RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (Full Version)

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Voodoo Master -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/27/2011 0:58:23)

You missed one thing I asked -


All of the Dragon's sentences should have *thinks* before them, as well as these sentences: (I did some little fixes for them too)

<Character>: I thought level <Level> characters were supposed to start off fighting rats or something easy! (should be separated from the original sentence)

<Character>: Here it comes... the Dragon is about to attack! Time to test my skills as a <Class>!

<Character>: ???

I meant that each one of them is a thought, and not a regular sentence and should look like this for example-

<Character>: *thinks* Here it comes... the Dragon is about to attack! Time to test my skills as a <Class>!

Also, this sentence-

<Character>: *thinks* I thought level <Level> characters were supposed to start off fighting rats or something easy!

should not be the only one, this sentence should be right before it -

<Character>: A Dragon?!

Notice - this^ sentence is not a thought.

I am sorry if I'm not clear enough...

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/27/2011 5:04:23)

The 13th Mystery needs to add war tag


2010 Frostval Presents - Directions from Falconreach needs to be removed

Also needs to correct Location: Frostval 2010 -> Frostval 2010 Presents!

Title needs to place towards the left


The Adventure of the Broken Tower - Level/Quest/Items required needs to add DA

Also needs to correct (1) Bargeist - Boss

Under Rewards, Along the way.... needs to be italized and placed below the capes

Inspector Doyle needs to add this color: #999900
Circe needs to add this color: #660000

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Voodoo Master -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/27/2011 9:19:57)

Grams' Pet Shop - Grams should have the color #996633

I did the Goldfishing quest more than a hundred times (trying unsuccessfully to get its missing information), and it defiantly doesn't have a fixed amount of monsters. It should be-

(X) Aqueevil
(X) Puddle
(1) Kelpicus - Boss

It should be fixed in all the other quests of this series too (except from "Cat Up a Tree").

Lost Pets - the monsters' numbers should all be bracketed. Besides that, Grams' pre-quest dialogue should be crossed out and this should be added-

Aria: <Character>! I need your help! Several pets have gone missing and I think they're lost in the woods!
Aria: Please, you have to go out there and find them!
Aria: If you can manage to find all five of the missing pets, then I'll sell you one to take home with you and keep safe.

On Waterfall Secret Cave's location, "Under" should be "Down".

On Watery Exploration and Spirits in the Inn, the "Experience rewarded", "Gold rewarded" and (in "Watery Exploration"'s case) "Screenshots" parts should be removed.

Gold/XP on Spirits in the Inn is fine as is.

On Race to the KeyGems, this -

To enter the vault, you need to find all four KeyGems from the four rooms:
Blue Key Gem
Green Key Gem
Red Key Gem
Yellow Key Gem

Those four rooms are the actual quest from which you get rewards.

should be at the bottom of the entry under an "Other Information" title.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/28/2011 5:59:18)

For the Race to the KeyGems quest, temporary items need to place under the Rewards section


Akira Shop needs to add DA and DC tag, Title placed towards the left

Akira's Challenge - Under monsters section, needs to add (X) besides Akira

Ambush in the Bushes needs to correct Monsters (3) Renegade Ambusher - Boss



Quests Available/NPCs/Shops: all the headings need to use underline instead of bold

- Under Quests Available -
For Thursday:
Haunted Castle needs to change to Haunted House;
Mysterious LLC -> Nooby Nooby Noob;
Pumpkin Patch -> The Pumpkin Patch;
DoomWood Docks -> DoomWood Dock

For Zorbak:
Double Trouble -> Double, Trouble, Boil and Bubble;
Seeking Queen -> Moglin Seeking Queen

For Doomwood Dock, needs to correct Fishing (Minigame) and link:

Shops Available needs to change to Shops and place below NPCs

Castle Ruins - top of the entry title needs to remove (Haunted Castle)

Also a typo in Location: Amityvale -> Artix -> Haunted Casle needs to change to Haunted Castle

Scaled Yes/No: Scaled needs to change to Yes

Rewards Unlucky Doom Essences needs to remove the -s behind

Archknight Falconreach rewrite:

ArchKnight Falconreach

Location: Ash Dragonblade's Hometown
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of A New Beginning
Release Date: March 27, 2009

Quests Available
Don't You Remember?
Into the Void...
The End?

