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Oaklore Keep (All Versions)

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10/14/2006 6:00:13   
Lord Darkovia

Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2)

Access Point: A Hero is Bored -> Oaklore Keep,
Access Point: Travel Map (Books 1 and 2) -> Oaklore Keep -> Take me there!,
Access Point: Timeline (Book 1) -> The Orb Saga – Oaklore Keep/Hydra Boss/Return to Oaklore -> To Oaklore,
Access Point: Falconreach (Books 1 and 2) -> 2 Left -> Sir Viss -> To Oaklore!
Requirements: Completion of A Hero is Bored
Release Date: October 6th, 2006

Quests Available
Sir Ano
Nose for Trouble
Major Mayhem
There's No Place Like Oaklore
Victoria's Secret

Sir Baumbard
Fires Over Oaklore

Captain Rolith
The Black Dragon Box
Bandit Trap
Obsidian Tog

Sir Valance
The Root of All Sneevil
Sneevil Box Fort
Sneevil-Jitsu Dojo
The Keep Invasion
Sneevil Boxopolis

Sir Vivor and Sir Casm
Oaklore Catapault
Sir Jing's Weapons
The VurrMen Ruins

Sir Junn
The Sweetest Thing

Sir Loin
Growing Problems

Sir Pernatural
Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus

Sir Prize
The Worst Prank Ever
Plumbing Problems

Other quests
Return To The Intro

Captain Rolith
Sir Annaid
Sir Ano
Sir Baumbard
Sir Casm
Sir Chandestroy
Sir Comvent
Sir Deen
Sir Fanturf
Sir Gent
Sir Harry
Sir Hup
Sir Junn
Sir Kull
Sir Lee
Sir Loin
Sir Mise
Sir Pernatural
Sir Pluss
Sir Preem
Sir Prize
Sir Rated
Sir Reeyal
Sir Richard
Sir Tax
Sir Thomas
Sir Valance
Sir Vivor

Book Return
DragonLord Daggers
DragonLord Staves
DragonLord Swords
Ironwood Box
Mage Shop
Rogue Shop
Sir Plus Capes & Wings
Sir Plus Rings & Necklace
Warrior Shop

Sir Baumbard
(after The Black Dragon Box)

Sir Baumbard: Ah, welcome adventurer. I am Sir Baumbard, and this is Glumbert, my dragon.

  • Who are you?
    Sir Baumbard: I am one of the elite order of DragonLords. We are protectors of the realm and will not hesitate to answer the call of those who need us.

  • DragonLord?
    Sir Baumbard: Unless you are lucky enough to befriend an adult dragon, you must quest for your own dragon egg.
    Sir Baumbard: Once hatched, you will have a bond with the dragon that will be stronger than any other pet.
    Sir Baumbard: In order to unlock the full potential of your dragon though, you must wield a Dragon Amulet.
    Sir Baumbard: This ancient talisman will allow your dragon to grow to adult form in order to face the most titanic of enemies...
    Sir Baumbard: ...as well as granting you the gift of dragon speech.

  • How do I quest for a dragon?
    Sir Baumbard: Speak with Captain Rolith in the Keep when you have earned enough experience (lvl 3).
    Sir Baumbard: Your quest will take you to Falconreach to the east where the small red moglin, Twilly, will guide you on the rest of your journey.

  • Are you a Pactagonal Knight?
    Sir Baumbard: I was once of their Order.
    Sir Baumbard: I never attained the rank of Knight with them, though, as my family name didn't work with 'sir' in front of it, like the Prizes or the Chandestroys.
    Sir Baumbard: My Knighthood was bestowed upon me by the great King himself.

  • Why are you here?
    Sir Baumbard: Word has gotten back to the King in Swordhaven that slimes and undead are amassing on edges of the Oaklore forest.
    Sir Baumbard: More have been seen gathering in Doomwood and slowly moving in this direction.
    Sir Baumbard: I am here to organize an aerial assault on the unholy creatures. Perhaps you would be willing to lend a hand?
    Sir Baumbard: If you are willing, Glumbert will let you ride him into battle against these creatures.
    Sir Baumbard: If you are skilled enough, you will be able to search out and destroy large groups of them with these lightbombs.

  • Fires Over Oaklore
    Sir Baumbard: The Green Slime Jellllo, in Sir Loin's Inn, while delicious, does not sit well when dive bombing on dragon back.
    Sir Baumbard: For years Glumbert and I have fought side by side against the forces of evil. After I created the lightbombs I took Glumbert out for a flight.
    Sir Baumbard: As it turns out, I got terribly... airsick.
    Sir Baumbard: Are you willing to go in my place and become a hero? I will go inside the Keep now and have the Knights clear the area.
  • To Oaklore

    Sir Ano
    (after The Hatching or Dragon Hatching)

    Sir Ano: Greetings, <Character>, and welcome again to Oaklore Keep. Rest a bit, I'm sure your travels have tired you and I have a proposition for you.

  • Talk
    Sir Ano: You've always seemed a generous sort of <Class>, so I thought you might be willing to consider my proposition.
    • A proposition?
      Sir Ano: Some people are born attractive; some have connections. And then there are those like me, making their own way in the world.

