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Captain Mazurek / Mazurek / Admiral Mazurek

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9/22/2013 2:30:08   
Advocator of Wills

Captain Mazurek / Mazurek / Admiral Mazurek

Location: The Autumn Wind, Void Ship, Into the Ynnungaap, Adrift, Void War Intro, Halfway Through, Second Seal, The Last Chapter: Tomix, Tomix's Saga Epilogue, The Quest for More Booty, Rhubarb Victorious, Talk Like a Pirate Day 2015, Party Like A Pirate, A Pirate's Revenge, Flight from Sho'Nuff, Precious "Cargo", Azaveyr Port Inn, Back to the Mainland, Darkness is Coming, Helm's Harbor, Coming Home, Khvorost, AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day One, AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Two, AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Three, AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Four, AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day ???

Quests given
Azaveyr Port Inn
Back to the Mainland

Shops owned

The Autumn Wind

Captain Mazurek: If ye be lookin' fer a Captain, ye be in th' right place, scallywags.
Captain Mazurek: If ye can't even be taking the time to properly address th' Captain o' th' Autumn Wind...

Captain Mazurek: ... then I don't think tha' ye will be findin' many friendly faces here.

Captain Mazurek: Ninjas! They be after my treasure, maties, grab yer sidearms and get to fightin'!

Captain Mazurek: An' just what do ye think ye be doin' down here? Ar' ye after me treasure too?

Captain Mazurek: Hah! I don't be needin' th' help o' a landlubber like ye!

Captain Mazurek: Heh, if ye want to help, be me guest. Tho', they do be ninjas. They do tend ta come at ye one atta time.

Captain Mazurek: Ye ready fer more, landlubber?

Captain Mazurek: Ye fight well fer a bilgerat, landlubber.

Captain Mazurek: Ye and yer... handsome friend, ye came to find me. Fer what?

Captain Mazurek: The rumors be true. I be th' best o' th' best.
Captain Mazurek: I got me own treasure to protect tho' an' me own ship, my lovelies. I don't be needin' whate'ver ye be callin' a ship.

Captain Mazurek: Now tha' be somethin' I'd like to see... No pirate been able to tame th' winds o' th' Void... an' I have a mind to be th' first!

Void Ship

Cpt. Mazurek: We can't set sail just yet, t' gnomes be finishin' up the "void drive", as they call it.

Into the Ynnungaap

Captain Mazurek: VS Unity be sturdy lady, as long as we stay aboard during th'voyage, we'll be fine, luv!

Captain Mazurek: Adorable.

Captain Mazurek: Noooo!

Captain Mazurek: Blast ye to th' Void! There be no wind, an' there don't be a way t' get t' paddlin'.

Captain Mazurek: Aye! Brace yourselves, ye bilge rats! An' I'll be showin' ya why I be th' best pirate!

Captain Mazurek: Aye, but how did tha' things get on board?


Captain Mazurek: The lass be right. Can't find Tani, Marey and two others. I be fearin' they be down in Davey Jones' locker...

Void War Intro

Captain Mazurek: Blimey! And so will I. I did worse thin's than that.

Captain Mazurek: Sweetie, leave sailing t' the sea legs.

Captain Mazurek: Starboard corridor. Much as I wanted t' take you luv, I'm goin' t' take Vaal.

Captain Mazurek: Ye've said ye be a mighty hero once, I want t' see it with me own ayes.

Captain Mazurek: Good man!

Halfway Through

Captain Mazurek: I be a wee busy dear.

Captain Mazurek: Oh, he be fightin' alright... but wit' his soul lass.

Captain Mazurek: Yarr, we be doin' great darlin'.

Second Seal

Captain Mazurek: Vaal, boys, keep them off o' me while I deal wit' 'tis.

Captain Mazurek: I be sorry, 'tis be nothin' personal.

Captain Mazurek: Luv, can ye hear me?

Captain Mazurek: It be done. If th' other team lift th' seal, th' door now be open.

Captain Mazurek: Alright men.
Captain Mazurek: ... and Vaal.
Captain Mazurek: Let's sword fight our way back n' join Tomix!

Captain Mazurek: Huh?
Captain Mazurek: No! Vaal, whar ye be goin'! That not be th' way back!!!
Captain Mazurek: Blast it...
Captain Mazurek: Tomix, we have a problem. Vaal ran off.

The Last Chapter: Tomix

Captain Mazurek: We've made it!

Captain Mazurek: Ye still don't get 'tis!

Captain Mazurek: Huh?

