Convergence (Part 2) (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Convergence (Part 2) (4/6/2024 18:46:33)

Convergence (Part 2)

Location: Outpost Yeden -> 2 Right -> Up -> Quests! -> Convergence (Pt2)
Requirements: Completion of Convergence (Part 1)
Release Date: April 5th, 2024

Objective: For the fate of Lore, the hero must be victorious.
Objective completed: Down, down, down.

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(1) Jaania - Boss


(1) Jaania (Extreme) - Boss


(1) Jaania (Easy) - Boss


If you defeated Jaania or Jaania (Extreme):
Glaive of Eternal Peace (I-IV)

If you defeated Jaania (Easy):

Access to Blade Shard, Convergence (P2) DCs, and Jaania (Extreme) (Shop).


*Continuing where Convergence (Part 1) left off, you and your dragon become alarmed that Hesperrhodos touches Jaania's chest.*

Jaania: Our hopes... as one...!
Jaania: Full synchronization!

*Jaania fully synchronizes with Hesperrhodos, creating a new merged form; to aid Jaania in battle, Hesperrhodos gives a tome and a glaive for her to wield; her full synchronization with Hesperrhodos concludes with a spirit scar on her face and a spectral form of The Rose's insignia are created on her body.*

Jaania: Such... completeness.

*The fully synched Jaania blasts you, Alteon, and Amadeus with ice magic, while your dragon flies to evade her attack; Aegis appears to protect you from her attack; Jaania's attack causes Alteon and Amadeus to be exhausted.*

Jaania: Enemies of my perfect world, you will fall.
Alteon: Looks like... this one's up to you, <Character>.
Amadeus: Do not fail.
<Character>: ...
<Character>: Uh... Aegis? You don't suppose...
Aegis: Sorry, <Character>. That last attack took quite a bit out of me.
Aegis: Probably best if I focus on making sure your soul stays safe!
Aegis: But I know you can handle this.
Aegis: You're my weaver, after all.

*Aegis leaves; after he leaves, he creates a small barrier to you in order to protect your soul; your eye moves at your dragon.*

<Character>: Just you and me then, <Dragon>.
<Dragon>: We don't need anyone else! | *Mighty roar!*
Jaania: I gave you a chance to turn away.
Jaania: I gave you a chance to join me.
Jaania: It seems my world will have to do without you.

*Annoyed, your dragon blasts a small fireball at Jaania.*

<Dragon>: Don't you dare threaten my human like that! | *Protective growl...*
<Character>: Come on, <Dragon>. Let's finish this!

  • Battle! - begins battle with Jaania.
  • Battle! EXTREME - begins battle with Jaania (Extreme).
  • Battle (Easy) - begins battle with Jaania (Easy).
  • Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Run Away! - returns to Outpost Yeden.

    *After defeating the fully synched Jaania, she falls to her knees, returning back to normal; however, due to her extensive use of weaving magic, more of her hair, if not most, turns white.*

    Jaania: Enough!
    Jaania: Enough...

    Jaania: You win.
    <Character>: ...
    Jaania: But my dream... my world...
    <Character>: Jaania...
    <Character>: You don't need to control the flow of magic to protect people.
    <Character>: Even if you can't save everyone, you can still—

    *As Jaania tries to move, she becomes more exhausted from her battle.*

    Jaania: ...

    *Warlic casts a blue fireball to blast Akanthus, only for Akanthus to block it with his sword; it appears that Warlic, Zvezdana, and Alexander's battle against Akanthus causes them to become exhausted.*

    Amadeus: So, <Character> proves victorious.
    Zvezdana: I will secure Jaania.
    <Character>: Zvezdana, she's already defeated. Don't...
    Zvezdana: If I thought she was still a threat, I would have already dealt with her as such.
    Zvezdana: Look at her. Drained of mana, barely able to stand, much less cast a spell. I will not harm her unless she tries to escape.

    *Zvezdana runs toward the exhausted Jaania; scene pans left to Alteon.*

    Alteon: Then that just leaves...

    *As Zvezdana heals Jaania, Akanthus walks toward her.*

    Jaania: Akanthus—
    Akanthus: I am disappointed, Jaania.
    Akanthus: I believed in your strength.

    *Alexander casts a fireball at Akanthus' pauldron, to no avail.*

    Akanthus: I had faith in your plan.
    Akanthus: And I was wrong.

