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Falconreach Inn (All Versions)

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10/6/2009 12:02:42   

Falconreach Inn (Books 1 and 2)

Access Point: Falconreach (Books 1 and 2) -> Building on the left
Requirements: None
Release Date: May 25th, 2012

Zones Accessible
Braughlmurk Cape

Quests Available
Sneevil Box Fort
The Crystal Shard
The Root of All Sneevil
Random Quest

Spirits in the Inn

San Robin and Roblos
Temple of the E-Damed
The Gouda-Grotto
A Lincoln Log to the past
The Legen-dairy Artifact
Feta Finale

A chicken
Moonridge Knight
San Robin

Player Suggestion Shop
The Inn Shop

San Robin and Roblos
Golden Prize
Robins Shop
Roblos Shop


Guardian: Hey, did you see those two guys in the storage room?
Moonridge Knight: *grin* The guys with the cheesy taste in clothing?
Guardian: Hahahaha, that'd be them!


Serenity: Welcome, <Character>! Can I interest you in a room, or perhaps some fresh bread?

  • Talk
    Serenity: Thank goodness you have come. We have a bit of a ghost problem in the tavern!
    • Ghosts
      Serenity: It figures that I would buy an Inn that is already haunted. I can't make a single gold at this rate! I knew it was too good to be true!
      Serenity: Please, would you investigate and see what you can find out, maybe you can put a stop to them.

    • Doom Items
      Serenity: The Doom Weapons? I was just going to throw them out but then they just dissapeared! I heard there was a stranger in town talking about them.

    • Player Suggestion Shop
      Serenity: Some of the local heroes have crafted weapons and items or their own, and I'm happy to sell them here!
  • Shop - opens The Inn Shop.

  • Fresh bread! - adds Serene Bread to your Temporary Items.

    Fresh bread!

    Serenity hands you some freshly-baked bread. A secret recipe, she tells you, that will enhance your endurance when eaten in battle. With a smile you tuck it away into your pack. (This item is in your temp inventory)

    If you already have Serene Bread:
    Fresh bread!

    Hey, wait a sec... I just gave you one!

  • Rest and Heal
      *You are asleep.*

      Serenity: *(Knock-knock-knock)* Wake up, lazybones, it's time to save the world!
      <Character>: ...
      Serenity: Come on, I made you a hero's breakfast!
      <Character>: Mmmf.

  • Rest until evening / Rest until morning - exactly as the option above, except it also switches the time of day from day to night and vice versa.

  • Set Hometown
    Serenity: For a hero like you, I'll rent you a room for free! Are you sure you want your hometown to be here in Falconreach?
    • Yes
    • Nevermind

  • Reset Base Class - loads, saves, and equips player's base class.


    Spruce: Welcome to Serenity's Inn! Hey, you looks like an adventurer.. you should check out the odd jobs board in the other room.


    Mozza: HAHA! Great idea, Molly!
    Molly: I know! Let's go tell him it's ready!


    A chicken: Bok?

    Freague: Aye. We should probably get a job, no?
    Spit: Meh.
    Zula: Aw come on, Spit. The Daily Dragon news post is just outside! Let's at least go have a look.

    San Robin's and Roblos' "Secret" Smithcave

    San Robin: Holy Undeniably Cheesy, Roblos, a customer!

  • Shop!
    Roblos: Looking to upgrade your weapons? You've come to the right place, citizen!
  • Talk
    Roblos: E-GADS, Robin. Someone has found our smithcave!
    <Character>: Well actually I just kinda--
    San Robin: Holy... um... spelunking, Roblos! And stop calling me Robin.
    <Character>: --walked in through that--
    Roblos: We must be dealing with a hero, Robin. A valiant villain-slayer!
    <Character>: --door over there.. But more importantly, who are you and what are you doing?
    Roblos: Greetings, citizen. We are Roblos and Robin-
    San Robin: *cough* SAN Robin, that is...
    Roblos: --dynamic smithies! We are here to serve the people of Falconreach by upgrading their weapons!
    San Robin: Dynamically!
    Roblos: Congratulations on finding us! Now please, keep our location a secret.
    San Robin: You never know what will happen if the wrong person gets his hands on that information!
    <Character>: ...
    <Character>: Of course...