    • Who are you?
      Sir Ano: Ano de Berg'rac the Sixth. Lately a simple Squire, I was knighted along with others of my class and inducted into the Pactogonal Knighthood.
      Sir Ano: I come from a long and illustrious lineage, a clan of uncommon Knights. You may have heard of my great-grandfather, Sir Ano the Second.
      Sir Ano: He wooed the princess of a neighboring country and finally won her hand. My family has fallen on hard times recently, but I have a LOT to live up to!
      Sir Ano: I... could use a little help not falling flat on my face as I climb my way up the ranks of the Knights.

    • And that's where I come in?
      Sir Ano: Exactly! I've studied your recent adventures and it seems that beyond your talent, good looks, and gorgeous singing voice, you lead a charmed life.
      Sir Ano: How would you feel about lending me some of that serendipitous success?

    • Lending you success?
      Sir Ano: Well, I just need a bit of an edge to get noticed by the right people at Court. Sir Emony is the Knight in charge of visitors to the Court.
      Sir Ano: He refuses to even consider introducing a new recruit to the King and his daughters.
      Sir Ano: But I know if I had some heroic deeds to my name, I'm be summoned on my own. And then she'd notice me for sure! I mean, uh...

    • What about the princesses?
      Sir Ano: The eldest is so beautiful that half the Knights in the Keep spend their days off trying to impress her with their bravery.
      Sir Ano: Then there's the youngest. Far too clever for her governess' peace of mind.
      Sir Ano: And then there's the middle daughter; you couldn't find a more perfect princess. She's her father's pride and joy.

    • How can I help?
      Sir Ano: Come with me, show me firsthand how a hero... heroes? Does his hero thing. Knight training focuses on fighting, but not how to BE a hero.
      Sir Ano: And, uh, if you could kind of stay in the background when we go back to report to Captain Rolith and the patrol leader...
      Sir Ano: They'll never think I've done the deeds if you're front and center. I'd let you keep all the gold and any booty we find, of course.
      Sir Ano: Once my fame is established, we can come out and call you... my mentor! You'll be known as <Character>, the Hero-Maker. Fancy, huh?
  • Quests (Requires Level 10)
    Sir Ano: I'm sure that with your help, I'll learn just what I need to become a Hero and catch the King's attention!
    • Nose for Trouble
      Sir Ano: A monster has been terrorizing the townspeople who supply the Keep with food.
    • Sir Ano joins you as Guest A.
      Sir Ano: Captain Rolith is planning on sending out Knights to take care of the creature. I know if I- we- take care of it, it'll bring me to his attention.
      Sir Ano: What do you say, are you up for helping me?

    • Major Mayhem
      Sir Ano: I didn't get to tell you how impressed the patrol leader was when I told him about slaying the gargoyle! He says if I keep on like this...
    • Sir Ano joins you as Guest A.
      Sir Ano: He'll make sure to speak to Captain Rolith about me! I know with your help and teaching I will surely to become one of the most heroic knights ever!
      Sir Ano: And now there's another chance to stand out. One of the women who works in the kitchen sent her daughter out to pick mushrooms yesterday.
      Sir Ano: I'll stand out and the little girl is saved. It's win-win. Will you help me hunt? One of the stableboys said they saw her go off into the deep woods.

    • No Place like Oaklore
      Sir Ano: <Character>, you've taught me so much these past weeks! All about perseverence, keeping cool under pressure, and laughing at danger...
    • Sir Ano joins you as Guest A.
      Sir Ano: But every hero can use a bit of magical intervention, right? I mean, you've had Warlic and Cysero to help you, and look how well that's turned out!
      Sir Ano: I've heard of a Wizard reknowned for his advice. From his Tower in the Jadeite Ruins, it's said he'll dispense great wisdom if one is worthy.
      Sir Ano: From the storiest I've heard, he's great! And pretty powerful, too. Surely it couldn't hurt to have him use his wyrd, wizardly ways to tell me my future.
      Sir Ano: And if he has a spare enchanted weapon or two laying about, accepting those couldn't hurt, either.
      Sir Ano: What do you say, will you journey with me?

    • Victoria's Secret
      Sir Ano: The King is coming for a visit, <Character>! This is my chance! But before I can worry about that, there's something I need your help taking care of.
    • Sir Ano joins you as Guest A.
      Sir Ano: Captain Rolith himself has asked me to deal with a group of bandits which has camped out in the middle of a swamp a ways away.
      Sir Ano: He says it shouldn't be any problem for someone of my skills. I- ah- haven't mentioned yet that you've been helping me...
      Sir Ano: But I will, I promise! In fact, if - when- I get presented to the King, I'll tell him all about you then.
      Sir Ano: You've taught me so much already. But will you help me, this one last time?
  • Heal & potions - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.

    Sir Comvent

    Sir Comvent: I'm just guarding the path to Falconreach. If you are looking for Captain Rolith, he is through those doors inside Oaklore Keep.

    Captain Rolith

    Captain Rolith: Welcome to Oaklore Keep, home to the honorable Knights of the Pactagonal Table.