Sneevil Box Fort
Critter Cave
The Elemental Cave
Marsh Madness
Elemental Attack
Creepy Undead Forest
Enchanted Grove
A New Beginning

Basilisk Cave
The Yaga Sisters
Ash vs. the Volcano
Slushroom Princess
Ice Princess

Necromancer Klaatu
Necromancer Verata
Necromancer Nicto
From Ice to.....

Bungle in the Jungle
Save the Mill!

Cysero's Orb
Mysterious Stranger

Falconreach Inn
The Inn Shop

Capes and Wings

Cysero's Superstore of Savings!
Cysero's Superstore of Savings! - Cysero's Shop
Cysero's Superstore of Savings! - Helms and Capes
Cysero's Superstore of Savings! - Cysero's Weapons
Cysero's Superstore of Savings! - Rare Pets


Artix: Greetings Ash! I hear you are following your dream of becoming a Knight. How can I help?

  • Talk
    Artix: So an adventuer told you that all you needed to do to become a Knight was save a Princess?
    Artix: Sounds fun! I am really impressed that you battled the Necromancer and his undead minions on your own. You have come a long way, Ash!
    Artix: Frozen girl? *friendly chuckle* Did you really get your lips stuck trying the Sleeping Beauty technique?
    Artix: I am sure Warlic can help unfreeze her. He is in the part to the west. It might take some time though. (Best to let her Chill-out untill then)
    Artix: It was brave of you to save her. But do not be dissapointed if she is not a Princess. I have been to many Kingdoms yet, I do not recognize her.
    Artix: I will see what I can learn about her while you train. Good luck, Ash!

  • Quests
    Artix: How ironic, Ash! Normally you are the one who gives me quests when I am looking to go on a quest.

    Falconreach Inn

    Serenity: Hello, Ash!

    Cysero's Orb

    Cysero's Orb: Hi, this is Cysero. I'm not here right now but my orb can help you with all of your housing needs. Please leave a message after the chime. *GONG*

  • Visit A Friend's House!
    Cysero's Orb: If you want to visit someone's house, just enter in their Character ID below, then click the VISIT button!

  • Talk
    Cysero's Orb: "Greetings Shopper! The Home Of Your Dream Awaits You!" Sorry, I have to say that.
    Cysero's Orb: With all the heroes of Falconreach clearing out monster in every direction, a lot of land has recently been declared safe by King Alteon!
    Cysero's Orb: The King asked Cysero to create a special "real estate orb" to help the heroes find their dream homes. That's where I come in!
    Cysero's Orb: If you need anything... just let me know! I'll try and get you the exact home that you're looking for!

  • View House Styles
    Cysero's Orb: Here are the three basic starter home styles that you have to choose from. When you know which one you want, click the Buy A House button!

  • Buy A House!
    Cysero's Orb: Ready to buy a new house?


    Twilly: Hiyas, Ash! Any luck with your frozen friend?


    Yulgar: Well met, Ash! Feel free to browse the store. I make and sell a wide variety of weapons perfect for an aspiring Knight.

  • Quest
    Yulgar: Do you want to quest for Ahzite Ore? It can only be found in the jungles of the south, but if you can get some I could make you new weapons!

  • Late Shipment
    Yulgar: The local lumber mill is late on their delivery. Do you have time to stop by and see what is wrong?


    Cysero: Hiya! I'm Cysero, the Mad Magical Weaponsmith! If you are looking for the highest quality items, step inside my Superstore of Savings!

