pulled her forces back for now, but...
    Princess Victoria: ...I'm worried about what she might be planning. We need to speak to my father!
    <Character>:Yeah. I'm supposed to have an audience with him later. You're welcome to join me.
    Princess Victoria: It's a plan!
    <Character>: With that out of the way, where are the other princesses? What do they think of The Rose?
    Princess Victoria: Oh, Tara's lucky. She's out exploring some eastern country across the sea. I doubt she's been paying too much attention to the politics back home.
    Princess Victoria: And Brittany is... sick.
    <Character>: Oh no, I'm sorry.
    Princess Victoria: I think... I think she's going to be fine. Jaania's been helping...
    <Character>: Ah...

    *You pause before asking about King Alteon's behavior.*

    <Character>: How is your— how is the king? He seems to be in high spirits.
    Princess Victoria: He... He wholeheartedly believes in Jaania.
    <Character>: I got that feeling...
    Princess Victoria: I think... she's preying on him. On our misfortune. I bring it up every now and then, but he refuses to listen.
    <Character>: What do you mean?
    Princess Victoria: <Character>, our mother died...because of magic.

    Princess Victoria: And with my older sister's health—
    Princess Victoria: I don't know how she's reassuring him, but I know that she's been very convincing.
    Princess Victoria: My father may appear strong, but he's hurting. Even after ALL these years.
    Princess Victoria: When Jaania first came to my father, he was hopeful, but skeptical. After all... she IS good at what she does, and people saw it.
    Princess Victoria: But then she showed him something, and... it tipped the scales. His outlook on Jaania changed.
    Princess Victoria: I don't know what it was, but it changed his perspective entirely. He thinks she can protect Greenguard— protect all of Lore, even.
    Princess Victoria: And where the king goes, the nobles follow. The Rose certainly never lacks for funding.

    *Your eyebrows widen as Victoria tells how The Rose gained influence on King Alteon.*

    Princess Victoria: ...He even allowed The Rose to construct their Ivory Tower in the middle of the city. To him, Jaania can do no wrong.
    <Character>: I... I didn't realize how involved he was with supporting The Rose.
    <Character>: ...It might be more difficult to change his mind than I thought. But we still have to try.
    Princess Victoria: I agree. Thank you, <Character>.
    Princess Victoria: Now, as much as I don't want to greet the other guests, I better get going.
    <Character>: Yes, of course. Until later, Princess Victoria.
    Princess Victoria: ...Go on, have some fun. Mingle with the guests, enjoy the refreshments. See you soon!

    *You take a walk through the hallway after your conversation with Princess Victoria; along the way, you try your best to mingle with various Swordhaven nobles, who have things to say about various topics.*

    Sleazy Noble: I heard a rumor that King Alteon is going to marry Jaania!
    Distracted Noble: Oh, don't be ridiculous. Jaania, Queen? Preposterous.
    Sleazy Noble: It would certainly be convenient, you must agree.

    Proud Noble: You know, when I was young, my parents wanted me to study magic. I wasn't any good at it, but look at me now!
    Proud Noble: Property owner, gala attendee... I'm 658th in line for the throne, you know. I've done the math!
    Annoyed Noble: Yes, yes, you've mentioned SO. MANY. TIMES.

    Noble: They say the Rose has spies everywhere. Good on them! The better to protect the people, I say.
    <Character>: Hmm.

    Secretive Noble: I'm not sure I like the Rose getting so close to the King.
    <Character>: Not a fan of the Rose?
    Secretive Noble: I—uh—the Rose? I said, the crows. You know. The birds.
    <Character>: Right...

    Waiter: Moglinberry juice, my Lady/Lord?

    Haughty Noble: Did you hear? King Alteon has the Rose taking care of poor young Brittany.
    Haughty Noble: I think they might have had something to do with the sickness in the first place!
    Kind Noble: You don't actually think that, do you? The Rose have the best non-magical physicians in the city. Of course the king would want only the best.
    Haughty Noble: But that's the thing—I heard they're actually using magic!
    Kind Noble: Oh, don't be ridiculous, dear!

    Wobbly Noble: I think—*hic* I thiiink I've had a little.. too much Moglinberry Juice.
    <Character>: Should— do you need help?
    Wobbly Noble: Help? *urp* You know who needs help? The King! Hahaaa.
    <Character>: Is he in danger?
    Wobbly Noble: He looks... fuzzier than usual.
    <Character>: Maybe you really have had too much juice.
    Wobbly Noble: If you say so, fuzzy hero, if you say so.

    Popular Noble: Did you hear about the recent magical attacks on some of the outlying villages? Those poor people. We must do something to help.
    No-name Noble: Perhaps we should increase funding to the Rose? They're stretched fairly thin as it is, what with the recent events.
    Popular Noble: And let them take the glory and fame for themselves? I think not! Elections are coming up soon, you know.

