The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (Full Version)

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Brasca123 -> The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (5/28/2016 7:07:41)

Ultimate Mage Guide

By Brasca123

This guide was previously owned by Apocalyptic Silence, Archmagus Baron, SiLvErWiNg, The Game, Spellfire and Rasudido

What is a mage?

A mage in AQ is a character who uses spells as one of their two main sources of damage. Mages generally have incredibly high damage within the first turns of battle and do lower damage with weapons as a result of the higher damage output given by spells. Sometimes the damage from spells itself is enough to end the battle, making mages the quickest at killing monsters, and consequently, at farming.

Mage characters are great at dealing with “Glass Cannon” monsters (high damage, but with low HP) but have slightly more trouble dealing with “Tank” monsters (lower damage but High HP).

If this is what you want your character to do then I suggest you keep reading and make a mage, otherwise you can look at the other guides to pick a build that better suits you.

What This Guide Will Do For You And What It Won’t

This guide is meant to give you a general sense of what to do to build a mage character; it will give you advice on equipment on each category and a small look at strategies and build for this type of gameplay. While the suggestions given within the guide will probably be enough as for you to play the game without problems it won’t give you specific advice on all the questions that might show up while playing. Also, I won't suggest any Z-token item or Z-token package item.

If you want specific advice I suggest you look into the Questions and Answers part of the forum or the Equipment Comparison , between the two it’s likely the advice you seek can be found. Other good places to look for advice are the other guides within this forum.

It is expected that at one point you make decisions on your own and build what character you feel comfortable with, things in this guide are guidelines of the best general strategies, but that doesn't mean other choices not contained in the guide aren't valid, in fact, i think the thing that brings me the most fun is to think of new ways to play the game and new builds to play around with, making your own character is certainly one of my favorite things to do in the game.

Some General Tips

Item upgrading feature

An important thing to note is that an Item Upgrader Feature (guardians only) was released a few years back, it allows you to upgrade any item that is not an Yearly MC (explained later on the guide) to the next tier available, this post gives some basic info on it.

To access the upgrader do the following (make sure to log-out of the game before doing it):

Go to » manage your account » login » shop item level upgrading » upgrades (all of your characters will be listed here, choose the one you want) » click on the green arrow to upgrade any underleveled item you have.

For a full view on which items can be upgraded and which can't, as well as to what tiers they will be upgraded, check the Upgradeable Item List (might be a bit hard to find the item you want, so make sure to use Ctrl + F to find it).

Account Vault System

A very recent and very useful feature is the new Account Vault System (more info on it on this post), it allows you to share items between characters on your account, while this doesn't help new players much, old players with plenty of rare items or items from the Golden Gift Boxes can easily share them among their various characters for different playstyles, making this quite an useful feature.

It's also useful for people that bought Z-tokens package that gives items as bonuses, as you can now share those items with other characters of your account and buy them again via the "Ballyhoo Rewards" button.

Ready Inventory Before Battle

After you start playing, click the "options" button below your character HP, MP and SP bars, and click on "more", after that check the tag "Ready Inv Before Battle (AQ)". This will allow you to change your equipped items at the beginning of the fight. While not really important at the early levels of the game, at the later levels you can be killed in a single turn if you are caught in wrong armor, so make sure to always keep this option working.


At the starting town of battleon, you will be able to see a button on the bottom right named "Ballyhoo and Upgrades". If you click it and later on "Ballyhoo" you'll be taken to a screen in which you can "Open the Magic Chest", this will let you see an advertisement of a little less than 1 minute, after that you'll gain a considerable amount of gold. You can usually see 10 to 17 advertisements per day. This gold will help you tons on the earlier levels of the game, so it's highly recommended to watch the ballyhoo videos every day. It also has a small chance of giving some XP and some Z-tokens as well.

Housing System

Houses are bought with Valencia on the "House and House Item Shop", houses are pretty good because they start selling at 90% of their buying price (They cost Z-tokens), and their selling price increase by 1% every week, which means you can earn some free Z-tokens just by waiting until your house's interest grows. Also, houses give access to temporary items and to storage slots. The temporary items might be useful to some, but most importantly, the storage slots are extremely necessary for playing the game as you might want to save rare items for later use, or just to avoid doing a big quest again. So it's extremely recommended to buy a house, even if it's a small one.


For finding any section of the guide quickly press Ctrl+ F on your keyboard and type the code beside the section you want.

Stat Evaluation [001]

Stats Formulae [002]

Builds Section [003]
  • Pure Mage [0031]
  • Annihilator Mage [0032]
  • Pure BeastMaster Mage [0033]
  • Annihilator BeastMaster Mage [0034]

    Mastercrafted Equipment [004]

    Some notes on items [005]

    What Should My No-Drop Element Be? (Guardians Only) [006]

    Weapons [007]
  • No-Drop Weapons [0071]
  • Temporary Weapons (Guardian Only) [0072]
  • Custom Weapon (Guardian Only) + Paxian Deliverance (All Players) [0073]
  • Weapons For Each Element [0074]
      Fire Weapons [00741]
      Water Weapons [00742]
      Wind Weapons [00743]
      Ice Weapons [00744]
      Earth Weapons [00745]
      Energy Weapons [00746]
      Light Weapons [00747]
      Dark Weapons [00748]
  • Compression Weapons [0075]
  • Utility Weapons [0076]

    Armors [008]
  • No-Drop Armors [0081]
  • Temporary Armors (Guardians Only) [0082]
  • Class Armors [0083]
      Tier 1 Armors [00831]
      Tier 2 Armors [00832]
      Tier 3 Armors [00833]
  • Basic Elemental Coverage [0084]
  • Shapeshifter Armors [0085]
  • Armors For Each Element [0086]
      Fire Armors [00861]
      Water Armors [00862]
      Wind Armors [00863]
      Ice Armors [00864]
      Earth Armors [00865]
      Energy Armors [00866]
      Light Armors [00867]
      Darkness Armors [00868]
  • Compression Armors [0087]
  • Utility Armors [0088]

    Spells [009]
  • Ally Assist Function [0091]
  • Temporary Spells [0092]
  • Spells For Each Element [0093]
      Fire Spells [00931]
      Water Spells [00932]
      Wind Spells [00933]
      Ice Spells [00934]
      Earth Spells [00935]
      Energy Spells [00936]
      Light Spells [00937]
      Darkness Spells [00938]
  • Guests [0094]
      Call Spells [00941]
      Summon Spells [00942]
      Unusual Upkeep Guests [00943]
      Temporary Guests [00944]

  • Healing Spells [0095]
  • Compression Spells [0096]
  • Utility Spells [0097]
      Utility SPells [00971]
      Utility MP spells [00972]
    Shields [010]
  • No-Drop Shields [0101]
  • Basic Elemental Coverage [0102]
  • Shields For Each Element [0103]
      Fire Shields [01031]
      Water Shields [01032]
      Wind Shields [01033]
      Ice Shields [01034]
      Earth Shields [01035]
      Energy Shields [01036]
      Light Shields [01037]
      Darkness Shields [01038]
  • Compression Shields [0104]
      Simultaneous Resistance Shields [01041]
      Toggle Resistance Shields [01042]
      Shifting Resistance Shields [01043]
  • Utility Shields [0105]

    Pets [011]
  • Custom Pets (Guardians Only) [0111]
  • Basic Elemental Coverage [0112]
  • Pets For Each Element [0113]
      Fire Pets [01131]
      Water Pets [01132]
      Wind Pets [01133]
      Ice Pets [01134]
      Earth Pets [01135]
      Energy Pets [01136]
      Light Pets [01137]
      Dark Pets [01138]
  • Compression Pets [0114]
  • Healing Pets [0115]
  • Utility Pets [0116]

    Miscellaneous Items [012]
  • Elemental Resistance Miscs [0121]
      Fire Miscs [01211]
      Water Miscs [01212]
      Wind Miscs [01213]
      Ice Miscs [01214]
      Earth Miscs [01215]
      Energy Miscs [01216]
      Light Miscs [01217]
      Dark Miscs [01218]
      Compression Miscs [01219]
  • Other Miscs [0122]
      Damage Miscs [01221]
      Utility Miscs [01222]
    Golden Gift Boxes, Seasonal Items, Special Offers And Other Things [013]
  • Golden Gift Boxes [0131]
      Common Shop [01311]
      Rare Shop [01312]
      Ultra Rare Shop [01313]
  • Seasonal Rares [0132]
      SnuggleFest [013201]
      Blarney [013202]
      April Fools [013203]
      Grenwog [013204]
      Mother's Day [013205]
      Father's Day [013206]
      Independence Day [013207]
      Mogloween [013208]
      Harvest Festival [013209]
      Frostval [013210]
  • Void Take Over [0133]

    End Notes And Helpful Links [014]

    Credits [015]

    Change Log [016]

    Link Maintenance Section [017]

    Stat Evaluation

    Strength (STR): Not really an important stat to mages, increases melee weapons damage and bonus to hit (BTH), as well as ranged weapons damage.
    Dexterity (DEX) The main support stat of the game, it increases the BTH of your weapons, spells, pets and guests, as well as a huge part of your blocking, it's importance is big enough to the point that it's recommended to get 200 on it on all mage builds.
    Intelligence (INT): The base stat to any mage build and the stat that will always be maxed to 200 in a mage. It increases your spell and weapon damage and BTH, as well as your base mana (do note that at some points during leveling, increasing your INT will not increase your MP any further, this is not a bug, but an intended feature, so that you'll never have more than 4 spellcasts in any given level).
    Charisma (CHA): Increases damage and BTH of your pets and guests, usually only used at beastmaster builds.
    Endurance (END): It increases your health points, it's a stat that you should only put points up to a certain point until you feel comfortable with your current health, put too little and you'll die too easily, put too much and you'll waste stat points, an important stat, but secondary.
    Luck (LUK): The last support stat of the game, it's more offensive than DEX giving a huge damage boost whenever a lucky strike (LS) happens, it also increases your, your pet, and your guest accuracy, as well as your blocking, both by a really small amount. Luck also plays a role on who will start the battle.

    Where Do I train my stats?

    This section was shamelessly copied from the Ultimate Hybrid Guide (with ss2195's permission)

    If you want to avoid having a hard time going through the game, it’s always advised to keep your stats up to date. In the upcoming sections, you will see the various forms a Mage can take in terms of the stat spread, but where do you train your stats?
    In Battleon, on the hill you'll find an orange Rabbit-like creature with an infectiously cute smile. If you say "hello" to him, he'll in turn offer to whisk you off to a part of town where the stat and combat trainers reside. A little information, before you try to best them in battle.

    Combat Practice: To summarize it, he's a Drakel Swordsman... and he'll gladly help you test your equipment. You can request him to change the weapon he attacks with, and he'll even let you flee from the battle without having to let go off your SP points!

    Sir Lanceler: He can train all of your six stats up to a cap of 75 points, beyond which you're going to have to train with the specialized trainers. His MP based Fire attack might catch you off-guard, so approach him with a bit of caution.

    Neberon the Mage: He can help you train a stat all the way to 200, with the drawback being that his training is limited to three stats: Intelligence, Luck and Charisma. He functions in the way mages in AQ are designed, he starts off with a powerful Spell attack which consumes his mana, and switches to a weaker attack once he exhausts his mana pool.

    Grimweld the Warrior: The warrior counterpart to Neberon, he can train your Strength, Dexterity and Endurance to 200. While Neberon would be by definition a glass cannon, Grimweld is a tank with high health and reasonable damage which can be a problem in lower levels.

    What happens if you want to untrain your stats? You can visit Sir Pwnsalot in Death's Domain to untrain your stats for free, and if you are a guardian, he can be accessed by going to the Guardian tower's teleporter. Just remember to click on his jaw to speed up the process.

    Stats Formulae

    Stat Damage Bonus (Per 100% Stat damage)

    Melee:::: STR/8 + LUK/20
    Ranged:: STR/10 + DEX/40 + LUK/20
    Magic:::: INT*3/32 + LUK/20
    Spells:::: INT/4 + LUK/20
    Pets:::::: CHA/15

    Stat Bonus to Hit (BtH)

    Melee:::: [STR*(3/40) + DEX*(3/40) + LUK/40]
    Ranged:: [DEX*(3/20) + LUK/40]
    Magic:::: [INT*(3/40) + DEX*(3/40) + LUK/40]
    Pets:::::: [CHA*(3/40) + DEX*(3/40) + LUK/40]

    Blocking Ability

    Blocking Bonus from Stats:: [DEX/8 + LUK/40]

    HP, MP & SP Formula

    Player HP = [23.8 * ((5.25 + 0.5625 * Level + 0.00375 * Level^2) + (1 + 0.066 * Level) * END/16)]
    Player MP = [4.1 * (32 + (6.1 + 2.3375 * Level + 0.01125 * Level^2) * MIN(1, INT / MIN(Level * 2.1462 + 5.7076, 200)))]
    Player Max SP = [2.25 * (38.1 + 2.3375 * PowLevel + 0.01125 * PowLevel^2)]
    Player SP Regeneration = [0.15 * (38.1 + 2.3375 * PowLevel + 0.01125 * PowLevel^2)]

    For further information on the game formulas, check Kaelin's Master List of Game Formulae.

    Builds Section

    In this section I'll recommend a few stat builds for Mages. Keep in mind that you are free to experiment with variations on any build to suit your own preferences. The builds recommended here should be viewed as standard builds and by no means the only possible builds.

    Pure Mage

    This is the standard mage build, in which you focus on making sure you have a high damage output, at the same time you try to maintain a reasonable survivability.

    Lv 025 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 050 | INT ~ 075 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 000 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 050 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 100 | INT ~ 150 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 000 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 075 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 175 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 000 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 100 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 050 | CHA ~ 000 | LUK ~ 050
    Lv 125 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 050 | CHA ~ 000 | LUK ~ 175
    Lv 135 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 075 | CHA ~ 000 | LUK ~ 200
    Lv 150 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 150 | CHA ~ 000 | LUK ~ 200

    Pros: Well balanced and quite easy to play with, you'll have a reasonable survivability and damage output throughout the whole game.

    Cons: Your pets won't be able to help you much.

    Annihilator Mage

    This goes all out on the offensive side, ignoring any sort of survival to try and kill everything as quick as possible.

    Lv 025 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 000 | INT ~ 125 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 000 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 050 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 050 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 000 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 075 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 175 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 000 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 100 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 000 | LUK ~ 100
    Lv 125 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 025 | LUK ~ 200
    Lv 135 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 075 | LUK ~ 200
    Lv 150 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 150 | LUK ~ 200

    Pros: Extremely efficient at killing anything at top speed, also able to use all sorts of pets because of the high CHA.