Tomix's Saga Epilogue

Captain Mazurek: We didn't take Vaal...

Captain Mazurek: VS Unity was a beautiful lady, but I must get back to me own ship.

Captain Mazurek: *sighs*
Captain Mazurek: Ye know, 'luv, yer not the first man to have taken up on an adventure like that.
Captain Mazurek: I've seen many. Comin' in with yer handsome, pretty looks and yer fighting skills. Promisin' a wild adventure like no other...
Captain Mazurek: Life be filled with plenty of short lived and passing acquaintances. Aye, a pirate's life it is.
Captain Mazurek: Saying that you be no more that though... I'd be wrong.
Captain Mazurek: Listen... I mayen't have pretty words or fond memories like yer friends 'ere.
Captain Mazurek: I were the ship's Captain. surely, but ye... ye were sailin' in yer own storm as well, weren't ye?
Captain Mazurek: One so terrible and so violent, ye knew that, no matter how ye'd sail, no matter how hard ye fought against it...
Captain Mazurek: Eventually... ye'd sink and join Davey's Locker.
Captain Mazurek: Still kept to the wheel though.
Captain Mazurek: Ye still sailed because ye knew that though ye might go down tryin', ye could still save the one thing that mattered.
Captain Mazurek: Ye could still save yer crew.
Captain Mazurek: Ye were a brave Captain to us all, Tomix, 'cause ye had the true heart of one.

The Quest for More Booty

Captain Mazurek: More drinks fer me crew! They be thirsty after a long day mannin' t' sails.

Captain Mazurek: I be thinkin' an old salt at t' end o' his voyage be lookin' at us wit' a fearsome green-eyed gaze.

Captain Mazurek: Ye be challengin' me, ye one-eyed, slovenly sea dog?

Captain Mazurek: Th' Autumn Wind will be settin' sail in search a booty. Th' riches in our hold will be beyond anythin' ye scurvy bilgerats could recover!

Rhubarb Victorious

Captain Mazurek: Ye be a Cap’n worth yer salt, Rhurbarb!

Captain Mazurek: Now I be buyin’ a round fer both t’ crews!

Captain Mazurek: I tried me best, Tom.

Talk Like a Pirate Day 2015

  • Talk - accessible after completion of Party Like A Pirate.
    Captain Mazurek: Avast! I be needin' yer help, <Character>. Th' blasted ninjas hav' pillaged me ship.

    Captain Mazurek: Th' Kessel had' th' reptutation o' bein' th' fastest ship.
    Captain Mazurek: 'Cept th' ninjas don't be havin' no mind fer keepin' a ship and me own Autumn Wind been th' fastest ship on th' seas fer years...
    Captain Mazurek: An' now th' scurvy dogs might as well as scuttled me poor ship. Th' glorious Autumn Wind ha' been becalmed.
    Captain Mazurek: Find wha' th' scallywags stole, <Character>. An' then we be needin' to deal wit' th' ninjas once an' fer all.

    Party Like A Pirate

    Mazurek: Me cargo!

    Mazurek: Me sails!!

    Mazurek: Me...

    Mazurek: ME FLAG!!!

    A Pirate's Revenge

    Mazurek: It be time t' get back at th' thievin' ninjas, <Character>.

    Mazurek: I promoted meself to Admiral an' I mean t' hav' th' first an' second fastest ships in me fleet. We be goin' t' steal back th' Kessel!

    Mazurek: Ye be a good First Mate, <Character>. Ever think a bein' a Captain?
    Mazurek: I be needin' one fer th' newest ship in me fleet.

    Flight from Sho'Nuff

    Mazurek: This been none o' our doin' ye shadowy demons!

    Precious "Cargo"

    Mazurek: Ahoy, <Character>! Good timin', I be about t' set sail 'n I be needin' your help!

    Mazurek: Azaveyr! I 'ave this 'ere "cargo" t' deliver.

    Mazurek: It be fine. Now hush 'n get back in thar!

    Mazurek: <Character>! How can ye say that!!! Th' gall!
    Mazurek: These people... they be runnin' away from here. I heard this family in th' inn natterin' about leavin', an' I offered me help.
    Mazurek: O'er a few weeks more o' them said they wanted to. And don't be thinkin' I haven't done this before.

    Mazurek: And so be wha' th' Rose be doin'! Goin' after people who can't help as to what... who they be.
    Mazurek: I didn't think ye'd mind this. Are ye with the Rose now? Be that yer gambit? Huh?