  • How to Play
    Captain Rolith: What would you like to know?
    • What is a Dragon Amulet?
      Captain Rolith: A Dragon Amulet is an item of great power. It allows you to use the strongest weapons, most powerful items and enter special areas.
      Captain Rolith: Eventually a Dragon Amulet will unlock special classes, and allow you to raise and control YOUR OWN DRAGON!
      Captain Rolith: There is only one place to get your Dragon Amulet.

    • What are Dragon Coins?
      Captain Rolith: These coins will allow you to buy items and in-game extras from special shops to give you an edge in our toughest dungeons!
      Captain Rolith: Cyesro's Superstore is in the town of Falconreach. You will find merchants that will take Dragon Coins all over Lore though.

    • Where can I find/upgrade my stats?
      Captain Rolith: As you level up you'll gain more stat points. Choosing the Train Stats option while talking with me will let you use them!
      Captain Rolith: There is also a stat trainer in the town of Falconreach, in the mayor's office.
      Captain Rolith: You can view your stats by clicking on your character's name below the experience bar.

    • How do I gain different attacks?
      Captain Rolith: As you level to 18, your base class will get more abilities. Other classes will require quests to level up skills!
      Captain Rolith: You can sell and buy items in shops all over Lore to make and spend gold.

    • What is the Book of Lore?
      Captain Rolith: The Book of Lore tells the story of you, the Hero! You can use it to revisit the future and play through all of your adventures at any time.

    • Where can I learn more about DragonFable?
      Captain Rolith: If you want to learn more, or just talk to other players, you can join our online forums! (This will open a new tab in your browser)
  • The Priestess' Message
    If player has not reached level 3:
    Captain Rolith: *Grumble* The Knight's keep distracting me with an emergency every time you try to tell me about... a massage was it?
    Hint: Rolith will be more likely to pay attention if you are level 3 or higher. Time to level up!

    If player has reached level 3:

    Captain Rolith: WHAT!?
    Captain Rolith: You saw the Priestess on your way here? Why did you not tell me sooner!
    Captain Rolith: ... and she isn't going to stop here at the keep? *Panics* The forest is crawling with bandits that are looking for her.
    Captain Rolith: She is in grave danger... you must go after her!
    • It is hero time. Go Save Her! - begins The Black Dragon Box quest.
    • Maybe later...
      Captain Rolith: Listen... I will have you know that this is a VERY IMPORTANT storyline quest.
      Captain Rolith: Sure.... I understand, you want to go explore the keep some more and look at all the funny Knight names.
      Captain Rolith: Except for mine... my name is the only one that is serious.
      Captain Rolith: Serious....
      Captain Rolith: Serious like the storyline quest! So the next time you come back you better go on that quest and save her!
      Captain Rolith: Quests like this one do not just sit around until you eventually feel like doing them.
      Captain Rolith: OK.... they do. BUT that is not the point!
    After you've completed The Black Dragon Box quest:
  • Falconreach
    Captain Rolith: Falconreach is just over the bridge if you follow the past east. Beware of the giant Sea Serpent wich has been attacking the travelers!

  • Set Home Town
    Captain Rolith: Would you like to make Oaklore Keep your new hometown?
    • Yes
      Captain Rolith: Oaklore Keep is now your new hometown.

    • No
  • Rolith's Quests
    Captain Rolith: Bandits are a big problem around Oaklore, we've got a way to help cut down on their numbers though, if you want to lend a hand.
  • Oaklore Keep Quests
    Captain Rolith: These Knight are at their stations throughout the Keep - all of them have different places to guard, and may need your help!
    • Sea Serpent!
      Captain Rolith: The path to the next town, FalconReach is blocked by a giant sea serpent! None of our Knights have been able to stop it.
      Captain Rolith: One of our knights is posted near the bridge. He knows the way to the Sea Serpent's Lair!

    • Sir Loin
      Captain Rolith: Sir Loin is our beefy chef in the mess hall. He said he is having some problems with the garden. Perhaps you could lend a hand.

    • Sir Vivor
      Captain Rolith: Can you check on Sir Vivor and Sir Casm? They are probably still talking about The Ruins and working on the catapult.

    • Sir Pernatural
      Captain Rolith: Sir Pernatural knows everything about ghosts and goblins. You should ask him to tell you a ghost story.

    • Sir Prize
      Captain Rolith: Sir Prize... *sigh* He and Sir Kuss keep trying to out-prank each other. Can you make sure he is not getting himself into any more trouble?

    • Sir Junn
      Captain Rolith: Sir Junn is our medic. His infirmary is full of patients. Can you see what is going on?

    • Sir Valance
      Captain Rolith: Sir Valence is standing right next to me. He is the Keep's authority on Sneevils!

    • Pac-toginal-tastic
      Captain Rolith: Have you ever wondered what a prospective Pactogonal Knight must go through to join our ranks?
  • Talk
    Captain Rolith: I am Rolith, Captain of the Knights of the Patagonal Table here at the Keep.
    Captain Rolith: The Keep stands here to protect all the subjects of good King Alteon.
    Captain Rolith: There are several constant threats to the kingdom and its people. We do our best to keep these threats at bay.
    Captain Rolith: You seem very able. Please, lend a hand to any of the knights that you can.

  • Train Stats - opens Stat Trainer window.

  • Invites Rolith as a guest (DA Required) - Rolith joins you as Guest A.
  • Heal & potions - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.