    Young Noble: Isn't Jaania supposed to be here?
    <Character>: I think so.
    Young Noble: I don't see her anywhere. Oh, I was hoping I'd get a chance to talk to her. Do I look presentable?
    <Character>: You look...fine.
    Young Noble: I knew I shouldn't have worn this top today, my one chance at the beautiful Jaania and I'm already messing it up!
    <Character>: I'll leave you to it then.

    Weird Noble: Hey, hey you. The Rose is evil. Don't listen to their lies!
    <Character>: Finally, someone who—
    Weird Noble: They're from beyond the stars. You have to listen to me, hero, you have to stop them.
    Weird Noble: They're going to—I've seen their true form, writhing masses of tentacles—they're in our brains. Our brains!
    <Character>: Umm...
    Weird Noble: Remember. They're in the water.

    Not-so-Noble: You are in my personal space!
    <Character>: Excuse me?
    Not-so-Noble: You are excused.
    <Character> (thinking): Wow, he must be a blast at parties. Oh, wait...

    Bored Noble: I wish something exciting would happen. I just want to go home and sleep.

    Very Noble: Ah, <Character>! I was hoping I would get a chance to catch you.
    Very Noble: I was wondering if I could get your opinion on some matters of great importance.
    <Character>: Of course, anything to help.
    Very Noble: Quite, quite. Surely you've heard of the great storms recently interrupting sea trade with the west?
    <Character>: I haven't. Are they magical storms?
    Very Noble: No, no, nothing of the sort, or we would have contacted the Rose!
    Very Noble: Could you weigh in on the complexities of intercontinental taxation and dues, considering the delays and lost cargo and lives—
    <Character>: I'm afraid I don't know much about, uh, taxes. Sorry.
    Very Noble: Not a problem, not a problem at all. We can't all be out slaying monsters and prancing about, can we?
    <Character>: Prancing?
    Very Noble: Just a phrase, just a phrase.

    ???: Enjoying the gala...

    ???: ...<Character>?

    Diligent Noble: Keep your eyes open. I've had good information that this gala has been targeted by anti-Rose sympathizers.
    <Character>: I'll keep that in mind...

    *While you were trying the best you can to enjoy yourself during the Gala, you bump into a grumpy Melissa, who is wearing a lavender dress for this occasion.*

    Melissa: Are you done cozying up to the high and mighty?

    *After few moments of looking at her in order to make sure it was truly she who Kara sent in case of something goes wrong, you finally respond.*

    <Character>: Melissa?
    <Character>: Well, look at you, "princess"!
    Melissa: Ugh...
    <Character>: Not feeling it?
    Melissa: I. Hate. Dresses...
    <Character>: I meant to ask, how did you...?
    Melissa: Magic.
    Melissa: Hopefully subtle enough to not raise attention. It's working, for now.
    Melissa: I can hide my wings very easily.

    Melissa: As for the ears, I cut them.
    <Character>: What?!
    Melissa: That was a joke. I am known to joke.

    Melissa: I concealed them with magic too.
    Melissa: Ugh, this dress is so constraining. My sword is sticking to my thighs...

    *You glare highly at Melissa before not asking her joke.*

    <Character>: I won't even ask.
    Melissa: Good.
    Melissa: Have you spoken to the king yet?
    <Character>: Yes, but I haven't had a chance to use my "royal audience" card yet.
    Melissa: Well, get to it then. I can only keep this up for so long, and we don't know when—
    ???: Hello... <Character>.

    *Jaania—wearing a sky blue dress decorated by ice crystals and roses—suddenly appears before you and Melissa, causing both of you to feel tense and alarmed.*

    <Character>: Jaania.
    Jaania: I had heard you would be gracing us with your presence. Please, do introduce me to your... enchanting companion?
    <Character>: This is Melissa. She's a friend.

    <Character>: And how are you? You look positively... cold.
    Jaania: Thank you.
    Jaania: You look lukewarm, at best.
    <Character>: I think I'm going to need some ice for that burn, but I don't want history to repeat itself.
    Jaania: Oh, you are hilarious.
    <Character>: Thank you.
    Melissa: Lady Jaania, Lady/Lord <Character>... I bid you farewell.

    *Melissa leaves as tension between you and Jaania escalates; you and Jaania glare at each other; before either of you could say a word, however, a beige-haired Rose Soldier shows up right next to Jaania as he gives an urgent message from Amadeus to her.*

    ???: Please excuse the timing, Lady Jaania, but Emissary Amadeus said this is urgent.

    *Jaania looks at the Rose Soldier before listening to what he had to say.*

    Jaania: What is it?
    ???: Someone has sent you a bouquet of flowers. They were... delivered to your private quarters.
    Jaania: And this is urgent how?
    ???: I— I don't— I don't know! I think they just... appeared there? I am sorry for interrupting, I was told it was urgent. So sorry. Please excuse me!