    Cons: Dies really easily, almost necessary to always use a resistance misc.

    Pure BeastMaster Mage

    Focuses on using pets and guests to help you out throughout the battles.

    Lv 025 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 000 | INT ~ 065 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 060 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 050 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 000 | INT ~ 130 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 120 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 075 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 000 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 175 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 100 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 050 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 050 | CHA ~ 200 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 125 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 175 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 050 | CHA ~ 200 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 135 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 075 | CHA ~ 200 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 150 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 150 | CHA ~ 200 | LUK ~ 000

    Pros: With the use of pets and guests you'll have the most versatility of all mage builds, great if you want a varied playstyle.

    Cons: The lack of DEX through a good part of the leveling process means you'll have some problems regarding blocking and accuracy, also, lacking LUK leaves you at a small disadvantage when you or the enemy tries to inflict a status aliment.

    Annihilator BeastMaster Mage

    Also tries to use pets and guests to the maximum of their capability, as the annihilator mage, it also sacrifices plenty of survivability for the sake of killing things as quickly as possible, the main difference between them is actually on the leveling process.

    Lv 025 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 000 | INT ~ 065 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 060 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 050 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 000 | INT ~ 130 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 120 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 075 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 000 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 175 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 100 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 100 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 200 | LUK ~ 000
    Lv 125 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 200 | LUK ~ 025
    Lv 135 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 200 | LUK ~ 075
    Lv 150 | STR ~ 000 | DEX ~ 200 | INT ~ 200 | END ~ 000 | CHA ~ 200 | LUK ~ 150

    Pros: As above, you'll have plenty of versatility to play with, you'll also be able to kill things really quick and won't have the problems of lacking LUK for status aliments, and will fix the accuracy and blocking problem quicker.

    Cons: Just like the "pure" annihilator, you'll have a really hard time surviving anything without some resistance miscs.

    Mastercrafted Equipment

    While the name sounds fancy, a mastercrafted equipment (or MC'd for sort) is just an item that is 5% stronger than standard equipment, this can be used in any way the staff wants, like bigger damage, or more BTH, a weak effect, making an effect stronger, among a wide variety of things.

    On the past they were "Uber" items, and always had a huge quest to get them, as they became easier to get by and not as special as they were in the past, the name was changed to the current mastercrafted.

    Also, every year a new yearly MC set is released, these sets cannot be upgraded through the item upgrader feature and usually have a pretty big quest.

    The current MC sets are: Nemesis, Solaris, Morningstar, Overlord, Twilight, Communicant, Talados, Asgardian Dragon Knight, Chimeran, Fujin, Celtic, Osiris and Ice Cream. (Only the armors have been linked for convenience's sake, but none of the items from the set are upgradeable through the item upgrader)

    The important things to remember about the MC'd items is that:

    1) They are more expensive than a normal item, which means you might have some trouble affording them.
    2) A 5% bonus is a really small thing, just because an item is MC'd, it doesn't mean it is the best for your build, make sure to compare it properly to current existing gear to decide whether or not it's worth it for you.

    For more information on the MC'd equipment, please head over to the =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items.

    Some notes on items

    Before properly entering in items suggestions, I'd like to introduce for what kind of playstyle I'll recommend each item to.

    There are 2 main playstyles that directly affect the recommendation of items for mages.

    Fully Offensive (FO): Focuses on using Fully Offensive (again, FO) armors, paired together with weapons with a low chance of triggering a special (weapon special chance will be further refereed to as proc chance, or just proc), ideally you'll have an inventory filled with only 0% proc weapons, as those deal more damage to compensate the lack of special (specials deal more damage than the average attack, this special is not affected by your armor lean, hence why it's better not to have an special in an offensive armor). This is by a large margin the most commonly used playstyle.

    Fully Defensive (FD): Focuses on using Fully Defensive armors paired up with equipment that is not affected by your armor lean. There are 2 main ways to play as a FD player, with the main difference between them being the weapon setup, the rest should be fairly similar. Fully Defensive setups have a considerable amount of equipment gaps and are a lot slower than Fully Offensive ones, which makes them quite unpopular among most of the playerbase.
      Fully Defensive Attacker (FDA): Focuses on using Fully Defensive (FD) armors, paired together with weapons with a high proc, ideally, 100% proc. These weapons (further refereed to as wands), to compensate the fact that they always ignore armor lean deal 10% less damage, which means you'll be receiving 80% damage while dealing 90% damage, making this a bit more efficient playstyle than the FO one.

      Fully Defensive Caster (FDC): As above, focuses on using FD armors, the main difference between this playstyle and the former, is that this one uses mainly Spellcasting Weapons (Further refereed to as Tomes), like Healing Branch or Paladin's Legacy among other options, for healing MP and spells for dealing the damage, this means that pretty much all your weapon slots will be filled with either utility weapons or Tomes.
    Do note that those abbreviations are used only by me for making things easier for my write up on the rest of the guide, don't expect anyone to understand you if you say FDA or FDC on any other part of the forums (FO is fairly common though).

    What Should My No-Drop Element Be? (Guardians Only)

    Guardians have the option of choosing the element of their No-Drop equipment on the guardian tower by talking to Nimrod, it starts at none and can be changed to any of the 8 elements.

    It's usually recommended to have an element set as your No-Drop, as it's really hard to use a not aligned armor in the later levels of the game, also, the price goes up as you level, so make sure to choose your no-drop element early in the game for saving gold.

    Currently speaking the recommended element for you to choose is:

    FO: Wind, the current selection of wind armors is not that bad for FO players, but isn't that incredible either, choosing your no-drop as wind should give you a decent option to put in that place. Alternatively, Water is also a good choice, with probably the worse armor selection available... but the Celtic shield is just too good to ignore, so Wind is recommended instead.

    FD: This one actually changes with how long you actually play the game, for starters, I'd recommend either Earth or Ice, as both of them don't have really good options permanently available, as you get the seasonal options that the game offers you, it would be good to change the element of your No-Drop to Fire, as that is the only element without a single FD option in the whole game

    If you wish to change the your no-drop to another that is not recommended on the guide, my advice would be to choose it for an element that you don't like your armor, as armors are the most important piece of gear in the whole game.

  • Brasca123 -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (5/28/2016 11:19:45)


    While spells are certainly one of the main damage sources of a mage, weapons will deal more damage than spells against enemies with plenty of health, making it very important to always keep your weapon inventory updated. They are also your only source of damage when you're out of MP.

    No-Drop Weapons

    As the name dictates, these are weapons that cannot be removed from your inventory.

    Adventurers start with the Wooden Staff, which is earth element and will have a Power Level 20 Levels under your character, this is quite bad and adventurers do not have access to anything better, so you might need a compression weapon (a weapon that can attack with 2 or more elements, usually 2) to compensate for the lack of a good No-Drop weapon.

    Guardians have a bigger amount of options for their No-Drop, which will be further looked upon below

    Guardian Staff - While the entry says that this weapon attacks with a random element, it does not, it actually follows the element of your No-Drop equipment and only attacks randomly if your No-Drop element is none. It has a 5% proc special that summons the Guardian Dragon, which is not that much of a good special. The weapon is within acceptable ranges, though the special is kinda weak, you'll want to swap this weapon for the staff of awe as soon as you can, simply because the awe weapon has a better special, alternatively, you can also use the arcane ultra guardian scythe, which is kinda random, so only works as an utility weapon.

    Arcane UltraGuardian Scythe - This weapon attacks with a random element (it somewhat follows the element of your no-drop, making it having twice the usual chance for the element of your no-drop, and 0% chance of using the element of the opposite element), it also receives a damage bonus for the randomness, aside from that, it can cast on the 3% proc special the UltraGuardian Dragon, which instantly kills your enemy, while the special is pretty strong, and the damage bonus is quite nice, it's still a quite random weapon, making it not very reliable. Recommended only if you have a spare weapon slot.

    Staff of Awe - The weapon that most people choose as their no-drop, it follows the element of your no-drop just like the guardian staff (if your element is none it will default to earth, it will never attack with a random element), it has 6 different specials, which added together end up to a 10% proc, while that is not bad, it isn't ideal for FO mages, and is quite bad for FD ones. Even so, this is the recommended weapon for most players due to the randomness of the UltraGuardian Scythe.

    Temporary Weapons (Guardians Only)

    If you don't like any of the no-drop weapons in the game, there are a few temporary options that might help you out that substitute the no-drop (while adventurers CAN use temporary no-drop options, none of them are good enough to get a mention here (except for options that require houses or rare items, or tokens, as those don't get mentioned here either)).

    Salvation Scepter (Location: Warp Wars - Today's Events » Warpforce Crossover Quests » Warp Wars!) - This 0% light weapon triggers on devourer minions for +10% damage and element seeking. As it has no downtrigger, it's probably the best temporary weapon for FO setups.

    Draconic Blade - This 0% weapon follows your No-drop element (Ice if Neutral), it triggers on drakels/dragonking for 105% damage and starts giving harm damage, it also triggers on dragons for 120% damage and starts giving void/2 (void usually deals double damage, it's divided by 2 to keep standard damage) damage, deals 95% damage against the rest, not only that, it also gives you a temporary spell that has the same mechanic as the draconic blade, but dealing 90% against non-trigger enemies. Due to the built-in spell, this weapon is actually useful for all mages, FO mages will make good use of the fact that it is a 0% proc weapon and of the built-in spell as well, while the FDA and FDC mages will make good use of the built-in spell. Both the weapon and the spell are also able to poison drakel/dragonkin/dragon for extra damage.

    Dragon Staff - Works a lot like the Draconic Blade, but it deals true void damage instead of void/2 damage against pure dragons, against non-trigger enemies it deals 90% damage instead of 95% though, if your No-drops are Neutral it's Earth element instead of Ice element, the downside, it's that you need to do a big quest to get it, which makes it quite annoying to get at every log-in, it still wins at every aspect from Draconic Blade though (at least against dragons, you might just stick to draconic on the other enemies), so it's a wonderful option for FO mages.

    Dragon Scepter - Exact copy of Dragon Staff, but it's a 100% proc weapon instead of 0% proc, making it the top temporary weapon for FDA mages. FDC mages will probably also prefer this one to the Dragon Staff because it can attack on a pinch when you don't have enough time to heal MP for more spellcasting.

    The 3 dragon trigger weapons are specially useful if paired up with the Dracomorgrify Spell that can turn most enemies of the game into dragons.

    Custom Weapon (Guardians Only) + Paxian Deliverance (All Players)

    The Custom Weapon is a weapon that can be largely customized by the player, you can choose the element, special and lean (accurate or inaccurate), my recommendations for the custom weapon are:

    1) Choose the element you think are your weakest, don't substitute a good weapon when you could substitute a bad one.
    2) Choose the accurate lean, as monsters can go over the 200 cap on DEX, they usually end up being more dodgy than players, which means accurate leans are usually better.
    3) If you're an FO player, choose the 0% proc special, if you're an FDA choose either the paralyzing special or don't bother with the custom weapon at all. FDC players have no real need of a custom weapon. If you do want to get it, get the paralyzing special as well, since it's the only one that works as an utility weapon.

    On a similar way that the custom weapon works, the Paxian Deliverance weapon is another that you can choose the element of (you can't change anything else though). For this weapon, I actually recommend choosing the element not based on your gameplay necessities, but on the clan that you like the most. Clans involve a lot of roleplaying and it would be really sad to simply choose one because you want a weapon of that element. Do keep in mind that this weapon deals 95% damage against most things and 110% against truphmas, so you'll usually use it with the damage penalty.

    Weapons For Each Element

    Below I'll list weapon recommendations for each element, as said on the beginning of the guide, those are just general recommendations of what I think it's best for each element, if you think you like another item more, feel free to use it instead.


    FO: Carnafex Sceptre (Location: War of the Giants Finale on Stonerule) - 0% proc weapon, spends MC on compressing Fire and Ice elements.

    FDA: Akasha Wand - 100% proc weapon, spends the MC on a MP regen ability.

    FDC: There is no tome available for fire, use this slot for an utility weapon.


    FO: Ultra OmniKnight Blade (Location: Rise Of The Shadow Council) - 0% proc weapon, spends MC on compressing Water and Ice elements.

    FDA: Tsunami Pen or Healing Branch - Tsunami pen is a 100% proc weapon that boosts water spells, Healing Branch is a tome with some utility spells besides the damage one. Stick to tsunami pen for as long as you can, you should swap it for Healing Branch in the later levels of the game due to a lack of top tiers for Tsunami Pen.

    FDC: Healing Branch - A Tome that has 3 Spells, a healing one, one that cures statuses and one that deals Water damage.


    FO: Silver Blade of Victory (Location: Warlic's Shop) or Kazemai Athame - Both weapons are 0% proc, Kazemai Athame is MC'd, while Silver Blade is not; Kazemai spends the MC on a BTH boost for spells, first tier at Level 105. Kazemai is definitely better, but since the first tier is only for high Level players, you should use Silver Blade until then.

    FDA: Feather Buster (Location: Play the Harpie) - 100% proc weapon, MC boosts the damage of Wind spells by +9.375% (entry says 12.5%, but it was nerfed).

    FDC: No tome for Wind, use an utility weapon on this slot.


    FO: Ultra OmniKnight Blade (Location: Rise Of The Shadow Council) or Carnafex Sceptre (Location: War of the Giants Finale on Stonerule) - Ultra OmniKnight Blade is a 0% proc weapon that spends MC on compressing Ice and Water elements; Carnafex Sceptre is a 0% proc weapon that spends the MC on compressing Ice and Fire elements.

    FDA: There is no wand for Ice, use an utility weapon here. Ryuusei's Freezing Staff is a good possibility during leveling, a bit lacking at top Levels though.

    FDC: No tome for Ice, use an utility weapon instead.

    Actually, there is a tome for Ice, it's the Glacial Short Staff, but it's only for lv 85, so it can't be used for long.


    FO: Defensive Dragon Staff or Geoto Scepter - The Defensive Dragon Staff is a 0% proc weapon that has a downtrigger of dealing 95% damage against anything that is not a dragonkin/drakel/dragon, also has a trigger that reduces the damage dragonkin/drakel/dragon gives to you. The Geoto Scepter is 20% proc weapon that gives extra damage if you're on the geoto clan.

    FDA: Coin's Coin (Location: Warlic's Magic Shop) or Staff of Twilly (Location: Twilly Kidnapped!) - Both are 100% proc weapons, Forest Champion is a pure damage wand, while Staff of Twilly has a special that heals.

    FDC: No Earth Tome, use an utility weapon on this slot.


