Awakened Depths: Epilogue (All Versions) (Full Version)

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Jay -> Awakened Depths: Epilogue (All Versions) (10/7/2022 6:38:15)

Awakened Depths: Epilogue (R)

Location: Dragesvard's Shore -> Quests! -> Epilogue
Level/Quest/Items required: Join the Rose Faction in The Greenguard Alliance - Choose a Faction, Completion of Twin Tides
Release Date: September 30th, 2022

Objective: With Tyndur's Depths (mostly) at peace once more, all that's left to do is celebrate... and say your goodbyes.
Objective completed: Time to go back to Swordhaven and update Queen Victoria on everything that's happened!

Experience rewarded: 0
Gold rewarded: 0


Captain Lestrad
G. M. Hansa
Inspector Doyle
Kara SuLema
Rose Soldier

Rose Expertise


*In Dragonsgrasp's Baker Street Inn, Dragesvard refugees and DragonLords alike are celebrating the defeat of the Hollow Tytan and the closing of the Northlands Rift.*

Captain Lestrad: I can't believe they dug out the century-aged Moglinberry juice for this!
Captain Lestrad: ...But I suppose it's as good a reason as any.
Captain Lestrad: ...Those Dragonsgrasp refugees better not drink it all...
Kord: ...
Captain Lestrad: What's on your mind, boy?
Kord: ...
Kord: Dragesvard's saved. The Tytan's defeated.
Kord: According to Galanoth, the Rift's closed.
Kord: Looks like the Greenguard Alliance is working out fairly well too, so The Rose probably won't be bothering the dragons anytime soon.
Kord: ...What happens now?
Captain Lestrad: Well, after everyone's done celebrating, we'll kick you Dragonslayers and Dragesvard refugees off our island, and we'll take to the skies.

*Captain Lestrad takes off his helmet.*

Captain Lestrad: ...That's what I would have said, once.
Captain Lestrad: But this last adventure's given me a lot to think about. Been talking to Hemlock.
Captain Lestrad: Might be okay to settle down for a while. Make sure Dragesvard gets cleaned up properly.
Captain Lestrad: As for the slayers...
Kord: I think a lot of us just want to get back to hunting dragons.
Captain Lestrad: I... see.
Kord: They've done a lot of harm over the years. To a lot of people. To a lot of us. We can't just suppress that anger.
Kord: We need revenge.
Captain Lestrad: You'd kill them all, indiscriminately? Like The Rose had been doing?
Kord: The ones here are... fine. Tame enough. But outside the mountain...

*Captain Lestrad looks down from Kord and closes his eyes momentarily, sensing Kord's internal conflict.*

Captain Lestrad: ...
Captain Lestrad: Tell you what. Since the DragonLords are sticking around, anyway, I think you could use our help.
Kord: What?
Captain Lestrad: You're right that there are evil dragons in the world.
Captain Lestrad: But there are many who have done no wrong. Nor do they intend to.
Captain Lestrad: As DragonLords and dragons, we can help determine which dragons must be brought to justice.
Captain Lestrad: And those who should be spared.
Kord: Not everyone's going to like it.
Captain Lestrad: I will have to speak to the dragons about it as well, of course.
Kord: ...
Kord: It... It could be worth a try.
???: Stupid... door! Why's it gotta be so sturdy?
???: Come on, Odgne, give me a push!
Odgne: Is this truly necessary, Mritha? Surely you could just open the door with your hands first. | *Concerned growl*
Mritha: No, no, it's got to be dramatic! It's got to be cool!
Odgne: Very well. Let us proceed... | *Resigned grumble*

*Mritha makes a dramatic entrance by kicking open the tavern's door, carrying a keg of Moglinberry juice under each arm.*

Mritha: Alright! Who needs a refill?! It's on the house!
Captain Lestrad: Is that—? Mritha?!
Captain Lestrad: I should have—
Captain Lestrad: Wait. Stop! Stop!
Captain Lestrad: It's not on the house!
Mritha: Someone take these kegs from me! I have to get going!
Captain Lestrad: That's the private reserve— you can't just—!
Mritha: We're stopping by every tavern in DragonsGrasp tonight!

*Outside the tavern, you and your dragon approach Galanoth.*

<Character>: There you are, Galanoth! You're not celebrating?
Galanoth: I'm just taking a break. Listening.
<Character>: You still haven't heard anything from The Great One since the Tytan fell?
Galanoth: ...There was one thing.
Galanoth: After I got a vision of the Rift up north closing. I... I'm not sure how best to describe it.
Galanoth: It felt as though a giant paw rested on my head for a moment.
<Character>: What, like, crushing you?
Galanoth: No. It felt more... affectionate. Like I was a tog being praised for doing a trick.
Galanoth: I suppose it was a goodbye from The Great One.
<Character>: Seems a bit condescending, maybe.
Galanoth: Ha! I'll be sure to bring it up with them next time we chat.
<Character>: They're still around, then?
Galanoth: I haven't heard anything, but I can feel their presence. Even something lingering from <Dragon>.
<Character>: Do you feel any different, <Dragon>?
<Dragon>: Hmm... I think... I feel like Nature and Stone magic makes more sense to me! | *Two playful chirps!*
Galanoth: It would seem so.

*You pause before asking Galanoth of his future plans.*

<Character>: What's next for you?
<Character>: Looks like you're free from being the Speaker, for now, at least.
Galanoth: A lot has changed.
Galanoth: Seeing the way Kord acted during our adventure...
Galanoth: Regardless of the cause or reason, I've let down the Dragonslayers.
Galanoth: They need me back in the lead. If they'll accept me.
<Character>: Of course they will!
Galanoth: We'll see. I'll need to do what I can. For them, and for Dragesvard.
Galanoth: You should get back to enjoying the festivities. I'll be fine.