  • ...Cheese?
    <Character>: Ok, I give. Why does your costume have cheese on it?
    San Robin: I don't understand the question.
    <Character>: ... You're dressed like Cheese Man or something. Why would you do that?
    Roblos: See? I told you it was weird.
    San Robin: Look, I'll tell you just like I told Roblos. I like cheese. Of all fruit it is by far the most nutritious.

    *Roblos pushes San Robin as they start fighting.*


    San Robin: OH YEAH?!


    <Character>: ...
    Roblos: Hah! You show your true nature, evil-doer!
    San Robin: EVIL-DOER?! You started this!!!


    <Character>: Hey, I wonder if Serenity has any bread left.

    *You leave the conversation.*

  • Adventure!
    Roblos: Do you hunger for adventure, <Character>?
    San Robin: I'm kinda hungry....
    Roblos: I'm not talking to you.

    Roblos: The ruins of Braughlmurk Cape are said to be filled with wondrous treasures, <Character>!
    Roblos: Bring us some of those treasures to trade with and we'll reward you with a special golden prize!

    If you approach two chests:
  • Pick Lock -> Unlock
    • Open Chest

      Locked Chest

      Inside, there's a small scrap of paper that says 'Congratulations!' ... That's it?!

  • Open chest

    Locked Chest
    You pop the top on the wooden chest and peer inside.. Oh, it's the inn's lost and found. Nothing in here of interest though.

    Other information
  • Combination to unlock the chest:

    Tap, Wiggle, Nick
  • Falconreach Inn (Books 1 and 2) was originally released on January 20th, 2006 and was greatly expanded with a visual overhaul on May 25th, 2012.
  • Reset Base Class button was added to Serenity on November 22nd, 2019.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/24/2024 2:06:56 >
  • AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
    5/27/2012 4:51:36   
    Voodoo Master

    ArchKnight Falconreach Inn

    Access Point: ArchKnight Falconreach -> Building on Left
    Requirements: None
    Release Date: March 27th, 2009

    Quests Available

    Female Guest
    Male Guest

    The Inn Shop

    Serenity: Hello, Ash!

  • Rest
    Recovers your health

  • Shop
    Opens the The Inn Shop

  • Set Home Town
    Serenity: Are you sure you want to set Falconreach as your home town?

    Female Guest: Good day!
    Male Guest: Hello! How are you doing?

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/18/2024 19:27:47 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
    5/27/2012 4:58:15   
    Voodoo Master

    Evening Falconreach Inn (Books 1 and 2)

    Access Point: Evening Falconreach (Books 1 and 2) -> Building on the left -> Up -> Serenity -> Rest until evening
    Requirements: None
    Release Date: May 25th, 2012

    Quests Available

    Sir Culate
    Verlaron Knight



    Spruce: Hiya! Whatcha doin' up so late?


    McGrintie: Jumpin' beans! I'm a long ways from home yet... Better get an early start in the mornin'.


    Sir Culate: Hey, did you hear about Alina and Captain Rolith?

    Verlaron Knight: Hmph. Tomorrow I set out once more, but for now... now I just want to enjoy the fire.

    Guardian (1): Hey, aren't you supposed to be on duty right now?
    Guardian (2): Oh, uh... um... I'm sick. *cough*

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/18/2024 22:15:08 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
    5/27/2012 5:06:38   
    Voodoo Master

    Falconreach Inn (Book 3)

    Other name: Serene Inn

    Access Point: Falconreach (Book 3) -> Building on the left
    Requirements: None
    Release Date: September 14th, 2012

    Quests Available
    The Hidebehind
    Harboring an Alien
    Drop Bears
    Black Shuck
    Just a Spoonful
    Prepared for Anything!

    Bandit Ruins

    Spruce / Gaetan
    Spirits in the Inn

    Guardian Logan
    Moonridge Knight
    San Robin

    Serenity / Spruce / Gaetan
    Player Suggestion Shop
    The Inn Shop

    San Robin and Roblos
    Robins Shop
    Roblos Shop


    Guardian: Hey, did you see those two guys in the storage room? I can't believe they're still at it....
    Moonridge Knight: *frowns* That whole room smells like cheese now.
    Guardian: I hear they're trying to give Batoro a run for his money.