  • Talk/Your Store?
    Cysero: As I said, I'm Cysero, the Mad Magical Weaponsmith! I travel the world looking for rare magical materials and spells.
    Cysero: I use those to create amazingly powerful weapons, armor and items that I sell for Dragon Coins! These items are the best!
    Cysero: But I really just use the store to fund my various magical experiments! Yesterday I made a dancing sandwich! Neat, huh?

  • My Left Sock?
    Cysero: Oh, your left sock? Of course I know where it is. It's.... OHHHH you almost got me that time. You won't get it from me THAT easy! Heh!

    Mysterious Stranger

    Mysterious Stranger: I have nothing for you.


    Warlic: Ash! It's good to see you again. I have something to... discuss with you.

  • Three Necros
    Warlic: Artix has informed me of your friends issue. I believe I can help.
    Warlic: First though, there are three necromancers in the surrounding area whose magics are disrupting my own.
    Warlic: You must venture forth and defeat them if I am to be able to help you save the girl.

  • The Unfreezing
    Warlic: The three necromancers have been defeated and the air is clear. I am ready to start my spell, Ash.

  • Now what?
    Warlic: I'm sorry, Ash. Neither I or Artix have been able to find any information on your mystery girl.
    Warlic: If she is a princess, no one has reported her missing. I think it's much more likely that she's just a girl who got lost in the woods.
    Warlic: If you're still looking to save a princess though, I know of someone who might be able to help you, Ash.
    Warlic: Head over to the eastern park, you'll find them there.


    Hero: Hi Ash! Artix and Warlic have told me you're ready to start on your journey into knighthood.

  • Talk
    Hero: I'll do what I can to help you on your way. If there's a chance to save a princess you're more than welcome to come along with me!

    Other Informations
    1. You can invite Geo and Twilly to your party (disappears if you logout).
    2. When trying to access the Guardian Tower, "*cough* needtobeaknight *cough*" is shown.
    3. Warlic's "Portal Open to Knights only".
    4. The Gryphon is there, but trying to ride it will result in "You must be this tall to ride (oh, and a Knight)"
    5. The majority of the townspeople are away fishing or doing something Fishing-related.
    6. Surewould Forest, the Harbor, and That A' Way are blocked by logs.

    Done, thanks! [Niki]

  • Voodoo Master -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/28/2011 10:11:58)

    The Forest Cave - Its Location should be " SureWould Forest -> 5 Right" (fixed the link too)

    "Level required" should be "Level/Quest/Items required" and instead of "Any" it should be "DA".

    All of the monsters (except from the bosses) should have an (X) besides their names.

    The bosses links should look like this-

    (1) Avalance, (1) Mudslide, (1) Rockslide - Boss

    Floating Cave - "Level required" should be "Level/Quest/Items required" and instead of "Any" it should be "None".
    Also a note should be added somewhere to explain that even if the quest does not require a DA, the only way to get through the portal to get there is by using one.

    Bandit Camp - the bosses part should look like this (I think)-

    If you don't have Robina's Most Wanted list -

    (1) Robber Baron, (1) Thug, (1) Cutpurse - Boss

    If you have Robina's Most Wanted list -

    (1) Darcar/Hyest/Stounn/Stradar/Awper Harty/Vaz Striker, (1) Thug, (1) Cutpurse - Boss

    Done, thanks. Pleasse note that "&mpage=1&key=�" part of links should be removed. [Niki]

    Voodoo Master -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/28/2011 12:38:00)

    Portal - It needs its updated location:

    "Directions from Falconreach: Up -> 2 Left -> Up"

    or (I'm never sure when I should put each one of them)

    "Location: Falconreach -> Up -> 2 Left -> Up"

    You should also put the message that appears when you walk up to the portal somewhere in the entry-

    The portal glows brightly as you step up to it. As you gaze into it you see images of strange and distant lands phasing in and out!

    Sneevil Box Fort - It can be accessed through Oaklore, Falconrach and Surewood Forest. Which one of the tags should it has?

    Also, it should have all of its <<You>>: replaced with <Character Name>:.