*Later, inside the tavern, you and Hansa talk over some Moglinberry juice, while your dragon watches on.*

G. M. Hansa: Oh. There you are, <Character>.
<Character>: How are you doing, Hansa?
G. M. Hansa: Well enough, I suppose. All of this excitement is a little overwhelming.
<Character>: You shouldn't force yourself to celebrate if you're not up to it.
G. M. Hansa: Yes, well, it seemed like I should make an attempt.

*Hansa pauses before elaborating on her conflicted feelings.*

G. M. Hansa: This has been a rather... lonely adventure. Kara and yourself have done your best to make me feel welcome, but...
<Character>: ...You're still the only person representing The Rose here.
G. M. Hansa: Indeed.
G. M. Hansa: I'm not a part of their world, their joy.
<Character>: I'm sure they'd welcome you! You, who bravely guided us into the Tytan! Who did her part to save Dragesvard!
G. M. Hansa: ...Do you think so?
G. M. Hansa: Hmm.
G. M. Hansa: In truth, it's not only the party that I have concerns about.
G. M. Hansa: At the risk of bringing down the atmosphere, I worry about what comes after.
<Character>: What do you mean? I'm sure everyone will pitch in to clean up.
G. M. Hansa: I mean regarding the Alliance.
G. M. Hansa: Lady Jaania convinced me to rejoin The Rose for the defense of Greenguard.
G. M. Hansa: I thought her actions in defense of Swordhaven showed a change in her philosophy.
G. M. Hansa: But here we are. I've already promised Rose aid in rebuilding Dragesvard. I have the authority to offer it, after all.
<Character>: Do you think Jaania will deny the request?
G. M. Hansa: No. But will she even give it a passing glance before approval, I wonder?
G. M. Hansa: I don't know what comes next for me.

G. M. Hansa: After we figure out a way to close the Rift in the Deadlands.
G. M. Hansa: After the Alliance.
<Character>: You don't have to be part of The Rose to do good. Or part of the Alliance.
<Character>: You're powerful! You want to help people! You want there to be peace, the same as everyone else!
G. M. Hansa: ...
G. M. Hansa: I'm just a half-broken mage, <Character>. But I appreciate your flattery.
G. M. Hansa: Bah. Enough self-pity!
G. M. Hansa: I've noticed some of the Dragesvard locals do a rather interesting traditional dance.
G. M. Hansa: Perhaps I shall try to join them.
<Character>: Er. I think they've just had too much Moglinberry juice.
G. M. Hansa: You think so?

*Hansa smiles.*

G. M. Hansa: Maybe I'll try that too!

*Back on Dragesvard, you and the Alliance touch base with Galanoth, Captain Lestrad, Kord, and Inspector Doyle.*

<Character>: Looks like everyone's eager to get started with the rebuilding.
Kord: A little bit of fungus won't keep the people of Dragesvard down!
Inspector Doyle: Thank you all for your assistance in reclaiming Dragesvard.
Inspector Doyle: I hope you will consider the DragonLords as allies to your future endeavors.
Mritha: I'll make sure of that.
<Character>: Is the ship ready to go?
Captain Lestrad: It is. It has enough stocked to take you to Braughlmurk's shore without issue.
Inspector Doyle: Under normal circumstances, I'd offer you passage all the way to Falconreach...
Inspector Doyle: But Captain Lestrad insists that we will need to conserve supplies to help us recover.
<Character>: I appreciate all you've managed to spare, Captain.
Captain Lestrad: Don't mention it.
Kara SuLema: Once we return to Swordhaven, I shall send out a call for any members of the Vind who are willing to assist with the clean up.
Kara SuLema: I'm sure our affinity to Nature and Wind will be a great help!
G. M. Hansa: The Rose, too, will provide what resources it can.
G. M. Hansa: I'll need to get things approved by Lady Jaania and the Queen, but that shouldn't be a problem.
Ostromir: ...Um. The Golden Hand will be... cheering you on!
Vseslava: Ostromir!
Captain Lestrad: Right...Thank you.
Captain Lestrad: Well, you better get going. No point blocking the workways when—
Captain Lestrad: Er... That is to say...
Captain Lestrad: Farewell, and safe travels. All of you.
<Character>: Goodbye to you too, Captain.
Kara SuLema: Everyone has everything they need? Backpacks packed? I'd hate to have to ask the ship to turn around...
Mritha: One moment. Kara, I'm sorry to bring this up so late, but...
Mritha: I think... I think I want to stay and help.
Kara SuLema: Oh, Mritha... The Vind will miss you and Odgne, but I wouldn't dream of denying your request.
Mritha: Ha. I'm sure I'll want to return to the Vind soon enough. I can only handle so much DragonLord nonsense!
Mritha: But it'll be good to have someone with Vind connections here to help coordinate things.
Mritha: Plus, I can make sure things don't fall apart the moment you set foot on that ship!
Mritha: Right, Lestrad?
Captain Lestrad: Wha—?

*Captain Lestrad refrains from objection, despite his tenuous relationship and disagreeable past with Mritha.*

Captain Lestrad: Right! Right.
Kara SuLema: Of course, Mritha. Both cities will be in good hands under your protection.
G. M. Hansa: ...We really must be going. Queen Victoria will no doubt be eager to hear of our success.
Galanoth: One final thing. <Character>.
Galanoth: It has been an honor to fight at your and <Dragon>'s sides once more. I look forward to our next opportunity.
<Character>: Once this whole Proclamation business is done, I can visit, and we can go on another adventure together!
Galanoth: I would enjoy that. And I will find a way to let you know if The Great One stirs from their slumber.
<Character>: Take care, everyone!
<Dragon>: Goodbye, sidekicks! | *Cheerful farewell!*

*Meanwhile, outside Swordhaven, Amadeus is writing in a journal.*

Warlic: Okay. I'm finished.