    FO: Star Screamer (Location: Warp Wars - Today's Events » Warpforce Crossover Quests » Warp Wars!) - 0% proc weapon, nothing special about it.

    FDA: There are no permanent Energy wands, there are some good utility weapons for it though, like Asgardian Hammer and Talados Rod; Asgardian can paralyze the enemy, while Talados can control the enemy.

    FDC: Lightning Rod Series (Location: Warlic's Shop) - A tome with 3 Built-in spells, a pure damage one, an efficient pure damage one, and one that deals less damage to attempt to paralyze the enemy.


    FO: Greater Bright Blade of Victory (Location: Blades of Victory) - 0% proc weapon with +5% damage MC.

    FDA: Lion's Roar - 100% proc weapon, MC boosts the damage of Light spells against Undeads.

    FDC: Paladin's Legacy - A tome with 3 built-in spells, 1 is pure damage, the other is an efficient one that is also pure damage, while the last one is damage + burn.


    FO: Greater Dark Blade of Victory (Location: Blades of Victory) - 0% proc weapon with +5% damage MC.

    FDA: Twilight Totem - 100% proc weapon, MC makes your darkness spells attempt to inflict afraid on enemies.

    Another option is the Profane Water for the unlucky status. Top tier for adventurers is level 114, so it's not usable for top level adventurers.

    FDC: No Darkness tome, use an utility Weapon on this slot.

    Compression Weapons

    Compression weapons serve mainly for saving space for utility items and for fixing the problem of the bad no-drop for adventurers, here are some compression options.

    Fire/Ice: Carnafex Sceptre (Location: War of the Giants Finale) - A 0% proc weapon that spends the MC on compression.

    Water/Ice: Ultra OmniKnight Blade (Location: Rise Of The Shadow Council) - A 0% proc weapon that spends the MC on the compression.

    Wind/Ice: Artic Tempest - A 20% proc weapon with final tiers at 112G and 132G. It might be useful at the leveling process, but it's worthless at top level.

    Ice/Energy: (Guardian Only + Lv 150 Only) Undefeatablade (Location: Guardian Arena) - A 20% proc weapon that has only a single tier at level 150G.

    If you feel that the compression options aren't enough for you, there is also the possibility of trying to play without one element covered by an appropriate weapon. It's not an optimal path, but can work if it's necessary.

    Utility Weapons

    Weapons that while not the best on pure damage, have some use that might make them worth it on your inventory.

    Fire: Blade of Agony's Blood - 10% Proc Weapon that attempts to paralyze the enemy on the special.

    Fire: Molten Staff (Guardians Only) - 20% Proc Weapon, attempts to reduce enemy's blocking with special.

    Fire/Darkness: The Helbane (Location: Warlic's Magic Shop) - 20% proc weapon that randomly switches between Fire/Darkness Elements, it deals bonus damage to compensate for the randomness.

    Water: Mana Staff (Guardians Only) - 0% Proc Weapon, uses MC + 9% damage to heal MP according to the damage you dealt.

    Water: Poise - Has a special that drains a part of the enemy max health and heals you MP by *1.5 that amount. Has only a single tier at lv 80.

    Water: Cthutlass (Location: Talk Like a Pirate Day) - 10% proc weapon, pays damage to attempt to Blind the enemy.

    Water/Energy: Watershifter Blade - 20% proc weapon that randomly switches between Water/Energy elements, it deals bonus damage to compensate for the randomness.

    Wind/Earth: Windshifter Blade - 20% proc weapon that randomly switches between Wind/Earth elements, it deals bonus damage to compensate for the randomness.

    Ice: Ice Cream Scepter (Location: Ice Cream?) - 20% proc weapon, spends MC on attempting to daze the enemy.

    Earth: Mutant King Club (Location: The Mutant King Attacks!) - A 20% proc weapon that can equip an armor when you click it, the armor locks you into the weapon, but deals extra damage to compensate.

    Earth (Melee): Mutant DragonBlade - Attempts to exchange the elemental resistances of dragons/drakels/dragonkins whenever it hits the enemy. Requires the Dracomorgrify spell to be useful.

    Light: Raynar's Ultimate Blade - Has a special that drains part of the enemy max health and heals it to you. Has only one tier at lv 80.

    Light/Dark: Seal of Primal Shadows - 0% proc weapon that randomly switches between Light/Dark elements, it deals bonus damage to compensate for the randomness. Also compresses a FO armor that compresses Light and Darkness and attacks randomly with those same elements, as the weapon, it receives a damage bonus to compensate for the random elements.

    Darkness: Skull Club - Has a special that drains a part of the enemy max health and heals it to you.

    Darkness: Blackbones - 100% proc weapon that boosts the damage of Darkness spells 10%. Also heals your HP by 20% of the damage dealt with attacks.

    Non-Elemental: Sila's Staff (Guardians Only) - A tome that boosts the damage of all spells by 6.25%, also has some multi-elemental spells.

    Non-Elemental: Rainbow Raygun - 100% proc weapon that attacks with a random element and deals extra damage to compensate, MC gives 5% extra damage. Can be toggled to attempt to reassign the elemental modifiers of the enemy randomly.

    Also, weapons that were listed under one playstyle in the guide might serve as utility for another.

    Brasca123 -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (5/30/2016 18:48:38)


    Armors are the most important part of your gear, they decide how much damage you'll take from monster attacks and how much damage you'll deal with weapon attacks (but not with spells).

    No-Drop Armors

    Adventurers start with the Cloth Robes, which is an armor that might work for you in the early levels of the game, but becomes completely unusable in the late levels due to it's bad scaling and the no-elemental alignment, as such, adventurers will always need to carry a compression armor in their inventory to compensate for the Cloth Robes.

    Guardians once again have more options to choose from.

    Guardian Robes - Neutral (N) lean armor, Guardians start with it, has a chance of healing MP when casting spells and a chance for your spells to deal increased damage. It's not bad, but nothing impressive either, should be swapped for one of the other options when possible.

    Deft UltraGuardian Leathers - Mid-Offensive (MO) lean armor, only good for FO mages that will use a dagger or rapier for the opposite element of the armor, as it will have a chance of paralyzing the enemy, which is a pretty good effect. If you do not intend to use a dagger or rapier for the opposite element of your No-Drop, or do not like the paralysis ability, choose the next option instead.

    Insightful UltraGuardian Robes - MO lean armor, the recommended one for most FO mages, it has a chance of increasing your spell damage and heals your MP whenever you attack.

    Insightful Armor of Awe - Mid-Defensive (MD) lean (It is actually an armor that was made before the lean system existed, so it receives a bit less damage than a neutral armor, but not exactly *0.9 as it's supposed to receive.) armor, the recommended one for FD mages, it heals your MP every round and has a small chance of giving a big damage boost to your spells.

    Temporary Armors (Guardians Only)

    Water: Hippocampus - MO armor with nothing really special about it. Can be quite useful as the selection of water armors is one of the worst ones around for FO players.

    Fire or Wind or Earth or Light or Darkness: Jousting Armors (Location: Guardian Tower » Stables » Talk to Wun-Eye » See the animals!) - There are 5 different armors, the only thing that changes between them are the elements, everything else is the same for them, they aren't really special, but are different options in case you don't like your No-Drops. They are all N armors.

    Light/Darkness Contradictory Armors (Location: Mystery! AQ Live) - N armor, useful for the compression in No-Drops, the downside is that the skill is completely useless and that you need to do a long quest to get it.

    Class Armors

    Class armors are one of the most fun items in the game, usually coming with 10 skills that have lots of different effects, most of them are intended for either the lower or mid-levels, with few meant for high level players.

    For mages it's mostly important to focus on the mage and wizard classes, as they have an incredibly useful array of skills for mage characters, that does not mean that other classes aren't useful for mages, plenty of them are quite usable and should be trained as well.

    Tier 1 Armors

    The tier 1 classes are intended for the lower levels of the game (about 0-30), they aren't very strong, but it's good to train them as they are pre-requisites for other classes.

    Fighter: Fighter Armor - Not really strong, has some skills that are not half bad, really simple to play with, just use the actives and let the passives do their job. You most likely won't use this class much since you can use mage instead.

    Rogue: Rogue Outfit - This armor has only one skill that shines out, which is black cat, it reduces your enemies chance of hitting, everything else is just bad, so you shouldn't bother much with them.

    Mage: Mage Robes - The armor you'll use the most for the earlier levels of the game, the elemental sphere skill will probably serve as a substitute for spells for some time, the empower, focus and wild bonuses are also useful, this should last you until you can actually grab the wizard robes.

    Scholar: Explorer's Outfit - This armor only has one salvageable skill, which is zard prism, with it you can choose the element of your next attack, meaning that on the earlier levels if you don't have one weapon for each element, you can compensate with this... the skill is kinda moot with mage robes though.

    Tier 2 Armors

    The tier 2 classes are intended until Level 70 or so, some will last more, some will last less, but this is the intended range, remember to also take care to upgrade your other armors while leveling your class armors as they will be needed later.

    Beastmaster: Feral Garb; Primal Garb (Guardians Only) - The ability to summon guests without upkeep is the main selling point of this armor, aside from this, there isn't much that is specially good about it, might still worth a slot during the mid levels though.

    Berserker: Berserker Hides - The main point of this armor is dealing more damage when you're in low health, it's specially good with wands as this armor in specific (and only this one) actually boosts the damage of wands, making them stronger in this armor than in any other... the bad side is of course, the horrible resists and the necessity of being in low health to use it properly, it's a high-risks high-rewards thing, too risky to use at high levels, but should be fun to play with in the mid-levels.

    Dracomancer: Dracomancer Armor - Quite an old class and in dire need of an update, it's not completely useless though, the dragon wings is a passable wind spell, the great dragon is a source of harm damage which might be useful against one or another mob and the half dragon does a good amount of damage. It can be used and played around with, but you'll do a lot better if you simply stick with the wizard robes.

    Dragonslayer: Dragonslayer; Elite Dragonslayer (Guardians Only); Golden Dragonslayer; Golden Dragonslayer Eclipse (Guardians Only) - As the name says, an armor specialized at killing dragons, lots of fun skills to use, most of them are quite useful, even if the SP costs are quite big, the only downside is that it's quite bad against non-dragons, but it's meant to be used against dragons anyway. The golden variants are good against both undeads and dragons, but not as good as the normal dragonslayer against standard dragons. This armor won't last in the later levels of the game, but during the mid-levels make sure to try it out on it's full power against dragons, it's definitely fun to play around with.

    Knight: Squire's Training Armor - The Knight class is the most developed class in the game by a large margin, with 4 different paths for you to choose in your advanced training and armors that go all the way up to lv 90, it's definitely a good pick for you to use and enjoy playing around with, it also has a pretty awesome storyline, so I highly advise going through the whole of this class training. It uses MD armors that can be toggled to go FD. The info for the 4 specialized knight classes were never posted due to some problems in finding their info, so I recommend looking for yourself and choosing the one you like the most lore-wise.

    Martial Artist: White Gi - With 4 different specialization classes, this class is about as big as Knight, it's not as useful as the former though, the good part is that it doesn't require you to train all paths to use them, only need to train one of them, it also has some of skills that might be fun to play with... the first part of it doesn't have much to it, so adventurers won't enjoy much of martial artist.
  • Ancient Spirit Gi (Guardians Only) - Almost all this class have are pure damage skills, they cost both SP and MP and are all INT based, might do some damage.
  • Mountain Cudgel Gi (Guardians Only) - All skills are melee based, quite hard to use as a mage, better skip this one.
  • Serpent Fang Gi (Guardians Only) - This one does have some nice mechanics with counterattack and poison, since they all work with ranged they might be usable for a mage, they won't deal much damage, but you'll be able to hit at the very least, might be fun to play with.
  • Swift Talon Gi (Guardians Only) - Another one that uses only melee, better to skip it with a mage.

    Ninja: Shinobi Shozoku - A class mostly focused on dealing damage with some dodging and paralyzing skills as well, most of them cost SP with a few costing MP, can be quite useful overall. Won't be very useful at later levels as well.

    Pirate: Sea Scourge; (Guardians Only) - An armor with plenty of utility skills that can make enemies bleed, afraid, burn, entagled and even steal potions, it's quite a huge array of effects, pretty nice overall, really fun to play with. Intended for Mid-levels only as well.

    Shadowslayer/Nighthunter: [link=]Shadowslayer
    ; Nighthunter - Both armors are specialized in defeating vampires, werewolves and any other darkovian creature, they receive damage bonus against them, but deal less against normal enemies, just like dragonslayer, this shouldn't be a problem if you're using them against the right monsters. Both armors have a huge variety of effects and utilities which are really nice and can be used quite well against darkovian creatures in general, definitely a good class to pick. If you're in doubt in which to pick, choose the one you like the most for roleplay reasons, they are both pretty good, so it's a lot better to choose based on the story than in the skills themselves. Those as well shouldn't be used in the later levels of the game.

    Wizard: Generalist's Robe; Pyromancer's Robe; Hydromancer's Robe; Aeromancer's Robe; Cryomancer's Robe; Geomancer's Robe; Dynamancer's Robe; Lumenomancer's Robe; Tenebromancer's Robe - The best class for mages by a large margin, it gives a big boost to the damage of your spells and make them cost less MP if your active class is Wizard, the specialized robes give a bigger bonus, while the generalist gives a smaller that affects all spells. Just by those effects it's already the best for mages, but they also have plenty of damage skills, and skills that inflicts effects, guest summons and even a MP regenerating skill, they are great in every aspect. It's usually recommended to use mainly the specialized robes, and not the generalist due the amazing boost they give, you can also carry more than one of them with no penalty at all, if you want, you can even make your inventory solely of wizard robes and your no-drop (I don't particularly recommend this, as the other classes are also pretty fun to play with, but you can if you want). Wizard is also the best class for farming in the game. This class can easily last until lv 90 and maybe even later in the game, it's quite hard to use them past lv 120 though.

    Tier 3 Armors

    The tier 3 classes intended range is a bit weird, sometimes they've said that there were supposed to be tier 3.5 classes as well for later levels, others just to stick at only up to tier 3. The current idea is for the tier 3 classes to last from lv 70 all the way to level 150 (or maybe only 130, since making a class with 10 skills for lv 150 players would most likely break a lot things regarding the game balance), maybe with some advanced forms or so just like Knight, currently, there is no class armor that lasts this far into the game, the current armors should last from lv 70 to 90 or maybe 110.

    Assassin: Whispering Raiment - Assassin is a pretty useful class with tons of nice skills, including one that increases your chance of going first in battle, one that gives harm damage and one that instantly kills the enemy among many others, it's pretty good overall and pretty fun to play with as well, the storyline of the class is also very well made.