    Its Level/Quest/Items required is None.

    Enchanted Grove should have Ash's pre-quest dialogue-

    Ash: There is a magic grove which is now the home of corrupted forest creatures. It got a lot tougher!

  • To Battle!

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

  • Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/29/2011 6:11:33)

    Amityvale Destroyed needs title placed towards the left, Contents separated by sections (swords, staffs, daggers)

    Amityvale Weapons needs title placed towards the left, Contents separated by sections (swords, staffs, daggers)

    Ancient Eyedols - title needs to change to The Ancient Eyedols, title at the top of the entry change to Ancient Eyedols, The


    War At See! needs to add Falconreach banner

    Also needs to remove Monsters section

    Other names: Invasion of the Eyes! - link needs to be removed and add Introduction/War Meter

    Waves need to place below Introduction/War Meter

    These need to be removed
    Other quest: Ancient Eyedols, After war reached 100%: The Irismancer

    And add:

    Side Quests
    The Ancient Eyedols

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/29/2011 14:47:52)

    Spare time in my day so I did these....

    Cluvck Cluck MOOOOO! the rare sign should be removed <- I still can't see it, where can you access this quest?
    Daddy's DC Shop the directions can either be edited into the location, or simply removed
    Defeat Gananana! needs

    - the Level required: Any deleted
    - After Robina in the location add Talk -> Quadforce -> Battle Gananana
    - and this... Gananana - Boss

    Oh and I think Dragongrap is having banner problems.....or is it just me? Same here (I get "Couldn't read file, please retry" from site), hope it is just temporary

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Voodoo Master -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/29/2011 15:59:06)

    Enchanted Grove - Its bosses: (1) High Lord Madcap, (1) Trickster, (1) Prankster - Boss

    The other monsters should have an (X) besides their name.

    The Root of all Sneevil - Its Level/Quest/Items required is None.

    It can be accessed from three different places, so it should not have a banner.

    Marsh Madness - Its bosses: (2) Fungal Escorts, (1) Imperial Fungus - Boss

    The name of Ash in the dialogue should be bolded and colored like this Ash:

    Scaled: should be Scaled Yes/No:

    The Elemental Cave - Its pre-dialogue quest should be-

    Ash: A nearby cave has been overrun by elementals! I heard a lot of magic items can be found there.

    Elemental Attack - It needs its pre-quest dialogue-

    Ash: A mage portal is pouring elementals into a field near here. The Knight need help defending it!

    Creepy Undead Forest - Its bosses should look like this-

    (1) Undead Essence, (1) Undead Extract, (1) Undead Champion - Boss
    (1) Doomcrawler - Optional Boss

    And on the dialogue part, "You:" should be changed to <Character Name>:

    Done, thanks.

    I have just finished going through all the Location/Quests/Events entries in the pedia. I mainly searched (and found) missing NPCs' texts. And it took me more than half a year.

    Now that I know better how Locations entries should look like, I am gonna start all over again and see what I can do to make this pedia even better [:D]

    Keep up the good work! [Niki]

    Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/30/2011 3:07:36)

    Artix Vs. The Undead needs the link to Artix Video placed below the dialogs

    Under Rewards, Edgars Blade Series needs to change to Edgars Blade (All Versions)
    and Paladin's Wrath series should be - Paladin's Wrath (All Versions)

    Ashenvale - Rewards Linx Hero Hat and Linx Hero Hat Extreme needs to combine to Linx Hero Hat (Extreme)

    Assault on the Necropolis needs to add Shops: Cloak of Doom!