Warlic: Are you ready, Amadeus?
Amadeus: Just about.
Amadeus: What sort of disguise would the great Blue Mage...?

*Amadeus looks up at Warlic with a glare; Warlic has disguised himself in the image of his former teacher, Master Brump.*

Amadeus: I see. An... interesting choice.
Warlic: And what about yours?

*Amadeus changes his illusion to that of a common farmer.*

Amadeus: Shall we proceed to the gate?

*Once at the Swordhaven gate, Warlic initially takes the lead.*

Rose Soldier: State your name and business in the city.
Warlic: Erm. My name is... Um.

Warlic: War... ren.
Warlic: Yes. Warren!
Rose Soldier: And what is your occupation, Warren?
Warlic: I'm a farmer!
Rose Soldier: And the reason for your visit?
Warlic: I'm... I'm here to sell my vegetables. And fruits. And other... farmer-ly products.
Warlic: Like cheese.
Rose Soldier: ...
Rose Soldier: You don't look much like a farmer. And I don't see any vegetables or fruits.
Warlic: Well, that's because they're invisible.
Warlic: Invisible, magical vegetables! Very popular!

*Both the Rose Soldier and Knight are immediately alarmed by the very mention of magic.*

Rose Soldier: Magical produce is not allowed within the city limits per edict 2883, section B, subsection 1-D.
Rose Soldier: I'm afraid they will have to be confiscated, and I must detain you for—
Amadeus: Excuse me! I'm terribly sorry.
Amadeus: There appears to have been a misunderstanding.
Rose Soldier: And you are?
Amadeus: Timothy. Timothy Fairhill of Fairhill farms.
Amadeus: You see, there was a monster attack, and my grandpa Warren got caught by a magical blast.
Warlic: Grandpa?!
Amadeus: Went a bit... odd after that. ...Even changed his clothes.
Knight: Oh, I heard about things like that happening. Out in the hills, I think?
Amadeus: Indeed, indeed. We've traveled quite far to seek treatment from The Rose.
Knight: ...But... that was a while ago. Before the big whale and the sand and the shiny dome.
Amadeus: Well, of course! It didn't seem safe to travel with everything else going on.
Knight: ...Makes sense.
Amadeus: So, good gate guard, and sir knight, I apologize again for my grandpa's careless words.
Amadeus: And I do hope he has caused no offense.
Rose Soldier: There's no invisible vegetables then?
Amadeus: I'm afraid not. Side effect of the hallucinations, you know.
Rose Soldier: Well...
Rose Soldier: Alright then. Go on. You'll be looking for the Ivory Tower for treatment.
Rose Soldier: East side of the city, can't miss it.
Amadeus: Thank you, good sir. Come along now, grandpa.
Warlic: ...Thank you.

*Amadeus' quick thinking helped recover from Warlic's carelessness, but the gate guards continue to be wary of the duo.*

Knight: ...That was weird. Was it okay to let them inside the city?
Rose Soldier: Can't be any weirder than the other folks we've had around here recently.
Rose Soldier: Between the Vind's elves and mages and who knows what else, I'm sure they'll fit right in.
Knight: I saw a gnome the other day!
Rose Soldier: Sure you did. Sure.

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Completion of this quest unlocks the Stone element option via Dragon Elementization.
  • Completion of this quest unlocks the 'Change Faction' option at the Swordhaven Castle.

  • Jay -> RE: Awakened Depths: Epilogue (All Versions) (10/7/2022 6:39:15)

    Awakened Depths: Epilogue (GH)

    Location: Dragesvard's Shore -> Quests! -> Epilogue
    Level/Quest/Items required: Join the Golden Hand Faction in The Greenguard Alliance - Choose a Faction, Completion of Twin Tides
    Release Date: September 30th, 2022

    Objective: With Tyndur's Depths (mostly) at peace once more, all that's left to do is celebrate... and say your goodbyes.
    Objective completed: Time to go back to Swordhaven and update Queen Victoria on everything that's happened!

    Experience rewarded: 0
    Gold rewarded: 0


    Captain Lestrad
    G. M. Hansa
    Inspector Doyle
    Kara SuLema
    Rose Soldier

    Golden Hand Expertise


    *In Dragonsgrasp's Baker Street Inn, Dragesvard refugees and DragonLords alike are celebrating the defeat of the Hollow Tytan and the closing of the Northlands Rift.*

    Captain Lestrad: I can't believe they dug out the century-aged Moglinberry juice for this!
    Captain Lestrad: ...But I suppose it's as good a reason as any.
    Captain Lestrad: ...Those Dragonsgrasp refugees better not drink it all...
    Kord: ...
    Captain Lestrad: What's on your mind, boy?
    Kord: ...
    Kord: Dragesvard's saved. The Tytan's defeated.
    Kord: According to Galanoth, the Rift's closed.
    Kord: Looks like the Greenguard Alliance is working out fairly well too, so The Rose probably won't be bothering the dragons anytime soon.
    Kord: ...What happens now?
    Captain Lestrad: Well, after everyone's done celebrating, we'll kick you Dragonslayers and Dragesvard refugees off our island, and we'll take to the skies.

    *Captain Lestrad takes off his helmet.*

    Captain Lestrad: ...That's what I would have said, once.
    Captain Lestrad: But this last adventure's given me a lot to think about. Been talking to Hemlock.
    Captain Lestrad: Might be okay to settle down for a while. Make sure Dragesvard gets cleaned up properly.
    Captain Lestrad: As for the slayers...
    Kord: I think a lot of us just want to get back to hunting dragons.
    Captain Lestrad: I... see.
    Kord: They've done a lot of harm over the years. To a lot of people. To a lot of us. We can't just suppress that anger.
    Kord: We need revenge.
    Captain Lestrad: You'd kill them all, indiscriminately? Like The Rose had been doing?
    Kord: The ones here are... fine. Tame enough. But outside the mountain...