    Mazurek: Yar, but ken ye, word travels fast. Were they t' be spied, wit' a whisper here 'n yon, them Rose rapscallions would come from nowhere.
    Mazurek: Tis best t' keep quiet.

    Mazurek: Oh, don't be thinkin' I like magic. I don't, for a good reason. But it be a part of this place we call our world.
    Mazurek: I get why they wants t' control it, under them special laws, but wha' some Rose goons be doin' is wrong.

    Mazurek: I don't do magic, <Character>... besides, I be th' exception t' th' rule obviously!

    Mazurek: Aye, now let's set sail.

    Mazurek: We don't want our cargo t' spoil now, do we? *wink*

    Mazurek: I be in needs o' a, shall we say, bodyguard.
    Mazurek: And ye be one fine lookin' specimen!

    Mazurek: Ye look a wee bit discomforted.

    Mazurek: Th' voyage from here t' Volkenraand port be long but th' Kessel be fast.
    Mazurek: She be faster than fast even. We'll encounter other pirates on th' seas. They be nah as good as I, o' course.
    Mazurek: Thar be Rose ships on th' seas as well. Be a dear 'n help wit' any boardin' parties.

    Mazurek: That be "Admiral" now!

    Mazurek: Bavlo!!! Long time no see, me scallywag!

    Mazurek: Call me by me name again, gemborn, 'n I shall make sure th' sky will eat ye up!

    Mazurek: Blisterin' Barnacles, Bavlo me ole hearty, allow me t' introduce ye t' <Character>! Me dearest bucko!

    Mazurek: Take that stick out o' yer keel 'n greet 'em proper!

    Mazurek: Don't! Only I can call 'im that!

    Mazurek: Aye. All are present 'n accounted fer.

    Mazurek: Oh, nay, nah really. Tis nah like we were childhood hearties. We couldn't 'ave been. He's from these parts 'n I was from th' Empire.
    Mazurek: I met 'im aft I ran away.

    Mazurek: I know ye 'ave questions about me...
    Mazurek: ... but I be a tease, ye know!

    Mazurek: That be how they speak, <Character>, if they be among th', shall we say, less developed races.

    Mazurek: They don't speak between each other, they use feather movements or somethin'.
    Mazurek: So when they speak wit' other races, they use th' voice o' th' ones they be speakin' t'.

    Mazurek: Alright Bavlo, load th' cargo we agreed upon 'n we'll set sail wit' th' high tide.

    Mazurek: Then t' th' Inn 'tis, fer rest. <Character>, speak wit' me when ye be ready t' return.

    Azaveyr Port Inn

    Mazurek: Are ye ready t' set sail <Character>?
  • Let's go - begins Back to the Mainland quest.

    Back to the Mainland

    Mazurek: Thanks sweetie. Love ye.

    Mazurek: Yar, well, I 'ave so much love t' be givin' aft all!

    Mazurek: Don't count on it, gemborn!

    Mazurek: I be thankin' ye fer th' help <Character>. Tis much appreciated, it is.

    Mazurek: Aye, I be hopin' so too, but... th' winds are freshenin'. Thar be a storm brewin'.
    Mazurek: Anyway, fer a landlubber, ye 'ave some nice sailin' skills ye know. Th' offer remains. I expect ye t' sign aboard me crew in th' future!

    Darkness is Coming

    Mazurek: We be sailin' together wit' ninjas... 'tis not goin' to get any worse than 'tis.

    Helm's Harbor

    Adm. Mazurek: Ahoy <Character>! If ye be wantin' to sail the Pale Sea, the Autumn Wind be ready. Ye let me know at once- I be nah exactly welcome here.

    Coming Home

    Mazurek: 'Tis about time! I managed t' do some plunderin', smuggle some scallywags 'n save th' world while ye were gone!
    Mazurek: Ye could 'ave at least sent me a message.

    Mazurek: Did ye now.

    Mazurek: Aye, mighty small.
    Mazurek: He been jus' a phase.

    Mazurek: Ye still 'ave a crew? I'd be surprised if they tolerated ye this long.

    Mazurek: Ye lookin' t' join mine?

    Mazurek: I like t' keep me exes under me heel.

    Mazurek: O' course, <Character>!


    Mazurek: Ye didn't.

    Mazurek: One way trip. I nah be shippin' ye back thar.

    Mazurek: Th' Magesterium may 'ave turned a blind eye t' ye afore, but aft helpin' <Character> escape?
    Mazurek: They'll be lookin' fer any excuse t' drag ye in front o' that god o' thars.

    Mazurek: Likely already seized.