    Also needs to remove Boss Fight! section and add:

    Back to the Past needs to add (1) Biff, the Time Tyrant - Boss

    Bad Bananas - Rewards <None> needs to change to None

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Voodoo Master -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/30/2011 12:30:55)

    The Lymcrest Labyrinth needs this text to be added to it:

    Level 16, Room FC-1 (Red doorway):

    Rolith: I've gone crazy. How can I be talking to a tog?
    Tog #2: Bark Bark!
    Rolith: Yes I have. Don't try and reassure me.
    <Character Name>: ...
    <Character Name>: Did you just reference an 8 year old miniseries maybe 10 people ever watched?
    Rolith: Yes!
    Tog #2: Bark!
    <Character Name>: Alright... Moving on...What's up this week?
    Rolith: There are 3 togs. One tells only truths. One tells only lies. The third one bites people that ask tricky questions.
    <Character Name>: Really?
    Rolith: Hahaha, no. You'll believe anything.... Have you ever tries talking to a tog?
    <Character Name>: You really do have too much fun with this.
    Rolith: No such thing. Anyways, we'll be sacrificing these togs to prevent your horrible death.
    Tog #1: Bark!
    Tog #2: Bark!
    Tog #3: Bark!
    <Character Name>: Sounds good to me!
    Rolith: Good! You'll place each of the togs on the glowing columns, and if you get the combination right, all three togs will die, leaving you alive.
    <Character Name>: I like the sound of that!
    Rolith: However, if you're wrong, the monster will proceed to feast on you, and you'll have to try again.
    <Character Name>: I DON'T like the sound of that.
    Rolith: Oh well. That's the deal. Feel free to leave, if you don't care to try. Later rooms will have more goals, and a fewer togs.
    Rolith: Each room you clear will save to a checkpoint if you've unlocked all 5 checkpoints on the Togicide Challenge on floor 11.
    Rolith: Good luck, and see you on the forums! You'll need their help if you want to beat this!
    Rolith: You've got a surprise waiting for you a ways down there.

    Room FC-9 (the ninth room of the challenge):

    <Character Name>: You know... I've got a bad feeling about this.

    Done, thanks. Please check that I insert it in the right place. [Niki]

    You're all good :)

    Voodoo Master -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/30/2011 16:19:16)

    Haunted Hedgemaze -
    Rolith should have the color #FF9900
    Alac should have the color #990099

    Rewards should be None with a note about the reward shops.

    Togicide Revenge - Rolith should have the color #FF9900

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (11/30/2011 22:23:15)

    Lucky Day Storybook - Quests Available/Shops needs all the headings to use underline instead of bold

    Current entry is done according to the Storyboards template.

    Also under dialogs, needs to add these:

    Lucky Day!

    Holiday Special Event!
    Lukkhi and the rest of my Sneevilchauns are da hoarders of gold and da advocates of Luck throughout Lore.

    Dese are da tales of one hero's quests as everyone tries to gain a little more Luck (and a LOT more gold!) in dere lives.

    - King Sneevrick Yeets

    Lukkhi: Ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do yous, hero?


    Into The Woods - under Rewards, Violet Horseshoe/Cyan Moon/Emerald Clovers needs to add (All Versions) beside them


    Gold War - Under Shops, Lucky Shop needs to be removed

    Lukkhi needs to add this color: #33CC66

    Boss Fight needs Font size 3

    Aboard Alone - Captain Davey needs to add this color: #3333CC
    Monsters need to arrange in alphabetical order


    Aeris Battlespire - needs to correct Directions from Falconreach: Falconreach -> Travel -> click on button 'Aeris Battlespire'

    Also need to add Level/Quest/Items required: None

    As well as add Release Date: Dec 1, 2006

    Quests Available needs to remove Aeris Battlespire Dragon PvP

    Also needs to add Shops - Aeris Battlespire Shop (the shops should be split too) <- Added to my TODO list

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Jorath -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (12/1/2011 2:34:52)

    The Blue Mile correction: (3) Desert Thug
    The Ruins of Bask: (10) Arctic Wolf

    Fixed, thanks. [Niki]

    Jorath -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (12/1/2011 4:45:27)

    Donovan needs new link to Donovan (Guest).

    Corrections for Donovan:

    <Character Name>: I've chased you through falling rubble, fought prisoners that looted the remains of your cell...
    <Character Name>: Dug through the ruins of a town in order to find clues about you, and been buried alive by an avalanche...