    *Jaania excuses the Rose Soldier.*

    Jaania: You are excused.
    ???: Thank you! Have a pleasant ball!!!

    *The Rose Soldier leaves immediately; shortly after you and Jaania are alone again, you smirk at her.*

    <Character>: Secret admirer?
    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: I hope this event is to your liking?
    <Character>: It was, until you showed up.
    Jaania: Do we really need to do this? Can't we be civil?
    <Character>: Aren't we being civil right now?
    Jaania: ...You are exhausting, <Character>.
    <Character>: You're the one to talk!
    Jaania: I beg your pardon?
    <Character>: Jaania, I'm sorry, but... it must be said.
    <Character>: What you and The Rose are doing is wrong!

    *Jaania's eyes turn at the opposite direction before they are drawn back to you as everyone will listen to their conversation.*

    Jaania: You might want to be careful, everyone is listening.
    <Character>: Let them listen. I want them to hear how you justify yourself— your actions, and the actions of The Rose!
    <Character>: In Betrubung Swamp, for example, the Clawkin and the Dravir have been—
    Jaania: You are such a brute, <Character>! You need to be the center of the attention, don't you?
    Jaania: You crave it.
    Jaania: You are the hero, aren't you?
    Jaania: Well, let me tell you something!
    Jaania: You are not the only one who can bear that title! You are not special!
    Jaania: You were not the one who woke up in a world on the brink of destruction, caused by your closest friends.
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You were not the one who tried to help people when the elves invaded Greenguard and threw the land into chaos!
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You were not the one who managed to crush the onslaught, saving countless lives— the one people turned to!
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You were not the one who had to deal with all that pressure and still come up on top!
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You were not the one who, in the midst of all the destruction and chaos, founded an organization that to this day is bringing peace to this land!!
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You are not the hero of this story!
    Jaania: I AM!

    *Your eyes widen with concern as Jaania's rant escalates; while Jaania continues her outburst, ice crystals form around the floor around her; your expression changes from concern to frustration.*

    <Character>: Jaania...
    ???: My my...
    ???: What a spectacle!
    ???: Now, that was worth the trip, wouldn't you say?
    Jaania: Who are you...?
    Dezyderiush: I'm Dezyderiush, and this is Zlatomira.
    Zlatomira: We represent the Magesterium of Azaveyr.
    Dezyderiush: And by decree of the Shapeless, you, Lady Jaania, are to come with us.
    King Alteon: Jaania? What is the meaning of this?
    Jaania: They are no one. I will take care of them.

    Jaania: This does not concern you... Your Majesty.
    Zlatomira: You are meddling in affairs you cannot hope to comprehend.
    Dezyderiush: Your trespasses near the Fissure have not gone unnoticed. You are to be brought before the Magesterium for questioning.
    Jaania: And if I refuse?
    Zlatomira: In that event, we will be forced to take action. We have this place surrounded.
    King Alteon: Anyone who threatens my subjects, threatens this kingdom! Explain yourselves!
    Dezyderiush: We have no qualm with you, King of Greenguard.
    Zlatomira: However, if your "subject" will not come with us…
    King Alteon: Jaania, explain!
    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: <Character>, escort the king and the princess to safety.
    <Character>: What?
    Jaania: Please... do as I say.

    Jaania: Protect the royal family. This is going to get messy.
    Dezyderiush: You will not surrender, then?

    *Jaania does not respond as she glares coldly to the Magesterium's representatives, indicative that she will not comply to their demands.*

    Zlatomira: Very well.
    <Character>: I knew this wouldn't end well...

    <Character>: Your Majesty! Victoria! Come with me!
    <Character>: Jaania.

    *Jaania turns to face you while you prepare to leave and protect King Alteon and Princess Victoria.*

    <Character>: We're not done.

    *Jaania continues to face you, assuring that they will meet again.*

    Zlatomira: Get her!

    *Scene cuts to black.*

  • Complete Quest

  • Equips player's saved class.

    Other information
  • This quest was reimagined with new dialogue and bugfixes on February 24th, 2023.

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Gala (All Versions), The (2/25/2023 15:39:05)

    The Gala

    Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Up -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> The Gala,
    Location: Sulen'Eska -> Up -> Up Vortex -> Mritha -> New Quests -> Visit Kara -> Kara SuLema -> Quests -> The Gala
    Requirements: Completion of My Spot
    Release Date: June 9th, 2017

    Objective: It's time to don your formalwear and head over to the royal gala!
    Objective completed: You KNEW something was going to happen!!!