    Mazurek: If ye nah be lookin' t' sail wit' me, thar be a place ye might enjoy makin' yer new home.

    Mazurek: Aye. An ancient underground city full o' ye weaver types and whatnot.

    Mazurek: I spent some time thar meself. Made some... good friends. Includin' <Character> here.

    Mazurek: Oh no. Ye didn't, <Character>.

    Mazurek: Th' short version, Khvorost.

    Mazurek: How do ye even remember that?

    Mazurek: Wha' did ye do?

    Mazurek: KHVOROST!

    Mazurek: ...

    Mazurek: That's it. We're tossin' ye o'erboard!

    Mazurek: Tomix be dead, Khvorost! Ye set 'im on a path that led 'im through much pain 'n sufferin', even t' th' end!

    Mazurek: This ain't about ME. I wants ye off me vessel. Now.

    Mazurek: We'll deal wit' ye later.
    Mazurek: ALL HANDS ON DECK!

    Mazurek: Ye can come out now. We nah be throwin' ye t' th' sea.

    Mazurek: Ye 'ave me word, Khvorost. Ye may 'ave set Tomix down his path, but wi'out that path, none o' us would 'ave met 'im.
    Mazurek: 'N we were better fer havin' known 'im.

    Mazurek: Nothin' like a scrap t' clear th' mind.

    Mazurek: Khvorost may 'ave his regrets, but he ain't a bad person. Nah anymore, at least. Right, Khvorost?

    Mazurek: Aye.

    AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day One

    Maz: Please, call me Maz. You're all my classmates? I'm sure we're gonna get along just fine.

    Maz: Hold on, what do you mean, "another" disappearance?
      If you select 'I'm paying a lot of tuition! I expect to be safe!' option:
      Maz: Aye, whatever is happening, it better not affect us. Otherwise, what are we paying for?
    Maz: I'd have nudged you awake but you just looked so... cute, sleeping like that.

    Maz: Do we get to choose who we're paired with? I have a few candidates I had my eye on already, if so...

    Maz: Nice.
      If you joined 'Wolf':
      Maz: This is gonna be good.
    Maz: Well, it's not enough! Now, I like all of you, and I'm sure I would've liked that Tomix fellow too. I don't want to come to class tomorrow to find any of you gone.
      If you select the 'It's up to us to stop the disappearances!' option:
      Maz: It's all well and good to say that we'll handle it, but we don't even have a plan. Anyone have any ideas?

      If you select the 'Remain silent.' option:
      Maz: Stay vigilant, everyone.

      If you have sufficiently bonded with Maz:
      Maz: There you are, <Character>! I thought I saw you going this way. Want some company on the way back to your dorm?

        If you select the 'That sounds wounderful!' option:
        Maz: Doesn't it? This way we can keep our eyes on each other. For purely safety related reasons, of course.

        If you select the 'No thanks.' option:
        Maz: Suit yourself. Won't say I'm not disappointed, but I suppose you can take care of yourself, hm?

    AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Two

    Maz: No way. Isiri?! THE Isiri?

    Maz: You haven't? She's one of- no, THE premier fashion designer this side of the Pasgur Ocean!

    Maz: More like a dream come true! Never could I have imagined we'd be taught simple weaving by the legendary Isiri!

    Maz: ...
    Maz: You're not Isiri.

    Maz: Hold on. If you're here... and Isiri isn't... Then would that mean...
      If you select the 'I'm sorry, I must not have slept well last night.' option:
      Maz: Don't worry your head about it. It's understandable, really. With all that's happening, staying awake for the lecture seems like it's not the most important thing.

      If you select the 'Maybe I'm getting sick...' option:
      Maz: Make sure you're taking care of yourself, <Character>. We need your help to get to the bottom of whatever's going on!
    Maz: Seems we're all in agreement then. So now, we gotta figure out what to do next. Whatever, or whoever is causing the disappearances has to be connected to the school.

    Maz: What if we tried splitting up into the groups Dr. Secundus assigned? With how many of us there are, it might help to focus, rather than argue.

    Maz: Watch it, boy.
      If you joined 'Wolf':
      Maz: There has to be a chance, Valen! If there's some way we can save them-

      Maz: So what, you're just going to give up?

      Maz: And why bother if you think there's no point? If you think there's no hope? The headmaster didn't say they were dead or lost. There must still be some way.

      Maz: You think I'm scared of getting hurt? <Character>, tell Valen he's being an idiot.

        If you select the 'Side with Valen' option:
        Maz: Do you both really think I'm so fragile?

