Cysero (Full Version)

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Lord Qwerty -> Cysero (1/5/2007 16:33:21)


Location: Falconreach -> Right, A Visit to Cysero, Titans of Battleon, Cysero's Superstore of Savings!, Gold Fever The Expert, Holiday Visit, You Never Asked, The Coming Storm, Amityvale Invasion, Inside the Garden, The Funeral, The Secret Revealed, Going East, The Mighty Akriloth, To Have All the Gold In Lore!, Ice Gems, Final Battle!, Epilogue, Mad Haberdasher, Queen of Tarts, A DragonLord's Birthday!, Collision Course, Choose Your Own Adventure Quest, Back to the Past, Blackhole Fun, Critical Failure!, Gravitivity, Mayonnaise Cubed, The Cat Who Walks Through Dimensions, Tortoise and the Hare, Sort of, String Thing, CyseRedux, Your Vote, Falconreach Idle!, We now return to your show!, Feast of Welcomegiving!, Cluck Cluck MOOOOO!, Evening Falconreach -> Right, Eclipse, When, Full Darkness, Extreme Full Darkness, Skweel, The Biggest Thankstaking Ever!, Good Gravy!, Elemental Foothills -> Right, The Weaponsmith's Apprentice, Thankstaken, Saving Private Practice, A Tale of Two Timelines, Dueling Timelines, Frostvale (Chapter 9), Yulgar's First Date, Yulgars First Date Part 2, FwendQuest, The Mage Tower, Leftovers, Lucky Day Storybook, The Request, The Duo, Plans Entwined, Frostval in Falconreach, Return to the Garden, Best Day Ever!, The Undead Vs Artix, The Senseless, A Dragon's Day Out, A Visit to Cysero (Book 3), The Mastermind, The End of Magic (Part 2), CandyCon -> 1 Right

Quests given
Choose Your Own Adventure Quest
Back to the Past
Critical Failure!
Cluck Cluck MOOOOO!
The Weaponsmith's Apprentice

Shops owned
Cysero's Shop
Capes & Wings
Magic Rewards Shop
Magiscience Rewards Shop
Cysero's Wedding Shop!

Cysero's Superstore of Savings! (Books 1 & 2)
Clashening DC shop
Cysero's Mask Shop
Cysero's Weapons
Helms and Capes
Rare Pets

Frost Moglin Defender
Frost Moglin Slayer

Cysero's Booth


Outside Cysero's Superstore of Savings!

Cysero: Hiya! I'm Cysero, the Mad Magical Weaponsmith! If you are looking for the highest quality items, step inside my Superstore of Savings!

  • Talk
    Cysero: As I said, I'm Cysero, the Mad Magical Weaponsmith! I travel the world looking for rare magical materials and spells.
    Cysero: I use those to create amazingly powerful weapons, armor and items that I sell for Dragon Coins! These items are the best!
    Cysero: But I really just use the store to fund my various magical experiments! Yesterday I made a dancing sandwich! Neat, huh?

  • Quest!
    Cysero: <Character>! Feel like going on an adventure?
  • Your Store?
    Cysero: As I said, I'm Cysero, the Mad Magical Weaponsmith! I travel the world looking for rare magical materials and spells.
    Cysero: I use those to create amazingly powerful weapons, armor and items that I sell for Dragon Coins! These items are the best!
    Cysero: But I really just use the store to fund my various magical experiments! Yesterday I made a dancing sandwich! Neat, huh?

  • My Left Sock?
    Cysero: Oh, your left sock? Of course I know where it is. It's.... OHHHH you almost got me that time. You won't get it from me THAT easy! Heh!

  • Capes & Wings - opens Capes & Wings shop.

    Cysero's Superstore of Savings!

    Entrance (Book 1) | Entrance -> Up (Book 3)
    Cysero: Hiya! I'm Cysero! Welcome to Cysero's Superstore of Savings! Feel free to browse all the shops in here!

  • Talk
    Cysero: I spend most of my time wandering around Lore looking for interesting new materials to use in my experiments.
    Cysero: But my first real passion is making weapons! And slapstick! But I'm much better at making weapons!
    Cysero: Here in my superstore you will find TONS of items that may make you a more powerful <Class>, AND make you look awesome!
    Cysero: And quite a few items that will make you look silly but will STILL make you more powerful.
    Cysero: These items are so rare and powerful that I can only accept Dragon Coins for them, but they are quite worth the price!
    Cysero: So have a look around and remember our motto: "Buy something, or make room for someone that will!" Heh!
  • Bag Space
    Cysero: Do you need more room in your backpack? If you do, THAT'S GREAT because I sell EMPTY SPACE!

    Increase Bag Space

    First 10 Bag Slots 100 DragonCoins Each Buy
    Next 5 Bag Slots 300 DragonCoins Each Buy
    Last 165 Bag Slots 500 DragonCoins Each Buy

    You have x out of a maximum of <210-230> total bag slots.

    If you already have 210 or 230 bag slots:
    Cysero: Hmmm. It looks like your backpack is as large as it's going to get. Sorry.

    No Bag Slot Available

    You have already purchased <210-230> out of a maximum of <210-230> total bag slots.

  • I Need More Dragon Coins - opens the DragonFable help page in a new window.

    Entrance -> Left
    Cysero: Hi! I'm still Cysero. No, I'm not a clone, robot or illusion, I'm just Cysero and I'm faster than you are. What can I help you with?

  • Talk
    Cysero: Your brain is your most important and delicious organ, so you really need to protect it.
    Cysero: These helms are guaranteed to fit or your money back. It helps that everyone on Lore has the same exact size head... except me.
    Cysero: My head is HUGE! Also, there are some capes and wings in there somewhere. Have Fun! Or Else!

  • Shop - opens Helm's and Cape's shop.
  • Mask Shop - opens Cysero's Mask Shop.
  • I Need More Dragon Coins - opens the DragonFable help page in a new window.

    Entrance -> Right
    Cysero: Hiya! I'm still Cysero! You look like you need a new weapon or two or five. What can I get for you?

  • Talk
    Cysero: People have been asking me a lot of questions lately. I think it's funny when they do that! They must not know me very well.
    Cysero: One thing is for sure, these weapons are some of the most powerful that you will be able to find anywhere!
    Cysero: Just the other day I was testing one of my new weapons. I unstheated it, and in ONE SINGLE SWIPE I cut a solid bar of steel in half...
    Cysero: ... and I was using a STAFF!

  • Shop - opens Cysero's Weapons shop.
  • Clashening DC Shop - opens Clashening DC shop.
  • I Need More Dragon Coins - opens a link to the Upgrade your Account page in a new window.