    Necromancer: Necromancer Cloak; Obsidian Cloak (Guardians Only) - Has some reasonably strong damage skills, most of them don't cost much MP, fear skill also permanently removes 3 MRM from the opponent, which can be useful from time to time, specially useful if you use it before the intended level. This class is not up to standards and will receive a huge revamp in due time.

    Paladin: Holy Armor; Golden Holy Armor - Not much shines in the paladin class, the skills aren't as strong as necromancer, and it certainly lacks the utility of the tier 2 classes, the strongest skils are also locked at light element, which can be quite annoying. The best skill in the class is the Lay On Hands one which can fully heal you, the others are quite unremarkable. This class is not up to current standards and will receive a huge revamp in due time.

    Basic Elemental Coverage

    Aside from the class armors, the other armors you should have in your inventory are all armors focused on defending against one specific element, those armors while not really important in the early to mid-levels of the game become fundamental later on and you're required to have at least one armor with a good resistance to each element in order to play the game properly. You should start worrying about this at around lv 75, before that it's not really necessary and you can play mainly with the class armors.

    On Yulgar's shop ( Beginner; Intermediate; Advanced), you can find the basic elemental plates, these armors should give you some basic coverage that will help you finish the quests to get the actual good armors in the game in case you don't have the elements covered. They are mainly there to cover what you don't have, so don't stick too much to them.

    Shapeshifter Armors

    The shapeshifter armors are actually spells that summon an armor for you (doesn't cost a turn nor does it cost MP), the good part of them, is that they don't use an armor slot, that means you can put an utility armor in the slot you'd use for an elemental armor. The bad part, is that they consume one of your few precious spell slots, so it's quite hard to decide when it's a good idea to use them or not for mages, I'll list them here, and it will be up to you to decide whether or not to use them.

    The main advice for picking or not picking a shapeshifter armor, is seeing if you have a good armor for that specific element, if you do, you probably won't need a shapeshifter, if you don't, the shapeshifter might be a good substitute.

    Another important thing to know about the shapeshifter armors, is that you can't buy them whenever you want, you can only buy armors of one specific element per day, the elemental armors sold always change in a specific rotation that is the following.

    The following table was shamelessly copied from the Ultimate Warrior Guide (with TRB1965's permission)Once you have bought a shapeshifter spell, you can use it whenever you want.

    Armors For Each Element

    On this section I'll suggest the best armors for each element according to your playstyle, make sure to start carrying them after lv 75 or so, as it will become quite hard to keep up with the game without a proper armor selection from this point onwards.

    Some armors will have skills or attacks that are locked to a specific element, these skills/attacks will deal extra damage to compensate the lock to an element, this will be refereed to on the entries as "EleComp", elecomp is bigger the closer the skills' element is to the armor's element.

    You can see how close one element is to another by looking at the Elemental Wheel:

                      Water      Earth
                   Ice                 Fire
                       Wind      Energy

    Good: This is the way your armor is elementized. If you picked Fire, Fire is your "Good".
    Ally: These are the two elements that are closest to your elementization on the element wheel. For example, if you picked Fire, your Allies are Energy and Earth.
    Neutral: These are the elements that are two spaces away from your elementization. For Fire, they'd be Light and Darkness.
    Poor: These are the two elements that are closest to your "Opposite" resistance. For Fire, they'd be Water and Wind.
    Opposite: This is the element opposite your elementization on the element wheel. For Fire, that would be Ice.


    FO: Overlord Series - A FO armor that came before the lean system existed, meaning that it deals *1.25x damage, but takes the same damage as a N armor, making it the top FO armor for Fire. It also has a chance of giving you celerity (extra turn).

    FD: Dragon Knight Series - MD armor with no effect, has a reasonable secondary to Earth.


    FO: Black Pirate Costume or Snide Transformation - Both are FO armors, Pirate Costume is Water/Wind compression and has it's strongest attack locked to Water element; Snide Transformation comes through a misc, both aren't that good, but are the only offensive options for Water.

    FD: Celtic Series (Location: Hunt For The 5 Treasures) or Flawfish (Location: Transmorphers: Beast Hostilities) - Both are FD armors, Celtic has a built-in spell, Flawfish has a built-in skill, there isn't much else that differs the 2, I personally recommend Celtic, but both are good.


    FO: Horde's Series or Black Pirate Costume - Both are FO armors, Horde's MC gives extra damage against truphmas, also has a reasonable Earth secondary; Pirate Costume is Wind/Water compression and has it's strongest attack locked to Water element.

    FD: Fujin Series - FD armor, has a skill that gives you a high blocking chance and doesn't cost a turn.


    FO: Horo-Show Void Vigilante - Pre-lean FO that has a built-in Ice Skill.

    FDA: Horo-Show Void Vigilante or Blizzard Plate - Sadly there is no permanent defensive Ice armor in the game, so you kinda need to either use Horo-Show or the basic Ice plate. Horo-show is a possibility because it's old enough so that you don't take the *1.25 damage, it also has a strong skill, if you do use this armor, it's recommended to use a low-proc fire weapon as well for better synergy with the armor. If you opt for Blizzard Plate instead, you can stick to your normal Fire weapon.

    FDC: Blizzard Plate - As there are no permanent defensive armors in the game, your best bet would be the Blizzard Plate.


    FO: Morningstar Series or Chimeran Series or Rust Raider (Location: War of the Giants part 3) - Morningstar is a pre-lean FO, deals extra damage if your last hit connected, top tier is Level 135; Chimeran is a MO armor with 2 skills, one deals Fire damage, the other attempts to Poison the enemy. Rust Raider is a FO armor with a trigger on "Metal" and "Armor" monsters, also has good secondaries for Energy and Darkness. This armor does not have a permanent location yet.

    FD: Gaia Plate - Earth has basically no permanent gold option at all for FD players, the best one available is the gaia plate from yulgar, which is a N armor, guardians still have the option of using the Shapeshifting spell for Stone Golem if they are willing to sacrifice a spell slot for this, adventurers will have to stick to Gaia Plate.


    FO: Taladosian Series - Pre-lean FO armor, has a built-in Energy Skill

    FD: Quester's Heavy Gunner (Location: Warp Wars - Today's Events » Warpforce Crossover Quests » Warp Wars!) - FD armor, has a built-in ranged skill and a built-in mana shield Spell.


    FO: Osiris Series (Location: Explore The Pyramid) or Solaris Series or Ultimon's Armour - Osiris is a FO Light armor that has a nice backlash passive, Solaris pre-lean FO armor, Guardians can use a built-in skill, maximum tier is lv 130. Ultimon is a FO Light/Dark compression armor, has a Built-In Skill that seeks between Light and Dark.

    FD: Communicant's Series - Pre-lean FD armor has good all-round resistances, and a chance of boosting the damage of Spells.


    FO: Antiguardian or Legendairy (Location: Transmorphers: Beast Hostilities) or Ultimon's Armour - Antiguardian is a Pre-lean FO armor, has a cheap and strong skill, big Level gaps between Levels 5 and 52, as well as with 65 and 105, top tier is Level 125; Legendairy is a FO armor that has a Built-In Darkness Skill, receives a damage penalty to compensate for it; Ultimon is a FO Dark/Light compression armor has a Built-In Skill that seeks between Light and Dark.

    FD: Twilight Series - Pre-lean FD armor, has a secondary Light resistance and acceptable all-round resistances, also has a passive chance of dodging any attack.

    Compression Armors

    Just like with compression weapons, compression armors are essentially good for allowing space for utility armors and compensating for adventurer's bad No-Drops.

    Light/Dark: Ultimon's Armour or Shadow of Doubt - Ultimon is a FO armor that has a Built-In Skill that seeks between Light and Dark; Shadow of Doubt is a N armor that has a Built-In skill that can paralyze the enemy.

    Earth/Energy: Hunter Series - N compression armor with a Built-In Earth skill, sadly, maximum tiers are 119 and 134G.

    Water/Wind: Pirate Costumes ( Black (FO); Red (N); Yellow (FD)) - Has the strongest attack locked to Water element, FD players can ignore this by attacking with wands or by casting spells.

    Fire/Light: Avenger - N armor with no effect.

    Wind/Ice: Stiltwalker - N armor with no effect.

    Ice/Dark: Nemesis Series - N armor with a chance to reflect damage to the enemy, top tier is Level 135.

    Fire/Dark: Falerin Suits - N armor with no effect, top tiers are lv 136 and 116.

    Utility Armors

    As the name says, armors that have some specific utility that you might want to use aside from your standard armors.

    Fire: Time-Twisted Carnax Fighter (Location: Rise Of The Shadow Council) - N armor with Earth and Energy secondaries, the strongest hit follows weapon element and the other 2 will be locked to Fire and Energy.

    Energy: Asguardian Steeds (Guardians Only) - N armor that has all attacks locked to Energy, also has a chance of paralyzing enemies on one of the attacks.

    Darkness: Algern's Carapace - N armor that with Fire Secondary, has all attacks locked to Darkness, also has a drain HP skill that is weaker than the normal attack but heals you equal to the damage dealt, top tiers for levels 124 and 131G.

    Darkness: Brilhado Necromancer Armour (Location: Past Unraveled V) - Spellcaster Lean armor (takes *1.25 damage and deals *0.8 damage on attacks, gives a huge damage boost to Darkness spells).

    Non-Elemental: Whispering Raiment - The assassin class armor at the later levels of the game will only be useful for the initiative boost, since you can't equip snide or the shapeshifter armors before the battle starts the extra initiative might help you with that (only useful if you have 200 LUK).

    Non-Elemental: Wizard Robes - As the main spell boosters of the game, they give a wonderful burst potential to mages, it's quite hard to use them normally though, their main use would be to cast a spell when the enemy is close to dying for assuring the kill, or when the enemy is paralyzed, making it not possible for him to hit you back. As earlier in the game, it's still recommended to use specialized robes and not the generalist, for extra boost in damage, but now you can't carry many wizard robes with you, so choose with care the element(s) you want boosted.

    As with weapons, armors listed for one playstyle may be used as utility armors for another.

  • Brasca123 -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (6/2/2016 11:25:00)


    Spells are the second in the priority list of Mages, losing only to Armors. As your main damage source against most enemies, best farming tool and what brings you the most utility, Spells for sure are something that you should always keep up to date.

    Spells can be divided in mainly 4 categories:

    Pure Damage Spells: As the name suggests, they give a high amount of damage and nothing else, quite simple and works pretty well most of the time. Those will be listed in the "Spells For Each Element" section.

    Effect Spells: Those usually sacrifice part of their damage for an effect, the bigger the sacrifice, the stronger the effect. Those will be listed in the "Utility Spells" section.

    Healing Spells: Those recover your HP, it should be noted that they are quite bad in offensive armors and should only be used in defensive ones. Those will be listed in the "Healing Spells" section.

    Call and Summon spells: Summons a guest (does not take a turn) to fight by your side (guests are powered by CHA), they have an upkeep every turn but are stronger than pets to compensate for it, while the old ones don't have an exact naming pattern, recent spells will have "Call" in their name for SP upkeep ones and "Summon" in their name for MP upkeep ones. Do note that the term "summon" will be used in this guide for both types of spells, you'll know if the upkeep is SP or MP by the name of the spell or by checking the pedia entry. (It might also be a new standard that "contract" spells will summon a guest with SP upkeep + gold cost on attacks, as we only had one of those so far, it's unknown if it was a specific case or a naming standard.) Those will be listed in the "Guests" section.

    Shapeshifter Spells won't be listed here since they were explored in the Armors section.

    Ally Assist Function

    This is not really a spell, it's treated as an "other" by standards, but spells are the closest things to it.

    It deals the same damage as a spell, but it auto-hits, so it deals *0.85 damage to compensate, the assist has no cost and can only be used 3 times each day (use count is shared between all assists), you can cast 3 more times if you pay 150 tokens. There is no limit to how many times you can pay the tokens.

    Current assists are: Artix, Galanoth, Aquella, Zorbak, Robina.

    Temporary Spells

    Differently from Armors and Weapons, temporary Spells don't take the slot of your No-Drops (specially because there are no Spells No-Drops), instead, they take a 9th Spell slot specific only for temporary ones, they usually come from specific items that stay in another inventory slot.

    No-Drop Element: Draconic Blast - Comes from the already mentioned Draconic Blade, can be used as an Spell that follows No-Drop element dealing 90% damage or as a Spell against dragons for Harm or Void/2 on drakels/dragonkin or dragons respectively.

    No-Drop Element: Dragonbane Blast - Comes from the already mentioned Dragon Scepter or Dragon Staff, exactly the same as Draconic Blast, but deals true Void against dragons.

    Wind: Sphinx's Riddle - The Spell comes from the linked misc, deals 65% damage and tries to daze your enemy.

    Energy: Dr. Voltabolt's Lightning - A Spell that comes from the Power Shard Dr. Boom, top tier is lv 103.

    Energy: Eye of Sacragon - The spell comes from the linked Misc, it deals a very small amount of damage, but also inflicts a strong burn that also heals you, this burn can also be stacked with itself for extra damage and heal.

    Ice/Energy/Light/Dark: Nekonomicon - Comes from the linked misc, the big variety of elements makes this quite hard to use, the nice thing is that the spell paralyzes though. Might be useful against enemies with all-round resists, hardly usable otherwise. Top tier for adventurers is 124, which can be a bit troublesome for them.

    HP Healing: Trail Mix - Comes from the Misc Trail Mix, gives a Healing Spell that uses END as the stat, making it not usually recommended, also, the tiers are quite bad, maximum for adventurers is 85 while maximum for guardians is 140, not a keeper for max levels and even in the mid levels has a little usefulness, it's an option at the very least, but not a highly recommended one.

    HP Healing: Healing Light - Comes from exploding a Sunray (to explode a Sunray, attack it with Light, it will heal MP instead of HP (it has negative Light resistance) when you fill it's MP bar, it will explode, dying instantly and giving you the spell), it's a standard Healing Spell. A good thing for a temporary slot overall, since it gives you a healing spell without needing to carry one in your inventory. (It can be a bit hard to find a Sunray though, the best method is to go to places that have a fixed pool of light monsters (like attack lucian on paxia defense), still, it might be quite a boring process. Guardians can get the top level version by exploding "Queen Raychel the Sunray" either on The Void or The Guardian Arena, which is a lot easier to find.)