        Maz: ...Okay. You're right. You're right. I... let my dreams get ahead of me. But I won't give up hope. I'm sorry, but I can't.

        If you select the 'Side with Maz' option:
        Maz: It might be optimism, but that's my motivation. There's something there waiting for us at the end. Whether it be closure, or justice.

        Maz: Then we take that pain into ourselves. We learn and grow from it. We can't change reality, but we can wish for the best.
    Maz: We have class with Dr. Secundus tomorrow. Maybe we can ask him about what's going on.

    AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Three

    Maz: Dr. Secundus, do you have any idea what could have happened to the missing people?

    Maz: You're not that daft, Alexander! Those are the guardian creatures of Edelia!
      If you joined 'Wolf':
      Maz: Okay, <Character>! Time to wake up!

      Maz: Well, Valen tried talking to you, and I tried shaking you and none of it seemed to be working. Thought I'd go with the ol' Maz special. I'm uh, sorry. Glad you're awake, though.

      Maz: Ah, it's no problem, <Character>! We're just glad you're back with us!

      Maz: Dr. Secundus looked real angry. I think you're going to be in trouble later.

      Maz: Oh yes! Apparently we're supposed to get to know the other members of our group. Doesn't seem like too much work, if you ask me, but I'll go with it.

      Maz: Looks like we only have time for one of us today though... Why don't you choose, <Character>? Whose deepest secrets do you want to learn about first?

        If you select the 'Valen' option:
        Maz: Just like that? For no reason?

        Maz: That's a mighty secret you're hiding. How are we supposed to feel about it? What does this pact of yours entail, exactly?

        Maz: Well, that just means we'll just have to keep a close eye on you. A closer eye on you.

        If you select the 'Maz' option:
        Maz: Me? Are you sure? Ah, who am I kidding. I've had a life, so far!

        Maz: Well, if you insist!
        Maz: I grew up a spoiled brat in a noble house. Had everything I could ever want. Food, clothes... anything.
        Maz: Then the money went dry. I don't know what it was. Some politics most likely, I never found out, nor do I care to.
        Maz: I had to work, or be kicked out. And back then, I would most certainly not work. And so, I was out on my own. Parents couldn't afford me. Understandable, I suppose.
        Maz: I ended up out on the streets, stealing and fighting for whatever scraps I could find.

        Maz: Sure, some would see it that way. But for the first time in my life, I learned to take care of myself. I had to. Made all the mistakes. But I survived.
        Maz: I survived, and found others like me. Cast outs of society, and together, we thrived.

        Maz: Well, I can't say all the habits of my spoiled days are gone. I always dreamed of becoming a weaver like Isiri. I have a... new appreciation for the finer things in life, you might say.
        Maz: And nothing, not mysterious disappearances or anything else is gonna stop me.

        Maz: Not a fan, Valen?

        Maz: Thank you, Valen. But what do you think, <Character>? Am I not... intriguing?

          If you select the 'Consider me intrigued!' option:
          Maz: Intrigued, are you, <Character>? Well then, my intrigued friends, why don't we call it a night?

          If you select the '*Turn away*' option:
          Maz: Aha! I'm sorry, I can get a bit intense sometimes. Don't worry, no offense taken.
          Maz: It's been a long day. Why don't we head back to our rooms?

    AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Four

    Maz: That's why Valen was so worried. Well, besides you. Raven group hasn't shown up yet.

    Maz: Yeah, <Character> showed up eventually, I'm sure they'll be through that door any moment now...

    Maz: This isn't your fault in any way, Valen! What could we even hope to do against something we know nothing about?

    Maz: Yeah, what if, hypothetically speaking, we were planning on looking into the problem ourselves?

    Maz: There's no way I'm giving up, especially now.

    Maz: Well, whatever is going on, it has to be in the main school building, right? Otherwise, why send us back to our dorms?

    Maz: Sure, kid.

    Maz: And what's your brilliant idea, glasses?

    Maz: What are you always writing in your notebook, anyway, Fae?

    Maz: Nobody asked you, pipsqueak.

    Maz: Yeah. You're welcome to stay with us, <Character>, but if you like Alexander and Fae's idea better... well, it wouldn't be fair for us to stop you.
      If you select the 'Hawk' option:
      Maz: Here I thought we had something special.

      If you select the 'Wolf' option:
      Maz: It'll be good to have you at our side, <Character>.
    Maz: What an interesting little contraption. Oh, and, hi, <Character>.

    Maz: What's wrong, Tek?

