Pae -> Forum-Specific Rules & Complete Forum Index (7/2/2007 22:09:31)
The rules below are the ones that apply to each sub-forum (insert more sub's as needed). Remember to read the descriptions and rules before posting to determine if the post belongs there. Use Search to look for a thread that may have the answer to your questions.
Green links: Rules exist for that forum/sub-forum/sub-sub-forum. Those rules are to be followed whenever anything is posted in those areas (and sometimes sub-forums or forums in the same group). Don't forget that Universal Rules always apply.
Dark blue/default color links: It links you directly to that area. Move up in the list until you hit an applicable green link. If it doesn't exist, make sure to follow Comprehensive Forum Rules.
The format is [Category], - - Forum, - - - - Sub-Forum, - - - - - - Sub-Sub-Forum. If you're looking for a faster way to switch forums, try the built-in one (Ctrl+F Jump to:) at the bottom of every forum.