    Vilmor: The only one responsible for Bask's destruction is me. I will never be able to fully atone for it.

    <Character Name>: Bad guys don't tell the the hero that stuff "doesn't concern them". Bad guys are actually pretty chatty usually.

    Vilmor: In the end, we only had the other to keep each other company.
    Vilmor: Heh, partners in crime...

    Vilmor: Donovan warned me... tried to warn me about Bask and the danger the Ice Orb was in.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (12/1/2011 5:02:05)

    Croft - Bubble and Trouble dialogs:

    Trouble: We need to keep the Zardbies back and keep giving out the candy cure, <Character Name>!

  • War! - Takes you to Croft Overrun!

  • Quest - Takes you to Trick or Treats 2011!
  • Masks! - Opens Mogloween 2011: Temporary Mask Shop

  • Treats!
    Trouble: You can upgrade your Mogloween weapons or buy the base versions of the FrankenWeapons and HarvestReaper for 300 candy!

    HarvestReaper/Frankenblade/Harvest Weapon/Reaper's Weapon Upgrade!
    Toil: Each upgrade costs 300 CANDY to open EVERY TIME, so make sure that you upgrade all the weapons that you want at the same time.

    Pumpkin King Armor!
    Toil: We made this armor just for you! You can buy it and unlock skills with candy!
    Lets you get and train the Evolved PumpkinLord Armor

    Capes! - Opens Mogloween 2010 (Shop)

  • Heal - Recover your HP and MP fully.
  • Leave - Returns to Croft.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

  • Voodoo Master -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (12/1/2011 7:19:10)

    Oh Hole-y Togicide - Rolith should have the color #FF9900

    done before reading your post :) [Niki]

    Voodoo Master -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (12/1/2011 8:16:34)

    Abominations Abound - <Character>: should be changed to <Character Name>:

    CMC - Oct 09 and Codemonkey Challenge- April 2010 - "Captain Rolith" should be just "Rolith" (on the dialouge part and on the NPCs list) and on both quests he should have the color #FF9900.

    Oh and on CMC - Oct 09, <<You>>: should be <Character Name>:

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Jorath -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (12/2/2011 1:07:46)


    «You»: needs to be changed to <Character Name>:
    'Channeru' needs to be changed to 'Channiru'

    Channiru needs to add this color - #0099CC
    Captain Lestrad needs to add this color - #6699CC
    Inspector Doyle needs to add this color - #999900
    Circe needs to add this color - #660000
    Cryozen Jr needs to add this color - #3366FF

    Dragonsgrasp needs dialogue for Captain Lestrad:

    Captain Lestrad: And just where do you think you're going?
    Captain Lestrad: This is a prison, not a museum. While you're wandering about, some of us have work to do.
    Captain Lestrad: I suppose you've met our prisoner, Vilmor? *spits* Any Dragonlord that would harm their dragon...
    Captain Lestrad: And Doyle just sits in the Inn, daydreaming. With him in charge of the case, we may never know the full extent of Vilmor's villainy.

    The Adventure of the Broken Tower:

    <<You>>: needs to be changed to <Character Name>:

    Free Fall:

    <Character Name:> needs to be changed to <Character Name>:
    Inspector Doyle needs to add this color - #999900

    The Ruins of Bask:

    <Character Name:> needs to be changed to <Character Name>:
    Inspector Doyle needs to add this color - #999900

    The Chase:

    «You»: needs to be changed to <Character Name>:
    Vilmor needs to add this color - #3399FF
    Circe needs to add this color - #660000
    Channiru needs to add this color - #0099CC
    Inspector Doyle needs to add this color - #999900
    Frostscythe needs to add this color - #6699FF
    Captain Lestrad needs to add this color - #6699CC

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Peachii -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (12/2/2011 2:19:35)

    For the Dragonsgrasp banner, if you remove the www 5.... the picture will show up:

    This is something to do with picturepush, I updated the banner list with the correct link.