    *Captain Lestrad looks down from Kord and closes his eyes momentarily, sensing Kord's internal conflict.*

    Captain Lestrad: ...
    Captain Lestrad: Tell you what. Since the DragonLords are sticking around, anyway, I think you could use our help.
    Kord: What?
    Captain Lestrad: You're right that there are evil dragons in the world.
    Captain Lestrad: But there are many who have done no wrong. Nor do they intend to.
    Captain Lestrad: As DragonLords and dragons, we can help determine which dragons must be brought to justice.
    Captain Lestrad: And those who should be spared.
    Kord: Not everyone's going to like it.
    Captain Lestrad: I will have to speak to the dragons about it as well, of course.
    Kord: ...
    Kord: It... It could be worth a try.
    ???: Stupid... door! Why's it gotta be so sturdy?
    ???: Come on, Odgne, give me a push!
    Odgne: Is this truly necessary, Mritha? Surely you could just open the door with your hands first. | *Concerned growl*
    Mritha: No, no, it's got to be dramatic! It's got to be cool!
    Odgne: Very well. Let us proceed... | *Resigned grumble*

    *Mritha makes a dramatic entrance by kicking open the tavern's door, carrying a keg of Moglinberry juice under each arm.*

    Mritha: Alright! Who needs a refill?! It's on the house!
    Captain Lestrad: Is that—? Mritha?!
    Captain Lestrad: I should have—
    Captain Lestrad: Wait. Stop! Stop!
    Captain Lestrad: It's not on the house!
    Mritha: Someone take these kegs from me! I have to get going!
    Captain Lestrad: That's the private reserve— you can't just—!
    Mritha: We're stopping by every tavern in DragonsGrasp tonight!

    *Outside the tavern, you and your dragon approach Galanoth.*

    <Character>: There you are, Galanoth! You're not celebrating?
    Galanoth: I'm just taking a break. Listening.
    <Character>: You still haven't heard anything from The Great One since the Tytan fell?
    Galanoth: ...There was one thing.
    Galanoth: After I got a vision of the Rift up north closing. I... I'm not sure how best to describe it.
    Galanoth: It felt as though a giant paw rested on my head for a moment.
    <Character>: What, like, crushing you?
    Galanoth: No. It felt more... affectionate. Like I was a tog being praised for doing a trick.
    Galanoth: I suppose it was a goodbye from The Great One.
    <Character>: Seems a bit condescending, maybe.
    Galanoth: Ha! I'll be sure to bring it up with them next time we chat.
    <Character>: They're still around, then?
    Galanoth: I haven't heard anything, but I can feel their presence. Even something lingering from <Dragon>.
    <Character>: Do you feel any different, <Dragon>?
    <Dragon>: Hmm... I think... I feel like Nature and Stone magic makes more sense to me! | *Two playful chirps!*
    Galanoth: It would seem so.

    *You pause before asking Galanoth of his future plans.*

    <Character>: What's next for you?
    <Character>: Looks like you're free from being the Speaker, for now, at least.
    Galanoth: A lot has changed.
    Galanoth: Seeing the way Kord acted during our adventure...
    Galanoth: Regardless of the cause or reason, I've let down the Dragonslayers.
    Galanoth: They need me back in the lead. If they'll accept me.
    <Character>: Of course they will!
    Galanoth: We'll see. I'll need to do what I can. For them, and for Dragesvard.
    Galanoth: You should get back to enjoying the festivities. I'll be fine.

    *Later, inside the tavern, you invite Ostromir and Vseslava to try some Moglinberry juice, while your dragon watches on.*

    <Character>: Ostromir! Vseslava! You haven't touched your drinks!
    Vseslava: Of course not! We would have to deactivate our containment fields in order to imbibe.
    Vseslava: It would be quite unhygienic.
    <Character>: Well, it's your loss.
    Ostromir: Hmm...
    Vseslava: Do not "Hmm" like you are tempted, Ostromir!
    Ostromir: But it is a time of celebration, is it not? For oh so many reasons!
    Ostromir: Besides, we are to conserve mana!
    Vseslava: Ingesting foreign delicacies is highly irregular.
    <Character>: Ostromir will be fine! Come on! Moglinberry juice is great!
    Ostromir: You hear, Vseslava? It is "great"! ...I wonder how it compares to Murshrom brew...?

    *Vseslava appears disillusioned by Ostromir's apparent recklessness.*

    Ostromir: Okay. Okay. Here goes.

    *Ostromir deactivates his containment field; he appears to instantly regret his decision.*

    Vseslava: I told you. Unhygienic.
    Ostromir: The local aroma is... unique!
    <Character>: It's perfectly normal for a tavern, I assure you.
    Ostromir: Is that so? See, Vseslava, I am learning things!

    *Vseslava is not amused.*

    Ostromir: Right. On to the main attraction! The Moglinberry juice!

