ChainSword -> RE: DragonFable's timeline- updated (4/13/2010 11:44:22)
2011 January January 1: New Disease weapons in Player Suggestion Shop. Congratulations to Eric Ravenwing and Zhukai! -Chronomancer weapons added into Cysero's Superstore of Savings! January 2: War ends (and staff definitely didn't help us win. Nope.), Plushie Fury-quest released. ---Quest drops first level 61 weapons. Level cap will be raised at monday. -Plushie versions of Artix, Cysero, Rolith and Tomix added as rare war drops. Plushie Frostscythe, Noxus, Nythera, Seppy, True Mortal and Xan can be purchased at Cysero's Superstore of Savings! January 3: Level cap raised to 70. January 7: Best of 2010-shop released, selling level 60 and 61 versions of favourite weapons and accessories of last year. -New random quest at Dragesvard: Draggin' in Dragesvard -New quest at Shadow of The Wind Village: Ninja Pizza Delivery ---Also, town updated with some sneaky ninja NPCs. January 14: New Willowshire quest: The Map Room ---First in-game mention of Fae since early 2006! Lots of Fangirl/boy-screaming in General Discussion-forum. -New Ravenloss quest: Altar Hill -"Good" plushie pets (Artix, Cysero, Rolith and Tomix) added into Cysero's Superstore of Savings! January 21: SoulWeaver Armor released into DA testing. -New Ravenloss quest: At the gate -New Willowshire quest: Race to the Key Orb -After being missing for almost 5 years, appearing only in few AE commercials, but never in any of the games, Fae finally returns into DragonFable. Welcome back home. January 28: New Willowshire quest: Reanimated -One new weapon set added into Maya's bookstore in Oaklore February February 3: Snowpacolypse Day- shop and Dragon Dance Mask Shop (A.K.A.: Chinese New Year shop) released February 4: Ravenloss War begins! ---New cutscene and 3 new catapult missions released: Making Plans, Embodiment Catapault, ChaosWeaver Catapault and Defend the ChaosWeavers --- Ravenloss War Chest and Ptolemy Purchase - war-shops released February 6: SuperBowl Shop 2011 released. February 7: Embodiment war waves added to Greed's side of war. Pillar of Light-trinket released to Ravenloss War Chest to honor Beacons of Hope-clan. February 9: War reaches 50%. Meeting Vaal-cutscene released. February 11: ChaosWeawer war counter reaches 100%! Bossfight quest, The End?, released. --- Ravenloss Warmonger and ChaosWeawer Defender war-reward shops open. ---All Equilibrium Gate keys available at their own shops. ---Also, collecting 15 ChaosWeawer Runes gives you access to ChaosWeaver Champion-cutscene. -Previous' years' Hero's Heart Day-events re-released. February 18: Hero's Heart Day 2011-event released. ---Introducing new NPCs in DF: Beleen and Liam-Liam (congratulations to forum-member liamliam1234liam) --- 2011 HHD Shop released, selling new seasonal weapons, and... ponies (poor True Mortal. He had to create sooo many ponies to this event...)! ---Also, old HHD shops updated with weapons, and... ponies! February 19: Greed war counter finally reaches 100%! Judgement Wheel: Guilt and Judgement Wheel: Innocence-scythes released to sale for Dragon Coins. February 25: New Willowshire quest: En Tropy - Pellow Village opens in Ravenloss. -Soulweawer class fully released to all players. ---You must complete Meet Aegis-cutscene to begin training Soulweawer class. March March 4: New Willowshire quest: Reforged March 11: New Willowshire quest: New Face of Entopy - Lucky Day-Storybook released, giving access to Lucky Day-events of previous years. - Flutterfly-dragon Wings-shop released. March 14: Rainbow Bridge War begins! --- Competely new war system released: Almost every single quest in game counts as war wave! - Pi Day Shop! released. - Willowshire Alley-shop released somewhere in Willowshire. March 15: Armor Closet gets updated, and some new behind-the-scenes features. March 16: Infinite Bank space for DC items! Dragonlords will be able to store their DC items in bank without taking space from other items, justlike in AQWorlds! March 17: Achievements added into character page. - Lucky Day 2011 shop released March 18: War ends... But bossfight quest isn't quite ready yet. Will be released on monday. - Pre-alpha testing of Build a Quest-system released. Soon players will be able to write and construct their own quests and cutscenes, and share them to everybody to play. - Somnus Shop released. March 21: Bossfight-quest released: Arrrgh(us)! March 25: Walkaround map between Verteroche, Warlic's Zone, Lymcrest, Dragesvard and Willowshire expanded to reach Surewould Forest, and overall fixed of bugs. - New quest in Verteroche: Escort From Verteroche March 31: New CMC: CMC - Mar 11 April April 1: As "April Fools Challenge", DF team goes over the top, releasing something every hour for 24 hours in row! --- Overall, 3 helm sets, 1 cape set, 5 weapon sets, 2 trinkets, 1 pet, 3 belts and 1 house item released (Later merged together in Happy 2011 April Fools!