    Entrance -> 2 Right
    Cysero: Yup... still Cysero. I have found, from experience, that it is a bad idea to put your head onto the Splashy tank.

  • Talk
    Cysero: I consider myself an animal person. Well, I consider myself both an animal and a person, I guess that counts.
    Cysero: I found these little guys on my travels and had them trained by Grams in Falconreach.They were fed beef jerkey to toughen them up.
    Cysero: They are a little hard to handle. Sometimes they get out and I have to lock down the entire... have you seen baby Splashy?
    Cysero: ... uh... Ok, don't panic. Let me know if something eats either of your feet!

  • Shop - opens Rare Pets shop.
  • I Need More Dragon Coins - opens the DragonFable help page in a new window.

    Titans of Battleon

    *Telephone booth falls from the sky*
    Cysero: Hiya!
    Cysero: This must be a point in time before you two met. <Character>, this is Zhoom. We really need your help.
    Cysero: OK. First thing; we're talking about the town of BattleOn, not Falconreach. We've come here from the future.
    Cysero: BattleOn is in great danger from being called Exodus.
    Cysero: You are gonna have a most excellent adventure through Time!
    Cysero: Yes way, Ted!
    Cysero: Sorry. I had to.
    Cysero: Nevermind that.
    Cysero: Easy. I came up with an idea for it when Artix said that we needed another version of you. Right then the phone booth appeared next to us.
    Cysero: I guess after we go back I invent it and send it back to us when we need it.
    Cysero: Nope.
    Cysero: Yeah, we just have to be NEAR it to time travel.
    Cysero: I wanted to see if we would fit.

    *Several years in the future...*

    Cysero: We try not to talk about it.

    Cysero: (Yeah, right onto the town bakery.)
    Cysero: Bad idea. The universe might end.
    Cysero: Sorry that I knocked a hole in your timestream. The timehole might stick around for a while before the universe heals. Be careful with it...
    Cysero: You never know where or when you will end up.
    Cysero: See ya later. Or earlier. You know what I mean.

    A Visit to Cysero

    Cysero: Welcome to our tower <Character>! Good to see you. I'd offer you a chair but last week I traded all of them for a small boat. Want to sit on that?

  • Talk
    Cysero: I see. So you're finally training up those Guardian skills. huh? It's about time.
    Cysero: Walking around town in that armor, having no idea how to use it...well, it made you look a bit silly.
    Cysero: Eckhard probably sent you to me so that I could fix up your armor... make it all shiny and new, again.
    Cysero: I see he's been treating it with all the good stuff. That will make this a little less dangerous than usual!
    Cysero: <Character>, are you prepared for the armor enchantment that will restore your cracked and damaged armor?
    Cysero: This powerful spell will revive your mystical armor to the bygone beauty and might from centuries ago...
    Cysero: I must warn you, that if I get this spell wrong, all your enchanted weaponry in your backpack will be reduced to useless junk.
    Cysero: ARE YOU PREPARED??!
    • Yes!
      Cysero: Alriiiiiiiight! that's the spirit! LETS DO THIS!
      Cysero: Ok, we're done. It worked. Boy, is that shiny...I could just stare at that shiny armor for....for.....
      Cysero: ...
      Cysero: ...*shakes head* Sorry, shiny things tend to capture my attention. The stuff looks great, wear it with pride.
      Cysero: Now get out there and do some good...Guardian <Character>!
      • Complete Quest!

    • NOOO!
      Cysero: Oh, Ok. Well, come back when you're ready.

    Gold Fever The Expert

    Cysero: ... and that's how the Sox won the AL pennant in 04. The world championship was really just icing after that.

    Cysero: Which hat? That one that's going to explode or the chicken one?

    Cysero: What? You didn't want that? I thought you wanted that.

    Cysero:Oh, alright then. Here, let me take care of it.

    Cysero: *shrugs* I don't know.

    Frostval (Chapter 3)

    Holiday Visit

    Cysero: Hiya, <Character>. Happy Frostthing! Have you come to deliver presents...cause I don't have any cookies or milk.
    Cysero: Yeah! What a great present! Did you make it yourself?
    Cysero: I know. Did you make it yourself?
    Cysero: Oh... Well, he WOULD make a nice gift if you were thinking of any last minute gift ideas. *wink*
    Cysero: Me? Nooooo. I try to avoid coal...makes a mess.
    Cysero: Nope. Not a clue.
    Cysero: But... maybe we can work out a deal.
    Cysero: Today is kinda my day off. I do a lot of chores... take out the trash, sharpen my hammer, fill Warlic's pillow with mustard...
    Cysero:I was going to do my laundry today. You know how laundry can pile up.
    Cysero: Anywhooo, You take care of my laundry and I'll find out what happened to your little rabbitthing friend. Deal?

    Cysero: Hey, that's great! You got them all!
    Cysero: It took the last of the magic energy that I stored in my HUG jars, but I found out who changed your friends.
    Cysero: Each magic user on Lore has a very specific magic signature... like a fingerprint left behind anytime that they work magic.
    Cysero: I compared the magic aura surrounding your friend, Blazey to all the auras i've seen before and I found a match.
    Cysero: I'm not exactly sure WHY he did it, but with necromancers... who can tell? Only one thing is for sure...
    Cysero: NOXUS changed your friends into coal. What a jerk.

    You Never Asked

    Cysero:Hi guys!
    Cysero:Wow, you guys are kinda' jumpy.
    Cysero:I thought I'd come by and see if you had any of those statues left. Seems like you've got a bunch...
    Cysero:Hey... Why is everyone so gloomy?
    Cysero:It's Frostval! It's a time for cheer, hope and goodwill!
    Cysero:Nice to meet you! So why the long faces people?!
    Cysero:Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh oh oh oh oh oh! I get it now. Why didn't you say you wanted to change them back?
    Cysero:No, you just asked me what changed them... so I told you. I can change everyone back if you want.
    Cysero:Sure! I just need a little Life Essence and presto...
    Cysero:Oh, well I can just make you some more if you want.
    Cysero:Kid, "rare and expensive" is what I'm all about. have you ever seen the prices in my shop?!
    Cysero:Then make sure you check it out when you get some Dragon Coins.
    Cysero:I can make you some Life Essence... But I'll need one of you to lend me a small portion of your own life force.
    Cysero:Just agree to it. it has to be given freely.
    Cysero:People underestimate how much life a real hero has in them. A hero's heart is a great source of magic....
    Cysero:..I mean it's not as great as hugs or anything but it's still good...
    Cysero:.. to answer your question... you probably waste more of your life on an afternoon doing my laundry than you just gave up.
    Cysero:Thanks to <Character>, we have more than enough here to return everyone to normal...
    Cysero:... then everyone can stop being so emo. HERE WE GO!
    Cysero:Me? All I did was some magic. You risked your life... even gave some of your own heart... to save your friends.
    Cysero:You are a true hero.
    Cysero:Nah, I had some cocoaberry juice while everyone was watching the cutscenes. I think I'll head home.
    Cysero:My work is done here.
    Cysero:Unless you think one of these little guys would WANT to be a statue... I could always...
    Cysero:Happy Frostval, <Character>!