    HP Healing: Restful Night - Comes from exploding a Moonray (same way as with Sunrays, use Darkness instead of Light), differently from Healing Light, Restful Night only works as a pure Healing Spell if the opponent takes a really small amount of Darkness damage, if it takes more than 60% Darkness, it will make the monster Asleep and will Heal you (the greater the Darkness resistance, the greater the Heal). A good utility Spell, should be better than Healing Light for FDCs and FOs since FDCs will already have the healing spell from Healing Branch, and Healing is bad for FO, so an utility Spell is better. FDAs have uses for both Spells. (The way to find Moonrays is almost the same as Sunrays, just go to attack Nocturu on paxia defense. Also, Guardians can find "King Raymoond the Moonray" in The Void or the The Guardian Arena.)

    Call Light Guest: Call Guardian Angel Elder (Guardians Only) - Comes from clicking the Guardian Angel statue on Guardian Tower (needs to have beaten "Beasts of Legend" on the Guardian Arena), summons the Guardian Angel Elder (scaling version) as a guest. The guardian angel elder has a Light attack that happens 95% of the time and a strong Healing Spell that happens only 5% of the time, the healing spell also heals your MP. It's a good Spell for beastmasters to compress a Spell to summon a Guest, not much use for anyone without CHA.

    Spells For Each Element

    Damage Spells are largely universal, so I'll usually simply list the options, I'll only make a difference between the playstyles in specific cases where I deem necessary.


    FO: Destruction Burst - Fire/Dark seek Spell, costs HP as well, deals extra damage to compensate.

    FD: Fireball Z - MC gives extra BTH.

    Alternatively, FD players may also use the Destruction Burst spell if they don't mind the damage taken, fireball Z is the recommended one because damage that ignores the lean is usually bad for FD, that doesn't really stop you from using the Spell you think is better though.


    Whirl Tide - MC gives extra BTH.

    Alternatively, FD users might also like the Whirlpool Series, as it's an efficient spell (Deals 75% damage but costs 60% MP) which will make you spend more turns casting. FO players should definitely stick to Whirl Tide though.

    The built-in water spell from Healing Branch is an alternative for FD players, it's also an efficient Spell, just like Whirlpool.


    Biggest Fan - MC that attempts to inflict afraid on the enemy.


    Frigid Fury - MC gives extra BTH.


    Gravity Crush - MC gives extra BTH.


    Truphma Surge - Nothing special about it.


    Star Forge - MC gives extra BTH.

    The Built-In Spells from Paladin's Legacy are a good alternative as well.


    FO: Destruction Burst - Dark/Fire seek Spell, costs HP as well, deals extra damage to compensate.

    FD: Quester's Antimatter Splatter (Location: Warp Wars - Today's Events » Warpforce Crossover Quests » Warp Wars!) - Nothing special about it.

    As with fire, FD players might want to use Destruction Burst instead of Quester's in case they don't mind the damage taken.


    Guests are listed in the Spells section because most of them are summoned by Spells, they have an upkeep, but deal more damage than pets to compensate. Call Spells have SP upkeep and Summon Guests have MP upkeep. Guests usually use CHA as their main stat, this means only builds with high amount of CHA should bother with guests, other builds shouldn't sacrifice their spell slots and SP or MP on guests.

    This also means that Beastmaster builds have the hardest time fitting the Spells they want in their inventory, since they have to choose between summon, damage, utility and healing.

    Summoning a guest does not take a turn.

    Call Spells

    A basic coverage of Call Spells can be found in the Frogzard Hunter Shop with the Call Zards spells, this should give you a basic coverage of Guests for each element, the ones listed here are other possibilities in case you want something that is not a simple pure damage Guest.

    Fire: Poutine Golem (Location: Frostvale Village Shop) - It spends some damage to inflict DEX loss and a burn on the enemy.

    Ice: Nezujimbo - Costs a turn to summon it, attacks have a gold cost, but deal extra damage to compensate. One is pure damage, the other attempts to freeze the enemy.

    Earth: Mittens - Sacrifices some damage to attempt to paralyze the enemy.

    Light: Call Guardian Angel Elder (Guardians Only) - Has a Light attack and a small chance to give a strong heal to HP/MP, top tier is lv 135. There is also a scaling version of this Guest that comes from a temporary Spell, this was already listed on the Temporary Spells section.

    Darkness: Call Scion (Location: Hostage to Misfortune - Travel Map » Darkovia » Dracopyre Legacy » 6.Hall of Memories » Open Doors » Right Arrow » Bonus: Hostage to Misfortune) - Sacrifices 1/2 of his damage to attempt to paralyze the enemy, this attack happens 1/2 of the time, the other attack is a full damage one.

    Summon Spells

    A basic coverage of Summon Spells can be found in the Frogzard Hunter Part 3 with the Summon Zards spells, this should give you a basic coverage of Guests for each element, the ones listed here are other possibilities in case you want something that is not a simple pure damage Guest.

    Light: Artix - Light damage guest, can heal you, the chance of using the healing attack increases when your health is smaller, also, has a trigger against undeads (technically it's against undead, zombie, doom and necromancer, but i'll say just undead for simplicity) which make him have a smaller upkeep and bigger damage. This guest comes from a the Paladin's Oath misc.

    Light: Guardian Angel (Guardians Only) - Has a normal Light attack and a rare attack which gives a strong healing Spell. Top tier is lv 135.

    Light/Darkness: Angel Guard (Guardian Only) - Starts attacking with Light, some of the damage is saved on a "Healing Pool", if you die during the battle, it spends the whole healing pool attempting to revive you, if it works, it becomes a pure damage Darkness guest. The top tier is lv 135.

    Mana Spirit (Location: Archmage Research spell, obtained in the The Restoration quest) - Attacks with random element, receives damage bonus to compensate.

    Unusual Upkeep Guests

    Those are guests that don't have upkeep in either SP or MP, or at least not of a single one of them.

    HP Upkeep Guest Wind: Skeeter (Location: Frogzard Hunter Part 3) - Nothing special about it.

    Temporary Guests

    Temporary guests take the guest slot and start helping you right away without taking an space in your inventory, they also scale with your level, but have a bigger upkeep to compensate for that. Most guests leave you when you don't have enough SP to pay their upkeep, only the most recent ones (from about 2015) actually don't leave when you don't have enough SP for them, making them quite hard to take to bosses without some equipment that regenerates your SP. (like Nightmareagon for example)

    There are no temporary guests that have an MP upkeep.

    There are enough temporary guests for each element that can be easily find in the AQ Encyclopedia, I'll only list the ones that have some sort of niche to them, pure damage ones are easy enough to find.

    Lastly, as temporary guests have the scaling penalty and are removed if you summon any other guest, they are not recommended to use most of the time, you should be using normal guests instead. They do have their use though.

    Earth/HP Heal/MP Heal: Twilly - Attacks with Earth or heals your HP and MP, the chance of using the healing attack increases when your HP and MP are smaller.

    Darkness/MP Heal: Kaley - Attacks with Darkness or heals your MP, the chance of using the healing attack increases when your MP is smaller.

    Water/HP Heal]: Gaiden - Attacks with Water or heals your HP, the chance of using the healing attack increases when your HP is smaller.

    Light/HP Heal: Artix - Attacks with Light or heals your HP, the chance of using the healing attack increases when your HP is smaller, also, has a trigger against undeads that make him deal more damage and have a smaller upkeep, has a bigger upkeep and deals less damage against the rest to compensate.

    Non-Elemental: Warlic - His attacks always hits with the element the enemy will take the most damage from (ele-seeks), has bigger than normal upkeep and also deals less than normal damage to compensate.

    Non-Elemental: Urtran - Attacks with random element, has a bigger damage to compensate.

    Light/Void: Zardhunter - Has a trigger against zards to deal Void damage, bigger than normal damage and smaller upkeep, has a Light attack with bigger upkeep against normal monsters to compensate.

    Fire/Earth/Harm/Void: Galanoth - Triggers against dragons or drakels/dragonkin, against dragons deals 120% damage and seeks between Void, Harm and Fire; against drakels/dragonkin deals 105% damage and seeks between Harm and Earth, against the rest it deals Earth damage, to compensate, has bigger upkeep against drakels/dragonkins and even bigger upkeep against the rest. Specially useful with the Dracomorgrify Spell spell.

    Healing Spells

    Healing spells are good for replenishing your HP so that you'll stay alive longer, they are good only on defensive setups, offensive setups have no use to healing.

    It's also important to note that potions are a lot stronger than healing Spells, this is intended and won't be changed, potions are meant as a "oops" button and are not taken into account for balance.

    Waters of Immortality (Location: Transient Immortality) - SP based healing spell, takes stat from END.

    Sisters of Mercy - SP based healing spell, receives a damage penalty to add a shield that reduces damage taken for 1 turn. Takes stats from CHA.

    Mending Vines - SP based healing spell, takes stat from CHA. If you have Burn or Bleed status, it pays some damage to attempt to heal the status.

    Purifying Pollen - SP based healing spell, takes stat from CHA. If you have Poison or Disease status, it pays some damage to attempt to heal the status.

    Healing Seeds (Location: Fern Bully) - SP based healing spell, uses CHA for stat, the healing is given as a status and only works at a later turn, can be stacked with itself.

    Cure Series - MP based healing spell, uses INT for stat.

    Compression Spells

    Spells have a large array of utility options, not to mention the ones the summon Guests, making compression Spells pretty useful if you want to use the other fun Spells to play with.

    Fire/Dark: Destruction Burst - Pays HP for extra 50% damage.

    Light/Dark: Embrace The Shadows - Pays HP for the compression, Top tier for adventurers is Level 115.

    Utility Spells

    Utility spells are really fun to play around with and there are a plenty of them, i'll divide them into SP and MP to make things easier.

    Utility SPells

    Earth: Entangling Vines - A SPell that attempts to entangle (reduce DEX) the enemy, also deals Earth damage, uses CHA for stat, pays about 35% of it's power on the effect.

    Earth: Thorns - This SPell deals Earth damage and attempts to control the enemy, pays about 1/2 of it's power on the effect.

    Light: Scarab Swarm (Location: Explore The Pyramid) - A SPell that deals extra damage if the enemy has lower than average blocking, uses CHA for stat.

    Non-Elemental: Cure Poisons Series - A SPell that does not take a turn (quickcast), attempts to cure your poison and also make you immune to poison.

    Non-Elemental: Catnip Senses - A SPell that gives immobility resistance and regeneration for 2 turns.

    Non-Elemental: Purple Rain - Sets a returning point for both you and the monster, when you cast it again (none of the casts cost a turn) both your and the monster's HP, MP and SP will go back to the amount it was when you had set the returning point, you can only return once per battle (but can attempt as many times as you want). The main use of this SPell is to actually inflict your enemies with status aliments and turn back time afterwards, keeping the status, making the infliction free.

    MP Healing: Mana Regeneration - Pays HP to heal MP, can be boosted by the Generalist Robes, you can also Imbue with Lore for no extra cost while using it (You do heal a bigger amount of MP in this case).

    Utility MP spells

    Fire: Dracomorgrify - Pays about 30% damage to attempt to make the opponent a dragon (it first makes the enemy a drakel/dragonkin, but it can also be used to turn drakel/dragonkin into a dragon, so with 2 casts should be able to make the enemy a dragon).

    Fire: Seeing Red - Attempts to make the enemy panic (deal less damage), this can go all the way to make the opponent deal 0% damage.

    Fire: Drakonnan's Fury - Costs more MP and works better the less HP you have, attempts to inflict Termal Shock on the enemy, it deals less damage to compensate for the effect.

    Water: Blue Blazes - A spell that sacrifices 25% of its damage + MC to attempt to burn the opponent, the burn can stack with itself.

    Wind: Green Envy - A spell that sacrifices 25% of its damage + MC to attempt to daze the opponent, the daze can stack with itself.

    Wind: Borrow - A spell that deals *1.5 damage, but heals the enemy overtime for 120% of the damage dealt, good for bursts, don't use if you don't believe you can kill quickly. Top tiers are lv 117 for adventurers and 147G (the entry is says the maximum for guardians is 132G, but it's outdated).

    Wind: Allergic Reaction - A spell that sacrifices about 1/2 of it's damage to blind the enemy for 3 turns.

    Ice: Abominable Assault - Pays about 30% damage to attempt to daze the opponent.

    Ice: Chocolate Syrup (Location: Ice Cream?) - Pays 55% of the damage to attempt to daze the opponent. This spell is better than Abominable Assault and should be used instead of it from level 105 onwards.

    Earth: Carnax Stomp - Attempts to daze the opponent, uses only MC on the effect, so the effect isn't very strong. Top tiers are 124 and 144G.

    Earth: Sands of Suffocation - A spell that attempts to choke the enemy, pays 20% of it's damage for the effect. Top tiers are Level 118 and 136G.

    Energy: Thunder Wave - Attempts to paralyze the enemy, pays 25% of its damage + MC for the effect.

    Light: Wyrm Strike Series - A spell that randomly tries to either blind or daze the enemy, pays some damage for the effect. Top tiers are 128 and 138G

    Darkness: Soul Steal - Pays 25% damage + MC for the effect, attempts to poison the enemy (dealing darkness damage), the poison can stack with itself.

    Non-Elemental: Archmage Research (Location: The Restoration) - Has 3 effects: can hit the enemy with harm paying a meager amount of HP, damage the opponent MP or summon a pretty strong guest that attacks with random element.

    Non-Elemental: Moonwalker's Grace - Quickcast MP spell, gives 84 DEX for 3 turns.

    Brasca123 -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (6/6/2016 15:13:20)


    Shields are usually quite a straightforward piece of gear, you'll mainly want a shield for each element, and if possible, some nice effect as well.

    No-Drop Shields

    Adventurers start with the Adventurer Shield, which is nothing really special, and also has a flat all-round resist, might be useful against multi-elemental enemies, but it's pretty useless against all the rest, you'll need a compression shield to compensate for it.

    Guardians have 3 shield options, all of them follow your no-drop alignment. If your no-drop alignment is neutral, they defend equally against all elements.

    Guardian Shield - Nothing special about this one, and as it doesn't have any special ability, you should change it as soon as possible for one of the other 2 possibilities.

    Shield of Awe - Increases your blocking during the next turn if the last hit of the enemy connected. Not that good overall, can be useful with blocking setups, but there are usually better options for that, reason why this is not the recommended shield.

    UltraGuardian Shield - This one regenerates a considerable amount of SP if you dodged the last hit of the enemy. Since SP is a highly valuable resource, this is the recommended No-Drop Shield for guardians.

    Basic Elemental Coverage

    As with armors, Yulgar's shop ( Beginner; Intermediate; Advanced) has a good selection that might help you for quite some time. In fact, those shield can easily last you until end-game, but sooner or later you'll probably want shields with actual effects, so lets take a look at them.

