12/22/2014 8:27:48
Quests and cutscenes that the player can play to gain experience, gold, reward items, and/or information. # (Mino)torture 100 Rooms of Fiery Doom! (All Versions) (Normal; Retired) 13th Mystery, The (Rare) 13th Waves 2 Leagues Under the Sea 48 Weeks Later (Seasonal) A Aboard Alone Abomination Appears!, The Abomination, The Abominations Abound (Rare) AbracaDabra (Seasonal) Accursed Hunt Achilles Appears! Achilles, the Charnel Across the Fearscape Adjudicator, The Adjudicator Appears!, The Adrift Advance on the Castle! Adventure of the Broken Tower, The AdventureFiend Appears!, The AdventureFiend, The AdventureFriends! (Part 1) (Seasonal) AdventureFriends! (Part 2) (Seasonal) AdventureFriends 2: A New Day (Seasonal) AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day ??? (Seasonal) AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Four (Seasonal) AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day One (Seasonal) AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Three (Seasonal) AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Two (Seasonal) Aeris Dragon Tournament Aeris Minor Tournament After the Ice Orb After the War (Retired) Aftermath Akaz Appears! Akaz, the Bullfrog Aker'varus, The Akira's Challenge Akriloth! Akriloth, the Protector Al'nold Appears! Al'nold, the Hare Alden Alteon, the Broken King Alien Attack! Alina's Answer All in Your Mind (Seasonal) All That Glitters... (Seasonal) Alliance Alls Well That Ends Well (Retired) Alone Together Altar Hill Alz'ein Appears! Alz'ein, The Broken Horn Amaris Appears! Amaris, the Lover's Moon Ambition's Crossroads Ambush Ambush in the Bushes Amityvale & Osprey Cove [War Elementals] (Rare) Amityvale Attack (Seasonal) Amityvale Invasion (Rare) Amityvillian, The Ancient Abyss Wave Ancient Abyss: Epilogue Ancient Arbalest Ancient Duo Ancient Eyedols, The (Rare) And So It Began... Angel's Tomb (All Versions), The (Normal; Retired) ANOMALY Another Floating City Anti-Ebil Catapult (Seasonal) Appetite For Destruction (Seasonal) Appointment Apprentice, The Apsaydaaun (Seasonal) Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) Arachnattack! Arbitrary Arena Random Goal Heuristic system (A.A.R.G.H. system) Archdryad Appears!, The Archive E-189-L: The Corridors Are Rocks Evil? (Retired) Aria In Wanderland Arrival, The Arrival of the Vind Arrrgh(us)! (Seasonal) Artifact Heist Artix Appears! Artix Vs. The Undead Artix, the Mighty Paladin As Good As Gold (Seasonal) As the Cauldron Boils... (Seasonal) As You Lie Dreaming... Ash Dragonblade Ash Dragonblade Appears! Ash vs. the Volcano Ashenvale Ashes [link=]Assault on the Necropolis[/link] At Fissure's Edge At the Gate Attack of the Ninjas! Attack of the Pirates! Attack on Croft! (Cutscene) (Seasonal) Attack On Drakonnan! Attacked! (Rare) Augahim Augahim Appears! Autumn Wind, The Avatars Arrive!, The Await The Calm (All Versions) (Normal; Retired) Awakened Depths: Epilogue (All Versions) Ayauhnqui Appears! B B.F.C. (Retired) Baby Steps Bachelor Party (Seasonal) Back to School Back to the Mainland Back to the Past Bad Bananas Bad Hare Day (Rare) Balance We Make, The Baleful Brothers, The Ball of Something String-like, A (Seasonal) Baltael, Elemental Spirit of Purpose Bandit Camp Bandit Ruins Bandit Trap Banshee By the Well Bargain, The Barrat Basilisk Cave Bassault Core, A (Seasonal) Bassault's