    The Coming Storm

    Cysero:Hiya, <Character>.
    Cysero:Opaque today.
    Cysero:I'm not sure. It wasn't one of mine.
    Cysero:When I moved in Warlic asked if I wanted to be in charge of laundry, bills or something else. I chose explosions!
    Cysero:Since it wasn't one of mine, and I'm guessing not one of yours, maybe you should run up there and check on Warlic?

    Amityvale Invasion

    Cysero: <Character>! Thank the marker! Amityvale has come under attack!
    Cysero: It's just a few monsters. I'm sure that you won't have trouble any at all.
    Cysero: The towns people finally got that rockslide all cleaned up but as soon as they did, monsters were waiting for them on the other side.
    Cysero: They seem to be coming from the castle set back into Doomwood. I wouldn't try and get there if I were you.
    Cysero: There is a magic fog surrounding the castle. It won't let you find your way through the fog unless the fog wants you to.
    Cysero: Head to Amityvale and see if you can help. I'd do it myself but I am running several exciting experiments in and around Falconreach.
    Cysero: If I don't keep a close eye on them they might... encounter severe difficulties. We would'nt want that. Trust me. HAVE FUN!

    The Funeral

    Cysero: Warlic, I just want you to know...
    Cysero: Rent is due on Thursday, please make sure to put the check under my door.
    Cysero: Why don't you just bring him back yourself and then kill him here?

    Inside the Garden

    Cysero: My thumbs are quite normal, actually.
    Cysero: Unless I hit them with something. Then they're a pretty awesome shade of pulsing blue-purple.
    Cysero: Not green, though, sorry. Never seen them that color, except for that time I was, er, enhancing Warlic's spare bath-robe with that dye.
    Cysero: But that hardly counts.
    Cysero: Waiting for inspiration to strike me.
    Cysero: And by inspiration I mean one of those eggs up there in that tree.
    Cysero: It's my garden, why wouldn't I be here?
    Cysero: WHAT?
    Cysero: I have things. Why wouldn't I have things? Recently I discovered one of them was a garden.
    Cysero: I could have sworn it was an outhouse before, but hey, you work with what you've got.
    Cysero: Plants, I think. Or planting plants. It looks like a lot of my nature-based magical experiments have wound up here.
    Cysero: Did you see that schnozzberry bush over there?
    Cysero: They taste like schnozzberries!
    Cysero: No one! But I had this dream, and after an afternoon in my workshop--
    Cysero: Yep. Look up. This tree seems to be full of them.
    Cysero: They look pretty ripe, too.
    Cysero: ...
    Cysero: Do eggs get ripe?
    Cysero: That's what it looks like to me, too! And they're pretty big. I bet one would make THREE omelettes!
    Cysero: And what a tree! It sprung up last week shortly after I spilled that plate of sparkly pink stuff on my plate of fried eggs...
    Cysero: I think.
    Cysero: I tossed my ruined breakfast out the window since, for some reason Warlic, says the library isn't a good place for storing ruined food.
    Cysero: I argued that the 'Ruined Food' cabinet was already full but he wouldn't have it.
    Cysero: Sure it does. You just need to look at it the right way.
    Cysero: Fruit comes from trees, right?
    Cysero: And chickencow eggs come from chickencows, right?
    Cysero: So, a chickencow egg is also a chickencow tree seed. Same thing... or close enough for government work.
    Cysero: The tree just needed a little convincing to see things that way. Tis one is bearing chieckencow-fruit. Makes sense to me.
    Cysero: Of course not, it's a tree.
    Cysero: Do you need glasses?
    Cysero: Yup. As soon as they fall, breakfast is mine! I just need to wait for one to drop...
    Cysero: ...And I've got nothing better to do.
    Cysero: ...And I'm hungry.
    Cysero: Any minute now.
    Cysero: Getting VERY hungry now.
    Cysero: OW.
    Cysero: You think you can just fall on me? We'll see about that.
    Cysero: See ya, <<You>>. I have to go introduce this egg to my pals...
    Cysero: Skillet, fork and ketchup.
    Cysero: Cysero! Wait!
    Cysero: Fine, no ketchup.
    Cysero: Can I at least take these other eggs back to Zeuster?
    Cysero: Huh? Sure, go ahead. Knock yourself out.
    Cysero: Before one of these soon-to-be-scrambled eggs does it for you.
    Cysero: She's guardin' the garden, of course.
    Cysero: And you should see what I've got by the BACK gate!

    The Secret Revealed

    Cysero: ...
    Cysero: I want to eat him.

    To Have All the Gold In Lore!

    Cysero: Hey, thanks for the donation <<You>>! I put it to good use!
    Cysero: Sure did! I covered the statue of me with ANOTHER layer of gold!
    Cysero: It's REALLY shiny!

    Going East

    Cysero: Maybe I can help!

    Cysero: I have a couple extra orbs laying around. One can manage your shop for you!

    The Mighty Akriloth

    Cysero: Road Trip! I call shotgun!

    Cysero: I have no idea!

    Ice Gems

    Cysero: You called?

    Cysero: My ears caught fire so I knew someone was talking about me.
    Cysero: You need Warlic too?

    Cysero: What? They need us!

    Cysero: Basically, Drakonnan is a big ol' fiery sponge.
    Cysero: He keeps soaking up more and more power, and it looks like he's stealing juice from other wizards as well.

    Cysero: If he keeps going like this, he'll boil over! Just like if you boiled a sponge full of nitroglycerin!
    Cysero: Actually, that sounds like fun...

    Cysero: Hmm...

    Cysero: That would probably make a pretty cool explosion.. but I might have to make a portable bomb shelter...

    Final Battle!

    Cysero: I have this sponge....


    Cysero: Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee,

    Cysero: The point is I have to pee!

    Cysero: Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee,


    Cysero: Yep!
    Cysero: Glad I could repay the favor we owe you too!

    Mad Haberdasher

    Cysero: Depends on whose watch you're using, doesn't it?
    Cysero: It looks like I'm not wearing a watch. Do YOU think you're on time?
    Cysero: Excellent! Have a teacake!