    Odd Jobs Board

    At a glance, you can see jobs that suit your skills:

      The Hidebehind
      To any brave souls:

      Something... different... has invaded the forests around Falconreach! People, animals, and even monsters are fleeing the predator. Survivors are reported to have seen hallucinations, although none can agree on the appearance of the creature.

      Warning: Creature is highly dangerous and stealthy. Be prepared for ambushes or direct confrontation.
    • Take the Job! - begins The Hidebehind quest.

      Harboring an Alien
      Brave truthseeker,

      I know that you, like me, can see the Rose for what they really are: writhing masses of tentacles that hurt to gaze upon!

      I know where they are now, too!
      The Sneevils tell me things
      They’re in an old wreck by the docks.
      You know what must be done. You will be rewarded handsomely for your efforts.
    • Take the Job! - begins Harboring an Alien quest.

      Drop Bears
      To any brave souls: Another creature, or creatures, have the animals in Surewood spooked again.

      Everyone who has gone to check on the situation hasn't returned. Don't let whatever is out there get the Drop on you.

    • Take the Job! - begins Drop Bears quest.

      To any brave souls:

      We have received disturbing reports of series of disappearances at a local swamp.

      Reports describe people getting dragged into the water by an unseen force. Please, do be careful.

    • Take the Job! - begins Tizheruk quest.

      Black Shuck
      To any brave souls:

      Another creature has emerged in the Whispering Steppes.

      It's known to hide in the tall grass in the area and snatch unknowing prey. Be careful. Its attacks can be quite shocking.

    • Take the Job! - begins Black Shuck quest.

      Just a Spoonful

      To whomever might read this!

      I would be absolutely DELIGHTED to get your help in a very important matter: The happiness of Falconreach citizens!

      Lately the mood has been so glum and I wanted to help lift the mood a little bit! Whenever I was sad, my grandmother always used to say that "a spoonful of sugar makes the potion go down".
      So I wanted to use her old recipe for fruit sugar to give to the wonderful people of Falconreach!

      Could you be an absolute dear and collect the following ingredients for me?

      - Carrotsteins - Bad Apples
      - Cranberries - Some spoons so we have enough for everyone!

      When you're done just deliver them to the Inn, Gaelan knows where to find me. (He's such a sweet man!)

      -Sarah Toenin
      Ps. Perhaps keep Ruby out of this. She's a bit… off.

      nuh uh!
    • Take the Job! - begins Just a Spoonful quest.

      Prepared for Anything
      I'm working on a super secret special project, but I need some help to complete it!
      I've been cooking up this idea for a while, but I need someone to gather a plethora of ingredients for me to help me along.

      The following ingredients are essential for the finished product:
      - Schnozzberry Bush sapling,
      - Dingleberry Bush sapling,
      - Banana Bush sapling,
      - Chickencow Egg Tree sapling,
      - Rock Salt,
      - Ice Crystal (The magic kind!),
      - Water Crystal (Not a melted ice crystal!),
      - The Legendary Allspice Plant,
      Please meet me at the inn once you’ve collected them all!
      I'm looking forward to your success! Broil on!
      - Ruby.
    • Take the Job! - begins Prepared for Anything! quest.

      Bandit Bounties
      By Royal Decree:
      A large community of bandits has taken control of the ancient ruins of the Demnian Labyrinth, on the southern border of Greenguard. The kingdom is willing to pay a hefty sum for the elimination of any bandit leaders of said community, as well as possible Defender Medals as seen fit.

      Be warned: These bandits are not to be taken lightly. None will pass judgement if you choose to abandon this hunt.
    • Take the Job! - begins Bandit Ruins quest.

    (before Serenity Gone)

    Serenity: Welcome back, <Character>! Can I interest you in a room, or perhaps some fresh bread?

  • Talk
    Serenity: It's so good to see you again, <Character>! Even with the threat of The Rose, Falconreach has never felt more lively!
    • Talk
      Serenity: The Rose has been on everyone's minds for some time now.
      Serenity: Sometimes, I think Falconreach is the only place left that supports magic. Travelers from all over tell such tales about The Rose!
      Serenity: It sounds like a lot of people feel safer, but... We get a lot of magical refugees running from The Rose, too.
      Serenity: There have been a few young men and women who left Falconreach to join The Rose. ...I don't think they're very popular.
      Serenity: Falconreach accepts all sorts of people, but I hestiate to think what might happen if a uniformed member of The Rose stopped in.
      Serenity: I just wish we could all get along! But I fear we may be spiralling into a conflict from which there's no escape.