  • Give 3 "Coal"s Togslayer Armor - unlocks Togslayer class.
  • Wear Armor - equips Togslayer class.
  • Train Armor

    Sir Valance

    Sir Valance: We must be ever vigilant! Sneevils, the vile box obessed creatures have been stealing every box in the area!

  • Reward Chest
    Sir Valance: At last! This box contains a shipment of enchanted rings given to us by Good King Alteon. It cost him a fortune but worth every coin to defend this keep.
    Sir Valance: It cost him a fortune but it will be worth every gold coin. These rings are just what we knights need to better defend Oaklore Keep.
    Sir Valance: Here, you've earned one. As far as i'm concerned, you're an Honorary Knight of the Pactogonal Table, <Class>. Thank you.

  • Sir Vey's Camp!
    Sir Valance: Sir Vey is one of the kingdom's best naturalists! He studies all the plants and wildlife in Oaklore forest.
    Sir Valance: Thanks to you, we have the sneevil problem under control. Would you go help him at his camp?


    Maya: Welcome to Oaklore Keep! I am the Loremaster here. How can I help you?

  • Talk
    Maya: Do you like books? I love them! Especially rare ones. If you find rare books, please bring them to me.
    Maya: As the keep's Loremaster it is my duty to record the deeds of the knights and research the local history and folktales of Oaklore.
    Maya: That means that I have to interview people and visit local places, but most of my research comes from these wonderful books!
    Maya: Some rare books contain legends, stories and secrets. Other tomes contain the works of great thinkers, inventors and mages.
    Maya: Depending on the books you find, I will reward you with different rare items. Hopefully they will help you in your future adventures.
    Maya: Perhaps we can have an adventure together! Although I am much better with a book than a sword.

  • Quests
    Maya: Captain Rolith and many of his knights in this keep could use a hand. If you walk up and talk to them they will give you quests.

  • Set Home Town
    Maya: Would you like to make Oaklore Keep your Home Town?

    • Yes
      Maya: Let me finish writing this down. There we go! Your home town is now Oaklore Keep!

    • No

  • Book Delivery
    Maya: Oh! Have you found some books? Perhaps an ancient tome? Maybe you've a history scroll?

    Sir Vivor and Sir Casm

  • Talk
    Sir Vivor: Hey watch this! We developed the fastest way to travel in the Kingdom!
    Sir Casm: Ohhh yeah... This is reeeeeaallly going to work.....
    Sir Vivor: If it does work... maybe we can find the ancient ruins containing Sir Jing's Legendary Lightning Blade!
    Sir Casm: Suuuuure we will. Just like the last dozen times we tried right?


    Sir Junn: Welcome to the infirmary! *Whispers* You have not been eating your apple a day, have you?

  • Talk
    Sir Junn: Due to the Vurr'men attacks, Bees and the Sea Serpent -- things have been very busy in here!

  • Heal
    Sir Junn: Let me tend to your wounds. We cover all PPO and HMO plans. There you go... good as new!

  • Potions
    Sir Junn: There, I refilled your potions for you. You can use potions to restore your health and mana during battle.

    The Keep

    Sir Chandestroy: I say it is time for war! Lets take the fight back to the Vurrmen! But you cannot battle on an empty stomach, have you been to the mess hall?

    Sir Annaid: ... and that is when I sang my heart out, confessing my true love for her.
    Sir Mise: I would surmise that things did not go well considering this is your 5th mug of Exotic NON- alchololic beverage.

    Sir Preem: Welcome brave Hero! We are the Knights of the Pactogonal Table and we welcome you to join us in tales of glory and adventure!

  • Talk
    Sir Gent: Our greatest threat is the Vurr'men attacks on our keep. I am concerned that my men will soon be overrun.

    Sir Preem: ... and soon we must resume our quest for Furfur's rumored Semi Holy Grande Pumpkin-spice Cappuccino.
    Sir Tax: Oooh, oooh, and then we can tax all the villagers until they cannot afford food! Then we can send in thugs to beat them up!

    Sir Preem: Sir Tax, you do realize the Knights of the Pactoganal Table are good guys... right?
    Sir Tax: Oh! Right... sorry..... Whew, almost blew my cover there.
    Sir Tax: Um.... To the Knights of the Pactogonal Table!

  • Pac-tog-whaa?
    Sir Kull: Sir Tainly... *coughs* Certainly you must be joking? The Pactagon is one of the most basic shapes!
    Sir Preem: Aye, every Geometry course teaches it!
  • Square
  • Circle
  • Triangle
  • Pactogram
    Sir Gent: The Pactogram is an essential part of everyday life with nearly unlimited uses! Just one look at our table should prove that!
    Sir Tax: The Pactogram is a symbol of everything that is good and just! All Hail the Knights of the Pactogonal table!