    Shields For Each Element

    As I just said, those are basically better versions of the Yulgar shields, usually they'll have a nice effect or a slightly better elemental resistance, usually speaking, it's a good idea to start grabbing those at about level 75, but Yulgar's shields should last you until 150 if you don't wish to grab the better ones. And of course, you can start getting those earlier than 75 as well.

    For this section, I'll focus mainly on shields that have the best elemental resistance as possible.


    Dragon Knight Series or Overlord Series - Dragon Knight has better blocking, and a MC that gives even better blocking if the enemy is burnt. Overlord has one acceptable Energy secondary and one bad Light tertiary resistance, as well as a MC that reflects a small amount of damage to the opponent.


    Celtic Series - Has a toggle that spends SP to increase your INT. Recommended to get as early as possible.


    Fujin Series - Has a toggle that spends SP to increase your DEX.


    Horo-Show Series or Nemesis Series or Pie Shield (Location: Ice Cream?) - Horo-Show gives some damage to the opponent and heals SP whenever you block, it also has bigger MRM than nemesis, Nemesis has a darkness secondary resistance and has a chance of reducing the damage you take, top tier is Level 135, Pie is a -26% shield that can be toggled to pay SP and increase your CHA.


    Chimeran Series - Attempts to poison the enemy whenever you block a hit.


    Taladosian Series - Has a 10% chance of reducing the damage you take on your round by 1/2.


    Osiris Series (Location: Explore The Pyramid) - Heals your HP on the beginning of your turn.


    Twilight Series - Has a secondary for Light, also has a chance of reducing the BTH of the enemy.

    Compression Shields

    Compression shields are good for putting in utility shields or in the case of adventurers, for compensating for the bad no-drop.

    They are divided in 3 main types, simultaneous resistance, toggle resistance and shifting resistance.

    Simultaneous protects against 2 different elements at the same time, the resistance is lower that of a single element shield to compensate. Those are good against multi-elemental monsters, but not really recommended against single element monsters. Recommended to be used against enemies that you already expect to use those specific elements.

    Toggle protects against a single element, but it can be changed for another element, they usually protect the same as a single element shield. Those are the best for the compression and saving slots, they aren't very good against multi-elemental monsters though. Recommended to be used on a everyday basis.

    Shifting resistance changes according to the damage you take, there is currently only a single shifting shield in the game, and it protects the same as a single element shield. Those are basically the same as the toggle ones, but you can't control when it changes, so it's generally preferred to use a toggle one instead. Not really recommended.

    Also, I think I should credit TRB1965, as he made my job with the compression shields a lot easier by making a wonderful list on the Ultimate Warrior Guide, I did a few additions of my own here, but most came from his guide, reason why this mention exists.

    Simultaneous Resistance Shields

    Fire/Ice: Fur of Igneus - Heals you if you block Fire hits, and attacks the enemy with Fire if you blocked an Ice hit.

    Fire/Earth: Nova Knight Series - Nothing special about it.

    Fire/Darkness: Demon Prison Series - Nothing special about it.

    Water/Ice: Spell Blocker Series - Has a bigger Magic defense, also has Wind/Earth secondaries.

    Water/Earth: Magnetic Safeguard - Decreases the BTH of metallic monsters. Also has Fire/Ice secondaries.

    Wind/Ice: Assassin Shield Series - Has a Darkness secondary.

    Wind/Earth: Shield of Sands - Nothing special about it.

    Wind/Energy: Sublime Tower Shield - Has a bigger Ranged defense, also has Water/Ice secondaries.

    Earth/Light: Sackleberry Series - Has a bigger Melee defense, also has Fire/Energy secondaries.

    Earth/Darkness: ShadowSlayer Shield or Monster Talon Series (Guardians Only) - Shadowslayer is for all players and has a trigger against darkovian creatures for extra blocking, has lower than usual blocking to compensate. Monster Talon has no effect and is Guardian Only, mainly a good option if you don't like the Shadowslayer one.

    Light/Darkness: Luminous Shield or Paladin Guard Series - Most enemies that attack with Light/Dark are actually shadow enemies, which Luminous Shield should be the best choice against. Paladin Guard main use is to have a good shield for the quest to get Luminous. Also, Luminous top tier for adventurers is lv 115 with -19% light/dark, adventurers might want Paladin Guard instead for a -20% light/dark, paladin guard will have a smaller blocking against shadows though.

    Aside from those, there are also shields that protect against more than just 2 elements, those shields have even worse elemental resistances than most simultaneous resistance shields, so they should be only be used on very specific monsters.

    Fire/Wind/Ice/Earth: Mogloo Series - Nothing special about it.

    Fire/Energy/Light: Supernova Series - Nothing special about it.

    Toggle Resistance Shields

    Water/Earth: Bac-Ler - Has horrible blocking but compensates by having a Darkness secondary on the Water form, and a Fire secondary on the Earth form. Not really recommended because of the Water element, which overlaps with Celtic Shield.

    Light/Darkness: Daylight Saving Times - Nothing special about it, but it's the recommended compression shield for mages, if you need compression that is, since the other options overlap with Celtic Shield, which is the one thing you don't want.

    Shifting Resistance Shields

    Water/Earth: Chamaleon Shield - Protects against the exact same elements as Bac-Ler, only reason I could tell you to use this is if you needed a compression shield and you hadn't done the quest for another compression shield yet.

    Utility Shields

    The interesting part of utility Shields, is that most of them can actually cover an element on their own, so you don't really need compression to use most of them.

    Fire: Shield of Agony's Blood - Gives the enemy a -BTH lean, damages the enemy and heals HP whenever you block an attack.

    Water: Doray Shield (Location: Exploding a Doray » Do it the same way you explode a Sunray, but with Water isntead of Light. Recommended place to find them is on Attack Nautica on Paxia Defense) - Can be clicked to turn the HP, MP and SP of you and the monster one turn back in time.

    Water: Sole Shield (Location: Ice Cream?) - -24% shield, recovers SP each turn.

    Wind: Yata Series - Has a smaller than normal wind resistance, but compensates by having a big blocking and an effect that reflects damage to the opponent whenever you block.

    Energy: Asgardian Series - Has a built-in skill that deals Energy damage and attempts to daze the opponent, also has an Ice secondary.

    Light: Eye of Naab - Has a skill that attempts to give you extra BTH and defenses or 1 turn (Do note that this blocking bonus does not stack with the boost from Fujin Plate), however, the skill costs a turn, which makes it not that appealing.

    Light: Communicant's Series - Has a MC bonus that makes it protects against the element of the attack an undead is going to attack you with, this is useless most of the time since you will simply use a shield that properly protects against that element, but might be useful against undeads that attack with a variety of elements.

    Light: Ethereal Shield - Has a toggle that can pay SP to reduce your damage taken.

    Light: Scarab Shield (Location: Explore The Pyramid) - Has a smaller than normal Light resistance, but compensates by having a bigger than normal blocking, it also has an effect that you can pay SP to increase your MRM and decrease the monster's MRM.

    Darkness: Undead Terror (Guardians Only) - Has a chance of making undead monsters afraid.

    Non-Elemental: IronThorn Series - This shield is only useful in desperate situations or in the case of you wanting to kill lots of weaker enemies (wars are usually the only place in which this would happen). It gives a *1.5 damage bonus to all your attacks, but they have a -10 BTH, since the elemental defenses of this shield are absolutely horrible, you'll probably take a lot more extra damage than you'll actually give, still, it might make the difference between victory and defeat at times, so it's useful.

    Do note that what i just said above is mainly true for high level players, this shield should be a lot easier to use at levels close to it's own level.

    Brasca123 -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (6/15/2016 23:18:53)


    Pets can be a main part of the gameplay for beastmasters or a secondary aspect of your gameplay for pures, either way, they can still deal a reasonable amount of damage and plenty of them also have nice effects, so it can be quite fun to play around with them.

    Custom Pet (Guardians Only)

    Similarly to the Custom Weapon, the Custom Pet can be largely customized by the player for a variety of effects, Base/Random Lean and Accurate Lean as well.

    All of the effects are quite useful and any of them are good picks, the Custom Zard is generally better on elements that don't have status focused pets though, since its AI makes it don't always use the effect attack.

    Basic Elemental Coverage

    For a simple selection of pets for each element, check the Vampragon Shop on Aria's pet Shop. For a selection of pets with nicer effects or a bit stronger, see below.

    Pets For Each Element


    Floating Pie (Location: Ice Cream?) - Can be toggled between damage mode with +5% damage MC or Paralyze mode, which sacrifices 55% damage to attempt to Paralyze the enemy.


    Badb Catha (Location: Hunt For The 5 Treasures) - Spends the MC on trying to control the enemy.


    Fujin Series - Spends the MC on inflicting DefLoss.


    Ice Cream Golem (Location: Ice Cream?) - Can be toggled between damage mode with +5% damage MC or Daze mode, which sacrifices 55% damage to attempt to Daze the enemy.


    Baby Frogzard - Nothing special about it.


    Asgardian Series or Sacragon Series - Asgardian has an attack that can make the enemy take more damage from Energy, while sacragon has a pure damage boost effect.


    Dogzilla (Location: War of The Giants - Part 2 on Stonerule) - Can be toggled between full damage mode and burn mode, burn mode deals less damage to pay for the effect; MC is spent on extra damage on damage mode and on smaller penalty on burn mode.


    Twilight Series - Spends the MC on attempting to blind the enemy for 1 turn.

    Compression Pets

    Compression pets aren't as important as compression items are for most other item categories, as the utility ones cover pretty well for the damage ones, you might still want them for one reason or another.

    Fire/Wind: Harpy Dragon (Location: Play The Harpie) - Has a normal attack for Fire and an attack that is 1/2 Wind and 1/2 Heal.

    Earth/Energy: Can-Can Cannon - Receives a 10% damage penalty for the seek. Top tiers are 125 and 145G.

    Light/Darkness: ShadowPonies Series ( Pegasus; Pony; Unicorn) - Receives a 5% damage penalty for the seek. Top tiers are 124 and 144G. There is no real difference between the 3 versions, choose the one you like the art more.

    Healing Pets

    HP Heal/MP Heal/Light: Fairy GodMother - A few things to note for this pet. 1) The entry is outdated, the top tiers are 110 and 150G. 2) You don't select the attack everytime anymore, click on her hand and you'll change her dress color, Yellow for Light attack, Red for HP heal, Blue for MP heal. 3) Due to the big gold price, she receives no damage penalty for the triple compression.

    HP Heal: Retro Twilly - Pure heal HP pet, has the MC spent on heal.

    SP Heal/Darkness: Nightmareagon (Guardians Only) - Spends part of the attack damage on healing SP if you're low on SP. Top tier is Level 141G.

    Utility Pets

    Utility pets might be quite useful most of the time, they can take the slot of damage pets with ease, so you can use them without many worries.

    Fire: Dragon Familiar Series - Attempts to inflict burn weakness on the enemy.

    Wind: Sphinx (Location: Riddle Of The Sphinxes) - Sacrifices damage in an attempt to daze the enemy.

    Ice: Nerfkitten - Can buff itself or pay 60% to attempt to reduce the MRM of the enemy permanently. Doesn't work on enemies that take 0% or less Ice damage.

    Ice: Haunted Sword Series - Attempts to blind the opponent, pays about 25% damage for the effect.

    Earth: Hammer Turret - Spends some damage on attempting to paralyze the enemy.

    Energy: Cor-Dem - Needs a HUGE amount of CHA to be useful. If the attack hits, it reduces the enemy Magic defense by 7 and INT by 10, stacking up to 4 times, does not allow save rolls.

    Light: Scarab Series (Location: Explore The Pyramid) - Spends the MC on Making your attacks that inflict Bleed have a higher chance of working.

    Light: Osiris Series (Location: Explore The Pyramid) - Spends 40% damage on an attack that attempts to make the enemy afraid for 2 turns.

    Light/Dark: Weapon Golem - Randomly switches between Light and Dark, receives extra damage to compensate.

    Non-Elemental: Azamay Golem - Can be customized to a variety of effects and elements according to some specific runestones, default element is Earth.

    Non-Elemental: Mighty Morphin' Golem Stranger - Has a variety of effects and elements according to your clan. As with other clan-based gear, it's better to choose the clan based on your own roleplay then to choose it for the effects.

    Brasca123 -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (6/16/2016 21:39:14)

    Miscellaneous Items

    Miscs are incredibly useful items with a huge variety of effects. There isn't any specific selection of miscs that you must have, you should sort them out on how you feel like it.

    As there are way too many useful miscs out there, it's advisable to invest some tokens on storage slots.

    Most people usually like to have elemental resistance miscs with them though, they come in 2 types, the old subtractive ones (-10% Water, for example) and the new multiplicative ones (*0.5 Water, for example). At high levels, subtractive ones are usually better against single element enemies, while multiplicative ones are better against multi-element enemies. On low-mid levels, multiplicative ones are always better.

    Do note that all subtractive miscs are outdated and will be updated in due time to be multiplicative as that is the current standard.

    I'll make a general suggestion of elemental miscs and then follow with other utility miscs that you might find useful for your mage character.

    Huge thanks once again to TRB1965 as this elemental miscs selection was basically a huge copy of his own from the Ultimate Warrior Guide

    Elemental Resistance Miscs

    For a coverage of all elements which might help a huge deal in saving miscs slots, use the Cyclops' Eye misc. Also, the Legendary Shadows Crystal V2 on the Cyclops day is also a wonderful option for the elemental coverage. Do note that those items only set their element after the monster hit connects, so they are horrible against multi-element monsters. They are also only available for players above level 100.

    The Eye of the Unholy misc also protects against a specific element and gives defenses according to your Knight Kingdom. As the Knight storyline is quite good, it's recommended to choose your kingdom according to your Roleplay, and not for the items.


    Subtractive: Helm of Drakonnan (Guardians Only) - Costs a turn and a small amount of MP to activate. Has no upkeep.

    Subtractive: Amulet of Drakonnan - Has a pretty big SP upkeep, gives INT and magic defense.

    Multiplicative: OPTIC (Location: Burning Questions) - Has a small SP upkeep and also increases BTH.

    Multiplicative: Dragon Knight Series - Has a big SP upkeep, gives Melee/Magic defense and has a built-in skill that attempts to burn the opponent for 10 turns.


    Subtractive: Eye of Sacragon Series - Has an acceptable SP upkeep and gives magic defense, also has a built-in energy spell that burns the opponent and heals you for the same amount that burns the enemy, the burn stacks with itself, which can make this spell quite useful. Quite an useful misc, a good pick for sure.