    Experience rewarded: 0
    Gold rewarded: 0


    ??? (1)
    ??? (2)
    Annoyed Noble
    Bored Noble
    Diligent Noble
    Distracted Noble
    Haughty Noble
    Kara SuLema
    Kind Noble
    King Alteon
    No-name Noble
    Princess Victoria
    Proud Noble
    Popular Noble
    Secretive Noble
    Sleazy Noble
    Very Noble
    Weird Noble
    Wobbly Noble
    Young Noble



    *Back in the cliff near Oaklore Keep at night, following your rude claim to the little red-haired girl, she—now shy and fearful—turns around to face you and your dragon.*

    <Character>: I'm... I'm just kidding, you don't have to be afraid! Sorry!

    *The girl became hesitant to speak with you.*

    ???: ...
    <Character>: ...
    <Character>: So...
    <Character>: My name is <Character>.

    <Character>: What's yours?
    ???: My daddy told me not to talk to strangers.
    <Character>: That's... that's very solid advice!
    <Character>: So... do you want to just sit in silence?

    *The girl notices your dragon and becomes curious about it.*

    ???: Is this a dragon?
    <Character>: Yes! Indeed it is!
    <Character>: Their name is <Dragon>!
    ???: It's very cute!
    <Dragon> (thinking): Cute!? I will burn you, kid! *grumble*
    <Character>: <Dragon> says "Thanks"!

    *The girl smiles, an indication that she decided to warm up to you before revealing her name.*

    Lynn: I'm Lynn.
    <Character>: Nice to meet you, Lynn!

    <Character>: Why are you out here so late?
    <Character>: Do you live nearby? Do you want me to escort you home?
    Lynn: It's okay.
    Lynn: When my dad isn't home, I like to go on adventures!
    <Character>: But it's late! Aren't you afraid of monsters or bandits?
    Lynn: No.
    <Character>: Oh, I see.

    *Silence follows after Lynn answers your question.*

    <Character> (thinking): This is awkward...
    <Character>: Does your dad know you're going on adventures?
    Lynn: Yes.
    <Character>: Reeeeally?

    *After a moment of silence, Lynn gives you an honest answer.*

    Lynn: No.
    <Character>: You know what?
    <Character>: I don't want to get involved, you obviously look like someone who can take care of themselves...
    <Character>: ... so I will just leave this chair here and get going!
    Lynn: Mhmm.
    <Character>: But... heh... this is my spot, so I will be back.

    <Character>: Eventually.
    <Character>: If you want... you can come over too. If you'd like.
    Lynn: You have my permission.
    <Character>: E-excuse me?
    Lynn: This place belongs to me! I am a princess of all these lands and the whooole world, and you have my permission to come here!
    <Character>: Oh... are you now?

    <Character>: Whoa... okay... thanks!

    <Character>: This is such an honor!
    Lynn: Bye bye!
    <Character>: Umm...

    <Character>: Bye!

    *You and your dragon run off from the cliff while Lynn turns around and watches the view with a smile; you and your dragon run through the Oaklore forest to privately converse their thoughts about their encounter with Lynn.*

    <Dragon> (thinking): What was that about?
    <Character>: I... honestly don't know.
    <Dragon> (thinking): It was weird, I don't like her.
    <Character>: Oh, come on, just because she called you "cute"?
    <Dragon> (thinking): Something feels wrong about her.
    <Dragon> (thinking): She smells like death... and flowers.
    <Character>: Riiight.
    <Character>: Well, let's get some sleep and go over to Kara. I lied about not keeping schedule-the gala is tomorrow and I'm pretty nervous.
    <Dragon> (thinking): You'll be fine, I'm coming with you!

    *The next day, you and your dragon arrive in Sulen'Eska to tell Kara about having your dragon to accompany you to the Gala, however, there is a problem...*

    Kara SuLema: I am sorry, <Character>. <Dragon> can't come with you.
    <Character>:, <Dragon> (thinking) (in unison): What?!
    Kara SuLema: Why are you surprised?
    Kara SuLema: <Dragon> could never come with you! It's simply too risky!
    Kara SuLema: They are quite obviously a magical being... one of the most magical of them all!
    Kara SuLema: You can't show up with your dragon. At the gala. In Swordhaven. A royal city. Under the Rose's jurisdiction!
    <Character>: Alright!

    <Character>: Sheesh... I get it! Fine!
    <Dragon> (thinking): I'm not fine with that!!!
    Kara SuLema: What did they say?
    <Character>: That they're fine with it...
    <Dragon> (thinking): I swear, I will burn everything to the ground!
    <Character>: That's enough! Go to your room!
    <Dragon> (thinking): You're not my father!
    <Character>: <Dragon>!
    <Dragon> (thinking): Ugh, this birthday SUCKS!!!
    Kara SuLema: I'm so sorry for this <Character>. I know you're close to them...
    Kara SuLema: But <Dragon> can't go.
    <Character>: I understand...
    Kara SuLema: Someone else will be accompanying you, however. In case something goes wrong, as you've mentioned.
    <Character>: Oh?
    Kara SuLema: Melissa.
    <Character>: The Fairy Princess?!
    Kara SuLema: Precisely.
    <Character>: But she's magical as well!