Assault Battle Arena (I-V) Battle Arena (Retired) (Retired) Battle Cyklons! [link=]Battle For Moonridge![/link] Battle For the Eastern Hills! Battle Krakhim Battle Undead! [link=]Battleon Burns[/link] Be Prepared Beach Vacation Invasion! Bear Facts Beast (All Versions), The (Normal; Retired) Beast of War Beginning and the End, The Beginning of the End, The Belly Of The Beast Best Day Ever! (Seasonal) Betrayal Betrayal (Lucky Day) (Seasonal) Betrubung Depths Betrubung Expedition Big and Small Big D.'s Missing! (Seasonal) Big Day For Bubble, A (Seasonal) Biggest Thankstaking Ever!, The (Seasonal) BioBeasts Escape! Bitten Bizarre Bazaar, The Black Dragon Box, The Black Shuck Black Winter Supplies Black Winter Wave Blackhole Fun Blackwyn Tomb Blades and Bones Blood and Roses Blood Feud Blood Moon Random [link=]Blood Moon War Wave[/link] Blood Patrol: Vampires Blood Patrol: Werewolves Bloodwork Blue Lotus, The Blue Mile, The Body Shop, The Bomb Defusing Bomb the Elementals! Bombing Run Bombing Run! Bombs Away! Bone Isle Boneheaded Brawl, A (Seasonal) Book 3: Epilogue Book One Epilogue Booty for Mazurek Booty for Rhubarb Border Dungeon (Retired) Border Prison, The Borowiks Boss Bear, The (Seasonal) Bottom, The Box Flats (Seasonal) Box Lunches (Seasonal) Boxes of Ninjas Braughlmurk Battlefield Braughlmurk Crypt Braughlmurk Crypts (Retired) Braughlmurk Dungeon (Retired) Braughlmurk Sewers (Retired) Braughlmurk Tower (Normal; Retired) Braytes San Appears! Braytes San, the Heretic Breakfast With Warlic Breaking Crystal Breaking Down Breaking In (Seasonal) Breaking the Mold Breakout At the Zoo! (Rare) Bridge Forms, A Brief Respite, A Bringing Home the Bacon Broken Mechanism Broken Circuit (Part 1) Broken Circuit (Part 2) Bubble Returns (Seasonal) Bungle In the Jungle Bunny Garden Burn It All! Burning Village, The Burnt House C Caitiff Caitiff (Arena at the Edge of Time) Caitiff Appears! Calamity Can We Yix Him? CandyCon Invitation, The (Seasonal) Candypult! (Seasonal) Captain Rolith's Revenge (Seasonal) Captain's Orders Captains Log: Secret Scrolls (Rare) Carnax Carnax (Extreme) Castle Crashers Castle in the Woods, The Castle Nostromo Castle Ruins Castle Valtrith Cat Up A Tree Cat Who Walks Through Dimensions, The Cata... Tank! Catalytic Converter (Seasonal) Catapult Catapult Defense (Rare) Catapult Rush! Catastrophic Candy (Seasonal) Catnapped (Seasonal) Caught in a Vise Cauldron Groupies Cauldron Groupies Appear! Cave of Glaisaurus, The (Seasonal) Cave of the Dragon, The Cave of Wonderous Secrets!, The (Rare) Chains of Command Chairman, The (Rare) Challenge of Moocluckles, The Challenger Gauntlet Change of Heart (Seasonal) Changing Winds Chaos Beast Hydra Chaos Duo Escherion and Hydra Chaos Lord Escherion Chaos Slayers, The Chaos Twins Chaos Weaver Web Site ChaosWeaver Catapault ChaosWeaver Champion Chaotic Dragonbond Chasing Answers Chart Captors Chase, The Chasm Cheese Seller, The Chef, The Chickencow Child's Play Children of Ravenloss Chilly and the Candy Factory (Seasonal) Chilly's Secret (Seasonal) Choose Your Own Adventure Quest Chronocorruptor, The Chronomancer, The Circuit City City Fights Back!, The Clash of the Robots (Seasonal) Clashening, The Cleaning House Cleaning the Lens Cleansing Of Myx, The (Seasonal) Clearing the caves Cluck Cluck MOOOOO! CMC - Dec 09 CMC - Oct 09 CMC-March 2011 Cocoaberry Bombs! (Seasonal) Cocoaberry