    Alina’s Mana Potion Shop - Under Quests Available, What? It's Nothing! needs to change to Rolith's Question

    Under Dialogue, Alina's heading needs to be removed

    Above this dialog (Alina: My student, Reens, wrote me a letter a while back and said that there were NO mana alchemists in Falconreach!)
    needs to add:

  • Talk


    Above this dialog (Alina: There you go, fully re-stocked potions! These potions won’t spoil, but they’re tasty enough that you might want to drink them outside of battle!)
    needs to add:

  • Refill Potions


    Above this dialog (Alina: Alchemy, as my teachers always said, and as I say to my student, is not just one thing but a whole FIELD of mystical sciences!)
    needs to add:

  • What is Alchemy?


    Above this dialog (Alina: You have learned everything that I have to teach you, <Character>! Would you like to keep your skills sharp and test some more? )
    needs to add:

  • Train Alchemy!


    Above this dialog (Alina: Wonderful, <Character>! You're now high ranked enough for me to sell one of my magical helms to you!)

    needs to add:

  • Buy Helms


    And lastly needs to add:

  • Quests
    Alina: A short time ago I got asked a VERY surprising question by a VERY knightly man.

    All That Glitters… - NPC Guard Nomas needs to correct link: , also needs to add this color for his dialogs: #0066FF



    Thursday needs to add this color: #000066
    Lugosi needs to add this color: #CC6633
    Rosemary needs to add this color: #009999


    Amityvale Invasion - Thursday needs to add this color: #000066

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

  • Voodoo Master -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (12/2/2011 6:45:45)

    CMC - July 10 - The sentence of Rolith after imputing the right word is missing-

    Rolith: Wasn't so hard, was it?

    The bosses should look like this -

    If you impute the wrong word-

    (3) Nerd Tog - Boss

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Baron Dante -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (12/2/2011 14:34:58) has some fixing:


    Circe: What?

    should be "Circe: What."

    All Lestrad, Doyle's should be changed to just Lestrad.
    In general, Channeru should be Channiru.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    voldy27 -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (12/2/2011 21:38:13)

    There is one more entrance to the sewers now:
    Swordhaven->Up->Up->Left->Left->Left->Up->Left->Up->Go up to the sewer and click "Explore?"

    Done by owner. [Niki]

    voldy27 -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (12/2/2011 23:53:48)


    [image][/image]Dragongrasp House Shop

    Location:Dragongrasp->Down->Right->Left->Up and into the shop with the sign of a house->Click House Shop
    Dragongrasp->Left->Down->Right->Left->Up and into the shop with the sign of a house->Click House Shop

    [link=]Dragongrasp House[/link]

    Reni: Ahh, didn't I see you in the weapon shop earlier?


    [image][/image]Dragongrasp House Items

    Location:Dragongrasp->Down->Right->Left->Up and into the shop with the sign of a house->Click Item Shop
    Dragongrasp->Left->Down->Right->Left->Up and into the shop with the sign of a house->Click Item Shop

    [link=]Dragongrasp Rug[/link]
    [link=]Dragongrasp Pillar[/link]
    [link=]Dragongrasp Left Arch[/link]
    [link=]Dragongrasp Right Arch[/link]
    [link=]Dragongrasp Window[/link]
    [link=]Dragongrasp Alchemy Shelf[/link]
    [link=]Dragongrasp Fireplace[/link]
    [link=]Dragongrasp Couch[/link]
    [link=]Dragongrasp Bed[/link]
    [link=]Dragongrasp Fountain[/link]
    [link=]Dragongrasp Copper Fountain[/link]
    [link=]Dragongrasp Counter[/link]

    Reni: Ahh, didn't I see you in the weapon shop earlier?

    Done ( 1, 2)by Peachii. [Niki]

    Therril Oreb -> RE: Locations/Quests/Events/Shops (12/3/2011 14:27:36)

    Swordhaven Forest needs Shattered Blade to be put in Rewards

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

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