-shop), PLUS 3 quests with their item drops. - 3 quests released: Escort to Dragesvard, Dragon Trap! and Cluck Cluck MOOOOO! - Willowshire's Inn opens. Talk about huge release day. April 8: New Willowshire quest: Nature's Keeper - Zurvana weapon set from April 1st is re-released somewhere in Lore... And even if you find it, you have to solve the riddle to open the shop! (Protip: Certain skeleton in Moonridge may be helpful in solving it) April 15: New Willowshire quest: Surehunter Woes ---You may find something else besides "Quest Complete" button inside this quest... -New fire weapon set in Player Suggestion Shop. Congratulations to Jester857!! - New Area: Stoneheart Fall --- True Mortal returns as permanent NPC (He quickly visited Falconreach in December 2010, without dialogue) April 18: Eric Greydawn (formerly known as Eric Ravenwing, DragonFable warmonger, Member of M.O.P. during Resident Sneevil war, and man behind one trinket and one weapon set in the game) joins AE staff as intern. Congratulations! April 22: New Willowshire quest: Earth and Entropy - Imaru's Pride weapon added to Cysero's Superstore of Savings. Congratulations to Imaru! - Earth Day 2011 shop released. April 24: Grenwog Gold Shop, Grenwog DC Shop and Grenwog House Shop released. April 29: Hidden Blades mini-war released in Willowshire. --- In this new war-system, objective is to hide all 10 pieces of Blade of Awe to 45 locations around Lore. 10 lucky people will get to "hide the piece of blade", and choose next location to search. --- War-quest changes between 9 possible locations, depending of the area under search. --- Upon every found location, Cutscene is released. May May 5: War ends, Entropic Earth Boss-bossfight released. Willowshire questchain ends. --- Now that all 8 orb sagas have been finished, DragonFable will soon close first chapter of it's story. While "our side" has total of 5 orbs, and Sepulchure has 3, there is no doubt that things will get very interesting in not-so-distant future... And speaking of which, Next Friday the XIII war is less than two weeks away... May 6: 5 new quests at Falconreach: Dragesvard Havoc, Sandsea Havoc, Sho 'Nuff Havoc, Popsprocket Havoc and Falconreach Havoc (each quest requires you to have finished corresponding town's storyline) --- Havoc and Chaos has already begun all around Lore. Soon, very soon, Sepulchure will attack us directly... in Final Friday the 13th invasion... Oaklore Keep, and it's Knights, receive complete art update. The place looks absolutely fantastic now. Huge thanks to Tomix! - Oaklore Catapult-minigame released. - Dragonlords may now get Rolith as guest from Oaklore. May 9: Announcement of DragonFable's first Limited Quantity Shop (LQS) made in Design Notes. Unfortunately causes enormous amount of negative feedback and downright complaining in General Discussion... May 12: Falconreach gets complete art update, and expands to north a little. New town looks amazing! It would be shame if it got destroyed anytime soon... May 13: Sepulchure sends his army of 4 million undead waves to Falconreach. The Final 13th-war begins. - New cutscene: The Final 13th May 14: LQS shop released, selling total amount of 1666 weapons. Items run out in 4 hours. May 18: After issuing 50% challenge in Design Notes, people start beating war waves so fastthat DF database actually breaks. We broke the war by being too awesome. Go figure. --- Obsidian Dragon Shop released once war reaches 50% - New cutscene: The Flying Fortress --- o_O !!! May 20: War reaches 75%. Beast of War-titan battle released. May 22: War reaches 100%. Bossfight against Sepulchure released. --- ... --- ... --- ... spoiler:
--- Sepulchure defeats us easily, while basically toying with us. --- Lady Celestia is killed by Undead Akriloth and Xan. Akriloth's son hatches and joins Sepulchure's forces. --- Turns out this was only first wave. Was counter drops to 20%. Total amount of war-waves is 20 million. --- This war has just begun... But Sepulchure has already pretty much crushed us. Can we survive? May 25: New NPC, The Lady (forum member Lady Greydawn's NPC), arrives in Falconreach, selling her weapon in her shop. May 27: New quest: After the Ice Orb June June 4: New quest: Bombs Away! - Undead Akriloth-titan battle added to last week's Dragesvard-quest. June 10: New quest: Kordana Rises - Baby Dragons get 100 extra stat points to train! - DragonLord-only feature: You can now equip one item, and SHOW other one, still keeping first one's stats! --- Not anymore you have to choose between good stats and good looks, since now you can get both! Or how about equipping destiny axe, but showing Shadowreaper Of DOOM? It goes without saying that players are very happy about this new feature. - Happy birthday DragonFable! June 17: New quest: Dying Light - War Wolf Shop, Dragon Wolf Shop and War Wolf Conversion-shops released, exhanging Defender's Medals to awesome ice weapons made by TM. Both DA and Non-DA versions available in their respective shops. June 21: Dodging the Undead and Falconreach Mill-minigames added to war. Try these out if normal waves are getting too boring after a while. June 24: New quest: Sepulchure's Fortress July July 1: New quest: The Ultimate Orb July 2: Spineripper-LQS (Limited Quantity Shop) released, selling total of 2000 Spineripper-scythes. ---The shop sells out in 9 hours. That went pretty smoothly. July 4: Liberty 2011 Shop released, selling both Canada- and US-themed capes. Happy 4th of July, America. July 6: Chest hunt begins! Three different chests have rare chance to drop from war waves, or can be bought from Cysero's Superstore of savings. July 8: War reaches 100%! The Necrotic Generals-bossfight released. Congratulations everyone, biggest war ever is over, and First main storyline of DF is about to end. - True Mortal and his area, Stoneheart Falls, get art update. July 12: Chests open into Found "Lucky" Wishbone, Found Skull Ripper Helm and Found Ripper Wings. July 15: New quest: The Dragon Drakath July 22: New quest: An Unlikely Duo --- Some epic plot-twists in this quest, raising more questions than it answers... And those cutscenes are something amazing! - True Mortal's questchain begins: The Key - Two random quest at TM's zone released: Inroad and Enroachment July 28: Mysterious Stranger leaves outskirts of Falconreach (what an unexpected twist). Red hooded orb replaces him/her/it... for now. July 29: Falconreach's Guardian Tower has been rebuild, to even greater than first one. All lost quests and features return. - New area/quest: Blackwyn Tomb --- Technically it is it's own small dungeon with short story, but practically it counts as quest. In either case, the place holds more than few surprises... - True Mortal opens his ingenuinely named merge shop, True Mortal. - Belial's Armored Visage-helm added to Cysero's Superstore of Savings. August August 1: Walking path to Blackwyn Tomb from Hunter's Paradise released. August 5: New quest: The Growing Darkness - Purple-house item shop released in TM's zone August 12: New quest: Eclipse - 3rd random quest in TM's zone: Encampment - Sidhe Wings-shop released at TM's zone August 19: Second to last quest of Dragonfable's chapter 1: When --- Only one more quest before first chapter of Dragonfable ends. Will we be victorious against planet-sized darkness dragon, or will the game end completely next week? (Note: This part of guide was updated 4 weeks after the release of above quest. If there is more than 2-3 lines of text below this note, we most likely were victorious.) August 26: Finale of DragonFable's chapter 1: Full Darkness (and extreme version, Extreme Full Darkness) --- So, we managed to defeat godlike power that threatened Lore, and got some foreshadowing of possible events to come. Both above note and this one can be ignored now. - Glory Weapons-shop released, offering first Good-element weapons by merging Stone of Falconreach Tower and Shard of the Ultimate Orb August 30: Greydawn's Anniversary Cloaks released on The Lady's Shop to celebrate Eric Greydawn's and his wife's second anniversary. Congratulations! --- Also, the cloaks will probably be seasonal rares. Let's wait to next year to find out for sure. September September 2: New TM's quest: New Horizon September 9: New quest: Skweel --- While the first chapter may be over, there is still some aftermath to do. Like returning that one orb. All 8 of it. Yeah. - True Mortal Plushie and