    <Character>: How-
    Kara SuLema: She has her ways. I've already spoken with her... and after some arguing, she is on her way to Swordhaven and will meet you there.
    Kara SuLema: She will aid you in case there's trouble.
    <Character>: Very well...
    Kara SuLema: I know this isn't how you envisioned it, but it will have to do.

    *You look down feeling disappointed that your dragon won't be able to come along; Kara smiles as she receives some good news.*

    Kara SuLema: Ah!
    Kara SuLema: Your friend Danyel was here earlier!
    Kara SuLema: He dropped off the outfits and, I must say, they look absolutely dashing!
    Kara SuLema: The fabric is beautiful! It's so pleasant to touch, and so... fragile, yet durable! I don't know how to describe it.
    <Character>: Yeah, soulweaving is something else.
    Kara SuLema: Well?
    <Character>: Well what?
    Kara SuLema: Try it on, of course!
    <Character>: Oh... alright.

  • Equips VIP.

    *You enter an illuminated dressing room where you try on each outfit and change the base and trim colors that you feel suits you best; once you have chosen the type of outfit and colors you are comfortable with, you exit the dressing room and return to Kara, who admires your marvelous appearance.*

    Kara SuLema: Oh, <Character>!
    Kara SuLema: You look absolutely marvelous!
    Kara SuLema: You will be on everyone's lips, I am sure of that!

    *Scene pans upward to show you and your chosen formalwear for the Gala; you look down nervously as you remain hopeful that King Alteon will listen about positivity towards magic.*

    <Character>: Assuming I'm not already... since I was directly invited by the king himself.
    Kara SuLema: Which is a good thing. While talking to the king, please give off an aura of... positivity towards magic.
    Kara SuLema: High-born nobles of Swordhaven are sheltered and fed lies about magic by the Rose.
    <Character>: How could you possibly know that?
    Kara SuLema: As you know <Character>, I have my ways of finding the information I need to lead to go forwards.
    Kara SuLema: Leaders of the Vind are chosen from those who are capable of doing so from the day they begin to lead.
    Kara SuLema: And the wind carries tales from all corners of the world, which includes Swordhaven. Do not forget that.
    <Character>: Ah.
    Kara SuLema: Precisely.

    *You pause before considering Kara's advice.*

    <Character>: Well...
    <Character>: I'll be off, then!
    Kara SuLema: May the winds guide you, <Character>. Good luck!

    *Later this evening, during the Gala, Swordhaven Castle is filled with many nobles, who are enjoying the refreshments provided on the dining tables set out; as you arrived at the castle very late, the Gala's announcer pulls out a scroll to read the moment you have arrived in the part of the castle where the Gala is taking place.*

    Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, may I have your attention, please!
    Announcer: The one we've all been waiting for, has finally arrived... fashionably late!
    <Character>: Give me a break, I got trapped in an outhouse on my way here!!!!
    Announcer: Scandalous!
    Announcer: Now, may I present to you...
    Announcer: Tamer of dragons! Collector of powerful artifacts!

    *As you arrive, you look the opposite direction of where you are walking while the guests whisper amongst themselves about you.*

    Announcer: Slayer of titans!
    Announcer: Master of the Elements!
    Announcer: Mayor of a small town by the ocean!
    <Character> (thinking): Whaa...?
    Announcer: Chickencow Wrestler!
    <Character> (thinking): ...
    Announcer: Bringer of the sun!
    Announcer: My dearest bestie!
    Announcer: Defender of the oppressed!
    Announcer: Everyone's object of desire!
    Announcer: Saviour of Lore!
    Announcer: And a terrible cook!

    Announcer: The one and onlyyyy...
    Announcer: Lady/Lord <Character>!!!

    *The guests continue to whisper, but you now look straight ahead to ignore their gossip; you approach King Alteon, who is guarded by a duo of Swordhaven Knights.*

    <Character>: Your Majesty!
    King Alteon: Greetings, <Character>! I'm so glad you could make it!
    King Alteon: Now that all the recent tragedies across Lore have been resolved with your help...
    King Alteon: ... it is time for all of us to come together and strengthen our resolve to protect our subjects.
    King Alteon: I'm sure you are familiar with some of the guests here already. The Rose have been so instrumental in keeping the peace.
    King Alteon: Jaania herself, in fact, has-
    <Character>: This is exactly what I wanted to talk with you about, Your Majesty.
    King Alteon: Oh, there will be plenty of time for that later! For now, please enjoy yourself, <Character>.
    King Alteon: Eat, mingle, let us celebrate the Rose and its achievements!
    <Character>: W-wait... what?
    <Character>: This gala is in their name?!
    King Alteon: Not everything can be about you all the time, <Character>! Now, if you would excuse me, I do have other guests to greet.
    <Character>: Your Majesty! Please, wait-
    ???: Hi, <Character>.