    Cysero: I'm pretty sure I'm empty. Maybe seven-fifths full. Except that would be overfull, which I'm not.
    Cysero: So that fraction is wrong. Have some tea!
    Cysero: Certainly! I am excellent at providing advice you'd never think to ask for.
    Cysero: Like... "If you only turn left, you'll never get to where you want to go."
    Cysero: Or "Pants explode if you soak them in nitroglycerin and then put them on fire elementals."
    Cysero: That's one I learned the hard way.
    Cysero: Quickly
    Cysero: Pretty much, yep.
    Cysero: well, when *I* want something that someone doesn't want to give me, I give them a gift.
    Cysero: Nope! It's to make them like you more. If they like you more, they'll give you things.
    Cysero: If they give you things, you're more likely to get what you want. You want your friend released.
    Cysero: Think less.
    Cysero: All of them.
    Cysero: Yep.
    Cysero: Can you stand on your head?
    Cysero: Neither can I. How about learning Schnozzberry Tartlets?
    Cysero: Of course not. I only have one hat.
    Cysero: It gets bored very quickly.

    Queen of Tarts

    Cysero: You know what? You should just take her a whole schnozzberry BUSH!
    Cysero: A little smooshing does a berry good. If you like squished berries, that is. Which I do.

    Mad Haberdasher: --is a Schnozzberry bush!
    Mad Haberdasher: Of course not, those are BERRIES.
    Mad Haberdasher: They're magically nutritious. Just try it. Pick one!
    Mad Haberdasher: I should really warn you. The berries-
    Mad Haberdasher:...They REALLY smell.
    Mad Haberdasher: Pretty much.
    Mad Haberdasher: Later would be a worse time.
    Mad Haberdasher: Yup.
    Mad Haberdasher: Mmmm
    Mad Haberdasher: They're delicious! Want one?
    Mad Haberdasher: ....
    Mad Haberdasher: No?
    Mad Haberdasher: What about you, <Character>?
    Mad Haberdasher: Oh, that. It decided to go on strike. So I'm hatless now.
    Mad Haberdasher: Mmmmhmmm!

    A DragonLord's Birthday!

    Cysero: For your gift, you can pay me Warlic's rent!
    Cysero: I made the cake myself!

    Cysero: Next time we'll hold the party outside.
    Cysero: Then, when the snacks turn into monsters, we can put them in an arena and make them battle each OTHER.
    Cysero: That'll be the party's entertainment. I can sell tickets.
    Cysero: That'll help pay my rent.
    Cysero: You won't have to fight things.
    Cysero: ...
    Cysero: That'll make your birthday better.
    Cysero: And if we get lucky, maybe I can work in an explosion or two!

    Collision Course

    ???: Hey, look! Over there! Hamsters of Unusual Size are eating the bushes!
    Cysero: Ok, little guy.. er, big little guy.. in you go!
    Cysero: ...And don't forget your buddy!
    Cysero: Make me proud!
    Cysero: WHOA!
    Cysero: Ow.
    Cysero: Broken? Nah, it's perfectly fine. Just give it a couple of seconds.
    Cysero: See? I used it exactly as it was intended.
    Cysero: L-H-C. Large Hamster Collider.
    Cysero: Not just hamsters. LARGE hamsters!
    Cysero: Oh, I was searching for hamtons.
    Cysero: See, I came up with this theory about a new alternative magical energy source..
    Cysero: ...and I thought your collider here could prove it's existence.
    Cysero: And it looks like it worked! That's the last thing I need for my weapons!
    Cysero: Thanks for the help!
    Cysero: EUCALYPTUS!

    Choose Your Own Adventure Quest

    Cysero: <Character>! Feel like going on an adventure?

    Cysero: Hey <Character>! What's shakin'? Want to hear about my latest experiment?

    Cysero: So little blue dude came to visit me the other day! Zor...Zorbow...Zorbud... Zor-something. He looked really familiar too.
    Cysero: Anyways, he was going on and on about how he kept losing his minions because some guy with an axe was scaring them or something.
    Cysero: And I thought, why don't I have minions? Then I thought about how hungry I was and I wanted some onions!
    Cysero: The Grams came by and started talking about her bunions. And then....

    Cysero: ...and that is how I found my right sock!

    Cysero: Oh, right. Anyways. I want to try and build an anti-magnet! I need some help collecting all the stuff I need though.
    Cysero: Can you go and see if you can either find Yulgar or Lugosi for me?

    Back to the Past

    Cysero: Hmm... I know it's here somewhere...
    Cysero: Maybe... YES!

    Cysero: Awesome! This'll be the perfect power source!

    Cysero: <Character>! Perfect timing! Check this out, I can do science too!

    Cysero: I am making.... SCIENCE!

    Cysero: I have created a.... FLUX INDUCTOR!

    Cysero: A Flux Inductor! It will cause a lag in information to the transductor!

    Cysero: For SCIENCE!

    Cysero: Of course we should! If you can think it up, you can do anything!
    Cysero: I'm-a go switch it on.

    Cysero: Can you guys check outside?

    Cysero: It works!

    Cysero: Because of the transponder in the translocation of the transformer! I named him Optimus One!

    Cysero: Hmm, well, that's interesting.

    Cysero: Ooooh cool!

    Cysero: I should probably figure out how to close it, I guess. And make everyone start moving again.

    Cysero: You should totally go explore it though, <Character>! Have fun!

    Cysero: Oh awesome! Remind me later to go back in time and put that manure cart there.

    Cysero: Huh? You were lost? I just came to grab that one sock I lost ages ago. Funny thing is, it was just sitting there with my other sock!
    Cysero: So I grabbed it for safe keeping. Never know who would try and take it.

    Cysero: Sure thing! I remember that Lim was looking for some plutonium he lost, I can grab it for him!

    Cysero: We'll find out!

    Blackhole Fun

    Cysero: Oh, no, I did that!
    Cysero: Hiya, <Character>!
    Cysero: And look! Sargent Lim of the Science Platoon! How do you feel about spaghetti?
    Cysero: No, no, no. The noodles, thick or thin?
    Cysero: Thick noodles clog your arteries. That's why I prefer mine thin.
    Cysero: But the bakery yaga only had thick noodles today.
    Cysero: Sadface!
    Cysero: Soooo, I decided to borrow your stretchifier.
    Cysero: Yup, that. If it'll pull monsters to it, I bet it will also pull my spaghetti. And THAT will make it thinner.
    Cysero: Watch!

    Cysero: See! it works! Now I just have 468 more strands to stretch!
    Cysero: Oh well. It looks like this one strand was stretched SO much that it'll fill me up all by itself.
    Cysero: Say, Limmy-old-pal. I'm going to stretch my lunch tomorrow morning with your spaghettificationifier machine!
    Cysero: I could really extend my food supply with this thing. It's a GREAT invention!