    *Ostromir takes a large gulp of Moglinberry juice, much to your amusement; now displaying a frothy foam mustache, Ostromir appears to be forming his opinion on the drink; you anticipate his reaction.*

    <Character>: Well, what do you think?
    Ostromir: It is... it is...
    Ostromir: It is a bit sweet, is it not?
    Vseslava: Not worth it?
    Ostromir: I could learn to like it! Vseslava, you must try some!
    Vseslava: And if you fall ill, who will take care of you?
    Ostromir: <Character> will, I'm sure! Or maybe Kara! ...Or <Dragon>? We will be fine!
    Vseslava: You are forgetting we still have a job to do. Celebrate if you must, but I will not until that final Rift is under control.
    <Character>: Oh, right, about that. How are we going to do that? If you two are no longer capable of bringing it under control...
    <Character>: What do we do?
    Vseslava: Outpost Yeden. It is far, far to the south, but the Magesters there should have spare Ignominious.
    Vseslava: How we bring them north however... I am not certain. But it is our only choice.
    <Character>: There's a Magesterium outpost in Greenguard?
    Vseslava: It is beyond the Whispering Steppes, and even Kaer Sierra. Closer to the fissure. For... observational purposes.
    <Character>: I see. That's a very long way from the Deadlands.
    Vseslava: Indeed it— Ostromir!

    *While you and Vseslava have been talking, Ostromir has taken both of your steins of Moglinberry juice, attempting to drink from all three at once.*

    Vseslava: Did you not say it was too sweet?
    Ostromir: I grew to like it.
    <Character>: I'm sure we can talk about business once we're back with everyone. Until then, we should get back to celebrating!
    Ostromir: Indeed! To the Shapeless!

    *Ostromir suddenly recalls what has become of the Shapeless Empire.*

    Ostromir: Ah... To Nieboheim...

    *Back on Dragesvard, you and the Alliance touch base with Galanoth, Captain Lestrad, Kord, and Inspector Doyle.*

    <Character>: Looks like everyone's eager to get started with the rebuilding.
    Kord: A little bit of fungus won't keep the people of Dragesvard down!
    Inspector Doyle: Thank you all for your assistance in reclaiming Dragesvard.
    Inspector Doyle: I hope you will consider the DragonLords as allies to your future endeavors.
    Mritha: I'll make sure of that.
    <Character>: Is the ship ready to go?
    Captain Lestrad: It is. It has enough stocked to take you to Braughlmurk's shore without issue.
    Inspector Doyle: Under normal circumstances, I'd offer you passage all the way to Falconreach...
    Inspector Doyle: But Captain Lestrad insists that we will need to conserve supplies to help us recover.
    <Character>: I appreciate all you've managed to spare, Captain.
    Captain Lestrad: Don't mention it.
    Kara SuLema: Once we return to Swordhaven, I shall send out a call for any members of the Vind who are willing to assist with the clean up.
    Kara SuLema: I'm sure our affinity to Nature and Wind will be a great help!
    G. M. Hansa: The Rose, too, will provide what resources it can.
    G. M. Hansa: I'll need to get things approved by Lady Jaania and the Queen, but that shouldn't be a problem.
    Ostromir: ...Um. The Golden Hand will be... cheering you on!
    Vseslava: Ostromir!
    Captain Lestrad: Right...Thank you.
    Captain Lestrad: Well, you better get going. No point blocking the workways when—
    Captain Lestrad: Er... That is to say...
    Captain Lestrad: Farewell, and safe travels. All of you.
    <Character>: Goodbye to you too, Captain.
    Kara SuLema: Everyone has everything they need? Backpacks packed? I'd hate to have to ask the ship to turn around...
    Mritha: One moment. Kara, I'm sorry to bring this up so late, but...
    Mritha: I think... I think I want to stay and help.
    Kara SuLema: Oh, Mritha... The Vind will miss you and Odgne, but I wouldn't dream of denying your request.
    Mritha: Ha. I'm sure I'll want to return to the Vind soon enough. I can only handle so much DragonLord nonsense!
    Mritha: But it'll be good to have someone with Vind connections here to help coordinate things.
    Mritha: Plus, I can make sure things don't fall apart the moment you set foot on that ship!
    Mritha: Right, Lestrad?
    Captain Lestrad: Wha—?

    *Captain Lestrad refrains from objection, despite his tenuous relationship and disagreeable past with Mritha.*

    Captain Lestrad: Right! Right.
    Kara SuLema: Of course, Mritha. Both cities will be in good hands under your protection.
    G. M. Hansa: ...We really must be going. Queen Victoria will no doubt be eager to hear of our success.
    Galanoth: One final thing. <Character>.
    Galanoth: It has been an honor to fight at your and <Dragon>'s sides once more. I look forward to our next opportunity.
    <Character>: Once this whole Proclamation business is done, I can visit, and we can go on another adventure together!
    Galanoth: I would enjoy that. And I will find a way to let you know if The Great One stirs from their slumber.
    <Character>: Take care, everyone!
    <Dragon>: Goodbye, sidekicks! | *Cheerful farewell!*

    *Meanwhile, outside Swordhaven, Amadeus is writing in a journal.*

    Warlic: Okay. I'm finished.

    Warlic: Are you ready, Amadeus?
    Amadeus: Just about.
    Amadeus: What sort of disguise would the great Blue Mage...?

    *Amadeus looks up at Warlic with a glare; Warlic has disguised himself in the image of his former teacher, Master Brump.*

    Amadeus: I see. An... interesting choice.
    Warlic: And what about yours?

    *Amadeus changes his illusion to that of a common farmer.*

    Amadeus: Shall we proceed to the gate?

    *Once at the Swordhaven gate, Warlic initially takes the lead.*

    Rose Soldier: State your name and business in the city.
    Warlic: Erm. My name is... Um.

    Warlic: War... ren.
    Warlic: Yes. Warren!
    Rose Soldier: And what is your occupation, Warren?
    Warlic: I'm a farmer!
    Rose Soldier: And the reason for your visit?
    Warlic: I'm... I'm here to sell my vegetables. And fruits. And other... farmer-ly products.
    Warlic: Like cheese.
    Rose Soldier: ...
    Rose Soldier: You don't look much like a farmer. And I don't see any vegetables or fruits.
    Warlic: Well, that's because they're invisible.
    Warlic: Invisible, magical vegetables! Very popular!