    The Locked Level 999 Closet Room

    Sir Thomas: I say old chap, a little help please?
    Sir Richard: Careful, Thomas, it could be one of them.
    Sir Harry: What? Is someone there? You know they tied me up facing a wall... Are you guys trying to trick me again?
    <Character>: Wha... Who are you guys? Who tied you up like this?!
    Sir Thomas: We are the Knights of the Pellet Table!
    <Character>: Pellet Table? The Keep is manned by the Knights of the Pactogonal Table...
    Sir Harry: See?! I told you so! I knew those guys were up to no good!
    <Character>: What guys? Why are you tied up in here?
    Sir Richard: Like you don't know... You're part of that theatre troupe! Trying to wring more material for your "method acting" out of us!
    <Character>: Theatre troupe?
    Sir Thomas: I... I don't think he/she is one of them... The three of us were maintaining the Keep, while waiting for our new Captain to arrive.
    Sir Harry: It wasn't my fault Captain Reginald didn't believe me about the lake monster!
    Sir Thomas: We... we got a little bored. I mean, it was only the three of us manning the whole Keep.... so we let in a passing threatre troupe.
    Sir Harry: I wanted to see a play! Now all I can see is this stupid wall.... I can't even look at the broken key boards they throw in at us.
    Sir Richard: They all took up silly "Sir" names... like... like Sir Reptitious! Then they took over!
    Sir Richard: If you're not one of them, you should let us go! Prove you're not an actor!
    Sir Harry: Yeah! Or else they might tie you up in here with us!
    <Character> (thinking): I... don't know if I want to get involved in this.... Their story is crazy! They have food... I'm sure Rolith will find them.
    <Character>: I'm not sure I believe you guys. If what you're saying is true... I'm sure Captain Rolith will let you out as soon as he find you.
    Sir Richard: I knew it! You're one of them! You better hope we don't get out of here anytime soon!

    Oaklore Weapon Shop

    Sir Lee: If you had to work with that cheerful Sir Pluss, you'd be surly too. D'you need a new weapon?

    Sir Pluss: I have lots of surplus weapons to sell and I'm open Knight and day! You will need a Dragon Amulet to use these weapons.

    Sir Rated: You can get shinier gear in higher levels in the town of Falconreach. Talk to Sir Pent by the bridge. It's been knights talking to you!

    Mess Hall

    Sir Loin: We have hungry Knights to feed and somehow Tuskmongers keep getting into our garden and eating all the vegatables!

  • Talk
    Sir Loin: ... eh hold on a sec. How is the grub boys?
    Sir Fanturf: This is the best sea food I have ever had... how do you do it?
    Sir Reeyal: This Captain Rhubarb Crunch is the best! ... and a great source of calcium with Milk!
    Sir Hup: I would like some more pancakes please!
    Sir Deen: Hey! these Sardines taste fishy... can I have Steak instead?
    Sir Deen: What? What did I say.... ?
    Sir Loin: Ignore him. These Knights eat so much it is hard to keep up. Especially with the Tuskmongers raiding our garden!
    Sir Loin: You look like a brave <Class> so I will make you a deal.
    Sir Loin: Help me keep the garden clear of Tuskmongers when you stop by and in exchange all of your meals are on the house!
    Sir Loin: *Snorts* So, can you help me with my Garden problem, <Class>?

  • Eat
    Sir Loin: What would you like me to make for you?
    • Green Slime Jelllllo/Doom Burger/Chickencow/Chocolate Cake

    Sir Loin: Would you like me to super duper size that for you?
    • Yes/No
      Sir Loin: Mmmmmm that looks delicious! Enjoy!

    Sir Pernatural

    Sir Pernatural: Do you believe in Ghosts, Spirits and the Living Sorta-But-Not-Really Dead? They are real... I have proof!

  • Ghosts?
    Sir Pernatural: Sir Koffagus was one of our greatest weapon masters. He had a HUGE weapon collection.
    Sir Pernatural: He loved all his weapons so much that he took them with him....
    Sir Pernatural: ...to the GRAVE
    Sir Pernatural: It is said that Sir Koffagus rises from his eternal slumber to challenge Adventurers who visit his tomb.
    Sir Pernatural: ... and if you beat him.... *whispers* He will give you a weapon from his collection! Do you want to go?

  • Sir Koffagus - begins Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus quest.

    Sir Prize

    Sir Prize: BOO! Gotcha!

  • Pranks
    Sir Prize: Oh, hero, what's that on your armor?

    Sir Prize: Made you look!
    • Sir Kuss!
      Sir Prize: That Sir Kuss clown is always trying to out-prank me. I have an idea though. Want to pull the ULTIMATE prank?

    • Sir Vival!
      Sir Prize: Oh, <Character>! I've... got a problem! You see, I've... uh... started my own business!
      Sir Prize: I'm now the proud owner and operator of in-house outhouse installations.
      Sir Prize: However, there's a problem with logistics. Ever since a certain "incident"... I've been having trouble finding help with repairs!
      Sir Prize: I've tried hiring some young adults who need a job to help me out, but that didn't turn out so well.
      Sir Prize: They've been pretty crappy about showing up on time or even showing up at all. Some even had potty mouths!
      Sir Prize: The latest one Sir... uh... Vivor... yeah, Sir Vivor, won't come out of the... sewer caves. Can you go... flush him out?