    Multiplicative: Layard's Loyalty (Location: Layard's Loyalty) - Has a small SP upkeep and boosts BTH.


    Subtractive: Urn of Prevailing Winds - Has an acceptable SP upkeep, also gives extra DEX.

    Multiplicative: Yasakani Jewel - Has a pretty big SP upkeep, gives DEX, CHA and Heal resistance (Means that you heal more).

    Multiplicative: Sphinx's Riddle - Has an acceptable SP upkeep, gives Magic defense and has a Wind spell that can daze the enemy.


    Multiplicative: Void Visor - Has an acceptable SP upkeep, gives Melee/Ranged/Magic defense.


    Subtractive: Clan Defender's Memento - Has an acceptable SP upkeep and gives a bit of immobility resistance.

    Subtractive: Head of the Radius Dragon (Guardians Only) - Costs a turn and a small amount of MP to activate, also protects against Darkness.

    Multiplicative: Polygalactase Process - Has a small SP upkeep and boosts your damage against Earth or Plant monsters, the damage reduction is smaller than the usual for miscs though.


    Subtractive: Helm of Drakonnas (Guardians Only) - Costs a turn and a small amount of MP to activate. Has no upkeep.

    Subtractive: Shock Collar Series - Has an acceptable SP upkeep, gives a boost to pet damage.


    Subtractive: Wyrm Helm Series (Guardians Only) - Has an acceptable SP upkeep, gives a damage boost according to how little HP you have, the less you have the bigger the boost.

    Subtractive: Evil Eyeglasses - Costs a turn and small amount of SP to activate. Has no upkeep.

    Multiplicative: Eye of Osiris (Location: Explore The Pyramid) - Has a really big SP upkeep, gives INT, END and BTH.


    Subtractive: Head of the Radius Dragon (Guardians Only) - Costs a turn and a small amount of MP to activate. Has no upkeep, also protects against Earth.

    Multiplicative: Liquid Courage - Has a really big SP upkeep, protects against Fear and Panic.

    Multiplicative: Catcher's Mask (Location: Thursday The 12th War Accessible via Granemor's Cemetery) - Has an acceptable SP upkeep and gives Ranged defense.

    Compression Miscs

    Compression miscs are hardly a necessity on the game, most of the time they are quite bad actually, use them only against specific enemies that you find them to be necessary against.

    Subtractive: All Elements: Beleqwaya's Gift - Diamond of the Body - Costs a turn and a small amount of MP to activate. Has no upkeep. Gives -5% to all elements.

    Subtractive: Fire/Darkness: Flaming Skull Series - Has an acceptable SP upkeep, also gives Ranged defense.

    Subtractive: Wind/Energy: Thunderbird Helm - Has a pretty big SP upkeep.

    Subtractive: Wind/Darkness: Certificate of Victory Series - Costs a turn to activate and has a small SP upkeep.

    Subtractive: Earth/Light: Doctorate Diploma Series - Costs a turn to activate and has a small MP upkeep, also gives extra INT.

    Subtractive: Earth/Darkness: Head of the Radius Dragon (Guardians Only) - Costs a turn and a small amount of MP to activate, also protects against Darkness.

    Subtractive: Light/Darkness: Crystal of Restless Shadows - Has an acceptable Sp upkeep, makes you deal less damage and heals you for a proportional amount.

    Multiplicative: Fire/Light: Trophy Of Supreme Enthusiasm (Location: Arena of Enthusiasts!) - Has a Humongous SP upkeep, gives CHA and Melee/Ranged/Magic defense.

    Multiplicative: Light/Darkness: Insightful Twilight Mirror - Has a really big SP upkeep, gives INT and boosts your damage, all effects only work against Shadow monsters.

    Other Miscs

    All other miscs are pretty much some sort of utility, since those are just too many, I'll split them into damage and utility.

    It should be noted that the elemental defense miscs might also be good for utility or for damage, but they won't be listed again here. Utility miscs might also boost damage, but they won't be listed in the damage miscs section.

    Damage Miscs

    Power Shard: Dr. Boom Series - Has a super small SP upkeep and gives a nice boost to INT, also gives a built-in spell.

    Master Emblem Series ( Wand; Sword; Staff; Spear; Bow; Axe) - Costs little SP and boosts the damage of a specific type of weapon.

    Blood Orb - Has a small HP upkeep, gives a small boost to spells damage and BTH.

    Utility Miscs

    Nekonomicon Series - Has a really small SP upkeep and gives a bit of magic defense, also gives a built-in spell that can paralyze. Top tiers are Level 124 and 144G.

    Paladin's Oath - Has a small SP upkeep, gives CHA and LUK, also boosts your Light damage, can be clicked to summon Artix Guest.

    Gemini Pendant (Guardians Only) - Summons the Gemini Twins Guest. Misc does nothing else; Guest is pure damage, seeks between Earth and Wind.

    Snide Transformation Formula Series - Can be clicked to equip the Snide Armor.

    Lohkaista Shard - Has a small SP upkeep, gives lots of bonuses against demons and is completely useless against all other enemies.

    Neko Ears - Has a small SP upkeep, attempts to control the enemy every turn. Top tiers are Level 124 and 144G.

    Pendant of The'Galin - Has an acceptable SP upkeep, gives extra END/CHA and BTH, also reduces the damage by 1/2 of a random element every turn.

    Gogg's Fortune - Has a small SP upkeep, gives some LUK and a chance of getting celerity (Extra Turn) at the cost of taking extra damage.

    Shadowfeeder Pendant - Has a small MP upkeep, restores some SP every turn, can be clicked for celerity.

    Rejuvenating Necklace - Has a small SP upkeep, gives some magic defense and regenerates some MP every turn based on the damage you give, heals less if you cast a spell.

    Legendary Shadows Crystal V1 - Has an acceptable SP upkeep, strong effects that vary with the day.

    Legendary Shadows Crystal V2 - Has an acceptable SP upkeep, strong effects that vary with the day.

    Daw Series ( Roots; Spark; Tears; Fires; Brilliance) - All of those have really small MP upkeeps and attempt to inflict an effect on the enemy for 1 turn based on the enemy's elemental resistance. The most useful ones are actually the Roots and the Brilliance, the other 3 aren't that strong and are hardly worth an slot.

    Brasca123 -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (6/17/2016 10:36:26)

    Golden Gift Boxes, Seasonal Items, Special Offers And Other Things

    This section is mainly for items that aren't easily obtainable throughout your gameplay, but might still be useful for you for one reason or another. Those items are most of the time alternatives for the already mentioned options and should be looked at as an extra that might be interesting to get when the opportunity arrives.

    Credits go once again to TRB1965 for having the idea of making a similar section on his Ultimate Warrior Guide

    Golden Gift Boxes

    Golden Gift Boxes (GGB or GGBs on the plural) are a special shop that is opened by opening the box, you can buy 1 box for 250 tokens, or 10 boxes for 2000 tokens. Active Guardians also receive 1 free GGB every month.

    The nice part of the GGBs is that the items inside them cost gold (and are discounted!), meaning that if you get the shop you want, you'll be able to buy the item without worrying about spending more tokens on it.

    Adventurers should NOT open GGBs before the level cap, as they do not have access to the item upgrader, meaning that they can end up using a box on an item they won't be able to use at later levels.

    When you open a GGB, one shop out of 4 possibilities is opened: Common (C), Rare (R), Ultra Rare (UR) and Awesome!!!. The chances of getting any of the shops was never disclosed by the staff members, through some testing by players an estimate of getting each shops was made, which is:

    Common: 87%
    Rare: 10%
    Ultra Rare: 3%
    Awesome!!!: Unknown

    Keep in mind that those are estimates, and might not represent the actual chance of getting the shop you want.

    The Awesome!!! shop gives the possibility of guardians upgrading their awe weapon to AWE!!! weapons (it also upgrades the Ultraguardian weapons to Ultraguardian!!! weapons), making them 5 levels stronger than they normally are. You can only open this shop once, and the only drawback of it, is that you cannot use the guardian weapons anymore. As the Awe weapons are better in every aspect than the guardian weapons, there is no reason not to buy this upgrade at all. So make sure to get it if you get the chance.

    Lastly, you can "save" the GGB shop you opened if you don't like any of the items that are currently available through it. Quoting the Q&A FAQ

    What happens if I left a shop without buying anything?
    Previous unused purchases can be redeemed using the "What's Inside?" option, no additional boxes are needed. This means that, if you crash out of a shop or do not like the current selection of items, you will still retain your ability to purchase. The game keeps track of which shop you left, so do not fret about leaving an ultra rare shop.

    From here on, I'll list the items I think are good picks for mages.

    Common Shop

    Summon Spell Ice: Summon Icemaster Yeti - Inaccurate MP upkeep guest, sacrifices damage to attempt to daze the enemy, if it's already dazed, it attacks dealing full damage.

    Subtractive Misc Fire: Kitsune Mask - Has an acceptable SP upkeep and gives magic resistance.

    Subtractive Misc Darkness: Shikyo Mask - Has an acceptable SP upkeep and gives melee defense.

    Multiplicative Misc Darkness: 13th Mask - Has an acceptable SP upkeep and gives extra BTH.

    Rare Shop

    Compression Weapon Fire/Light: Solar Flair Staff - 0% proc weapon, can be clicked to summon an SP upkeep HP healing Guest, takes a small damage penalty to compensate for the compression and the ability to summon a guest.

    Effect Weapon Water: Hydromancer Bloodblade - 0% proc weapon, pays HP for extra damage, gives even more damage if used with a bloodmage armor.

    Effect Weapon Ice: Magic French Vanilla Ice Katana - 10% Proc weapon with a special that attempts to freeze the monster, the special has a huge damage penalty to compensate for the effect.

    Effect Weapon Earth: Toxic Gladius - 0% Proc Weapon, pays 45% damage (40% + MC) to inflict Poison for 5 rounds.

    Effect Weapon Energy: Eternity Key - 20% Proc Weapon, pays 65% damage to attempt to Hypersalinate (Energy's version of Freeze) the enemy for one turn.

    Tome Weapon Light: Undead Cleric's Arm - Has a built-in Healing Spell, an efficient Light Spell and a Light spell that sacrifices damage for chance of fearing the enemy. The Fear can stack with itself.

    Toggle Compression Shield Earth/Darkness: Darkovian Bulwark - Has a trigger against Were and Vamp monsters for extra Defenses.

    Call Spell Water: Mana Bat - Can be toggled between full damage or 1/2 damage and recovering your MP based on damage dealt.

    Ultra Rare Shop

    Trigger Weapon Water: Slayer's Lyfang - 15% proc weapon, deals extra damage and element seeks against darkovian creatures.

    No-Effect Weapon Energy: Star Sabre of Hatred - 0% proc weapon, MC spent on extra damage.

    Toggle Weapon Darkness: VoidSplinter Sunderer - 20% proc weapon, can be toggled to deal Harm damage.

    FO Armor Water: Hydromancer Bloodmage - Pays HP to make spells give extra damage, also has a built-in Water spell.

    MO Armor Earth: Samurai Warlord O-Yoroi - Has a decent darkness secondary and a skill that follows weapon element without penalty.

    FO Compression Armor Fire/Ice: Spirit Protector - Has a Fire skill that attempts to paralyze the enemy.

    FO Compression Armor Fire/Ice: Cleric of Carnafex - Has a Built-in skill that seeks between Fire and Ice.

    N Trigger Armor Ice: Frozen DragonSlayer - Deals extra damage against dragonkin/drakels and even bigger against dragons, deals less damage against the rest; has a built-in skill that deals Ice damage against normal enemies, seeks between harm and ice against drakels/dragonkins and seeks between void/harm/ice against dragons, damage boost from the Elemental Compensation (Ele-Comp) is always applied, regardless of the element of the skill.

    Summon INT based guest Spell Non-Elemental: Summon Poelala - This guest does not use CHA for stat, but INT, it boosts the damage of all your player attacks and spells. Best used on FO builds without CHA.

    INT Based Pet Non-Elemental: Poelala - This pet does not use CHA for stat, but INT, it boosts the damage of all your player attacks and spells. Best used on FO builds without CHA.

    Compression Pet Light/Dark/MP Heal: Soluna - Can be toggled to change freely between Light/Dark seek and MP heal mode, MC spent on the compression.

    Pet With Built-In Misc Darkness: Pygmy Zombie Groupies - Comes with a temporary misc that you can equip, Miscs gives light resistance and increases damage of the zombie groupies for a small SP upkeep.

    Effect Pet Ice: Diamond Flutterby - Can be toggled to switch freely between pure damage (with MC on damage) and freezing attack (with MC on freeze).

    Pet Harm: Tiny Void Pwny - Has 5% chance of dealing double damage, deals 90% damage to compensate for Harm damage.

    Damage and Effect Misc Non-Elemental: Warlic's Oblivion Sphere - Has an acceptable MP upkeep, gives INT, LUK and Magic Defense, as well as a chance to lock the enemy's MP every turn.

    Misc with Built-in Spell Light: Radiant Prism - Has a really small SP upkeep, increases damage and BTH of Light spells, also has a built-in Light spell. (Does NOT reduce the Light damage you take.)

    Seasonal Rares

    Seasonal Rares are items that are actually rare, but usually come back at a specific time of the year. Any item may or may not return on staff's discretion, they usually return though.

    Items that are locked to quests are usually available only to guardians because only them tend to have access to previous years quests.

    I'll refer to the events as they are called in game, since it might cause confusion with a few names, here is a list to clarify the weird ones.

    Snugglefest -> Valentine's Day.
    Blarney -> Saint Patrick Day.
    Grenwog -> Easter.
    Mogloween -> Halloween.
    Harvest Festival -> ThanksGiving Day.
    Frostval -> Christmas.


    Element Seeking Spell No-Element: Candy Hearts Series (Guardians Only) - Deals 80% damage and costs some SP to pay for the effect, follows the element of your weapon.

    CHA based SPell Wind: Necromantic Cry - Nothing special about it.

    Effect Pet Fire: Love Machine - Sacrifices 25% damage for attempting to make the enemy afraid.

    Effect Pet Wind: Cupid - Has an attack that doesn't deal damage but attempts to control enemy.


    FO Compression Armor Earth/Light: 4-Leaf Clover Armor - Can be clicked for extra LUK.

    FO Compression Armor Energy/Light: Leprechaun Power Au-rmour - Nothing special about it, top tiers for adventurers is Level 122. Worse than the 4 Leaf Clover in every aspect, pick only if you really need this specific compression.