    *Both the Rose Soldier and Knight are immediately alarmed by the very mention of magic.*

    Rose Soldier: Magical produce is not allowed within the city limits per edict 2883, section B, subsection 1-D.
    Rose Soldier: I'm afraid they will have to be confiscated, and I must detain you for—
    Amadeus: Excuse me! I'm terribly sorry.
    Amadeus: There appears to have been a misunderstanding.
    Rose Soldier: And you are?
    Amadeus: Timothy. Timothy Fairhill of Fairhill farms.
    Amadeus: You see, there was a monster attack, and my grandpa Warren got caught by a magical blast.
    Warlic: Grandpa?!
    Amadeus: Went a bit... odd after that. ...Even changed his clothes.
    Knight: Oh, I heard about things like that happening. Out in the hills, I think?
    Amadeus: Indeed, indeed. We've traveled quite far to seek treatment from The Rose.
    Knight: ...But... that was a while ago. Before the big whale and the sand and the shiny dome.
    Amadeus: Well, of course! It didn't seem safe to travel with everything else going on.
    Knight: ...Makes sense.
    Amadeus: So, good gate guard, and sir knight, I apologize again for my grandpa's careless words.
    Amadeus: And I do hope he has caused no offense.
    Rose Soldier: There's no invisible vegetables then?
    Amadeus: I'm afraid not. Side effect of the hallucinations, you know.
    Rose Soldier: Well...
    Rose Soldier: Alright then. Go on. You'll be looking for the Ivory Tower for treatment.
    Rose Soldier: East side of the city, can't miss it.
    Amadeus: Thank you, good sir. Come along now, grandpa.
    Warlic: ...Thank you.

    *Amadeus' quick thinking helped recover from Warlic's carelessness, but the gate guards continue to be wary of the duo.*

    Knight: ...That was weird. Was it okay to let them inside the city?
    Rose Soldier: Can't be any weirder than the other folks we've had around here recently.
    Rose Soldier: Between the Vind's elves and mages and who knows what else, I'm sure they'll fit right in.
    Knight: I saw a gnome the other day!
    Rose Soldier: Sure you did. Sure.

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Completion of this quest unlocks the Stone element option via Dragon Elementization.
  • Completion of this quest unlocks the 'Change Faction' option at the Swordhaven Castle.

  • Jay -> RE: Awakened Depths: Epilogue (All Versions) (10/7/2022 6:39:45)

    Awakened Depths: Epilogue (V)

    Location: Dragesvard's Shore -> Quests! -> Epilogue
    Level/Quest/Items required: Join the Vind Faction in The Greenguard Alliance - Choose a Faction, Completion of Twin Tides
    Release Date: September 30th, 2022

    Objective: With Tyndur's Depths (mostly) at peace once more, all that's left to do is celebrate... and say your goodbyes.
    Objective completed: Time to go back to Swordhaven and update Queen Victoria on everything that's happened!

    Experience rewarded: 0
    Gold rewarded: 0


    Captain Lestrad
    G. M. Hansa
    Inspector Doyle
    Kara SuLema
    Rose Soldier

    Vind Expertise


    *In Dragonsgrasp's Baker Street Inn, Dragesvard refugees and DragonLords alike are celebrating the defeat of the Hollow Tytan and the closing of the Northlands Rift.*

    Captain Lestrad: I can't believe they dug out the century-aged Moglinberry juice for this!
    Captain Lestrad: ...But I suppose it's as good a reason as any.
    Captain Lestrad: ...Those Dragonsgrasp refugees better not drink it all...
    Kord: ...
    Captain Lestrad: What's on your mind, boy?
    Kord: ...
    Kord: Dragesvard's saved. The Tytan's defeated.
    Kord: According to Galanoth, the Rift's closed.
    Kord: Looks like the Greenguard Alliance is working out fairly well too, so The Rose probably won't be bothering the dragons anytime soon.
    Kord: ...What happens now?
    Captain Lestrad: Well, after everyone's done celebrating, we'll kick you Dragonslayers and Dragesvard refugees off our island, and we'll take to the skies.

    *Captain Lestrad takes off his helmet.*

    Captain Lestrad: ...That's what I would have said, once.
    Captain Lestrad: But this last adventure's given me a lot to think about. Been talking to Hemlock.
    Captain Lestrad: Might be okay to settle down for a while. Make sure Dragesvard gets cleaned up properly.
    Captain Lestrad: As for the slayers...
    Kord: I think a lot of us just want to get back to hunting dragons.
    Captain Lestrad: I... see.
    Kord: They've done a lot of harm over the years. To a lot of people. To a lot of us. We can't just suppress that anger.
    Kord: We need revenge.
    Captain Lestrad: You'd kill them all, indiscriminately? Like The Rose had been doing?
    Kord: The ones here are... fine. Tame enough. But outside the mountain...

    *Captain Lestrad looks down from Kord and closes his eyes momentarily, sensing Kord's internal conflict.*

    Captain Lestrad: ...
    Captain Lestrad: Tell you what. Since the DragonLords are sticking around, anyway, I think you could use our help.
    Kord: What?
    Captain Lestrad: You're right that there are evil dragons in the world.
    Captain Lestrad: But there are many who have done no wrong. Nor do they intend to.
    Captain Lestrad: As DragonLords and dragons, we can help determine which dragons must be brought to justice.
    Captain Lestrad: And those who should be spared.
    Kord: Not everyone's going to like it.
    Captain Lestrad: I will have to speak to the dragons about it as well, of course.
    Kord: ...
    Kord: It... It could be worth a try.
    ???: Stupid... door! Why's it gotta be so sturdy?
    ???: Come on, Odgne, give me a push!
    Odgne: Is this truly necessary, Mritha? Surely you could just open the door with your hands first. | *Concerned growl*
    Mritha: No, no, it's got to be dramatic! It's got to be cool!
    Odgne: Very well. Let us proceed... | *Resigned grumble*

    *Mritha makes a dramatic entrance by kicking open the tavern's door, carrying a keg of Moglinberry juice under each arm.*

    Mritha: Alright! Who needs a refill?! It's on the house!
    Captain Lestrad: Is that—? Mritha?!
    Captain Lestrad: I should have—
    Captain Lestrad: Wait. Stop! Stop!
    Captain Lestrad: It's not on the house!
    Mritha: Someone take these kegs from me! I have to get going!
    Captain Lestrad: That's the private reserve— you can't just—!
    Mritha: We're stopping by every tavern in DragonsGrasp tonight!