Supplies! (Seasonal) Cocoatapult (Seasonal) Codemonkey Challenge April 2010 CodeMonkey Challenge Dec 2010 Codemonkey Challenge July 2010 Codex, The Cold Hand of Death, The Cold Reception, A Cold Shoulder, A Cold Truth Collapse Collision Course Coming Home Coming Storm, The Conquest & Faith Convergence (Part 1) Convergence (Part 2) Convoluted Path Cookies! (Seasonal) Cooking (Minigame) Corruption Corundum Corruption Corvak, the Eternally Devoted Cosmos Covetous Fortune Crane Master, The Crash and Burn Cream Bricks (Seasonal) Creating Cauldron Candy (Seasonal) Creatioux Ancient, The Creatioux Ancient Appears!, The Creepy Crawlies Creepy girls are made of candy (Seasonal) Creepy Undead Forest Critical Failure! Critter Cave (All Versions) Croft (Cutscene) Croftward Bound (Seasonal) Crossing the Line Crust of the Walking Bread Crypt Crawler Crypt of the Lost Order Crypt of The Risen (Rare) Crypt, The Crystal Clear Lake (All Versions) (Normal; Retired) Crystoidator v.4 Crystal Shard, The CulinExtraordinary Culprit, The (Seasonal) Culture Shock (All Versions) (Normal; Retired) Cure in Thyme (Seasonal) Cure in Thyme 2 (Seasonal) CyseRedux Cysero Cysero Appears! D Daily Challenge (All Versions) Damien's Draft Dance of the Stars Dancing On the Breeze (All Versions) (Normal; Retired) Danyel, The Headmaster Dark Devices Dark Forest (Retired) Dark Letter, A Dark Night Bombing Dark Night Catapult (Rare) Dark Night Supplies (Rare) Dark Night Waves Dark Tower Penitentiary Dark Tower, The Darkened Tomb, The Darkheart Darkness is Coming Darkon Appears! Darkon, the Conductor Day for Farewells, A Daybreak (All Versions) De-Bugging Deadwood (Seasonal) Death From Below DeathKnight Decadere Ancient, The Decadere Ancient Appears!, The Decisive Blow, A Deep Dark, The Deep Freeze, The Deep Neverglades Deeper Neverglades Deeper Wood (Retired) Deepest Neverglades DeepVoid Defeat Gananana! [link=]Defend Croft![/link] (Seasonal) Defend Dragesvard (War Event) Defend the Brood! Defend the ChaosWeavers Defend the Killguins (War Event) Defend the Tuskers (War Event) Defend the Ursice Savages (War Event) Defending Against the Darkness Deimos Mortis, the Beast Dementon's Treat Depth's Maw, The Descent Descent, The Desert Dangers Desert Thug Camp Desert Thugs Desert Tomb Desert's Light, The Deserted Deserted Fortress, The Desolation Ruins Devoured Horizons Diplomatic Mission Direct Current Disarray Discordia, The Maestro Dishwasher, The Dive In Divine Judgement Doctor When Doctor When Appears! Dodging the Undead (Rare) Dola, The Dolls House, The (Seasonal) Dominion of Dreams Don't have a Kow Don't You Remember? Donovan Doom Amulet Doomed Doomed Destroyer, The Doomed Savior, The Doomed Wave Doomkitten Doomkitten Appears! Doomwood Attack (Seasonal) Doomwood Destroyers Doomwood Duo Doomwood Ruins (All Versions), The Double, Trouble, Boil and Bubble Dragesvard & Popsprocket (War Elementals) (Rare) Dragesvard (War Elementals) (Rare) Dragesvard Havoc Draggin' in Dragesvard Dragon and Lord Dragon and Master Dragon Attack at Willowshire! (Rare) Dragon Bombs (Rare) Dragon Challenge Dragon Drakath, The Dragon Egg Saga, The Dragon Feeding Time! Dragon Graveyard Wave Dragon Hatching Dragon Trap! Dragon Waves Dragon's Day Out, A Dragonbane Vein DragonLord Armor, The DragonLord Birthday!, A (Seasonal) DragonLord Defense DragonRider Catapult Dragonrider