    • Ghosts
      Serenity: It's good of you to ask, but we actually haven't had any hauntings in quite a while. Actually, ever since you were... well... you know.
      Serenity: It's definitely been better for business, and it's been a lot of fun... but it's better now that you're back!
      Serenity: ...Hopefully you didn't bring the ghosts back with you, though, haha!

    • Doom Items
      Serenity:Oh those old things? I threw them out ages ago. Some people said there was a spooky looking orb somewhere in Falconreach though...

    • Player Suggestion Shop
      Serenity: Some of the local heroes have crafted weapons and items of their own, and I'm happy to sell them here!
  • Shop - opens The Inn Shop.

  • Fresh bread! - adds Serene Bread to your Temporary Items.

    Fresh bread!
    Serenity hands you some freshly-baked bread! Her own secret recipe, she tells you, that will enhance your endurance when eaten in battle. With a smile you tuck it away into your pack. (This item is in your temp inventory)

    If you already have Serene Bread:
    Fresh bread!
    You already have some bread! Better save some for everyone else!

  • Rest and Heal
      *You are asleep.*

      Spruce: *(Knock-knock-knock)* Wake up, lazybones, it's time to save the world!
      <Character>: ...
      Spruce: Come on, there's some fresh bread waiting for you! It's nice and warm!
      <Character>: Mmmf.

  • Rest until evening / Rest until morning - exactly as the option above, except it also switches the time of day from day to night and vice versa.

  • Set Hometown
    Serenity: For a hero like you, I'll rent you a room for free! Are you sure you want your hometown to be here in Falconreach?
    • Yes
    • Nevermind
  • Reset Base Class - loads, saves, and equips player's base class.

    (after Serenity Gone, before Epilogue)

    Spruce: Oh, it's good to see you, <Character>! I'll try to get to you when I can, with Serenity... gone, I've had my paws full here!

  • Talk
    Spruce: I don't know if I have time to... No. Serenity always said, "Spruce, you have to make time for yourself!" So here I am! Taking a break!

    • Talk
      Spruce: Falconreach is one of the few places left where The Rose hasn't taken root. We still support magic here.
      Spruce: But every day, travelers come with new stories of The Rose and their message.
      Spruce: With everything that's happened recently, people are starting to talk. Maybe they could have helped protect us if we let them...
      Spruce: But there's no telling where it would end if we let them in. Oh, I miss Serenity. She'd know what to do and say.

    • Ghosts
      Spruce: After Serenity left, the ghosts started coming back. Ash has been so helpful, trying to clear them out... but they keep returning!
      Spruce: Please, would you investigate upstairs and see what you can find out? Maybe you can put a stop to them.

    • Doom Items
      Spruce: The Doom Weapons? Those are long gone and good riddance! But I heard there was a creepy old orb talking about them somewhere.

    • Player Suggestion Shop
      Spruce: Serenity was big on supporting local artisans. I can get out the stock of locally crafted weapons and items, if you're interested!
  • Shop - opens The Inn Shop.

  • Fresh bread! - adds Serene Bread to your Temporary Items.

    Fresh bread!
    Spruce hands you some freshly-baked bread. Based off Serenity's secret recipe, it will enhance your endurance when eaten in battle. You tuck it away into your pack. (This item is in your temp inventory)

    If you already have Serene Bread:
    Fresh bread!
    Hey, wait a moment... You already have one!

  • Rest and Heal
      *You are asleep.*

      Spruce: *(Knock-knock-knock)* Wake up, lazybones, it's time to save the world!
      <Character>: ...
      Spruce: Come on, there's some fresh bread waiting for you! It's nice and warm!
      <Character>: Mmmf.

  • Rest until evening / Rest until morning - exactly as the option above, except it also switches the time of day from day to night and vice versa.

  • Set Hometown
    Serenity: For a hero like you, I'll rent you a room for free! Are you sure you want your hometown to be here in Falconreach?
    • Yes
    • Nevermind
  • Reset Base Class - loads, saves, and equips player's base class.