    *Outside the tavern, you and your dragon approach Galanoth.*

    <Character>: There you are, Galanoth! You're not celebrating?
    Galanoth: I'm just taking a break. Listening.
    <Character>: You still haven't heard anything from The Great One since the Tytan fell?
    Galanoth: ...There was one thing.
    Galanoth: After I got a vision of the Rift up north closing. I... I'm not sure how best to describe it.
    Galanoth: It felt as though a giant paw rested on my head for a moment.
    <Character>: What, like, crushing you?
    Galanoth: No. It felt more... affectionate. Like I was a tog being praised for doing a trick.
    Galanoth: I suppose it was a goodbye from The Great One.
    <Character>: Seems a bit condescending, maybe.
    Galanoth: Ha! I'll be sure to bring it up with them next time we chat.
    <Character>: They're still around, then?
    Galanoth: I haven't heard anything, but I can feel their presence. Even something lingering from <Dragon>.
    <Character>: Do you feel any different, <Dragon>?
    <Dragon>: Hmm... I think... I feel like Nature and Stone magic makes more sense to me! | *Two playful chirps!*
    Galanoth: It would seem so.

    *You pause before asking Galanoth of his future plans.*

    <Character>: What's next for you?
    <Character>: Looks like you're free from being the Speaker, for now, at least.
    Galanoth: A lot has changed.
    Galanoth: Seeing the way Kord acted during our adventure...
    Galanoth: Regardless of the cause or reason, I've let down the Dragonslayers.
    Galanoth: They need me back in the lead. If they'll accept me.
    <Character>: Of course they will!
    Galanoth: We'll see. I'll need to do what I can. For them, and for Dragesvard.
    Galanoth: You should get back to enjoying the festivities. I'll be fine.

    *Later, inside the tavern, you and Kara talk over some Moglinberry juice, while your dragon watches on.*

    Kara SuLema: <Character>! I hope you're enjoying yourself?
    <Character>: Hello, Kara! I certainly am! It's quite nice having a bit of celebration after all that action.
    Kara SuLema: Isn't it? It reminds me of home, you know. Not Sulen'Eska, but the Dreamwood.
    <Character>: Did the wind elves have parties like this?
    Kara SuLema: Not quite! We didn't have Moglinberry juice, for one. Nor did we have Mritha kicking down the door!
    <Character>: Maybe, after we close all the final Rift, we can do something in Sulen'Eska!
    <Character>: I'm sure you're not the only one who misses the Dreamwood.
    Kara SuLema: If we can find a moment of peace, that would be wonderful.
    Kara SuLema: Oh, what am I saying? I can't afford to dream like this.
    Kara SuLema: Even with The Rose and Vind at peace, there will always be those in need of our aid.
    <Character>: Kara...
    <Character>: You need to take care of yourself, too.
    Kara SuLema: You're right, of course. You're right.
    Kara SuLema: I have dependable allies. I... I don't need to carry every burden on my own.
    Kara SuLema: Oh, but this is such serious talk for a time of celebration!
    Kara SuLema: I'm sorry, <Character>! Please, don't let me keep you from enjoying your night.
    <Character>: Don't worry about it! This has been a nice conversation!
    Kara SuLema: I suppose...
    Kara SuLema: You know, I should be mingling! Making allies!
    Kara SuLema: Mritha is a fine liaison to the DragonLords, but perhaps there are connections to be made with Dragesvard!
    <Character>: I'm sure they'll be happy to extend the hand of friendship.
    Kara SuLema: And we can assist with the city's reclamation with some elven magic!
    <Character>: Don't forget to celebrate! Have some Moglinberry juice!
    Kara SuLema: Oh, of course! It's been a while, but, yes, I think I've earned a break.
    Kara SuLema: Guilt free!

    *Back on Dragesvard, you and the Alliance touch base with Galanoth, Captain Lestrad, Kord, and Inspector Doyle.*