War Intro Dragonrider Waves Dragonsbreath (All Versions) Dragonsfall (All Versions) Drahr'Dolaas Drahr'Hatir Drakath Slugwrath Drakath Slugwrath Appears! Drakonnan Appears! Drakonnan, the Forge of Vengeance Dravir Trackers (Rare) Dread Dragonmaster, The Dread, The Dreadblight Aius Appears! Dreadblight Aius, Accursed Keeper Dream Artillery Dream Duo Dream Wave Dreamapult! Dreamers' Abyss, The Dreamscape Dreamspace Dryad Drop Bears Drowned Fortress, The Duel, The Dueling Timelines (Seasonal) Duo, The Dusk Alley Duskbolt Appears! Duskbolt, the Tempest Dwarf Culture Dye Another Day Dying Light Dynasty Tomb E Earth and Entropy Earth Primal Earth Titan! Ebil Dread Wave (Seasonal) [link=]Ebil Waves[/link] (Rare) EbilTreats Wave (Seasonal) Eclipse Eclipse of DOOM Catapult Eclipse of DOOM Wave Eclipse, The Edamlet Edelia Sewers Efficient Housework Egg Recovery Eggsalted Chickencow Egomaniacs Eirn, the Artificer Elegy of Ice and Fire (All Versions), An (Normal; Retired) Elemental Attack Elemental Cave, The Elemental Chaos Elemental Farm Elemental Spirit of Envy, The Elemental Spirit of Gluttony, The Elemental Spirit of Greed, The Elemental Spirit of Lust, The Elemental Spirit of Pride, The Elemental Spirit of Sloth, The Elemental Spirit of Wrath, The Elemental Tarot Elemental Waves Elite Patrol, The Embodiment Catapault Embrace Your Destiny Emperor of the Sea Chickens, The Emperor: Extreme, The Empress, The En Tropy Encampment Enchanted Grove (All Versions) Encroachment End of Magic (Part 1), The End of Magic (Part 2), The End of the Beginning, The End? (ArchKnight), The End? (Ravenloss War), The End? (Warlic's Zone), The Endless Invasion, The Energy Titan! Enigmatic Epidemic Entropic Earth Boss EnTropy EnTropy Appears! Envy Appears! EotSC Appears!, The Epilogue (Calamity Saga) Epilogue (Fire War) Epilogue: Overcome Escape from Espina Rosa Escape to Croft (Seasonal) Escort From Verteroche Escort to Dragesvard Etaos Appears! Etaos, Breaker of the Mind Eulin II Event Planner, The Everlasting Night Everyone Knows It's Windy Evil Artifact, The Ex Machina Ex Somniis Fabula Exaltia Tower (All Versions), The Experiment Storage (Seasonal) Explore Dusk Alley! Explore Market District! Explore Silkwood Park! Explore The Locker! Extra Credit Extreme Full Darkness F F13 Waves Face Frostscythe (War Event) Face of Death (All Versions) (Normal; Retired) Face Your Destiny Facing Z (Retired) Factory, The (Seasonal) Failed Doom Fairy Court, The (Retired) Falconreach (War Elementals) (Rare) Falconreach Burns Falconreach Havoc Falconreach Idle! Falconreach Mill (Rare) Fallen Facade Fallen Kingdom, The Fallen One, The Fallen Purpose Fang and the Scales Appear!, The Fang and the Scales, The Fate's Flow (Part 1) Fate's Flow (Part 2) Father of Mine Fear Feast of Fowl, A (Seasonal) Feast of Welcomegiving! (Seasonal) Feast, The Felonious Five, The (Seasonal) Feta Finale Fetching Fire Fiery Heart of Mt. Shining Star Fight Begins!, The Fight for Late Night Fight, Flight, & Fire Fightin Sneevish, The (Seasonal) Final 13th Waves, The Final 13th! Darkness Attacks! - Creepy Crawlies, The (Rare) Final 13th, The Final Battle! Final Lock, The Final Showdown, The Final Steps, The Finding Farmland Finding the Red Brick Road (Seasonal) Fire Below Fire Primal Fire Titan! Fires Over Falconreach (All Versions) (Rare) Fires Over Oaklore Fireworks! Firmament, The First