The Lady and Kensai Plushies available in TM's Purple-house item shop. --- And for the record, this is the first appearance of Eric Greydawn's NPC in game. And it's as plushie toy. Heh. September 16: New TM's quest: Ice Cave - Last quest of Chapter 1 of DragonFable: Chapter One Epilogue ---And with that, Orb Saga is finally over. But with elemental planes this out of balance, chaos surely won't miss this opportunity to rise... - Oaklore and South Falconreach updated with new artwork. A Hero Is Bored-opening quest updated. September 19: TLaPD 2011-shop and all it's rare booty arr here. September 23: New quest at Hunter's Paradise: Barrat - enTropy armor released for DA-only testing. September 30: New TM quest: KhyRhian Outpost October October 6: Elemental Unity DC Package released! By buying 1000 or 2000DC set, you now get Elemental Unity-trinket October 7: Mogloween begins: Last Year - enTropy armor fully released. October 13: Amount of candy you can get from Trick-or-treating has been raised all the way to 400, mask bonuses not included. That makes getting those masks much easier. October 14: New Mogloween quest: 48 Weeks Later --- With Zardbies still running around Doomwood, It's a good thing that M.O.P. is guarding area. And it's even better than I'm part of said team, because now that there seems to be antidote, who'd be better to guard it than... No. No, no, no, nononononnNNOOOoO!!! October 21: New Mogloween quest: Escape to Croft - New Seasonal Area: Croft October 28: New Mogloween quest: Attack on Croft! --- Zardbie infection just got out of hand! This calls for war! Mogloween - Croft Overrun!-war begins! - Trick or Treats 2011! begins! Good luck managing to get give some candy AND fighting zardbies! - Seasonal Barber Shop opens in Croft! Get your haircut before Mogloween ends! October 31: Zardbie Scythe for sale in Limited Quantity Shop in Falconreach! Only 2000 available! November November 4: War reaches 100%! Bossfight quest: ZardbiBubble --- And with that, Mogloween 2011 is finished! Story continues next year! Also, go check out Zardbified-shop! - New TM quest: Origins November 8: 2012 AE Calendars available at! Redeeming the code that comes with it gives you Chaorrupted Clock, which turns into ChronoCorrupter class at New Year! November 11: New quest: Sil Ruins --- These ruins are so huge, the place is considered it's own area! Hidden in these ruins are lots of lost treasures and dangers... Try to not get lost, or at least to find your way out! -New quest at Verteroche: Old Scrolls ---At the background of the quest, you can see sneak peek of Swordhaven, coming next week! November 18: New town: Swordhaven - The capital of Lore and the town of The Good King Alteon! Go explore! - New quest: Sewers November 24: Thankstaking 2011 released! Go eat fight some food! November 25: Black Friday Shop and Half-Off Shop are here! Everything is half-off! ...including items available... December December 2: New quests in Swordhaven: Swordhaven Forest and Swordhaven Marsh --- Also, new shop in Swordhaven: Sewer Pets - Dragonsgrasp House Items-shop is open! December 7: Introducing Dracelix, newest DF intern. Not only under the responsibility to craft new items, he's also polishing old items from DF's early days to give them more up-to-date look. December 9: Alexander Saga begins! --- Find burnt book in Swordhaven's Burnt House in order to unlock new character slot! Similar to ArchKnight Saga, you'll be playing as wizard's apprentice, trying to make his way through everyday studies along with his fellow apprentices... Jaania and Warlic!?!? - First Alexander quest: Reagent Race - New quest in Swordhaven: Mutant Caves - Frostval Storybook released! Go catch up on previous Frostvals before this year's begins! December 13: Congratulations to Lady_Dragonrider for winning the contest of naming Kensai Greydawn's pet-panther, Tsumedo! December 16: Frostvale 2011 begins! First quest: Frostvale Defense - New Alexander Quest: The Wizards Apprentices December 21: New Frostval quest: Breaking In December 30: New Frostval quest: Captain Rolith's Revenge --- Once again, you have saved frost moglins from... ehm... well, saved is perhaps wrong word... but at least they don't have to wear funny hats anymore. - Frostval 2011-town is open! Go get seasonal rares! --- Talk to Storm to get some Silly Hats, or trade your gifts and some "coal" to Togsmas Gifts December 31: Happy birthday to Artix, and a happy new year!