    <Character>: Looks like everyone's eager to get started with the rebuilding.
    Kord: A little bit of fungus won't keep the people of Dragesvard down!
    Inspector Doyle: Thank you all for your assistance in reclaiming Dragesvard.
    Inspector Doyle: I hope you will consider the DragonLords as allies to your future endeavors.
    Mritha: I'll make sure of that.
    <Character>: Is the ship ready to go?
    Captain Lestrad: It is. It has enough stocked to take you to Braughlmurk's shore without issue.
    Inspector Doyle: Under normal circumstances, I'd offer you passage all the way to Falconreach...
    Inspector Doyle: But Captain Lestrad insists that we will need to conserve supplies to help us recover.
    <Character>: I appreciate all you've managed to spare, Captain.
    Captain Lestrad: Don't mention it.
    Kara SuLema: Once we return to Swordhaven, I shall send out a call for any members of the Vind who are willing to assist with the clean up.
    Kara SuLema: I'm sure our affinity to Nature and Wind will be a great help!
    G. M. Hansa: The Rose, too, will provide what resources it can.
    G. M. Hansa: I'll need to get things approved by Lady Jaania and the Queen, but that shouldn't be a problem.
    Ostromir: ...Um. The Golden Hand will be... cheering you on!
    Vseslava: Ostromir!
    Captain Lestrad: Right...Thank you.
    Captain Lestrad: Well, you better get going. No point blocking the workways when—
    Captain Lestrad: Er... That is to say...
    Captain Lestrad: Farewell, and safe travels. All of you.
    <Character>: Goodbye to you too, Captain.
    Kara SuLema: Everyone has everything they need? Backpacks packed? I'd hate to have to ask the ship to turn around...
    Mritha: One moment. Kara, I'm sorry to bring this up so late, but...
    Mritha: I think... I think I want to stay and help.
    Kara SuLema: Oh, Mritha... The Vind will miss you and Odgne, but I wouldn't dream of denying your request.
    Mritha: Ha. I'm sure I'll want to return to the Vind soon enough. I can only handle so much DragonLord nonsense!
    Mritha: But it'll be good to have someone with Vind connections here to help coordinate things.
    Mritha: Plus, I can make sure things don't fall apart the moment you set foot on that ship!
    Mritha: Right, Lestrad?
    Captain Lestrad: Wha—?

    *Captain Lestrad refrains from objection, despite his tenuous relationship and disagreeable past with Mritha.*

    Captain Lestrad: Right! Right.
    Kara SuLema: Of course, Mritha. Both cities will be in good hands under your protection.
    G. M. Hansa: ...We really must be going. Queen Victoria will no doubt be eager to hear of our success.
    Galanoth: One final thing. <Character>.
    Galanoth: It has been an honor to fight at your and <Dragon>'s sides once more. I look forward to our next opportunity.
    <Character>: Once this whole Proclamation business is done, I can visit, and we can go on another adventure together!
    Galanoth: I would enjoy that. And I will find a way to let you know if The Great One stirs from their slumber.
    <Character>: Take care, everyone!
    <Dragon>: Goodbye, sidekicks! | *Cheerful farewell!*

    *Meanwhile, outside Swordhaven, Amadeus is writing in a journal.*

    Warlic: Okay. I'm finished.

    Warlic: Are you ready, Amadeus?
    Amadeus: Just about.
    Amadeus: What sort of disguise would the great Blue Mage...?

    *Amadeus looks up at Warlic with a glare; Warlic has disguised himself in the image of his former teacher, Master Brump.*

    Amadeus: I see. An... interesting choice.
    Warlic: And what about yours?

    *Amadeus changes his illusion to that of a common farmer.*

    Amadeus: Shall we proceed to the gate?

    *Once at the Swordhaven gate, Warlic initially takes the lead.*

    Rose Soldier: State your name and business in the city.
    Warlic: Erm. My name is... Um.

    Warlic: War... ren.
    Warlic: Yes. Warren!
    Rose Soldier: And what is your occupation, Warren?
    Warlic: I'm a farmer!
    Rose Soldier: And the reason for your visit?
    Warlic: I'm... I'm here to sell my vegetables. And fruits. And other... farmer-ly products.
    Warlic: Like cheese.
    Rose Soldier: ...
    Rose Soldier: You don't look much like a farmer. And I don't see any vegetables or fruits.
    Warlic: Well, that's because they're invisible.
    Warlic: Invisible, magical vegetables! Very popular!

    *Both the Rose Soldier and Knight are immediately alarmed by the very mention of magic.*

    Rose Soldier: Magical produce is not allowed within the city limits per edict 2883, section B, subsection 1-D.
    Rose Soldier: I'm afraid they will have to be confiscated, and I must detain you for—
    Amadeus: Excuse me! I'm terribly sorry.
    Amadeus: There appears to have been a misunderstanding.
    Rose Soldier: And you are?
    Amadeus: Timothy. Timothy Fairhill of Fairhill farms.
    Amadeus: You see, there was a monster attack, and my grandpa Warren got caught by a magical blast.
    Warlic: Grandpa?!
    Amadeus: Went a bit... odd after that. ...Even changed his clothes.
    Knight: Oh, I heard about things like that happening. Out in the hills, I think?
    Amadeus: Indeed, indeed. We've traveled quite far to seek treatment from The Rose.
    Knight: ...But... that was a while ago. Before the big whale and the sand and the shiny dome.
    Amadeus: Well, of course! It didn't seem safe to travel with everything else going on.
    Knight: ...Makes sense.
    Amadeus: So, good gate guard, and sir knight, I apologize again for my grandpa's careless words.
    Amadeus: And I do hope he has caused no offense.
    Rose Soldier: There's no invisible vegetables then?
    Amadeus: I'm afraid not. Side effect of the hallucinations, you know.
    Rose Soldier: Well...
    Rose Soldier: Alright then. Go on. You'll be looking for the Ivory Tower for treatment.
    Rose Soldier: East side of the city, can't miss it.
    Amadeus: Thank you, good sir. Come along now, grandpa.
    Warlic: ...Thank you.

    *Amadeus' quick thinking helped recover from Warlic's carelessness, but the gate guards continue to be wary of the duo.*

    Knight: ...That was weird. Was it okay to let them inside the city?
    Rose Soldier: Can't be any weirder than the other folks we've had around here recently.
    Rose Soldier: Between the Vind's elves and mages and who knows what else, I'm sure they'll fit right in.
    Knight: I saw a gnome the other day!
    Rose Soldier: Sure you did. Sure.

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Completion of this quest unlocks the Stone element option via Dragon Elementization.
  • Completion of this quest unlocks the 'Change Faction' option at the Swordhaven Castle.

  • Jay -> RE: Awakened Depths: Epilogue (All Versions) (10/8/2022 5:17:00)

    Thanks to Rubioalto for Dragon Elementization other information.

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