    Summon Spell Fire/Light: Guardian Dragonchaun - Has MP upkeep, attacks randomly with the elements.

    Gold Upkeep Pet Earth: Golden Gween - Can click on it to pay gold and make it deal extra damage.

    Damage Boosting Pet Light: Lepre-Chan - Boosts damage of Light attacks. Best used on FO builds.

    Contract Guest Spell Darkness: Ninja Lawyer Assassins - Needs you to pay gold for every attack, it's stronger to compensate, has 2 effect attacks and 1 pure damage one.

    April Fools

    Trigger Weapon Earth: NightSever - 0% proc, triggers on a variety of things, deals more damage per trigger and element seeks if triggered on 3 or more of them, deals less damage when untriggered.

    100% Proc Weapon Energy: Balloon Baton - Nothing special about it.

    N Armor Energy: Loco Costume - Has 3 different attacks, pure damage, life drain and paralysis. This armor works better for FDA than for anyone else, the effects are defensive enough to the point that this armor ends up defending better than a FD armor. Needs a weapon with either no-special, or a special with a good effect to work properly though.

    Summon Spell Energy: Summon Loco - Has MP upkeep, attacks are really random.

    Effect Pet Wind: Nerfbat - Sacrifices 1/2 of its damage for making the enemy take more damage and have less blocking.

    Random Element Pet No-Element: Babby - Chooses an element at the start of the battle and attacks with it until the end of the battle, receives damage bonus to compensate.

    Pet Boosting Misc No-Element: Aria's Rattle - Has a really small upkeep, increases pet damage and BTH.


    FO Armor Wind: TyrannoChicken Rex Rider - Has a pure damage skill, as well as Water and Ice secondary resistances.

    Guest Caller Misc Earth: Green Dragon Ocarina - Has an acceptable upkeep, boosts CHA and reduces Earth damage taken, can also call an Earth Guest; guest is pure damage.

    Effect Pet Earth: Nerfit - Sacrifices 1/2 of its damage for making the enemy take more damage and have less blocking.

    Effect Pet Light: Bun-Bozo - Attempts to make the enemy afraid with each attack, deals less damage to pay for the effect.

    Effect Pet Wind: Bun-Bowman - Attempts to paralyze the enemy, deals less damage to pay for the effect.

    Mother's Day

    Subtractive Misc Light: Mother's Charm Earrings - Has a big MP upkeep, gives INT and Magic defense, guardians can toggle it for protecting against Darkness and giving CHA.

    Subtractive Misc Fire: Mother's Charm Necklace - Exact copy of the Earrings, gives CHA instead of INT, Fire/Ice instead of Light/Dark.

    Father's Day

    Effect Shield Ice: Father Time - Very similar to Purple Rain, you can click on it to turn back time to the last turn.

    Independence Day

    Toggle Compression Shield Fire/Light: Fireworks Shield - Has a bigger Ranged defense.


    Effect Weapon Water: Pumpkin Fang - 0% proc weapon, pays 10% damage to increases the damage of Water Spells by 18.75%.

    No-Effect Weapon Water: Mogloween 2016 Commemorative Spoon - 100% proc weapon, nothing special about it.

    FD Armor Earth: Doll Form - Has a secondary Ice resistance.

    MO Armor Water: Gorgonzilla Costume - Has a Fire skill that can poison the enemy.

    MO Compression Armor Earth/Darkness: Diretooth Form - Pre-lean armor. Nothing special about it.

    Simultaneous Resistance Shield Fire/Water: Pumpkin Shield - Nothing special about it.

    Random Element Pet Light/Darkness: ElBhe Doll - Attacks randomly with it's elements, deal bonus damage to compensate.

    Guest Caller Misc No-Element: Taladosian Tart - Has no upkeep, click on it to summon a Energy SP Guest, misc does nothing else; guest is pure damage.

    Harvest Festival

    FO compression armor Water/Earth: W.H.E.E.L. - Has a built-in skill that gives Water damage.

    CHA based SPell Fire: Drop the MOAP - Spends all your SP for extra damage.

    Guest Caller Misc No-Element: Saladmandr Seed Pack - Has no upkeep, click on it to summon a Fire SP Guest, misc does nothing else; guest is pure damage.


    FD Armor Ice: ReignDragon Rider - Has a fire skill that pays 25% damage to burn the enemy.

    Void Take Over

    The Void Take Over is an event in which The Void is take over by another(s) character(s), when this happens there is a special battle available, which usually gives a reward.

    The Void Take Over is usually available for adventurers on the first 2 weeks, afterwards, it becomes exclusive to Guardians

    The current Void Take Over IS NOT available to adventurers.

    As of 8/13 the current Void Take Over challenge is the Underbeast. The available rewards are:
      Multiplicative Misc Earth: Underarmour - Has a humongous SP cost, gives Melee and Ranged defense, as well as STR and END..

    Special Offers

    Friendship Bracelet - A misc with a small upkeep that boosts CHA, can be clicked to Call 2 different guests. Obtainable by referring a friend. To refer a friend, go to Manage Your Account » Login » Invite a Friend, and let a friend use the given link to create an account and character.

    End Notes And Helpful Links

    With this the guide is over, if you have any disagreements, suggestions, reminders or whatever else that might happen, feel free to comment on me, any suggestions will only help to make the guide better!

    Some helpful links that you might also want to check

    Master List of Game Formulae By Kaelin.
    Ultimate Ranger Guide By Jdilla.
    Ultimate Warrior Guide By TRB1965.
    Ultimate Hybrid Guide By SS2195. Not yet complete.
    A Guide To Adventure Quest History And Lore By James Lu.
    Equipment Comparison.
    Questions & Answers.


    Thanks to all previous owners of the guide, which helped me a huge lot in the past and now I'm hoping will help other people as well.
    Thanks to all staff members for making this awesome game and keeping up with our weekly complaints.
    Thanks to James Lu and the other ArchKnights for entrusting me with this guide.
    Thanks to Carandor for updating the Encyclopedia and clearing up the messy entries, it's an incredible help to have proper entries to the linked items.
    Thanks to Tep Itake, Andlu, Archmagus Orodalf and Klawd Strife for making Write Ups for the quests, so that I could link them to the proper location.
    Special thanks to TRB1965, SS2195 and Jdilla for their help with this guide, I've based my work a lot on their own, and I don't think I'd be able to finish it without their help.
    A last thanks to all my Real Life friends that know absolutely nothing about AQ, yet were incredibly supportive of me while I was making this guide.

    Change Log

    10/20/2016 - Originally Published.
    12/04/2016 - Added Molten Staff, Mana Staff, Underarmour, Rainbow Raygun, Sisters of Mercy, Moonwalker's Grace, VoidSplinter Sunderer, Pumpkin Fang. Removed Pyro Bloodmage, Scrambler Ray, Randomizing Ray, Ward of Energy.
    01/15/2017 - Added Hydromancer Bloodblade, Hydromancer Bloodmage. Removed Relic Staff, Blades of Reaping, Silas.
    03/18/2017 - Updated various links thanks to Carandor.
    03/21/2017 - Updated Golden Giftboxes.
    03/25/2017 - Added Coin's Coin, Mogloween 2016 Commemorative Spoon, Summon Zard Spells, The Helbane, Skeeter, Unusual Upkeep Guests Section; Removed Forest Champion Wand, Wind Spirit, Halliphax, Mana Golem. Updated Lighting Rod.

    Link Maintenance Section

    This serves mainly for easier tracking of what items don't have pedia entries yet, you can ignore this section completely. (Another idea that I got from TRB1965, thanks a bunch xD)

    Salvation Scepter (Location: Warp Wars - Today's Events » Warpforce Crossover Quests » Warp Wars!)
    Carnafex Sceptre (Location: War of the Giants Finale)
    Ultra OmniKnight Blade (Location: Rise Of The Shadow Council)
    Silver Blade of Victory (Location: Warlic's Shop)
    Feather Buster (Location: Play the Harpie)
    Coin's Coin (Location: Warlic's Magic Shop)
    Staff of Twilly (Location: Twilly Kidnapped!)
    Star Screamer (Location: Warp Wars - Today's Events » Warpforce Crossover Quests » Warp Wars!)
    Lightning Rod Series (Location: Warlic's Shop)
    Greater Bright Blade of Victory (Location: Blades of Victory)
    Greater Dark Blade of Victory (Location: Blades of Victory)
    Undefeatablade (Location: Guardian Arena)
    Blade of Agony's Blood
    Molten Staff
    The Helbane (Location: Warlic's Magic Shop)
    Mana Staff
    Cthutlass (Location: Talk Like a Pirate Day)
    Ice Cream Scepter (Location: Ice Cream?)
    Mutant King Club (Location: The Mutant King Attacks!)
    Jousting Armors (Location: Guardian Tower » Stables » Talk to Wun-Eye » See the animals!)
    Contradictory Armors (Location: Mystery! AQ Live)
    Celtic Series (Location: Hunt For The 5 Treasures)
    Flawfish (Location: Transmorphers: Beast Hostilities)
    Rust Raider (Location: War of the Giants part 3)
    Quester's Heavy Gunner (Location: Warp Wars - Today's Events » Warpforce Crossover Quests » Warp Wars!)
    Osiris Armor (Location: Explore The Pyramid)
    Legendairy (Location: Transmorphers: Beast Hostilities)
    Time-Twisted Carnax Fighter (Location: Rise Of The Shadow Council)
    Brilhado Necromancer Armour (Location: Past Unraveled V)
    Quester's Antimatter Splatter (Location: Warp Wars - Today's Events » Warpforce Crossover Quests » Warp Wars!)
    Poutine Golem (Location: Frostvale Village Shop)
    Call Scion (Location: Hostage to Misfortune - Travel Map » Darkovia » Dracopyre Legacy » 6.Hall of Memories » Open Doors » Right Arrow » Bonus: Hostage to Misfortune)
    Mana Spirit (Location: Archmage Research spell, obtained in the The Restoration quest)
    Frogzard Hunter Part 3
    Skeeter (Location: Frogzard Hunter Part 3)
    Waters of Immortality (Location: Transient Immortality)
    Scarab Swarm (Location: Explore The Pyramid)
    Chocolate Syrup (Location: Ice Cream?)
    Borrow G
    Pie Shield (Location: Ice Cream?)
    Osiris Shield (Location: Explore The Pyramid)
    Shield of Agony's Blood
    Doray Shield
    Sole Shield (Location: Ice Cream?)
    Scarab Shield (Location: Explore The Pyramid)
    Floating Pie (Location: Ice Cream?)
    Badb Catha (Location: Hunt For The 5 Treasures)
    Ice Cream Golem (Location: Ice Cream?)
    Dogzilla (Location: War of The Giants - Part 2)
    Harpy Dragon (Location: Play The Harpie)
    Sphinx (Location: Riddle Of The Sphinxes)
    Scarab Pet (Location: Explore The Pyramid)
    Mau of Osiris (Location: Explore The Pyramid)
    OPTIC (Location: Burning Questions)
    Layard's Loyalty (Location: Layard's Loyalty)
    Eye of Osiris (Location: Explore The Pyramid)
    Catcher's Mask (Location: Thursday The 12th War)
    Trophy Of Supreme Enthusiasm (Location: Arena of Enthusiasts!)
    Gemini Pendant
    Gemini Twins Guest
    Hydromancer Bloodblade
    Toxic Gladius
    Ward of Energy
    Undead Cleric's Arm
    Star Sabre of Hatred
    VoidSplinter Sunderer
    Hydromancer Bloodmage
    Cleric of Carnafex
    Diamond Flutterby
    Tiny Void Pwny
    Radiant Prism
    Ninja Lawyer Assassins
    Balloon Baton
    TyrannoChicken Rex Rider
    Green Dragon Ocarina
    Pumpkin Fang
    Mogloween 2016 Commemorative Spoon

    Approved! Thanks for updating it! Looks very good ~James

    battlejo -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (2/20/2017 7:39:36)

    OMG thanks for this HUUUUGE guide! It's really helpful, I will definitely use it soon.

    ZumaChaosReborn -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (2/24/2017 15:19:25)

    Dear Brasca123,

    I would like to suggest that FD players get Fires of Desolation (new non-burst version of Destruction Burst, still eleseeks between fire and darkness), so they can use a healing spell while covering eight elements.
    Also, I think you should add a section concerning token/package items as some players might be willing to get them.

    (Until now, I didn't know you could reply to/post under guides!)

    Thank you for your attention,


    Carandor -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (2/26/2017 15:01:29)

    All these items now have pedia entries:

    Rainbow Raygun

    Artix Ally Assist

    Galanoth Ally Assist

    Aquella Ally Assist

    Zorbak Ally Assist

    Robina Ally Assist

    Moonwalker's Grace

    Sisters of Mercy

    Call Mittens

    Entangling Vines

    Purifying Pollen

    Mending Vines

    Catnip Senses

    Call Mana Bat

    Necromantic WAHHHHH

    Frostval Commemorative Spoon (although this is perma-rare)

    Samurai Warlord O-Yoroi

    Spirit Protector

    Frozen Dragonslayer

    ReignDragon Rider


    13th Mask

    Saladmandr Seed Pack


    Drop the MOAP

    Neko Waifer

    Mana Golem

    Warlic's Oblivion Sphere

    Brasca123 -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (3/18/2017 7:48:24)


    Dear Brasca123,

    I would like to suggest that FD players get Fires of Desolation (new non-burst version of Destruction Burst, still eleseeks between fire and darkness), so they can use a healing spell while covering eight elements.
    Also, I think you should add a section concerning token/package items as some players might be willing to get them.

    (Until now, I didn't know you could reply to/post under guides!)

    Thank you for your attention,


    I'm a few months behind on releases, gonna take a bit for me to updated the guide, but thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep it in mind.

    @Carandor. Thanks a bunch! You saved me ages of work!!!! \(^^)/

    XiltoQ -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (7/14/2017 7:31:38)

    I'm currently building a beastmaster mage, focused on being able to juggle around MP, SP and HP in defensive armors, while pets do damage.

    I am wondering if Siphon from URGGB is or could be good for a BMMage? I really like the concept of the spell, but I dont want to buy it without any numbers.

    Excellent guide btw!

    kamikazi008 -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (7/22/2017 3:20:49)

    Note that HoRD and Sila's Staff are Guardian Account items thanks to the Shared Vault.
    Commentary on Magestaves when?

    Dainishi -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (7/31/2017 11:06:34)

    is the warg rider any good for mages?

    Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Training Academy: Ultimate Mage Guide (In Progress) (8/5/2017 0:12:49)

    Unfortunately, I will have to lock this and the other Training Academy guides as the owners have been inactive for many months.

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