    (after Epilogue)

    Gaelan: Hello! Welcome to the "Serene Inn"! May I offer you some fresh bread, with a touch of magick? Or perhaps you'd like a room?

  • Talk
    Gaelan: What can I do for you?
    • Talk
      Gaelan: I will be happy to answer any of your questions!

      • Who are you?
        Gaelan: My name is Gaelan. I am a conventional mage, I specialize in abjuration magick and enchanting...
        Gaelan: ... and I love learning about different cultures!

      • Why are you here?
        Gaelan: I've recently arrived here, in the Land of Dragons, which we call "Smocha Gwova" back in Azaveyr, to learn about this continent!

      • Why an Innkeeper?
        Gaelan: Well... I saw the "Innkeeper Wanted" notice... and I decided to apply!
        Gaelan: I mean, how else are you going to learn about a new place if not by hearing about it from the local people and heroes?
        Gaelan: I have been... told... about the previous Innkeeper.
        Gaelan: She must have been a wonderful person... you have my condolences.
        Gaelan: I would like you to know that I am not here to "fill" her shoes.
        Gaelan: Please don't think of me as a replacement for her, because from what I've heard... I cannot aspire to be like her...
        Gaelan: I am my own person and I will make sure to run this inn as well as she did... but with my own personal touch!

      • The Rose
        Gaelan: I have been made aware of The Rose and its influence on this continent. This is such an interesting subject!
        Gaelan: Back in Azaveyr magick is revered, but here it is... what's the word... shunned?
        Gaelan: I would love to meet this Jaania, I have SO many questions for her!
        Gaelan: How did this organization come to be?
        Gaelan: What happened to this poor woman to make her this way?
        Gaelan: Anyway, I know that Falconreach still supports magick, and I love that!

      • Conventional mage?
        Gaelan: I use normal magick... Like... a normal mage does!

        Gaelan: I'm not a Magester.
        Gaelan: Because of the piece of the Mana Core, Magesters are able to use unconventional magicks, that are fueled directly by the piece itself.
        Gaelan: I used to dream of becoming a Magester, but... I've learned what it takes, and I just couldn't.
        Gaelan: I couldn't bear to use... the ignominious.
        <Character>: The "ignominious"…?
        Gaelan: Magesters have developed such a dependency on the piece, they cannot draw from the Mana Core itself.
        Gaelan: And so... being a Magester comes with the positives and, to those who view them as such, negatives.
        Gaelan: Positives: one is able to fully control the flow of magick from the Mana Core piece...
        Gaelan: ... allowing them to discover magicks that far beyond what a normal mage can do.
        Gaelan: Negatives: one is either confined to stay in close proximity to the piece, otherwise they cannot perform spells... or to get their own ignominious.
        Gaelan: A felon who, as a mean of... reformation, has been injected, over and over again, with raw mana from the piece.
        Gaelan: They act as walking, living nexuses.
        Gaelan: Therefore, for me, it was either to stay in one place for the rest of my life...
        Gaelan: ... or to use convicts who have been robbed of their selves to serve as... a power source.

        Gaelan: I wanted neither.
        Gaelan: Suffice to say, the Shapeless Empire is... a trying place. For the empties AND for the blessed.
        <Character>: You mean… ?
        Gaelan: OH!

        Gaelan:My apologies!

        Gaelan: That's how we-
        Gaelan: I mean they-
        Gaelan: ... are calling those who are cursed with being mundane and those who are gifted with magick.
        Gaelan: Sorry, I have lived there long enough to pick up bad naming habits.
        Gaelan: I'm doing my best to stop trying to label people, though!

    • Ghosts
      Gaelan: Apparently, this inn is haunted! The knight Ash has been clearing out the ghosts, but they keep coming back!
      Gaelan: Fascinating!
      Gaelan: Since I have been told having ghosts is bad for business, could you... look into it, please?

    • Doom Items
      Gaelan: Oh, I think there is an orb that's selling them. I don't know what they are, though!

    • Player Suggestion Shop
      Gaelan: Yes, I do indeed manage a shop with items that have been crafted by local heroes!
  • Shop - opens The Inn Shop.