    Other information
  • Togslayer buttons from Rolith will appear after completion of Captain Rolith's Revenge.
  • The right combination to open the level 999 locked closet in all the Books is:

    Wiggle, Tap, Nick, Tap, Jab, Jab, Nick, Wiggle, Jab, Nick,
    Wiggle, Tap, Nick, Jab, Nick, Nick, Wiggle, Tap, Nick, Tap,
    Jab, Wiggle, Wiggle, Tap, Nick, Jab, Wiggle, Nick, Jab, Nick,
    Tap, Jab, Wiggle, Nick, Jab, Wiggle, Tap, Tap, Jab, Nick,
    Tap, Wiggle, Jab, Wiggle, Tap, Nick, Wiggle, Jab, Tap, Nick,
    Tap, Jab, Tap, Nick, Tap, Jab, Wiggle, Tap, Nick, Jab, Wiggle,
    Nick, Jab, Nick, Wiggle, Tap

  • Unlock the level 999 locked closet in any of the Books to obtain the Locksmith badge.
  • You can gain access to Sir Vey's Camp after completing Sneevil Boxopolis.
  • Stat training costs were modified from [Level*5] Gold to a flat 20 Gold per point for players without a Dragon Amulet, and free (untraining inclusive) for players with a Dragon Amulet, on June 14th, 2019. More information can be found in the June 14th, 2019 Design Notes.
  • +100 stat points option during training was introduced on October 1st, 2021.
  • Quest requirements were added to Sir Ano and Sir Baumbard NPCs on May 24th, 2024.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/22/2025 18:48:02 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
    9/9/2012 4:39:35   
    Advocator of Wills

    Oaklore Keep (Book 3)

    Access Point: A Hero Is Thawed -> Oaklore Keep,
    Access Point: Oaklore Region -> Oaklore Keep -> Travel, Book of Lore -> The End of Magic -> Oaklore,
    Access Point: Timeline (Book 3) -> The End of Magic – A Hero is Thawed -> To Oaklore,
    Access Point: Falconreach (Book 3) -> 2 Left -> Sir Viss -> To Oaklore!
    Requirements: Completion of A Hero Is Thawed
    Release Date: September 7th, 2012

    Quests Available
    Training Ground


    Sir Pernatural
    Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus

    Sir Casm
    Sir Chandestroy
    Sir Comvent
    Sir Fanturf
    Sir Hup
    Sir Junn
    Sir Pernatural
    Sir Preem
    Sir Prize
    Sir Reeyal
    Sir Vivor

    Rose Weapons

    (Rare Dialogue)

    Maya: Ah! <Character>! You surprised me! Mind explaining how you got here?After first completion of A Hero Is Thawed:
    Maya: I am Maya, official Loremaster here at the Keep... Oh my, is it really you, <Character>? It's been so long!
    • I don't remember you...
      Maya: I suppose you were frozen for a very long time. You must still be disoriented. Let's take this slow.
      Maya: This is Oaklore Keep. The Keep stands here to protect the Kingdom of Greenguard and all the subjects of good King Alteon.
      Maya: Oaklore Keep is the headquarters of the Pactogonal Knights, brave soldiers of the Kingdom. Captain Rolith used to be their leader.
      Maya: He left after King Alteon ordered him to provide quarters and supplies to The Rose. I haven't seen him since. I hope he's doing okay!

      • About Captain Rolith...
        Maya: WHAT!?
        Maya: Ahem. I mean...
        Maya: *whispers*
        Maya: Whaaaaaaaat? You actually saw Captain Rolith?
        Maya: I'm so glad he's okay! He left when... when King Alteon ordered him to garrison The Rose members here.
        Maya: Rose patrols have been coming back since then with injuries and headaches. I thought that might have been him!
        Maya: He told me to keep an eye out in case you wandered back here. Do you remember everything that happened?

        • My memory is kind of fuzzy...
          Maya: Oh my, your memory really has been damaged. Luckily, I think I have a solution!
          Maya: I've written down the stories of all of your previous adventures in the Book of Lore!
          Maya: Book 1 is the story of how you met your dragon, <Dragon>, and saved the world from Sepulchure's evil plots!
          Maya: Book 2 is the tale of what happened immediately afterward... The Wrath of Wargoth. That's what led to you being frozen.
          Maya: Now that you're here, I think it's about as good a time as any to start Book 3!
          Maya: If you're having trouble remembering, you should take a look. I've also included a handy Timeline to help you keep things straight!

          • Thanks! What should I do now?
            Maya: Oh! That's right! You probably want to make your way east toward Falconreach! Pass through the woods, across the bridge...
            Maya: But if you're still feeling unsure of yourself after being a hero-sicle (tee-hee) for so long...
            Maya: I'm sure the knights around here have plenty of quests for you to start getting back into shape!
            Maya: Do you have any more questions? Anything else you'd like to discuss?

            • About Captain Rolith... - see 'About Captain Rolith...' dialogue.

            • The Rose? Who are they? - see 'What's going on here?' dialogue.

            • The Wrath of Wargoth? - see 'My memory is kind of fuzzy...' dialogue.

            • Falconreach? - see 'Thanks! What should I do now?' dialogue.

            • I heard something about a bounty...
              Maya: Oh... right. After Jaania rose to power, she put out a bounty on Warlic, Xan, and yourself, should you ever reappear.
              Maya: A lot of people actually came through and tried to break you out of the ice to claim the bounty, but it soon became clear that that wasn't happening.
              Maya: It's been a while, so most people might not remember your face, but you should still be careful until this whole bounty business is taken care of.
              Maya: Falconreach might be the safest place for you right now, if you can make it there!