    *As the exhausted Amadeus looks at Akanthus, Alteon charges toward Akanthus.*

    Alteon: I won't let—

    *However, as Alteon charges toward him, Akanthus turns around and stabs him with his sword.*

    <Character>: ALTEON!
    <Character>: Akanthus, stop!
    Akanthus: Jaania has failed. However...

    *Akanthus looks at the Doom device—the main component of his contingency plan if Jaania's plan fails.*

    Akanthus: My plan has much less room for error.

    *Akanthus carries the Doom device with both hands.*

    Akanthus: Goodbye.

    *Akanthus drops from the Scaffold's lift with the Doom device in tow; this causes you and your allies to be alarmed; scene pans to focus on you.*

    <Character>: We have to go after him!
    <Character>: Come on, <Dragon>! Time to titanize! We're flying down there! | There has to be a way we can follow him!
    <Dragon>: I... I can't seem to do it... it's like there's something squishing me... | *Strained dragon noises*
    Warlic: The proximity to the Mana Core must be interfering with <Dragon>'s abilities. | There must be a way to go after Akanthus... but...
    <Character>: Isn't there anything we can do?
    Warlic: I'm nearing my limit as it is. If I were to try to fly even closer to the Core itself...
    Warlic: It would put more than just Lore at risk, as you know.
    Alteon: What... What could you even do? He's gone.
    Alteon: Surely it's too late...
    <Character>: The world hasn't ended yet!
    <Character>: If there's a chance we can stop Akanthus, I'll take it!
    Warlic: Hmm...
    Warlic: ...I could try to funnel some excess mana to <Dragon>...
    <Dragon>: I just need... a little more... | *Focused dragon rumbles*

    *Carrying the wounded Alteon, Amadeus assesses your situation with your dragon.*

    Amadeus: <Dragon> needs to titanize, right?
    Amadeus: I can assist with that.
    <Character>: Amadeus?

    *Leaving the wounded Alteon behind, Amadeus looks at your dragon, preparing to assist it.*

    Amadeus: Blue Mage, <Character>, we will do this together. | Blue Mage, we will do this together.
    Warlic: Certainly, but, er...
    Amadeus: It will all be up to you, <Character>, <Dragon>.

    *Amadeus holds his Dragon Amulet; your expression turns to surprise upon learning that Amadeus has a Dragon Amulet.*

    <Character>: I—
    <Character>: Of course! I understand.

    <Character>: I'm ready!
    <Dragon>: Yeah! We can do this! | *Determined roar*

    *Amadeus closes his eyes to focus.*

    Amadeus: Now!

    *Amadeus uses the power of his Dragon Amulet to transfer its power to your dragon while Warlic funnels the excess mana to your dragon; if the player owns a Dragon Amulet, you also use the power of your Dragon Amulet to your dragon; this collaboration causes your dragon to titanize, giving the enough strength needed to pursue Akanthus.*

    <Dragon>: Yes! That's just what I needed! | *Proud, titan-sized, roar!*
    Warlic: That should be enough for a return trip, so long as <Dragon> conserves their energy.
    <Character>: Amadeus... Warlic... Thank you.
    <Character>: We'll find a way to stop Akanthus. I promise.
    Warlic: And we'll be waiting. But... if things start to look bad...
    Alexander: <Character> can take care of <himself/herself/themselves>.
    Alexander: Stop wasting time and get down there!
    <Character>: Right.
    <Character>: <Dragon>! To the Mana Core!

    *You run toward and ride with your dragon; now you in tow, your dragon flies above; this causes the Scaffold's lift to move briefly; after a brief second, your titanized dragon goes below the Scaffold's lift before the scene shifts to black.*

    If you defeated Jaania or Jaania (Easy):
  • Complete Quest
  • Reward: Soulforged Blade Shard - opens Blade Shard shop.
  • Loot for DCs - opens Convergence (P2) DCs shop.

    If you defeated Jaania (Extreme):
  • Complete Quest
  • Reward: Soulforged Blade Shard - opens Blade Shard shop.
  • EXTREME Reward: Helm of Aegis - opens Jaania (Extreme) (Shop).
  • Loot for DCs - opens Convergence (P2) DCs shop.

    Other information
  • Any guests are removed upon beginning this quest.
  • While battling Jaania (Extreme), certain items or mechanics are either restricted or reduced, equivalent to players battling Arena at the Edge of Time challenges:
  • An easy mode option was added on April 8th, 2024; easy mode will appear if player loses or forfeits against Jaania or Jaania (Extreme); no rewards will be dropped if player defeated Jaania (Easy).

    Next Up: The Mana Core

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