    *You turn around after someone from behind greets you; that person turns out to be Princess Victoria, who has been suspiciously absent for a long time.*

    <Character>: Robi-
    <Character>: Princess Victoria?!
    Princess Victoria: Keep your voice down!
    Princess Victoria: How are you?
    <Character>: What do you mean how am I?! Where have you been?
    Princess Victoria: I'm not sure I follow?
    <Character>: I haven't seen you around for such a long time! Are you well?
    Princess Victoria: Huh?
    Princess Victoria: But we have-

    *Victoria's eyes widen as if she met you already after being thawed, but decides to remain discreet of her true nature.*

    Princess Victoria: -obviously never seen each other since you were thawed, that's completely right and correct!
    Princess Victoria: Silly me! Ohohohoho...
    Princess Victoria: I have been...around.

    Princess Victoria: The castle, that is. That's why you haven't seen me!
    Princess Victoria: I've been...attending to my royal duties...and...stuff.
    <Character>: Well, it's good to finally see you, then!
    Princess Victoria: Likewise!
    <Character>: Where are the other princesses?
    Princess Victoria: Oh, Tara is off to seal a deal with an eastern country. She's become quite the entrepreneur.
    Princess Victoria: Brittany is...sick.
    <Character>: Oh no, I'm sorry.
    Princess Victoria: I think it's going to be fine. Jaania's magi are helping...
    <Character>: Ah...

    *You pause before asking about King Alteon's behavior.*

    <Character>: How is your- how is the king?
    Princess Victoria: Jaania is convincing.
    <Character>: Hmm?
    Princess Victoria: I can see it. She's preying on him. On our misfortune. I bring it up every now and then, but he refuses to listen.
    <Character>: What do you mean?
    Princess Victoria: <Character>, our mother died...because of magic.

    Princess Victoria: And our little-
    Princess Victoria: I don't know how she knew it, but I know that she's using it very well.
    Princess Victoria: My father may appear strong, but he's hurting. Even after ALL these years.
    Princess Victoria: When Jaania first came to my father, he was hopeful, but skeptic. After all... she IS good at what she is doing, and people saw it.
    Princess Victoria: But then she showed him something, tipped the scales. His outlook on Jaania changed.
    Princess Victoria: He still is wary of the Rose, mind you...but not of Jaania.
    Princess Victoria: I don't know what she showed him, but must have been significant. It changed his perspective. Maybe even...healed him, but still...

    *Your eyebrows widen after Victoria tells how Jaania influenced King Alteon.*

    Princess Victoria: You will have an opportunity to speak with him. If he won't listen to his own daughter...maybe he'll listen to you.
    <Character>: I...
    <Character>: I will certainly try.
    Princess Victoria: Thank you, <Character>.

    Princess Victoria: I will... see you soon.
    <Character>: Huh?
    Princess Victoria: Oh, nevermind! Go on, have fun!

    *You take a walk through the hallway after your conversation with Princess Victoria; along the way, you try your best to mingle with various Swordhaven nobles, who have things to say about various topics.*

    Sleazy Noble: I heard a rumor that King Alteon is going to marry Jaania!
    Distracted Noble: Oh, don't be ridiculous. Jaania, Queen? Preposterous.
    Sleazy Noble: It would certainly be convenient, you must agree.

    Proud Noble: You know, when I was young, my parents wanted me to study magic. I wasn't any good at it, but look at me now!
    Proud Noble: Property owner, gala attendee... I'm 658th in line for the throne, you know. I've done the math!
    Annoyed Noble: Yes, yes, you've mentioned SO. MANY. TIMES.

    Noble: They say the Rose has spies everywhere. Good on them! The better to protect the people, I say.
    <Character>: Hmm.

    Secretive Noble: I'm not sure I like the Rose getting so close to the King.
    <Character>: Not a fan of the Rose?
    Secretive Noble: I—uh—the Rose? I said, the crows. You know. The birds.
    <Character>: Right...

    Waiter: Moglinberry juice, my Lady/Lord?

    Haughty Noble: Did you hear? King Alteon has the Rose taking care of poor young Brittany.
    Haughty Noble: I think they might have had something to do with the sickness in the first place!
    Kind Noble: You don't actually think that, do you? The Rose have the best non-magical physicians in the city. Of course the king would want only the best.
    Haughty Noble: But that's the thing—I heard they're actually using magic!
    Kind Noble: Oh, don't be ridiculous, dear!