  • Fresh bread! - adds Serene Bread to your Temporary Items.

    Fresh bread!

    Gaelan hands you some freshly-baked bread... with a touch of magic! Serenity's secret recipe, he tells you, that will enhance your endurance when eaten in battle. With a smile you tuck it away into your pack. (This item is in your temp inventory)

    If you already have Serene Bread:
    Fresh bread!

    Hey, wait a sec... I just gave you one!

  • Rest and Heal
      *You are asleep.*

      Spruce: *(Knock-knock-knock)* Wake up, lazybones, it's time to save the world!
      <Character>: ...
      Spruce: Come on, Gaelan's made you a hero's breakfast!
      <Character>: Mmmf.

  • Rest until evening / Rest until morning - exactly as the option above, except it also switches the time of day from day to night and vice versa.

  • Set Hometown
    Gaelan: I was instructed to provide a room for free, just for you! Are you sure you want your hometown to be here in Falconreach?
    • Yes
    • Nevermind
  • Reset Base Class - loads, saves, and equips player's base class.

    (after Epilogue)

    If you click the plaque on the statue:


    No darkness will steal her memory from us.


    Lana: Bastantus, we should explore the cliff town again once we can get to our ship.

    Freague: Aye. We should probably get a job, no?
    Spit: Meh.
    Zula: Aw come on, Spit. The Odd Job posting is just outside the door! Let's at least go have a look.

    Guardian Logan: Do any of you guys ever move?

    San Robin's and Roblos' "Secret" Smithcave

    San Robin: Holy undeniably cheesy, Roblos, a customer!

  • Shop!
    Roblos: Looking to upgrade your weapons? You've come to the right place, citizen!
  • Talk
    Roblos: E-GADS, Robin. Someone has found our smithcave!
    <Character>: Well actually I just kinda--

    <Character>: Look...I've met you guys bef...
    San Robin: Holy... um... spelunking, Roblos! And stop calling me Robin.
    <Character>: --walked in through that--
    Roblos: We must be dealing with a hero, Robin. A valiant villain-slayer!
    <Character>: --door over there.. But more importantly, who are you and what are you doing?
    Roblos: Greetings, citizen. We are Roblos and Robin--
    San Robin: *cough* SAN Robin, that is...
    Roblos: --dynamic smithies! We are here to serve the people of Falconreach by upgrading their weapons!
    San Robin: Dynamically!
    Roblos: Congratulations on finding us! Now please, keep our location a secret.
    San Robin: You never know what will happen if the wrong person gets his hands on that information!
    <Character>: ...
    <Character>: Of course...

  • ...Cheese?
    <Character>: Ok, I give. Why does your costume have cheese on it?
    San Robin: I don't understand the question.
    <Character>: ... You're dressed like Cheese Man or something. Why would you do that?
    Roblos: See? I told you it was weird.
    San Robin: Look, I'll tell you just like I told Roblos. I like cheese. Of all fruit it is by far the most nutritious.

    *Roblos pushes San Robin as they start fighting.*


    San Robin: OH YEAH?!


    <Character>: ...
    Roblos: Hah! You show your true nature, evil-doer!
    San Robin: EVIL-DOER?! You started this!!!


    <Character>: Hey, I wonder if Serenity has any bread left.

    *You leave the conversation.*

  • Anything New?
    Roblos: I had great plans to really renovate this space, but... well, San Robin spent all our gold on his exotic cheese collection....
    San Robin: It was delicious!
    Roblos: *sigh*

  • Batoro?
    Roblos: Batoro is one of the mysterious vigilantes who filled in while you were frozen, <Character>.
    San Robin: I hate that guy....
    Roblos: ...

    Roblos: No one knows who he is or where he comes from!
    Roblos: He just rides his dark Batorotog into town and beats bad guys up.
    San Robin: And sometimes us...

    San Robin: I really hate that guy...

    Other information
  • Falconreach Inn (Book 3)'s dialogue has been modified during various releases; any retired content has been archived here.
  • Falconreach Inn (Book 3) used to be owned by Serenity before her death in Caitiff; Spruce replaced Serenity following her death; Gaelan, who renamed Falconreach Inn to Serene Inn, became the new owner of Falconreach Inn after Falconreach's destruction by Caitiff.
  • Falconreach Inn (Book 3) was updated with a visual overhaul and pop-ups on March 30th, 2018.
  • Pop-up headlines in the area:

      Click the helm rack
    • A helm rack! Hats are allowed too.