    Critical Failure!

    Cysero: It's about time! For a minute there, I thought you wouldn't come
    Cysero: I was thinking the townspeople of Falconreach haven't been having much fun lately
    Cysero: So I thought we should all play a game together!
    Cysero: A life-sized board game. It's perfect!
    Cysero: They're all down in the basement of my tower, all in different rooms
    Cysero: It seems the tower twists people's luck, because so far everyone's been rolling critical failures! Who knew?
    Cysero: Alac and Reens, Lim, and Artix are scattered throughout the rooms
    Cysero: I seem to have lost track of Rolith. Whoops!
    Cysero: Exactly! But the only way to move forward is with these dice!
    Cysero: I saved you a set just in case things got out of hand
    Cysero: THAT depends on your definition of out of hand!

    Cysero: Peekaboo!

    Cysero: I have a cursed die and a blessed die. Which do you think I gave you?

    Cysero: Just hanging around

    Cysero: I feel like making a turkey sandwich. Want one?

    Cysero: Great game! So. We'll play again this time next week, right?


    Cysero: Oh hey! Captain Lim of the Chemistry Contingent! Welcome to my garden.
    Cysero: If I'd known you were coming, I'd have invited you to watch! I'm experimenting today.
    Cysero: I'm dividing one shoe by another. Now, I THINK the result will be "sandal" but... I seem to have produced this green goo instead.
    Cysero: Maybe shoe divided by shoe equals "green gum-like goo". I'll have to test it more.
    Cysero: You might want to clean up those apples in the meantime. We can turn them into clocks!

    Cysero: Cool apple minions!
    Cysero: Pie!
    Cysero: I'm going to make a PIE. An apple pie. If I'm lucky, enough of the mutancy will remain to flavor the pie.
    Cysero: This pie will have some BITE to it!

    Mayonnaise Cubed

    Cysero: <Character>!
    Cysero: Good timing! Lets walk and talk. Or just talk, since you look a bit tired.
    Cysero: Sleep more. I make an excellent schnozzberry tea that will help that.
    Cysero: Excellent! Then you can journey to Dragesvard for me while I prepare the rest of the components.
    Cysero: Mayonnaise! Everyone likes mayonnaise.
    Cysero: But I prefer it in cube form!
    Cysero: It does when I make it!
    Cysero: Chunks and chunks of ice. The drier the better-water is bad for the spell- so no melting!

    Cysero: I could use more ice elbows. Elbows are great spell components, you know.
    Cysero: But this ice will do just fine for the mayonnaise cubes.
    Cysero: And you kept it so dry!
    Cysero: Ice that burns should never be used in making food, Lim.
    Cysero: Learn to gastronomize.
    Cysero: You'll never go hungry again!
    Cysero: Oh, all that's left is a whole egg.
    Cysero: The bits of shell make the magic crunchy.

    Cysero: Listen!

    Cysero: Euchre!
    Cysero: There's a wall in the tower, a few halls over from Warlic's bedroom, that REALLY needs a talking mayonnaise cube portrait of me.
    Cysero: It's so lonely and quiet for a wall.

    The Cat Who Walks Through Dimensions

    Cysero: Chapter 17: "Thumbs! More than just an indication of humanity."
    Cysero: Now THIS looks like an interesting chapter... I wonder what kind of power MY thumb has?
    Cysero: Cysero has gained +1 strange box! Doot doot doo dooooooo!
    Cysero: OoooOOOOooo! BOX-KITTY!
    Cysero: Step 1: Box-Kitty!
    Cysero: Step 2: Book!
    Cysero: Step 3: Thumb!
    Cysero: Hmmm. I seem to have a problem here.
    Cysero: I'm sorry, you must be mistaken. This is Box-Kitty, my valiant companion in the exploration of thumb-ical arts.
    Cysero: Shhh. I'm about to do magic!
    Cysero: Now, where was I? Oh, right. Step 4: Putting Box-Kitty on book!
    Cysero: Shhh!
    Cysero: President Lim of the Physics Platoon!
    Cysero: I give you... the Nekonomicon!
    Cysero: You've heard of dog-eared books? Well, this is MUCH better than that!
    Cysero: And all thanks to the power of my thumb!

    Tortoise and the Hare, Sort of

    Cysero: Faster than a speeding rabbit! Greener than my carrier turtle! I am...
    Cysero: President Lim of the Physics Platoon!
    Cysero: I saw your rabbit break down in the middle of the race-track, so I filled it with schnozzberry oil and a ticking clock.
    Cysero: It was sputtering and sparking, but it seems alright now!
    Cysero: Then I took off running while the clock was winding itself up.

    Cysero: So. Where's my trophy?

    If you click to continue:
    Cysero: Come on, little buddy! You can do it!
    Cysero: Whoo! Look at him go!!!

    Cysero: It keeps going and going...!

    Otherwise (Easter Egg):

    Cysero: It keeps going and going...!

    String Thing

    Cysero: ...
    Cysero: Look! No strings attached! This one will work perfectly!

    Cysero: Theoretically, it's string. Technically, it's a broken umbrella.
    Cysero: This is MUCH more fun!
    Cysero: Come on, Admiral Lim of the Astronomy Auxiliary! You, too, <Character>! I have... a PLAN! And I need your help!


    Cysero: Oh, you'll like this! It involves...
    Cysero: SCIENCE!
    Cysero: Come on, Senator Lim of the Space-Time continuum, you need to listen to this theory of mine.
    Cysero: Magic and Science are two halves of the same whole.
    Cysero: Understand it. Know it. Love it.
    Cysero: This morning as I was shaving my rhododendron plant, I had a visitor.
    Cysero: Yes. Handsome, Charming, and VERY full of vital information. But more about him later.
    Cysero: He needed my help and I will ALWAYS help someone in need!
    Cysero: See, there's a machine, and it NEEDS to get built. The fate of the world depends on it!
    Cysero: Your world, my world, his world, her world.
    Cysero: So you see why getting this machine built is so important! Good.
    Cysero: I thought you'd take more convincing.
    Cysero: I have this friend. Well, he's not really a FRIEND, per se...
    Cysero: More of the fourth cousin of an acquaintance of an enemy who did me a favour once after I fixed his plumbing.
    Cysero: But lets call him a friend for brevity's sake.
    Cysero: You might have met him before, <Character>. He doesn't much like strangers...
    Cysero: But if you sneak in and out before he notices you, you'll be able to borrow Biff's Timey-Blimey thingamahicky and get it back...
    Cysero: ...Before he knows its gone!
    Cysero: While you're gone, Lim and I will start building! Once you get back, all we'll need is too wire it in place and like BONZER it'll be done and gone.
    Cysero: You got it!