              • Falconreach? - see 'Thanks! What should I do now?' dialogue.

              • I'll be careful then! - returns to end of 'Thanks! What should I do now?' dialogue.

            • Can we start over? - see initial dialogue.

            • I think that's enough. - unlocks additional dialogue and Oaklore Keep-Falconreach Path.
              Maya: Wonderful! I'll be here if you ever want to go over things again, or just want to chat!

              • Thanks, Maya.

        • He mentioned Falconreach? - see 'Thanks! What should I do now?' dialogue.

      • The Rose? Who are they? - see 'What's going on here?' dialogue.

    • What's going on here?
      Maya: See those blue, black, and silver banners and uniforms? The Rose is an organization that sprung up after you were frozen.
      Maya: After the Wrath of Wargoth, a lot of people got scared of the power of magic and mana.
      Maya: Jaania, as the only... human survivor to be found of the final battle against Wargoth, was hailed as a hero.
      Maya: Her message of absolute protection and defense against magical creatures and people proved very popular.
      Maya: She travelled the Kingdom doing good deeds and helping those in need.
      Maya: And so The Rose formed around her and her ideals. Even King Alteon is providing her with all the resources she needs!
      Maya: *whispers*
      Maya: But between you and me, I'm worried about how... zealous The Rose is getting.
      Maya: A lot of mages and magical creatures have gone missing. The only place truly safe for them anymore is the city of Falconreach.

      • Wait, wait, the Wrath of Wargoth? - see 'My memory is kind of fuzzy...' dialogue.

      • Falconreach? - see 'Thanks! What should I do now?' dialogue.
    After selecting 'I think that's enough.' and 'Thanks, Maya.':
    Maya: Welcome to Oaklore Keep, home to the Knights of the Pactogonal Table. It's good to see you again, <Character>.
    • Train Stats - opens Stat Trainer window.

    • Set Home Town
      Maya: Would you like to make Oaklore Keep your new hometown?

      • Yes
        Maya: Oaklore Keep is now your new hometown.

      • No
    • Heal & potions - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.

    • DragonFable Basics
      Maya: You were frozen for so long! What can I help you remember?

      • What is a Dragon Amulet?
        Maya: A Dragon Amulet is an item of great power. It allows you to use the strongest weapons, most powerful items and enter special areas.
        Maya: A Dragon Amulet will unlock special classes, and allow you to raise and control your own dragon!
        Maya: There is only one place to get your Dragon Amulet. (This button will open a new tab in your browser)

      • What are Dragon Coins?
        Maya: Dragon Coins will allow you to buy items and in-game extras from special shops to give you an edge in our toughest dungeons!
        Maya: Cysero's Superstore is in the town of Falconreach. You will find merchants that will take Dragon Coins all over Lore though.
        Maya: There are often special offers in your Book of Lore too. Check the game Design Notes often for news!

      • Where can I find/upgrade my stats?
        Maya: As you level up, you'll gain more stat points. Choosing the Train Stats option while talking with me will let you use them!
        Maya: There is also a stat trainer in the town of Falconreach, in the mayor's office.
        Maya: You can view your stats by clicking on your character's name below the experience bar.

      • How do I learn different attacks?
        Maya: As you level to 18, your base class will get more abilities. Other classes may require quests to level up skills.

      • How do I gain experience/gold?
        Maya: Defeating enemies will reward you both experience and gold. Completing quests or leveling up will save your hard earned rewards.
        Maya: You can sell and buy items in shops all over Lore to make and spend gold.

      • What is the Book of Lore?
        Maya: The Book of Lore tells the story of you, the Hero! You can use it to revisit the past and play through all of your past exploits at any time.

      • Where can I learn more about DragonFable?
        Maya: If you want to learn more, or just talk to other players, you can join our online forums! (This will open a new tab in your browser)

    • Do I... know you? - see initial dialogue after first completion of A Hero Is Thawed.

    • Pactogonal Knight Training
      Maya: Have you ever wondered what a prospective Pactogonal Knight must go through to join their ranks?

    Oaklore Library

    Maya: Hello again, <Character>! Welcome to Oaklore's library. Unfortunately, the shelves are getting pretty bare....
    • Talk
      Maya: Since The Rose members moved in, they've been confiscating my books on magic.
      Maya: The Rose appeared after you were frozen... and they've sworn to end magic on Lore! By any means necessary!
      Maya: So be very careful around them! I don't think any of them recognize you. For now, adventure and try to keep a low profile!
      Maya: Oh, and if you find rare books, please bring them to me. I love books! Especially rare ones.
      Maya: And I need to replace the ones The Rose have taken....
      Maya: As the keep's Loremaster it is my duty to record the deeds of the knights and research the local history and folktales of Oaklore.
      Maya: That means that I have to interview people and visit local places, but most of my research comes from these wonderful books!
      Maya: So it makes me sad when they take books and don't return them!
      Maya: Some rare books contain legends, stories and secrets. Others tomes contain the works of great thinkers, inventors and... mages.
      Maya: Depending on the books you find, I will reward you with different rare items. Hopefully they will help you in your future adventures.
      Maya: Perhaps we can have an adventure together! Although I am much better with a book than a sword.