    Wobbly Noble: I think—*hic* I thiiink I've had a little.. too much Moglinberry Juice.
    <Character>: Should— do you need help?
    Wobbly Noble: Help? *urp* You know who needs help? The King! Hahaaa.
    <Character>: Is he in danger?
    Wobbly Noble: He looks... fuzzier than usual.
    <Character>: Maybe you really have had too much juice.
    Wobbly Noble: If you say so, fuzzy hero, if you say so.

    Popular Noble: Did you hear about the recent magical attacks on some of the outlying villages? Those poor people. We must do something to help.
    No-name Noble: Perhaps we should increase funding to the Rose? They're stretched fairly thin as it is, what with the recent events.
    Popular Noble: And let them take the glory and fame for themselves? I think not! Elections are coming up soon, you know.

    Young Noble: Isn't Jaania supposed to be here?
    <Character>: I think so.
    Young Noble: I don't see her anywhere. Oh, I was hoping I'd get a chance to talk to her. Do I look presentable?
    <Character>: You look...fine.
    Young Noble: I knew I shouldn't have worn this top today, my one chance at the beautiful Jaania and I'm already messing it up!
    <Character>: I'll leave you to it then.

    Weird Noble: Hey, hey you. The Rose is evil. Don't listen to their lies!
    <Character>: Finally, someone who—
    Weird Noble: They're from beyond the stars. You have to listen to me, hero, you have to stop them.
    Weird Noble: They're going to—I've seen their true form, writhing masses of tentacles—they're in our brains. Our brains!
    <Character>: Umm...
    Weird Noble: Remember. They're in the water.

    Not-so-Noble: You are in my personal space!
    <Character>: Excuse me?
    Not-so-Noble: You are excused.
    <Character> (thinking): Wow, he must be a blast at parties. Oh, wait...

    Bored Noble: I wish something exciting would happen. I just want to go home and sleep.

    Very Noble: Ah, <Character>! I was hoping I would get a chance to catch you.
    Very Noble: I was wondering if I could get your opinion on some matters of great importance.
    <Character>: Of course, anything to help.
    Very Noble: Quite, quite. Surely you've heard of the great storms recently interrupting sea trade with the west?
    <Character>: I haven't. Are they magical storms?
    Very Noble: No, no, nothing of the sort, or we would have contacted the Rose!
    Very Noble: Could you weigh in on the complexities of intercontinental taxation and dues, considering the delays and lost cargo and lives—
    <Character>: I'm afraid I don't know much about, uh, taxes. Sorry.
    Very Noble: Not a problem, not a problem at all. We can't all be out slaying monsters and prancing about, can we?
    <Character>: Prancing?
    Very Noble: Just a phrase, just a phrase.

    ???: Enjoying the gala...

    ???: ...<Character>?

    Diligent Noble: Keep your eyes open. I've had good information that this gala has been targeted by anti-Rose sympathizers.
    <Character>: I'll keep that in mind...

    *While you were trying the best you can to enjoy yourself during the Gala, you bump into a grumpy Melissa, who is wearing a lavender dress for this occasion.*

    Melissa: Are you done cozying up to the high and mighty?

    *After few moments of looking at her in order to make sure it was truly she who Kara sent in case of something goes wrong, you finally respond.*

    <Character>: Melissa?
    <Character>: Well, look at you, "princess"!
    Melissa: Ugh...
    <Character>: Not feeling it?
    Melissa: I. Hate. Dresses...
    <Character>: I meant to ask, how did you...?
    Melissa: Magic.
    Melissa: Subtle enough to not raise attention.
    Melissa: I can hide my wings very easily.

    Melissa: As for the ears, I cut them.
    <Character>: What?!
    Melissa: That was a joke. I am known to joke.

    Melissa: I concealed them with magic too.
    Melissa: Ugh, this dress is so constraining. My sword is sticking to my thighs...

    *You glare highly at Melissa before not asking her joke.*

    <Character>: I won't even ask.
    Melissa: Good.
    Melissa: Have you spoken to the king yet?
    <Character>: Yes, but I didn't have a chance to use this "royal audience" card yet.
    Melissa: Well, get to it then. We don't know when-
    ???: Hello... <Character>.

    *Jaania—wearing a sky blue dress decorated by ice crystals and roses—suddenly appears before you and Melissa, causing both of you to feel tense and alarmed.*

    <Character>: Jaania.
    Jaania: I've heard you will be gracing us with your presence.
    <Character>: You look positively... cold.
    Jaania: Thank you.
    Jaania: You look lukewarm, at best.
    <Character>: I think I'm going to need some ice for that burn, but I don't want history to repeat itself.
    Jaania: Oh, you are hilarious.
    <Character>: Thank you.
    Melissa: Lady Jaania, Lady/Lord <Character>... I bid you farewell.