    Maz: Well, they're certainly not here.

    Maz: Do you expect us to go along with class like normal when our friends are potentially in trouble?

    Maz: I agree. What are we supposed to do?

    Maz: Are you giving up, Tek?

    Maz: How about this? Whatever's going on, it's happening in the school. Otherwise, why send us to our dorms for safety?

    Maz: Or you could get off your butt for once and actually help out.

    Maz: Ohh, Tkach! That explains everything! You're just a spoiled boy who wants other people to do everything for him.

    Maz: I've already forgotten about you. But I also think Valen's idea is better. I don't feel like sitting around waiting for Tek to finish her mechanism.
      If you select the 'Wolf' option:
      Maz: We're glad to have you aboard, <Character>.

      If you select the 'Raven' option:
      Maz: We'll see who can save Edelia first!
    If you select the 'Wolf' option in either 'Wolf' or 'Raven' paths:
    Maz: So, whatever's the source of the disappearances, it's got to have its... nest in the school.

    Maz: Just like my old days. You live in the alleyway, do business on the busy streets.

    Maz: A solid place to start our search!

    Maz: Seems pretty solid. How do you know there's something behind it? How would something even get through it in the first place?

    Maz: I don't know if that sounds hollow or not, but there's definitely another path for us to take. Here, help me make some room!

    Maz: ...Okay, I'm not a prideful girl, but come on. That's just unfair.

    Maz: You don't think <Character> is the source of the disappearances, do you?

    Maz: Might be foolish, but I believe you, <Character>. If there's something wrong with you... Better for us to be around to keep you in check if it reveals itself.

    Maz: If we're all done with the doom and gloom, speaking of gloom, those stairs are calling me to adventure.
    Maz: Let's see what other secrets we'll uncover next!

    AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day ???

    Maz: How far does this stupid tunnel lead? It feels like we've been going for hours.

    Maz: No urge to fall asleep?

    Maz: We're here for you, <Character>. Wherever... here is.

    Maz: Yeah. Eventually.

    Maz: <Character>?!

    Maz: <Character>, don't fall asleep on us now!

    Maz: Either way, it's not gonna stop us. What are our options? Just sit around and wait for it to get worse, or push ahead and smash whatever's waiting for us?

    Maz: We'll protect you, he means.

    Maz: What do you see, Valen?

    Maz: Stay close, <Character>. Don't want you collapsing and hitting your head or anything.

    Maz: There's nothing here! Only that... light. Ugh. Does it have to be so blinding?

    Maz: Oh no you don't! You took all the glory with that wall up top. You gotta let Valen and I have a try first for this!

    Maz: Of course! Light or not, Let's see how it handles the Maz special!

    Maz: There's something... something in here! It's umm... Oh. This probably isn't good.

    Maz: There you are, <Character>! Glad you could join us!

    Maz: Yeah. They were just floating there when I arrived. Decided to wait to uh, confront them 'cause, well...
    Maz: They're freaky.

    Maz: That's a whole lot of Tek-talk. What's it mean, <Character>?

    Maz: Whoa there.

    Maz: Consuming aspects?
      If you have choose the 'Maz' option:
      Maz: I'm not about to let go! But neither is Sk'aar!

      Maz: He's here! He's... everywhere... Oh, this is gonna make me sick.

      Maz: It's like a chain, <Character>! Sk'aar's trying to drag me under, and you're keeping me afloat.

      Maz: You're gonna have to. Trust me, I have an idea.

      Maz: Don't worry, <Character>. Let me go. I'm gonna need both hands for this!

        If you have sufficiently bonded with Maz:
        Maz: Aw yeah! It's time for the ol' Maz special... no, the Maz meteor!

        Maz: Look at all this, <Character>! What a sight! What a sensation!

        Maz: I haven't the faintest idea! But I feel so... free! This rush...

        Maz: That's all... It's... All I know is, it's going to be okay. It's going to be okay.
        Maz: Come on, <Character>. Get up. We've got adventure to find! And I wouldn't want to do it with any other at my side!

        If you have not sufficiently bonded with Maz:
        Maz: If... if you see professor Isiri after this, tell her I said hi, okay?

    Missed Raven Appearance
    Admiral Appearances: Side / Front
    Helm's Harbor Appearance
    AdventureFriends 2 Appearance

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for image, Missed Raven image, Admiral side image, Helm's Harbor appearance, and corrections.
  • Dove for Admiral front appearance and AdventureFriends 2 images.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 10/4/2024 15:34:19 >
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