Encounters First Guardian, The First Lock, The First Seal Fishin Impossible Fishing (Minigame) Fishy Fin Filets (Seasonal) Flame Within, The Flames in the Dark Flashpoint Flight from Sho'Nuff Flight Training Floating Cave (All Versions) Flying Fortress, The Flying Mogkees (Seasonal) Food Fight Challenge (Seasonal) Food Fight! (Seasonal) Food for Thought For The Birds For the Fallen Forest Attack (Seasonal) Forest Cave (All Versions) Forest Gate Forest Hunt (Seasonal) Forest Primeval (Retired) Forging Forgotten Dragon, The Fortress of Thorns Foulest, The (Seasonal) Founder's Gauntlet, The (Rare) Fractured Self Frallmar Frallmar Appears! Frallmar's Lair (Seasonal) Free Fall Free the "Candy"! (Seasonal) Freedom Fighters (Retired) Frenzy at the Forge Friday 13th Invasion! (Rare) Friday 13th War Wave Friday The 13th - Part II (Rare) Friday The 13th - The Last Stand! (Rare) Friday the 13th Catapult Friday the 13th III Friday The 13th III, Finale! Friday the 13th Interlude Friendly Contest Wave, A From Ice to..... From The Citadel with Love From the Depths From the Embers Frost Cave, The (Seasonal) Frostscythe and Glaisaurus Appear! Frostval 13th waves Frostval Fallout (Seasonal) Frostval in Falconreach (Seasonal) [link=]Frostval War Battle[/link] (Seasonal) Frostvale (Cutscene) Frostvale Defense (Seasonal) Frostvale Tale, A (Rare) Frozen Castle, The Frozen North Full Darkness Full Moon DA [link=]Full Moon Waves[/link] Funeral, The Fungus Among Us Fury Unleashed FwendQuest (Seasonal) G Gala (All Versions), The (Normal; Retired) Gananana Gananana Appears! Garden of Good and Ebil Gary Gary (Boss Fight) (War Event) Gary's Fate Gate Keeper, The Gelunguis Appears! Gelunguis Challenge General Boneyard (Seasonal) General's Arrival, The General's Minions, The (Retired) General, The Geode Hunting Get Warlic's Ingredients Ghastfish Ponds Ghoulidays Boss (Seasonal) [link=]Ghoulidays Wave[/link] (Seasonal) Ghoulish Mistake, A (Rare) Gift, The Gingkage's Past Give Until It Hurts Given to Darkness Gluttony Appears! Gnomenapped?! Gnomes Gnow, The Going East Gold Fever! (Seasonal) Gold Fever Boss Fight (Seasonal) Gold Fever The Expert (Seasonal) [link=]Gold War[/link] (Seasonal) [link=]Gold War 2012[/link] (Seasonal) Golden Cabit Hunt Golden Hand, The Golden Hand Escort: Swordhaven Golden Kiss, The (Seasonal) Golden Luck Dragon Appears!, The Golden Opportunity, A Goldfishing Golem Problem Good Gravy! (Seasonal) Goose Dragon (Chaos) Goose Dragon (Extreme) Goose Dragon Appears! Goose Dragon, the Untitled Gorgok Appears! Gorgok Returns! Gorgok, the Relentless Gorillaphant Warfare Gotta Start Somewhere Gouda-Grotto, The GRAVENATOR (Seasonal) Gravitivity Great Giftnapping Wave (Seasonal) Great Guber, The (Seasonal) Great Moglinberry Caper, The (Seasonal) Great One, The Great Petscape, The Greatest Candy Ever, The (Seasonal) Greatest Hug of All (Seasonal) Greed Appears! Greedling Games Green Mist, The Green Thumbs (Seasonal) Greenscreen Dummy Greg Appears! Greg, the Cricket Gremoglims Grinder's Paw, The Grinding Gears Ground To A Halt Groundhog Dave Groundhog Dave Appears! Growing Darkness, The Growing Wiser (Seasonal) Growing Problems Grrrberus' Revenge Gryphons Gone Wild! Guardian Dragon, The Guardian Dragon (Arena), The Guardian Dragon Appears!, The Guffer Guffer Appears!
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 3/7/2025 23:25:17 >