=Official= HS Story Compilation (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> =Official= HS Story Compilation (6/3/2011 21:03:45)

Here is the history of HS:

In the Beginning... This is a story thread specifically for you to tell the world about the beginnings of your character.
=HS= In the Beginning... discussion

=HS= Where's Ghouldo? Stories and Poetry 2011
=HS= Where's Ghouldo? Stories and Poetry 2011 Commentary

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Official= HS Story Compilation (9/23/2011 16:58:33)

HeroSmash literature.

-13 Souls
The Apprentices; The Apprentices Commentary
project 1.fire.1fire.1.f; Discussion.

-A Dreamer
A Dreamer's Backstory; A Dreamer's Backstory Commentary.
The Nightmare; The Nightmare Discussion
Dark Assassin; Dark Assassin Commentary
Tales Of Kevin LoringStar-Chaotic Evil Soldier; Tales Of Kevin LoringStar-Chaotic Evil Soldier Commentary
The Origins of Darkness; The Origins of Darkness Commentary
Fairgates:Antithesis; Fairgates:Antithesis Commentary
Classified; Classified Commentary
Sister in Arms; Commentary
The Story of Captain Arafae; The Story of Captain Arafae Commentary
Who Needs A Medical License? - POV of Lady Zafara; [link=]Who Needs A Medical License? - POV of Lady Zafara Commentary[/link]
The Tale of Lady Zafara; The Tale of Lady Zafara Commentary
-Argeus the Paladin
AAR: I am Skantarios!

The Doctor

United; United Commentary
The Revanchist; The Revanchist Commentary
Insanity's Child; Insanity's Child Commentary
Insanity's Child -Reboot-; Insanity's Child -Reboot-
-Clown the Jester
The Good, The Bad, and The Chaos; The Good, The Bad, and The Chaos Commentary
Operation R.E.B.O.R.N.; Operation R.E.B.O.R.N. Commentary
The Madness of Clown the Jester; The Madness of Clown the Jester Discussion
The Children of Clown the Jester; The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion
L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N; L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N Discussion
-Crystal Lion
American Lions; American Lions Commentary
Antumbra; Antumbra: Discussion

Takeover; Takeover Discussion
For What Was Great; For What Was Great Commentary
Two Evils...; Two Evils... Commentary
Gems of Humanity; [link=]Gems of Humanity Commentary[/link]
Not the Common Cold[; Not the Common Cold Discussion
The Drakkonian Chronicles. The Drakkonian Chronicles Commentary.
The Advent of Modo; The Advent of Modo Commentary


The Origin of Fire,Secret of The Blaze; [link=]The Origin of Fire,Secret of The Blaze Commentary[/link]

Who Needs A Medical License? *Original Form*; Who Needs A Medical License? *Original Form* Commentary
Who Needs A Medical License? *Revised Form*; Who Needs A Medical License? *Revised Form* Commentary
Who Needs Ethical Boundaries?; Who Needs Ethical Boundaries? Commentary

-Haunting Mystery
Haunting Mystery; Haunting Mystery Discussion
S.A.L.T.Y.C.H.I.P.S; S.A.L.T.Y.C.H.I.P.S Commentary.
The Young Prodigy-Prometheus


The Puppet Master; The Puppet Master Commentary
Legacy; Legacy Commentary
-Jessa K
Some Call It Fate. Some Call It Fate Commentary

The Darkness King; Stargate. Commentary.

-Lord Avonn
Eternity; Eternity Commentary
The Alcem Chronicals; The Alcem Chronicals Commentary
The Rocket; The Rocket Commentary
The End of Pandora; The End of Pandora Commentary

-Master Kage
OminX; OminX Commentary
Deal with The Dealer; The Rise Of Shadowcorp!; The Tragic Tale of Two Brothers.
Tales Of A Spy (Commentary for all stories)
Some Info on the Dealer.
The Tale of Two Slayers; The Tale of Two Slayers Commentary
A Story Untold... A Carnie Unfolded... The Story of Qyp.
Live Wire; Live Wire Discussion



The Legend of Shadow; The Legend of Shadow Commentary
Penumbra Onslaught; [link=]Penumbra Onslaught Commentary[/link]
-Petey Piranha Plant
Brother and Sister: One Evil, One Good!; Brother and Sister: One Evil, One Good! Commentary
Red, Black and Purple; Red, Black and Purple Commentary.

-Question Mark?
Lord Thursday: Expostulate

-Ramix The Red Ace
Cyan Eagle Ramix, Taking Flight!; Cyan Eagle Ramix, Taking Flight! Commentary
Remnant: Unknown Hero (Episode 1); Remnant: Unknown Hero (Episode 1) Commentary
Remnant: Rising Star (Episode 2) ; Remnant: Rising Star (Episode 2) Commentary
Tombkeeper: Case Study

-Shadow of the Dead
The Tale of Shadows; [link=]The Tale of Shadows Commentary[/link]
-Shadow Ravena
Forgetting the Shadows; The Library of Shadows.
The Origins of the Universe; Eclipsing the Darkness
-silver knight
Rise of the Flames; Rise of the Flames Commentary
-Sir Night
Monster of the Swamp; Monster of the Swamp Commentary
Fallen Champion.; Fallen Champion Commentary.
Story of Sporetox; Story of Sporetox Commentary
-star screamer
A Dreadful Past
Star Screamer chronicles: Doctor Fear
Star Screamer: Reason to die; Star Screamer: Reason to die Commentary
Unhappy times; Unhappy times Commentary
Star Screamers Backstory; [link=]Star Screamers Back Commentary[/link]
Dungeons and Jesters; Dungeons and Jesters Commentary.
The Night Before Smashmas

-Twighlight Sky
Dark Sky; Dark Sky Discussion
DaVinci Con 2013; DaVinci Con 2013 Discussion

The Tales of Accelerator Unity
The Ancient Evil Army's Terror
Apprentices of Sherlock Unity
The Tale of Unity
Unity and the Two Gods
Number 9 of <H.A.W.K>
Awakening of Zen-Faux, Book Two
Reality Traveller
Trick or Treat...
Vampires and Vampires
Unity Super Hunter; Unity Super Hunter Commentary
Reality Traveler; Reality Traveler Commentary

Experimental Origin; Experimental Origin Commentary
Trials of Morality; Trials of Morality Commentary
Unexpected Circumstances
The story of the minor god, Velmur; The story of the minor god, Velmur Commentary
L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N; L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N Discussion
Chronicles of the Red Orb; Chronicles of the Red Orb Discussion
Project Ascendant; Project Ascendant Discussion

Watziname WAT
Soul Battles; Soul Battles Commentary
The Prince Of The OmniBeings!; [link=]The Prince Of The OmniBeings! Commentary[/link]
Seiken Hatamichi: Legend; Seiken Hatamachi: Legend Discussion
[HS] Omni; [HS] Omni commentary.



Thunder's Might
Thunder's Might; Thunder's Might Commentary

[link=][/link]; [link=] Commentary[/link]

[link=][/link]; [link=] Commentary[/link]

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