    Cysero: Heehee!
    Cysero (AQ's Version): Eudaemon.
    Cysero (AQ's Version): It fit PERFECTLY! It was exactly what we needed.
    Cysero (AQ's Version): Hi Lim! Hi <Character>! I'm from your future! You'll get to know me in 5 years or so.
    Cysero: Hi me!
    Cysero: I thought you'd be upstairs baking.
    Cysero (AQ's Version): The herbal breads done rising, and I had enough thyme so I could come and say hi to your friends.
    ???: OUR friends!
    Cysero (AQW's Version): Doot-Doot-Doot!

    Cysero (AQ's Version): Yahoo?
    Cysero: Yo?
    Cysero (AQW's Version): Ahoy-hoy?
    Cysero: I got this, guys. I'ma answer him.
    Cysero: What's up, Tyrant Lim of the Tempus Trireme.
    Cysero: I know the time machine isn't perfect. I wanted it to be bigger on the inside than the outside, too.
    Cysero: But this is pretty good for excellent adventure FutureCysero will use it for.
    Cysero (AQ's Version): Because that's what I remember it looking like.
    Cysero (AQW's Version): So he doodle it and gave it to NotMe.
    Cysero: Yep! It's all very simple.
    Cysero: Now, does anyone have a dime?
    Cysero (AQW's Version): I have peanut-butter glitter. Will that help?
    Cysero (AQ's Version): Nevermind.
    Cysero: 's alright. I'll call collect.
    Cysero (AQ's Version): See ya, Lieutenant Lim of the Ludology Lab.
    Cysero (AQW's Version): Thanks for the help, <Character>!
    Cysero (Painting of the real Cysero): Oh, hey. Is that my left sock? Hey waaaaaaaaaaait...
    Cysero: Breath in the calm, Lieutenant Lim. Breath out the RAGEARRRGHINSANEBLARGRAWR!
    Cysero: Building that machine... MIGHT have broken space-time.
    Cysero: But it was great to have a Cysereunion, wasn't it?
    Cysero: I never knew how handsome I am until today!
    Cysero: FutureCysero contacted me this morning through Orbert here.
    Cysero: I didn't know he could act as a temporal transponder. But he can and he did.
    Cysero: And it let FutureMe send me a message. He needed the Time Booth for... something. He wasn't clear.
    Cysero: Said I'd find out soon enough. Or already knew. He wasn't sure.
    Cysero: Same way YOU did.
    Cysero: But I REALLY needed your help, Lim. Whenever I do science, wires get crossed, and things explode. Or turn into other things.
    Cysero: As much as I like explosions (and fish), I needed the Time Booth to stay in one place, and not a fish.
    Cysero: But I've got to go. SideCysero might have left some peanutbutter glitter behind. Or even better... Jelly Sparkles! Tschus!

    Your Vote

    Cysero: Eucalyptus!

    Magic Rewards Shop

    Cysero: Anyone up for a reuben sandwich?

    Magiscience Rewards Shop

    Cysero: For SCIGIC! And peanutbutter!


    Cysero: Sadface!

    Cysero's Wedding Shop!

    Cysero: I'm getting married this weekend in another dimension! Feel free to don a Cyser-helm and celebrate with me and my lovely bride, Nursey!

    Falconreach Idle!

    Cysero: Good choice of animal; I like togs. They're really useful for guarding shops...
    Cysero: ... and apparently for pet shops, not so much for inspiring meditation, though.
    Cysero: You can't really contemplate what the sound of one tog barking is, for example.

    Cysero: See? There you go. Done. Finito. Meditation over.
    Cysero: Much better to contemplate what the color green feels like.
    Cysero: Now THERE'S something you can sink your metaphorical mental teeth into.
    Cysero: If your mind had teeth. Yours might. Mine doesn't. My teeth are in my mouth.

    We now return to your show!

    Cysero: I asked my PR orb for a stand-in and all I got was a cardboard cutout.
    Cysero: Whaddaya say, Hero, give me Tad's card?
    Cysero: I want to make your people MY people.
    Cysero: But I'm willing to share.

    Cysero: Not quite as elegant an explosion as my nitroglycerin sponges. Now THOSE things make a beautiful BOOM!

    Cysero's appearance on the starting screen of Falconreach

    This Cysero's appearence was removed on Friday 30th March 2007

    Cysero: Hmm? Do I smell burnt toast? Maybe its the Trouble button! Oh and the Black Dragon Box was spotted! Ask Twilly for details.

  • Talk
    Cysero: Hi I'm Cysero, the Mystic Weaponsmith. I travel the world in search of rare meterials with wich to make my magical weapons.
    Cysero: There are some who call me crazy but that's just because I try to make soup into clothing, and some of my experiments have side effects.
    Cysero: If you will excuse me, I have to look busy. HAVE A GREAT DAY! OR ELSE!

  • Shop
    Cysero: MY Shop? It's the next frame to the right. You can use DRAGONCOINS to buy even more Inventory Slots now!

  • The Tower?
    Cysero: That's the Falconreach Guardian Tower on the hill.I had accidentally turned all the Guardians in inside into lipless ducks for a while.

  • Weather?
    Cysero: The heat wave is comin' soon. Heh. I'm funny.

  • Capes & Wings - opens Capes & Wings shop.

  • Done

    Thankstaking (Chapter 5)

    Feast of Welcomegiving!

    Cysero: Almost forgot! No feast is complete without Grape Jelly Reuben sandwiches! Plus Peanutbutter Sparkle topping! BRB!

    Cluck Cluck MOOOOO!

    Cysero: Heya <Character>! Guess what!
    Cysero: I've been experimentin'!
    Cysero: First, I invented a helm made of jellyfish.
    Cysero: Squishy!
    Cysero: Then I made a leaf alarm for Captain Rolith that goes off whenever a tree gets near!
    Cysero: So, in Lore, it's basically almost always on!
    Cysero: Then I got really, really hungry and wanted a big breakfast!
    Cysero: Now it's time to work out with that breakfast, so it stays fit!
    Cysero: So get on your dragon and let's fight!

    Evening Falconreach – The Chronicles of the Midnight Bandits!

    Cysero: Probably not. I was listening to the sound of my hair growing.


    Cysero: Wow! He ate the sun!
    Cysero: It's an eclipse!

    Cysero: Shut up!


    Cysero: Not all of them.

    Cysero: Oh, there are nine.

    Cysero: Yep.
    Cysero: He never got the one in the Falconreach Tower. I made a special fishy room for it when I turned the Tower into a fish.
    Cysero: Hah. Fish.

    Cysero: You never asked me.

    Cysero: Oh, the elements mean nothing you just need eight Orbs.