      Click the Odd Jobs board
    • The Odd Jobs board. Maybe someone has posted something to take care of.

      Click the fruits
    • So much colorful fruit!
    • I wonder where it's grown.
    • Is it free to take?
    • Better not take any. Someone else might need it more.
    • Fruity!

      Click the Serenity painting (after Epilogue)
    • A wonderful painting of Serenity, previous owner of the Inn.
    • She's watching the entryway.
    • She'd probably be happy with what's been done with the place.

      Click the Rose insignia with a X
    • No Rose allowed!
    • How do they tell if someone is from the Rose if they take off their uniform?
    • Maybe it's reassuring to people who want to avoid the Rose.
    • Keep out, Rose!

      Click the purple roses near the door
    • Wait, if there's no Rose allowed...
    • Who let these purple roses in?
    • They're pretty and smell nice, so they probably made an exception.
    • Sweet purple roses.
      Click the purple roses at the far right of the room
    • I see you trying to hide, roses!

      Click the left lantern
    • This lantern is so high up. How are they reached to light and put out?

      Click the right vine
    • Vines are drooping down from the ceiling. How do they get watered?

      Click Serenity (before Serenity Gone)
    • Serenity, the Inn's owner.
    • She's doing her best to take care of everyone!

      Click the furnace (before Serenity Gone)
    • It's a bread furnace!
    • Serenity makes her bread here.

      Click Spruce (after Serenity Gone and before Epilogue)
    • Spruce is doing her best...
    • Spruce, the moglin, filling in for Serenity.

      Click the furnace (after Serenity Gone and before Epilogue)
    • It's a bread furnace!
    • Serenity used to make her bread here.

      Click Gaetan (after Epilogue)
    • Gaelan, the Inn's new owner.
    • He's done a good job taking care of the place.

      Click the furnace (after Epilogue)
    • It's a magical bread furnace!
    • Gaelan makes his bread here.

      Click the stairs
    • You don't want to go into your room yet.

      Click the map of Lore
    • A map of Lore!
    • Is that your house?
    • What could be beyond the oceans?

      Click the potions
    • A selection of potions.

      Click the moglinberry juice keg
    • A moglinberry juice keg.

      Click the veryberry juice keg
    • Imported from Volkenraand, apparently.
    • A veryberry juice keg.

      Click the purple roses near the door
    • The Rose is here too! Ahhhh!
    • Oh wait, it's just decorative.
    • Pretty, non-hostile roses.

      Click the courtyard door's glazing
    • To the inn's courtyard!

      Click the fireflies
    • Pretty fireflies!

      Click the well
    • Well, well, well, what do we have here?

      Click the big crystal
    • These crystals grew around the statue on their own.
    • They're so colorful!

      Click Serenity's statue (after Epilogue)
    • It's a beautiful statue of Serenity.
    • Spruce takes good care of the statue!

      Click the fireplace
    • Aww, no chestnuts.
    • Aww, no marshmellows.
    • Aww, no hot dogs.
    • At least it's warm and toasty.

      Click the painting of old Falconreach
    • An oil painting of old Falconreach
    • Ash looks a lot younger!
    • The old inn looks nostalgic.

    San Robin's and Roblos' "Secret" Smithcave
      Click the barrels
    • Barrels full of materials.

      Click the stairs
    • Stairs down to the cellars. Probably best to keep out.

      Click the toilet papers
    • Everyone can use more toilet paper!
    • Wait, where's the toilet?

      Click the rolls of fabric
    • Rolls of fabric.
    • You wonder what's this for.

      Click the chairs
    • Spare tables and chairs.
  • Reset Base Class button was added to Gaelan on November 22nd, 2019.
  • Falconreach Inn (Book 3) was updated with various Innkeeper dialogue and pathing from Calamity Saga on June 21st, 2024.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 8/5/2024 1:43:21 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
    9/22/2012 7:44:10   

    Evening Falconreach Inn (Book 3)

    Access Point: Evening Falconreach (Book 3) -> Building on the left -> Up -> Serenity / Spruce / Gaelan -> Rest until evening
    Requirements: None
    Release Date: September 14th, 2012

    Quests Available




    Before completion of Serenity Gone:
    Spruce: Hiya! Whatcha doin' up so late? Me? I'm taking a break! I think I deserve one, don't you?