    • Quests
      Maya: Many of the knights in this keep could use a hand. If you walk up and talk to them they will give you quests.

    • Set Home Town
      Maya: Would you like to make Oaklore Keep your home town?

      • Yes
        Maya: Let me finish writing this down. There we go! Your home town is now Oaklore Keep!

      • No

    • Book Delivery!
      Maya: Oh! Have you found some books? Perhaps an ancient tome? Maybe you've found a history scroll?

    Sir Vivor and Sir Casm

  • Talk
    Sir Vivor: Hey, watch this! We developed the fastest non-magical way to travel in the Kingdom!
    Sir Casm: Ohhh yeah... This is reeeeeaallly going to work.....
    Wenlock: I don't like this... your targeting almost seems like... magic.
    Sir Casm: Noooope! It's just dumb luck!


    Sir Junn: You haven't been hit on the head too, have you?

  • Talk
    Sir Junn: All the beds are full! Men keep coming in with blunt force trauma to their heads!
    Sir Junn: It's like they've been hit with something large, heavy and ornate....
    <Character>: Like... a hammer?
    Sir Junn: Yes! Exactly! How did you know?

  • Heal
    Sir Junn: Let me tend to your wounds. We cover all PPO and HMO plans. There you go... good as new!

  • Potions
    Sir Junn: There, I refilled your potions for you. You can use potions to restore your health and mana during battle.

    The Keep

    Viceroy: You all have such... odd names here.
    Sir Chandestroy: Yes... well, it's quite the coincidence! Say, have you been to the mess hall?

    Sir Preem: Welcome brave Hero! We are the Knights of the Pactogonal Table and we welcome you to join us in tales of glory and adventure!
    Kiboh: Sigh.

  • Talk
    Nestor: Our greatest threat seems to be the Storm elementals. As many times as we try to clear them out, they keep reforming.
    Sir Preem: It's quite shocking how quickly they do, too.

    The Locked Level 999 Closet Room

    <Character> (thinking): Man... no one has been in here for years! I wonder what the Knights kept in here before The Rose came....

    Oaklore Weapon Shop

    Solidor: I have Rose-approved weapons, you can buy with Dragon Coins if you don't trust their... elemental weapons.

    Sir Pernatural and Rostock

    Sir Pernatural: Do you believe in Ghosts, Spirits and the Living Sorta-But-Not-Really Dead? They are real... I have proof!

  • Ghosts?
    Sir Pernatural: Sir Koffagus was one of our greatest weapon masters. He had a HUGE weapon collection.
    Sir Pernatural: He loved all his weapons so much that he took them with him....
    Sir Pernatural: ...to the GRAVE
    Sir Pernatural: It is said that Sir Koffagus rises from his eternal slumber to challenge Adventurers who visit his tomb.
    Sir Pernatural: ... and if you beat him.... *whispers* He will give you a weapon from his collection! Do you want to go?
    Rostock: Are you talking about interacting with supernatural creatures again?
    Sir Pernatural: ... No....

    Sir Pernatural: *whispers* Do you want to go?

  • Sir Koffagus - begins Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus quest.

    Mess Hall

    Falstaff: Another recruit?

    Falstaff: I swear... these "supposed" Knights are so soft, I doubt they've had a day of training in their lives!
    Sir Fanturf: ...
    Sir Reeyal: ...
    Sir Hup: ...
    Falstaff: You wastes of armor heard me! At least this new recruit looks like he can fight!
    Falstaff: *Snorts* Get out back and show these "Knights" what you can do... if you can actually do anything.

    Falstaff: Get this recruit some grub!

    Gruel/Broccoli/Liver/Warm Water
    Falstaff: This isn't a resort town. We're training to fight against magic enemies! Eat up and get to work!

    Sir Prize

    Sir Prize: *Grumbles*

    Sir Prize: With all these Rose guys here, I can't get away with anything fun...

    Sir Comvent

    Sir Comvent: I'm guarding the path to Falconreach. If you're looking for Maya, she's through those doors in Oaklore Keep. She has a message for you.

    Other information
  • Rose representatives are all named after roses.
  • Stat training costs were modified from [Level*5] Gold to a flat 20 Gold per point for players without a Dragon Amulet, and free (untraining inclusive) for players with a Dragon Amulet, on June 14th, 2019. More information can be found in the June 14th, 2019 Design Notes.
  • Maya's Book 3 dialogue was reworked on December 27th, 2019; more information can be found in the December 27th, 2019 Design Notes.
  • +100 stat points option during training was introduced on October 1st, 2021.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/22/2025 18:48:48 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
    9/9/2012 4:57:14   
    Advocator of Wills

    Oaklore Keep (Books 1 and 2)
    Thanks to
  • DragonBlade for information.
  • Highlord Sendai for links and corrections.
  • dragonman66 for information.
  • bestonesofar and Voodoo Master for corrections.
  • Sagrym for additional information and corrections.

    Oaklore Keep (Book 3)
    Thanks to
  • Voodoo Master for corrections and dialogue.
  • Frostburn for correction.
  • Sagrym for corrections.

    < Message edited by Jay -- 6/1/2023 20:05:11 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
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