    Cysero: One Orb and a Time Booth.

    Cysero: I don't know. Let's find out!

    Cysero: The most important Orb of the day! Bacon!
    Cysero: Just need to...
    Cysero: ...Rotate the hamstrational axis slightly to the left...
    Cysero: Set the alarm for 5 minutes before we want to get up... er, done I mean....
    Cysero: Set the coffee maker and get my fish mug....
    Cysero: There! Let's rock, <Character>!

    Cysero: Ok, hang on to the safety bar.

    Cysero: I skipped breakfast... think we could do this eight more times instead of seven?

    Cysero: Fiiiiiiiine.

    Cysero: Aww man.
    Cysero: Maaaaan, not this guy again.

    Cysero: When.

    Cysero: When.

    Cysero: To not do it.

    Cysero: Nothing.

    Cysero: ...Messing with time and space....

    Cysero: Oh, I borrowed his Time Booth a while ago.

    Full Darkness / Extreme Full Darkness

    Cysero: Nope.


    Cysero: I think this is the last one, <Character>!

    Cysero: I wouldn't be too surprised.

    Cysero: The bunch of angry elementals behind you.

    Cysero: **squeals** The best dragon ever! The Bacon Dragon!

    Cysero: Nope. Mine.

    Cysero: Ooooh bananas!

    Thankstaking (Chapter 6)

    The Biggest Thankstaking Ever!

    ???: Ooohh look! Party favors!
    Cysero: Little miniature heroes! How COOL!

    Cysero: Oh. Well, look on the bright side. You can eat your fill and you won't even make a dent in the food!

    Cysero: Sure, hang on a moment.

    Cysero: Woops, butterfingers!

    Cysero: Well, on the bright side, you're back to normal size.

    Cysero: Happy Thankstaking!

    Thankstaking (Chapter 7)

    Good Gravy!

    Cysero:Here's the gravy boat. Nobody said what scale to make it so I improvised.

    Elemental Foothills

    Cysero:I can explain... it was like this when I got here.

  • Portal
    Cysero:I love portals. They keep telling me there's cake there though, and I think they're lying to me.

  • Elementals
    Cysero:Elementals? I haven't seen many around lately....

  • Scouting
    Cysero:You should go look around. Maybe ask that Yonathan up by Mt. Shining Star is he's seen anyone. He has the coolest hair!

    The Weaponsmith's Apprentice

    Cysero: Oh, good you're here. Here's the key and a list of instructions. I gotta go.

    Cysero: Oh... uh... Lesson 1: Following orders on lists!

    Thankstaking (Chapter 9)


    Cysero: I wonder what Volty will blow up this year!

    Cysero: Well, that's disappointing. What am I going to do with all of these hams?

    Cysero: What do YOU eat when you watch explosions?

    Cysero: Fascinating.

    Cysero: Please do! I can't wait to see the size of THAT BOOM!
    Cysero: I'll have to call my ham guy!

    Saving Private Practice

    Cysero: I wonder what Volty will blow up this year!

    Cysero: Magic!

    Cysero: And because I got to eat my hams!

    Cysero: Then hang on tight, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

    Frostval (Chapter 9)

    A Tale of Two Timelines

    Cysero: Hey, I'm just glad we got you out of the tower, buddy. It seems like you've been cooped up there for years.

    Cysero: Hey, I just miss my old funny Warlic.
    Cysero: Plus, isn't this cutout cool? It just popped into my head for some reason.

    Cysero: Have you properly calibrated your hamsters?

    Cysero: What? That sounds awesome. Does it mean I get to keep this hairdo?

    SysSero: Then apologize?

    CyZero: That makes perfect sense!

    Dueling Timelines

    Cysero: Man, where's Galanoth when you need him?

    Frostvale, Act 31

    Cysero: Hey <Character>! Do you think I should dye my hair?

    Cysero: I'm thinking blonde... or maybe metal.... For some reason I keep seeing super shiny metal!

    Cysero: Other me's? Preeeeeeetty sure, there's only one Cysero! Though... two Cysero's would be pretty amazing!
    Cysero: Hey, can I borrow your wand for a second? I just want to see one tiny thing....

    Cysero: Oh well... Happy Holidays!

    Yulgar's First Date

    Cysero: Hey, <Character>! You look like you're thinking about making trouble... how can I help?

    Cysero: That's easy, just go back in time to before it was lost.

    Cysero: Nope! Better!
    Cysero: I have Time Cake!

    Cysero: Eat it! You said 20 years ago right? That should be right... Think really hard about when you want to go back to and just have some cake!

    Cysero: Oh, wow, that actually worked!

    Yulgars First Date Part 2

    Cysero:I could've sworn someone shouted my name.

    Frostval (Chapter 10)


    Cysero:<Character>! You might be just the person to help me!

    Cysero:Nevermind, <Character>. Lim! You're definitely just the person to help me!

    The Mage Tower

    Cysero: You rang?

    Cysero: It's always the mind, <Character>!

    Cysero: He told me not to tell anyone that he is still in our Mage Tower!

    Cysero: He's probably sulk-I mean meditating! On top of the Tower! But I didn't say that!

    Cysero: Perfect!
    Cysero: Come by my shop! Look out for the laundry!

    The Leftovers!

    ???: <Character>!

    Cysero: I invented baecon, woke up, found my middle sock, pondered where geese are from and started a war.
    Cysero: Not necessarily in that order.
    Cysero: But that war thing was in another dimension, so I don't know how it applies here.
    Cysero: So... I pretty much did nothing today. But the day is still young! Oh, and these things appeared.

    Cysero: Not my fault.

    Cysero: Aww, thanks.

    Cysero: Poor babies.
    Cysero: I'm calling them Leftovers.

    Cysero: Yup.

    Cysero: I won't tell.

    Cysero: Because it's funnier to leave it as a cliffhanger that we won't come back to for a long while...
    Cysero: ... that is necessary to push the overarching plot and mystery further!

    Cysero: It's coming right for us!

    Cysero: Oh, oh, oh! Look.

    Cysero: It left a puzzle!
    Cysero: Beat up more of them!

    Cysero: Go go, <Character>!

    Cysero: I believe we were displaced and moved here for plot convenience!

    Cysero: Well, time to go back to town!

    Cysero: Oh, don't worry, <Character>, none of this is canon.

    Cysero: Or is it...?

    Cysero: I'm off, I wanna introduce the Leftovers to my kitchen.

    Lucky Day (Chapter 9)

    Lucky Day Storybook

    Cysero: I have an unusual request for you!

    The Request

    Cysero: Hi <Character>! Thanks for coming on such short notice!

    Cysero: See, I laid golden eggs for Lukkhi.