    *Melissa leaves as tension between you and Jaania escalates; you and Jaania glare at each other; before either of you could say a word, however, a beige-haired Rose Soldier shows up right next to Jaania as he gives an urgent message from Amadeus to her.*

    ???: Please excuse the timing, Lady Jaania, but Emissary Amadeus said this is urgent.

    *Jaania looks at the Rose Soldier before listening to what he had to say.*

    Jaania: What is it?
    ???: Someone has sent you a bouquet of flowers. They were delivered to your private quarters.
    Jaania: And this is urgent how?
    ???: I- I don't- I don't know! I am sorry for interrupting, I was told it was urgent. So sorry. Please excuse me!

    *Jaania excuses the Rose Soldier.*

    Jaania: You are excused.
    ???: Thank you! Have a pleasant ball!!!

    *The Rose Soldier leaves; shortly after you and Jaania are alone again, you smirk at her.*

    <Character>: Secret admirer?
    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: I hope this event is to your liking?
    <Character>: It was, until you showed up.
    Jaania: Do we really need to do this? Can't we be civil?
    <Character>: I thought we were being civil right now?
    Jaania: You are exhausting, as usual.
    <Character>: You're the one to talk!
    Jaania: I beg your pardon?
    <Character>: Jaania, I'm sorry, but... let me be frank with you. And let me repeat myself.
    <Character>: What you are doing is wrong!

    *Jaania's eyes turn at the opposite direction before they are drawn back to you as everyone will listen to their conversation.*

    Jaania: You might want to be careful, everyone is listening.
    <Character>: Let them listen.
    <Character>: I want them to hear how you justify yourself and your actions.
    Jaania: You are such a brute, <Character>. You need to be in the center of the attention, don't you?
    Jaania: You crave it.
    Jaania: You are the hero, aren't you?

    Jaania: Always the center of the attention...
    Jaania: Well, let me tell you something!
    Jaania: You are not the only one who can bear this title! You are not special!
    Jaania: You were not the one who woke up in a world on the brink of destruction, caused by your closest friends.
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You were not the one who tried to help people when all of the elements were ravaging throughout the lands!
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You were not the one who managed to calm the destruction, saving countless of lives, and the one people turned to!
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You were not the one who had to deal with all that pressure and still come up on top!
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You were not the one who, in the midst of all the destruction and chaos, founded an organization that to this day is bringing peace to this land!!
    Jaania: I was!
    Jaania: You are not the hero of this story!!!
    Jaania: I AM!!!

    *Your eyes widen with concern as Jaania's rant escalates; while Jaania continues her outburst, ice crystals form around the floor around her; your expression changes from concern to frustration.*

    <Character>: Jaania...
    ???: My my...
    ???: What a spectacle!
    ???: Now, that was worth the trip, wouldn't you say?
    Jaania: Who are you...?
    Dezyderiush: I'm Dezyderiush, and this is Zlatomira.
    Zlatomira: We are from the Magesterium.
    Dezyderiush: And you, Lady Jaania, will come with us.
    King Alteon: Jaania? What is the meaning of this?
    Jaania: They are no one, I will take care of them.

    Jaania: Stay out of it... Your Majesty.
    Zlatomira: You are meddling in the affairs you cannot hope to comprehend.
    Dezyderiush: You are to stay away from the Fissure!
    Jaania: Or what?
    Zlatomira: Or we will take action. We have this place surrounded.
    King Alteon: Anyone who threatens my subjects, threatens this kingdom! Explain yourselves!
    Dezyderiush: We have no qualm with you, King.
    Zlatomira: However, if your "subject" won't come with us... then qualms will be had.
    King Alteon: Jaania, explain!
    Jaania: ...
    Jaania: <Character>, escort the king and the princess to safety.
    <Character>: What?
    Jaania: Please... do as I say.

    Jaania: Protect the royal family. It won't be safe here in a while.
    Dezyderiush: I take it you won't come with us, then?

    *Jaania does not respond as she glares coldly to the Magesterium's representatives, indicative that she will not comply to their demands.*

    Zlatomira: Very well.
    <Character>: I knew this wouldn't end well...

    <Character>: Your Majesty! Victoria! Come with me!
    <Character>: Jaania.

    *Jaania turns to face you while you prepare to leave and protect King Alteon and Princess Victoria.*

    <Character>: We're not done here.

    *Jaania continues to face you, assuring that they will meet again.*

    Zlatomira: Get her!

    *Scene cuts to black.*

  • Complete Quest

  • Equips player's saved class.

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Gala (All Versions), The (2/25/2023 15:39:36)

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for current entry information.
  • Occavatra for retired entry information.
  • FlameWolf for additional retired information.

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