    After completion of Epilogue:
    Spruce: Hiya! Whatcha doin' up so late? Me? Thanks to Gaelan's help, I don't have to do everything anymore... so I'm just chillin'!

    Other information
  • Spruce will disappear from the Entrance temporarily after completion of Serenity Gone and will not reappear until completion of Epilogue.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 11/17/2024 23:55:37 >
  • DF AQW  Post #: 5
    3/17/2015 22:15:55   

    Falconreach Inn

    Access Point: Falconreach -> Building on Left
    Requirements: None
    Release Date: January 20th, 2006

    Quests Available
    Spirtits in the Inn
    The Root of All Sneevil
    Sneevil Box Fort
    The Crystal Shard

    Female Guest
    Male Guest

    Player Suggestion Shop
    The Inn Shop

    Serenity: Fall is coming! I can't wait for the holidays! - changes occasionally.

    Female Guest: Good Day!
    Male Guest: Hello! How are you doing?

  • Map
    Serenity: You can use the shortcuts on this map to travel. As more of the world is explored I will update the map.
    Old Map
    New Map

  • Sleep Until Evening / Sleep Until Morning - Fully heals you (does not refill potions), unlocks Nighttime / Daytime Falconreach.

  • Shop - opens The Inn Shop.

  • Set Home Town
    Serenity: Are you sure you want to set Falconreach as your home town?
    • Yes - sets your home town to Falconreach.
    • No - leads you back to Serenity's main options.
  • Talk
    Serenity: Thank goodness you have come. We have a bit of a ghost problem in the tavern.
    • ! Ghosts
      Serenity: It figures that I would buy an Inn that is already haunted. I can't make a single gold at this rate! I knew it was too good to be true!
      Serenity: Please, would you investigate and see what you can find out, maybe you can put a stop to them.
      • Investigate - begins Spirits in the Inn quest.
      • Back - leads you back to Serenity's talk branch.
  • Doom Items
    Serenity: The Doom weapons? I was just going to throw them out but then they just dissapeared! I heard there was a stranger in town talking about them.

  • Player Suggestion Shop
    Serenity: Some of the local heroes have crafted weapons and items or their own, and I'm happy to sell them here!
  • Back - leads you back to the inn.

    Other Information
  • The Falconreach Inn (formerly Testopia Inn) used to be owned by Maryann. Maryann went away to take care of a sick relative, and at that time, Sabrina ( Sepulchure's spy) infiltrated in the Inn and brought the Doom Weapons with her, selling them in The Inn Shop, in hopes of corrupting all of the heroes in Lore. After some time, Maryann came back to Falconreach and did not know anything about Sabrina or how the Doom Weapons were being sold in her shop. She then sold the inn to Serenity, who was going to trash the Doom Weapons until they disappeared from her store and were sold by the Mysterious Stranger who came to town.
  • Map was added on September 22nd, 2006 before being updated with new art on December 11th, 2009.

    Image Archive
    Falconreach Inn (Old Appearance)

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/14/2025 16:21:02 >
  • DF AQW  Post #: 6
    1/18/2024 23:02:25   

    ArchKnight DragonFable

    Falconreach Inn (Books 1 and 2)

    Thanks to
  • Voodoo Master for entry refromat.
  • Occavatra for chest messages and pick lock spoiler.

    ArchKnight Falconreach Inn

    Thanks to Peachii for entry rewrite.

    Falconreach Inn (Book 3)

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for current entry reformat and corrections.
  • Peachii for initial entry reformat.
  • Slayer Zach and SlyCooperFan1 for additional dialogue.
  • Occavatra for pop-up headlines.

    Evening Falconreach Inn (Book 3)

    Thanks to DemonicDarkwraith for original entry.

    Rare Falconreach Inn

    Thanks to
  • Jay for entry reformat and corrections.
  • Peachii for original entry.
  • Niki for initial entry reformat.
  • Peachii for corrections.
  • DF  Post #: 7
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