    Cysero: Golden omelettes.

    Cysero: The Grenwog took them and hid them all over Lore, most likely!

    Cysero: ¯_(?)_/¯

    Cysero: Find the Grenwog, find my eggs, eat a golden omelette! Duh!
    Cysero: In whatever order you want!

    Cysero: You can't!

    Cysero: We don't have the golden eggs.
    Cysero: That I laid.

    Cysero: Yes.
    Cysero: The Grenwog is most likely in my magical garden, again.
    Cysero: I would go with you, but I don't want to.

    The Duo

    Cysero: Resplendid!
    Cysero: Just one quick quesh.
    Cysero: These are not my eggs. Where are my eggs? I know my eggs.
    Cysero: I laid them.

    Plans Entwined

    Cysero: Oh, what's up, dudes? Whatcha watchi—
    Cysero: Ooh, I love this episode! Move over, Xan!

    Frostval (Chapter 15)

    Frostval in Falconreach

    Cysero: Hi!

    Cysero: Yeah, I stol- I saved just this one.

    Cysero: It has my name on it, see?

    Cysero: And it's green!

    Cysero: Magic works in mysterious ways!

    Cysero: No.

    Cysero: No.

    Cysero: ...

    Return to the Garden

    Cysero: Hi, <Character>! What are you doing back in my garden?

    Cysero: Yeah. Didn't you see the fence?

    Cysero: Obvious how?
    Cysero: Should I give it the ability to talk so that it tells you when you're passing it?
    Cysero: Maybe I can give it hands that tap you so that you stop and see what's poking you repeatedly.

    Cysero: Oh.
    Cysero: Well, that's not as interesting, but I guess I could do that.
    Cysero: But first, you need to pay me!

    Cysero: Well, this is my garden.
    Cysero: So you owe me money for being here.
    Cysero: Let's see... I charge 25 Dragon Coins per hour here, and you have been here for 42 hours...
    Cysero: ... and including grass trampling damages, wildlife harassment fees... extended stay tax, not to mention sock disturbance...
    Cysero: That will be...

    Cysero: ...5 trillion Dragon Coins, please!

    Mogloween (Chapter 17)

    Best Day Ever!

    Cysero: Speaking line!

    Cysero: The undead or the citizens?

    Cysero: Have fun, kids!

    The Undead Vs Artix

    Cysero: Why not both!

    Thankstaking (Chapter 16)

    The Senseless

    Cysero: I wonder if it has something to do with the figure I saw skulking around last night.

    Cysero: Yeah, it was going in and out of people's houses all mysterious like.

    Cysero: I was sleepwalking!

    Cysero: Yeah, it scampered off towards Doomwood!

    A Dragon's Day Out

    Cysero: Oh hi there, <Dragon>! What can I do for you?

    Cysero: Of course I can!

    Cysero: Have you seen my store?

    Cysero: Ah yes! Schnozzberries ARE delicious!

    Cysero: I grow them every year! They go great with so many things! I'm so glad you brought it up!

    Cysero: Wow, you're so talkative today, <Dragon>!

    Cysero: Schnozzberry pie does sound like a good idea!

    Cysero: ...And here I thought a Schnozzberry pie would be a great present for <Character>.
    Cysero: Welp, back to work standing here!

    A Visit to Cysero (Book 3)

    Cysero: Welcome to my Superstore, <Character>! Good to see you. I'd offer you a chair but last week I traded all of them for a small boat.

  • Talk
    Cysero: I see. So you're finally training up those Guardian skills. huh? It's about time.
    Cysero: Walking around town in that armor, having no idea how to use it...well, it made you look a bit silly.
    Cysero: Eckhard probably sent you to me so that I could fix up your armor... make it all shiny and new, again.
    Cysero: I see he's been treating it with all the good stuff. That will make this a little less dangerous than usual!
    Cysero: <Character>, are you prepared for the armor enchantment that will restore your cracked and damaged armor?
    Cysero: This powerful spell will revive your mystical armor to the bygone beauty and might from centuries ago...
    Cysero: I must warn you, that if I get this spell wrong, all your enchanted weaponry in your backpack will be reduced to useless junk.
    Cysero: ARE YOU PREPARED??!
    • Yes!
      Cysero: Alriiiiiiiight! that's the spirit! LETS DO THIS!
      Cysero: Ok, we're done. It worked. Boy, is that shiny...I could just stare at that shiny armor for....for.....
      Cysero: ...
      Cysero: ...*shakes head* Sorry, shiny things tend to capture my attention. The stuff looks great, wear it with pride.
      Cysero: Now get out there and do some good...Guardian <Character>!
      • Complete Quest!

    • NOOO!
      Cysero: Oh, Ok. Well, come back when you're ready.

    The Mastermind

    Cysero: Just had to change the batteries! Should last another 20 years or so!

    The End of Magic (Part 2)

    Cysero: Cluckson! I need a report on that Egg Drive, now!

    Cysero: We're out of tea! If only we had some kind of substitute!
    Cysero: But where would we find another kind of caffeinated beverage at this time of year?!

    Cysero: It'll just have to make do! Bacon Crispers are ready to go, Good Morning algorithms are set...!

    Cysero: Dr. When's not here! And we can't wait for him to show up!

    Cysero: And the Frying Pan is ready! No more delays, it's now or never!

    Cysero: And...!
    Cysero: Hold on. Everything's calming down? Parameters are returning to normal-ish levels!

    Cysero: Have they... they have! They must have done it! The apocalypse is canceled!

    Cysero: That's right, Lore is saved. And I'll tell you what we'll do, Cluckson.
    Cysero: We'll have breakfast!

    Mogloween (Chapter 19)


    Cysero: Ahoy there, Space <ChickenCowboy/ChickenCowgirl/ChickenCowkid>! I don't want DragonCoins from you today. They taste awful anyway. Gimme Chocolate Coins!

  • Cysero's Booth - opens Cysero's Booth shop.

    April Fools 2008 Appearance
    Side View Appearance
    Lucky Day 2018 Appearance
    Lucky Day 2018 Side View Appearance
    CandyCon Appearance

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for image, side view image, and CandyCon image.
  • Voodoo Master for location link, and additional dialogue.
  • Occavatra for Lucky Day 2018 appearance images.
  • Jay and Stephen Nix for location links, additional dialogue, and corrections.
  • Links, Nemi133, and Windy for location links.
  • ArchMagus Orodalf, Barong the DemiGod, GhostBear5, ILmaster13, Krazy_Kakadu, Peachii, SalvationXI, and Tolkienfanatic for additional dialogue.
  • P.Js and Silver Xoven for information.
  • Niki and Slayer Zach for corrections.

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